EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts
Vol. 20, EMS2023-389, 2023, updated on 06 Dec 2024
EMS Annual Meeting 2023
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
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Heatwave impacts on urban indoor air temperature assessed through citizen science observations in the Netherlands

Esther Peerlings1, Marjolein van Esch2, Hans Roeland Poolman3, and Gert-Jan Steeneveld1
Esther Peerlings et al.
  • 1Wageningen University, Meteorology and Air Quality Section, Wageningen, Netherlands (gert-jan.steeneveld@wur.nl)
  • 2Environmental Technology and Design, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology
  • 3AMS-Institute, Kattenburgerstraat 5, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Due to climate change and urbanization, the world's population is increasingly exposed to extreme heat, posing a threat to public health. Despite people spending ~90% of their time indoors, heat effects in buildings have been studied far less than outdoor heat island effects. This study aims to observe, understand and model the behaviour of indoor air temperatures (Tin) during summer heat. As a proof of concept, we present and analyse up to 27 years of individual Tin timeseries of seven citizen weather stations (CWS) across the Netherlands. First, we find that typically Tin increases slower, but also cools down slower than Tout with a lag difference of ~130 minutes in the diurnal cycle. We demonstrate that nocturnal indoor human thermal comfort (HTC) can be worse than outdoor HTC even for days after a heatwave.

Second, to model Tin behaviour, we simulate six-hour changes in Tin behaviour with a physics-based statistical model by Vant-Hull et al. (2018) that has an outdoor conduction, indoor conduction and solar transfer component. Preliminary results of this computationally-fast model for each of the seven houses are promising, showing on average a R-squared of 0.74 and a root mean squared error of 0.13 K. Third, we are also interested in how Tin may evolve due to climate change. We study this by converting the Tin measurements to 2050 and 2085 values based on the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute 2014 climate scenarios.

Finally, in the next research step, we will scale up our proof-of-concept analyses to 100 indoor CWS placed in Amsterdam. The participating households receive a CWS for three years to measure their indoor climate – temperature, relative humidity, CO2 concentrations – in the bedroom and living room. Based on our insights, we will make recommendations for climate-sensitive urban design to reduce indoor heat stress.

How to cite: Peerlings, E., van Esch, M., Poolman, H. R., and Steeneveld, G.-J.: Heatwave impacts on urban indoor air temperature assessed through citizen science observations in the Netherlands, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-389, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-389, 2023.