EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019
Centre International de Conférences de Genève (CICG) | Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019
Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019



This session welcomes abstracts describing results, developments, and perspectives on the discovery or the physical and dynamical characterisation of the small bodies of our solar system using ground based and space-borne telescopic surveys. Results related to the utilisation of the stellar and solar system objects catalogs published in Gaia DR2 are especially welcomed.
This session invites also abstracts about future Gaia data releases and their perspectives (asteroid mass measurements, the detection of Yarkovsky acceleration on objects, and spin/shape properties from photometry), as well as other future surveys or missions.

Convener: Paolo Tanga | Co-conveners: Joseph Masiero, Federica Spoto
| Mon, 16 Sep, 08:30–10:00, 13:30–15:00
Mars (Room 18), Tue, 17 Sep, 08:30–12:00
Mars (Room 18)
| Attendance Tue, 17 Sep, 17:15–18:45 | Display Mon, 16 Sep, 08:30–Wed, 18 Sep, 11:00|Basement
Display time: Monday, 16 September 2019 08:30–Wednesday, 18 September 11:00

Attendance time: Tuesday, 17 September 2019, 17:15–18:45 | Basement

Chairperson: Julia de Leon
B157 |
Federica Spoto, Paolo Tanga, and Benoit Carry
B158 |
Benoit Carry, Federica Spoto, William Thuillot, Pedro David, Karri Muinonen, Grigori Fedorets, Jerome Berthier, Thierry Pauwels, Aldo Dell`Oro, Jean-Marc Petit, and Paolo Tanga and the Gaia-FUN-SSO
B159 |
Flavia Luane Rommel, Felipe Braga-Ribas, Julio Ignacio Bueno de Camargo, Roberto Vieira-Martins, Marcelo Assafin, Gustavo Benedetti-Rossi, Bruno Sicardy, Josselin Desmars, Jose Luis Ortiz, and Pablo Santos-Sanz and the Rio Group, Lucky Star occultation team and Granada Team
B160 |
Leslie Young, Simon Porter, Brian Keeny, Scott Sheppard, Audrey Thirouin, Lawrence Wasserman, David Tholen, Paulo Tanga, Dirk Terrell, Megan Schwamb, Marc Buie, Kevin Cobble, Eliot Young, Mauricio Reyes Ruiz, Dick Bobbick, Joel Castro-Chacon, Bryan Tobias, David Dunham, John Keller, and Rodrigo Leiva and the The 1998 BU48 occultation observers
B161 |
Paolo Tanga and Federica Spoto
B162 |
Edward Wright
B163 |
Joseph Masiero, Amy Mainzer, and Tommy Grav and the The NEOCam Team
B164 |
Roc Cutri, Sean Carey, and Frank Masci
B165 |
Emily Kramer, Amy Mainzer, James Bauer, Yanga Fernandez, Tommy Grav, Joseph Masiero, Sarah Sonnett, Tim Spahr, and Edward Wright
B166 |
Sean Carey, Roc Cutri, and Frank Masci
B167 |
Grigori Fedorets, Mikael Granvik, Lynne Jones, Mario Jurić, and Robert Jedicke
B168 |
Nicholas Moskovitz, Petr Fatka, Davide Farnocchia, Maxime Devogèle, David Polishook, Cristina Thomas, Michael Mommert, Audrey Thirouin, and Robert Matson
B169 |
Maxime Devogele, Nicholas Moskovitz, Cristina Thomas, Audrey Thirouin, Michael Mommert, David Polishook, Brian Skiff, Mitchell Magnuson, and Annika Gustafsson
B170 |
Simone Ieva, Davide Perna, Cristina Fanasca, Elisabetta Dotto, Elena Mazzotta Epifani, Andrea Di Paola, Alessio Gunta, Monica Lazzarin, Ivano Bertini, Vasiliki Petropoulou, Daniela Lazzaro, Plicida Arcoverde, Eduardo Rondon, Hissa Medeiros, Filipe Monteiro, Marco Micheli, Ettore Perozzi, and Maria Antonietta Barucci
B171 |
Petr Pravec, Petr Fatka, David Vokrouhlicky, Petr Scheirich, Josef Durech, and Daniel Scheeres and the Asteroid Pairs & Clusters Photometry Team
B172 |
Rotational periods of the Karin family asteroids
jorge davalos, Jose Silva, and Rafael Carlos
B173 |
Marcel Popescu, Julia de Leon, Ovidiu Vaduvescu, Javier Licandro, Frantisek Duris, Juan Luis Rizos, Ioana Lucia Boaca, and Noemi Pinilla-Alonso
B174 |
Laurent Galluccio, Marco Delbo', Alberto Cellino, Paolo Tanga, and Francesca De Angeli
B175 |
Valerio Carruba, Safwan Aljbaae, Andre Lucchini, and Edmilson De Olliveria
B177 |
Benjamin Boe, Robert Jedicke, Paul Wiegert, Karen J. Meech, Allesandro Morbidelli, Robert J. Weryk, and Karen J. Morenz and the Pan-STARRS1 Science Collaboration
B178 |
Apostolos Christou, Aldo Dell'Oro, Galin Borisov, Seth Jacobson, Alberto Cellino, and Eduardo Unda-Sanzana
B180 |
Chengxing Zhai, Michael Shao, Navtej Saini, russell Trahan, Philip Choi, and Kutay Nazli
B181 |
Rita Wysoczańska, Piotr A. Dybczyński, and Małgorzata Królikowska