NH1.2 | Extreme meteorological and hydrological events induced by severe weather and climate change
Extreme meteorological and hydrological events induced by severe weather and climate change
Including Plinius Medal Lecture
Convener: Athanasios Loukas | Co-conveners: Maria-Carmen Llasat, Uwe Ulbrich
| Tue, 25 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST), 14:00–17:20 (CEST)
Room C
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
vHall NH
Orals |
Tue, 10:45
Tue, 08:30
Tue, 08:30
With global climate change affecting the frequency and severity of extreme meteorological and hydrological events, it is particularly necessary to develop models and methodologies for a better understanding and forecasting of present-day weather induced hazards. Future changes in the event characteristics as well as changes in vulnerability and exposure are among the further factors for determining risks for infrastructure and society, and for the development of suitable adaptation measures. This session considers extreme events that lead to disastrous hazards induced by severe weather and climate change. These can, e.g., be tropical or extratropical rain- and wind-storms, hail, tornadoes or lightning events, but also (toxic) floods, long-lasting periods of drought, periods of extremely high or of extremely low temperatures, etc. Papers are sought which contribute to the understanding of their occurrence (conditions and meteorological development), to assessment of their risk (economic losses, infrastructural damages, human fatalities, pollution), and their future changes, to the ability of models to reproduce them and methods to forecast them or produce early warnings, to proactive planning focusing on damage prevention and damage reduction. In order to understand fundamental processes, papers are also encouraged that look at complex extreme events produced by combinations or sequences of factors that are not extreme by themselves. The session serves as a forum for the interdisciplinary exchange of research approaches and results, involving meteorology, hydrology, environmental effects, hazard management and applications like insurance issues.

Orals: Tue, 25 Apr | Room C

Chairpersons: Athanasios Loukas, Maria-Carmen Llasat, Uwe Ulbrich
Plinius Medal Lecture
Plinius Medal Lecture
On-site presentation
Alberto Viglione

Black Swans in river flood hydrology are unexpected events that surprise flood managers and citizens, causing massive impacts when they do occur, but that appear to be more predictable in retrospect, after their occurrence. My talk aims at showing how black swans in river flood hydrology can "be made grey", i.e. can be anticipated to a certain degree, in probabilistic terms, and/or made less impactful, by (1) expanding information on flood probabilities by gathering data on floods occurred in other places and at other times; (2) understanding the mechanisms causing heavy tails in flood frequency distributions; (3) understanding the mechanisms causing river flood changes in time; (4) accounting for uncertainties in data, models and flood frequency estimates; (5) accounting for the possible dynamics of coupled human-water systems; and (6) coupling the classical top-down approach to hydrological risk assessment based on predictive modelling with a bottom-up approach that is centered on robustness and resilience.

How to cite: Viglione, A.: Extremes in river flood hydrology: making Black Swans grey, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2227, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2227, 2023.

Extreme Hydrological Events (Floods and Droughts)
On-site presentation
Jonas Götte and Manuela Brunner

Drought-to-flood transitions are both a challenge and opportunity for water management. While the two extremes are often studied separately, their close succession can have severe impacts. The timespan between events can range from rapid transitions happening within a few days to long transitions taking many years. Still, the drivers and frequency of those transitions in specific river basins remain unknown. Therefore, we ask ‘when, where and how often do transitions from streamflow droughts to floods occur?’

To answer these questions, we analyse over 1000 catchments in the contiguous US from the GAGES-II database, identify streamflow droughts and floods, and calculate transition times between both types of extremes. Then, we relate the time and frequency of occurrence and the timespan between extremes to local climate and topographic characteristics. We distinguish between winter and summer transitions to identify hydro-meteorological processes important in different seasons and focus on particularly rapid transitions. 

We find that the duration and frequency of transitions show large spatial variability. Regionally, rapid transitions occur during a typical time of the year which is often related to the presence of snow and melt processes. Snow also dictates seasonal differences in rapid transition frequencies between summer and winter. Snow-free catchments have a lower frequency but higher variability of transitions which makes the phenomenon less predictable. Additionally, reservoirs reduce the occurrence of snow-affected rapid transitions. We conclude that management challenges related to drought-to-flood transitions are particularly pronounced in natural and rainfall-dominated catchments.

How to cite: Götte, J. and Brunner, M.: Drought-to-flood transitions – When and where do they occur?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-666, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-666, 2023.

On-site presentation
Gamze Koc

Upper Bavaria has comparatively higher mean rainfall amounts than other regions in Germany when the long-term rainfall data analyzed. Those heavy rainfall events cause severe human and economic impacts in the region. However, when the precipitation patterns (i.e. intensity, duration, etc.) were examined for this region, it is possible to see that similar rainfall patterns might cause different impacts in different districts of Oberland. This situation underlines the importance of understanding the different aggravating pathways of heavy rainfall events in the region. For this aim, flood-aggravating pathways such as topographic features, land use types, soil moisture and infiltration properties of the events in Oberland between the years 2001-2021 were analyzed. To determine the dominant influencing mechanisms, aggravating pathway factors are classified using hierarchical clustering for the study area. The classification results are compared with the heavy rainfall events defined by the German Weather Service (DWD), Catalogue of Radar-based Heavy Rainfall Events (CatRaRE catalogue) in terms of precipitation duration and amount, as well as fire brigade operations in the area regarding the impacts.

Herewith, direct or indirect relevance of rainfall patterns and catchment properties on the flood events in Oberland (Upper Bavaria), Germany between the years 2001 and 2021 are investigated with this study. The outcomes could provide beneficial information on different aggravating mechanisms in different districts in Oberland and could be used for future land-use planning and flood risk prevention studies.

How to cite: Koc, G.: Clustering of flood-aggravating pathways in the forelands of Pre-Alpine Region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6846, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6846, 2023.

On-site presentation
Carlotta Scudeler, Giulia Giani, and Alexandra Tsioulou

Over April 2022, heavy rain in KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa, followed by intense flooding and mudslides, caused one of the deadliest natural disasters in the country, mostly hard-hitting the areas in and around Durban. The intense rainfall was caused by a cut-of-low mid-latitude depression, known as Storm Issa, which is a common weather system in South Africa, particularly in the spring and summer months. In this study we present an analysis which investigates 1) the reasons why this event has been so impactful in terms of damage and loss compared to other similar events in South Africa and 2) if the intensity and frequency of such a storm is increasing as a result of a changing climate.  The analysis has been carried out at different levels: ERA-5 reanalysis data and rain gauge data have been used to characterize at different temporal and spatial scales the precipitation relative to the event and compared to other similar events; DWS discharge data have been used to analyse the event in terms of hydrological response and flow; and finally the footprint of the event has been reconstructed, following the flow analysis and by means of UNOSAT satellite-detected flood, landslide and damaged structures taken as reference. Among the major outcomes of the analysis we found that the duration and antecedent conditions, most probably also exacerbated by La Nina effect, made the event exceptional, resulting in a flash flood among the highest recorded in the last 70 years. The reconstructed event footprint whilst could be improved in the areas which were mostly affected by landslides, captures well the flooding in the major floodplain.     

How to cite: Scudeler, C., Giani, G., and Tsioulou, A.: The April 2022 South Africa Flood event, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14921, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14921, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Rakesh Kumar

Flood disaster resilient design of the bridges is the lifeline of the transport infrastructure. Design of flood disaster resilient bridges is the major requirement for construction of the main highways and railway networks as well as for developing the transport networks in hilly regions and remote areas. Inadequate hydrologic and hydraulic design of the bridges results in failure of the bridges and during the current rainy season, a number of bridges were washed away in the India and other parts of the world, mainly due to it. In the present era, the construction technology is in fairly well advanced state and a major challenge associated in construction of the disaster resilient bridge infrastructure is to estimate the accurate design flood and using it for determination of the highest flood level (HFL) of the bridges incorporating the growing climate-change-induced threats of the intensifying extreme weather events. In this research, a procedure for design flood estimation for the bridges will be developed based on the L-moments approach of flood frequency analysis and its superiority will be demonstrated over the existing procedures. The data will be screened using the discordancy measure (Di) in terms of the L-moments. Homogeneity of the region will be tested using the L-moments based heterogeneity measure, H. For computing the heterogeneity measure H, 500 simulations will be  performed using the four parameter Kappa distribution. Comparative regional flood frequency analysis studies ill be performed using the L-moments based frequency distributions: viz. Extreme value, General extreme value, Logistic, Generalized logistic, Normal, Generalized normal, Uniform, Pearson Type-III, Exponential, Generalized Pareto, Kappa, and five parameter Wakeby. Based on the L-moment ratio diagram and Zidist -statistic criteria, the robust distribution will be identified and design flood will be estimated using the robust frequency distribution. Effect of climate change will be studied using the CMIP-5 scenarios and the fixed percentage increases in the design flood. The research will create a climate-resilience-centred procedure leading to policy framework comprising of exhaustive methodology, guidelines and tools for design of flood disaster resilient bridges for the road and railway networks to make the transport infrastructure more resilient in the face of future climate change induced uncertainties of the extreme rainfall events.

How to cite: Kumar, R.: Design flood estimation for flood disaster Resilient bridges exposed to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-882, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-882, 2023.

On-site presentation
Libor Elleder and Jolana Šírová

The usual goal of palaeoflood hydrology and historical hydrology is, according to the classic concept, to extend the flood records over centuries or millennia back. Many compilations of documentary sources on floods in Western and Central Europe were collected in last two centuries. The palaeoflood records were presented for hundreds of localities in Europe. Numerous individual flood event case studies were carried out and published. On the PAGES Flood Working Group (FWG) website hundreds of flood records are collected in one database. The overall goals of the FWG are "to integrate and analyse existing palaeoflood data at the regional and global scales and to promote and disseminate palaeoflood science and data at different levels". The aim of this contribution is to present the recently created “Map of Extreme Floods” (MEF) ESRI application focused on European floods.  Apart from the FWG goals stated above, the MEF application aims also to the future geographic characterization and mapping of hydrological extreme events. The MEF places some of interpreted documentary sources for Central and Western Europe into relevant spatial and temporal frameworks. Actually, the MEF application more event oriented approach enables to put the fundamental information on European historical floods, i.e. the exact location and datum, into broader spatial and temporal context. The maps created by this tool form the reliable fundament for detailed exploration and including of additional data. The principal MEF application aims are: (i) archiving, (ii) verification, (iii) corrections, (iv) addition of further data and information, (v) exchange of data and last but not least (vi) providing information for both scientists and public. 24 large floods from 1432 to 2002 are now at disposal and next 20 are under preparation. The estimated extremities, economic losses, infrastructural damages, water levels, flood marks etc. are attributed to individual localities. The performance of the MEF application is documented by selected historical extreme flood events, possibly analogical to these recent of 1997, 2002, and 2013.


How to cite: Elleder, L. and Šírová, J.: MEF application- the extreme floods are already in maps!, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3160, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3160, 2023.

Lunch break
Chairpersons: Uwe Ulbrich, Maria-Carmen Llasat, Athanasios Loukas
Extreme Meteorological Events
On-site presentation
Describing hail-prone convective environments with high-resolution reanalysis and overshooting top detections
Antonio Giordani, Michael Kunz, Kristopher M. Bedka, Heinz Jürgen Punge, Tiziana Paccagnella, and Silvana Di Sabatino
On-site presentation
Luca Severino, Chahan M. Kropf, Hilla Afargan-Gerstman, Christopher Fairless, Andries Jan De Vries, Daniela I.V. Domeisen, and David N. Bresch

Extratropical winter windstorms are among the most significant natural hazards in Europe in terms of fatalities and economic losses, and windstorm impacts projections under climate change in Europe are considerably uncertain. This study combines state-of-the-art climatic projections from 29 global climate models participating in CMIP6, with the open-source weather and climate impact-risk assessment model CLIMADA to obtain a set of relevant projections for future windstorm-induced damages over Europe. Spatial patterns of the future changes in windstorm damages projected by the multi-model ensemble show a median increase in the damages in northwestern and northern-central Europe, and a median decrease over the rest of Europe, in agreement with an eastward extension of the North Atlantic storm track into Europe. We combine all 29 available climate models in an ensemble of opportunity approach and find evidence for an overall increase in future windstorm loss events, with events with return periods of 100 years under current climate becoming events with return periods of less than 20 years under future SSP585 climate. Using an uncertainty-sensitivity quantification analysis, we find that the climate model uncertainty dominates the uncertainty in the projections of damages related to frequent events, but that stochastic uncertainty hinders the uncertainty quantification for more extreme events. Our findings demonstrate the importance of climate model uncertainty for the CMIP6 projections of extratropical winter windstorms in Europe, and emphasize the increasing need for risk mitigation and management due to extreme weather in the future.

How to cite: Severino, L., Kropf, C. M., Afargan-Gerstman, H., Fairless, C., De Vries, A. J., Domeisen, D. I. V., and Bresch, D. N.: Projections and uncertainties of future winter windstorm damage in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-797, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-797, 2023.

On-site presentation
Nathalie Bertrand, Adrien Gaonac'h, Hugues Delattre, Maeva Sabre, and Laurent Li

Extreme wind phenomena generated during convective events are reported every year in France and cause significant material losses. In 2022, several significant events were observed, for example in Normandy in June where a kite surfer lost his life or in August in Corsica where a new wind gust record was recorded (225km/h). However, convective wind gusts are not considered in the design process of residential and industrial infrastructures. Therefore, our study assesses the available databases on convective wind speeds monitored or estimated by MeteoFrance and Keraunos for the period 2000-2019 in order to define a methodology to estimate the wind gusts return level.

Since all these convective events occur during a thunderstorm, the originality of this work was to use lightning data to separate convective from non-convective events. In addition, we considered all available data by projecting them onto the same grid (Meteorage lightning grid with 25 km resolution). A first probability analysis and conditional probabilities knowing the occurrence of a thunderstorm were deduced over the period and by seasons.

Then, we will focus on a very convective region (North-East of France) to evaluate the possibility to estimate the return level of wind gusts with the designed available dataset.

How to cite: Bertrand, N., Gaonac'h, A., Delattre, H., Sabre, M., and Li, L.: Extreme wind gusts assessment in France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14453, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14453, 2023.

On-site presentation
João Lucas Geirinhas, Ana Russo, Renata Libonati, Diego Gonzalez Miralles, Alexandre Miguel Ramos, and Ricardo Machado Trigo

An acceleration in the global water cycle with severe rainfall and drought episodes is expected to occur in many regions due to climate change1. Spatial and temporal disturbances in the atmospheric water budget encompassing changes in precipitation and evaporation rates, soil moisture levels, groundwater recharge and water available for runoff are foreseen, posing great challenges to the global freshwater availability2 , food security3 and the sustainability of natural ecosystems4 . Thus, the assessment of hydro-meteorological extremes is crucial, particularly in regions such as South America (SA) that are extremely vulnerable to climate change and lack a comprehensive assessment of this extremes. Moreover, SA has two main watersheds (Amazon and La Plata basin) essential for the regional hydroclimate and local and remote precipitation in a global scale, through moisture recycling, transport and convergence.

Regions of Southeast SA, particularly over the La Plata basin and the Pantanal, have witnessed severe drought conditions in recent years. Pronounced soil dryness started to be recorded during mid-2018 over Southeast Brazil, but rapidly spread to areas in Paraguay, Bolivia, and northern Argentina. This abnormal situation lasted until 2021, leading to huge agricultural losses. Extremely low streamflow levels in the Paraná and Paraguay rivers caused serious constraints in the hydropower generation and water supply, and led to disruptions in the waterways that are fundamental for the fluvial transport and economy of these countries. Moreover, the Pantanal biome was also dramatically affected, particularly during 2020, when pronounced soil dry-out conditions concurred with several heatwaves, leading to devastating fires that resulted in catastrophic burned area levels7.

This study presents a detailed analysis of the 2019–2021 drought episode over Southeast SA from a climate change and variability context aiming: to (1) evaluate the exceptionality of the soil dry-out conditions within a historical record of 70 years; (2) provide a detailed spatiotemporal evolution (from daily to decadal and regional to large-scale) of soil moisture anomalies across the southeast SA; and (3) assess the large-scale tropical and subtropical atmospheric mechanisms that were responsible for pronounced disturbances in the normal processes of moisture transport and convergence, and that, ultimately, explained the observed soil moisture deficits over southeast SA.


  • [1] Chagas, V. B. P., Chaffe, P. L. B. & Blöschl, G. Climate and land management accelerate the Brazilian water cycle. Nat. Commun. 13, 5136 (2022).
  • [2] Konapala, G., Mishra, A. K., Wada, Y. & Mann, M. E. Climate change will affect global water availability through compounding changes in seasonal precipitation and evaporation. Nat. Commun. 11, 1–10 (2020).
  • [3] Lesk, C., Rowhani, P. & Ramankutty, N. Influence of extreme weather disasters on global crop production. Nature 529, 84–87 (2016).
  • [4] Seddon, A. W. R., Macias-Fauria, M., Long, P. R., Benz, D. & Willis, K. J. Sensitivity of global terrestrial ecosystems to climate variability. Nature 531, 229–232 (2016).


JG, AR, RT are grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia for the PhD Grant 2020.05198.BD, I.P./MCTES for the national funding (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020 and for Dhefeus (2022. 09185.PTDC). RL is grateful to CNPq (Grant 311487/2021-1) and FAPERJ (Grant E26/202.714/2019).

How to cite: Geirinhas, J. L., Russo, A., Libonati, R., Miralles, D. G., Ramos, A. M., and Trigo, R. M.: An insight into the severe 2019-2021 drought over Southeast South America from a daily to decadal and regional to large-scale variability perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-827, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-827, 2023.

On-site presentation
Elizbar Elizbarashvili, Mariam Elizbarashvili, and bela Kvirkvelia

The research aimed at studying the characteristics of hail in the Kvemo Kartli region (Georgia). Hail (30%) is the most frequent natural hydrometeorological event in the territory of Georgia after flash floods (37%). Hail is typical for the Kvemo Kartli region, where agricultural production is the leading industry. It damages farm lands. The study of hail is very important for the development and introduction of hail prevention methods in the region.

We used the observation materials of 7 weather stations of the region for the years of 1961-2022, a catalog was compiled and the following characteristics of hailfall were calculated: probability, number of days, intensity, frequency, duration, and distribution areas.

Hail is observed in the warm spell of the year; especially active processes develop in spring and the first half of summer, which are associated with convective clouds.

The highest number of hailfall days in the region is 12-14 days a year. In the Kvemo Kartli region, hail damage the territory with an area of ​​1 to 5 square kilometers in 38% of its cases; in 33% of cases, it damages an area of ​​less than 1 km2. An area of ​​more than 5 km2 is damaged in approximately 30% of cases of hail. Rarely, hail damages much larger areas, for example, more than 50 km2 is damaged in 3% of cases. The average duration of hailfall is 9-10 minutes. In 60% of cases, hailfall lasts less than 5 minutes, in 80% of cases, the duration of hailfall is less than 10 minutes. In 3% of cases, hail can last for an hour and a half.

Thus, the main climatic characteristics of hail in the Kvemo Kartli region have been identified.

The research results can be used to reduce the negative impact of hail and implement measures to prevent hail.

This work was supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG) Grant № FR-19-14993.

How to cite: Elizbarashvili, E., Elizbarashvili, M., and Kvirkvelia, B.: Hail in the Kvemo Kartli Region (Georgia), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4255, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4255, 2023.

On-site presentation
Arnobio Palacios Gutiérrez and Jose Luis Valencia Delfa

Spain is a territory with spatial variations highly influenced by its distance from the sea and its complex orography, where it is possible to note an uneven distribution of both temperature and precipitation. This study presents an analysis of trends in maximum temperature and precipitation by zone over the period 1951-2021 using monthly data. The database used includes 16156 multivariate time series (maximum temperatures and precipitation) corresponding to different areas of the Spanish territory, distributed over a grid of 5x5km2. The methodology used starts by reducing the dimensionality of the time series and with this version are clustered using an approach based on multiscale analysis using a clustering algorithm. In the following, the prototypes of each group are defined, which allows to identify and analyse patterns of change in maximum temperatures and precipitation by zones. An increase in average maximum temperature has been identified in eight zones distributed in Spain from 1951 to 2021. The rate of change of maximum temperature was between 0.060ºC and 0.2155ºC per decade. Areas further south showed a higher rate of increase than areas found in the north. It has been observed that May was the month with the highest variation for all areas in maximum temperature, nevertheless, differences in seasonal variation are evident when passing from one zone to other, as in some there is greater variation in spring months and in others in winter months. An analysis of trends and seasonal variations of precipitation in the identified zones will be carried out and the correlation between patterns of maximum temperature and precipitation will be studied in each of the eight zones.

How to cite: Palacios Gutiérrez, A. and Valencia Delfa, J. L.: Identification of precipitation and maximum temperature patterns in Spain during 1951 to 2021 using clustering based on multiscale analysis of time series, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4466, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4466, 2023.

On-site presentation
Sophie Barthelemy, Séverine Bernardie, Bertrand Bonan, Gilles Grandjean, Dorothée Kapsambelis, David Moncoulon, and Jean-Christophe Calvet

Clay shrink-swell consists in volume changes of clayey, smectite-rich soils as a function of their soil water content. Building foundations can be affected by soil shrinkage during droughts, entailing what is called subsidence damage. This is the second costliest peril covered by the French national natural disaster compensation scheme, the losses amounting to more than 16B€ between 1989 and 2021 (CCR, 2021). As illustrated by the 2022 drought in France, these costs are likely to increase as a result of climate change and of the related amplification of annual soil moisture cycles.

In this context, we investigate the relationship between drought and subsidence damage, using the ISBA land surface model developed by the French meteorological service (Météo-France), geotechnical data from the French geological survey (BRGM) and data from a national claim database operated by the French state-owned national reinsurance company (CCR). We compute several yearly drought indices based on multi-layer soil moisture time series simulated by the ISBA model. Different configurations of the indices are considered, varying in particular the ISBA model settings, and the soil drought definition through a threshold value accounting for a given temporal frequency, for each model soil layer. We assess a large range of configurations by using the Kendall rank correlation of the indices with yearly town-scale insurance claim data from 2000 to 2018, processed using the geotechnical data. The analysis is repeated for five sets of four towns with an important damage history distributed throughout France, in contrasting climate conditions.

Highest rank correlation coefficients are obtained for soil layers deeper than 60 cm, and with temporal frequency threshold values corresponding to intense droughts. Under these conditions, the indices are able to fairly represent the occurrence of damages. The relationship between drought indices and the number of claims is non-linear. This study benefits from the latest improvements in land surface modeling and is a step forwards in climate risk modeling since the indices investigated can be considered as new predictors for subsidence damage. Climate change impact studies will be conducted in a next phase.

[References] CCR: Les Catastrophes naturelles en France, Bilan 1982-2021, 2021.

How to cite: Barthelemy, S., Bernardie, S., Bonan, B., Grandjean, G., Kapsambelis, D., Moncoulon, D., and Calvet, J.-C.: Investigating the relationship between drought and clay-shrinkage-induced subsidence damage at the town scale over France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6322, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6322, 2023.

On-site presentation
Tabea Wilke, Markus Schultze, and Katharina Lengfeld

Since major hail events are quite rare in Germany, there is a lack of information in hail occurrence, size and its spatio-temporal distribution. As hailstorms are often locally very limited events, the hail distribution is hard to analyze precisely. Hail reports can only give a first intuition about the amount of hail overall. There might be a bias in the amount of reports towards too many reports in highly populated areas, which could lead to an underrepresentation of reports in rural and sparsely populated areas. Areal information from weather radar networks can overcome this issue with a high spatio-temporal resolution. As an addition, data from the German Insurance Association (GDV) about damages through hail serve as a very certain source for hail occurrence.

The German radar network consists of 17 dual-polarimetric radar systems, which cover Germany more or less completely. For the analysis of the hail distribution, the Maximum Expected Size of Hail (MESH) and a method based on Vertical Integrated Ice (VII) are used to estimate the hail size. Those sizes are reduced to thresholds to obtain where hail is reasonable or have a significant large size. The results of MESH and VII are finally compared to the eyewitness reports sent to the European Severe Weather Database and the WarnWetter-App. An important comparison are the loss data by the GDV. It can give further insides into the amount and the size of hail.

How to cite: Wilke, T., Schultze, M., and Lengfeld, K.: A first insight into the hail distribution over Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7244, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7244, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Ana Russo, Raquel Santos, and Célia M. Gouveia

Record-breaking heatwaves, both atmospheric or marine, occur regularly throughout the world, leading to a variety of sectoral and societal impacts. According to the WMO, since 1970 there were more than 11 000 reported disasters attributed to these hazards globally, with just over 2 million deaths and US$ 3.64 trillion in losses. Heatwaves are among the top 4 disasters in terms of human losses during the 50-yr long period, with uneven impacts throughout the world.

Madagascar, which is well known for its vast biodiversity, and abundant and unique natural resources, has been affected by successive droughts and hot events with disastrous consequences for the agriculture sector, and consequently increasing food insecurity. During the last decades, climate change and environmental degradation contributed to an escalation of the ecosystem’s fragility, therefore decreasing, even more, food security in subsistence farming regions.

Considering that the association between higher temperatures and water scarcity increases the risk of food insecurity compared to the sole occurrence of individual hazards, it is very important to address extreme events on a compound approach, identifying synergies, driving mechanisms, and dominant atmospheric modes controlling single and combined hazards.

Here the focus is placed on a particularly sensitive region,  the Madagascar Island, which shows significant positive trends in heatwaves metrics over the period 1982–2022 (frequency, intensity, duration, and intensity composite index). The combined occurrence of both marine and atmospheric heatwaves and drought conditions along the Mozambique Channel and Madagascar relying on ERA5 reanalysis was also performed and ranked according to the referred metrics. Of the two zones considered, there is considerable differences between trends when addressing separately the northern and southern regions, particularly in the case of the intensity of marine and atmospheric heatwaves.  


This work was funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020- IDL ,  DHEFEUS - 2022.09185.PTDC and ROADMAP - JPIOCEANS/0001/2019.

How to cite: Russo, A., Santos, R., and Gouveia, C. M.: Compound occurrence of marine and atmospheric heatwaves with drought conditions over the Mozambique Channel and Madagascar Island, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8156, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8156, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Maria-Carmen Llasat, Athanasios Loukas, Uwe Ulbrich
Extreme Meteorological Events and Climate Change
On-site presentation
Hung Ming Cheung and Jung-Eun Chu

When tropical cyclones (TCs) move to the mid-latitudes, they encounter the baroclinic environment where many of them experience extratropical transition (ET) by which they lose the symmetric and warm-core characteristics and transform into extratropical cyclones (ETCs). ETCs are usually faster than TCs and oftentimes destructive to coastal cities with strong wind and heavy precipitation. Climate models predict that the mean intensity of TCs would become stronger fundamentally due to the increase in atmospheric moisture contents in response to global warming. However, whether the destructiveness of ETCs originated from TCs will change in the future has not been explored with a high-resolution fully-coupled model. To understand the future changes in ET events and the destructive potential of these ETCs, we analyzed the high-resolution Community Earth System Model (CESM) simulations (0.25 degrees for the atmosphere and 0.1 degrees for the ocean) with present-day, doubling, and quadrupling CO2 concentrations.

The high-resolution model well captures the frequency and annual cycle of the ET events compared to observation with underestimated frequency in the North Atlantic and West Pacific while overestimating them in the East Pacific, South Indian, and South Pacific. Our results show that the frequency and ratio of ET events do not change significantly in both CO2 doubling and quadrupling experiments. An increase in 10-m wind speed at ET completion is observed mainly in North Atlantic and South Indian. We used the total integrated kinetic energy, which depends on the wind speed and the area covered by the high wind region of a storm, to represent the destructive potential of a storm upon ET completion. It is found that the relative ratio of the strongly destructive ETCs to weaker ETCs increase in response to greenhouse warming.

Our study highlights the destructive potential of transitioned TCs. Since ETCs usually have greater spatial coverage than TCs, the former can impact a larger population and region, albeit with lower intensity. Therefore, accurate prediction of future changes in ET events can have significant socio-economic implications.

How to cite: Cheung, H. M. and Chu, J.-E.: Increasing destructive potential of extratropical transition events in response to higher CO2 concentration in global climate model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4736, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4736, 2023.

On-site presentation
Haiyan Chen, Ye Tuo, and Markus Disse

Hydrometeorological extremes (HMEs) pose immense challenges and hazards to communities in a warming world, and this is particularly true for compound extremes (CHMEs) associated with deadly wet and dry events. More attention has been paid to extremes happening in arid and wet regions, nonetheless, temperate regions are understood poorly where more and more HMEs are striking fragile social-ecological systems. Therefore, the study shines a light on a proper temperate region of Europe, Germany. Not only the spatial-temporary variation of individual HMEs (IHMEs) but also compound events are fully investigated over the past seven decades. Notably, we propose a new insight to explore the concurrent extreme wet and dry events (CEDWs). A comprehensive framework is devised here, it combines the percentile and standardized index methods to explore compound extremes first. Different time scales are utilized to identify extreme wet (EWs) and dry events (EDs) separately considering their different evolving processes and impacting patterns on human society. The research presents the spatiotemporal distribution of the number, magnitude, and intensity of IHMEs and CHMEs in the wet and dry regions of Germany. Moreover, the changing tendency and spatial clustering of these events are further discussed by Ordinary Least Squares and Moran Index methods. Our study provides an important perspective on the changes in the spatiotemporal distribution of HMEs in the temperate region, especially the novel discussion of compound events. On the other hand, the research results regarding phases and areas of severe extremes facilitate planners and decision-makers to prioritize disaster management with limited resources and produce effective risk-mitigation plans.

How to cite: Chen, H., Tuo, Y., and Disse, M.: Intensifying Hydrometeorological Extreme Events and Compound Anomalies in a Temperate Region, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15352, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15352, 2023.

On-site presentation
Babak Ghazi, Rajmund Przybylak, and Aleksandra Pospieszyńska

The latest projection of temperature under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) scenarios from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase-6 (CMIP6) indicates that, by the 21st century, the global average temperature will increase by over 5.4 °C in the highest-emission scenario and 1.1 °C in the highest mitigation scenario. Climate change is mainly described by changes in two main meteorological variables, i.e., temperature and precipitation. Observed and projected changes in temperature and precipitation significantly influence various hydroclimatic events such as droughts and floods. Therefore, a precise projection of those variables, including at local and regional scales, is crucial and urgently needed. In Poland, the negative impact of the observed warming on the frequency and intensity of droughts and floods has been detected.

In this research, we present a projection of temperature and precipitation variations in Toruń, Poland, for future periods (2015–2100). To accomplish this, several general circulation models (GCMs) are employed under two SSP scenarios, namely SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5 from NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP-CMIP6) datasets. In these models, the historical reference period is 1950–2014, and future projections are for 2015–2100.

The results indicated that the mean annual air temperature will increase from 8.1 °C in the reference period to 8.9 °C in SSP1-2.6 scenario and 10.1 °C in SSP5-8.5 scenario. Precipitation will increase slightly under both scenarios. It is projected that the average annual precipitation in Toruń will change from 514.38 mm in the reference period to 533.15 mm and 522.37 mm during 2015–2100 according to the SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, respectively. It is evident that an increase in precipitation and heavy rainfall will culminate in extreme occurrences such as floods, which will further threaten lives, properties and the environment within the heart of Toruń.

How to cite: Ghazi, B., Przybylak, R., and Pospieszyńska, A.: Impact of climate change on temperature and precipitation in Toruń, Poland, based on CMIP6 under SSP scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-283, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-283, 2023.

On-site presentation
Mustafa Asfur and Jacob Silverman

In 2016, the World Meteorological Organization declared that lightning is an essential climate variable. To date, global change studies have only considered the effect of warming on lightning flash frequency and the global distribution of lightning activity. Furthermore, none of these studies considered the effects of climate change on lightning flash intensity. In our previous studies we suggested based on laboratory experiments that lightning intensity over water surfaces may be influenced by their chemical properties, including salinity (S), pH and total alkalinity (TA). In this study we tested the combined effects of changes in S, TA and pH in Mediterranean Sea surface water on the intensity of laboratory generated electrical sparks, which are considered to be analogous to cloud to sea-surface intensity of lightning discharges. The range of values tested in the lab correspond to changes in S, pH and TA of Mediterranean surface water that were caused by the anthropogenic climate change, ocean acidification and damming of the Nile in the 1960s. Where, the damming of the Nile is generally accepted to have caused nearly 30% of the total salination of Mediterranean surface water until now. The experimental results were used to develop a multivariate linear model of Lightning Flash Intensity (LFI) as a function of S, TA/S, which  and pH. The model was validated with wintertime (DJF) LFI measurements along a Mediterranean Sea zonal profile during the period 2009-2020 compared to corresponding climate model outputs of S, TA and pH. Based on this model, the combined effects of climate change, ocean acidification and the damming of the Nile, may have increased LFI in the Levantine Sea by 16±14% until now relative to the pre-Aswan Dam period. Furthermore, assuming that salinization and acidification of the Levantine Sea will continue at current trends, the LFI is predicted to increase by 25±13% by the year 2050.

How to cite: Asfur, M. and Silverman, J.: Climate mediated changes in seawater chemistry and their potential effects on marine lightning intensity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-334, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-334, 2023.

On-site presentation
Dipesh Chapagain, Luna Bharati, Reinhard Mechler, Samir Kc, Georg Pflug, and Christian Borgemeister

Climatic disaster impacts, such as loss of human life as its most severe consequence, have been rising globally. Several studies argue that the growth in exposure, such as population, is responsible for the rise and the role of climate change is not evident. While disaster mortality is highest in low-income countries, existing studies focus mostly on developed countries. Here we address this impact attribution question in the context of the Global South using disaster-specific mixed-effects regression models. We show that the rise in landslide and flood mortality in a low-income country Nepal between 1992-2021 is attributable primarily to the increased precipitation extremes. An increase in one standardized unit in maximum one-day precipitation increases flood mortality by 33%, and heavy rain days increase landslide mortality by 45%. A one-unit increase in per capita income decreases landslide and flood mortality by 30% and 45%, respectively. Population density does not show significant effects.

How to cite: Chapagain, D., Bharati, L., Mechler, R., Kc, S., Pflug, G., and Borgemeister, C.: Understanding the role of climate change in disaster mortality: Empirical evidence from Nepal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-647, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-647, 2023.


Posters on site: Tue, 25 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | Hall X4

Chairpersons: Athanasios Loukas, Maria-Carmen Llasat, Uwe Ulbrich
Droughts and Floods
Surendra Kumar Mishra, Sabyasachi Swain, and Ashish Pandey

Drought is a meteorological phenomenon that occurs when there is a prolonged period of below-average precipitation, leading to a shortage of water. It can have serious consequences, particularly for agriculture, as plants and crops depend on water for their growth and survival. In this study, we conducted a spatiotemporal assessment of drought trends and variabilities in the Marathwada Region of Maharashtra, India, which is dominated by agriculture. We used precipitation data from the India Meteorological Department for 1980-2020 and characterized drought occurrences using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) at different time frames (1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-months moving windows). Further, we used non-parametric tests, such as the modified Mann–Kendall (MMK) and Sen's slope (SS) tests, to detect trends in precipitation as well as in Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) and actual evapotranspiration (ET). The results of the study indicate that the Marathwada region is prone to droughts, and the SPI at a 12-monthly moving frame is more effective at capturing drought occurrences than shorter time frames due to the lesser randomness in the time series. We also found a mix of positive and negative trends in the SPI series for the monsoonal months, with more concentration towards negative trends, thereby indicating an increased tendency or severity of drought events. A detailed discussion is also provided on the seasonal variations of precipitation, ESI and ET. The information from this study can be used to develop water management strategies to mitigate the effects of drought in the region.

How to cite: Mishra, S. K., Swain, S., and Pandey, A.: Assessment of meteorological drought characteristics during 1980-2020 over the Marathwada Region, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1669, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1669, 2023.

Sofia Sarchani and Ioannis Tsanis

According to the IPCC, Eastern Canada is an area where heavy precipitation events are likely to intensify. The Humber River basin is a medium-sized basin located in the Greater Toronto Area, in Southern Ontario, Canada, which is exposed to severe storms resulting in flash floods. A severe storm that passed by the city of Toronto on July 8, 2013 caused a flood with damages across the area, including blackouts and citizens trapped in public transportation and vehicles. Hydro-meteorological stations close to the basin’s outlet, in the urban section, recorded 60-63 mm of rain in two-three hours. The analysis of the examined river segment, including several bridge structures, is performed with two hydraulic models (1D and 2D) by using a high-resolution DTM and two flow hydrographs as input boundary conditions. The 2D hydraulic model provides more detailed results regarding the maximum flood depths, flood wave velocities, and arrival times of maximum depths, at every grid cell of the computational mesh. In comparison, the 1D model provides results at cross-sectional level, and interpolates them in the intermediate positions. The differences between the two models in low-height bridge locations are considerable. The 2D model can be improved by enforcing grid cells at bridges’ locations. However, there is a risk of possible instabilities in solving the shallow water equations by assuming a Courant number kept in low levels. Moreover, during storm events, water level gauges in situ measurements can improve calibrating both hydraulic models. The probable increase in precipitation heights due to climate change indicates the necessity for effective flood risk management in the urban area of the city of Toronto. On-going research concerns the effect of projected extreme precipitation on peak runoff and downstream flood impacts via climate model datasets.

How to cite: Sarchani, S. and Tsanis, I.: Flood inundation mapping along a downstream river segment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3938, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3938, 2023.

Josep Carles Balasch, Feliu Izard, Jaume Calvet, Jordi Tuset, David Pino, Mariano Barriendos, and Josep Barriendos

Climate variability conditioned by the effects of climate change justifies the study of historical periods in order to identify and characterise episodes of high severity and low frequency. The increase in the irregularity of the rainfall regime in some regions justifies the study of these events for a better assessment of their presence in the immediate future. In this regard, the study of extreme hydrometeorological episodes that happen in unusual seasons of the year for these extreme episodes is of particular interest.

One of these unusual episodes was the torrential rainfall and floods of May 1853 in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula). The whole month of May 1853 is a unique hydrometeorological anomaly, being the second most rainy month of May in the whole instrumental series of precipitation of the city of Barcelona (period 1786-2022).

This work reconstructs this episode of heavy rainfall and floods using a multidisciplinary approach. Old instrumental meteorological data are used to obtain the daily pluviometric behaviour in Barcelona. Surface atmospheric pressure data from different points of Western Europe allow its synoptic description.

Historical information allows the identification of the different river overflow points and the floods caused by this episode. These points are represented cartographically together with the documented impacts on infrastructures. For this episode, there are 38 cases with historical information on impacts caused by floods or overflows. These occurred in eight different river basins which are included in the hydrographic demarcations of the Ebro River and the Catalan Coastal Basins. 

In order to appreciate the magnitude of the event, a limnimark (or floodmark) located in Tres Ponts Canyon on the Segre River is used. This record enables us to assimilate the episode with the most severe episode measured on the Segre River, one of the main tributaries of the Ebro River, in November 1982, with 1900 m3/s. This confirms the magnitude of the event of 1853, which is one of the most severe episodes of the lower Ebro basin for the last 500 years. 

How to cite: Balasch, J. C., Izard, F., Calvet, J., Tuset, J., Pino, D., Barriendos, M., and Barriendos, J.: Multidisciplinary reconstruction of the May 1853 flood episode, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6087, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6087, 2023.

Pablo Gimenez-Font, Josep Barriendos, Jorge Olcina, Mariano Barriendos, Josep Carles Balasch, and Jordi Tuset

Climate variability conditioned by the effects of climate change justifies the study of past periods in order to identify and characterise episodes of high severity and low frequency. The increase in the irregularity of the precipitation regime in some regions justifies the study of these events for a better assessment of their occurrence in the immediate future. In this regard, the climatic framework of the Maldà Oscillation (1760-1800) offers hydrometeorological anomalies of low frequency and high severity, especially in the dimension of catastrophic floods. One of the episodes that occurred in this period affected the region of the present-day Valencian Community, on the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula, between 6 and 8 September 1793.The aim of this work is to reconstruct, in as much detail as possible, the meteorological and hydrological behaviour of an extraordinary rainfall event. At the same time, it also aims to reconstruct the impacts caused on human activity. In order to achieve this objective, data from old instrumental meteorological observation and the result of an extensive collection of information from historical documentary sources are used. Although the meteorological data are scarce, they allow the synoptic characterisation of the episode. The hydrological approach of the episode is only qualitative, but it allows the identification of the affected river basins and the occurrence of river floods and overflows. The social impacts of the episode are significant and occurred due to the exceptional nature of the episode. For example, the overflowing of the top of a hydraulic dam built at the end of the 16th century (Tibi dam, 43 metres above the river course). Despite the presence of hydraulic infrastructures that were able to control the floods, there were numerous catastrophic damages that are represented in a detailed thematic cartography. During 3 days of flooding, 7 river basins belonging to the Júcar and Segura hydrographic demarcations were affected, with 11 towns and villages suffering catastrophic damages. Likewise, the social response to these events is analyzed, basically characterized by the celebration of religious ceremonies.

How to cite: Gimenez-Font, P., Barriendos, J., Olcina, J., Barriendos, M., Balasch, J. C., and Tuset, J.: Multidisciplinary reconstruction of the flood episode of September 1793, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8704, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8704, 2023.

Montserrat Llasat-Botija, Erika Pardo, Laura Esbrí, Raül Marcos, and María Carmen Llasat

Floods are the natural risk that causes the most damage in Mediterranean coastal areas. In Spain, for instance, more than 60% of disaster compensations correspond to floods. Consequently, it is essential to characterize these phenomena to obtain information that can be useful to improve preparedness and future response by generating effective and efficient adaptation strategies.

In the context of the C3RiskMed project, all the flood events that have affected the Spanish Mediterranean coast between 1980 and 2020 have been identified. To this aim, the INUNGAMA flood database (Llasat et al., 2014) has been used as starting point. This database contains all the flood events that have occurred in Catalonia since 1900 and includes hydrometeorological and impact information for each event.  Once this database has been updated until 2020, flood events from the Valencian Community, the Region of Murcia and Mediterranean Andalusia have been searched and classified. This has been achieved by using the Civil Protection Catalog of Historical Floods and other sources such as newspaper archives and reports. This base allows us to characterize the different regions in terms of the impact of events and to identify differences and commonalities to take into account in the design of adaptation measures. It will be also used to identify and characterize compound events.

Hence, in this communication we present the update of this database as well as its application as an adaptation tool for Catalonia: the AGORA Flood Observatory. This Observatory consists of an online portal (agora.ub.edu) that contains multiple resources related to floods such as reports of historical events with different sections adjusted to different target audiences (i.e. the general population, schools, expert and/or technical audiences). This observatory also includes the AGORA viewer. This viewer allows interactive consultation of flood events by municipality, county, and river basin, either on a map or in a table (with event details). The observatory also offer technical and pedagogical material about floods for different target groups. The role of this Observatory as an adaptation tool is based on its potential as a decision support and planning tool and its contribution to the improvement of risk awareness of the population. This research has been done in the framework of the C3Riskmed project (MICINN-AEI/PID2020-113638RB-C22) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the AGORA project financed by the Water Catalan Agency.

Llasat, M.C., Marcos, R., Llasat-Botija, M., et al. (2014). Flash flood evolution in North-Western Mediterranean. Atmospheric Research, 149: 230–243.

How to cite: Llasat-Botija, M., Pardo, E., Esbrí, L., Marcos, R., and Llasat, M. C.: Development of a flood events database for the Spanish Mediterranean coast and its application to improve flood risk awareness, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9729, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9729, 2023.

Epari Ritesh Patro, Greta Cazzaniga, and Carlo De Michele

The dam failure can be caused by multiple factors such as slope instability, presence of structural faults, or overflow. The latter is one of the most frequent causes and accounts for more than 40 % of them worldwide. Checking the hydrological safety of dams means assessing the ability of the dam, and thus of its outlets, to dispose of intense flood events without overflow. In Italy, the assessment of the hydrological safety of dams is a key and urgent issue in Italy. About the 8% of the large dams were built more than one century ago, and such a percentage is expected to increase up to 23% in a decade. Traditionally, such assessment is performed by means of the millennial quantile of flood peak. However, in literature, it has been shown that the determination of critical flood events should consider the statistical dependence between flood peak and flood volume. In the present work, we assess the hydrological safety of three Italian dams (namely, Ceppo Morelli, Mignano, and Molato) exploiting a bivariate approach, which stems from the method presented by De Michele et al., 2005. The statistical dependence between flood peak and volume is firstly estimated and modelled using copula models. Massive synthetic simulations are afterward performed to estimate the rate of overtopping of each dam, and consequently the return period. Results show that all the three dams result as hydrologically safe, even if Ceppo Morelli dam needs to be regularly monitored. Furthermore, for each dam, we also define a critical region, where the couples flood peak-flood volume may lead to overtopping. It is observed that the shape of such regions strictly depends both on flood peak and volume. Eventually, the routing effects of the three dams are compared, with respect to the return period and assuming three different dependence behaviors. It is proved that an overestimate of the dependence degree would result in an underestimate of the dam routing effect, and viceversa, leading to improper assessment of the risk.

How to cite: Patro, E. R., Cazzaniga, G., and De Michele, C.: Bivariate modeling of flood peak and volume for assessing the hydrological safety of dams, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15638, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15638, 2023.

Abdellah Khouz, Jorge Trindade, Sérgio Oliveira, Pedro Pinto Santos, Fatima El Bchari, Blaid Bougadir, Ricardo Garcia, Eusébio Reis, Mourad Jadoud, and Andreia Alves Silva
The most frequent disasters indiced by natural hazards in Morocco's northern and central regions are floods, namely flashfloods. Determining the areas covered by the maximum extent of floodwaters from estimated flood flows is how flood-prone areas are often defined. The primary goal of the current study was to develop a map of flood susceptibility using a weights-of-evidence (WofE) model. To confirm it, compare it to a simplified hydrographic model that was constructed based on the hierarchy of drainage system characteristics, adhering to the Strahler stream order criteria and the magnitude of the drainage networks based on Shreve’s magnitude, considering both approaches are widely used in the literature review. The most susceptible area defined by the two approaches was thoroughly analysed through hydraulic modelling using HEC-RAS, providing the most accurate results. Digital elevation models (DEMs) created from 12.5 m high-resolution orthophoto images, were used for the investigation in this study.The Essaouira provincial Watersheds in Morocco mapped around 95 flood locations in a GIS system, during the last 20 years. From the flood locations inventory, 70% were randomly chosen for training the flood susceptibility model and the remaining 30% were deployed for independent validation goals. 18 flood-conditioning factors were considered:  elevation, aspect, slope angle, curvature plan, curvature profile, Stream Power Index (SPI), Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), distance to rivers, lithology, rainfall, land use and land cover (LULC), drainage density, valley depth, Topographic Position Index (TPI), Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI), Geomorphons and permeability. The final flood susceptibility map was produced by using the weights-of-evidence (WofE) model, for which the receiver operating characteristic curve and the area under the curve (AUC) were generated. The validation findings demonstrated the WofE model's robustness and effectiveness. Additionally, the results of both approaches revealed a linkage in terms of susceptible locations, with the most susceptible area being nearer to the city of Essaouira on Ksob oued. HEC-RAS analysis was performed on the cited location, helped to determine the local susceptible area with higher specificity, comparing to the two previous approaches. Managers, academics, and planners can use the study's findings to manage flood-prone areas and decrease damage. Acknowledgements: The work has been financed by national funds through FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology, I. P.), in the framework of the project “HighWaters – Assessing sea level rise exposure and social vulnerability scenarios for sustainable land use planning” (EXPL/GES-AMB/1246/2021).

How to cite: Khouz, A., Trindade, J., Oliveira, S., Santos, P. P., El Bchari, F., Bougadir, B., Garcia, R., Reis, E., Jadoud, M., and Silva, A. A.: Combining the Weights of Evidence model, the Strahler/Shreve hydrographic model, and the HEC-RAS analysis for the assessment of flood susceptibility in Essaouira Province, Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16269, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16269, 2023.

Amulya Chevuturi, Maliko Tanguy, Ben P Marchant, Jonathan D Mackay, Simon Parry, and Jamie Hannaford

How climate change will affect spatial coherence of droughts is a key question that water managers must answer in order to adopt strategies to mitigate impacts on water resources. For example, water transfers between regions have long been considered as a possible water management option. Conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater is another common water management practice. However, in both cases, these solutions are only viable if both regions or stores are not in drought simultaneously. These relationships might change under the influence of climate change.

The recently published ‘enhanced Future Flows and Groundwater’ (eFLaG) dataset of nationally consistent hydrological projections for the UK, based on the latest UK Climate Projections (UKCP18), provides the opportunity to explore the future evolution of drought spatial coherence in detail. Here, we use eFLaG future simulations of streamflows and groundwater levels to analyse the projected change in drought spatial coherence in Great Britain, over its seven different water regions, using joint and conditional probabilities of occurrence. Some key findings are: an increase in coherence in summer everywhere in the country; in winter, however, it will only increase in the South-East; and, in most regions, the coherence between groundwater and streamflow droughts will increase, one exception being the South-East in summer.

These results provide valuable insight to water managers to inform their long-term strategies to overcome future impacts of droughts. The methodology has the potential to be applied to other parts of the world to help shape strategic regional and national investments to increase resilience to droughts.

How to cite: Chevuturi, A., Tanguy, M., Marchant, B. P., Mackay, J. D., Parry, S., and Hannaford, J.: How will climate change affect spatial coherence of streamflow and groundwater droughts in Great Britain?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16301, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16301, 2023.

Flood susceptibiliy mapping by using remote sensing and multi-criteria decision analysis: A case of M'goun geopark (Central High Atlas, Morocco)
Fatima EL Bchari, Barbara Theilen-Willige, Brahim Nait Ouacha, Jorge Trindade, Abdellatif Souhel, Abdellah Khouz, and Mourad Jadoud
Extreme winds
Rike Lorenz, Nico Becker, and Uwe Ulbrich

High wind speeds are a major cause for tree fall. However, the impact of wind on trees can depend on other co-occurring or antecedent meteorological conditions. Tree fall can also have an impact on surrounding infrastructure like the railway system. Here, it may damage railway infrastructure and lead to train disruptions. The intensity and frequency of windstorms and other meteorological factors is expected to change in the course of a changing climate. Thus, their impacts on trees and tree damage might change as well. To understand these changes an examination of impact-relevant weather factors and sequences is needed.
We obtained a dataset for tree and branch fall events alongside German railway lines from the Deutsche Bahn for the years 2017 to 2021. We use logistic regression to model tree fall probabilities and to identify relevant current and antecedent weather factors, their combinations and their impact on tree fall risk during winter. We use meteorological predictors derived from the ERA5 reanalysis and RADOLAN radar data.
High wind speed is identified as the strongest risk increasing factor. However, high daily precipitation and high soil water volume during the tree fall event as well as an antecedent year with high precipitation also increase tree fall risk. A small decreasing effect was found for warm and wet soil conditions in the three preceding months. We found no or only minor effects for daily mean air temperature, storm duration and wind direction.
In further steps these factors and their combinations will be assessed in terms of their effect on occurrence probabilities of tree fall events under recent and future climate conditions based on regional climate simulations.

How to cite: Lorenz, R., Becker, N., and Ulbrich, U.: Impacts of extreme wind speeds and other factors on tree fall alongside railway lines, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6192, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6192, 2023.

Jae-Il Kwon, Sang-Hun Jeong, Yeong-Yeon Kwon, Jung-Woon Choi, Hojin Kim, Jin-Yong Choi, Ki-Young Heo, and Deoksu Kim

Parametric typhoon models reproduce realistic atmospheric pressure and wind fields during a typhoon. They require much less computation than planetary boundary layer models, allowing rapid coastal hazard estimations such as storm surges and waves. In these models, the maximum wind radius (Rmax) is a crucial parameter determining a wind field with the typhoon’s track and central pressure. This study proposes a new approach to Rmax estimation to generate accurate wind and pressure fields using numerical model data. We use the parametric typhoon model based on the basic vortex model. The track and central pressure of typhoons are obtained from the best track archives of the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC). Rmax was estimated hourly using circle fitting methods from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Global Forecast System (GFS) data. We tested this approach on five typhoons that passed near the Korean peninsula from 2016 to 2020. We evaluated the timeseries of Rmax with the JTWC archives. In addition, the prediction accuracy of storm surge and wave was compared using the reproduced wind field with Korea Operational Oceanographic System (KOOS). We also performed sensitivity tests for Rmax. This approach was tested on Typhoon Hinnamnor in 2022 with typhoon information from the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA).

How to cite: Kwon, J.-I., Jeong, S.-H., Kwon, Y.-Y., Choi, J.-W., Kim, H., Choi, J.-Y., Heo, K.-Y., and Kim, D.: Maximum wind radius approximation for parametric typhoon model combining operational forecast model and its application to storm surge and wave predictions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10893, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10893, 2023.

Posters virtual: Tue, 25 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | vHall NH

Chairpersons: Athanasios Loukas, Maria-Carmen Llasat, Uwe Ulbrich
Extreme Weather Events
Wei Zhong, Qian Qian, Yao Yao, Yuan Sun, Hongrang He, and Shilin Wang

In this paper, standardized infrared cloud images from Fengyun (FY) Series geostationary satellites and Best-Track Data from China Meteorological Administration (CMA-BST) within 2015-2017 are used to investigate the effects of two multi-factor models, generalized linear model (GLM) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model, for tropical cyclone (TC) intensity estimation. The typical single-factor Sigmoid function model (SFM) with map minimum value (MMV) of deviation angle variance (DAV) is also reproduced for comparison. Through applying the sensitivity experiments to DAV calculation radius and different training data groups, the estimation precision and their optimum calculation radius for DAV in Western North Pacific (WNP) are analyzed. The results show that the root mean square error (RMSE) of single-factor SFM is between 8.79 and 13.91 by using individual years as test sets and the remaining two years as training sets with the optimum calculation radius of 550 km. However, after selecting and using high-correlation factors by GLM, the RMSE of GLM and LSTM model decreases to 5.93~8.68  and 4.99~7.00 , respectively with their own optimum calculation radius of 350 km and 400 km. All sensitivity experiments indicate that the estimation results of SFM can be significantly influenced by DAV calculation radius and the characteristics of training set data, while the results of multi-factor models appear more stable. Furthermore, the multi-factor models reduce the optimum radius within the process of DAV calculation and improve the precision of TC intensity estimation in WNP, which can be an effective way for TC intensity estimation in marine area.

How to cite: Zhong, W., Qian, Q., Yao, Y., Sun, Y., He, H., and Wang, S.: Intensity Detection methods of Tropical Cyclone in Western North Pacific with Deviation Angle Variance Technique, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1697, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1697, 2023.

Alejandro Jaramillo, Brian Gustavo Pérez Juárez, and Christian Dominguez

Lightning has an important role in the Earth's energy balance, atmospheric chemistry, the initiation of natural forest fires, and a close relationship with the development of deep convection. On the other hand, lightning is also a significant meteorological hazard, particularly in Mexico, during the rainy season, causing deaths and disrupting socio-economic activities. According to the IPCC report, it is expected an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme events in North America due to climate change in the forthcoming decades. To understand the impacts of climate change on lightning in the Mexican territory, it is necessary to explore the future changes in the regional patterns of lightning activity in the region. We use different parameterizations of lightning activity over Mexico, using data from reanalysis and coupled models from CMIP6. We also evaluate the parameterization performance in representing the historical period against available lightning observations. Later, we obtain the projected changes at the end of the 21st Century in the selected CMIP models under the most extreme climate change scenario. At the end of this preliminary study, we provide insides into how climate change will impact extreme events and lightning activity over Mexico. 

How to cite: Jaramillo, A., Pérez Juárez, B. G., and Dominguez, C.: Lightning activity in Mexico under climate change scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3751, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3751, 2023.

Carlos Calvo-Sancho, Javier Díaz-Fernández, Juan Jesús González-Alemán, Yago Martín, Lara Quitián-Hernandez, Pedro Bolgiani, Daniel Santos-Muñoz, José Ignacio Farrán, Mariano Sastre, and Maria Luisa Martín

On July 31 2015, a supercell outbreak occurred in Spain, causing significant damage and disruption. More than 20 supercells were responsible for producing multiple large hail, flash floods, and severe wind gusts. The outbreak was driven by a deep shortwave trough over the Iberian Peninsula, bringing with it a strong geopotential height gradient and instability in the Iberian Peninsula. On the front side of the trough axis, positive vorticity advection and divergence helped to promote and strengthen the upper-level forcing favoring thunderstorm episodes.

The event was simulated using the WRF-ARW model, in which several convective variables and instability indices were studied. To track the supercells, a python-based supercell tracking tool was used. This tool identified and tracked every supercell resolved by the model, and these results were verified with the supercell database. Reanalysis and sounding data revealed pre-convective environments favorable for supporting supercells development (i.e., high-level instability coupled with strong deep-layer shear). The results indicate large interaction between topography, convective initiation and supercell life-cycle, inducing their dynamics and the growth of mesocyclones.

The use of the WRF-ARW model and python-based supercell tracking tool allowed for a better understanding of the event and can help improve future forecasting and warning efforts.

How to cite: Calvo-Sancho, C., Díaz-Fernández, J., González-Alemán, J. J., Martín, Y., Quitián-Hernandez, L., Bolgiani, P., Santos-Muñoz, D., Farrán, J. I., Sastre, M., and Martín, M. L.: Numerical Analysis of a Spanish Supercell Outbreak, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15054, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15054, 2023.