Europlanet Science Congress 2021
Virtual meeting
13 – 24 September 2021
Europlanet Science Congress 2021
Virtual meeting
13 September – 24 September 2021
EPSC Abstracts
Vol. 15, EPSC2021-277, 2021
Europlanet Science Congress 2021
© Author(s) 2022. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Analogue experiments for the detection of bacterial biosignatures in ice grains relevant to ocean worlds

Janine Bönigk1, Miriam Pavlista1, Fabian Klenner1, Maryse Napoleoni1, Jon K. Hillier1, Nozair Khawaja1, Marie Dannemann2, Eberhard Klauck3, Bernd Abel4, Karen Olsson-Francis5, and Frank Postberg1
Janine Bönigk et al.
  • 1Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Geological Sciences , planetary science and remote sensing , Berlin, Germany (
  • 2Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
  • 3Institut für Biologie, Mikrobiologie, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
  • 4Leibniz-Institute of Surface Engineering, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
  • 5Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, The Open University, United Kingdom

The identification of biosignatures on extraterrestrial ocean worlds is key to the search for life on these bodies. Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus, and possibly Jupiter’s moon Europa, eject plumes containing gas and ice grains formed from subsurface salty water into space [1,2,3,4]. The emitted ice grains can be analyzed by impact ionization mass spectrometers, such as the Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) onboard the earlier Cassini-Huygens mission [5] or the Surface Dust Analyzer (SUDA) onboard the upcoming Europa Clipper mission [6] rendering the ocean’s composition accessible for analysis during spacecraft flybys [7]. CDA data collected in the Saturnian system revealed that Enceladus’ ocean is salty [8] and contains a variety of organic material, including complex macromolecules [9] and low mass volatile compounds [10]. These low mass compounds can potentially act as amino acid precursors and could be capable of interacting within or near Enceladus’ hydrothermal vent systems [11], or Enceladus’ porous rocky core [12]. These findings enhance Enceladus’ relevance as a habitable environment potentially able to support microbial life in its subsurface ocean. However, biosignatures have not yet been identified in extraterrestrial environments.

The Laser Induced Liquid Beam Ion Desorption (LILBID) experiment is proven to accurately reproduce impact ionization mass spectra of ice grains recorded in space [13]. Previous analogue experiments using this setup have shown that amino acids, fatty acids and peptides could successfully be detected in simulated ocean world scenarios [14,15]. The next step is to investigate whether the characteristic mass spectral fingerprints of bacterial life forms, if enclosed in ice grains, could also be detected and identified by SUDA-type instruments.

We therefore conducted high sensitivity LILBID experiments on extracts of two bacteria, Sphingopyxis alaskensis (S.alaskensis) and Escherichia coli (E.coli), to simulate their characteristic spectral features in cationic and anionic impact ionization mass spectra. E. coli is a well-studied model bacterium, and S. alaskensis is a model oligotroph, abundant in marine environments. The predictable, small size of S. alaskensis (<0.1 µm3) and its ability to utilize low concentrations of nutrients [16] makes it a suitable analogue bacterium for potential lifeforms on extraterrestrial oceans. Laboratory spectra of extracted bacterial DNA, lipids and the corresponding aqueous phases produced during their extraction - potentially containing polar molecules - were performed. To simulate the salty Enceladean or Europan ocean water, the extracts have been investigated in background solutions with increasingly high NaCl concentrations.

In the mass spectra, we observe mass lines identified as microbial fragments, corresponding to fatty acids derived from the bacteria’s membrane lipids. In the S. alaskensis and E. coli DNA mass spectra we also identify nucleobases and compounds produced from the phosphate deoxyribose backbone. The recorded mass spectra are stored in a growing database of laboratory LILBID spectra (Klenner et al., in prep.), designed to aid in the interpretation of results from earlier missions, such as Cassini, as well as help planning future missions to icy ocean worlds in the Solar System, such as Europa Clipper [17].


[1] M. K. Dougherty et al. (2006) Identification of a Dynamic Atmosphere at Enceladus with the Cassini Magnetometer. Science 311:1406-1409.

[2] F. Spahn et al. (2006) Cassini dust measurements at Enceladus and implications for the origin of the E ring. Science 311:1416-8.

[3] L. Roth et al. (2014) Transient Water Vapor at Europa’s South Pole. Science 343:171-174.

[4] W. B. Sparks et al. (2016) Probing for evidence of plumes on Europa with HST/STIS. ApJ 829:121.

[5] R. Srama et al. (2004) The Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyzer. Space Sci Rev 114:465-518.

[6] S. Kempf et al. (2014) SUDA: A Dust Mass Spectrometer for Compositional Surface Mapping for a Mission to Europa. Eur Planet Sci Congr 9:EPSC2014-229.

[7] F. Postberg et al. (2011) A salt-water reservoir as the source of a compositionally stratified plume on Enceladus. Nature 474:620–622.

[8] F. Postberg et al. (2009) Sodium salts in E-ring ice grains from an ocean below the surface of Enceladus. Nature 459:1098–1101.

[9] F. Postberg (2018) Macromolecular organic compounds from the depths of Enceladus. Nature 558:564–568.

[10] N. Khawaja et al. (2019) Low-mass nitrogen-, oxygen-bearing, and aromatic compounds in Enceladean ice grains. Mon Not R Astron Soc 489:5231–5243.

[11] H.-W. Hsu et al. (2015) Ongoing hydrothermal activities within Enceladus. Nature 519:207–210.

[12] G. Choblet at al. (2017) Powering prolonged hydrothermal activity inside Enceladus. Nat Astron 1:841-847.

[13] F. Klenner et al. (2019) Analogue spectra for impact ionization mass spectra of water ice grains obtained at different impact speeds in space. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 33:1751–1760.

[14] F. Klenner et al. (2020a) Analog Experiments for the Identification of Trace Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Extraterrestrial Ocean Worlds. Astrobiology 20:179–189.

[15] F. Klenner et al. (2020b) Discriminating Abiotic and Biotic Fingerprints of Amino Acids and Fatty Acids in Ice Grains Relevant to Ocean Worlds, Astrobiology 20:1168-1184.

[16] T. Williams et al. (2009) Carbon and nitrogen substrate utilization in the marine bacterium Sphingopyxis alaskensis strain RB2256. ISME J 3:1036-1052.

[17] S.M. Howell and R.T. Pappalardo (2020) NASA’s Europa Clipper—a mission to a potentially habitable ocean world. Nat Commun 11:1311.

How to cite: Bönigk, J., Pavlista, M., Klenner, F., Napoleoni, M., Hillier, J. K., Khawaja, N., Dannemann, M., Klauck, E., Abel, B., Olsson-Francis, K., and Postberg, F.: Analogue experiments for the detection of bacterial biosignatures in ice grains relevant to ocean worlds, Europlanet Science Congress 2021, online, 13–24 Sep 2021, EPSC2021-277,, 2021.