Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Room 33
Chairperson: Paolo Perona / Mario Schirmer
Management and restoration of riverine landscapes
EGU2010-643 Managing Large River Landscapes in the Era of the Anthropocene
Press & Media Klement Tockner
Groundwater, biogeochemical processes and biodiversity
EGU2010-5821 Groundwater Residence Times: A Key Parameter for Investigating Effects of River Restoration on Riverbank Filtration Tobias Vogt, Eduard Hoehn, Philipp Schneider, Mario Schirmer, and Olaf A. Cirpka
EGU2010-5172 Spatio-temporal controls of nitrate removal in a restored riparian groundwater system Simone Peter, Romana Rechsteiner, Moritz Lehmann, Klement Tockner, Bernhard Wehrli, and Edith Durisch-Kaiser
EGU2010-11005 Denitrification capacity and greenhouse gas emissions of soils in channelized and restored reaches along an Alpine river corridor Juna Shrestha, Pascal Niklaus, Emanuela Samaritani, Emmanuel Frossard, Klement Tockner, and Jörg Luster
EGU2010-4819 Can terrestrial diversity be predicted from soil morphology? Bertrand Fournier, Claire Guenat, and Edward Mitchell
Poster presentation
Biogeochemical processes and related modelling
EGU2010-12112 The contribution of different hydrological mechanisms to nitrate removal in a re-connected floodplain.
Fotis Sgouridis, Catherine (Kate) Heppell, Geraldene Wharton, and Mark Trimmer
EGU2010-5626 Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a soil profile: Model development Jordi Batlle-Aguilar, Alessandro Brovelli, and D. Andrew Barry
Plants as ecosystem engineers
EGU2010-5883 Investigating the potential role of the aquatic plant, Sparganium erectum, in accelerating channel adjustment in channelised and restored river reaches
Angela Gurnell, Matthew O'Hare, Judith O'Hare, Thomas Liffen, Natasha Bankhead-Pollen, and Andrew Simon
EGU2010-12598 The role of river hydrology on Salix shoot and root survival statistics on the alluvial sediment of a restored river corridor Nicola Pasquale, Paolo Perona, Francesca Verones, Robert Francis, and Paolo Burlando
EGU2010-4696 Using Mechanistic Understanding of Streambank Processes and a Deterministic Bank-Stability Model to Design and Evaluate a Reach-Scale Restoration Project
Andrew Simon, David Derrick, and Natasha Bankhead