ICG2022-482, updated on 20 Jun 2022
10th International Conference on Geomorphology
© Author(s) 2022. This work is distributed under
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Inventory, outcrop characterization and numerical assessement for a field class and geoconservation purpose on the Leba EN280 road (Huíla Plateau, SW Angola)

Anabela Ramos1 and Fernando C. Lopes1,2
Anabela Ramos and Fernando C. Lopes
  • 1Centro de Investigação da Terra e do Espaço (CITEUC), Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal (ana-baia@sapo.pt)
  • 2Departamento de Ciências da Terra (DCT), Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal (fernando.c.lopes@dct.uc.pt)

The studied area is located in the Serra da Leba, Humpata Plateau, the most central and elevated sector of the great Huila Plateau (southwest of Angola). Here a thick volcano-sedimentary sequence of Proterozoic age emerges, known as Chela Group, unconformably overlies Eburnean and pre-Eburnean granitoids. This sequence is covered in disconformity by the Leba Formation, consisting of clay, cherts and black dolomitic limestones with stromatolites.

In the area, in particular on the Leba EN280 road, outcrops have been inventoried and characterized which by its geological content can be defined as geosites: 1) Small quarry of clay in Humpata Plateau; 2) Old lime oven of Leba; 3) Viewpoint of Serra da Leba; 4) Slope of the first curve of the Leba Road; 5) Slope of the third loop of the Leba Road; 6) Reverse fault in granitoid rock; 7) Dolerites curve; 8) Ductile simple shear zone. The high scientific, didactic and aesthetic value of these outcrops justifies their integration in a geo-educational itinerary, contributing to the enhancement and awareness of the Serra da Leba's geological heritage, for its promotion and scientific and educational dissemination. A quantitative assessement of the selected sites to be classified as geosites that must be preserved (integration in a geoconservation strategy) will be purpose.

How to cite: Ramos, A. and Lopes, F. C.: Inventory, outcrop characterization and numerical assessement for a field class and geoconservation purpose on the Leba EN280 road (Huíla Plateau, SW Angola), 10th International Conference on Geomorphology, Coimbra, Portugal, 12–16 Sep 2022, ICG2022-482, https://doi.org/10.5194/icg2022-482, 2022.