Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 9
Chairperson: Folkert Boersma
EGU2010-8240 Overview of the CINDI campaign Michel Van Roozendael, Ankie Piters, Folkert Boersma, Folkard Wittrock, Jennifer Hains, Mark Kroon, and Howard Roscoe
EGU2010-13640 Measurements of NO2-profiles during the CINDI campaign Folkard Wittrock and Katrijn Clémer and the CINDI-profiling
EGU2010-3330 BrO profiling in the arctic troposphere during spring 2007 C. Prados-Roman, A. Butz, T. Deutschmann, M. Dorf, L. Kritten, A. Minikin, H. Schlager, N. Theys, M. Van Roozendael, and K. Pfeilsticker
EGU2010-11928 Retrieval of Aerosol Profiles using Multi-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) Selami Yilmaz, Udo Frieß, Arnoud Apituley, Bas Henzing, Holger Baars, Birgit Heese, Dietrich Althausen, Mariana Adam, Jean-Philippe Putaud, Paul Zieger, and Ulrich Platt
EGU2010-8311 The Development of a Nitrogen Dioxide Sonde Wesley Sluis, Marc Allaart, Ankie Piters, and Lou Gast
EGU2010-10775 Validation and retrieval of IASI measurements with IASI-balloon correlative measurements Sébastien Payan, Claude Camy-Peyret, Marc Pondrom, Yao Té, Pascal Jeseck, Jérôme Bureau, and Isabelle Pépin