Poster Program MTI6


Enabling Access to Solar and Planetary Resources through the Virtual Observatory
Convener: Baptiste Cecconi  | Co-Conveners: Maxim Khodachenko , William Thuillot , Maria Teresa Capria 
Oral Program
 / Tue, 09 Sep, 16:00–17:30  / Room Venus
Poster Program
 / Attendance Tue, 09 Sep, 17:45–19:15  / Poster Area

Attendance Time: Tuesday, 9 September 2014, 17:45–19:15
Poster Area
Chairperson: Maria Teresa Capria
ESA's Planetary Science Archive: Status, activities and strategy
D. Heather, M. Barthelemy, N. Manaud, S. Martinez, M. Szumlas, J.L. Vazquez, P. Osuna, and PSA Development Team

P69 EPSC2014-685
Using EPN-TAP to share data HELIO or IMPEx projects (withdrawn)
B. Cecconi, P. Le Sidaner, F. Topf, X. Bonnin, S. Hess, and S. Erard

IMPEx SimDM, a metadata model to search and exchange simulation data in the field of space plasma and planetary physics
M. Gangloff, R. Modolo, M. Khodachenko, V. Génot, T. Al-Ubaidi, E. Kallio, F. Topf, L. Hakkinen, R. Jarvinen, I. Alexeev, V. Kalegaev, L. Mukhametdinova, E. Budnik, and N. Bourrel

Current status and future upgrades to the Planetary Virtual Observatory (PVOL IOPW) database of Giant Planets observations
R. Hueso, J. Legarreta, and A. Sanchèz-Lavega

P72 EPSC2014-319
Amateur data from Radio-Jove in the Virtual Observatory (withdrawn)
B. Cecconi, J. Thieman, and J. Girard and the Radio-Jove Team

EPSC2014-410 | presentation
First Prototype of a Web Map Interface for ESA's Planetary Science Archive (PSA)
N. Manaud and J. Gonzalez