The Earth system responds to perturbations of solar origin with sudden and intense variations of the geomagnetic field observed, for instance, during geomagnetic storms and substorms. These variations can give origin to geomagnetically induced currents that can represent a hazard for ground-based critical infrastructures.
Geomagnetic measurements, both from ground-based observatories and satellites, have a twofold role in the space weather framework. One is in the quantification of ground effects due to space weather events. The other is in gaining a more and more accurate knowledge of the sources, both internal and external, of the geomagnetic field. Indeed, an accurate separation of the geomagnetic field contributions is of central importance for the development of tools and methods aimed at reliably monitoring and forecasting space weather effects. In this session, we encourage submissions from those involved in investigations that emphasize the role of satellite and ground-based geomagnetic field measurements as a tool to gain advances in space weather research.

Convener: Roberta Tozzi | Co-conveners: Georgios Balasis, Paola De Michelis
| Mon, 08 Apr, 14:00–15:45
PICO spot 1

Monday, 08 April 2019

PICO spot 1
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
Ground and satellite magnetic data for space weather
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
14:00–14:02 |
PICO1.1 |
| solicited
Kirsti Kauristie
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
14:02–14:04 |
PICO1.2 |
Paul Loto'aniu, Samuel Califf, and Robert Redmon
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
On the magnetospheric and ionospheric sources of space weather ground effects
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
14:04–14:06 |
PICO1.3 |
| solicited
Specification and decomposition of the external geomagnetic field for space weather research and applications
Mervyn Freeman, Robert Shore, and Jesper Gjerloev
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
14:06–14:08 |
PICO1.4 |
Adamantia Zoe Boutsi, Georgios Balasis, and Ioannis A. Daglis
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
14:08–14:10 |
PICO1.5 |
Lucia Santarelli, Paola De Michelis, and Giuseppe Consolini
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
14:10–14:12 |
PICO1.6 |
Paola De Michelis, Giuseppe Consolini, and Georgios Balasis and the INTENS Team
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
Role of geomagnetic indices
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
14:12–14:14 |
PICO1.7 |
Antonio Guerrero, Elena Saiz, Consuelo Cid, and Yolanda Cerrato
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
14:14–14:16 |
PICO1.8 |
Leonie Pick, Frederic Effenberger, Irina Zhelavskaya, and Monika Korte
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
Ground effects: geoelectric field and GICs
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
14:16–14:18 |
PICO1.9 |
Simone Di Matteo, Mirko Piersanti, Brett Carter, Giulia D'Angelo, Julie Currie, and Endawoke Yizengaw
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
14:18–14:20 |
PICO1.10 |
| presentation
Ilaria Iovannitti, Mirko Piersanti, Roberta Tozzi, and Paola De Michelis
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
14:20–14:22 |
PICO1.11 |
Fernando Pinheiro, Fernando Santos, Maria Alexandra Pais, Anna Morozzova, Paulo Ribeiro, Yvelice Castillo, Cristiana Francisco, and João Fernandes
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
14:22–14:24 |
PICO1.12 |
Roberta Tozzi, Paola De Michelis, Igino Coco, and Fabio Giannattasio
Chairperson: Roberta Tozzi, Georgios Balasis
14:24–14:26 |
PICO1.13 |
Natalia-Silvia Asimopolos, Laurentiu Asimopolos, and Adrian-Aristide Asimopolos