EPSC Abstracts
Vol. 17, EPSC2024-1061, 2024, updated on 03 Jul 2024
Europlanet Science Congress 2024
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Poster | Wednesday, 11 Sep, 14:30–16:00 (CEST), Display time Wednesday, 11 Sep, 08:30–19:00|

A new Dust Model for the Saturnian System

Peter Strub1, Jürgen Schmidt1, and Mark Millinger2
Peter Strub et al.
  • 1Freie Universität Berlin, Planetary Sciences and Remote Sensing, Berlin, Germany
  • 2ESA, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

The Saturnian system with its magnificent rings is a treasure trove for cosmic dust research.
Dusty rings fed by a variety of processes form a complex dust environment:
most notably in the case of ice volcanism on Enceladus feeding the E ring, but also
due to particles generated by the impact ejecta mechanism.

Here we present our new model of dust in the Saturnian system that is currently 
being developed as part of an ESA activity to predict the hazards for space missions.
This kind of effort also provides a wealth of opportunities to address
scientific questions. In this contribution we give an overview of the first results of
cosmic dust phenomena in this extraordinary environment, but also on the technical aspects 
of the model.

The Saturn Dust model traces test particles from source to
sink, ejected in the plumes of Enceladus feeding the E ring, and from impact ejecta processes
generating a low number of particles from other airless bodies. Their trajectories are
numerically integrated taking into account all relevant forces and mechanisms, i.e. gravity,
radiation pressure, Lorentz force, plasma drag, electric charging, and sputtering. 

We discuss the calibration using existing observations, based predominantly on 
results from the Cassini mission, we present an overview of the dynamical phenomena 
associated with dust in this environment, and we give an outlook on the upcoming user interface
for the model as a tool for mission planning and risk estimation.

How to cite: Strub, P., Schmidt, J., and Millinger, M.: A new Dust Model for the Saturnian System, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-1061, https://doi.org/10.5194/epsc2024-1061, 2024.