Oral Program TP2.2


Mars Science Laboratory
Convener: John Bridges 
Oral Program
 / Thu, 12 Sep, 09:00–12:40  / Room Jupiter - Bloomsbury Theatre
Poster Program
 / Attendance Thu, 12 Sep, 17:45–19:15  / Poster Area

Thursday, 12 September 2013
Room Jupiter - Bloomsbury Theatre
Chairperson: John Bridges
Compositional Overview of Curiosity's Traverse to Yellowknife Bay (keynote talk)
R.C. Wiens, S. Maurice, R. Gellert, J. Grotzinger, S. Clegg, D. Blaney, N. Bridges, B. Clark, G. Dromart, C. D'Uston, C. Fabre, O. Gasnault, K. Herkenhoff, Y. Langevin, N. Mangold, P. Mauchien, C. McKay, H. Newsom, V. Sautter, D. Vaniman, R. Anderson, J. Baroukh, B. Barraclough, S. Bender, G. Berger, J. Blank, A. Cousin, A. Cros, L. Deflores, D. Delapp, C. Donny, O. Forni, B. Gondet, P. Guillemot, S. Johnstone, J.-L. Lacour, V. Lafaille, N. Lanza, J. Lasue, S. Le Mouelic, E. Lewin, E. Lorigny, N. Melikechi, P.-Y. Meslin, A. Mezzacappa, T. Nelson, A. Ollila, R. Perez, P. Pinet, M. Saccoccio, S. Schröder, J.-B. Sirven, R. Tokar, M. Toplis, C. Yana, M. D. Dyar, B. Ehlmann, J. Johnson, R. Leveille, J. Moores, J. Bridges, M. R. Fisk, R. Jackson, and F. Calef
Clustering of ChemCam targets at Gale
O. Gasnault, O. Forni, P.-Y. Meslin, S. Maurice, R. C. Wiens, R. Anderson, G. Berger, S. Clegg, A. Cousin, C. D'Uston, J. Lasue, E. Lewin, N. Melikechi, H. Newsom, P. Pinet, and the MSL Science Team
Sulfate calcium veins observed by the ChemCam instrument onboard Curiosity
M. Nachon, N. Mangold, S. Clegg, S. Schröder, O. Forni, O. Gasnault, J. Lasue, S. Le Mouélic, E. Lewin, S. Maurice, H. Newsom, R. Wiens, C. Fabre, G. Dromart, R. Léveillé, J. Bridges, B. Ehlmann, J. Grotzinger, D. Dyar, and the MSLTeam
Mastcam multispectral imaging results from the Mars Science Laboratory investigation in Yellowknife Bay
M.S. Rice, J.F. Bell III, A. Godber, D. Wellington, A.A. Fraeman, J.R. Johnson, K.M. Kinch, M.C. Malin, and J.P. Grotzinger
ChemCam analysis of martian fine dust
J. Lasue, S. Maurice, P.Y. Meslin, O. Forni, S. Schroeder, C. Fabre, O. Gasnault, G. Berger, S. Clegg, A. Cousin, C. D'Uston, W. Goetz, J. Johnson, N. Lanza, M.B. Madsen, N. Melikechi, A. Mezzacappa, H. Newsom, and R.C. Wiens and the MSL Science Team
Coffee Break
Curiosity's Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI): Sol 0-179 activities, observations, range and scale characterization (keynote talk)
K. S. Edgett, R. A. Yingst, and MSL Science Team
The water bulk distribution along MSL Curiosity traverse measured by DAN instrument
M. L. Litvak, I. G. Mitrofanov, A. Behar, W.V. Boynton, L. Deflores, F. Fedosov, D. Golovin, C. Hardgrove, K. Harshman, I. Jun, A. S. Kozyrev, R. O. Kuzmin, D. Lisov, A. Malakhov, R. Milliken, M. Mischna, J. Moersch, M. Mokrousov, S. Nikiforov, A. B. Sanin, V. N. Shvetsov, R. Starr, C. Tate, V. I. Tret'yakov, A. Varenikov, and A. Vostrukhin
Modelling Fluids Associated with Sulfate Veining in Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater
J. C. Bridges, S. P. Schwenzer, G. Berger, N. Mangold, R. C. Wiens, F. W. Westall, D. Z. Oehler, R. Leveille, and MSL Team
Cross-stratified sedimentary rocks observed by the Mars Science Laboratory Sol 0-180 - evidence for fluvial sedimentary transport
S. Gupta, L.A. Edgar, D.M. Rubin, J.P. Grotzinger, J.F. Bell III, F.J. Calef, G. Dromart, L.C. Kah, K.W. Lewis, N. Mangold, J. Schieber, K.M. Stack, D.Y. Sumner, and J.-P. Muller
Overview of SAM results obtained at Gale Crater during the 180 first sols
P. Coll, P.R. Mahaffy, M. Cabane, C.R. Webster, D. Archer, S.K. Atreya, M. Benna, W.B. Brinckerhoff, A. Brunner, A. Buch, P. Conrad, D. Coscia, N. Dobson, J. Dworkin, J. Eigenbrode, K. Farley, G. Flesch, H. Franz, C. Freissinet, D. Galvin, S. Gorevan, D. Harpold, J. Hengemihle, F. Jaeger, C. Johnson, M. Johnson, J. Jones, M. Lefavor, L. Leshin, E. Lyness, C. Malespin, H. Manning, D. Martin, A. McAdam, C. McKay, K. Miller, D. W. Ming, R. V. Morris, R. Navarro- González, P. Niles, T. Nolan, T. Owen, A. Pavolv, B. Prats, R. Pepin, E. Raaen, F. Raulin, A. Steele, J. Stern, S. Squyres, B. Sutter, R. E. Summons, C. Szopa, F. Tan, S. Teinturier, M. Trainer, M. Wong, and J. Wray and the the SAM development Team and the MSL Science Team
Gas-Chromatographic analysis of Mars soil samples with the SAM instrument onboard Curiosity - the 180 first sols
C. Szopa, M. Cabane, P. Coll, D. Coscia, A. Buch, S. Teinturier, R. Navarro-Gonzalez, J.-P. Goutail, C. Montaron, J.-B. Rigal, P. Poinsignon, V. Guerrini, M.-S. Clerc, M. Meftah, L. Soldani, F. Mettetal, M. Jerôme, C. Philippon, A. Galic, J. Sablairolles, S. Triqueneaux, D. Chazot, B. Toffolo, F. Y. Rakoto, A. Gaboriaud, and P. Mahaffy and the The SAM-GC development team and the MSL science team