/ Attendance Tue, 25 Sep, 18:15–19:45
/ Poster Area
Attendance Time: Tuesday, 25 September 2012, 18:15–19:45
Poster Area
Chairperson: G.R. Davies
EPSC2012-193 Solution behavior of reduced N--С--H--O volatiles in reduced silicate melts equilibrated with molten Fe alloy at high pressure and temperature A Kadik, Yu. Litvin, V Koltashev, E Kryukova, V Plotnichenko, and T Tsekhonya
EPSC2012-99 Advances in a European Planetary Simulation Wind Tunnel Facility J. Merrison, K.M. Aye, C. Holstein-Rathlou, J. Mason, A. Merlone, P. Nørnberg, M. Patel, G. Portyankina, and K.R. Rasmussen
EPSC2012-406 MExRover - a tool for research and education in planetary geodesy, cartography, and photogrammetry at MIIGAiK E. Makhina
EPSC2012-506 Experimental techniques to study clathrate hydrates in the context of giant icy moons E. Le Menn, L. Bezacier, O. Bollengier, A. Oancea, O. Grasset, and G. Tobie