Oral programme SB1
SB1 Planetary Rings |
Convener: Marius Lehmann | Co-Conveners: Holger Hoffmann , Jürgen Schmidt , Frank Spahn |
Oral programme
/ Fri, 22 Sep, 09:00–12:20
/ Room Neptune
Poster programme
/ Attendance Thu, 21 Sep, 17:45–19:15
/ Poster area
Friday, 22 September 2017 Room Neptune Chairperson: M. Lehmann |
09:00–09:30 |
Imaging of Saturn's main rings during the Cassini Ring-Grazing Orbits and Grand Finale (keynote talk) M. S. Tiscareno |
09:30–09:40 |
Large and small-scale structures in Saturn's rings N. Albers, M.E. Rehnberg, Z.L. Brown, M. Sremcevic, and L.W. Esposito |
09:40–09:50 |
Formation of moon induced gaps in dense planetary rings F. Grätz, M. Seiß, and F. Spahn |
09:50–10:00 |
Analyzing Blériot’s propeller gaps in Cassini NAC images H. Hoffmann, C. Chen, M. Seiß, N. Albers, and F. Spahn |
10:00–10:10 |
Studies of asymmetric propeller structures in the Saturnian ring system M. Seiler, M. Seiß, and F. Spahn |
10:10–10:20 |
Planetary Rings: Deviation from Energy-Equipartition the Temperature-Vector F. Spahn, Y. Baibolatov, and E. Seyfarth |
Coffee break
11:00–11:30 |
N-body modeling of viscous overstability in Saturn's rings (keynote talk) H. Salo |
11:30–11:40 |
The role of collective self-gravity in the nonlinear evolution of viscous overstability in Saturn's rings M. Lehmann, J. Schmidt, and H. Salo |
11:40–11:50 |
Formation of Janus and Epimetheus from Saturn's rings as coorbitals, thanks to Mimas' 2:3 inner Mean Motion Resonances A. Crida and M. El Moutamid |
11:50–12:00 |
In-situ dust measurements during Cassini's F-ring and proximal orbits R. Srama and the CDA Science Team |
12:00–12:10 |
Dynamics of dust particles in the Jovian gossamer rings X Liu, J Schmidt, and H Krüger |
12:10–12:20 |
Compositional 3-D mapping of icy dust grains in the E-ring L. Nölle, F. Postberg, N. Khawaja, T. Albin, and R. Srama |