EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019
Centre International de Conférences de Genève (CICG) | Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019
Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019



Modern space missions, ground telescopes and modeling facilities are producing huge amount of data. A new era of data distribution and access procedures is now starting with interoperable infrastructures and big data technologies. Long term archives exist for telescopic and space-borne observations but high-level functions need to be setup on top of theses repositories to make Solar and Planetary Science data more accessible and to favor interoperability. Results of simulations and reference laboratory data also need to be integrated to support and interpret the observations.
The Virtual Observatory (VO) standards developed in Astronomy may be adapted in the field of Planetary Science to develop interoperability, including automated workflows to process related data from different sources. Other communities have developed their own standards (GIS for surfaces, SPASE for space plasma, PDS4 for planetary mission archives…) and an effort to make them interoperable is starting.
We call for contributions presenting progresses in the fields of Solar and Planetary science databases and tools. We encourage contributors to focus on science use cases and on international standard implementation, such as those proposed by the IVOA (International Virtual Observatory Alliance), the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium), the IPDA (International Planetary Data Alliance) or the IHDEA (International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance), as well as applications linked to the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) infrastructure.

Convener: Baptiste Cecconi | Co-conveners: Sébastien Besse, Angelo Pio Rossi
| Mon, 16 Sep, 13:30–18:30
Moon (Room 15)
| Attendance Tue, 17 Sep, 17:15–18:45 | Display Mon, 16 Sep, 08:30–Wed, 18 Sep, 11:00|Level 1

Monday, 16 September 2019 | Moon (Room 15)

Chairperson: Angelo Pio Rossi
13:30–13:45 |
Brian Day and Emily Law
13:45–14:00 |
Gerhard Paar, Thomas Ortner, Christoph Traxler, Harald Piringer, Maria Schimkowitsch, Laura Fritz, Gerhard Triebnig, Fabian Schindler, and Bernhard Nauschnegg
14:00–14:15 |
Jan-Peter Muller, Yu Tao, Diane Putri, Gill Wilson, Ross Beyer, Oleg Alexandrov, Scott McMichael, Sebastien Bresse, and Emmanuel Grotheer
14:15–14:30 |
Yu Tao, Jan-Peter Muller, and Susan Conway
14:30–14:45 |
Andrea Nass, Kristine Asch, Stephan van Gasselt, Jason Laura, Trent Hare, Jim Skinner, Angelo Pio Rossi, Sebastien Besse, Stéphane Erard, Thomas Roatsch, and Ralf Jaumann
14:45–15:00 |
Jani Radebaugh, Brad Thomson, Brent Archinal, Ross Beyer, Dani DellaGiustina, Caleb Fassett, Lisa Gaddis, Justin Hagerty, Trent Hare, Jay Laura, Samuel Lawrence, Erwan Mazarico, Andrea Naß, Alex Patthoff, Sarah Sutton, and David Williams
Coffee break
Chairperson: Baptiste Cecconi
15:30–15:45 |
Stéphane Erard and Baptiste Cecconi and the VESPA team
15:45–16:00 |
Batiste Rousseau and Stéphane Érard
16:00–16:15 |
Marc Costa, Björn Grieger, and Christophe Arviset
16:15–16:30 |
Mitchell Gordon, Mark Showalter, Eric Nedervold, Matthew Tiscareno, Ludmilla Kolokolova, Tilden Barnes, Michael Evans, and Robert French
16:30–16:45 |
Róbert Szakáts, Csaba Kiss, Thomas Müller, Victor Alí-Lagoa, Gábor Marton, Anikó Takácsné-Farkas, and Evelin Bányai
16:45–17:00 |
Joachim Moeyens and Mario Juric
Chairperson: Sébastien Besse
17:15–17:30 |
Emily Law, Solar System Treks Development Team, Brian Day, Valentin Bickel, and Simone Dell'Agnello
17:30–17:45 |
MAVEN Python Data Analysis and Visualization Tools
Julie Barnum, Bryan Harter, and Alex Ware
17:45–18:00 |
Arnaud Masson, Fran Vallejo, Beatriz Martinez, Diego Fraga, Matthew Taylor, and Laurence O'Rourke
18:00–18:15 |
Baptiste Cecconi, Alan Loh, Stephane Aicardi, and Corentin Louis
18:15–18:30 |
Alberto Accomazzi, Michael Kurtz, and Edwin Henneken