ICG2022-653, updated on 07 Sep 2023
10th International Conference on Geomorphology
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Drivers in the geo-environmental evolution of Northern Iberian watersheds during the Anthoropocene

Pablo Cruz Hernández1, Juan Remondo1, Mario Morrelón2, Jaime Bonachea1, Antonio Cendrero1, Jose Antonio Barreda1, María Rivas3, Victor Villasante-Marcos4, José Luis Cavallotto5, Luis María Forte5, José Gómez-Arozamena6, Antón Manoel Leira7, and Carlos Sierra-Fernández8
Pablo Cruz Hernández et al.
  • 1Dpto. CITIMAC, Universidad de Cantabria. 39005 Santander (Cantabria), Spain
  • 2Dpto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología. Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Calle José Antonio Nováis 12. 28040 Madrid, Spain
  • 3Dpto. de Geografía, Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio, Universidad de Cantabria. 39005 Santander (Cantabria), Spain
  • 4Observatorio Geofísico Central, Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Real Observatorio de Madrid, C/Alfonso XII, 3, 28014, Madrid, Spain
  • 5Instituto de Geomorfología y Suelos (IGS), Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata (1900), Argentina
  • 6Dpto. de Ciencias Médicas y Quirúrgicas, Universidad de Cantabria, 39011 Santander (Cantabria), Spain
  • 7Dpto. de Bioloxía, Universidade da Coruña, Campus da Zapateira, 15071A, Coruña, Spain
  • 8Dpto. Tecnología Minera, Topografía y de Estructuras. EST Ingenieros de Minas, Universidad de León. Campus de Vegazana, 24071 León (León), España

This contribution is focused on the reconstruction of the geo-environmental evolution during the Anthropocene. The research initiative, within the framework of the GECANT project, aims at understanding how recent natural and anthropic changes have affected the geomorphological dynamics of Cantabrian watersheds (Northern Spain), which have experienced an intense human activity during the last centuries. For this purpose, a multi-file and multi-site approach has been used by integrating data from distinctive lakes and estuaries of a large range of environmental conditions comprising the whole Cantabrian region. A multidisciplinary strategy, including geomorphological analyses, instrumental climate records, limnological studies, and multi-proxy analysis of sediment cores (geochemistry, geochronology and palaeoecology), as well as socioeconomic data, has been used in order to disentangle the natural and human drivers and causes of environmental changes. The data obtained so far indicate an increase in sedimentation rates in lakes and estuaries since the middle of the 20th century. Conceivably, this research will lead to the improvement of our understanding of the synergistic effects of natural and human drivers at the basin scale whilst promoting an enhanced design of global change mitigation and adaptation policies.

How to cite: Cruz Hernández, P., Remondo, J., Morrelón, M., Bonachea, J., Cendrero, A., Barreda, J. A., Rivas, M., Villasante-Marcos, V., Cavallotto, J. L., Forte, L. M., Gómez-Arozamena, J., Leira, A. M., and Sierra-Fernández, C.: Drivers in the geo-environmental evolution of Northern Iberian watersheds during the Anthoropocene, 10th International Conference on Geomorphology, Coimbra, Portugal, 12–16 Sep 2022, ICG2022-653, https://doi.org/10.5194/icg2022-653, 2022.