EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019
Centre International de Conférences de Genève (CICG) | Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019
Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019



Modern space missions, ground telescopes and modeling facilities are producing huge amount of data. A new era of data distribution and access procedures is now starting with interoperable infrastructures and big data technologies. Long term archives exist for telescopic and space-borne observations but high-level functions need to be setup on top of theses repositories to make Solar and Planetary Science data more accessible and to favor interoperability. Results of simulations and reference laboratory data also need to be integrated to support and interpret the observations.
The Virtual Observatory (VO) standards developed in Astronomy may be adapted in the field of Planetary Science to develop interoperability, including automated workflows to process related data from different sources. Other communities have developed their own standards (GIS for surfaces, SPASE for space plasma, PDS4 for planetary mission archives…) and an effort to make them interoperable is starting.
We call for contributions presenting progresses in the fields of Solar and Planetary science databases and tools. We encourage contributors to focus on science use cases and on international standard implementation, such as those proposed by the IVOA (International Virtual Observatory Alliance), the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium), the IPDA (International Planetary Data Alliance) or the IHDEA (International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance), as well as applications linked to the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) infrastructure.

Convener: Baptiste Cecconi | Co-conveners: Sébastien Besse, Angelo Pio Rossi
| Mon, 16 Sep, 13:30–18:30
Moon (Room 15)
| Attendance Tue, 17 Sep, 17:15–18:45 | Display Mon, 16 Sep, 08:30–Wed, 18 Sep, 11:00|Level 1
Display time: Monday, 16 September, 2019 08:30–Wednesday, 18 September, 11:00

Attendance time: Tuesday, 17 September 2019, 17:15–18:45 | Level 1

Chairperson: Baptiste Cecconi
L1.17 |
Sebastien Besse, Christophe Arviset, Isa Barbarisi, Guido de Marchi, Bruno Merin, Javier Arena, Mark Bentley, Silvia de Castro, Ruben Docasal, Diego Fraga, Emmanuel Grotheer, David Heather, Caroliina Laantee, Tanya Lim, Angel Montero, Jose Osinde, Carlos Rios, Jorge Ruano, and Jaime Saiz
L1.18 |
Emily Law, Michael Cayanan, Daniel Crichton, Galen Hollins, Steve Hughes, and Jordon Padams
L1.19 |
Diego Fraga Agudo
L1.20 |
Anne Raugh, David Heather, and James Bauer
L1.21 |
Keeping Space Science Data Useful for the Long-Term
John S. Hughes, Ronald Joyner, Emily Law, Michael Cayanan, Daniel Crichton, Galen Hollins, Jordan Padams, and Sean Hardman
L1.22 |
Planetary Nomenclature: Information and Guidelines for Requesters
Tenielle Gaither, Rita Schulz, Kaare Aksnes, George Burba, Guy Consolmagno, Rosaly Lopes, Philippe Masson, William Sheehan, Gareth Williams, and Charles Wood
L1.23 |
Alessandro Frigeri, Kerstin Lehnert, and Peng Ji
L1.24 |
Angelo Fabio Mulone, Marta Casti, Roberto Susino, Rosario Messineo, Ester Antonucci, Gabriele Chiesura, Daniele Telloni, Ruben De March, Enrico Magli, Alessandro Bemporad, Gianalfredo Nicolini, Silvano Fineschi, Filomena Solitro, and Michele Martino
L1.25 |
Michel Gangloff, Nicolas André, Vincent Génot, Baptiste Cecconi, Pierre Le Sidaner, Antoine Goutenoir, Myriam Bouchemit, and Elena Budnik
L1.26 |
Ruben Docasal, Isa Barbarisi, Jaime Saiz, Carlos Rios, Angel Montero, Caroliina Laantee, Jose Osinde, Jorge Ruano, Sebastien Besse, Javier Arenas, Bruno Merin, and Christophe Arviset
L1.27 |
Alfredo Escalante and Marc Costa
L1.28 |
Angelo Zinzi, Marco Giardino, Giuseppe Sindoni, Eleonora Ammannito, Ettore Perozzi, Christina Plainaki, Maria Teresa Capria, Ernesto Palomba, Gabriele Cremonese, Davide Grassi, and Edoardo Rognini
L1.29 |
Nicholas Moskovitz, Robert Schottland, Brian Burt, Lawrence Wasserman, Michael Mommert, Mark Bailen, and Simon Grimm
L1.31 |
Andrea Nass, Mario d'Amore, Martin Mühlbauer, Torsten Heinen, Mathias Böck, Jörn Helbert, Torsten Riedlinger, Ralf Jaumann, and Günter Strunz
L1.32 |
Jean-Eudis Arlot and Vincent Robert