Oral programme EX3
EX3 Formation and Dynamical Evolution of Planetary Systems |
Convener: Ravit Helled | Co-Convener: Yann Alibert |
Oral programme
/ Mon, 18 Sep, 11:00–12:30
/ 14:00–15:00
/ Room Uranus
Poster programme
/ Attendance Tue, 19 Sep, 17:45–19:15
/ Poster area
Monday, 18 September 2017 Room Uranus Chairperson: Aurélien Crida |
11:00–11:10 |
Pebble pile-up and planetesimal formation at the snow line J. Drazkowska |
11:10–11:20 |
Forming compact planetary systems via type I migration T. Hands and R. Alexander |
11:20–11:30 |
Importance of the early accretion stage of a protoplanetary disk on the chemical evolution of planetesimals and comets H. Nagahara and K. ozawa |
11:30–11:40 |
The part of the core in thermal evolution of super-Earths A. Vazan, C. W. Ormel, and C. Dominik |
11:40–11:50 |
| presentation
Migration of icy objects to forming terrestrial planets S.I. Ipatov and M.Ya. Marov |
11:50–12:00 |
Formation of TRAPPIST-1 C.W. Ormel, B. Liu, and D. Schoonenberg |
12:00–12:10 |
Element fractionation in the early solar system: The role of nebular captured H2-envelopes H. Lammer, P. Odert, M. Leitzinger, M. Scherf, M. Güdel, C.P. Johnstone, A. Stökl, and E.A. Dorfi |
12:10–12:20 |
Impact splash chondrule formation revisited T. Lichtenberg, G. J. Golabek, C. P. Dullemond, M. Schönbächler, T. V. Gerya, and M. R. Meyer |
12:20–12:30 |
The formation of mini-Neptunes J. Venturini and R. Helled |
Lunch break
14:00–14:10 |
Gap opening by gas accretion and influence on planet populations A. Crida, B. Bitsch, N. Ndugu, and A. Morbidelli |
14:10–14:20 |
| presentation
Water transfer and loss in hit-and-run collisions C. Burger, T. I. Maindl, and C. Schäfer |
14:20–14:30 |
How can periodic orbits puzzle out the coexistence of terrestrial planets with giant eccentric ones? K. I. Antoniadou and A.-S. Libert |
14:30–14:40 |
Migration of accreting giant planets C. Robert, A. Crida, E. Lega, and H. Méheut |
14:40–14:50 |
Searching for co-orbital planets by combining transit and radial-velocity measurements p. Robutel, A. Leleu, A. Correia, and J. Lillo-Box |
14:50–15:00 |
The capture rate of free-floating planets in our galaxy N. Goulinski and E. N. Ribak |