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Oral Programme BG3.2


Biogeochemistry of coastal seas and continental shelves (including Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists Lecture)
Convener: Helmuth Thomas  | Co-Convener: Alberto V. Borges 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 25 Apr, 10:30–12:30  / Room 23
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Poster Area BG
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD20.3 

Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Room 23
Chairperson: Alberto V. Borges
A review on the patterns of river material fluxes, coastal plume dispersal, shelf sediment facies, and anthropogenic impacts of the Tropical Land-Sea Interface, Sergipe/Alagoas, Northeast Brazil (solicited)
B. Knoppers, P.R.P. Medeiros, W.F.L. de Souza, E.N. Oliveira, L.C. da S. Fontes, M.S. do Carmo, I.S. Carvalho, M.C. Silva, N. Brandini, and M.E. Carneiro
Phytoplankton copper requirement under iron limited condition in the coastal Bay of Bengal
H Biswas, D Bandyopadhyay, and P.P Kumar
Impact of internal and external alkalinity fluxes on the carbonate system of the larger German Bight
F. Schwichtenberg, J. Pätsch, I. Lorkowski, T. Amann, V. Winde, M. Schartau, H. Thomas, O. Dellwig, J. van Beusekom, J. Hartmann, and M. Böttcher
Dissolution of Antarctic shelf carbonates: an insignificant feedback to acidification
J. Hauck, K.R. Arrigo, M. Hoppema, G.L. van Dijken, C. Völker, and D.A. Wolf-Gladrow
EGU2012-742 | presentation
In situ evaluation of air-sea CO2 gas transfer velocity in an inner estuary using eddy covariance - with a special focus on the importance of using reliable CO2-fluxes
E.T. Jørgensen, L.L. Sørensen, B. Jensen, and M.K. Sejr
Variability of shelf sea pH and surface water CO2 in response to North Atlantic Oscillation forcing
L. Salt, H. Thomas, A.E.F. Prowe, A.V. Borges, and H.J.W. de Baar
Global patterns of organic carbon export and sequestration in the ocean (Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists) (solicited)
S. Henson, R. Sanders, E. Madsen, F. Le Moigne, and G. Quartly