UP1.4 | High-resolution precipitation monitoring and statistical analysis for hydrological and climate-related applications
High-resolution precipitation monitoring and statistical analysis for hydrological and climate-related applications
Convener: Tanja Winterrath | Co-conveners: Elsa Cattani, Auguste Gires, Katharina Lengfeld, Miloslav Müller
| Wed, 06 Sep, 09:00–13:00 (CEST)|Lecture room B1.04
| Attendance Thu, 07 Sep, 16:00–17:15 (CEST) | Display Wed, 06 Sep, 10:00–Fri, 08 Sep, 13:00|Poster area 'Day room'
Orals |
Wed, 09:00
Thu, 16:00
This session provides a platform for contributions on high-resolution precipitation measurements, analyses, and applications in real-time as well as climate studies. Special focus is placed on documenting the benefit of highly spatially and temporally resolved observations of different measurement platforms, e.g. satellites and radar networks. This also comprises the growing field of opportunistic sensing such as retrieving rainfall from microwave links. Papers on monitoring and analyzing extreme precipitation events including extreme value statistics, multi-scale analysis, and event-based data analyses are especially welcome, comprising definitions and applications of indices to characterize extreme precipitation events, e.g. in public communication. Contributions on long-term observations of precipitation and correlations to meteorological and non-meteorological data with respect to climate change studies are cordially invited. In addition, contributions on the development and improvement of gridded reference data sets based on in-situ and remote sensing precipitation measurements are welcome.
High-resolution measurements and analyses of precipitation are crucial, especially in urban areas with high vulnerabilities, in order to describe the hydrological response and improve water risk management. Thus, this session also addresses contributions on the application of high-resolution precipitation data in hydrological impact and design studies.
According to the special focus of the 2023 Annual Meeting contributions on “Europe and droughts: Hydro-meteorological processes, forecasting and preparedness” are especially encouraged, such as, e.g., contributions on drought monitoring and contributions covering interdisciplinary approaches stretching from hydro-meteorological data to applications in, e.g., risk management and disaster prevention.

Summarizing, one or more of the following topics shall be addressed:
Precipitation measurement techniques
• High-resolution precipitation observations from different platforms (e.g., gauges, disdrometers, radars, satellites, microwave links) and their combination
• Precipitation reference data sets (e.g., GPCC, OPERA)
• Drought monitoring and impact
• Statistical analysis of extreme precipitation (events)
• Statistical analysis of changes/trends in precipitation totals (monthly, seasonal, annual)
• Multi-scale analysis, including sub-kilometer scale statistical precipitation description and downscaling methods
• Definition and application of indices to characterize extreme precipitation events
• Climate change studies on extreme precipitation (events)
• Urban hydrology and hydrological impact as well as design studies
• New concepts of adaptation to climate change with respect to extreme precipitation in urban areas

Orals: Wed, 6 Sep | Lecture room B1.04

Chairpersons: Miloslav Müller, Tanja Winterrath
Satelite precipitation monitoring
Online presentation
Wiam Salih, Terence Epule Epule, El khalki El mahdi, and Abdelghani Chehbouni

Global warming is leading to an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. In arid and semi-arid regions such as the Tensift basin in Morocco, global warming reflected in severe water shortages. In this context, it is of crucial importance to precisely quantify the amount of precipitation and its variability with respect of time and space. In the absence of adequate coverage by weather stations, it is imperative to investigate the reliability of satellite-based precipitation products in estimating observed precipitation. The objective of this study is to assess the performance of eight satellite products, namely PERSIANN, PERSIANN CDR, IMERG, ARC2, RFE2, CHIRPS, ERA5, and MSWEP in accurately estimating extreme observed precipitation within the basin. To this end, satellite precipitation products were compared to observed data collected over fourteen weather stations between 2001-2016, at various time steps (daily, monthly, seasonal, and annual). The data were analyzed using volumetric and categorical metrics. We further evaluated the estimation of the satellite products for extreme precipitation by comparing their extreme indices with those of the weather stations. In the same vein, this study examined the behavior of satellite products during droughts by comparing their SPI with the observations to determine the most accurate satellite products in determining the onset, duration, and magnitude of droughts. Finally, in order to determine whether bias correction was necessary to enhance performance and identify the most effective method, in the context of extreme events, several bias correction methods were evaluated based on the same procedures before and after bias correction. The results showed that PERSIANN CDR, IMERG, MSWEP, and ERA5 are the most accurate, with better performance at both monthly and annual time steps relative to daily time steps. Seasonally, the worse performance of all products occurs in summer and the best in autumn. Furthermore, we found out that PERSIANN CDR is the most reliable product that water managers can use for extreme events, while MSWEP, ERA5, and PERSIANN CDR are the best products that can be used to study the impact of climate change on drought. Finally, The Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) mapping was found to be the most effective method in correcting the bias in the Tensift basin, especially for extreme events.


How to cite: Salih, W., Epule Epule, T., El mahdi, E. K., and Chehbouni, A.: Assessment of Satellite Precipitation Products during Extreme Events in a Semiarid Region, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-122, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-122, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Monica Estebanez Camarena, Fabio Curzi, Riccardo Taormina, Nick van de Giesen, and Marie-Claire ten Veldhuis

Food and economic safety in West Africa rely heavily on rainfed agriculture and are threatened by climate change and demographic growth. Accurate rainfall information is therefore crucial to ensure safety against these challenges. However, existing rainfall models fail to accurately represent the highly variable and sparsely monitored West African rainfall distribution. Satellite rainfall products show a poor correlation with ground-based rainfall measurements and literature suggests that atmospheric aerosols are partly to blame for this poor performance.

To address this challenge, we propose a Deep Learning (DL) model that utilizes satellite water vapor (WV) and Thermal Infrared (TIR) observations in conjunction with temporal information for satellite rainfall retrieval in West Africa. We leverage the TIR and WV channels of the Meteosat Second Generation satellite to develop a DL model for satellite rainfall detection. Our results indicate that incorporating WV data into the DL framework enables the detection of strong convective motions typically associated with heavy rainfall. This is particularly relevant in regions where convective rainfall is dominant, such as the tropics.

Furthermore, the WV data facilitate the identification of dry air masses advected from the nearby Sahara Desert, which often create discontinuities in precipitation events over our study area. The ability to detect such dry air masses is a significant advantage of our proposed DL model, as it aids to reduce false alarms and rainfall overestimation as compared to methods that rely only on TIR data.

Our DL model achieves a robust performance in rainfall binary classification, with fewer false alarms and lower rainfall overdetection (FBias < 2.0) than the state-of-the-art Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) Final Run. Our findings suggest that incorporating WV observations and temporal information in a DL framework efficiently complement TIR observations and enhances the accuracy of satellite rainfall retrieval in West Africa.

How to cite: Estebanez Camarena, M., Curzi, F., Taormina, R., van de Giesen, N., and ten Veldhuis, M.-C.: RainRunner: A Deep Learning satellite rainfall retrieval  model for West Africa, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-551, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-551, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Manikandan Rajagopal, Gregor Skok, James Russell, and Ed Zipser

Traditional tracking algorithms use a single threshold in a precipitation or infrared brightness temperature field to identify and track precipitation systems. Though valuable, these algorithms have limitations in tracking Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) that sometimes occur as clusters embedded in synoptic scale disturbances such as tropical and mid-latitude waves. These embedded systems might be connected but should not be identified as a single large system since the connection is transient. The recent detect and spread (DAS) type algorithms help identify an MCS in a cluster  by identifying a core region of heavy rainfall and spreading it into adjacent regions of lower precipitation values. Also, as we move away from a single satellite and towards microsatellite constellations for various meteorological data, we need a robust method to identify and track objects of interest in a multi-satellite product. This is because each satellite in the constellation may have a different sensor that requires cross-calibration and is finally merged to create a single product.

 We present the improved version of the Forward in Time (FIT) tracking program, a multi-threshold, detect and spread type algorithm, to track MCSs in Integrated MultisatellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation mission (IMERG), NASA's global precipitation product. IMERG is a  multi-satellite precipitation product that combines rain retrievals from passive microwave sensors on a virtual constellation of satellites and rain retrievals from Infrared sensors onboard geostationary satellites. Using the FiT algorithm, we track MCSs in the IMERG precipitation field for ten years (2011-2020) and store MCSs' properties in a publicly available dataset called Tracked IMERG Mesoscale Precipitation Sytems (TIMPS). Leveraging this dataset, we present the regional variability of MCSs properties (frequency, lifetime, and propagation velocity) and some preliminary results from ongoing studies.

How to cite: Rajagopal, M., Skok, G., Russell, J., and Zipser, E.: A multi-threshold-based identification and tracking of Mesoscale Convective Systems  in a multi-satellite precipitation product, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-396, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-396, 2023.

Analyses of precipitation datasets
Onsite presentation
Fatima Jomaa and Olga Zolina

The hydrological cycle in southern France is influenced by highly variable precipitation, which impacts the variability of soil moisture and continental runoff. The regional hydrological cycle is also significantly impacted by the Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lion) through moisture advection, and the strong coupling between the atmosphere and land surface affects all branches of the regional hydrological cycle, particularly due to the region's special orographic structure. The potential intensification of the regional hydrological cycle under climate change scenarios, leading to extreme hydroclimate events, is a critical factor for understanding the mechanisms of climate variability in the Mediterranean region.

In this study, long-term daily precipitation data from 1979 to 2014 for southern France was analyzed using various datasets, including data from 300 stations in the METEO-FRANCE collection, modern-era reanalysis (ERA5, JRA55), and satellite datasets. Diagnostic analysis was conducted to assess linear trends and interannual variability in total precipitation and precipitation extremes using multiple datasets. The results of this analysis allowed for the quantification of differences in variability patterns of precipitation among the datasets, highlighting their respective strengths and weaknesses. The study also examined the regional responses of soil moisture to precipitation using data from the GLEAM-GLDAS datasets besides 14 SMOSANIA stations. Finally, the representation of the observed regional hydrological cycle in historical simulations with regional (Euro-CORDEX) and global (CMIP6) climate models are analyzed. Thus, a statistical association between precipitation, soil moisture, and continental runoff is established and the role of regional atmospheric circulation and atmospheric rivers in forming multidecadal changes in the regional hydrological cycle is quantified.

How to cite: Jomaa, F. and Zolina, O.: Precipitation over coastal regions of southern France and its impacts on the regional hydrological cycle, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-500, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-500, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Frederik Bart, Jana Ulrich, Dieter Scherer, Fred Meier, and David Hellmann

In recent years, Berlin and its surrounding area has experienced multiple intensive precipitation events, which caused significant damage and severely impaired the local infrastructure. An extreme value analysis of the available station data could improve the understanding of such events and provide valuable information for risk assessments in the region. Additionally, results gathered from this analysis will serve as a reference for similar evaluations with the Central European Refined analysis (CER), a gridded dataset generated via dynamical downscaling of ERA5 data using the Weather Research and Forecasting model. In this study, we assess the spatiotemporal dynamics of extreme precipitation event days in Berlin and Brandenburg using a generalized Pareto distribution (GPD).  Daily precipitation data of the last 30 years was extracted at 137 stations of the German Meteorological Service. For all stations with a sufficient amount of data a seasonal time-dependent threshold was defined and independent exceedances were extracted using an automatic declustering scheme. The resulting threshold series was used to fit a GPD at each location with a time-dependent scale parameter to investigate temporal changes in extreme event days. After evaluating the goodness of fit the distribution model was used to calculate seasonal 2-, 10-, and 20-year return levels. The results indicate a high regional variability especially for the 20-year precipitation extremes with slightly higher values around Berlin reaching up to 130 mm d-1 in the summer. Return levels also tended to be higher in the northern parts of Berlin and Brandenburg during winter and in the south during spring.

How to cite: Bart, F., Ulrich, J., Scherer, D., Meier, F., and Hellmann, D.: The dynamic of precipitation extremes in Berlin and Brandenburg based on a generalized Pareto distribution, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-247, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-247, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Beatriz Fernández-Duque, Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano, Rovil Kumar, Fernando Domínguez-Castro, Dhais Peña-Angulo, Iván Noguera, and Ahmed El Kenawy

Over the last century, climate change has become a subject of great interest and is recognized as one of the major global challenges facing humankind in the 21st century. Changing precipitation patterns including extreme events such as more intense and prolonged dry periods have become a growing concern for people living in the Pacific Island region given their high dependence on rainfall for their freshwater needs as well as the precipitation impact on different sectors and socioeconomic activities. However, up to date, little attention has been paid to understanding the implications of climatic changes for people and their capacity to manage these changes. Here we have analyzed the temporal evolution of precipitation data over the Fiji islands for the period 1905–2021, using observational in-situ data from 23 meteorological stations and using 23 climate indices calculated with the ClimInd R package by using daily precipitation data. These indices are focused on extreme precipitation events which characterizes the data record as regards the frequency (e.g. the number of dry days or the number of very wet days), the duration (e.g. the longest dry period or the longest wet period) and the precipitation intensity (e.g. the total precipitation amount) among others. Positive increasing trends were found for the majority of daily climate indices although no statistically significant trends were dominant. The results derived from this study can be useful as validation of climate models helping to better understand climate change processes in this vulnerable climate region from a wide perspective which could help for climate decision-making.

 Keywords: precipitation pattern, extreme events, Pacific Island region, trends, climate indices, ClimInd.

How to cite: Fernández-Duque, B., Vicente-Serrano, S. M., Kumar, R., Domínguez-Castro, F., Peña-Angulo, D., Noguera, I., and El Kenawy, A.: Assessment of daily and monthly precipitation record data over the Fiji Islands for the period 1905-2021, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-128, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-128, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Tanja Winterrath, Miloslav Müller
Radar and multiinstrumental precipitation monitoring
Online presentation
Annakaisa von Lerber, Marko Goreta, Günther Haase, Marián Jurašek, Petteri Karsisto, Stephan Klink, Michal Koutek, Hidde Leijnse, Vera Meyer, Christoph Müller, Tom Nicolau, Shinju Park, Markus Peura, Milka Radojevic, Klaus Stephan, Lukas Tüchler, and Barbara Vodarić Šurija

For over 20 years, the Operational Programme on the Exchange of Weather Radar Information (OPERA) has been coordinating radar cooperation among national weather services in Europe, operating under the umbrella of the European Meteorological Services Network, EIG EUMETNET. More information on this programme can be found at www.eumetnet.eu/opera [Saltikoff et al. 2019].

Since 2011, the OPERA data center (ODC), also known as Odyssey, has been producing three Pan-European radar composite products, with spatial resolution of 2 km and 15-minute update cycle. The composite products are:  maximum reflectivity, rain rate, and 1-hour accumulation. Additionally, Odyssey provides the quality-controlled (QC) single-site volume radar data for the numerical weather prediction (NWP) consortia to be used for assimilation. OPERA data are utilized for a variety of applications, including nowcasting, NWP assimilation, and flood warnings. As the OPERA data archive has grown to over ten years, also the creation of climatological applications is possible based on OPERA data. Different user groups have various needs for the data, with some requiring advanced QC and production of complex products, while others prioritize timely access to the data.

During the current OPERA phase 5 (2019-2023), the programme's main focus is to gradually replace the ODC with three new production lines:

  • The CUMULUS/STRATUS line is responsible for gathering incoming radar data and forwarding it to other production lines.
  • The CIRRUS line generates a high-resolution maximum reflectivity composite (updated every 5 minutes with 1 km horizontal resolution).
  • The NIMBUS line produces precipitation composites and provides quality-controlled volume radar data for the purpose of NWP assimilation.

Additionally, OPERA centrally monitors the network's performance, including the level of radio frequency interference and the antenna pointing using methods such as solar monitoring [Huuskonen and Holleman, 2007].

During the conference, we will present the updated production lines and preliminary results of their performance compared to the ODC. The CIRRUS represents an updated version of the ODC software, but due to the different spatial and temporal resolutions, the CIRRUS maximum reflectivity product is inherently different from the ODC equivalent composite. The methodology used to compare these two products is based on the SAL method [Wernli et al. 2008], which not only compares the amplitude but also the structural differences of the two products. The NIMBUS production is based on the BALTRAD open radar software, and its performance for the rain accumulation composite product is compared to gauge observations, similar as in the study by [Park et al. 2019].

We will also provide insights for data sharing in OPERA. The EU Implementing Regulation has defined weather radar data as High-Value Datasets (HVD) that should be shared free of charge, openly accessible via Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), machine-readable, and bulk downloadable in the coming years.

How to cite: von Lerber, A., Goreta, M., Haase, G., Jurašek, M., Karsisto, P., Klink, S., Koutek, M., Leijnse, H., Meyer, V., Müller, C., Nicolau, T., Park, S., Peura, M., Radojevic, M., Stephan, K., Tüchler, L., and Vodarić Šurija, B.: OPERA5 – the renewal of the production lines, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-325, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-325, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Ladislav Méri, Marián Jurašek, Ľuboslav Okon, and Ján Kaňák

We present the results of a feasibility study on the possibility of using the OPERA data information model (ODIM) with HDF5 file format implementation [Michelson et. al. 2021] for reprocessing long-term weather radar data series in the context of a small national meteorological service such as the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMU). 

ODIM was developed during the Operational Programme on the Exchange of Weather Radar Information (OPERA) under the umbrella of the European Meteorological Services Network, EIG EUMETNET [Saltikoff et al. 2019] to support the exchange of volume radar data between meteorological services and different radar systems.

Work was performed in 3 consequent steps:

1. Radar archive consolidation

SHMU has been working with radar data since 1965 [Podhorský & Guba 2014], but the level of equipment available didn't allow us to digitally archive such a large amount of data. We were able to extract archived radar from 1998 to the present. Data from earlier periods were archived on analogue media (e.g. paper drawings, photographs) or on special tapes that we cannot read today. More than 50 old data tapes and more than 500 CDs and DVDs have been extracted. The most recent period was stored in the robotic tape library. We will discuss all the problems we encountered during this step.

2. Conversion to ODIM hdf5 files

From the archive we extracted data from 4 different radar systems: MRL-5, EEC DWSR92C, Radtec RDR-250GCDP with Gamic signal processor and Selex Meteor 735 CDP. 5 different converters were prepared. The most interesting was the converter for MRL-5 data. It only stores raw data, radar equation has to be applied, noise figure subtracted. The scan was not clearly defined, volumes store all data from start of measurement to end, sampled in any position of the antenna, and we got uncorrected reflectivity for S- and X-band channel, because MRL-5 was classic non-Doppler radar and clutter has to be filtered in processing.

3. Processing

For processing, we used "home-made" qRad software running on hpc. It is capable of generating any standard product and making a common composite based on 11+ different quality indices. The clutter map was calculated from the previous 2-3 week period. We had to solve problems with temporal and spatial variability of the input data. The scan repetition time had values of 30, 15, 7.5, 10 and 5 min time. The number of radars varied between 0 and 4. We decided to use only those dates when at least 2 radars were available and covered the whole of Slovakia. As a reference product, the composite of CAPPI 3km was chosen, which provides uniform data for all radars over whole Slovakia. Maps of various statistical variables were calculated from CAPPI 3km composites.

How to cite: Méri, L., Jurašek, M., Okon, Ľ., and Kaňák, J.: Long time radar data series processing using OPERA ODIM, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-337, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-337, 2023.

Online presentation
Arthur Moraux, Steven Dewitte, and Adrian Munteanu

Deep-Learning (DL) is a sub-field of Machine-Learning (ML) whose popularity has grown exponentially during the last decade thanks to its numerous successes related to artificial intelligence, e.g. visual object recognition and detection, image generation, natural language processing or speech recognition. But, like other ML algorithms, DL can be applied to a broader variety of problems, as long as the necessary data is available to train the model. In this aspect, the field of meteorology satisfy the data requirement. Particularly, DL could improve the accuracy of precipitation estimation. Accurate precipitation estimation is a very important product of weather institutes for water supply monitoring, and as input and validation for Numerical Weather Prediction models and precipitation nowcasting. Currently, precipitation are mainly estimated using both radar and rain-gauge data, but an important limitation of this method is the limited coverage of these measurements. A possible solution to this problem could come from satellite radiometers observations. Unfortunately, estimating precipitation accurately from satellite radiometer data is challenging.

As a solution, we developed a DL method to merge rain gauge measurements with a ground-based radar composite and satellite radiometer imagery. The proposed convolutional neural network, composed of an encoder–decoder architecture, performs a multiscale analysis of the three input modalities to estimate simultaneously the rainfall probability and the precipitation rate. We used SEVIRI infrared channels, the OPERA radar composite and the measurements of automatic rain gauges. The training of our model and its performance evaluation are carried out on a dataset spanning 5 years from 2015 to 2019 and covering Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and the North Sea. Our results for instantaneous precipitation detection, instantaneous precipitation rate estimation, and for daily rainfall accumulation estimation show that the best accuracy is obtained for the model combining all three modalities. We show that the combination of rain gauge measurements with radar data allows for a considerable increase in the accuracy of the precipitation estimation, and the addition of satellite imagery provides precipitation estimates where rain gauge and radar coverage are lacking. We also show that our multi-modal model significantly improves performance compared to the European radar composite product provided by OPERA and the quasi gauge-adjusted radar product RADOLAN provided by the DWD for precipitation rate estimation. Additionally, we carried a study of our method on the case of the extreme precipitation event of July 2021 that affected Belgium and Germany, which caused huge societal and economical damage.

How to cite: Moraux, A., Dewitte, S., and Munteanu, A.: A deep learning multimodal method for precipitation estimation, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-567, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-567, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Andreas Kvas, Jürgen Fuchsberger, Gottfried Kirchengast, Robert Galovic, Daniel Scheidl, and Christoph Bichler

The WegenerNet 3D Open-Air Laboratory provides a unique setup for studying extreme meteorological events such as heavy precipitation, hailstorms, droughts, and heat waves. Its instrumentation consisting of a polarimetric X-band Doppler weather radar, a microwave radiometer for vertical profiling of temperature, humidity, and cloud liquid water, an infrared cloud structure radiometer, and a water-vapor-mapping GNSS station network enables the comprehensive monitoring of precipitation events with high spatial- and temporal resolution in near real-time. These sensors complement the high-density WegenerNet hydrometeorological station network, comprised of 156 stations measuring temperature, humidity, precipitation, and (at selected locations) surface winds and soil parameters within a core area of 22 km x 16 km centered near the city of Feldbach (46.93°N, 15.90°E), in southeastern Austria. Partial redundancies within this measurement setup enable cross evaluation, calibration and quality control for robust observations and derived data products. The 3D extension of the WegenerNet has been operational in the current configuration since mid-2021, providing a consistent and growing data record of two years.

We present a preliminary version of data products derived from the WegenerNet 3D Open-Air Laboratory aimed at studying precipitation events. This includes gauge-calibrated radar-derived precipitation with 500 meters spatial resolution and 2.5-minute time resolution at multiple altitude levels, cloud coverage and base height with 10-minute resolution, profiles of temperature, humidity, liquid water content, and stability indices with 10-minute resolution, GNSS- and radiometer-derived tropospheric delays and water vapor content with 2.5-minute to 15-minute resolution. These data products, accompanying metadata and uncertainty estimates will be made available in the form of user-friendly data cubes. Additionally, quality-controlled observation data, such as radar reflectivities and differential phase measurements, GNSS tropospheric delays and gradients, and observed infrared and microwave brightness temperatures will also be made available to the scientific community.

How to cite: Kvas, A., Fuchsberger, J., Kirchengast, G., Galovic, R., Scheidl, D., and Bichler, C.: High-resolution precipitation monitoring in the WegenerNet 3D Open-Air Laboratory for Climate Change Research, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-475, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-475, 2023.

Onsite presentation
Marc Schleiss, Robert Mackenzie, Andre Castro Gonçalves, and Christine Unal

The Ruisdael Observatory (https://ruisdael-observatory.nl/) is a network of advanced sensors and high-resolution models aimed at improving the accuracy of climate, weather, and air quality models at the regional scale in the Netherlands. Within Ruisdael, TU Delft oversees a broad network of over 30 sensors, ranging from basic weather stations to cutting-edge disdrometers, radiometers, micro-rain radars, X-band radars, and cloud radars.

In this presentation, we focus on analyzing the statistical and dynamic properties of raindrop size distributions recorded by our network of seven co-located optical disdrometers and micro-rain radars in the Rotterdam-Delft area. Our analysis covers a range of precipitation intensities, from drizzle to heavy convective rain exceeding 140 mm/h. We document some of the most intriguing cases we've encountered during the first three years of operation and perform case studies to understand the temporal variability of raindrop sizes, their moments, scaling properties, and vertical evolution from the melting layer down to the ground. We also investigate whether temperature has any notable influence on the shapes, characteristic sizes, and concentrations of the raindrop size distributions, which is important for understanding future rainfall extremes. 

Finally, we discuss some of our future plans for the observatory, including efforts to improve high-resolution precipitation measurements in the Netherlands. By providing a better understanding of the statistical and dynamic properties of raindrop size distributions, we can enhance our ability to forecast precipitation, mitigate the impacts of heavy rain events, and improve air quality predictions. The Ruisdael Observatory is a crucial component of these efforts and represents a significant step forward in advancing our understanding of atmospheric processes in the Netherlands.

How to cite: Schleiss, M., Mackenzie, R., Castro Gonçalves, A., and Unal, C.: From drizzle to downpour: investigating the statistical and dynamical properties of raindrop size distributions in the Netherlands using a network of co-located disdrometers and micro-rain radars, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-419, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-419, 2023.


Posters: Thu, 7 Sep, 16:00–17:15 | Poster area 'Day room'

Display time: Wed, 6 Sep 10:00–Fri, 8 Sep 13:00
Chairpersons: Tanja Winterrath, Miloslav Müller
Nazli Turini, Byron Delgado Maldonado, and Jörg Bendix

The Galápagos archipelago is renowned for its exceptional and diverse flora and fauna, primarily due to its unique location and climate. However, since the archipelago has limited access to permanent freshwater sources, available freshwater depends on rainfall. Unfortunately, information is scarce regarding the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall in the Galápagos, making it challenging to fully comprehend short- and long-term rainfall patterns and changes.  This is particularly important considering extreme rainfall events caused by climate change, as highlighted in the IPCC report. IPCC emphasizes that the increased frequency and severity of extreme events caused by climate change impact the destruction and harm to both nature and people. 

For such regions, satellite-based rainfall products potentially represent a source of reliable and area-wide data on rainfall. Therefore, the aim of this project is to develop the Galápagos Rainfall Retrieval (GRR) product;, a new satellite-based algorithm for retrieving rainfall in Galapagos archipelago. The GRR has the potential to provide high spatio-temporal resolution rainfall data (2 km, 10 min) in near real-time for the study region. 


The GRR algorithm combines physical methods with machine learning techniques using sequences of Geostationary Earth Orbit infrared (GEO-IR) images to retrieve both cold season Garua drizzle and warm season convective rainfall. The algorithm comprises of two main steps. i) Rain area delineation: a threshold technique and spectral spatial analysis are utilized to identify areas with cloud cover and differentiate between low, middle, and high clouds. Following this, a slope test and machine learning algorithm are used to classify cloud-covered areas and identify low stratus/Garua drizzle and potentially convective core regions. The convective cores are then evaluated to determine whether they are decaying or not, and subsequently labeled as stratiform rain or active convective cores, respectively. ii) Rain rate assignment is carried out by training random forest regression models separately for convective and stratiform cells, based on microwave-only IMERG-V06 rainfall data. To train rainfall rates for Garua detected regions, CloudSat and the newly installed automated weather station (AWS) network from DARWIN project is utilized. 


The GRR product is set to be developed between 1/1/2022-1/1/2023 and then applied to the entire available GOES-16 dataset. Independent microwave-only IMERG-V06 rainfall data and AWS network with a high temporal resolution of 10 minutes will be used for validation purposes. The AWS network will cover W-E and luff-lee transects over three islands (Isabela, S. Cruz, S. Cristóbal). 

 The poster will present the overall structure of the GRR algorithm and some first results of the rain area delineation.  

How to cite: Turini, N., Delgado Maldonado, B., and Bendix, J.: Galapagos Rainfall retrieval using multispectral GOES-16 infrared brightness temperature _ Part 1: Rainfall area delineation, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-392, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-392, 2023.

Precipitation Intensity & Variability Over UAE – Connection with Indian Ocean SST
Saif Awadh and Sultan Al Hadhrami
Lenka Crhova, Anna Valeriánová, and Stanislava Kliegrová

Changes in frequency and intensity of precipitation belong to important potential impacts of climate change. Moreover, characteristics of short-term rainfalls, especially their intensity and design values, are very important for technical (e.g., sewage system) and hydrological practice. However, the measurement of rainfall intensity and related data processing are fairly complicated.

The rainfall intensity has been regularly measured in the Czech Republic since 1898 with a few manual pluviographs. Automatic rain gauges started to replace them in the late 1990s. Nowadays, a large part of historical pluviographs records has been digitalized. Both the digitalized pluviographs records and the automatic rain gauge measurement provide rainfall series in temporal resolution of 1 minute. Concerning the joined series of these two types of measurement, the relatively long series of rainfall intensity are available. The series longer than 60 years are available for 20 stations of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute.

In our contribution, we focus on changes in characteristics of short-term rainfalls of varying duration (10–360 min) at a few selected stations with the longest series of measurement. Differences among short-term rainfall datasets gained from different sub-periods of the whole measurement period are analyzed. Besides datasets characteristics (e.g., annual maxima, numbers of rainfalls above a threshold) the return levels estimated from different sub-periods are compared. As the joined manual pluviographs and automatic rain gauge series are considered, a potential inhomogeneity caused by the change of the type of measurement needs to be studied and a possibility to use these series in long-term analyses needs to be discussed.

How to cite: Crhova, L., Valeriánová, A., and Kliegrová, S.: Changes in short-term rainfall characteristics in long station series, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-234, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-234, 2023.

Karianne Ødemark and Ole Einar Ellingbø Tveito

The occurrence of extreme precipitation events causing surface water excess and flooding is becoming an increasing societal expense due to the rise in precipitation levels. It is therefore crucial to understand and get better knowledge about extreme precipitation events to predict their likelihood and frequency, as well as to estimate design values for critical infrastructure and constructions. 

Analysis of extreme precipitation events requires long timeseries, which can be challenging using conventional or relatively short observational data records. To increase the event sample size we have applied a data set from the numerical seasonal prediction system SEAS5 at ECMWF. The data were fitted to a GEV-distribution and compared to an equivalent GEV-distribution for the gridded observational data set SeNorge. A method to estimate return values by combining the two datasets, taking advantage of the large sample size from SEAS5 and the spatial distribution from SeNorge is proposed. By using a normalized "growth curve" from both data sets and the location parameter from SeNorge the correct level of the frequency curve for short return periods is determined. An additional correction to the scale parameter was employed to ensure appropriate levels of the curve for return values at longer return periods, based on a spatial adjustment factor. 

The resulting return value estimates are considered to be more robust than previous calculated estimates, due to the inherited small confidence interval from SEAS5. We compare the new estimates of long return period values with existing values for PMP (Probable Maximum Precipitation), where we also evaluate the spatial variability of the traditional method for PMP values, which are point estimates, to the new spatially consistent approach. 

How to cite: Ødemark, K. and Tveito, O. E. E.: Return values for extreme precipitation in Norway - a comparison of estimates from a new approach combining ensemble data and gridded observations to PMP values, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-367, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-367, 2023.

Markus Ziese, Elke Rustemeier, Udo Schneider, Peter Finger, Astrid Heller, Raphaele Schulze, Magdalena Zepperitz, Siegfried Fränkling, Bruno Heller, Jan Nicolas Breidenbach, Tanja Winterrath, and Stephanie Hänsel

The Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) was established in 1989 on request of WMO at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD). Under WMO auspice, it collects in situ precipitation data. Those data are quality controlled and stored in a relational data bank system. High-quality gridded precipitation analyses are produced based on these data and are made publicly available at DWD’s OpenData-Server. Using these data, a near-real time global drought index was developed to support drought monitoring. The access and usage of those data sets is not restricted.

GPCC’s drought index (GPCC-DI) combines the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). The combination is needed, as none of both indices is globally useable due to technical limitations or near-real time data availability. The SPI is based on precipitation observations and not applicable in very dry regions. The reason lies in the fact that the gamma distribution fitted to those data cannot be standardized. The SPEI uses the water balance for the detection of droughts and therefore needs an estimation of the potential evapotranspiration (PET). Only simple parameterizations, like the one developed by Thornthwaite using only temperature data, can be applied in near-real time due to limited accessibility of data. A disadvantage of this parameterization, however, are the unrealistic PET estimates in cold regions inhibiting applicability in those areas. The combination of SPI and SPEI fills the gaps of each other and provides a global overview except for only a few places being both cold and dry, e.g. some mountain tops in the Andes and Himalayas.

One potential drawback in station-based analysis is that time-series suffer from gaps due to missing readings, instrument malfunctions, maintenance, and transmission problems. Some stations are retired and therefore not available anymore for real-time analyses, while new stations have too short time-series to calculate reliable statistics needed in the calculation of SPI and SPEI. To overcome these limitations, gridded input data providing reliable long time series are used from the GPCC for precipitation and NOAA’s Climate Prediction Centre (CPC) for air temperature, respectively.

Impacts of water shortages in various sectors happen on different time scales. Therefore, the GPCC-DI is calculated for several accumulation periods from one month up to four years. The resulting data set covers the period from 1952 to 2013. Since 2013, near-real time updates have been done on a monthly basis. GPCC-DI is provided via DWD’s OpenData-Server.

The paper presents the methodology and analyses of drought events.

How to cite: Ziese, M., Rustemeier, E., Schneider, U., Finger, P., Heller, A., Schulze, R., Zepperitz, M., Fränkling, S., Heller, B., Breidenbach, J. N., Winterrath, T., and Hänsel, S.: A global historical and near-real time drought index from the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC), EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-312, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-312, 2023.

Blaine Lowry, Andreas Hoy, Hossein Hashemi, and Kaarel Karolin

Project Background: The RadClim BSR project aims to establish the feasibility of developing a radar-based precipitation climatology in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). The project involves partners in countries across the BSR including Sweden, Estonia and Poland. The status of radar data archiving, utility of the data, and any data harmonisation requirements across the partner countries and the BSR in general are being investigated. Partners in Sweden, Estonia and Poland are acting as country coordinators, reaching out to a large range of actors to thoroughly explore their needs pertaining to radar climatology, utilising a user needs survey (ongoing through spring 2023). Consultations with the national weather services in Germany and Finland, who have already undertaken steps in radar climatology development, are aiding in ensuring best practices are adhered to. This seed project has the intention of laying the framework for the full development of a radar climatology (datasets and visualisations) spanning the BSR, relevant for a large range of actors in the near future.

EMS contribution: At EMS 2023, we will present the results of the user needs survey that was distributed to a wide range of relevant actors in the project partner countries of Sweden, Estonia and Poland. The surveys were translated into each countries official language before being distributed, to maximise participation and ensure all representatives who should offer their perspective could, regardless of English language capacity. The survey results demonstrate user group priorities for the development of such a radar based precipitation dataset and tool, in terms of both content and format. Through to the end of the project in early 2024, the results from this survey will be fully summarised and will then form the basis for the future development of a trans-national radar-based precipitation climatology across the entire BSR.

How to cite: Lowry, B., Hoy, A., Hashemi, H., and Karolin, K.: RadClim BSR - Towards a Radar-based Precipitation Climatology for the Baltic Sea Region, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-385, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-385, 2023.

Firat Testik and Rupayan Saha

This study utilizes an optical-type disdrometer, called High-speed Optical Disdrometer (HOD), that we recently developed for precipitation microphysics observations and investigates raindrop collisions through HOD’s high-speed video observations during rainfall events.  HOD’s innovative technology enables capturing high-resolution sequential images of the same hydrometeor multiple times as it passes through the measuring volume.  Hydrometeor characteristics are then accurately measured via digital processing of the recorded images.  HOD offers unique observational capabilities such as, for the case of raindrops as hydrometeors, observations of raindrop oscillations and collisions as well as high-accuracy measurements of relevant characteristics.  This study focuses mostly on raindrop collisions observed during rainfall events using HOD.  Raindrop collision rates and outcomes are important quantities for applications such as raindrop size distribution (DSD) modeling in hydrological and meteorological models.  Direct field observations of these quantities have not been available due to the technological limitations of the existing disdrometer technologies, and HOD’s measurement capabilities provided us the opportunity to investigate these quantities through field observations.  Rainfall events considered in this study were observed during a 3-year long field campaign conducted at our outdoor rainfall laboratory located on the West campus of the University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas, USA.  This field campaign provided a dataset on collision observations that extended the small number of raindrop collision observations that we had previously reported as the first-time raindrop collision observations to visually demonstrate the presence of raindrop collisions in rainfall events.  We will provide an overview of this high-resolution disdrometer technology and present our observations on raindrop collisions with discussions on our findings and their applications.  This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. AGS-1741250.

How to cite: Testik, F. and Saha, R.: High-speed Video Observations for Precipitation Microphysics:  Case of Raindrop Collisions, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-621, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-621, 2023.