

Continental rifting is a multi-facetted process spanning from the inception of extension to continental rupture or the formation of a failed rift. This session aims at combining new data sets, concepts and techniques elucidating the structure and dynamics of rifts and rifted margins. We invite submissions highlighting the time-dependent evolution of processes such as initiation of faults and ductile shear zones, tectono-magmatic and sedimentary history, lithospheric necking and rift strength loss, influence of the pre-rift lithospheric structure, mantle dynamics and associated effects on rifting processes, as well as continental break-up and the transition to sea-floor spreading. We encourage contributions using multi-disciplinary and innovative methods from field geology, geochronology, seismology, geodesy, marine geophysics, plate reconstruction, or modeling. Focus regions may include but are not limited to the Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and South China Sea (e.g. IODP 367/368 area) rifted margins, or the East African, Eger, Baikal and Gulf of California rift systems. Special emphasis will be given to presentations that provide an integrated picture by combining results from active rifts, passive margins, failed rift arms or by bridging the temporal and spatial scales associated with rifting.

Co-organized as GD5.6/GMPV2.12/SM1.24
Convener: Sascha Brune | Co-conveners: Carmen Gaina, Giacomo Corti, Nick Kusznir
| Mon, 08 Apr, 10:45–12:30, 14:00–15:45
Room K1
| Attendance Wed, 10 Apr, 08:30–10:15
Hall X2

Monday, 8 April 2019 | Room K1

Chairperson: Sascha Brune, Giacomo Corti
10:45–11:00 |
Damien Delvaux and Abdelkader Soumaya
11:00–11:15 |
Laura Parisi, Ian Stanistreet, Jackson Njau, Kathy D. Schick, Nicholas Toth, and P. Martin Mai
11:15–11:30 |
Frank Zwaan, Giacomo Corti, Derek Keir, Federico Sani, Finnigan Illsley-Kemp, and Ameha Muluneh
11:45–12:00 |
Casey Nixon, Lisa McNeill, Robert Gawthorpe, Mary Ford, Rebecca Bell, Aaron Moyles, Donna Shillington, Natalia Zakharova, Jonathan Bull, Gino de Gelder, Georgios Michas, and IODP Expedition 381 Scientists
12:00–12:15 |
Marco Maffione, Claudia Fioravanti, Baltazar Pipa, Francis Raptis, Emilio Herrero-Bervera, Lisa McNeill, and Donna Shillington
12:15–12:30 |
| presentation
Antonio Schettino, Giorgio Ranalli, Elisa Fierro, Pietro Paolo Pierantoni, Davide Zanoni, Eugenio Turco, and Najeeb Rasul
Lunch break
Chairperson: Carmen Gaina, Nick Kusznir
14:00–14:15 |
Per Terje Osmundsen, Gwenn Péron-Pinvidic, and Halvor Bunkholt
14:15–14:30 |
Jeroen Smit, Manfred Lafosse, and Jan-Diederik van Wees
14:30–14:45 |
Julie Tugend, Emmanuel Masini, Sylvie Leroy, and Laurent Jolivet
14:45–15:00 |
| solicited
| Highlight
Hans Christian Larsen, Geoffroy Mohn, Michael Nirrengarten, and Anders McCarthy
15:00–15:15 |
Miguel Andres-Martinez, Marta Perez-Gussinye, John Armitage, and Jason Morgan
15:15–15:30 |
Guillaume Duclaux, Ritske S. Huismans, and Dave May
15:30–15:45 |
Ken McCaffrey, Phil Heron, Alex Peace, Kim Welford, Woody Wilson, and Russ Pysklywec