Plinius Conference Abstracts
Vol. 18, Plinius18-43, 2024, updated on 11 Jul 2024
18th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Oral | Tuesday, 01 Oct, 12:15–12:30 (CEST)| Lecture room

Integrated Command System for Complex Incidents and Large Wildfires

Jesús Morcillo i Julià
Jesús Morcillo i Julià
  • Spain (



In the current European context, emergency responders are confronted with a complex landscape. Factors such as climate change, the unmanaged forest re-grow all across Europe, and the expansion of buildings into wildland areas have increased the complexity and severity of emergencies. Responders must manage a vast amount of information in a short time, making decision-making a challenging process.

The Incident Command Post, therefore, requires a standardized organizational system to optimize the effectiveness of actions, minimize uncertainty, and simplify the complex scenario for timely and safe decision-making.

Spain’s emergency management system has integrated aspects of the French doctrine of emergency management and the American Incident Command System. However, it has not fully adopted all aspects of these systems. Meanwhile, many Fire and Rescue Departments in Spain are increasingly applying the French System GOC (Operational Management and Command management mechanism).

This abstract proposes a system that integrates mechanisms from both the French and American models, along with other strategies, to address the identified shortcomings in managing complex incidents. Initially oriented towards the reality of emergencies in Valencia, the proposed system aims for broader application across Spain and potentially the European Union. This integrated command system seeks to improve the management of complex emergencies and large forest fires, contributing to more effective and efficient responses.

This system was initially presented as the final project for an ‘Advanced Course in Emergency Coordination and Civil Protection’ (Ciclo Superior de Coordinación de Emergencias y Protección Civil), demonstrating its practical application in the field of emergency management and civil protection. Now it is the author’s aim to spread it to a bigger international audience.


Author: Jesús Morcillo i Julià.

About the author:

Seasoned wildland firefighter with a career spanning over two decades. Demonstrated expertise in leading fire crews, coordinating operations, and managing complex wildfires. Proven commitment to team building and leadership, with a focus on training and instruction. Extensive travel for training and collaborations in various fields.

SGISE Bombers Forestals – Pau Costa Foundation – Consorci Provincial Bombers Castelló

How to cite: Morcillo i Julià, J.: Integrated Command System for Complex Incidents and Large Wildfires, 18th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks, Chania, Greece, 30 Sep–3 Oct 2024, Plinius18-43,, 2024.