Object-based Ensemble Prediction System KONRAD3D-EPS
- German Weather Service, Research & Development, Germany (lukas.josipovic@dwd.de)
The precise forecast of convective cells is essential for meteorological services as they can be accompanied by life-threatening severe hail, wind gusts, or heavy rain.
However, state-of-the-art NWP models usually possess update frequencies of several hours so that forecasters must use predictions that are outdated when new thunderstorm cells develop. NWP models do often accurately simulate the intensity of convective cells, but with shifts in space and time.
Object-based nowcasting algorithms with higher update frequencies became necessary to deliver information on the evolution of convective storms for the first two hours since observation. Furthermore, the combination of nowcasting and model data enables the relocation of simulated cells towards observed cells.
Many deterministic object-based nowcasting tools as DWD’s KONRAD3D algorithm assume that detected cells will have persistent intensity.
Within the SINFONY (Seamless INtegrated FOrecastiNg sYstem) project at DWD, we aim at modelling the life-cycles of storm cells in a truthful way and capturing the uncertainties of object-based nowcasts. Hence, we extended our nowcasting algorithm towards an ensemble prediction system called KONRAD3D-EPS. Each ensemble member is initialized by drawing from parameterized distributions of storm lifetime and maximum severity. Inspired by previous studies, e.g. Wapler (2021), KONRAD3D-EPS uses a set of horizontally flipped parabolas to model the life-cycle of convective cells in terms of their severity. In case of redetection of a convective cell, the algorithm corrects the previously estimated lifetime and severity maxima. Thus, the parabolas can be adapted individually for any convective storm in any weather condition.
Besides life-cycle predictions, KONRAD3D-EPS delivers information on the probability of thunderstorm occurrence for the next 2 hours depending on detected cells and their severity. In order to condense the ensemble data, we also provide the representative member for each convective cell. This is done by applying the pseudomember algorithm by Johnson et al. (2020) to the ensemble data.
We will give an overview of our probabilistic object-based nowcasting algorithm KONRAD3D-EPS and present its predictions for prominent example cases. Moreover, we will show first verification results.
How to cite: Josipovic, L., Pante, G., Brechtel, A., and Blahak, U.: Object-based Ensemble Prediction System KONRAD3D-EPS, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-52, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-52, 2023.