Side Events
Disciplinary Sessions
Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions

Session programme


SSS – Soil System Sciences

Programme group chairs: Rafael Angulo-Jaramillo, Jacqueline Hannam, Nadezda Vasilyeva, Jose Alfonso Gomez, Paolo Tarolli, Claudio Zaccone, Claudio Zaccone, Encarnación Taguas, Daniela Sauer, Elena Korobova, Sebastian Doetterl, Raúl Zornoza, David C. Finger

SSS6 – General Soil Science


Soil structure, function and ecosystem services are discussed within each soil discipline: biology, chemistry and physics and it is recognised that each one of these soil disciplines have great importance in determining the overall soil health and characteristics. Moreover, there is an interrelationship between soil biota and the chemical and physical properties of the soil. For example, soil chemical composition can influence the survival of organisms in the soil and in return, soil organisms may change soil pH, aggregate stability and rate of organic matter decomposition. Healthy, bio-diverse, fertile soil that is rich in nutrients and elements required for food security and proper human nutrition can lead to personal physical fitness as well as social wellbeing for both the individual and broader society. Despite sessions and discussions within each soil discipline, there is very little talk between disciplines and one of the main reasons is the difficulties of the members of one discipline to understand the jargon used by another.
The aim of this session is to bring experts and ECSs from the different soil disciplines to present on soil structure, function and ecosystem services where the only rule is that jargon is not allowed! Our main objective is to facilitate discussion and feed soil information between the biology, chemistry and physics disciplines.
We have dedicated our session to the work of Professor Lily Pereg who was the initiator of this session and President of Soil System Sciences Division at EGU until she died tragically and unexpectedly earlier this year.

Co-organized as BG2.29/HS8.3.17
Convener: Taru Sandén | Co-conveners: Brigitta Szabó, Karen Vancampenhout, Eric C. Brevik, Bahar S. Razavi, Lily Pereg (deceased)(deceased)
| Fri, 12 Apr, 08:30–10:15
Room -2.47
| Attendance Fri, 12 Apr, 10:45–12:30
Hall X1

Karst areas with carbonate bedrock comprise approximately 20 % of ice-free land on earth and provide water resources for about 25% of the Earth’s population, as well as under-pinning substantial food production. The critical zone extends from the base of the groundwater system to the top of the vegetation canopy, and comprises a complex system of coupled chemical, biological, physical and geological processes, which together support life at the Earth’s surface. Human impacts including intensive land use, contamination, and consequences of climate change have brought severe changes to the functioning of the critical zone. Owing to the inherent vulnerability of many karst ecosystems to disturbance, these are often particularly severe in karst areas. This has resulted in many emerging challenges for soil science, hydrology and related disciplines to understand how land-management practices impact biogeochemical cycles, and consequently the ability of the karst critical zone to provide future ecosystem services. The special characteristics of the critical zone in karst areas include heterogeneity of aquifer properties, thin soil profiles with a direct soil-rock contact, and unique weathering processes. This results in challenges to biogeochemical cycles studies in karst systems, requiring novel techniques and different approaches to non-karst areas.

Critical zone science is necessarily interdisciplinary. This session strongly encourages work drawing on a range of disciplines that will further our understanding of biogeochemical cycling in the karst critical zone. This will provide the knowledge base on which future management of karst areas is based, in order to secure their ability to provide ecosystem services. Work from all relevant disciplines is encouraged, including soil science, water quality, geology, karst hydrology, ecology, agronomy, and ecosystem services in karstic systems, which may draw from both long-term monitoring and high resolution study of occasional or extreme events. Work may include modelling, experimentation, reviews or a combination of the three.

Co-organized as HS11.70/SSS6.6
Convener: Fu-Jun Yue | Co-conveners: Sarah Buckerfield, Yongjun Jiang, Siliang Li, Susan Waldron
| Fri, 12 Apr, 08:30–10:15
Room 2.44
| Attendance Fri, 12 Apr, 10:45–12:30
Hall A