UP1.1 | Atmospheric dynamics, predictability, and extremes
Atmospheric dynamics, predictability, and extremes
Conveners: Davide Faranda, Shira Raveh-Rubin, Christian Grams, Gabriele Messori | Co-convener: Michael Riemer
| Mon, 04 Sep, 09:00–15:30 (CEST)|Lecture room B1.02
| Attendance Tue, 05 Sep, 16:00–17:15 (CEST) | Display Mon, 04 Sep, 09:00–Wed, 06 Sep, 09:00|Poster area 'Day room'
Orals |
Mon, 09:00
Tue, 16:00
The socio-economic impact of extreme events, such as the recent summer drought in Europe, highlight society's need for accurate weather forecasts and climate projections. Despite substantial progress in numerical modelling in recent decades, predictability for extreme events is often limited and the assessments of future changes in extremes remain uncertain. This underscores the need to improve our understanding of the complex, nonlinear interactions of dynamical and physical processes that influence predictability at different lead times and determine the location, timing, and magnitude of extreme events.

This session will discuss our current understanding of how physical and dynamical processes connect atmospheric motions across temporal and spatial scales and how this relates to intrinsic and practical predictability of various weather phenomena. We particularly welcome contributions advancing our understanding and prediction of weather and climate extremes, from both an applied and theoretical viewpoint.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

(1) Synoptic-scale atmospheric dynamics affecting the timing, positioning, and amplitude of weather events (e.g., the stationarity and amplitude of Rossby waves).
(2) Large-scale atmospheric and oceanic influences (e.g., the stratosphere, the Artic, or tropical oceans) on atmospheric variability and predictability in the midlatitudes.
(3) Intrinsic limits of predictability for various atmospheric phenomena and their link to the multi-scale, non-linear nature of atmospheric dynamics.
(4) Practical limits of predictability and the representation of atmospheric phenomena in numerical weather prediction and climate models including sensitivities to the model physics.
(5) Weather and climate extremes, including compound extreme events, their dynamics, predictability, and representation in weather and climate models.
(6) Statistical and mathematical approaches for the study of extreme events.
(7) Impact and risk assessment analyses of extreme events.
(8) Extreme event attribution and changes in extreme event occurrences under climate change.

Orals: Mon, 4 Sep | Lecture room B1.02

Chairperson: Gabriele Messori
Large-scale dynamics and its connection to synoptic systems
Onsite presentation
Olivia Martius, Alexandre Tuel, Duncan Pappert, and Hugo Banderier

The long-lasting hot and dry conditions in summer 2022 in Europe are an example of episodic persistence of surface weather on a sub-seasonal timescale that resulted in high impacts. Similarly, the series of atmospheric rivers that reached the US west coast in winter and spring 2023 are an example of recurrent circulation features which also resulted in persistent surface weather on a sub-seasonal timescale. We will first present a short overview and a classification of methodological (statistical and machine learning) approaches that capture and quantify these two flavours of persistence – stationarity and recurrence. We will illustrate the application of some methods to the European summer circulation and discuss their strengths and limitations.

We will then discuss the large-scale circulation features associated with persistent hot spells and recurrent heavy precipitation for selected areas in Europe using the ERA-5 data set.  The first example are three-week hot spells over both northern Europe and western Europe. They are associated with a change in the jet latitude upstream over the Atlantic prior to the events from a northward shifted to a strong zonal jet at the beginning of the events. The second example are recurrent heavy precipitation events in summer over the Western Atlantic. They occur in the left exit region of the jet and are associated with a positive cyclone frequency anomaly, a trough over the western Atlantic and significant positive IVT anomalies. Both examples illustrate an important role of the jet stream (and hence the circulation) over the North Atlantic for sub-seasonal persistence in summer in Europe prior to and during the events.        

How to cite: Martius, O., Tuel, A., Pappert, D., and Banderier, H.: Characterising sub-seasonal weather persistence -- an illustration on summer European circulation, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-51, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-51, 2023.

Online presentation
Iago Perez, Marcelo Barreiro, Noemié Ehstand, Emilio Hernández-García, and Cristobal López

Rossby Wave packets (RWPs) are atmospheric perturbations located at the upper troposphere of mid-latitudes which, sometimes, terminate in Rossby Wave Breaking (RWB) events. If RWB events reach certain spatial and temporal scale, they are considered to be synoptically identical to atmospheric blockings, which are linked to heatwaves and droughts. Thus, understanding RWB events linked to RWPs propagation and their link with atmospheric blocking development is key to enhance extreme weather events detection 10-30 days in advance. Hence, in this study we assess the occurrence of RWB events after the propagation of short-lived RWPs (RWPs with a lifespan below or equal to 8 days, or SLRWPs) or long-lived RWPs (RWPs with a lifespan above 8 days, or LLRWPs), whether SLRWPs or LLRWPs are linked to large-scale RWB events that could form an atmospheric blocking event, and, lastly, study the proportion of blocking situations that occur near RWB events. To do so, we applied a tracking algorithm to detect RWPs in the Southern Hemisphere during summertime between 1979-2020, developed a wave breaking algorithm to identify and follow RWB events, and searched for atmospheric blocking events with different intensities. Results show that LLRWPs and SLRWPs displayed large-scale RWB events around 40% of the time, which tend to last around 1-2 days, which is not sufficient to identify them as blocking situations. Nearly 17% of blockings show a RWB event nearby whenever they manifest, but barely 5% of blockings are linked to RWB caused by RWPs propagation, therefore, propagating RWPs do not seem to be strongly linked to atmopsheric blocking development. Lastly, the occurrence of large-scale RWB events associated with SLRWPs are influenced by El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Southern Annular Mode.

How to cite: Perez, I., Barreiro, M., Ehstand, N., Hernández-García, E., and López, C.: Wave Breaking Events and their link to Rossby Wave Packets and Atmospheric Blockings during Southern Hemisphere Summer, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-56, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-56, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Vanessa Ferreira, Rafael Maroneze Maroneze, Osmar Toledo Bonfim, and Luca Mortarini

Episodes of atmospheric blocking over Southeastern Pacific and South Atlantic oceans significantly affect the weather over South America. In Brazil, blocking events have been associated with heat waves and droughts or abnormally dry periods. Since there is no unique definition of atmospheric blocking, different objective methods for identifying and quantifying atmospheric blocking have been developed in recent decades, primarily targeting Northern Hemisphere blocks. For this reason, the observed frequency and characteristics of blocking depend on the method adopted, leading to changes in the resultant blocking climatology. In the Southern Hemisphere, studies addressing atmospheric blocking are still scarce. More specifically, there is no study assessing the reliability of the different identification methods in the Southern Hemisphere. To address this gap, this work examines blocking properties produced by five different objective detection methods over the Southeast Pacific and Southern Atlantic oceans, using ERA5 data. The five indexes used in this study rely on the 500 hPa geopotential field and were developed by modifying the approaches employed in earlier studies by Lejeñas (1984), D’Andrea et al. (1998), Schwierz et al. (2004), Davini et al. (2012), and Mendes et al. (2022). The study also examines the variations in the blocking climatologies that arise from using different objective detection methods. Additionally, in order to evaluate the accuracy of each objective method applied, the results are compared with observed blocking episodes. Moreover, atmospheric fields are analyzed to verify if a synoptic blocking pattern was present during the objectively identified blocking events. 


D’Andrea, F. et al. Northern Hemisphere atmospheric blocking as simulated by 15 atmospheric general circulation models in the period 1979–1988. Climate Dyn., 14 (6), 383–407, 1998.

Davini, P. et al. Bidimensional diagnostics, variability, and trends of Northern Hemisphere blocking. Journal of Climate, v. 25, n. 19, p. 6496-6509, 2012.

Lejenãs, H. Characteristics Of Southern Hemisphere Blocking As Determined From A Time Series Of Observational Data. Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., V.110, P.967-979, 1984.

Mendes, M.C.D. et al. Synoptic–dynamic indicators associated with blocking events over the Southeastern Pacific and South Atlantic oceans. Climate Dynamics, p. 1-17, 2022.

Schwierz C. et al. Perspicacious indicators of atmospheric blocking. Geophys Res, 2004.

How to cite: Ferreira, V., Maroneze, R. M., Toledo Bonfim, O., and Mortarini, L.: An evaluation of different objective detection methods of atmospheric blockings over Southeastern Pacific and South Atlantic oceans: impact on the blocking climatology, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-352, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-352, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Daniel Köhler and Victoria Sinclair
The Arctic is warming close to 4 times faster than the global average, a phenomenon known as
Arctic amplification. This reduces the meridional temperature gradient, sea-ice concentration, and
baroclinicity in the lower atmosphere. How these changes to the large-scale environment impact the
number and intensity of mid-latitude cyclones remain unclear. We hypothesise that the extraction of
available potential energy by extra-tropical cyclones (ETCs) - known as eddy efficiency - is impacted
by Arctic amplification and contributes to changes in ETC count, intensity, and deepening rate.
ETCs obtain their kinetic energy via various sources, for example latent heating or eddy-mean-flow
interaction. One mechanism prevalent in ETCs is the conversion of available potential energy into
kinetic energy. The mechanism’s efficiency is governed by the alignment of the mean baroclinicity
and eddy heat flux. This is referred to as the eddy efficiency. We hypothesise that it is affected
by changes in the polar regions. To test this, three 40-year long OpenIFS simulations are run with
sea-ice concentrations and sea surface temperatures in the Arctic and Antarctic according to the
current climatology, the SSP126 scenario, and the SSP585 scenario. The mid-latitude circulation in
both hemispheres is examined in each experiment. We diagnose changes to the eddy heat flux, mean
baroclinicity, and atmospheric static stability individually. Moreover, we calculate the eddy efficiency
and decompose it into two terms: the tilt orientation and magnitude term. In addition, we associate
the ETC count, intensity, and deepening rate to the mid-latitude circulation characteristics.
Preliminary results indicate that the jet stream weakens in climates with reduced baroclinicity. We
will also present results showing how the number, intensity and deepening rate of ETCs, as well as the
eddy efficiency change, and how the vertical and horizontal circulation structure relates to the eddy
efficiency in the different simulations.

How to cite: Köhler, D. and Sinclair, V.: The impact of changing sea ice on the mid-latitude circulationand extra-tropical cyclones, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-136, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-136, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Pinelopi Loizou and Shira Raveh-Rubin

Weather extremes in Europe and the Mediterranean can have a significant effect on societies across the region. These weather extremes include heatwaves, cold spells, windstorms, and intense rainfall events. In a climate that is continuously changing, their impact, both socio-economically and environmentally, can worsen with an increase in the frequency and intensity of these extremes. As recent studies have highlighted, some extremes such as heatwaves in the northern hemisphere are connected to atmospheric blocking, while heavy precipitation has been associated with intense cyclones occurring in the Mediterranean basin which are more commonly known as Mediterranean Cyclones (MCs). However, the connection between atmospheric blocking and MCs is still understudied, despite evidence suggesting their mutual importance for exacerbating and synchronizing surface extremes. The aim of the present study is the systematic investigation of how often MCs develop downstream of atmospheric blocks over the Euro-Atlantic region, and how the Atlantic storm track is modulated under such conditions. To this end we employ the combined ‘best tracks’ MCs dataset with objectively identified (using potential vorticity anomalies) blocking features in ERA5 for the 1980-2020 period. We find that in the presence of atmospheric blocks, MCs that develop downstream tend to be more intense and more persistent than other MCs. Moreover, MCs that develop under this scenario form particular subsets of MCs, with preferred seasonality and geographical distribution, compared to all MCs. The results have important implications for the predictability of MCs and their various impacts in the region on both weather and climate time scales.

How to cite: Loizou, P. and Raveh-Rubin, S.: Atmospheric blockings and downstream cyclones in the Euro-Mediterranean sector, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-39, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-39, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairperson: Davide Faranda
Tropical and extratropical cyclones
Onsite presentation
Joona Cornér, Clément Bouvier, and Victoria Sinclair

Extra-Tropical Cyclones (ETC) cause most of the variability in weather in Europe and are associated with strong winds, heavy rainfall and storm surges which cause damage to infrastructure and can even lead to human fatalities. Although ETCs vary considerably from one system to another, the classification of ETCs based on their common features is a standard practice in meteorology. Classifications simplify the study of ETCs and thus improve understanding and predictability of them. Due to a large number of factors affecting the development and structure of ETCs, various classifications have been established. ETC classifications are based on e.g. conceptual or idealized models, forcing factors, dynamical and synoptic features, or impacts. In this study we construct a dataset of dynamical and impact-based measures of ETC intensity. The aim is to create a classification of ETCs by using this dataset as input in a cluster analysis.

ETCs and their intensity measures were studied using ERA5 reanalysis data from 1979 to 2022. Only the cold season (October--March) was considered in the analysis since that is when the strongest ETCs occur most often. ETC tracks were produced by using 850-hPa relative vorticity as input to the feature tracking software TRACK. To focus on the most relevant ETCs affecting Europe, only tracks in the North Atlantic and Europe were included and stationary and short-lived systems were excluded. Analysed intensity measures included 850-hPa relative vorticity, Mean Sea Level Pressure (MSLP), 850-hPa, 925-hPa and 10-m wind speed, 10-m wind gust, instantaneous Storm Severity Index (SSI), accumulated SSI and wind footprint. Sparse Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed to analyse the dependency of the intensity measures on one another and to select input features for the cluster analysis. The cluster analysis was performed using Gaussian Mixture Modelling (GMM).

Sparse PCA with four principal components indicated that all wind speed measures were grouped together as the first component and 850-hPa wind speed was grouped with 850-hPa relative vorticity as the third component. Wind footprint and MSLP were alone in the second and fourth components, respectively. The SSI measures were not represented, which means they did not explain variance in the dataset but formed a separate group of features. By including 850-hPa relative vorticity, MSLP, 850-hPa wind speed, wind footprint and instantaneous SSI, each group of features was represented in the cluster analysis. The number of clusters in the GMM was increased incrementally by one until each cluster was clearly separate from the others in at least one dimension. With seven clusters, weak ETCs, ETCs with high SSI, and ETCs with similar vorticity, MSLP and wind speed but unequal wind footprint and vice versa, were able to be separated into their own classes and their characteristics investigated.

How to cite: Cornér, J., Bouvier, C., and Sinclair, V.: Classification of extra-tropical cyclones with cluster analysis based on measures of intensity, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-315, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-315, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Clément Bouvier, Daan van den Broek, Madeleine Ekblom, and Victoria Sinclair

Idealised simulations of extra-tropical cyclones (ETCs), often referred to as baroclinic life cycles, have previously been extensively used to understand ETC dynamics. More recently, baroclinic life cycle simulations have proved useful to investigate how ETCs may respond to climate change. However, these simulations are often difficult to set up and previous studies that have used baroclinic life cycle simulations to understand cyclone dynamics often include only a handful of different initial background states. Here we introduce a flexible set up for both dry and moist baroclinic life cycles that can be run with and without physics that has been implemented successfully into OpenIFS. A key strength of this set-up is that via the namelist a user can control many aspects of the background state: the height, width and strength of the jet, the average temperature, the environmental lapse rate, the surface relative humidity and the surface roughness. Using this set-up we have performed a huge ensemble (more than 5000 members) of baroclinic lifecycle simulations with the aid of climateprediction.net, a volunteer computing, climate modelling project coordinated by the University of Oxford. Using machine learning techniques we investigate how the intensity, as quantified by a range of metrics, depends on the prescribed background state. Furthermore, we attempt to physically understand the statistical relations between cyclone intensity and the background state by computing energy budgets and the energy efficiency of the simulations. These results concerning controls on ETC intensity will be presented and interpreted with regards to how ETC intensity may change in the future as the climate warms.

How to cite: Bouvier, C., van den Broek, D., Ekblom, M., and Sinclair, V.: Identifying controls of the intensity of extra-tropical cyclones using a massive ensemble of baroclinic life cycle simulations., EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-600, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-600, 2023.

Online presentation
Mesoscale Horizontal Kinetic Energy Spectra of a Tropical Cyclone
Yuan Wang and Lifeng Zhang
Onsite presentation
Pradeebane Vaittinada Ayar, Davide Faranda, and Mathieu Vrac

Even though tropical cyclones are well documented from the moment they materialise to the moment they evanesce, many physical processes governing them are not resolved by global circulation models (GCMs). Thus, the simulation and the projection of future changes in tropical cyclones characteristics remain challenging. In particular, due to the low spatial resolution of most GCMs, studying simulated tropical cyclones is difficult because they are hard to detect. Some cyclone detection schemes are now available but their results are subject to the spatial resolution of the simulations and  usually need numerous variables that are not always available in the models. In this study, the ability of dynamical system metrics to detect atmospheric situations related to cyclones in coarse-resolution data-sets, where maximum wind speed and minimum sea-level pressure may not be accurately represented, is explored.

Our analysis is based on 613 cyclones occurring in Tropical Atlantic over the 1980-2021 period and extracted from the IBTrACS database. Three dynamical system metrics, the local dimension d, local persistence θ and the co-recurrence ratio α, are computed from mean sea level pressure and the total column water of the ERA5 reanalysis dataset. They respectively characterise the number of degrees of freedom of the atmospheric flow, its stability and the  coupling between different atmospheric variables. In the preliminary results, atmospheric situations corresponding to cyclones stand out from other situations. This preliminary result shows potential for detection and attribution studies in climate change context.

How to cite: Vaittinada Ayar, P., Faranda, D., and Vrac, M.: Physics-informed detection of tropical cyclonesbased on dynamical systems metrics, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-411, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-411, 2023.

Climate extremes
Onsite presentation
Richard Lohmann and Bodo Ahrens

Atmospheric blocking describes a quasi-stationary weather pattern in midlatitudes which is characterised by a disruption of the westerly flow. Within the blocking anticyclone, large-scale subsidence of air effects dissipation of clouds. Intensive solar radiation during summer leads to a positive radiation balance causing heatwaves which are intensified by adiabatic warming of subsiding air. In case of longer persistence of the anticyclone, dry episodes can extend to droughts which intensifies the heat due to reduced latent heat flux. In this study, we investigate the relationship between blocking and heatwaves in Germany in reanalyses and a subset of selected CMIP6-Simulations. Using the heatwave definition and heatwave magnitude index by Russo et al. (2014), we find that heatwaves are related to the occurrence of blocking in Central Europe. The probability of heatwave occurrence is round about the factor 10 higher with blocking than without blocking. To quantify the value of blocking as predictor for heatwaves, the Heidke Skill Score (HSS) is calculated. The HSS shows that blocking gives an additional value on predicting heatwaves. Strong heatwaves (with a magnitude > 1.5 following Russo) have even a higher relationship to blocking. However, the HSS gives lower values compared to the consideration of all heatwaves. This is related to the low number of days with strong heatwaves compared to the high numbers of blocking days leading to a high number of false alarms. Comparing the relationship of blocking and heatwaves between reanalyses and historical CMIP6-Simulations yields that the models can reproduce the results of the reanalyses in general for all heatwaves. For strong heatwaves, some models underestimate the influence of blocking. Furthermore, we show that no model is simulating such a strong heatwave as 2003 occurred in Central Europe.

How to cite: Lohmann, R. and Ahrens, B.: On the Relationship between Atmospheric Blocking and Heatwaves in Germany, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-202, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-202, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Richard Leeding, Jacopo Riboldi, and Gabriele Messori

Recent research has established a statistical link between North American cold spells (CS) and concurrent wet or windy extremes in Europe. Here, we investigate whether such a link can be related to changes in the characteristics of north Atlantic extratropical cyclones (hereafter cyclones). Despite large regions of anomalous baroclinicity during periods of North American CS, the number of cyclones across the north Atlantic as a whole is comparable to climatology. We however find that CS over different North American regions are associated with different large-scale atmospheric configurations, that enhance the jet stream in the vicinity of the CS but result in different upper level wind anomalies in the east Atlantic. These in turn modulate the regional distributions and characteristics of cyclones in the north Atlantic and Europe. For eastern Canada CS, the north Atlantic jet extends over northern Europe, with the Atlantic storm track as a whole experiencing more intense cyclones which then affect France, the British Isles and Northern Europe. For eastern United States CS, the jet is displaced equatorward and extends over southern Europe, with a significantly heightened number of cyclones affecting Iberia, France and Southern Europe. For central Canada CS, the jet is displaced north of climatology and only partly extends over Europe, resulting in an anomalously high cyclone density in the eastern Atlantic and a higher number of cyclones affecting Iberia only. For eastern Canada and eastern United States CS, we observe a significantly heightened occurrence of cyclones undergoing explosive deepening. Our results provide a dynamical explanation for previous statistical findings on the concurrence of north American CS and wet or windy extremes over Europe.

How to cite: Leeding, R., Riboldi, J., and Messori, G.: North American Cold Spells Modulate North Atlantic Extratropical Cyclones and Extreme Weather in Europe, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-215, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-215, 2023.

Online presentation
Valerio Lembo, Federico Fabiano, Vera Melinda Galfi, Rune Grand Graversen, and Gabriele Messori

Extremes in extratropical meridional energy transports in the atmosphere are associated with the dynamics of the atmosphere at multiple spatial scales, from planetary to synoptic. This is related to the nature of amplifying baroclinic waves, that are fundamentally intermittent and sporadic, significantly affecting the net seasonal transport across latitudes. In this work, we take advantage of a zonal wavenumber decomposition of meridional energy transports throughout the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudinal channel to investigate how extreme transports affect the main modes of circulation, namely weather regimes identified through k-means clustering of 500 hPa geopotential height and sea-level pressure fields. We find that, in general, planetary-scale waves determine the strength and meridional position of the synoptic-scale baroclinic activity with their phase and amplitude. During winter, largest wavenumbers (k = 2–3) are key drivers of the meridional-energy-transport extremes, and planetary- and synoptic-scale transport extremes virtually never co-occur. During summer, extremes are associated with higher wavenumbers (k = 4–6), identified as synoptic-scale motions. We look further into the implications of such extreme transports by looking at heat waves and cold spells over continents in the Northern Hemisphere, as well as proxies of droughts, investigating the role of moisture transports and the moist component in static energy transport through the signature of changes into evapo-transpiration and related latent heat fluxes at the land surface. Characterizing the clusters of extreme transport events in space and time, the persistence and co-existence of heat/cold waves/spells and drought over specific regions is investigated in light of the dominant modes of atmospheric dynamics evidenced through the wavenumber decomposition.

How to cite: Lembo, V., Fabiano, F., Galfi, V. M., Graversen, R. G., and Messori, G.: The signature of extreme meridional eddy energy transports on modes of circulation, heatwaves and droughts in Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-579, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-579, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Osmar Toledo Bonfim, Vanessa Ferreira, Rafael Maroneze, and Luca Mortarini

Drought is a highly intricate hazard that can be challenging to define and detect. Its impact can be felt across numerous sectors and timeframes. The configuration of La Nina conditions is linked to drought conditions in Southern and Southeast Brazil, especially during late spring and summer months. Since late 2019, two successive La Nina events have resulted in various degrees of drought in the southern region of Brazil, causing significant effects on multiple sectors such as agriculture, water resources, and energy production. The 3-month Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) timescale was utilized to define and characterize the drought conditions. In this study, a drought event starts when the analyzed indicator falls below a certain negative standard deviation value (e.g. SPI-3 < -1) for at least two consecutive months, and ends when the indicator rises above 0, following the methodology described in Spinoni et al. (2019). The aim of this work is to examine and compare the differences between the two drought episodes that occurred during the spring and summer of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021, respectively, and to understand the variations in their severity. Four different sources of monthly precipitation data were used: the ERA-5 global reanalysis dataset, CHIRPS and PERSIANN satellite datasets, and automated weather stations from INMET. A comparison is performed among these four datasets to identify if there is an impact in drought characteristics, such as area, duration and intensities. This study also explores the impact of large-scale circulation and sea surface temperature indices, namely El Nino 3.4, Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), South Atlantic Subtropical Dipole mode (SASD), and South Atlantic Ocean Dipole mode (SAOD), on the two recent drought episodes.

How to cite: Toledo Bonfim, O., Ferreira, V., Maroneze, R., and Mortarini, L.: The 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 droughts events in Southern and Southeastern Brazil, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-457, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-457, 2023.

Lunch break
Chairperson: Shira Raveh-Rubin
Onsite presentation
Tanja Porja, Ervin Kafexhiu, and Klaudio Peqini

Abstract: Local storms can often generate extreme rainfall of short duration that causes immediate and serious flooding in the local scale. The genesis and rapid development of such storms are a result of complex processes that occur in the dynamics of the storm. In this study are examined the Automatic Weather Station's rainfall data and reanalyses from NWP fields for Shkodra city to search the causes of such extreme rainfall in such a short time. The extreme precipitation generally is created as a result of high vertical instability of a air mass very rich in moisture. While the extreme rainfall of short duration at local scale is mainly related to the convective cells and local thermodynamic factors like the vertical profile of temperature and humidity, depending to the local atmospheric circulation. A retrospective analyses regarding the extreme rainfall of short duration at the local scale may provide a detailed picture of the extreme rainfall behaviour occuring in that area for short time intervals of 1, 3 , 6 up to 24 hours. The analyses of the events of short duration extreme rainfall at a local scale for a long term period may provide good results regarding the estimation of the future risk of the sudden local scale floods for the urban areas. Pairing the incidence of local flash floods with the triggers of these events can serve as an additional tool in forecasting local storms that produce short-term extreme rainfall and flash flooding. This study shows that the increased frequency of events with extreme rainfall and the increasing of the rainfall quantities for short time duration intervals is likely to become a prominent feature of the local storms that bring flash floods in the populated and urbanised areas.

Keywords: Extreme rainfall, local flood, vertical profile, convective rainfall

How to cite: Porja, T., Kafexhiu, E., and Peqini, K.: Extreme rainfall of short duration at local scale: case study of Shkodra, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-163, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-163, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Juan Jesús González-Alemán, Damian Insua-Costa, Eric Bazile, Sergi González-Herrero, Mario Marcello Miglietta, Pieter Groenemeijer, and Markus G. Donat

A derecho is a widespread, long-lived, straight-line windstorm that is associated with a fast-moving group of severe thunderstorms known as a mesoscale convective system.

During 18 August 2022, a highly intense and organized convective storm, classified as a derecho, developed over the western Mediterranean Sea affecting Corsica, northern Italy and Austria, with wind gusts up to 62 m/s and giant hail (~11 cm). There were 12 fatalities and 106 people injured. This event received much attention in the media for its extraordinary impact and the rareness over the Mediterranean Sea. The derecho developed over an extreme marine heatwave that persisted during the whole summer. Therefore, the hypothesis of a relationship between the extreme atmospheric event and the extreme marine heatwave rapidly arose, and thus, a possible link with anthropogenic climate change.

This convective event can be considered as extreme from the affected locations point of view (in terms of winds) but also is between one of the most powerful derechos ever recorded in the USA and Europe. Also, the event developed over an extreme marine heatwave that was mainly affecting the western Mediterranean Sea during summer 2022.

Here, by performing model simulations with both the NCAR Model for Prediction Across Scales and the Météo-France nonhydrostatic operational AROME model, we find a relationship between the marine heatwave, the actual anthropogenic climate change conditions, and the development of this extremely rare and severe convective event. We also find a future worrying increase in intensity, size and duration of such an event with future climate change conditions.

How to cite: González-Alemán, J. J., Insua-Costa, D., Bazile, E., González-Herrero, S., Miglietta, M. M., Groenemeijer, P., and Donat, M. G.: Relationship between anthropogenic climate change and the rare extreme derecho convective event over the Mediterranean Sea in summer 2022?, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-333, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-333, 2023.

Modelling and predictability
Online presentation
Steven Greybush, Jon Seibert, Yunji Zhang, and Matthew Kumjian

Winter storms remain a prediction challenge, from the synoptic-scale evolution of the associated mid-latitude cyclone to the formation, location, and intensity of mesoscale snowbands, to the transitions in precipitation type, to terrain-enhanced and lake-effect processes.  Analyzing the predictability of NWP model simulations gives insights to the growth of forecast errors and the underlying dynamical mechanisms for these extreme events.  The recent NASA IMPACTS field campaign, with two coordinated aircraft as well as ground observations across field operations in 2020, 2022, and 2023, provides an unprecedented dataset with which to evaluate winter storm simulations.   In order to analyze the practical predictability of east coast winter storms, operational models as well as convection-allowing ensemble WRF simulations that assimilate conventional and field campaign observations are assessed for several cases during the IMPACTS period.  These simulations are evaluated against conventional surface and radar observations as well as field campaign in-situ thermodynamic conditions and EXRAD radar onboard the ER2. A discussion of optimizing the performance of the data assimilation techniques, as well as evaluating the benefit of assimilating various types of observations is planned. Techniques such as ensemble neighborhood probability can illuminate areas that favor heavy precipitation such as mesoscale snowbands, and predictability horizon diagrams illustrate the timescales over which modeling systems converge on a solution. Finally, errors in precipitation amounts, locations, and types can be related to the representation of dynamical and physical processes in the models, including the thermodynamic environment and hydrometeor evolution in the microphysics scheme.  While the study focuses on examples from the eastern United States, techniques and insights are expected to have broader applicability to winter storms in other regions.

How to cite: Greybush, S., Seibert, J., Zhang, Y., and Kumjian, M.: Assessing Practical Predictability of Winter Storms using NWP and Ensemble Data Assimilation, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-565, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-565, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Assaf Shmuel and Eyal Heifetz

In light of the increasing frequency of droughts and extreme fire weather events, in Europe and world wide, the need for accurate wildfire risk estimation is becoming more and more acute. Wildfire risk depends however on complex non-linear interactions between multiple factors such as fuel moisture content, winds, humidity, topography and others.
Traditional fire indices, currently used by weather services, are based on linear models and or empirical and statistical analyses. Consequently their performance is somewhat limited.  Here we propose a novel set of fire weather indices (FWIs), developed using machine learning (ML) – the MLFWI.  We find that the MLFWI significantly outperforms the traditional fire indices in predicting wildfire occurrence, achieving an AUC score of 0.99 compared to 0.62-0.80.
We also analyze the influence of the various factors and their interactions on the models, providing scientific insights and understanding of the mechanism by which the models work. Finally, we compare the performance of the MLFWIs to that of traditional indices in predicting the 100 largest wildfires in the dataset. We find that our models were able to predict the vast majority of these 100 extreme events.
In the talk we will present the Machine Learning methodology and examine the performance of the the MLFWI. The ultimate goal of this research is to allow implementation of  the MLFWI in actual wildfire warning systems. We propose to build upon this study to gradually replace the existing fire weather indices with ML-based indices, which have the potential of substantially improving fire weather alerts.

How to cite: Shmuel, A. and Heifetz, E.: Novel machine-learning-based fire weather indices, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-12, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-12, 2023.

Online presentation
Yifan Zhao, Xindong Peng, Xiaohan Li, and Siyuan Chen

In a relatively coarse resolution atmospheric model, cumulus convective parameterization helps to solve the problem of insufficient precipitation simulation, and also to ameliorate the simulation of diurnal precipitation cycle, which typically displays early appearance of diurnal peak over land. In this study, the new simplified Arakawa-Schubert scheme (NSAS) with a closure of adjusting the cloud function to an observed climate sate, which is coupled in a global non-hydrostatic atmospheric model, i.e. the Yin-Yang-grid Unified Model for the Atmosphere (YUNMA), is used to investigate the impacts of convective scheme on diurnal cycle of precipitation. Two new diagnostic closures and a convective trigger function based on the tropospheric large-scale forcing are suggested, which are introduced into the NSAS scheme for comparison with the original scheme. Numerical results of the 0.25-degree model in 3-month batched real-case simulations reveal the simulated diurnal variation in close agreement with observation by using the revised NSAS convective scheme with a dynamical constraint on the initiation of convection and a tuned threshold of cloud function variation in the YUNMA model. By reducing the occurrence of convection during peak solar radiation hours, the revised scheme is demonstrated to be effective in delaying the appearance of early-afternoon rainfall peaks over most land areas and in accentuating the nocturnal peaks that are wrongly concealed by the stronger afternoon peaks. In addition, the revised scheme enhances the simulation capability of the precipitation probability density distribution, such as increasing the extremely low- and high-rainfall-rate events and decreasing small and moderate rainfall-rate events, which contributes to the precipitation bias reducing over mid-latitude and tropical lands.

How to cite: Zhao, Y., Peng, X., Li, X., and Chen, S.: Improving the diurnal cycle simulation of land precipitation using a revised NSAS convective scheme in a global non-hydrostatic model, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-358, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-358, 2023.

Posters: Tue, 5 Sep, 16:00–17:15 | Poster area 'Day room'

Display time: Mon, 4 Sep 09:00–Wed, 6 Sep 09:00
Chairperson: Davide Faranda
Gabriele Messori and Davide Faranda

Recent winters have witnessed an ostensibly large number of cold spell occurrences over Eastern North America and wet or windy weather over Western Europe. These extremes have typically been discussed separately. However, their repeated co-occurrence suggests that they may be spatially compounding extremes, namely geographically remote extremes associated with common physical drivers. Here, we analyse the interplay between the large-scale atmospheric circulation and co-occurring cold spells in North America and wet or windy extremes in Europe, which we collectively term compound cold–wet–windy extremes. We leverage a recent approach grounded in dynamical systems theory, which allows to compute the instantaneous coupling between different atmospheric variables, thus providing an analytically and computationally efficient analysis of spatially resolved, multivariate climate extremes. We specifically seek to answer the following questions:

  • Do cold spells over Eastern North America and wet or windy extremes over Western Europe individually emerge as events with a particularly strong coupling to recurrent large-scale circulation patterns?
  • Is there evidence for recurrent large-scale circulation patterns systematically associated with the co-occurrence of these extremes?

In answer to the first question, we find that there are indeed specific, recurrent large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns systematically associated with the individual cold, wet or windy extremes. We further find that a similar conclusion holds for co-occurring cold–wet–windy anomalies in the two continents. In answer to the second question, evidence for common, recurrent large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns is also found when focusing on compound cold–wet–windy extremes, although with a weaker signal than for the larger group of cold–wet–windy anomalies. We thus hypothesise that the compound extreme occurrences may be linked to multiple dynamical pathways, which may differ from those associated with weaker surface anomalies. The extremes may further be modulated by small-scale effects not reflected in the large-scale atmospheric circulation.

How to cite: Messori, G. and Faranda, D.: Large-Scale Atmospheric Drivers of Compound Cold Spells in North America and Wet or Windy Extremes in Europe, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-1, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-1, 2023.

Alice Portal, Olivia Romppainen-Martius, Shira Raveh-Rubin, and Jennifer Catto

The co-occurrence of extreme events, resulting generally in stronger surface impacts compared to isolated extreme events, constututes a hazard for the public and can be associated with severe damage to buildings, infrastructure and means of transport. Within the context of the MedCyclone initiative (see e. g. the Mediterranean cyclone track dataset defined in [1]), we investigate the "impact area" of the cyclones crossing the Mediterranean region by linking their passage with the appearance of hazards at the surface, in particular extremes of accumulated precipitation, near surface wind intensity, height of combined swell and wave. This analysis is expected to produce an estimate of the fraction of compound extremes - combinations of the extremes listed above - associated with the MedCyclones tracks in the recent climatological period, including geographical and seasonal details. The large-scale characteristics of the cyclones are taken into account by using a classification based on their upper-level potential vorticity pattern, and eventually by considering dynamical features with strong impacts on surface weather, such as cold fronts, warm conveyor belts and dry intrusions.

[1]  Flaounas, E., Aragão, L., Bernini, L., Dafis, S., Doiteau, B., Flocas, H., L. Gray, S., Karwat, A., Kouroutzoglou, J., Lionello, P., Pantillon, F., Pasquero, C., Patlakas, P., Picornell, M. A., Porcù, F., D. K. Priestley, M., Reale, M., Roberts, M., Saaroni, H., Sandler, D., Scoccimarro, E., Sprenger, M., and Ziv, B.: A composite approach to produce reference datasets for extratropical cyclone tracks: Application to Mediterranean cyclones, Weather and Climate Dynamics Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/wcd-2022-63, in review, 2023. 

How to cite: Portal, A., Romppainen-Martius, O., Raveh-Rubin, S., and Catto, J.: Surface compound extremes and Mediterranean cyclones, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-318, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-318, 2023.

Anna Valeriánová and Lenka Crhová

It is critical for decision makers to be aware of the projections of the extreme weather phenomena in future when preparing policies for adaptation and risk management.

This topic has been addressed by the project “ Prediction, Evaluation and Research for Understanding National sensitivity and impacts of drought and climate change for Czechia“  where we estimated risks of hydrometeorological phenomena and their expected changes during the 21st century.

For the territory of the Czech Republic we identified as the main risks the following phenomena related to the extremes weather: heat wave, cold wave, extreme wind, extreme precipitation (torrential and permanent), drought and the subsequent risks e.g. firerisk, severe thunderstorm and subsequent risks. In our contribution, we focused on assessment of the changes in the occurrence of heat waves and extreme wind.

To quantify changes in occurrence of heat waves the indices related to weather alerts were defined and their changes were evaluated for the period with station observations. The threshold for indices corresponds to the alerts of high level of danger for CZ. These limits were chosen with respect to impact of extreme meteorological phenomena on society and environment. The number of days with maximum temperature above 34,0 °C and days with minimum temperature above 20,0 °C have been evaluated and on top of the number of days with maximum (minimum) temperature above these thresholds we studied the length and intensity of heat waves.

When studying changes in the occurrence of extreme wind speed the threshold for the maximum wind speed 17,2 m/s has been used in accordance with International Meteorological Vocabulary, WMO-No. 182.

We evaluated the changes in frequency of extreme phenomena between the periods 1961–1990 and 1991–2020 and studied the trend. On the basis the regional climate model data we estimated the projection of occurrence of studied extreme phenomena.

How to cite: Valeriánová, A. and Crhová, L.: Extreme events in the Czech Republic: Recent development and projection, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-235, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-235, 2023.

Petra Mikuš Jurković, Tanja Renko, Tomislav Kozaric, Lovro Kalin, and Tomislav Pirak

On September 15th 2022, in the afternoon hours, central part of Croatia was hit by a violent thunderstorm, with gale-  and possibly hurricane-force winds, hail and heavy rain - and caused severe damage to properties and particularly to the forests. Testimonies of local witnesses pointed even to possibility of occurence of a tornado. A comprehensive synoptic and mesoscale analysis was performed, including radiosounding, satelite and new radar observations from the recently established radar network.  

Synoptic situation was characterized by the passage of a cold front, bringing cold air in the upper layers of atmosphere which enhanced  atmospheric instabiliy. Sounding analysis pointed out high value of most unstable convective available potential energy, accompanied by pronounced deep layer wind shear, as well as significant low layer shear (0-1 km) which is quite favorable for the formation of a tornado. Severity of the phenomenon was confirmed by lightning and satelite measurements (overshooting tops) and particularly by the radar image, pointing to hail areas and exhibiting so-called 'bow-apex' feature, indicating development of a supercell. 

In order to clarify some doubts - for the first time in our practice – a detailed in situ inspection of damaged area was also carried out, and aerial footage was also consulted. Although the atmospheric conditions were prone to development of a tornado, no material proof lead to presence of a tornado vortex, since no evidence of wind spinnig was found, and trees were usually knocked down in the same direction. 

The risk for severe thunderstorm activity was well forecasted, and corresponding operational alert was issued by the Met Service. Furthermore – as an early warning for the incoming weather change - a special announcement was issued on our web page. 

How to cite: Mikuš Jurković, P., Renko, T., Kozaric, T., Kalin, L., and Pirak, T.: Analysis of the severe thunderstorm in Croatia on September 15th 2022., EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-351, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-351, 2023.

On the Easterlies/Westerlies wind clash in the Tropical Atlantic and the Atlantic Niño initiation
GIanluca Borzelli, Sandro Carniel, Aniello Russo, and Cosimo Enrico Carniel
Mubashshir Ali, Olivia Martius, Matthias Röthlisberger, John Methven, and Jakob Zscheischler

The recurrence of upper-level synoptic-scale Rossby wave packets (RRWPs) at a location over a short period can lead to persistent surface weather that may drive extreme weather events. RRWPs were observed during several extreme weather events, for example, the 2010 heatwave over Russia, the 2004 and 2009 south-eastern Australian heatwaves, and the anomalous western European precipitation of 1983. RRWPs have been shown to lengthen hot, cold, dry and wet spells across the globe.

Motivated by the importance of RRWPs, this work investigates the causal drivers of RRWPs in the North Atlantic basin for summer and winter in a two-step approach. First, composite maps of top-30 RRWP events during 1979 – 2018 are used to study the characteristics of RRWP events and identify potential drivers using ERA-5 reanalysis data. The potential drivers are shortlisted following statistical significance in a bootstrapping approach. Subsequently, the causality of the shortlisted drivers is assessed using a Bayesian causal network (CN) framework for time series.

Composite maps reveal that RRWP events have a preferred seasonal phase configuration despite not having an explicit condition for phasing in the event selection. In winter, wavenumbers 3, 4 and 5 dominate with a hemisphere-wide wave pattern, whereas wavenumbers 5, 6 and 7 dominate in summer without a hemisphere-wide wave pattern. The causal networks reveal that local changes in atmospheric blocking and low wavenumber flow, termed background flow, are major drivers of RRWPs. RRWPs also have a feedback effect on background flow and blocks. The tropical-extratropical causal link only exists in winter and is indirect, mediated by the changes in the background flow over the Pacific. The causal drivers outlined in this study help to further the understanding of RRWPs.

How to cite: Ali, M., Martius, O., Röthlisberger, M., Methven, J., and Zscheischler, J.: Causal drivers of Recurrent Rossby Wave Packets, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-189, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-189, 2023.

Shira Raveh-Rubin, Yonatan Givon, Or Hess, Jennifer Catto, Michael Sprenger, and Emmanouil Flaounas

Mediterranean cyclones govern extreme weather across the basin and into the continents around it, affecting the lives of hundreds of millions. Reliable model prediction and future projections of Mediterranean cyclones (MCs) remain a significant challenge, partly attributed to the large variability among MCs. To this end, past classifications distinguished MCs by their geographical and seasonal occurrence, however, there has been no consideration of a dynamics-based classification, focusing on cyclone genesis and deepening mechanisms. The processes governing cyclogenesis and evolution include diabatic and adiabatic processes, topographic influences, and surface heat anomalies. Here we aim to classify MCs throughout the basin and year-round, according to the potential vorticity (PV) distribution. Based on a combined (‘best tracks’) MC dataset derived from ECMWF ERA5 from 1979-2020, we classify the tracks based on the upper-level isentropic PV structures relative to the cyclone center at its peak intensity, using the Self Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm. The SOM analysis reveals 9 classes of Mediterranean cyclones, each attributed to a distinct Rossby wave signature. Though classified by upper-level PV, each class shows different PV signatures also in the lower troposphere and different surface anomalies. Each class has distinct cyclone characteristics, associated hazards, and observed trends. Unique large-scale, thermal, dynamical, seasonal, and geographical features indicate dominant processes in the evolution of each Mediterranean cyclone subset. Furthermore, the tropopause-surface coupling is explored and reveals the importance of topographically-induced Rossby wave breaking to the generation of the most extreme Mediterranean cyclones. These results enhance our understanding of Mediterranean cyclones' predictability, by linking the relatively predictable Rossby wave formations and life cycles to under-predicted cyclonic variability and impact.

How to cite: Raveh-Rubin, S., Givon, Y., Hess, O., Catto, J., Sprenger, M., and Flaounas, E.: Process-based classification of Mediterranean cyclones using potential vorticity, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-160, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-160, 2023.

Shun Yiu Brett Chung, Andreas H. Fink, and Michael Riemer

Tropical cyclones (TCs) are extreme weather events capable of causing major loss of life and property. Despite continued improvements in our understanding of TC dynamics and the advancement of numerical models over the past few decades, accurate and precise forecasting of TCs beyond the short-term (<=72 hours) window remains an operational challenge. In other words, there seems to be a ‘predictability barrier’ for TCs at several days in lead time. For example, according to the US National Hurricane Centre (NHC), the average error for a 5-day track forecast of Atlantic TCs generally exceeds 300 km over the last ten years with little change in trend. The predictability of TCs is thus an interesting and practically relevant topic for investigation.

We evaluate TC-relevant ensemble statistics with lead time of up to 8 days before genesis for the Atlantic basin, starting from 2017. ECMWF operational ensemble forecast data are used on NHC best-tracked tropical and subtropical systems. TC-like vortices are first tracked using the feature-tracking algorithm TRACK based on lower-tropospheric relative vorticity. They are then matched against the respective TCs from the operational analysis data by a technique known as Dynamic Time Warping, which allows for some spatio-temporal discrepancies. Two main groups of TCs, i.e., those that form in the Main Development Region (MDR) and those that undergo tropical transition (TT) are selected for analysis due to their distinctly different genesis characteristics. Special attention is drawn to the phenomenon of ‘forecast jumps’ (i.e., sudden and substantial shifts in the ensemble probabilities with lead time) as identified in previous work on this topic. The evaluation parameters used include minimum central MSLP, maximum 10m mean wind, storm location and various parameters on tropospheric thermal structures (for storms with TT).

Preliminary results suggest MDR and TT storms do exhibit very different behaviours with regard to genesis predictability. The more ‘classical’ TCs that form in the deep tropics are typically better forecast in advance and provide a longer window of predictability, perhaps to more than a week. In contrast, their mid-latitude counterparts are sometimes only captured by the model a few days prior to the TT event. Ensemble members can struggle to distinguish between a warm or cold-core system, before converging on a solution rather abruptly. The case study of Hurricane Ophelia (2017) is useful to illustrate this phenomenon. Additional results will be presented as further work is done to establish and analyse behavioural statistics while enlarging the TC sample set.

How to cite: Chung, S. Y. B., Fink, A. H., and Riemer, M.: Understanding predictability of tropical cyclones over the North Atlantic Ocean, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-123, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-123, 2023.