EPSC Abstracts
Vol. 17, EPSC2024-255, 2024, updated on 03 Jul 2024
Europlanet Science Congress 2024
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
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Oral | Tuesday, 10 Sep, 09:00–09:10 (CEST)| Room Jupiter (Hörsaal A)

New constraints on the “Marginal Carbonates” from in situ observations with SuperCam, Mars2020 

Elise Clavé1, Pierre Beck2, Olivier Beyssac3, Olivier Forni4, Susanne Schröder1, Nicolas Mangold5, Clément Royer6, Lucia Mandon2, Erwin Dehouck7, Stéphane Le Mouélic5, Cathy Quantin-Nataf7, Arya Udry8, Candice Bedford9, Kristin Rammelkamp1, Sam Clegg10, Olivier Gasnault4, Roger Wiens9, Agnès Cousin4, and the SuperCam Team*
Elise Clavé et al.
  • 1DLR-OS, Berlin (elise.clave@dlr.de)
  • 2IPAG, Grenoble
  • 3IMPMC, Paris
  • 4IRAP, Toulouse
  • 5LPG, Nantes
  • 6LATMOS/IPSL/CNRS, Guyancourt
  • 7LGL-TPE, Lyon
  • 8UNLV, Las Vegas
  • 9Purdue University
  • 10LANL, NM
  • *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

Introduction: Jezero Crater lies in one of the most extensive carbonate-rich regions on Mars [1, 2], and diverse carbonate-bearing units were detected from orbit within the crater [3-6]. In particular, a unit along the Western rim of the crater stands out with especially strong carbonate signatures in CRISM data. Several origins have been considered for these “Marginal Carbonates”, including a lacustrine beach-deposit, altered igneous or pyroclastic deposits, aeolian or fluvial-deltaic origins [4]. Since September 2023 (Martian day or “sol” 910), the Perseverance rover has been exploring this so-called Margin Unit (Fig. 1A) [7].

Method: We use data collected with the SuperCam instrument [8, 9] during the Margin Campaign (up to sol 1124), with three complementary spectroscopy techniques for chemical (laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, LIBS) and mineralogical characterization (Raman and infrared reflectance spectroscopy, IRS) of rocks along the rover traverse. Additionally, the Remote Micro-Imager (RMI) provides high-resolution color images to contextualize the spectroscopic analyses.

In particular, we derive abundances for major elements (MOC) from LIBS [10], and identify specific minerals, in particular olivine and pyroxene, based on stoichiometric analyses [11]. Carbonates (above ~50 vol% [12]) can be identified based on a combination of MOC and carbon signal characterization [12, 13]. With Raman, the position of the carbonate  mode can be used to derive the composition of Fe-Mg carbonates (Mg# defined as Mg/(Fe+Mg)) [14].


LIBS –  The Margin Unit shows the highest concentration of both carbonate-bearing and high silica points along the entire traverse (49% of carbonate detections and 73% of points with SiO2 > 65 wt.% for 22% of LIBS analyses). Besides these, rocks in the Margin Unit are generally of mafic composition, including multiple detections of olivine and pyroxene (Fig. 1 C-F, [11]). Although all the carbonates are Ca-poor and Fe-Mg rich, their composition is variable. In particular, before sol 1027, carbonates covered a large range of composition (Mg# varying between ~0.3 and 0.8); since sol 1027, the Mg# of identified carbonate-bearing points are clustered in the 0.6-0.8 range (Fig. 1D, F). Since these compositional changes are correlated with changes in rock morphologies and textures [7, 15, 16], we defined two sub-units: the Eastern Margin (EM) before sol 1027 and the Western Margin (WM) afterwards (Fig. 1B).

IRS – With IRS, the Margin Unit is characterized by three main signatures: i) the 1.9 μm hydration band, comparable to what is observed in the vast majority of targets in Jezero Crater [17, 18]; ii) a 2.2 μm band, more frequent and deeper than in previous units and attributed to Si-OH based on the correlation with LIBS data; iii) absorption bands at 2.3 and 2.5 μm corresponding to carbonates, with a possible contribution of clays. Most spectra also show a positive slope between 1.3 and 1.8 μm, attributed to Fe2+ in either olivine or carbonate. Additionally, a small band at 2.39 μm indicates the presence of Fe-phyllosilicates in some targets, but their precise characterization is complicated by the strong carbonate signatures.

Raman – For the first time in the mission, carbonates were detected not only in all three abraded patches (Fig. 1B) but also on six different targets with natural surfaces in the Western Margin. Some significant variability in Mg# is observed (median values: EM=~0.45; WM=~0.6).

With Raman, olivine was also detected in the first abrasion patch in the EM. No high-silica phase was detected with SuperCam Raman, which however is challenging due to an instrumental artifact.

Summary & Discussion: Several lines of evidence indicate that the Eastern and Western Margins may be distinct. Observations of layering and clastic textures show that the EM is likely of sedimentary origin. The WM lacks clear structure to conclude confidently [7, 15, 16].

The Margin Unit is uniquely enriched in both Fe-Mg carbonates and a silica-rich phase (LIBS, Raman and IRS). The silica is at least hydroxylated based on the IRS, but its hydration state is not well constrained. Additionally, points with mafic compositions in LIBS, including olivine and pyroxene grains, are also omnipresent in this unit. Beyond these general observations, we note some variability within the Margin Unit, and in particular between the Eastern and Western parts. Based on LIBS data, the WM presents a more restrained range of carbonate compositions, with only Mg-rich carbonates, covering the same range of composition as the primary minerals identified in this sub-unit (Fig. 1F). Raman data confirm the higher Mg# in carbonates in the WM. In the EM, the range of carbonate composition is wider, and wider than the range of primary mineral compositions (Fig. 1D).

The combination of mafic minerals, high-silica points and carbonates is consistent with altered mafic/ ultramafic rocks, possibly analog to carbonated peridotite [e.g. 19, 20]. The SuperCam data do not enable to confidently conclude regarding the presence of serpentine or talc in these rocks, although some phyllosilicates are detected with IRS. Nonetheless, the match between the compositions of carbonates and primary minerals in the WM is consistent with in situ alteration of olivine-rich lithology with CO2-rich fluids in a closed-system. However, the original process of emplacement of this mafic material is still poorly constrained. In the EM, the more diverse compositions – in particular of carbonates – and layering could indicate additional reworking of this altered-mafic material, possibly including Ca-enriched fluids.


References: [1] Ehlmann, Mustard et al. (2008) Nature geosc., [2] Mandon et al. (2020), [3] Goudge et al. (2017), [4] Horgan et al. (2020), [5] Tarnas et al. (2021), [6] Zastrow & Glotch (2021), [7] Horgan et al., (2024) Mars X, [8] Maurice et al. (2021) SSR. [9] Wiens al. (2021) SSR. [10] Anderson et al. (2022) SAB. [11] Udry et al., (2024) Mars X, [12] Beck et al. (2024) Icarus. [13] Clavé et al. (2023) JGR. [14] Beck & Beyssac et al., sub. [15] Jones et al., (2024) Mars X,[16] Ravanis et al., (2024) Mars X, [17] Mandon et al. (2023) JGR, [18] Dehouck et al. (2023) LPSC, [19] Beinlich et al. (2010) [20] Johnson et al. (2019)

SuperCam Team:

Tayro Acosta‑Maeda, Christophe Agard, Fernando Alberquilla, Cesar Alvarez Llamas, Ryan Anderson, Daniel Applin, Julene Aramendia, Gorka Arana, Roberta Beal, Pierre Beck, Candice Bedford, Karim Benzerara, Sylvain Bernard, Pernelle Bernardi, Tanguy Bertrand, Olivier Beyssac, Thierry Bloch, Jean‑Yves Bonnet, Bruno Bousquet, Abderrahmane Boustelitane, Magali Bouyssou Mann, Matthew Brand, Philippe Cais, Gwenael Caravaca, Kepa Castro Ortiz De Pinedo, Charlene Cazalla, Antoine Charpentier, Baptiste Chide, Elise Clavé, Samuel Clegg, Ed Cloutis, Leire Coloma, Jade Comellas, Stephanie Connell, Agnes Cousin, Lauren DeFlores, Erwin Dehouck, Dot Delapp, Tomas Delgado Perez, Robin Deron, Christophe Donny, Alain Doressoundiram, Gilles Dromart, Ari Essunfeld, Cecile Fabre, Amaury Fau, Woodward Fischer, Hugo Follic, Olivier Forni, Thierry Fouchet, Raymond Francis, Jens Frydenvang, Travis Gabriel, Zachary Gallegos, Cristina García‑Florentino, Patrick Gasda, Olivier Gasnault, Erin Gibbons, Martin Gillier, Laura Gomez, Sofia Gonzalez, John Grotzinger, Jennifer Huidobro, Xavier Jacob, Jeffrey Johnson, Hemani Kalucha, Evan Kelly, Elise Knutsen, Gaetan Lacombe, Florentin Lamarque, Nina Lanza, Carene Larmat, Javier Laserna, Jeremie Lasue, Laetitia Le Deit, Stephane Le Mouelic, Chip Legett IV, Richard Leveille, Eric Lewin, Cynthia Little, Mattéo Loche, Guillermo Lopez Reyes, Ralph Lorenz, Eric Lorigny, Juan Manuel Madariaga, Morten Madsen, Lucia Mandon, Henry Manelski, Nicolas Mangold, Jose Manrique Martinez, Noah Martin, Jesus Martinez Frias, Sylvestre Maurice, Timothy Mcconnochie, Scott McLennan, Noureddine Melikechi, Pierre‑Yves Meslin, Frederique Meunier, David Mimoun, Gilles Montagnac, Franck Montmessin, Javier Moros, Valerie Mousset, Naomi Murdoch, Tony Nelson, Ray Newell, Cécile Nicolas, Horton Newsom, Colleen O’Shea, Ann Ollila, Philippe Pantalacci, Jonathan Parmentier, Laurent Peret, Pascal Perrachon, Paolo Pilleri, Cédric Pilorget, Patrick Pinet, Iratxe Poblacion, Francois Poulet, Cathy Quantin Nataf, William Rapin, Ivan Reyes, Laurent Rigaud, Scott Robinson, Ludovic Rochas, Margaret Root, Eloise Ropert, Léa Rouverand, Clement Royer, Fernando Rull Perez, David Said, Pierre Sans‑Jofre, Susanne Schroeder, Fabian Seel, Shiv Sharma, Amanda Sheridan, Pablo Sobron Sanchez, Aurélien Stcherbinine, Alex Stott, Michael Toplis, Nathalie Turenne, Marco Veneranda, Dawn Venhaus, Roger Wiens , Uriah Wolf & Allison Zastrow

How to cite: Clavé, E., Beck, P., Beyssac, O., Forni, O., Schröder, S., Mangold, N., Royer, C., Mandon, L., Dehouck, E., Le Mouélic, S., Quantin-Nataf, C., Udry, A., Bedford, C., Rammelkamp, K., Clegg, S., Gasnault, O., Wiens, R., and Cousin, A. and the SuperCam Team: New constraints on the “Marginal Carbonates” from in situ observations with SuperCam, Mars2020 , Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-255, https://doi.org/10.5194/epsc2024-255, 2024.