OSA1.1 | Forecasting, nowcasting and warning systems
Forecasting, nowcasting and warning systems
Conveners: Timothy Hewson, Yong Wang | Co-conveners: Bernhard Reichert, Fulvio Stel
| Wed, 04 Sep, 16:00–17:15 (CEST)|Lecture room B5, Thu, 05 Sep, 09:00–17:15 (CEST)|Lecture room B5
| Attendance Wed, 04 Sep, 18:00–19:30 (CEST) | Display Wed, 04 Sep, 08:00–Thu, 05 Sep, 13:00
Orals |
Wed, 16:00
Wed, 18:00
This session presents and explores the increasingly sophisticated systems developed to aid, and often automate, the forecasting and warning process. The rapid proliferation of data available, including probabilistic and rapidly-updating NWP as well as a plethora of observations, combined with a growing appreciation of user needs and the importance of timely and relevant forecasts, has brought the development of these systems to the fore. The opportunities afforded by the WMO's HiWeather programme will also be discussed in this session.

Topics may include:
• Nowcasting systems
• Links to severe weather and severe weather impacts
• Automated first guess warning systems
• Post-processing techniques
• Seamless deterministic and probabilistic forecast prediction
• Use of machine learning and other advanced analytic techniques
• Can output of data-driven (AI) models contribute to warning systems?

Orals: Wed, 4 Sep | Lecture room B5

Chairpersons: Yong Wang, Bernhard Reichert, Aitor Atencia
Early warning
Onsite presentation
Kathrin Feige, Sebastian Altnau, Falk Anger, Manuel Baumgartner, Bodo Erhardt, Anne Felsberg, Michael Hoff, Martin Klink, Thomas Kratzsch, Andreas Lambert, Dinah Kristin Leschzyk, Benedikt März, Heiko Niebuhr, Linda Noël, Kira Riedl, Christoph Sauter, Reik Schaab, Christian Vogel, Kathrin Wapler, and Renate Hagedorn

With RainBoW ("Risk-based, Application-oriented and INdividualizaBle delivery of Optimized Weather warnings”), the German Meteorological Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst/DWD) launched a program to renew its weather warning system. The overarching goal of the program is to tailor weather warnings more strongly towards the needs of end users, thus enabling the recipients to make informed decisions using the information provided. Specifically, we are working on three fields of action to achieve this. First, we want to increase the forecasting horizon of weather warnings to inform users early on. For this, we are implementing a probabilistic warning trend covering up to seven days and showing the likelihood of a specific warning to occur. It should transition as seamlessly as possible into an actively distributed warning. Second, we want to improve the comprehensibility of our weather warnings. This includes strengthening the consistency of warning criteria across all warning elements. Beyond this, we intend to improve the perception by shifting the communication focus away from the meteorological description of an event towards the associated weather impacts. For the latter, besides restructuring the warning text towards a more prominent placement of recommendations for action, we also plan to establish a data-driven approach resulting in illustrative impact description to add to that text. Third, we want to individualize our weather warnings, since the warning criteria for the general public do not neccesarily meet the needs of specialized user groups (e.g. professional users). For specific weather-dependent use cases, hazard-inducing thresholds can be individual for the application at hand. To cover for this, we are developing a warning portal serving as a warning toolbox for end users, with the possibility to configure, receive and visualize warnings as needed. 

This contribution will give an overview over the goals of the RainBoW program at DWD, including specific updates on current developments in all three fields of action.

How to cite: Feige, K., Altnau, S., Anger, F., Baumgartner, M., Erhardt, B., Felsberg, A., Hoff, M., Klink, M., Kratzsch, T., Lambert, A., Leschzyk, D. K., März, B., Niebuhr, H., Noël, L., Riedl, K., Sauter, C., Schaab, R., Vogel, C., Wapler, K., and Hagedorn, R.: One step closer to the RainBoW: First results from the development of a new weather warning system at the German Meteorological Service, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-741, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-741, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Joshua Dorrington, Christian M. Grams, Federico Grazzini, Linus Magnusson, Frédéric Vitart, and Marta Wenta

The ever-increasing complexity and data volumes of numerical weather prediction demands innovations in the analysis and synthesis of operational forecast data, in particular in the context of warnings of extreme events.

Here we discuss how dynamical thinking can offer directly applicable forecast information for early warnings of extreme events. We present the semi-automated framework “DOMINO” which allows identifying globally, in any variable of the ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis, the robust, and statistically significant dynamical precursor patterns to any type of meteorological event on the meso-α to synoptic scale O(200-2000 km). We call these patterns “event-prone regime” (EPR) and develop a scalar index which allows a very easy monitoring of “EPR activity”. Computing this index for all members of ECMWF’s medium- and extended-range ensemble forecasting system provides a massive simplification of the forecast information. This enables not only early warnings for the potential of an extreme events, but also allows us to derive the physical forecasting storyline for the unfolding of a given potential extreme. This storyline can help identify predictability barriers well before an extreme and assess when the ensemble spread reduces and thus when the forecast scenario becomes more reliable.

We will demonstrate this workflow in case studies in particular for the extreme north Italian flooding of May 2023. We show in ECMWF medium-range forecasts that an EPR perspective was able to identify the growing possibility of the Emilia-Romagna extreme event eight days beforehand – four days earlier than the direct precipitation forecast. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a cyclogenesis near New Foundland posed a predictability barrier. Only once the details about this cyclogenesis verified did all ensemble members converge towards the extreme event.  We conclude that dynamical precursors identified through the respective EPR prove well-suited for monitoring the potential unfolding of an extreme event in the medium-range as well as in the extended-range. In addition, through identifying and interpreting predictability barriers, the EPRs approach provides important additional guidance to forecasters in the early warning process. 


Dorrington, J., Wenta, M., Grazzini, F., Magnusson, L., Vitart, F., and Grams, C.: Precursors and pathways: Dynamically informed extreme event forecasting demonstrated on the historic Emilia-Romagna 2023 flood, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-415, 2024.

Dorrington, J., Grams, C., Grazzini, F., Magnusson, L. & Vitart, F. (2024) Domino: A new framework for the automated identification of weather event precursors, demonstrated for European extreme rainfall. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 150(759), 776–795. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.4622

Federico Grazzini, Joshua Dorrington, Christian M. Grams, George C. Craig, Linus Magnusson, Frederic Vitart  Grazzini, 2024: Improving forecasts of precipitation extremes over Northern and Central Italy using machine learning. In review for Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society  Available from:  https://arxiv.org/html/2402.06542v1

How to cite: Dorrington, J., Grams, C. M., Grazzini, F., Magnusson, L., Vitart, F., and Wenta, M.: Increasing lead time for early warnings through dynamically informed forecasting of extreme events and monitoring predictability barriers , EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-641, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-641, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Kira Riedl, Christian Vogel, Björn Reetz, Reik Schaab, Linda Noel, Heiko Niebuhr, and Kathrin Feige

Weather warnings are often based on a catalog of hazard-related meteorological thresholds. However, there are weather-dependent applications that need warnings beyond these fixed criteria. In the course of the program RainBoW ("Risk-based, Application-oriented and INdividualizaBle delivery of Optimized Weather warnings") by the German Meteorological Service (DWD), a key field of action is to provide individualized weather warnings to account for specialized application-dependent needs. This will be realized through a warning portal ("DWD-Warnportal"), in which users with specific requirements may configure profiles with individual warning criteria matching their particular use case in terms of warning thresholds and considered areas.

A current light-weight prototype version of the DWD warning portal allows the automated evaluation of probabilistic warning information for a set of preconfigured profiles containing warning criteria that partly differ from the standard warnings of the DWD for the general public. To obtain a final product tailored to the needs of specialized users, access to the prototype was granted to a group of test users from various areas of expertise. This group includes, among others, experts from the field of disaster control, energy network operation, forestry offices, media and academic research. Their feedback through regular user workshops and questionnaires is then used as a guidance to prioritize which additional features should be implemented and in which order. As requested by the test users, the first individual aspect implemented in the prototype is the warning location, which may be defined by an address, geographical coordinates or a GeoJSON polygon. For future releases, it is planned to provide persistent user-configurable profiles, in which the warning thresholds may be adjusted to individual use cases.

How to cite: Riedl, K., Vogel, C., Reetz, B., Schaab, R., Noel, L., Niebuhr, H., and Feige, K.: Individualized weather warnings in the DWD warning portal prototype, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-687, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-687, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Yann Fabel, Dominik Schnaus, Bijan Nouri, Stefan Wilbert, Niklas Blum, Luis F. Zarzalejo, Julia Kowalski, and Robert Pitz-Paal

Short-term variations in PV power are an increasingly important challenge for solar energy integration. By anticipating sudden changes in irradiance caused by passing clouds, all-sky imager-based solar nowcasting can help address this challenge. However, the utility of nowcasting systems is highly dependent on the quality of the forecast. While recent data-driven models have shown great potential in standard forecast metrics such as root-mean-square error (RMSE) and forecast skill, they tend to produce smoothed forecast curves and may not be well suited to detect ramps. An alternative data-driven approach lies in generative modeling. Instead of forecasting solar irradiance directly from available data, like radiometer measurements or sky images, we propose a two-step method to predict cloud dynamics and irradiance separately.

Using novel denoising diffusion models [1], we show that realistic sequences of sky images can be generated. By conditioning video prediction on the latest acquired sky images, plausible future sky conditions are produced. In contrast to traditional methods that only predict cloud motion, changes in cloud shape can also be represented. Another advantage of diffusion-based video prediction is the versatility of possible outcomes. By introducing samples of random noise during inference, the model generates different outputs that vary depending on the conditioned input.

In the second step, we apply an irradiance model to the generated synthetic sky images. Each image is processed independently and returns a corresponding irradiance value. Thus, an irradiance distribution can be obtained from the samples of synthetic sky images for each lead time. As a result, the uncertainty of the forecast can be estimated, since a larger variation of synthetic sky images will lead to a larger distribution of corresponding irradiance.

We evaluate our novel generative nowcasting approach not only on standard forecast metrics, but especially on its ability to detect ramp events. Preliminary results already indicate that such a generative video prediction on sky images in combination with an irradiance model can overcome the problem of smoothed forecast curves [2]. Furthermore, the intermediate results of synthetic sky images enhance interpretability, and the generation of varying scenarios enables probabilistic forecasting.


[1] Ho, Jonathan, Ajay Jain, and Pieter Abbeel. "Denoising diffusion probabilistic models." Advances in neural information processing systems 33 (2020): 6840-6851.

[2] Paletta, Quentin, Guillaume Arbod, and Joan Lasenby. "Benchmarking of deep learning irradiance forecasting models from sky images–An in-depth analysis." Solar Energy 224 (2021): 855-867.

How to cite: Fabel, Y., Schnaus, D., Nouri, B., Wilbert, S., Blum, N., Zarzalejo, L. F., Kowalski, J., and Pitz-Paal, R.: Leveraging Generative Models for ASI-based Solar Nowcasting, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-892, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-892, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Anniina Korpinen, Leila Hieta, and Mikko Partio

The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) has developed the Smartmet Nowcast (SNWC) system to provide accurate and timely nowcast information to end-users in the Scandinavian forecast domain. SNWC combines observation-based data with the NWP nowcast model and integrates it with the 10-day forecast, ensuring rapid and automated weather forecast production. 

SNWC was integrated into FMI's operational forecast production pipeline in 2021, initially focusing on key parameters like temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation, and total cloud cover. Different methodologies were used to handle the diverse characteristics of these parameters. Over time, the system has evolved to include machine learning techniques, incorporating new parameters like thunder probability and wind gusts into the production process since autumn 2023. 

The thunder probability nowcast follows a methodology similar to pySTEPS commonly used for radar-based nowcasts. This involves generating a present state based on observed lightning and creating a nowcast based on motion vector fields. Before blending the thunder nowcast with the operative forecast, a four-hour nowcast with 15-minute timesteps is created, part of the high-resolution nowcast family (HRNWC) alongside total cloud cover and precipitation accumulation. This thunder probability nowcast information is then integrated temporally with NWP data to account for dynamic evolution. 

Even though the thunder probability nowcast is created with quite simple methods, it has improved accuracy and quality of thunder nowcast greatly. This is mainly due to the systems ability to incorporate the observed lighting information with NWP forecast in high updating frequency of 15 minutes. The high time frequency is some way covering a lack of convection, but generating convection producing system might evolve thunder probability nowcast even further. 

How to cite: Korpinen, A., Hieta, L., and Partio, M.: Thunder probability nowcast, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-471, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-471, 2024.

Orals: Thu, 5 Sep | Lecture room B5

Chairpersons: Bernhard Reichert, Aitor Atencia, Yong Wang
Onsite presentation
Guido Schröder, Manuel Baumgartner, Cristina Primo, and Susanne Theis

Forecasting lightning is generally challenging for numerical weather models with parameterized convection. Nonetheless, for the aviation industry reliable lightning forecasts are needed for larger domains for which running convection permitting models is not feasible yet. For models with coarser resolution, parameterizations exist that derive the potential for lightning based on the model's convection scheme. One example is the subgrid-scale lightning potential index (LPI, Schröder et al. 2022). However, this index inherits model biases such as a biased onset of convection.  Furthermore, for ensemble prediction systems, the spread of the LPI is not calibrated either. Baumgartner et al. (2023) have shown that applying a neural network within the European domain can correct model errors like the wrong timing as well as the ensemble spread. Nevertheless, applying this approach to the global domain leads to further challenges, e.g. the different behaviour of the numerical model in different climatological regions of the world. From a technical point of view, a global product needs to be trained on significantly larger datasets. Furthermore, after an update of the numerical model usually only a few months of data are available for (re-)training which is inherently a biased dataset. 

In this work it is shown how to deal with these challenges by using the global ensemble prediction system of ICON. The global lightning data of Vaisala (GLD360, 3) serves as ground truth. A key component of the neural network is a climate feature that allows the neural network to differentiate between the different climatological regions. This is accompanied by features like solar elevation and local time. The benefits of these new features/predictors are shown using the Brier score. The diurnal cycle, as well as region dependent climatological biases, are corrected. It is also shown that even without the availability of training data for a whole year, the neural network can learn corrections e.g. from the northern hemisphere summer and apply them to the southern hemisphere summer and vice versa.


(1) Schröder et al., 2022: Subgrid scale Lightning Potential Index for ICON with parameterized convection. Reports on ICON (10), DOI: https://doi.org/10.5676/dwd_pub/nwv/icon_010 .

(2) Baumgartner, M., Schröder, G., and Primo, C.: Forecasting lightning probabilities derived from the Lightning Potential Index using neural networks, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-34, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-34, 2023.

(3) https://www.vaisala.com/en/products/systems/lightning/gld360

How to cite: Schröder, G., Baumgartner, M., Primo, C., and Theis, S.: Challenges in training neural networks for global lightning probability forecasts, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-475, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-475, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Anne Felsberg, Daniel Koser, Sebastian Brune, Björn Breitenbach, Manuel Baumgartner, and Martin Klink

In 2022, the German Meteorological Service (DWD) started the program RainBoW (“Risk-based, Application-oriented and INdividualizaBle delivery of Optimized Weather warnings”) aiming at a rework of the warning system. Among others, one important goal of the program is to extend the forecast horizon of warnings in order to inform authorities and the general public early-on about possible hazardous weather. This so-called “warning trend” is envisioned for all warning parameters, but has been explored first for wind gusts. In this contribution, the outline of the prototype for wind gusts, that is already available and running in a test mode, will be presented.

One of the main features of the prototype is its modularity, i.e. it consists of several different components which are tied together with modern messaging techniques. The wind gust prototype is based on data of DWD's inhouse model ICON, but is easily extensible to other data sources. It combines ensemble data from all ICON model versions to allow the construction of a warning trend up to 7 days. This comprises the local area version for Germany (ca. 2 km spatial resolution and forecast up to 48 hours), the EU version (ca. 13 km spatial resolution and forecast up to 120 hours) and the global version (ca. 26 km resolution and forecast up to 180 hours). After spatial and temporal aggregation of the individual model data, exceedance probabilities for given warning thresholds are computed and combined into a single, coherent warning trend dataset. Since this warning trend dataset changes with each new model run, an additional post-processing step is necessary to reduce the inherent jumpiness. Overall, the prototype thereby provides a smooth, automated wind gust warning trend.

How to cite: Felsberg, A., Koser, D., Brune, S., Breitenbach, B., Baumgartner, M., and Klink, M.: A prototype for automated wind gust warnings, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-645, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-645, 2024.

Online presentation
A Comparative Analysis of Nowcasting Floods with Augmented Data
Özlem Baydaroğlu and Ibrahim Demir
Onsite presentation
Nicolau Pineda, Ferran Fabró, Helen San Segundo, Joan Montanyà, David Romero, Oscar A. van der Velde, and Jesús Alberto López

In order to overcome the legacy of perceiving lightning information as tertiary in importance for weather surveillance tasks, this study documents severe weather signatures observed by the largest Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) network operating in Europe. Weather offices like Servei Meteorològic of Catalunya (SMC) are taking advantage of total lightning data in real-time in the short-term forecast process, as well as for the automatic generation of severe weather warnings.

The joint venture of the Polytechnical University of Catalonia (UPC) and the SMC has allowed the deployment of a network of more than 20 LMA stations to cover Catalonia and its surroundings (NE of the Iberian Peninsula).

The LMA system locates the impulsive very high frequency (VHF) breakdown processes produced by the lightning channels. Each LMA station records the time and magnitude of the electromagnetic radiation received in successive 80 μs intervals and relays, in real-time, this information to the base station. With data from 5 or more stations, processed with the time-of-arrival technique, the system calculates the horizontal, vertical, and temporal location of each source. Typically, hundreds of sources per flash can be reconstructed, which in turn produces accurate three-dimensional lightning image maps. Indeed, these VHF sources then can be used for various operational products in either their raw form (i.e., source densities) or recombined into flashes.

Since lightning discharges tends to connect opposite charged parts of storm, plots of the density of LMA resolved sources reveal features of severe-storm structure, complementary to those revealed by the weather radar. Animations of lightning density can reveal strong updrafts (overshooting tops, V-shaped patterns), storm intensification (lightning jump) and early stages of a mesocyclone (transient minimum in lightning density, also named lightning “holes”).

In this work, LMA severe weather signatures are presented, corresponding to tornadic supercells and large hail events occurred during the 2023 thunderstorm season.

How to cite: Pineda, N., Fabró, F., San Segundo, H., Montanyà, J., Romero, D., van der Velde, O. A., and López, J. A.: Operational use of the Lightning Mapping Array for tracking, nowcasting and warning about severe weather, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-233, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-233, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Rainer Kaltenberger

The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) is a key XML-based standard (ITU-T Recommendation X. 1303, governed by the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee, EMTC) for alerting all-hazards via all-media and one of the backbones of the UN Early Warnings For All (EW4All) Initiative. Several high level documents refer to "high-quality of CAP alerts" needed in order warning messages are able to reach as many people at risk as possible in near real-time and via various channels, including re-distributors such as Google, Apple or mobile alerting techniques such as Cell Broadcast (CB). Yet comprehensive guidelines for designers and developers of CAP-based Early Warning Systems are lacking, especially when it comes to the quality aspect of CAP alerts, leading to various obstacles when developing and deploying integrated CAP-based Early Warning Systems. Among other factors, this creates a considerable knowledge gap, significantly impacting the effectiveness of Early Warning Systems and hindering the development of open source solutions and thus sustainability of investments from donor organizations. This contribution provides an overview of what CAP is, what advantages and challenges are associated with CAP, how CAP alerts are generated and aggregated at regional and global level, which contentwise and technical aspects are needed to be met to ensure high-quality of CAP alerts, specific requirements of major re-distributors as well as recent initiatives and publications in that wider field. Finally key actors involved in the Early Warnings For All initiative are invited to jointly work on guidelines and common practices towards effective CAP-based Early Warning Systems outputting high-quality CAP.

How to cite: Kaltenberger, R.: Quality Aspects of Effective CAP-based Early Warning Systems, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-1005, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-1005, 2024.

Seamless prediction
Onsite presentation
Ulrich Blahak and the Team SINFONY

DWD's new Seamless Integrated Forecasting system (SINFONY) is currently targeted to improve very-short-range forecasting of intense convective events from observation time up to 12h ahead for Germany.
There are different optimal forecast methods for different forecast lead times. The idea is to improve and combine them in an optimal way, including uncertainty information via ensembles.

For this, seamless ensemble forecast products in observation space are produced, i.e., radar reflectivity composites, precipitation fields and convective cell objects, as well as informations
on the probability  of hazards like heavy precipitation, hail, wind gusts and lightning. These hopefully contribute to improve DWD's meteorological warnings (forecasters, automated systems) as
well as warnings of the German flood forecasting authorities.

In the last seven years we developed in an interdisciplinary team 

1) radar Nowcasting ensembles for areal precipitation, reflectivity (STEPS-DWD) and convective
cell objects including hail and life cycle information (KONRAD3D-EPS) with good forecast quality up to 1-2 hours,

2) a new regional NWP ICON-ensemble model (ICON-RUC-EPS) with assimilation of 3D radar volumes, cell objects, Meteosat VIS and IR channels and hourly new
forecasts on the km-scale, whose quality exceeds Nowcasting after forecast hour 1-2,

3) to get the best of both worlds for our customers, optimal probabilistic and ensemble combinations ("blending") of Nowcasting and NWP ensemble forecasts in observation space,
which constitute the seamless forecasts of the SINFONY. Gridded combined precipitation and reflectivity ensembles are targeted towards hydrologic warnings.
Combined Nowcasting- and NWP cell object ensembles help evolve DWD’s warning process
for convective hazards towards flexible “warn-on-objects.

4) Common Nowcasting and NWP verification systems to help continuously improve the SINFONY components.

For 2), efficient forward operators for radar volumes and visible/infrared satellite data enable
direct operational assimilation of these data in an LETKF framework. Advanced model physics (2-moment bulk microphysics with prognostic hail)
contribute to an improved forecast of convective clouds.

For 3), the ICON-RUC-EPS forecasts output simulated reflectivity volume scan ensembles of the German radar
network every 5’. Radar composites and KONRAD3D cell objects and their tracks are generated by the exact same methods as in the Nowcasting. These are seamlessly combined with
the STEPS-DWD- and KONRAD3D-EPS Nowcasts - resting upon the improvements for Nowcasting (1) and NWP (2).

Meanwhile the system has matured and is in the process of operational installation. A number of its components have been run continuously during
the last four convective seasons. This presentation will give a short overview on the system
status and its performance during the last years, as well as our future plans to enlarge lead time beyond 12h and to broaden the focus to other weather phenomena (renewables, air-traffic-related, winter), i.e., by integrating modern satellite data (MTG, IRS) into the system.

How to cite: Blahak, U. and the Team SINFONY: Current status of SINFONY – The combination of nowcasting and numerical weather prediction for forecasting convective events at DWD, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-178, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-178, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Aitor Atencia, Bernhard Reichert, Yong Wang
Onsite presentation
Aitor Atencia, Markus Dabernig, and Thomas Muschinski

This abstract presents a new forecasting system aimed at providing seamless and calibrated predictions of high-impact weather events, tailored to the needs of hydrological services, forecasters, and civil protection agencies for effective early-warnings. Focused on thunderstorms, flash floods,  extreme temperatures and gusts, the system aims to create a probabilistic nowcasting and short-range forecasting. In order to capture local events such as thunderstorms or wind gusts, the gridded forecasts have a spatial resolution of 500m and a temporal resolution up to 5 min and tailored (scaled) to weather warnings using all the available information at Geosphere Austria.

The first step is creating a probabilistic analysis using data-driven approaches and introducing uncertainty due to data density and external factors such as altitude, orographic factors for temperature or radar beam for spatial distribution of precipitation in high resolution. Afterwards, a radar-based nowcasting technique is employed, leveraging data-driven approaches to account for uncertainty due to external factors such growth and decay for precipitation.

Machine learning allows to merge probabilistic nowcasting with a collection of NWP models, ensuring a robust prediction framework by using the probabilistic analysis.  This merging of various sources of information facilitates seamless transitions between nowcasting and NWP-based forecasts with the goal to improve the reliability of early warnings.

By providing probabilistic forecasts tailored to specific weather warnings, the system is flexible enough to provide specific weather information to different end-users. The information tailored to specific tasks (such as probability of exceedance) of the final probabilistic method is verified against the individual components of the model chain to guarantee the added value of the system in helping the decision making in high-impact weather situations.

How to cite: Atencia, A., Dabernig, M., and Muschinski, T.: Seamless Probabilistic Nowcasting and Short-Range Forecasting for High-Impact Weather Events, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-702, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-702, 2024.

Online presentation
On-Pong Cheung, Yin-Lam Ng, Christy Yan-Yu Leung, and Mang-Hin Kok

The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) has been developing severe weather forecast products for the aviation community in order to provide early and reliable alerts for advance flight route, deviation and flow control planning. This study presents an 8-hour seamless significant convection forecast for the Asia-Pacific region, created by blending the extrapolation-based satellite nowcast with precipitation forecast from either the in-house regional HKO-WRF model or the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) high-resolution model, smoothly transitioning to just the NWP models thereafter.

Our 1-year verification suggested that the blended forecast benefited from heavy reliance on satellite extrapolation at early forecast hours, progressively shifting towards the NWP models as forecast lead time increased, particularly after the fourth hour when the intensity-corrected NWP model forecast outperformed the extrapolation. This study also demonstrated the advantage of the salient cross dissolve (SalCD) technique, which minimised the misses raised from linear blending. In view of the capability of the NWP models, latitude-dependent weights were developed to capture the more rapidly evolving convection at lower latitudes. A specific profile for tropical cyclones was introduced, considering that NWP models performed better with the spiral bands. The blended forecast exhibited improved accuracy compared to using only satellite extrapolation or the NWP output within the forecast period. The findings revealed the potential benefit of blending to enhance accuracy while allowing a seamless transition to the NWP models for longer lead times. In addition to the deterministic blended forecast, probability prediction was explored by perturbing the weights and combining satellite extrapolation with individual ECMWF ensemble members for supporting the decision-making of aviation users.

How to cite: Cheung, O.-P., Ng, Y.-L., Leung, C. Y.-Y., and Kok, M.-H.: Seamless significant convection forecast for aviation, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-632, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-632, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Verena Bessenbacher, Lea Beusch, Jonas Bhend, Irina Mahlstein, Daniele Nerini, and Christoph Spirig

At MeteoSwiss, a suite of Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models is regularly run to provide the data basis for generating weather forecasts and severe weather warnings for the public. These models produce forecasts that differ in spatial resolution and extent as well as initialization frequency and lead time length. We combine those sources into a single probabilistic, gridded weather forecast that is seamless in space and time, without any postprocessing applied. The user can retrieve the seamless forecast at the spatial and temporal resolution, temporal aggregation and spatial extent they need. 

The resulting seamless forecast serves as input data for the Extreme Weather Identifier (EWI), a tool that summarizes the forecasting information focusing on occurrence probabilities of warning levels for different temporal aggregations for severe rain and wind events. 

Since February of this year, the EWI has been delivering three products to the forecasters every time a new seamless forecast becomes available: forecast percentiles (10,50,90), occurrence probabilities of warning levels at grid point level, and for warning regions. Our first systematic feedback collection among forecasters has confirmed that the forecasters appreciate the support by EWI products when deciding whether to issue warnings, with different products being most helpful in different weather conditions.  

We further evaluate the merit of these forecasts quantitatively by analyzing reforecasts of the seamless forecast and the contributing individual models. This happens for a set of past severe weather events over Switzerland. Reforecasts are compared with surface wind and rain observations as well as with a gridded precipitation product that combines radar and rain gauge information.  

In future developments, the EWI will be expanded to produce actual warning proposals for forecasters from this seamless forecast. Furthermore, seamless forecasts are not just desirable in the context of severe weather warnings but also for e.g., drought prediction or hydrological runoff modelling and can facilitate uncertainty communication. Hence, our seamless weather forecast is planned to be disseminated to customers from these sectors as well in the future.

How to cite: Bessenbacher, V., Beusch, L., Bhend, J., Mahlstein, I., Nerini, D., and Spirig, C.: First experiences with a seamless weather forecast for severe weather products at MeteoSwiss, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-423, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-423, 2024.

Forecasting application
Onsite presentation
Estíbaliz Gascón, Xiaohua Yang, Tommaso Benacchio, Fabrizio Baordo, Emy Alerskans, Benoît Vannière, and Irina Sandu

Destination Earth initiative of the European Commission is creating several digital replicas (digital twins) covering different aspects of the Earth system and based on state-of-the-art simulations and observations. One of the digital twins aims to develop two components of Earth's Digital Twin on Weather-induced Extremes (Extremes DT), with both continuous global high-resolution forecasts, developed by ECMWF and on-demand regional simulations, funded by ECMWF and led by Météo-France.

The Global Continuous Extremes DT is engineered to forecast extreme weather events worldwide with unparalleled precision, providing continuous km-scale global high-resolution forecasts. Currently, the Continuous (Global) Extremes DT uses ECMWF's Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) cycle 48r1 with approximately 4.4 km grid-spacing (TCo2559). On the other side, the On-Demand Extremes (DT) offers configurable digital twin engines for forecasting environmental extremes at a sub-km scale regionally and when necessary. It aims at providing an on-demand workflow with co-design of very high-resolution predictions about extreme weather events combined with decision making support for impact sectors. This On-Demand Extremes DT aims to run a hectometric scale forecasting models with a typical resolution of 750 or 500 m, exploring a finer resolution of up to 200 m for special applications where it is meaningful. In the first phase, capability demonstration aims to explore the added values with co-designing workflow combining the continuous and the on-demand Extremes DT, event- or user-driven solutions with weather forecasting on the one hand, and impact sectors on the other hand. As part as this activity is the focus by examining a range of carefully selected high-impact weather events in both Extremes DT to understand the synergies and the added values that each one provides inside of the Extremes DT.

In this presentation, we will showcase a range of extreme weather events where we demonstrate the predictability capacity of both, the Continuous and the On-Demand extremes DT, and the added value of progressive increment of model horizontal resolution. These cases will be focus on European severe weather, like Mediterranean and Atlantic cyclones and the extreme values in surface variables like wind gusts or precipitation, especially convective precipitation, which is generally better represented at sub-grid km-scale. These selected cases will also provide some insights of how useful is to use the Continuous global Extremes DT to initialise the On-Demand DT compared to the current 9km deterministic IFS.

How to cite: Gascón, E., Yang, X., Benacchio, T., Baordo, F., Alerskans, E., Vannière, B., and Sandu, I.: Maximizing added value in extreme weather forecasting: insights from case studies with the Continuous Global and On-Demand Extremes Digital Twins within the Destination Earth initiative, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-272, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-272, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Dan Suri

The last ten to fifteen years have seen a marked growth in the range of forecasting operations-focused Operations-to-Research (O2R) activities at the Met Office. The range and maturity of many of these activities has developed such that in more recent years dedicated resource has been drawn from the chief operational meteorologist community to lead, manage and develop these activities. The goal is to ensure an operational, forecasting-focused perspective is represented in the O2R/R2O (Research to Operations) space.

Here, an overview of the range of activities O2R is active in is presented. Activities can be categorized as follows: process groups providing governance and steering, model evaluation and testbed co-organisation.

A number of process groups exist within the Met Office to draw on senior representation from key areas across the organisation to communicate and seek feedback on plans for requirements, research, development and delivery of new capabilities and upgrades. Interests here extend across a wide range of activities including the interests of NWP and post-processed outputs and some of the associated IT frameworks. O2R are invited to ensure that the plans align with forecasters present and future requirements.

Model evaluation activities effectively fall into two categories, one providing subjective analysis of proposed future model packages and formulations and the other a retrospective assessment of model output. The former process supplements objective evaluation and verification of these packages and formulations, providing an operational perspective as to what they mean to and how they could be used by the forecasting community and how they could be impacted by their introduction. The latter category reviews a log of model performance called the Daily Forecast Assessment, completed by operational teams and then retrospectively assessed if model performance is considered particularly poor. These assessments are reviewed by O2R or O2R subgroups and Met Office Science and informs both the Met Office’s formal model characteristics documentation and model development processes.

Since 2013 the Met Office has run a series of testbeds aimed at allowing operations and researchers to come together to evaluate new tools and share experience, the results then helping drive future developments of forecasting tools. In recent years, O2R has taken a leading role in organising testbeds and delivering their results.

Other O2R activities include helping develop and test new forecasting tools, representation of the operational perspective to internal groups taking a more detailed look at specific elements of model performance, evaluation of impactful weather events to consider model performance, public service warning strategy and verification and forecasting best practice.

How to cite: Suri, D.: Operational Meteorologist-Led O2R Activities at the Met Office (or What I Do When I’m Not Forecasting Weather), EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-433, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-433, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Robert Neal, Helen Titley, Rebekah Sherwin, Steve Willington, Stephen Moseley, Nigel Roberts, Kristine Boykin, John Methven, and Tom Frame

Ensemble clustering is an efficient ensemble post-processing approach that distils an ensemble forecast into its prevalent forecast scenarios by grouping similar ensemble members together - something which is increasingly important in a world where ensemble data volumes are rapidly increasing. The application of a suitable clustering method combined with appropriate forecast visualisation allows a forecaster to effectively focus on the key possible outcomes, simplify the message and characterise and communicate forecast uncertainty more easily. For example, output may be presented as (1) probabilities of each cluster occurring, (2) representative or central members from each cluster showing alternative forecast directions, and (3) probabilities of threshold exceedance under each cluster.

Operationally, the Met Office runs a probabilistic weather pattern forecasting tool called Decider (Neal et al., 2024), where ensemble members are clustered according to their allocation to one of 30 predefined weather patterns (circulation types). This allows for changes in the large-scale circulation to be identified at a range of lead times and is useful for many downstream applications where the same weather patterns have been related to specific impacts. To be used alongside this, a prototype feature-based clustering approach is being trialled, which is the focus of this talk. Here, k-medoids clustering is applied to Fractions Skill Score (FSS) distances between members, using identified features in each member. These features may represent areas of hazardous weather or mesoscale or synoptic features, such as areas of heavy rainfall, damaging wind speeds, or weather fronts. The methods being trialled follow those initially developed by Boykin (2022) in PhD work at the University of Reading in collaboration with the Met Office, and include several post-processing steps. These steps are designed to (1) determine spatial distances between objects and cluster on those distances, (2) identify an optimal number of clusters, (3) identify windows of interest where clusters become more distinct, and (4) identify representative members within each cluster, within the time window, to provide plausible forecast scenarios or evolutions with associated probabilities. Multiple configurations of the prototype feature-based clustering approach have been trialled and early results will be discussed.


Boykin, K.A. (2022) Extracting likely scenarios from Ensemble Forecasts in real time. PhD in Atmosphere, Oceans and Climate, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, DOI: 10.48683/1926.00111270.

Neal, R., Robbins, J., Crocker, R., Cox, D., Fenwick, K., Millard, J., Kelly, J. (2024) A seamless blended multi-model ensemble approach to probabilistic medium-range weather pattern forecasts over the UK. Meteorological Applications, 31(1), e2179.

How to cite: Neal, R., Titley, H., Sherwin, R., Willington, S., Moseley, S., Roberts, N., Boykin, K., Methven, J., and Frame, T.: Operational and prototype ensemble clustering post-processing approaches at the Met Office, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-351, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-351, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Sebastian Trepte and Ralf Schmitz

The Canadian Meteorological Service's road surface model METRo is used by the DWD to simulate road surface temperatures at around 1,500 road weather stations (RWS). The modelled road temperature from METRo, together with other meteorological parameters from Model Output Statistics (MOS), is displayed on operational websites of winter services such as Autobahn GmbH.

The MOS provides a combined statistical interpretation of the IFS-HRES (ECMWF) and ICON (DWD) model forecasts at individual weather stations. The technique is based on multiple linear regressions by minimizing the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). A wide range of model variables are used as predictors, including unobserved variables, as well as surface observations, precipitation radar and lightning detection for nowcasting.

The MOS is used to apply forecasted variables, such as air temperature, dew point, and precipitation parameters, to the METRo. The METRo then calculates the pavement temperature for the next seven days.

The RWS provide temperature data from federal roads, country roads, and international airports. The data undergo automated plausibility checks and are used to train the MOS and in METRo's data assimilation.

The MOS also calculates pavement temperatures. However, it has not been used operationally in the past due to a lack of quality testing. Thanks to years of automatically quality-assured measurement data at the RWS, the MOS can simulate the road temperature fairly well.

The RMSE was used to evaluate the accuracy of the METRo and MOS forecasts. It was based on 2.2 million quality-assured measured and modelled pavement temperatures at around 1,100 RWS stations between November 2023 and January 2024.

The RMSE was averaged over forecast times covering the next day and night, which is crucial for winter services. METRo's RMSE is 1.5°C, indicating high prediction accuracy given the pavement temperature measurement. MOS predictions are even better, with a calculated RMSE of 1.3°C. The largest differences between the models occur at noon and at night. Both models' forecasts are more accurate in regions of Germany where the data quality and quantity of observed pavement temperature at the RWS is higher.

Automated plausibility checks are crucial, as demonstrated by experiences with pavement forecasting in operational and pre-operational mode. If such checks are in place, a MOS can outperform a physical model, even with parameters that are difficult to observe. This is especially relevant for future developments in the field of AI.

How to cite: Trepte, S. and Schmitz, R.: Differences in modelled pavement temperature at German Road Weather Stations, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-148, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-148, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Jing Chen, Mengying Yao, and Feng Chen

Abstract: The 19th Asian Games has been held in Hangzhou, China from 23 September to 8 October 2023 and 22 to 28 October 2023 for Asian Para Games. Heavy rainfall and strong gust wind during the Asian Games have high impact on relevant events, especially on those outdoor activities. How to combine forecast uncertainty and to provide more reliable forecast and early warning services was still one of the major scientific and social challenges. WMO RA II Focal Points on Research intend to initiate a WMO RA II Research Development Project / 19th Hangzhou Asian Games Research Development Project on Convective-scale Ensemble Prediction and Application (HangzhouRDP). The Scientific objectives were as follows:

1) Understand the impact of multi-scale initial errors and model errors on the prediction of high-resolution models and ehe forecast uncertainty of local severe convective weather.

2) Demonstrate the improvement of forecasting and early warning capabilities at sub-kilometer scale and minute scale by utilizing the uncertainty information from ensemble forecast.

3) Develop convective-scale ensemble prediction, postprocessing and verification method at sub-kilometer  meter and minute scale.

4) Share the experience gained with RA II members through training courses.

The project has conducted demonstration and application by developing convective-scale Ensemble Prediction System (EPS, including 1 km deterministic model and 3 km ensemble model) and using minute scale multi-source observations, gain a deep understanding toward the influence of multi-scale initial errors and model errors on high-resolution model forecasts, understand the forecast uncertainty of local severe weather event, demonstrate the improvement of forecast and early warning services of weather events at hundred-meters scale and minute scale brought by uncertainly information of ensemble forecast, and provide technical methods and references for RA II members on carrying out forecast and early warning services of high-impact weather at hundred-meters scale and minute scale.The project was designed to be jointly led by Zhejiang Meteorological Bureau (ZMB) and Centre for Earth System Modeling and Prediction of China Meteorological Administration (CEMC), along with the participation of National Meteorological Centre (NMC), CMA Huafeng Group, and WMO Regional Training Centre Beijing (CMA Training Centre, CMATC). The project expected to run for two years, including system development, data transmission test, ensemble prediction system construction in half a year, and case study and forecast evaluation of societal/economic impact in one and a half years. The project focused on improving 0-36 h forecast and early warning capabilities of local rainfall and wind using uncertainty information from ensemble forecast.

How to cite: Chen, J., Yao, M., and Chen, F.: The introduction of a WMO RA II Research Development Project /19th Hangzhou Asian Games Research Development Project on Convective-scale Ensemble Prediction and Application (HangzhouRDP), EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-10, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-10, 2024.

Lunch break
Chairpersons: Fulvio Stel, Bernhard Reichert, Yong Wang
Onsite presentation
Dan Suri

The Met Office have routinely been producing surface analysis charts operationally since 1872. Early charts bear little resemblance to current operational analyses and evolved through the late 19th and early 20th centuries to take on board evolving concepts and notions, for example Bergen School frontal theory, with fronts starting to appear on these charts in the early 1930s. These charts, and subsequent charts can be found online in Met Office publications such as the Daily Weather Report.

Originally hand-drawn based on surface observations, as forecaster workstations developed in the 1980s and 1990s, production of these charts began to shift to become a wholly workstation-based graphical production process. Currently, the analyst - the duty Principle or Expert Operational Meteorologist in the Met Office's Expert Weather Hub - blends observational and model data to produce the surface pressure field and then uses a range of observational data supplemented by NWP to aid drawing the fronts. Conceptual models considered now extend beyond the Norwegian Cyclone Model to, for example, incorporate Shapiro-Keyser and Browning and Roberts Cyclone Models.

Meanwhile, improvements in satellite and radar imagery and NWP resolution have allowed analyses to become increasingly detailed, revealing structures and detail otherwise not present or immediately obvious in more conventional surface observations. This has undoubtedly led to an increase in detail in Met Office analyses. Concurrently, the scale of some features on the analyses can be relatively small, especially around the UK; this is quite deliberate and necessary as these charts are both used operationally and provide the UK's official weather analysis.

Inspired by questions about how these charts are made from a number of delegates at the EMS Annual Meeting in 2023, this presentation will offer a brief history of the operational surface analysis chart at the Met Office and, as one of the team of operational meteorologists producing these charts, then focus on using real world examples to illustrate the processes by which these human-produced charts are prepared.

That these charts remain human-produced, rather than automated and wholly-objective, is important to appreciate - this is felt to aid continuity between charts, can offer an indication of feature development and for many producing these charts maintains a link between the current and forecast weather situation, i.e. is a necessary part of the forecast process, and on a more romantic level for some of us these charts provide a link with our forefathers and pioneers.

How to cite: Suri, D.: The Met Office's Operational Surface Analysis Chart, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-154, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-154, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Kyung-Su Choo, Seung-Chul Choi, and Byung-Sik Kim

The frequency and intensity of natural disasters, including high winds, floods, and droughts, are being significantly altered by climate change. This increase in activity not only causes immediate damage but also increases the long-term socioeconomic risks associated with these extreme events. As a result, the field of impact-based forecasting has emerged as an important area of research. In contrast to traditional weather forecasting, which is primarily concerned with meteorological elements such as temperature, precipitation, and wind speed, impact-based forecasting aims to predict the potential socioeconomic impacts of weather events in order to better prepare for and mitigate risks. Currently, the majority of research on impact forecasting is focused on major natural disasters such as floods and typhoons, which can cause significant damage to infrastructure and communities. However, there is still a significant gap in research on the impact of high winds on vehicles, particularly in the transportation sector. Although damage in this sector is generally low compared to more catastrophic events, the increasing frequency of high winds due to climate change requires a deeper understanding and assessment of the risks to vehicle safety. In response to this need, we developed three specific indices to assess the risk to vehicles in high wind conditions. These indices were carefully calculated and analysed to identify areas vulnerable to wind-related vehicle accidents. The results effectively recreated areas where these accidents have occurred in the past, confirming the usefulness of the indices in real-world scenarios. Through this research, we hope to lay the groundwork for an objective, data-driven assessment of the risks that high winds pose to drivers, which can better inform policy decisions, improve driver safety measures, and ultimately reduce the number of road accidents and fatalities caused by severe weather. 


This research was support by a (2022-MOIS63-002(RS-2022-ND641012)) of Cooperative Research Method and Safety Management Technology in National Disaster funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety(MOIS, Korea).


How to cite: Choo, K.-S., Choi, S.-C., and Kim, B.-S.: A Study on the Development of Wind Disaster Impact Model Based on Weather GIS Big Data, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-625, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-625, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Antonino Bonanni, James Hawkes, Domokos Sarmany, and Tiago Quintino

Early detection of extreme meteorological events in Numerical Weather Predictions (NWP) brings an intrinsically high societal and economical value by providing precious lead time for putting effective countermeasures in place. For this reason, an increasing number of initiatives are arising to develop the underlying technological solutions. One prominent drive in Europe is the EU flagship initiative Destination Earth (DestinE) to develop highly accurate digital models of the Earth at global scale (Digital Twins).

Under the DestinE initiative, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is developing a mechanism that allows extending data processing functionalities of a NWP model "on-the-fly" (while the model data still resides in memory). This mechanism is based on a software called Plume that allows the development of model functionalities as plugins. Plume plugins are separate software libraries that are loaded dynamically at the beginning of the NWP simulation, access the model data in memory and perform data processing tasks like extreme event detection. This very early access of data in memory through plugins has many advantages, including reducing the detection lead time, avoiding writing output data to disk unnecessarily and promoting collaborative development of plugins to be run with a NWP model.  

The object of this presentation is the development of a Plume plugin that performs Tropical Cyclone detection and tracking. The underlying detection algorithm is based on a Machine Learning model that analyses NWP model data in memory and performs the Tropical Cyclone detection at each iteration of the model. In addition, the plugin notifies an external notification system (Aviso) whenever an extreme event is detected (according to pre-defined criteria, for example a tropical cyclone with intensity above a threshold). This whole mechanism could be used for notifying and triggering appropriate downstream workflows in response of detected events. The Tropical Cyclone detection plugin prototype is demonstrated within the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS).  

In summary, the Plume plugin system can add on-the-fly data processing capabilities to a NWP model through plugins and can be used to implement various data processing tasks including early extreme event detection. Furthermore, a plugin architecture preserves a modular structure of additional NWP data processing functionalities  and guarantees a collaborative development environment.

How to cite: Bonanni, A., Hawkes, J., Sarmany, D., and Quintino, T.: Early Detection of Extreme Events through NWP Plugins, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-175, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-175, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Lea Eisenstein, Joaquim G. Pinto, and Peter Knippertz

Sting jets (SJ) have been a research interest in the extratropical cyclone community for the last two decades. An SJ is a descending airstream that can develop in Shapiro-Keyser-type cyclones, bringing high winds to the surface. As extratropical cyclones are usually accompanied by high wind gusts and heavy precipitation, they are considered one of the most hazardous weather phenomena in Europe, especially during wintertime. While winds are often associated with the warm or cold jet (WJ and CJ, respectively), cold-frontal convection or cold-sector winds, SJs are less common but –if occurring– are often found to have caused the highest gusts.

Recently, we introduced RAMEFI (RAndom-forest-based MEsoscale wind Feature Identification), the first objective and flexible identification tool for high-wind features within cyclones, using a probabilistic random forest. RAMEFI can be applied to observational and gridded datasets independently of spatial distribution based on eight surface parameters. However, it is challenging to distinguish the SJ from the CJ in surface parameters alone, as their characteristics are similar such that the two features have been combined in RAMEFI so far. Nevertheless, the origin and potential for damage differ. While the SJ is a descending air stream originating within the cloud head, the CJ stays at low levels throughout its lifetime. With the descent, the SJ brings high momentum from mid-levels down to the top of the boundary layer or even to the surface. This commonly creates higher winds and gusts and, thus, a separate detection is desirable.

In this work, we aim to extend RAMEFI to identify potential SJs, especially focusing on output from high-resolution numerical weather prediction models. This way we want to create a suitable alternative to the data-intensive and computationally expensive computation of Lagrangian trajectories, the most established SJ identification method. Our approach is based on a simple detection of a coherent three-dimensional region of high winds. We further use relative humidity to ensure the proximity to the cloud head following previous literature and gust speeds to connect the region to actual surface impact. Initial results using model simulations and the deterministic forecast from the German weather service (ICON-EU) show promise, with a high hit and low false alarm rate. The method provides a basis for further refinement and increasing robustness, such that it can be used on different models and resolutions.

How to cite: Eisenstein, L., Pinto, J. G., and Knippertz, P.: Towards a low-cost approach to identify sting jets in numerical models, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-646, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-646, 2024.

Onsite presentation
David Sládek

The expanding user base of meteorological forecasts underscores the growing demand for accurate forecast interpretation, particularly among aviation professional users who rely on various applications and models. Meteorologists often face the questions not only about the reliability of these forecasts but also about the changes users observe during forecast updates. This work proposes a framework of indices aimed at providing users with relevant forecast insights tailored to their specific needs. These indices consider factors such as overall suitability for activities, mission requirements, and the reliability of forecast products. For instance, the Warning Related Source Suitability Index (WSSI) assesses the suitability of TAF forecasts in predicting conditions that meet warning threshold values. Vehicle-related feasibility index (VRFI) presents probability that vehicle with its limits will be able to accomplish the mission. The Source Uncertainty Index (SUI) describes the spread characteristics of the product at a specific time and estimates its ongoing uncertainty when continuously observed by the user. These indexes might be expanded or improved, providing potential for the novel interpretation framework.

Our research involved testing various methods for determining probabilities from numerical model archives, professional landing forecasts and TAF forecasts. The results indicate the superiority of machine learning methods, which achieved accuracy rates up to 10% higher than conditional probability (98% vs 88%) for aviation indices. 

The index framework will help simplify the output of increasingly sophisticated systems and evaluate only relevant information from meteorological big data databases. In the area of decision-making processes, the machine-readable nature of these indices supports integration into automated systems. This enables fast and informed decision making in real time. Overall, this open index system aims to enhance the understanding and trustworthiness of forecast predictions, delivering to both amateur and professional users.

How to cite: Sládek, D.: Forecast Clarity: A User-Focused Index Framework , EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-596, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-596, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Jonas Bhend, Christoph Spirig, Daniele Nerini, Mathieu Schaer, and Lionel Moret

MeteoSwiss has recently introduced multi-model ensemble postprocessing for the automatic production of its local forecasts. While this has allowed to streamline forecast production and resulted in improved forecasts compared with the legacy system, the inclusion of data-driven approaches in the forecasting process also poses unique challenges:

The statistical postprocessing produces probabilistic forecasts that are well calibrated. This often implies that forecast spread is increased compared with the underlying NWP forecasts requiring adaptation of the forecast visualizations and products. For example, producing deterministic weather symbols (pictograms) to summarize the weather evolution throughout the day is a challenge in particular during convective situations when spatio-temporal uncertainty in the forecast is very pronounced even a few hours ahead. A careful retuning of the decision tree to produce weather symbols was a key requirement for the successful introduction of postprocessed forecasts of precipitation and cloud cover.

Initially, the statistical postprocessing has been optimized for general-purpose rather than high-impact weather. In cases of weather warnings there may be notable inconsistencies between the automated forecast based on statistical postprocessing and the official warnings produced by the forecasters. Often, the statistical postprocessing underestimates the intensity of the event whereas the high-resolution NWP better reflects the observed situation. While we are currently further refining our postprocessing to adapt it to severe events, discrepancies between automated forecasts and manually tailored information will remain a communicative challenge. 

Finally, the operational  and organizational challenges of running data-driven approaches are not to be underestimated. Data-driven approaches have to be constantly maintained and monitored to avoid adverse impacts of erroneous observations and other sources of data drift. Furthermore, NWP development cycles and reforecasts for testing need to be co-designed to provide sufficient data for re-training of statistical approaches. Also, the added complexity poses a challenge when seeking to understand unexpected forecast behavior and respond to end-user feedback. While NWP characteristics are quite well known by all development and forecasting teams, knowledge on the specifics of the postprocessing is less well developed in the organization. 

While statistical postprocessing is a key component in automated forecasting, careful design of the system with a keen eye on operational constraints is necessary to manage the additional complexity. With the recent advent and proliferation of data-driven approaches in weather forecasting, we expect such considerations to become increasingly important.

How to cite: Bhend, J., Spirig, C., Nerini, D., Schaer, M., and Moret, L.: Operational multi-model ensemble postprocessing: key challenges and lessons learned, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-637, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-637, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Fulvio Stel, Yong Wang
Onsite presentation
Amélie Neuville, Thomas N. Nipen, Ivar A. Seierstad, Line Båserud, and Cristian Lussana

The MET Nordic dataset, developed by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway), offers high-resolution (1 km) near-surface meteorological variables for Scandinavia, Finland, and the Baltic countries. Derived through statistical post-processing of numerical model outputs, MET Nordic serves two main purposes: historical weather reconstruction and real-time weather monitoring with short-term forecasts. This presentation focuses on the real-time stream (MET Nordic RT), which updates hourly with a 20-minute latency and maintains an operational archive dating back to 2012.

The near-surface variables included in MET Nordic RT are: two-metre temperature, precipitation, air pressure at sea level, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, solar global radiation, long-wave downwelling radiation, cloud area fraction. The dataset combines data from the MetCoOp Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) and diverse observational inputs, including -for temperature and precipitation- crowdsourced data from consumer-grade weather stations managed by citizens. The integration of such opportunistic data sources has enhanced the precision of reconstruction analysis and short-term forecasts, particularly temperature predictions in regions with sparse professional meteorological stations.

This study describes the automatic quality control system employed to vet incoming data, ensuring reliability in statistical processing. The system uses a range of validation techniques—ranging from basic range checks to sophisticated spatial consistency tests via Bayesian inference—to mitigate the risks posed by the inherently variable quality of crowdsourced data. Our findings underscore the importance of treating such data as a network to capitalize on its dense, high-resolution coverage. 

The quality control software, Titanlib, is important to this process and it is freely available for use at https://github.com/metno/titanlib.

The integration of data from Netatmo’s crowdsourced network into MET Nordic can be regarded as a success story. This now heavily influences MET Norway's work on upgrading our main quality control system through the internal project CONFIDENT.

How to cite: Neuville, A., Nipen, T. N., Seierstad, I. A., Båserud, L., and Lussana, C.: Integrating and validating crowdsourced data for improved weather predictions in MET Nordic, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-465, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-465, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Javier Corvillo Guerra, Verónica Torralba, Carmen González Romero, Alba Llabrés-Brustenga, Ana Riviere-Cinnamond, and Ángel G. Muñoz

Aedes-borne diseases, such as dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, pose a grave threat to millions of people worldwide each year. Aware of potential compound effects regarding other important diseases, such as COVID-19, it has become imperative for health authorities to maintain a detailed surveillance of key environmental variables that can trigger epidemic episodes. While disease transmission is generally conditioned by multiple socio-economic factors, the environmental suitability for vectors and viruses to proliferate is a necessary –although not sufficient– condition that needs to be closely monitored and forecasted. As such, a comprehensive service that allows stakeholders to analyse and visualise environmental suitability on affected hotspots is crucial for communities to better prepare in the case of present and future outbreaks.


The newest version of the Aedes-borne Diseases Environmental Suitability (AeDES2) climate-and-health service is a next-generation, fully-operational monitoring system that reproduces and improves the previous version (Muñoz et al., 2020), broadening both the temporal and spatial scope while simultaneously enhancing both observational and forecasting quality. With AeDES2, users can consult the historical evolution of the environmental suitability values on any grid point of interest, as well as the expected future evolution up to three seasons in advance. Aside from the environmental suitability values, health authorities can additionally analyse the estimated incidence or percentage of population at risk threshold –a key indicator for governing bodies to trigger the implementation of control measures to reduce the spread of the disease in an affected population.


AeDES2 incorporates four state-of-the-art environmental suitability models, considering both epidemiological factors for transmission probability and climate variables such as temperature values. On the monitoring side, AeDES2 provides a continuously updated monthly historical sequence of environmental suitability values by generating an ensemble with multiple observational references, hence providing uncertainty estimates in the monitoring system, an improvement over the previous version. On the prediction side, still under development, AeDES2 builds on its predecessor’s pattern-based multi-model calibration approach, assimilating new Machine Learning calibration methods such as neural networks, aiming to reliably reproduce key non-linear patterns that are used as predictors in the cross-validated forecast system.

How to cite: Corvillo Guerra, J., Torralba, V., González Romero, C., Llabrés-Brustenga, A., Riviere-Cinnamond, A., and G. Muñoz, Á.: AeDES2.0: An enhanced climate-and-health service for monitoring and forecasting environmental suitability of Aedes-borne disease transmission in hotspots , EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-1061, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-1061, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Marc Rautenhaus, Christoph Fischer, Thorwin Vogt, Andreas Beckert, and Susanne Fuchs

Visualization is an important and ubiquitous tool in the daily work of weather forecasters and atmospheric researchers to analyse data from simulations and observations. The domain-specific meteorological visualization tool Met.3D (documentation including installation instructions available at https://met3d.readthedocs.org) is an open-source effort to make interactive, 3-D, feature-based, and ensemble visualization techniques accessible to the meteorological community. Since the public release of version 1.0 in 2015, Met.3D has been used in multiple visualization research projects targeted at atmospheric science applications, and has evolved into a feature-rich visual analysis tool facilitating rapid exploration of gridded atmospheric data. The software is based on the concept of “building a bridge” between “traditional” 2-D visual analysis techniques and interactive 3-D techniques powered by modern graphics hardware. It allows users to analyse data using combinations of feature-based displays (e.g., atmospheric fronts and jet streams), “traditional” 2-D maps and cross-sections, meteorological diagrams, ensemble displays, and 3-D visualization including direct volume rendering, isosurfaces and trajectories, all combined in an interactive 3-D context.

In the past year, we have been able to significantly advance the Met.3D code base (available at https://gitlab.com/wxmetvis/met.3d) to make the tool more stable, usable, and to integrate visualization techniques not commonly available in other visualization tools. In this presentation, we present recent updates to the software and describe the status of our effort towards achieving a fully documented version 2.0. We demonstrate how Met.3D can be used for forecasting tasks, with examples including the utility of interactive visual analysis of 3-D cloud fields in combination with feature-based displays, and interactive visual analysis of trajectory data.

How to cite: Rautenhaus, M., Fischer, C., Vogt, T., Beckert, A., and Fuchs, S.: Towards Met.3D version 2: Rapid exploration of numerical weather prediction data by means of interactive 3-D visualization, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-946, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-946, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Federico Grazzini, Joshua Dorrington, and Christian M. Grams
The prediction of extreme precipitation events is one of the main objectives of operational weather services.  Numerical weather prediction models have continuously improved, providing uncertainty estimation with dynamical ensembles. However, explicit forecasting of these events is still challenging due to the limited predictability of precipitation fields. Greater availability of machine learning modules paves the way to a hybrid-forecast approach, with the optimal combination of physical models, event statistics, and user-oriented post-processing. In this contribution, we describe a specific warning chain, called MaLCoX (Machine Learning model predicting Conditions for eXtreme precipitation), specialised in recognizing synoptic conditions leading to precipitation extremes and subsequently classifying them into predefined categories. The application, running in test at ARPAE Emilia-Romagna, focuses on northern and central Italy, taken as a testbed region. The application leverages a hierarchy of predictors, large-scale (non-local predictors), synoptic-scale (local predictors) and direct (precipitation) to improve the prediction of exceeding precipitation thresholds, maximising the predictability of the different scales of motion at increasingly longer time horizons. A practical approach that can be extended to other geographical areas and over long time intervals seamlessly. The system has been trained with the ARCIS gridded high-resolution precipitation dataset as the target truth for precipitation and with the last 20 years of the ECMWF reforecast dataset as input predictors. We show that the optimal blend of larger-scale information with direct model output improves the probabilistic forecast accuracy of extremes in the medium-range. In addition, with specific methods, we provide a useful diagnostic of the physical processes that make a weather event extreme.

How to cite: Grazzini, F., Dorrington, J., and Grams, C. M.: A hybrid approach to predict and explain extreme precipitation events over Northern Italy, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-759, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-759, 2024.

Onsite presentation
Jakov Lozuk, Iris Odak Plenković, and Ivan Vujec

The Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ) has a long experience in post-processing wind speed and wind gust variables. One of the most used methods at DHMZ is the analog method. Although notable improvements in wind speed forecasts have been observed, one of the disadvantages of the analog method is its accuracy in forecasting high wind speed episodes, especially when using an analog ensemble for deterministic post-processing (HRAN). Since onshore parts of Croatia regularly experience violent winds several times a year, leading to disruptions in electricity production and traffic, accurate high wind speed forecasts hold significant importance. 


This study investigates the impact of reducing the analog ensemble size on HRAN accuracy. Analysing wind speed forecasts from onshore locations in Croatia, we compare raw model output and HRAN with predictor weight optimisation. In the analysis, we use ALADIN-HR NWP, tuned for wind across Croatian territory, providing us with forecasts 72 hours ahead. Utilising measures for continuous forecast verification, the overall forecast quality is inspected, while the categorical approach is used for examining forecast performances for more extreme events. Generally, the highest enhancements are achieved with an analog ensemble size of 15 members. Since high winds are rare, compared to low and moderate winds, employing larger ensembles often results in overall error reduction. However, our study shows how fewer than 15 ensemble members can provide more favourable results for the highest wind categories, causing less pronounced underestimations. Thus, varying ensemble size might be an optimal way to address these issues. In the ongoing work, besides wind speed forecasts, the analog method is also used to improve visibility forecasts, focusing on low-visibility events often caused by fog.

How to cite: Lozuk, J., Odak Plenković, I., and Vujec, I.: Enhancing High Wind Speed Event Prediction through Adaptive Analog Ensemble Sizing, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-843, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-843, 2024.

Posters: Wed, 4 Sep, 18:00–19:30

Display time: Wed, 4 Sep 08:00–Thu, 5 Sep 13:00
Chairpersons: Yong Wang, Fulvio Stel
Magdalena Pasierb, Zofia Bałdysz, Jan Szturc, Grzegorz Nykiel, Anna Jurczyk, Katarzyna Ośródka, Mariusz Figurski, Cezary Wojtkowski, and Marcin Wojtczak

The growing network of telecommunication stations and commercial microwave links (CMLs) in last years has opened a window into a new way of rainfall estimation. This is a relatively new approach in precipitation estimation field, and it gives reasonably good results, and so have become a valuable source of precipitation information which can successfully supplement other existing observations. The potential of CMLs lies in their high temporal resolution (reaching one minute) and high abundance, so they are increasingly used for short‐term forecasting (nowcasting). Like any type of data, data from commercial microwave links are subject to quality control to isolate non-functioning stations and those links that systematically give erroneous results. Such a pilot analysis and quality control was recently carried out on 66 CMLs from the Opole Voivodeship, Poland. It was analysed to what extent the precipitation derived from CML attenuation data is useful in estimation of the precipitation field with the high temporal and spatial resolution required in nowcasting models. Several methods were used to estimate precipitation field based on data from available links. The CML-based estimates were compared to point observations from manual rain gauges and multi-source precipitation fields using daily and half-hourly accumulations. The analyses conducted show that the CML-based precipitation fields are much worse than radar-derived estimates. At the same time, they had slightly poorer reliability than spatially interpolated telemetric rain gauge data and significantly higher reliability than satellite estimates. There is seen potential for precipitation forecasting using CML data, for example in regions where there is no weather radar. But on the other hand there a challenge to validate data in regions where there is no ground-truth data available.

How to cite: Pasierb, M., Bałdysz, Z., Szturc, J., Nykiel, G., Jurczyk, A., Ośródka, K., Figurski, M., Wojtkowski, C., and Wojtczak, M.: Analysis of the potential of CML data for nowcasting forecasts in Poland, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-26, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-26, 2024.

Guergana Guerova, Jan Douša, Tsvetelina Dimitrova, Anastasiya Stoycheva, Pavel Václavovic, and Nikolay Penov

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is an established atmospheric monitoring technique delivering water vapour data in near-real time with a latency of 90 min for operational Numerical Weather Prediction in Europe within the GNSS water vapour service (E-GVAP). The advancement of GNSS processing made the quality of real-time GNSS tropospheric products comparable to near-real-time solutions. In addition, they can be provided with a temporal resolution of 5 min and latency of 10 min, suitable for severe weather nowcasting. This paper exploits the added value of sub-hourly real-time GNSS tropospheric products for the nowcasting of convective storms in Bulgaria. A convective Storm Demonstrator (Storm Demo) is build using real-time GNSS tropospheric products and Instability Indices to derive site-specific threshold values in support of public weather and hail suppression services. The Storm Demo targets the development of service featuring GNSS products for two regions with hail suppression operations in Bulgaria, where thunderstorms and hail events occur between May and September, with a peak in July. The Storm Demo real-time Precise Point Positioning processing is conducted with the G-Nut software with a temporal resolution of 15 min for 12 ground-based GNSS stations in Bulgaria. Real-time data evaluation is done using reprocessed products and the achieved precision is below 9 mm, which is within the nowcasting requirements of the World Meteorologic Organisation. For the period May–September 2021, the seasonal classification function for thunderstorm nowcasting is computed and evaluated. The probability of thunderstorm detection is 83%, with a false alarm ration of 38%. The added value of the high temporal resolution of the GNSS tropospheric gradients is investigated for a storm case on 24–30 August 2021. Real-time tropospheric products and classification functions are integrated and updated in real-time on a publicly accessible geoportal.

How to cite: Guerova, G., Douša, J., Dimitrova, T., Stoycheva, A., Václavovic, P., and Penov, N.: GNSS Storm Nowcasting Demonstrator for Bulgaria, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-64, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-64, 2024.

Jeong-Hyun Park, Yeseo Park, Jeong Ock Lim, and Ik Hyun Cho

In the Earth system, the ocean interacts with the atmosphere, exchanging water, momentum, and heat energy. This exchange influences not just the ocean but also atmospheric phenomena such as clouds, precipitation, and temperature. In particular, the ocean's latent and sensible heat significantly affect the temperature and moisture of the lower atmosphere, serving as a key process for energy transfer between the atmosphere and the ocean. In numerical weather prediction models, heat exchange is parameterized based on temperature, moisture, wind, and heat and moisture exchange coefficients. These factors are crucial for predicting severe weather around the Korean Peninsula. Since April 2020, the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) has operated the Korean Integrated Model (KIM) for medium-term weather forecasts. Sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration in KIM are initialized with OSTIA (Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Ice Analysis) data from the UK Meteorological Agency. The model's physical process for sensible and latent heat exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean relies on the difference in temperature and moisture between the sea surface and the atmosphere's lowest layer, the model's lowest wind speed, and the coefficients for heat and water exchange. These coefficients are determined by parameterizing the sea surface's roughness length, which accounts for factors such as gravitational wave effects. By examining the atmospheric-ocean energy exchange process in KIM during summer torrential rains on the Korean Peninsula, we assess the model's capability to simulate atmospheric-ocean interactions via sea surface roughness parameterization and depth correction, thus evaluating its impact on mid-term weather forecasting accuracy.

How to cite: Park, J.-H., Park, Y., Lim, J. O., and Cho, I. H.: Impacts of sea surface roughness parameterization in KMA operational NWP model, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-110, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-110, 2024.

Jonghun Jin, Youngmi Lee, Chulmin Ko, Yeongyun Jeong, jinwoo Jeong, and Byungsik Kim

Over the past 50 years (1973–2022), South Korea has experienced a modest increase in average precipitation. Notably, the maximum hourly rainfall has significantly risen (Kim et al., 2022). There has been an observed intensification in the intensity and frequency of extreme precipitation events, leading to substantial socioeconomic damages, flash floods, and urban flooding with severe consequences (Dave et al., 2021). Addressing locally occurring extreme precipitation in densely populated areas requires accurate urban-scale rainfall predictions. Given the anticipated increase in future precipitation variability on the Korean Peninsula, detailed spatiotemporal prediction technologies are crucial for effectively managing and responding to extreme precipitation events.

We developed a rainfall prediction system through deep learning approach. In this study, we crafted a rainfall prediction system based on U-Net, a deep-learning architecture widely employed as a foundational model in previous rainfall prediction studies (Badrinath et al., 2023; Han et al., 2023; Lyu et al., 2023). The Advantage of U-Net lies in its end-to-end usability, minimizing the need for manual feature extraction, even with limited training data in the weather domain. To predict rainfall patterns over time, we adopted a recursive approach, drawing inspiration from prior research (Ayzel et al., 2020). In the case of the concentrated rainfall event in Osong in South Korea, July 2023, comparing QPE (Quantitative Precipitation Estimation) with the proposed rainfall prediction technology showed superior performance in terms of spatial patterns and rainfall intensity for the 10-minute lead time. Conversely, numerical weather prediction (Korea Local Analysis and Prediction System) failed to capture the rainfall pattern. For the 180-minute lead time, numerical prediction successfully detected rainfall, while the proposed prediction technology did not capture the rainfall pattern.

Despite being in the early stages of development, case studies validate that our proposed system effectively simulates rainfall patterns that traditional nowcasting or numerical methods may not accurately replicate. However, limitations emerged in predicting localized rainfall intensity as the prediction time lengthened, revealing a tendency for spatial patterns of rainfall to be smoothed. As a follow-up study, our objective is to explore the applicability of deep learning across various aspects of the rainfall prediction process. This includes investigating super-resolution and blending of data produced by existing rainfall prediction methods, conducting empirical studies of deep learning models for domestic heavy rainfall cases, and optimizing existing numerical models. Our goal is to assess the feasibility of deep learning and enhance the accuracy of continuous prediction technology.

How to cite: Jin, J., Lee, Y., Ko, C., Jeong, Y., Jeong, J., and Kim, B.: Development of a Deep Learning–Based Rainfall Prediction System for Urban-Scale Hydrological Disaster Response, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-113, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-113, 2024.

Tuuli Perttula, Seppo Pulkkinen, Mikko Huokuna, and Tero Niemi

With the changing climate, urban flash floods are likely to become more common and societies should be prepared for these events more than ever before. Heavy rainfall and insufficient drainage systems are the main contributors to the overflow of water on streets. Thus, information of meteorological and hydrological conditions are needed to be able to alert the public of urban flood events beforehand.

A new urban flash flood warning system was developed and piloted real-time in the framework of project HULEHENRI. The system consists of three main parts: 1) Weather radar based precipitation nowcasts are used as an input to 2) urban rainfall-runoff model, which simulates the changing water level on city streets. These flood forecasts are then 3) delivered to customers via web interface.

Good accuracy of radar based precipitation nowcasts is a key to accurate flood forecasts. To achieve best possible results multiple improvements were made to algorithms used to calculate the radar-based quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) during this project. These improved both the reliability and time resolution of the estimates and included for example rain-gauge correction, attenuation correction and advection correction. For nowcasting we chose a model specifically tailored for urban scale precipitation nowcasting, the LINDA model, which is available via the Pysteps Python library.

The flood caused by rain has been calculated on a 2-meter grid using a surface flow model. Rain observations and forecasts based on weather radar data are available every five minutes in a 500 meter grid. This rainfall data is converted to a 2 m grid for use in the surface flow model. In addition to the digital elevation model (DEM), land use and soil data are used in the calculation. Infiltration into the soil is calculated from the soil data using the Green-Ampt method, and accurate land use data (2x2m grid) is used to determine the friction coefficient (Manning n). The main water drainage pipes are included in the model, but not the entire drainage system. Road network data is used to define road sections that may be flooded during the forecast period.

Development of the urban flood warning system was user-centered. Pilot customers, including for example public emergency services and logistics companies, were involved in the development process throughout the project. In this work we discuss the customers’ input and needs and the way we addressed them and the development that was made to each three parts of the system. We also show verification results during urban flash flood events that occurred during the pilot period and discuss possible changes that could be made to improve the warning system even further.

How to cite: Perttula, T., Pulkkinen, S., Huokuna, M., and Niemi, T.: New Urban Flash Flood Warning System Combines Radar-Based Nowcasts and Surface Flow Model, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-187, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-187, 2024.

Santi Segalà Gallofré, Montse Aran Roura, Clara Brucet Vinyals, Sergio Gallego Santiago, and Aleix Serra Uró

In the recent decades, extreme hot days and heat waves have been one of the main meteorological dangers that have affected mediterranean regions. In 2009, the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC) implemented heat warnings using a specific threshold for every municipality. These thresholds were calculated from a study that was conducted in coordination with the Public Health Agency (ASPCAT) and the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Emergencies (DGPCE), based on finding the correlation between high temperatures and mortality. A turning point in mortality appeared around the 98th percentile of the maximum daily temperature during the summer period, so that was the threshold adopted. That is, only 2% of the days during that period exceed the considered value.


Heat warnings have been operational since 2009, but due to the increase in the number of tropical nights (minimum temperature above 20 ºC) and torrid nights (temperature above 25 ºC) and knowing the relationship between high night-time temperatures and the aggravation of heat-sensitive health effects during the night, SMC and DGPCE decided to establish new warning thresholds for Meteorological Situation of Danger (SMP) due to night heat.


The new thresholds that have been set are as follows:


- Low Level Warning, intense nocturnal heat, defined when the minimum temperature exceeds the 98th percentile of the night-time minimum temperature from June to August.


- High Level Warning, very intense nocturnal heat, defined if the minimum temperature is higher than the 98th percentile of the night-time minimum temperature from June to August plus two degrees Celsius.


Like other operational warnings in Catalonia, the new system consists of six degrees of danger. These warnings are issued for each county that constituted this region, with a time interval of 6 hours and are updated twice a day. These warnings are sent to Civil Protection who are responsible for managing and coordinating actions aimed at protecting people, property, and the environment. Simultaneously, these warnings are made available for everyone on the website and social media platforms.


In 2023, this new night heat warning in Catalonia operated as a pilot project and it belongs to the meteorological emergency system from now on.

How to cite: Segalà Gallofré, S., Aran Roura, M., Brucet Vinyals, C., Gallego Santiago, S., and Serra Uró, A.: New night heat warnings, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-309, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-309, 2024.

Xavier soler Temprano, Tomeu Rigo Ribas, Carme Farnell Barqué, Esther Batalla, Nicolau Pineda Rüegg, Jordi Mercader, and Javier Martín Vide

On the afternoon of 30th August 2022, a powerful supercell thunderstorm in northeastern Catalonia, Spain, produced a giant hail episode. This rare event resulted in one fatality, over 70 injuries and substantial property damage. According to the records of the severe weather of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC), this is the largest hailstone ever recorded by Meteorological Network Spotted (XOM). 


The focus of the study is to understand why hailstones of exceptional size, reaching 10 cm in diameter, were produced by this storm. For this purpose, firstly we consulted the observations recorded by the local people to identify the path of the hailstorm and the different affectations along the way. Next, we combined the remote sensing data to reveal the severe weather signatures. The radar fields revealed large reflectivity strong vertical development, and very large forward anvil, which measured over 40 km in length. Complementary to this, the total lightning flash rate steeply increased at the same time as an intensification of severe weather radar signatures (tilting, three-body scatter spike, BWER-Bounded weak echo region). The satellite imagery allowed the cold ring pattern detection and extreme cold overshooting top-down to -64 ºC. 


On the other hand, the synoptic, mesoscale, radiosonde, and cross-sections run by WRF 3 km and 1.5 km were evaluated to characterize the thermodynamic and environmental conditions favourable for the growth of a supercell with large-hail potential. The values of CAPE in the coastal line were > 2.500 J/kg, the Total Precipitable Water was > 4 cm, and the hodograph signature revealed a strong low-level inflow and strong upper outflow. 

How to cite: soler Temprano, X., Rigo Ribas, T., Farnell Barqué, C., Batalla, E., Pineda Rüegg, N., Mercader, J., and Martín Vide, J.: Reanalysis of Giant Hail Event in Catalonia (NE of the Iberian Peninsula), EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-474, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-474, 2024.

Matthias Zacharuk, Sven Ulbrich, Lukas Josipovic, Christian Welzbacher, and Ulrich Blahak

At Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) the SINFONY project has been set up to develop a seamless ensemble prediction system for convective-scale forecasting with forecast ranges of up to 12 hours. It combines Nowcasting (NWC) techniques with numerical weather prediction (NWP) in a seamless way for a number of applications. Historically the operational NWC and NWP forecasts are generated on separate IT-Infrastructures. To reduce data transfer between both infrastructures and to reduce the complexity of SINFONY those NWC components, which solely rely on NWP pre-products, are ported to the NWP infrastructure using software container.

With this aim in view a container image containing all relevant NWC components is created in a CICD oriented procedure. The respective containers are integrated into DWD’s development and operational code bases and executed on DWD’s HPC using apptainer. The integration into DWD’s development code base is completed already and currently used for further development of the data assimilation procedure.

A major innovation of SINFONY is the rapid update cycle (RUC), an hourly refreshing NWP procedure with a forecast range of 12 hours. Currently RUC is in a preoperational stage and subsequent calculations using NWC components together with the subsequent combination of RUC forecasts with NWC forecasts is still executed on the NWC infrastructure. The RUC will be implemented to the operational forecasting system at the end of 2024 and together with that our aim is to implement the containers to the RUC for two applications. At this step the containers have to meet even harder performance requirements and above that a reliable update and support workflow must be established, since it will then be part of Germanys national critical infrastructure.

How to cite: Zacharuk, M., Ulbrich, S., Josipovic, L., Welzbacher, C., and Blahak, U.: Docker container in DWD's Seamless INtegrated FOrecastiNg sYstem (SINFONY), EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-581, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-581, 2024.

Eun-Jin Kim, Jeong-Ho Bae, Byoung-Kwon Park, and Hye-Hoon Jung

  In recent years, the intensity and frequency of hazardous weather events, such as heavy rainfall, have been increasing due to the influence of climate change. However, even under similar severe weather conditions, outcomes can vary depending on temporal and topographical features. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the potential impacts when facing the risk of sudden weather disasters and to take proactive measures.

  From August 8th to 10th, 2022, South Korea experienced heavy rainfall, with hourly rainfall exceeding 100mm and daily rainfall exceeding 100-300mm. This resulted in widespread flooding of roads, surrounding the residential and commercial areas, leading to over 5,000 evacuees and 14 fatalities over the Metropolitan area. The damages were significant due to the intense rainfall within a short period. The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) has constructed a database of damages caused by rainfall, including this heavy rainfall case. Rainfall damages were collected from the National Fire Agency, the National Disaster Management System (NDMS), and newspapers. Following that, meteorological data (wind speed, temperature, and accumulated precipitation) from Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) was incorporated. Based on this database, the damages caused by heavy rainfall were classified and analyzed.

  The Impact-Based Forecast model for heavy rainfall has been developed to provide region-specific likelihoods of rainfall-induced inundation. This study examined the predicted results from several numerical weather prediction models for heavy rainfall in this case. It is expected that the results of this study will contribute to the production and provision of preemptive rainfall-induced impact information for disaster preparedness.

How to cite: Kim, E.-J., Bae, J.-H., Park, B.-K., and Jung, H.-H.: An Evaluation of the Likelihood of Rainfall-induced Inundation Using the Impact-Based Forecast Model with Heavy Rainfall Damage Data, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-629, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-629, 2024.

Christian Vogel, Kira Riedl, Björn Reetz, Reik Schaab, Linda Noel, Heiko Niebuhr, and Kathrin Feige

The aim of the project RainBoW ("Risk-based, Application-oriented and INdividualizaBle delivery of Optimized Weather warnings”) at the German Meteorological Service (DWD) is to provide optimized warnings that are geared to the needs of our customers. The warning portal with its possibilities of individualization makes an important contribution to this. In the future, expert users can configure their individually relevant warning information via the warning portal, which will also provide capabilities to deliver and visualize the corresponding data. Currently, the warning portal is available as a light-weight prototype that focusses on visualizing probabilistic data for pre-configured meteorological events.

Even though full individualization capabilities are not yet included in the warning portal prototype, users can customize some settings according to their interests. This includes choosing the weather element for warnings, the profile (currently a pre-configured selection of weather events) used to generate the warnings, the forecast model or the background map. Furthermore, there are three options to provide points or areas of interest: (i) Provide a location name or geographical coordinates, (ii) Draw a point or polygon on the map or (iii) Upload a user geometry via a GeoJSON or shape file. This happens in the sidebar of the browser-based application. Based on these user-settings, data from the ICON (EU/D2) EPS are evaluated and shown in a visualization dashboard. In its current version, the dashboard comprises a leaflet map showing the spatial distribution of EPS data relative to the selected user geometry, and a temporal diagram visualizing the occurrence probabilities for the events in the selected pre-configured warning profile over the course of the selected model's forecast horizon. The map and the temporal diagram are linked via a time-slider, such that the user can get detailed information and can look at the warning situation in its entirety. The temporal information in the diagram corresponds to a grid cell selected on the map, creating another link between both displays.

The spatial visualization on the map shows grid cells colored based on the event that is applicable. Since we show probabilistic results from ICON EPS, there is an uncertainty about the event to occur. This uncertainty results in probabilities of the various events and cannot be represented in one single map. Though, based on all possible events there are three different scenarios that can be selected to be displayed on the map: (i) Most probable scenario (events with the highest probability), (ii) Worst case scenario (events with highest level whose probability is greater than zero) and (iii) Probabilities for a single event (probability distribution for a specific event).

The layout and functionalities of the new release of the DWD warning portal prototype are discussed in more detail on the poster. 

How to cite: Vogel, C., Riedl, K., Reetz, B., Schaab, R., Noel, L., Niebuhr, H., and Feige, K.: DWD warning portal prototype - visualizing warning information in its spatial and temporal context, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-688, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-688, 2024.

Heiko Niebuhr, Kira Riedl, Christian Vogel, Björn Reetz, Reik Schaab, Linda Noël, and Kathrin Feige

To meet the individual needs requested by many expert users of warning products issued by the German Meteorological Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst / DWD), the idea of a new customizable branch for our future warning system (program RainBoW: "Risk-based, Application-oriented and INdividualizaBle delivery of Optimized Weather warnings”) was born. Based on the prospects of a fully automatic warning system, the possibility of individual warning information can be realized by giving users the option to configure their own parameters and settings for warnings and reports.

Based on results of a pilot project named "Kassandra", which marked the first attempt to conceptualize individual warnings at DWD and to determine the meteorological and technical requirements and challenges, a light-weight prototype of the warning portal was released at the end of 2022. The release was made available to a small amount of test users from different application areas to collect feedback and further requirements. Since then, a gradually increasing number of test users continues to evaluate further releases.

The light-weight prototype of the warning portal does not yet provide full individualization capabilities for warnings and reports. However, we are planning to implement persistent warning profiles in one of the future releases, in which users will be able to configure warning location (position or geometries), period, warning element and criteria and also probabilistic or time-based thresholds. Using the wide range of available EPS models and other ensemble data sets at DWD, the user configurations will be analyzed periodically. Warnings or reports will be generated and sent to the users by mail or messenger (PUSH) in case of transgression. The system will also give users the possibility for PULL requests at any time by using the DWD warning portal or web API. Especially the web API will enable users to include individual warning information into their own automated processes by directly analyzing individual requests and returning the results as JSON.

The poster presents concepts, components and configuration elements for the future provision of individualized warnings via the DWD warning portal.

How to cite: Niebuhr, H., Riedl, K., Vogel, C., Reetz, B., Schaab, R., Noël, L., and Feige, K.: Using the DWD warning portal prototype to configure own individualized warnings and reports, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-730, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-730, 2024.

Guergana Guerova, Stanislava Tsalova, Krasimir Stoev, and Anastasiya Stoycheva

Severe weather monitoring and forecasting is the prime task of the National Meteorological Services according to World Meteorological Organization Guidelines (WMO).  Since 2009 Bulgarian National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) issues 48 h ahead severe weather warnings as a contribution to the European warning system (METEOALARM). A total of 243 days with warnings for heat, thunderstorms and intense rain were issued for Sofia, Bulgaria the period May-September 2010-2019. The monthly maximum for heat is 42 days in July, for thunderstorms is 26 days in June and for intense rain is 27 days in June. The yearly heat maximum of 21 days is in 2012 from which orange code warnings are 8 and yellow code warnings are 13. The yearly thunderstorm maximum of 16 days with both orange and yellow code warnings is in 2018 where one day is with orange code and 15 days are with yellow code warnings. The yearly rain maximum of 20 days with both orange and yellow code warnings is in the same year 2018. There were 3 days of orange code warnings for rain, and 17 days with yellow code warnings. Conducted is objective circulation classification which shows that the majority of heat warnings are associated with Anticyclonic and West flow circulation types. About 40% of thunderstorm warnings are of Cyclone type followed by 28.6% Cyclonic Directional types. For rain warnings, most of the days are with Cyclone type (46.2%) and Cyclonic Directional types (27.5%). Analysis of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) derived Integrated Water Vapor (IWV), from the  Bulgarian station in Sofia, shows  consistently higher values for the days with METEOALARM warnings for heat, thunderstorm and rain. 

How to cite: Guerova, G., Tsalova, S., Stoev, K., and Stoycheva, A.: Severe weather warnings for Sofia Bulgaria: May - September 2010-2019, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-841, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-841, 2024.

Guillem Martín, Gemma Sinfreu, Toni Molne, and Lucia Rivero

The Principality of Andorra (468 km2), in the Pyrenees chain, has an orographic complex terrain with the lowest point at 843 m and the highest point at 2.943 m. In a straight line, there is a distance of 17,5 Km between these two points. Hydrologically, the country of the Pyrenees has the headwater of 5 rivers basins (Arieja, Valira d’Orient, la Llosa, Valira del Nord and Riu d’Os). Glacial modelling produced by the last ice age (20.000 years ago) determine the atmospheric communication between different headwaters and valleys.  The influence of glacial modelling in atmospheric communication is also present between the headwaters valleys that are in the French or Spanish borders.

The meddling of the Arieja and Soulcem valleys in southern points than the average line of mountain chain border between Mediterranean and Atlantic, gives some Atlantic climate characteristics in the north zone of the country in terms of precipitation. The most frequents patterns that cause the most important differences on weather type and precipitation accumulation are these that have Atlantic or northern latitude origins. But we also have other patterns with typical weather types or precipitation accumulation in other river basins when the atmospheric instability comes from others orientations (west, south-west, south, south-east or east). The north-east atmospheric flux is the only one which causes dry effects in Andorra due to the continental configuration.

The form and the orientation of the glacial valleys determines the meteorological phenomena extension. Therefore, we can define 3 meteorological zones according to the total precipitation accumulation, the valleys orientations and the altitude. These zones are: north, centre and south. The amount of precipitations and altitudinal temperature variations determines the limit of these zones, always in the borders of secondary river basins.

Forecasting weather conditions in a small country is an amazing job that demands a great knowledge of the geography and the finest atmospheric models. Vertical profiles and water saturation column become essential tools.

How to cite: Martín, G., Sinfreu, G., Molne, T., and Rivero, L.: Meteorological zones delimitation in Andorra through glacial orography, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-913, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-913, 2024.

Oscar van der Velde, David Romero, Jesús López, Joan Montanyà, Nicolau Pineda, and Ferran Fabró

The 3D Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) is a regional network of VHF antenna stations spaced 5-50 km apart that detect lightning pulses in the 60-66 MHz band. The pulses are timed by GPS. Time-of-arrival reconstruction results in 3D pulse locations, revealing the lightning leader channels (of negative polarity) inside the cloud and toward ground. The detection range of a sensitive network can reach over 250 km from the center. LMAs are used for lightning science, nowcasting of severe weather and airspace safety.

In 2011, the UPC Ebro 3D Lightning Mapping Array in Spain was the first LMA to be installed outside the USA and has collected data for about 11 years. This system was replaced in 2023 by 13 (up to 15) stations spread out mostly across western Catalonia, operated on solar power. Additionally, the Meteorological Service of Catalonia started operating their LMA network in 2024. Each network can operate independently, but data from both networks can be combined to offer the best spatial coverage and resolution of real-time lightning monitoring.

As the duration of processing time-of-arrival into lightning location data goes up exponentially with the number of stations in the network, smart approaches of combining small groups of stations in parallel and pooling the solutions are investigated.

This poster will focus on the capabilities of newly designed interactive lightning visualization and analysis tools for the LMA, developed using the Julia programming language.

It is a suite of tools that focus on (a) lightning flash analysis and general browsing of activity, (b) storm activity evolution analysis, and (c) network performance analysis based on the data. Lightning flash analysis focused on the structure of the lightning flash. Flash grouping is based on DBSCAN clustering, and sparkle activity near the cloud top can be isolated similarly. An automated leader speed using the Theil-Sen slope estimator of points runs efficiently on a large dataset, and can be used to highlight regions of positive and negative polarity in the cloud. The tool also can read cloud-to-ground stroke data from other networks, and Meteosat Third Generation Lightning Imager or GOES Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) to be compared with LMA. The storm activity analysis tool will be based on local 3D flash density and its evolution in time and aims to study trends in 3D activity, rather than the ubiquitously used general flash rate. Lightning leader speed, polarity and the repetition rate of leaders in flashes may hold new information that could turn out to be useful in monitoring the thunderstorm state and potential for severe weather.

How to cite: van der Velde, O., Romero, D., López, J., Montanyà, J., Pineda, N., and Fabró, F.: New visualization and analysis tools for 3D Lightning Mapping Array data, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-978, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-978, 2024.

Iago Perez and Sarah Sparrow

In the context of an accelerated warming climate, outbreak episodes of certain diseases such as dengue are expected to increase in the future, thus increasing health burden in areas such as Vietnam. Because meteorological variables exert a great influence on dengue transmission, having accurate weather forecast data is key to predict future dengue outbreaks and mitigate future damages. Previous studies assessed the skill of ECMWF ensemble model on precipitation and temperature over Vietnam, but they did not include specific humidity, which also plays an important role in vector-borne disease transmission. Hence, the goal of this study is to assess the skill of ECMWF ensemble model at predicting specific humidity in the area of Vietnam, focusing on the regions of North and South Vietnam (particularly the area nearby Hanoi city and Ho Chi Minh City or HCMC). We used ERA5 reanalysis between the dates 2001-2020 for the evaluation. ECMWF data was preprocessed using a bias correction technique (quantile mapping) using ERA5 as reference to correct possible biases. Early results showed that ECMWF model predictions show a little bias (around 0.5 g/kg) and that it is usually skilful up to 10 days in advance, specially during dry season. Nonetheless, there is a considerable decrease in skill during the rainy season (from May to October), which is the period when Dengue activity is higher. These results will provide more insight about the ECMWF skill in the medium-range forecast and it will be useful to stablish Dengue-modelling warning systems and reduce future damages caused by this disease.

How to cite: Perez, I. and Sparrow, S.: Specific humidity verification skill of ECMWF weather forecast model in the region of Vietnam, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-543, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-543, 2024.