Oral Program LF2


The study of planetary processes using integrated laboratory analogues
Co-Conveners: Gareth Davies , Felipe Gómez 
Oral Program
 / Mon, 24 Sep, 16:30–17:45  / Room Venus
Poster Program
 / Attendance Tue, 25 Sep, 18:15–19:45  / Poster Area

Monday, 24 September 2012
Room Venus
Chairperson: G.R. Davies
16:30–16:45 EPSC2012-85
Synthesis of carbon dioxide from carbon surfaces coated with ices of astrophysical interest (withdrawn)
D. Fulvio, U. Raut, and R. A. Baragiola
CO2 absorption coefficients at high pressure and high temperature: measures and model
S. Stefani, G. Piccioni, M. Snels, H. Tran, R. Politi, D. Grassi, and A. Adriani
17:00–17:15 EPSC2012-471
Comet Ice Simulants - Preparation and Characterisation (withdrawn)
C. Krause, B. Morawitz, F. Thamm, and R. Willnecker
Raman monitoring of carbonate dissolution/precipitation in a CO2 atmosphere at high pressure. Planetological applications
L. Jiménez Bonales, M.V. Muñoz-Iglesias, D. Fernandez-Remolar, and O. Prieto-Ballesteros
Fractional precipitation experiments of Europa satellite cryomagmas using Raman spectroscopy as analyzed tool
V. Muñoz-Iglesias, L. J. Bonales, and O. Prieto-Ballesteros