Europlanet Science Congress 2020
Virtual meeting
21 September – 9 October 2020
Europlanet Science Congress 2020
Virtual meeting
21 September – 9 October 2020

Poster presentations and abstracts


The emphasis of the session is on all aspects of the conditions in the Sun, solar wind and magnetospheric plasmas that extend the concepts of space weather and space situational awareness to other planets in our Solar System than Earth, and in particular to spacecraft that travel through it. Abstracts on space- and ground-based data analysis, theoretical modeling and simulations of planetary space weather are welcomed. The description of new services accessible to the research community, space agencies, and industrial partners planning for space missions and addressing the effects of the environment on components and systems are also strongly encouraged. This session will also summarize the planetary space weather services developed during Europlanet RI H2020 as well as introduce the future ones to be developed by the Sun-Planet Interactions Digital Environment on Request Work Package during Europlanet RI H2024.

Co-organized by TP/OPS
Convener: Nicolas André | Co-conveners: Sae Aizawa, Andrea Opitz

Session assets

Session summary

Chairperson: Sae Aizawa
Ultra-low frequency foreshock waves at Venus and Mercury in a global hybrid simulation
Riku Jarvinen et al.
A comprehensive catalogue of solar wind properties and events in the inner heliosphere
Rachel Bailey et al.
Particle Motions in Planetary Magnetic Fields: Europlanet Service
Patrick Guio et al.