SM6.3 | Earthquake swarms, complex seismic sequences and their earthquake source properties in tectonic and volcanic regions
Earthquake swarms, complex seismic sequences and their earthquake source properties in tectonic and volcanic regions
Co-organized by ERE5/TS3
Convener: Luigi Passarelli | Co-conveners: Dino Bindi, Simone Cesca, Francesco Maccaferri, Maria Mesimeri, Matteo Picozzi, Daniele Spallarossa
| Mon, 24 Apr, 14:00–17:55 (CEST)
Room 0.16
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Hall X2
Orals |
Mon, 14:00
Mon, 08:30
Earthquake swarms are characterized by a complex temporal evolution and a delayed occurrence of the largest magnitude event. In addition, seismicity often manifests with intense foreshock activity or develops in more complex sequences where doublets or triplets of large comparable magnitude earthquakes occur. The difference between earthquake swarms and these complex sequences is subtle and usually flagged as such only a posteriori. This complexity derives from aseismic transient forcing acting on top of the long-term tectonic loading: pressurization of crustal fluids, slow-slip and creeping events, and at volcanoes, magmatic processes (i.e. dike and sill intrusions or magma degassing). From an observational standpoint, these complex sequences in volcanic and tectonic regions share many similarities: seismicity rate fluctuations, earthquakes migration, and activation of large seismogenic volume despite the usual small seismic moment released. The underlying mechanisms are local increases of the pore-pressure, loading/stressing rate due to aseismic processes (creeping, slow slip events), magma-induced stress changes, earthquake-earthquake interaction via static stress transfer or a combination of those. Yet, the physics behind such transients, seismo-genesis and the ultimate reasons for the occurrence of swarm-like rather than mainshock-aftershocks sequences, is still far beyond a full understanding.

This session aims at putting together studies of swarms and complex seismic sequences driven by aseismic transients in order to enhance our insights on both the physics of such transients and the earthquake source properties. Contributions focusing on the characterization of these sequences in terms of spatial and temporal evolution, source and scaling properties, and insight on the triggering physical processes are welcome. Multidisciplinary studies using observation complementary to seismological data, such as fluid geochemistry, deformation, and geology are also welcome, as well as laboratory and numerical modeling simulating the mechanical condition yielding to swarm-like and complex seismic sequences.

Orals: Mon, 24 Apr | Room 0.16

Chairpersons: Luigi Passarelli, Maria Mesimeri, Francesco Maccaferri
Volcano seismicity
On-site presentation
Florian Schmid, Gesa Petersen, Emilie Hooft, Michele Paulatto, Kajetan Chrapkiewicz, Martin Hensch, and Torsten Dahm

The Kolumbo submarine volcano in the southern Aegean (Greece) is associated with repeated seismic unrest since at least two decades and the causes of this unrest are poorly understood. We present a ten-month long microseismicity data set for the period 2006–2007. The majority of earthquakes cluster in a cone-shaped portion of the crust below Kolumbo. The tip of this cone coincides with a low Vp-anomaly at 2–4 km depth, which is interpreted as a crustal melt reservoir. Our data set includes several earthquake swarms, of which we analyse the four with the highest events numbers in detail. Together the swarms form a zone of fracturing elongated in the SW-NE direction, parallel to major regional faults. All four swarms show a general upward migration of hypocentres and the cracking front propagates unusually fast, compared to swarms in other volcanic areas. We conclude that the swarm seismicity is most likely triggered by a combination of pore-pressure perturbations and the re-distribution of elastic stresses. Fluid pressure perturbations are induced likely by obstructions in the melt conduits in a rheologically strong layer between 6 and 9 km depth. We conclude that the zone of fractures below Kolumbo is exploited by melts ascending from the mantle and filling the crustal melt reservoir. Together with the recurring seismic unrest, our study suggests that a future eruption is probable and monitoring of the Kolumbo volcanic system is highly advisable.

How to cite: Schmid, F., Petersen, G., Hooft, E., Paulatto, M., Chrapkiewicz, K., Hensch, M., and Dahm, T.: Swarms of Microseismicity Beneath the Submarine Kolumbo Volcano Indicate Opening of Near‐Vertical Fractures Exploited by Ascending Melts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1176,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jerome van der Woerd, Nicolas Mercury, Anne Lemoine, Cécile Doubre, Didier Bertil, Roser Hoste Colomer, and Jean Battaglia

Since 10 May 2018, an unprecedented seismic activity is observed east of Mayotte Island (France), related to the largest submarine eruption ever recorded with offshore geophysical studies. Using signals from regional and local seismic stations, we build a comprehensive catalog of the local seismicity for the first ten months of the sequence. This catalog includes a total of 2874 events of magnitude (Mlv) ranging from 2.4 to 6.0, with 77% of them relocated using a double difference location procedure. The hypocentral locations over the period May 2018 – February 2019 are highly dependent on the small seismic network available. We therefore compare the locations of later events from a local ocean bottom seismometer network with locations estimated using a similarly small network. Based on the time space evolution and characteristics of the seismicity, five distinct phases can be identified. They correspond to the successive activation of two deep seismic swarms, related to the lithospheric-scale magma ascent up to the seafloor. We also observe progressive deepening of the seismicity interpreted as decompression of a 40 km deep reservoir.

How to cite: van der Woerd, J., Mercury, N., Lemoine, A., Doubre, C., Bertil, D., Hoste Colomer, R., and Battaglia, J.: Onset of a submarine eruption east of Mayotte, Comoros archipelago: the first ten months seismicity of the seismo-volcanic sequence (2018-2019), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12789,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Adnan Barkat, Yen Joe Tan, Guangyu Xu, Felix Waldhauser, Maya Tolstoy, and William S.D. Wilcock

Our understanding of dynamic earthquake triggering in submarine environments is limited due to the lack of offshore observations. Here, we analyze the triggering susceptibility of a magmatically robust, seismically active submarine volcano (Axial Seamount), located at the intersection of the Juan de Fuca ridge and the Cobb hotspot in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Axial Seamount hosts a cabled network of geodetic and seismic instruments since late 2014. Axial Seamount last erupted in April 2015 and has continued to inflate since. We utilize a high-resolution micro-seismicity catalog to evaluate the triggering response from July 2015 to July 2022 based on seismicity rate change estimates for potential triggering sources. We report statistically significant episodes of dynamic earthquake triggering for ~16% of cases, including instances of both instant (0 < 𝑡 < 2 ℎ𝑟) and delayed (2 < 𝑡 < 24 ℎ𝑟) increases in local earthquake rate following the arrival of teleseismic waves. Initial results do not show any obvious dependence of triggering strength on the amplitude of the peak ground velocity. To evaluate the possible influence of permeability change on dynamic earthquake triggering, we compute the phase lag between vent-fluid temperature and tidal loading for the 3-day periods before and after the arrival of teleseismic waves. We report permeability changes for both triggering and non-triggering cases. Our findings provide useful insights into the physical mechanisms controlling the dynamic earthquake triggering at submarine volcanic environments.

How to cite: Barkat, A., Tan, Y. J., Xu, G., Waldhauser, F., Tolstoy, M., and Wilcock, W. S. D.: Permeability and seismicity rate changes at an inflating submarine volcano caused by dynamic stresses, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5145,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Tomáš Fischer, Josef Vlček, Pavla Hrubcová, Jana Doubravová, Þorbjörg Ágústsdóttir, and Egill Árni Guðnason

The 2021 Fagradalsfjall volcanic eruption in the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland, was preceded by an intensive earthquake swarm lasting one month. At the end of July 2022, a new intensive earthquake swarm occurred, which was followed on 3 August 2022 by a new effusive flow at the extension of the 2021 effusive fissure. We analyze seismic data of both swarms recorded by the Reykjanet local seismic network to trace the processes leading to the eruption to understand the relation between seismic activity and magma accumulation.

Precise relocations of the 2021 swarm show two hypocenter clusters in the depth range of 1-6 km. The WSW-ENE trending cluster of the 2021 and previous swarms show a stepover of ∼1 km offset, forming a pull-apart basin structure at the intersection with the dyke. This is the place where the 2021 eruption occurred, suggesting that magma erupted at the place of crustal weakening. The pre-eruption seismic activity in 2021 started with a M5.3 earthquake of 24 February 2021, which triggered the aftershocks on the oblique plate boundary and in the magmatic dyke area, in both cases in an area of elevated Coulomb stress. The co-existence of seismic and magmatic activity suggests that the past seismic activity weakened the crust in the eruption site area, where magma accumulated. The following M5.3 earthquake of 24 February 2021 also triggered the seismic swarm and likely perturbed the magma pocket which led to the six-months lasting eruption that started on 19 March.

The relocations of the July 2022 earthquake swarm show that only the northern part of the dyke-related swarm was activated compared to the 2021 swarm and both eruptions are located at the southern tip of the 2022 swarm. We compare the space-time and statistical characteristics of the 24 February 2021 aftershock sequence and of the 2021 and 2022 swarms to relate them to the different expected origin of these seismic activities.

How to cite: Fischer, T., Vlček, J., Hrubcová, P., Doubravová, J., Ágústsdóttir, Þ., and Guðnason, E. Á.: Stress transfer between volcanic dyke and seismic activity accompanying the 2021 and 2022 Fagradalsfjall eruptions, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16208,, 2023.

Tectonic swarms and earthquake sequences
On-site presentation
Gesa Petersen, Katherine Whidden, and Kristine Pankow

Seismicity in Central Utah, USA, exhibits a remarkable diversity in swarm activity. Swarms in the study area may alter between high and low activity phases, show a comparably continuous moment release, or a rise and fall of magnitudes over time. While some swarms repeatedly occur in the same source area for several years, other large swarms occur in areas without any significant seismic activity. The diversity is attributed to the complex geo-tectonic transition zone between the Basin and Range province (BR) and the Colorado Plateau (CP) in Central Utah, which is manifested in tectonic forcing related to E-W extension, high heat flow, and hydrothermal processes. Based on the University of Utah Seismograph Stations' catalog, we analyzed forty years of seismic swarm activity within Central Utah, USA, regarding characteristic statistical features (e.g., duration, moment release over time, spatial variations). In-depth analyses of three seismic sequences, including event detections, relocations, MT inversions, waveform-based clustering, and repeater analysis, provide unique insights into the study area's complex and diverse faulting processes. This includes (1) swarm activity at a regional Basin and Range normal fault, (2) activation of a local fault deviating from the recent regional tectonic regime, and (3) the complex triggering of swarm activity by a mainshock. In a joint discussion of the single exemplary sequences and the characteristics of swarm activity, we aim to expand the discussion on swarm activity beyond the study area and shed light on its relation to geothermal and tectonic processes.

How to cite: Petersen, G., Whidden, K., and Pankow, K.: 40 years of seismic swarms in the the BR-CP transition zone in Central Utah, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1883,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Josef Vlcek, Tomas Fischer, and Sebastian Hainzl

The hypocenters of earthquake swarms and injection-induced seismicity usually show systematic migration, which is considered to be a manifestation of their triggering mechanism. In many cases, the overall growth of clusters is accompanied by short sequences of rapid migration events, the origin of which is still not sufficiently clarified. We review the possible triggering mechanisms of these migrating episodes and propose a graphical method for distinguishing internal and external triggering forces. We also analyze the theoretical relationship between the evolution of the cumulative seismic moment and the rupture area and propose two models, the crack model and the rupture front model, which can explain the spreading of hypocenters. We developed an automatic algorithm for detecting fast migration episodes in seismicity data and applied it to relocated catalogs of natural earthquake swarms in California, West Bohemia, and Iceland, and to injection-induced seismicity. Fast migration episodes have been shown to be relatively frequent during earthquake swarms (8-20% of cluster events) compared to fluid-induced seismicity (less than 5% of cluster events). Although the migration episodes were detected independently of time, they grew monotonically with time and square-root dependence of radius on time was found suitable for majority of sequences. The migration velocity of the episodes of the order of 1 m/s was found and it anticorrelated with their duration, which results in a similar final size of the clusters in the range of first kilometers. Comparison of seismic moment growth and activated fault area with the predictions of the proposed models shows that both the rupture front model and the crack model are able to explain the observed migration and that the front model is more consistent with the data. Relatively low estimated stress drops in the range of 100 Pa to 1 MPa suggest that aseismic processes are also responsible for cluster growth. Our results show that the fast migrating episodes can be driven by stress transfer between adjacent events with the support of aseismic slip or fluid flow due to dynamic pore creation.

How to cite: Vlcek, J., Fischer, T., and Hainzl, S.: Fast migrating sequences within earthquake swarms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12252,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Luc Moutote, Yuji Itoh, Olivier Lengliné, Zacharie Duputel, and Anne Socquet

Both laboratory experiments and friction theory predicts that earthquake ruptures do not begin abruptly but are preceded by an aseismic slip acceleration over a finite nucleation zone. Such a nucleation phase may also trigger precursory ruptures known as foreshocks. Therefore, the scalability of the nucleation phase and its detectability before actual earthquakes is an important question with direct implications for earthquake prediction and seismic hazard assessment. Both Slow Slip Events (SSEs) and seismicity rate increase have already been identified before a few large earthquakes and are often interpreted as evidence of their nucleation process. However, such observations still remain scarce and are associated with different characteristic lengths that raise doubt on the actual preparatory nature of these signals. Here, we further study the case of the 2017 Valparaiso Mw= 6.9 earthquake that was preceded both by an SSE and an intense seismicity suspected to reflect the nucleation phase. We further investigate seismic and aseismic interplay over the complete earthquake sequence, from foreshock up to post-mainshock times, to search for a possible connection with the mainshock occurrence. For that, we build a high-resolution catalog (Mc=2) of the region using cutting edge picking tools, reporting more than 100 000 events from 2015 to 2021 (compared with the ~8000 events reported by the Centro Sismológico Nacional over the same time-period). First, we search for anomalous seismicity rate increases in the vicinity of the mainshock compared to usual earthquake to earthquake triggering models. Using a modified Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequences model that accounts for short-term incompleteness (Hainzl 2021) and MISD declustering (Marsan and Lengliné 2008), we highlight a significant over-productive earthquake rate starting within the foreshock sequences and persisting continuously after the mainshock for several days. Then, thanks to repeating earthquakes, we show that the slow slip event is continuously decelerating from the foreshock sequences up to months after the mainshock. The estimated slip rate is lightly impacted by large magnitude occurrences and does not accelerate toward the mainshock or any large magnitude earthquake. The slip estimate from repeaters is also compared with original high-rate GPS observations during the complete 2017 sequence, further supporting the continuity of the slow slip from the foreshock up to post-mainshock times. The joint observation of an SSE and a transient background seismicity continuously from the foreshock up to post mainshock suggests a close connection between the SSE and the seismicity. Results suggest that the unusual seismic and aseismic activity observed do not reflect the nucleation phase accelerating to the mainshock dynamic rupture. The SSE would rather underlie the complete 2017 earthquake sequence, mediating a part of the seismicity, possibly by stress transfer. The resulting seismicity is then further enhanced with usual earthquake to earthquake triggering, building up the sequence. This suggests that high resolution analysis of seismic and aseismic processes over the complete earthquake sequence is needed to properly assess the significance of signals preceding mainshocks.

How to cite: Moutote, L., Itoh, Y., Lengliné, O., Duputel, Z., and Socquet, A.: Evidence of an aseismic slip event continuously driving the 2017 Valparaiso earthquake sequence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6581,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Machel Higgins, Peter C. La Femina, Armando J. Saballos, Samantha Ouertani, Karen M. Fischer, Halldór Geirsson, Wilfred Strauch, Glen Mattioli, and Rocco Malservisi

Strain partitioning in the Central American convergent margin between the subducting Cocos Plate and Caribbean Plate is accommodated along the Middle America Trench and faults in the forearc-arc regions. In Nicaragua northwest-directed (margin parallel) forearc motion occurs on northeast (margin normal) and northwest (margin parallel) trending faults within the arc. The proximity of active faults and magmatic systems has historically led to magma-tectonic interactions. We investigate the active tectonics of Nicaragua, including a triggered sequence of earthquakes and a volcanic eruption. We use GPS-derived co-seismic displacements and relocated earthquake aftershocks to study the April 10, 2014 (Mw 6.1), September 15, 2016 (Mw 5.7), and September 28, 2016 (Mw 5.5) as a triggered sequence of earthquakes on faults that accommodate forearc motion. Our analyses and modeling indicate that the April 10, 2014 earthquake ruptured a previously unmapped margin parallel right-lateral strike-slip fault in Lago de Managua (Xolotlan) and that the September 2016 earthquakes ruptured mapped arc-normal, left-lateral and oblique-slip faults. The April 10, 2014 earthquake promoted failure of the September 2016 earthquake faults by imparting static Coulomb failure stress changes of 0.02 MPa to 0.07 MPa. Additionally, the September 15, 2016, earthquake promoted failure (static Coulomb failure stress change of 0.08 MPa to 0.1 MPa) on a sub-parallel fault that ruptured five hours after the mainshock. The April 10, 2014 earthquake displaced the flank of Momotombo volcano ~6 cm coseismically and dilated (10s of µStrain) the shallow magma system of Momotombo Volcano, which led to magma injection, ascent, and eruption on December 1, 2015, after ~100 years of quiescence. In total, this sequence represents the potential for cascading hazards in a forearc-arc system, with earthquake and magmatic triggering over short spatial (10’s km) and temporal (yrs) scales.

How to cite: Higgins, M., La Femina, P. C., Saballos, A. J., Ouertani, S., Fischer, K. M., Geirsson, H., Strauch, W., Mattioli, G., and Malservisi, R.: Cascading Hazards in a Migrating Forearc-Arc System: Earthquake and Eruption Triggering in Nicaragua, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10172,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Tülay Kaya-Eken, Çağkan Serhun Zoroğlu, Emre Havazlı, and Haluk Özener

23 November, 2022 Mw 6.0 Düzce Earthquake occurred in the west of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) representing a nascent transform fault between the Eurasian Plate and Anatolian Plate. Well-documented seismic sequence along this fault zone started in the east with the 1939 M7.9 Erzincan Earthquake and migrated westward with M>7 earthquakes. Following 1999 Mw7.4 Izmit and Mw7.2 Düzce failures, the next major earthquake was expected to be on the branch of the NAFZ in the Sea of ​​Marmara. However, the 2022 Düzce Earthquake activated already broken Karadere segment during the 1999 Izmit earthquake but release the accumulated strain energy at the north-eastern end of this segment. In this study, we aimed to measure co-seismic surface deformation caused by the 2022 Düzce rupture and determine the source parameters by combining geodetic and geophysical measurements. The co-seismic deformation is analyzed by using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique performed on the Sentinel-1 data. The pre- and post-earthquake ascending and descending SAR images were processed using the TopsApp module of the InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE) software to obtain interferograms of the co-seismic deformation. Our preliminary results show ~30 mm surface deformation. Our preliminary inversion, based on Okada elastic dislocation modeling, resulted in a fault geometry with ~267, 68 and -172 for strike, dip, and rake angles, respectively. This identifies a dominant right-lateral strike slip motion and is fairly compatible with both surface morphological properties of this segment as well as with initial seismology data-based mechanism solutions of various national/international monitoring centers (e.g. KOERI, GEOFON).

How to cite: Kaya-Eken, T., Zoroğlu, Ç. S., Havazlı, E., and Özener, H.: Co-seismic Deformation and Source Parameters of the Mw6.0 Düzce Earthquake by InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9466,, 2023.

Source characterisation and event detection
Coffee break
Chairpersons: Simone Cesca, Matteo Picozzi, Daniele Spallarossa
On-site presentation
Ralph Archuleta, Chen Ji, and Aaron Peyton

Using S-wave records at epicentral distances less than 60 km we determine the apparent stress for 62 Mw≥4.5 earthquakes in southern California since 2000. All earthquakes have reliable network moment tensor solutions. We compute seismic radiated energy with two methods: a time domain method by Kanamori et al. (2020) and a frequency domain method by Boatwright et al. (2002). The Kanamori approach (GR) is a modified Gutenberg-Richter in which attenuation and near surface effects are not considered. The Boatwright method uses path attenuation, near surface kappa0, and a station specific radiation pattern. With Boatwright we compute seismic energy 1) with an average radiation pattern (F0) and 2) with station specific radiation pattern (F1). The geometric means of apparent stress are 0.48, 0.40 and 0.57 MPa for GR, F0 and F1, respectively. Apparent stress is independent of seismic moment for these earthquakes. Converting apparent stress to Brune’s stress drop (Andrews, 1986), we find stress drops of 2.1, 1.7 and 2.5 MPa for GR, F0 and F1, respectively. From the perspective of seismic radiated energy, a Brune stress drop is nearly the same as that when using Madariaga (1976) and Kaneko and Shearer (2014) models (Ji, Archuleta and Wang, 2022). The standard deviation of stress drop (log10) is 0.35—almost the same for GR, F0 and F1. Cotton et al. (2013) show the standard deviation from stochastic vibration theory used in ground motion prediction equations is 0.15 for Mw>5.5 earthquakes. Seismic moment/corner frequency methods produce a standard deviation of 0.61, though the magnitude range is larger in some studies. Apparent stress (and consequently stress drop) shows a statistically significant depth dependence (~0.05 MPa/km).

How to cite: Archuleta, R., Ji, C., and Peyton, A.: Apparent stress of moderate sized earthquakes in southern California, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10099,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Francesco Scotto di Uccio, Gaetano Festa, Maddalena Michele, Gregory C. Beroza, Lauro Chiaraluce, Matteo Picozzi, Antonio Scala, and Mariano Supino

Understanding mechanical processes occurring on faults and catching the preparation phase of large magnitude events require a detailed characterization of the microseismicity, which can be enhanced today using advanced techniques for earthquake detection. These techniques decrease the detection threshold of seismic networks and provide augmented catalogs, which enable improved statistical analysis associated with event occurrence and size. However, seismic events recorded at the level of the noise typically emerge only at a few stations, making earthquake characterization challenging. This issue is further complicated in areas where seismicity occurs deep in the crust, as happens in the normal fault system of the Irpinia region, Southern Italy, where earthquakes occur at depths between 8 and 15 km.

In this work we focus on the detection and characterization of seismic sequences occurring in the Irpinia region featuring low magnitude mainshocks (Ml∼3), using data from the Irpinia Near Fault Observatory.

Event detection for the sequences is performed through the integration of a machine learning based detector (EQTransformer, Mousavi et al., 2020) and a template matching technique (Chamberlain et al., 2018), with the former providing a wider set of templates for the similarity search. This strategy outperforms auto-similarity techniques based on fingerprints (FAST, Yoon et al., 2015) and template matching grounded in manual catalogs. On average, the final catalog of the analyzed sequences increases the manually revised network bulletin by a factor 7. We compared P- and S- arrival time estimates, grounded in the machine learning phase picking and cross-correlation for template matching, using manual identifications to assess the reliability of automatic picks; the mean residual between manual and automatic values is ~0 for both P- and S-waves, with a larger residuals standard deviation for the latter.
We apply a double-difference location technique using both catalog and cross-correlation differential travel times for locating the events, with the goal of resolving and highlighting fault structures where seismicity takes place. We finally track the spatio-temporal evolution of the seismicity, and apply a mechanical model based on static stress, to discriminate whether sequences in the area are mainly triggered by static stress change, dynamic stressing, or aseismic mechanisms such as fluid diffusion.

How to cite: Scotto di Uccio, F., Festa, G., Michele, M., Beroza, G. C., Chiaraluce, L., Picozzi, M., Scala, A., and Supino, M.: Detection and characterization of seismic sequences in the normal fault system of the Irpinia region, Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12165,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Andres Barajas and Nikolai Shapiro Shapiro

The analysis of highly coherent seismic signals produced during tremor episodes has been recently gained interest as a mean to study the structure of volcanic systems, and the underlying physical mechanism producing its activity. Volcanic tremor signals usually appear with a non-impulsive gradual onset and can last for long periods of time, ranging from hours to months, during which individual waves cannot be recognized. The lack of identifiable arrivals during tremor episodes and the long duration of the registered signals, renders ineffective classical methods based on the analysis of the travel times, making difficult the location of its sources. 

We present observations showing that during tremor episodes, the relative phase of inter-station cross-correlations is approximately constant, which is directly linked to the stability of the source position and mechanism. We propose a new method to identify the relative phase stability (and therefore, wavefield coherence) in recordings obtained from a seismic network, that can also be applied to recordings from a single pair of stations. Then, we use a new approach based on the relative phase measurements to find the position of the source of a tremor episode in 2015 at the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group.  In general, we show several of the advantages of extracting information from the relative phase as opposed from methods relying on the identification of arrival phases.

How to cite: Barajas, A. and Shapiro, N. S.: Relative phase analysis for volcanic tremor detection and source location, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2557,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Nour Mikhael, Piero Poli, and Stephane Garambois

Earthquake swarms are bursts of relatively small to moderate earthquakes lasting from hours to months without a clear triggering mainshock. To shed new light on the physical processes driving the seismic swarm that occurred in 2013 along the Alto Tiberina low angle normal fault, we investigate the strain sensitivity to seismic velocity variations (dv/v). For that, we use continuous recordings of ambient noise recorded at 18 stations located in the vicinity of the Alto Tiberina fault for a period of four years. We then retrieve daily dv/v with a time lapse approach by applying the stretching technique. After decomposing our dv/v into tectonic and non-tectonic (thermoelastic and rain induced changes) components, we find a velocity drop (0.035%) coinciding with the seismic swarm. Our observations and the deduced strain sensitivity of roughly 1000 suggest that the triggering of the swarm is mainly caused by an aseismic slip enhanced by the presence of fluids at seismogenic depth (3 - 5 km) 

How to cite: Mikhael, N., Poli, P., and Garambois, S.: Non-linear seismic velocity variations observed during a seismic swarm in the Alto Tiberina low angle normal fault from ambient noise correlation measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-981,, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Pauline Kruiver, Manos Pefkos, Xander Campman, Erik Meijles, and Jan van Elk

The site response input in the Groningen seismic hazard assessment is based on modelled shear-wave velocity (VS) profiles. Two sets of data were used to compare in situ (field) and model data of VS. The first set consists of data from several blocks of ~ 400 nodes. Inversion of passive seismic data from a coarse grid of ~ 6 km x 10 km resulted in VS profiles to a depth of 800 m and from a denser grid of ~ 1 km x 1 km more detail to a depth of 100 m. The field VS profiles were a combination these two depth ranges. The site response analysis based on either the field or model VS profiles showed on average similar amplification factors over periods relevant for seismic risk. The model VS profiles are therefore a good representation. The second set consists of VS data from MASW surveys on dwelling mounds. The local detailed field VS profiles reach a depth of 18 m. Site response analyses using the full model VS profiles or profiles with the top 18 m replaced by field VS showed that the amplification on dwelling mounds is underestimated significantly, on average by 7 to 28 %. Because of this, a frequency-dependent Penalty Factor has been derived. In the risk calculations, this Factor is to be applied to buildings on dwelling mounds to transform the estimated motions at the ground surface (based on model VS) into motions at the top of the dwelling mound.

How to cite: Kruiver, P., Pefkos, M., Campman, X., Meijles, E., and van Elk, J.: Using measured and modelled shear-wave velocity profiles for the assessement of site response in Groningen, the Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15577,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Arianna Cuius, Haoran Meng, Angela Saraò, and Giovanni Costa

Rupture processes of large earthquakes have been studied by seismic waveform analysis and directivity effects have also been observed in moderate and small earthquakes.


This effect leads to azimuthal and spectral variations in ground motion that can be used to estimate the fault plane orientation or a predominant rupture propagation direction in a particular region or during a seismic sequence. For moderate-to-strong events, directivity at low frequencies can result in potentially destructive pulses with large ground motions, while at high frequencies and for small-to-moderate events, the most pronounced effect is the shift in corner frequencies that results in high-frequency energy arriving in short time intervals.


It is therefore of the utmost importance to estimate the directivity effects in engineering applications and seismological studies of earthquake sources. While some methods appear to work well for high magnitude earthquakes, determining directivity and source parameters for small to moderate magnitude earthquakes remains a challenge.


One of the most common methods to estimate the directivity from moderate to small earthquakes relies on measuring the duration of the source pulse (the apparent source time function) at each location and then modeling it using a line source. Some approaches rely on the deconvolution of waveforms by an empirical Green’s function (eGf), to overcome the problems associated with the presence of path and site effects.

A promising approach for estimating the rupture directivity effect and associated source properties is based on the calculation of the second seismic moments. In this study we apply the method based on the calculation of the second seismic moments to estimate the rupture process and source parameters to study a Mw 4.7 earthquake that occurred in central Italy during the 2016 - 2017 seismic sequence recorded by the RAN (Rete Accelerometrica Nazionale) and RSN (Rete Sismica Nazionale) italian networks.

We first used synthetic apparent source time functions calculated from a geometric source model obtained from a real event to test the robustness of the method. Then, we applied the second-seismic moment method and the approach based on high-frequency S wave amplitude variations versus source azimuths analysis with an empirical Green's function deconvolution approach and compare the results.


How to cite: Cuius, A., Meng, H., Saraò, A., and Costa, G.: Estimating the rupture directivity and source parameters of moderate to small earthquakes using the second seismic moment , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14089,, 2023.

Theoretical models
On-site presentation
Jiayi Ye and Luca Dal Zilio

Ample observations attest to the importance of pore pressure dynamics and fault-zone fluid flow in producing earthquake swarms, foreshocks, and aftershocks. However, poroelasticity effects incorporating the two-way coupling of solid and fluid phases where pore-pressure evolves due to e.g. slip, dilatancy, and compaction, are rarely considered in simulations of fault slip. Here we study how coupled dynamics of frictional slip, pore pressure, permeability and porosity evolution control the occurrence of precursory slow-slip and foreshocks leading to the mainshock. We model fully dynamic seismic cycles with a newly-developed Hydro-Mechanical Earthquake Cycles (H-MECs) code where uniform velocity-weakening rate-and-state friction and a constant and far-field loading rate are applied on a 2-D anti-plane fault model embedded in a poro-visco-elasto-plastic medium. We also include the effect of permeability barriers, represented by regions of low permeability and high pore-fluid pressure with wavelengths similar to the nucleation length. Despite the relatively simple model setup, a complex fault behavior arises from the numerical experiments, including small seismic events, complete ruptures, as well as aseismic slip transients. Our results indicate that permeability barriers – where pore-fluid pressure is high – lead to fault creep, whereas foreshocks and mainshocks unzip from locked asperities with relatively lower pore-fluid pressure. We find that the ratio between the size of locked asperity and the wavelength of permeability barriers controls both the nucleation and propagation of aseismic creep, slow-slip transients, cascade of foreshocks, and full seismic rupture. Further numerical experiments accounting for both permeability enhancement due to fault slip and permeability reduction due to healing and sealing show that, once the permeability seals break, fluid is injected and redistributed through the fault zone, which diffuses primarily on-fault, thus leading to the nucleation of a complete rupture. As a result, permeability evolution and pore-fluid pressure variations modulate the ratio of seismic to aseismic moment release of seismic swarms. Our results, compared to observations, demonstrate that pore-fluid pressure evolution and poroelastic effects on- and off-fault play a critical role in the dynamism of earthquake swarms, as they control the stability of faults and whether slip is seismic or aseismic.

How to cite: Ye, J. and Dal Zilio, L.: The role of poroelasticity and permeability barriers in governing the interplay between precursory slow slip and foreshocks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2003,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Philippe Danré, Dmitry Garagash, Louis De Barros, Frédéric Cappa, and Jean-Paul Ampuero

Seismicity migration is one of the most remarkable features of earthquake swarms because of its ubiquity and the wide range of migration durations, velocities and shapes observed. The dynamic properties of swarms, like seismic moment or number of events, are often attributed to fluid circulation, directly or indirectly. However, classical models of fluid pressure diffusion aiming at explaining seismicity triggering and migration show some limitations.  An increasing body of evidence points at an important contribution of fluid-induced aseismic slip during swarms. Moreover, parameters like injection history and fault criticality are expected to intervene. In this work, we use a fracture mechanics framework to show that  earthquake migration can be explained as driven by the propagation of a fluid-induced aseismic slip transient on a rate-and-state fault. This theoretical model predicts a simple linear relation between the seismic migration distance and the square root of the injected fluid volume. This relation is validated by observations in two well-studied seismic sequences induced by injections for geothermal purposes (Basel and Soultz-sous-Forêts), in which the seismicity is mainly clustered around a single surface. In addition, the model helps constrain frictional, hydraulic and structural properties of the fault hosting aseismic slip, and can be reasonably generalized to all fluid-induced earthquake swarms, natural and anthropogenic.

How to cite: Danré, P., Garagash, D., De Barros, L., Cappa, F., and Ampuero, J.-P.: Propagation of a fluid-induced aseismic crack leads to earthquake swarm migration controlled by fluid volume, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2618,, 2023.

On-site presentation
Davide Zaccagnino, Luciano Telesca, and Carlo Doglioni

One of the major challenges in seismology is the lack of a unified view of earthquake dynamics embracing all the spatial and temporal scales at which it takes place: while several models describe successfully how single seismic events develop and statistical laws have been set up to characterize the distribution of seismicity in magnitude, space and time, at least as a consequence of mainshocks, such dichotomic information is rarely put into communication to better understand how seismogenesis occurs. Although a comprehensive, cross-scale theory is intrinsically impossible because of the different levels of physical complexity involved in the seismological processes, it is possible to derive several well-known links, as well as interesting new ones, between coseismic properties and long-term statistical patterns. We introduce a simple model based on optimization criteria to explain such mathematical relationships. Given an initial energy perturbation localised on a fault segment, the interface breaks down if the perturbation increases its energy beyond the breakdown level. The slip occurs and the fracture spreads rapidly. Not only that (which is not enough to explain how the fault system will behave at large scales), since the fault zone is in an unstable and frustrated state, i.e., a configuration forced by tectonic stress: meanwhile the fracture propagates, the adjoining interfaces and volumes move towards a more stable energy level, amplifying energy release by a certain amount. Then, the latter can be interpreted as a measure of the triggering power of fracture and applied to connect local and collective dynamics. We focus on the role of tectonic setting and the differences between in-fault and off-fault seismicity. Our model can reproduce several features of seismicity, such as the dependence of the b-value of the Gutenberg-Richter law on the tectonic setting, the correlation between b- and p-value of the Omori-Utsu law, the fractal dimension of hypocentral time series, duration of seismic sequences and the efficiency of the seismogenic process. We utilise the same framework to analyse the composition of moment tensor solutions of global and regional shallow seismicity in terms of double-couple vs non-double-couple contributions. We find that thrust events are characterized by higher double-couples with respect to normal and strike-slip fault earthquakes. Our results are also coherent with the broadly studied stress dependence of the scaling exponent b-value of the Gutenberg-Richter law, which turns out to be anticorrelated to the double-couple contribution. Our work suggests that the structural and tectonic complexity of the seismogenic source marked by the roughness of faults and the width of the dislocation zones has a significant impact on coseismic dynamics, which should be considered in the routinely applied observational procedures to avoid systematic biases in the estimation of the parameters of the seismic source, e.g., the seismic moment.

How to cite: Zaccagnino, D., Telesca, L., and Doglioni, C.: One to many seismogenic sources: from single earthquakes to seismic sequences, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-211,, 2023.

Posters on site: Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:15 | Hall X2

Chairpersons: Luigi Passarelli, Maria Mesimeri, Francesco Maccaferri
Martin Colledge, Jérôme Aubry, Kristel Chanard, François Pétrélis, Clara Duverger, Laurent Bollinger, and Alexandre Schubnel

Small transient stress perturbations are prone to trigger (micro)seismicity. In the Earth's crust, these stress perturbations can be caused by various sources such as the passage of seismic waves, tidal forcing, or hydrological seasonal loads. A better understanding of the dynamic of earthquake triggering by transient stress perturbations is essential to improve our understanding of earthquake physics and our consideration of seismic hazard.

Here, we study an experimental sandstone-gouge-filled fault system that undergoes creep with combined far field loading and periodic stress perturbations at crustal pressure conditions. This complex loading is analogous to the loading experienced by faults in the natural setting.

Microseismicity — in the form of acoustic emissions (AE) — strains, and stresses, are continuously recorded to study the response of the system as a function of loading rate, amplitude, and frequency of a periodic stress perturbation. 

The observed temporal distributions of the AEs disagree with the theoretical results of a Coulomb failure model considering both constant loading and oscillation-induced strain rates. This implies that the stress perturbations are of shorter period than the nucleation time of the AEs of the system. A susceptibility of the system’s AE response to confinement pressure amplitude is estimated, which highlights a linear relation between confinement pressure amplitude and the AE response amplitude, observations which are consistent with recent higher frequency experimental results on dynamic triggering.

The magnitude-frequency distribution of AEs is also computed. The Gutenberg-Richter b-value oscillates with the stress perturbations, the amplitude of the b-value oscillations increasing with the amplitude of the stress perturbations, as observed in natural catalogues with large stress oscillations. 

Our experiments may complement our understanding of the influence of low inertia stress phenomena on the distribution of seismicity, such as observations of dynamic triggering and seismicity modulation by solid earth tides or seasonal loading.

How to cite: Colledge, M., Aubry, J., Chanard, K., Pétrélis, F., Duverger, C., Bollinger, L., and Schubnel, A.: Microseismic triggering by small sinusoidal stress perturbations at the laboratory scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2833,, 2023.

Laeticia Jacquemond, Frédéric Cappa, Maxime Godano, and Christophe Larroque

On 2nd October 2020, an unusual extreme rainfall event (600 mm) associated with the devastating “Alex storm” occurred in less than 24 hours in the Tinée valley, a low strain rate area (convergence rates of 0.3-0.9 mm/yr) of the Southern French Alps, located 20 kilometers from Nice city. This transitional zone between the Argentera Mercantour exhumed Alpine massif and the Nice/Castellane Arc, mainly filled with Cenozoic sediments covering inherited structures, has no clear active faults known and displays a low seismicity rate with only 60 events recorded between 2014 and October 2020 by the national RESIF-EPOS seismic network, with local magnitudes ranging from 0.6 to 2.6. However, in the days after the “Alex storm”, a sudden increase in the seismicity rate was observed, with 114 events detected by template matching (local magnitudes between -0.8 and 2.05). After a peak activity, reached on the 8th of October with more than 60 events detected, the seismic crisis ended around mid-December 2020. Here, we investigate how the intense rainfall can explain the seismic sequences and what are the triggering processes in such a low tectonically deformation area.
Basing our analysis on a precise relocation of the seismicity, using the double-difference relative method, three swarms successively activating from south to north, with focal depths around 5 kilometers have been revealed. The main swarm clearly presents a N160 alignment, which is quite consistent with the general orientation of the Southwestern Alps main faults. A geological field analysis has also shown the presence of major unmapped pluri-kilometers faults consistent with the seismicity location and orientation. Those faults may cross-cut the entire sedimentary layers, connecting more or less directly the ground surface to the deep basement with some highly-permeable channels for fluid flow. Moreover, this relocation analysis highlighted a bi-directional migration of the seismicity within the main swarm: northwestward with a velocity of 100 m/hr, compatible with aseismic slip-driven seismicity, and southeastward with a velocity of 4.5 m/hr, rather compatible with fluid diffusion-driven seismicity.
On top of that, preliminary numerical models, focusing on the analysis of Coulomb stress changes in response to the recorded rainfall rate, showed a correlation between the seismicity rate and the rainfall, which may indicate a rapid saturation of the shallow porous sedimentary layers with fluids after the storm. However, models of stress changes associated with increasing fluid pressure only or including the effect of poroelasticity are not sufficient to explain the temporal evolution of seismicity and its rates. The contribution of other driving processes is necessary and aseismic slip processes could be more relevant to explain the 3 main bursts of seismicity, the migration pattern and the few-days delay with the rainfall episode. Those rainfall-induced aseismic fault slip may have triggered local seismic ruptures along small seismogenic portions of unknown inherited structures. Thus, our study reveals that the Tinée valley area is a good example to study the complexity of aseismic triggering processes of seismicity in association with shallow rainfall-driven hydraulic perturbations in an intraplate region with a low-deformation background rate.

How to cite: Jacquemond, L., Cappa, F., Godano, M., and Larroque, C.: Locally triggered earthquake swarm in the low-deformation zone of Tinée Valley (Southwestern French Alps) following the extreme rainfall event associated with the 2020 Alex storm, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3067,, 2023.

Shiou-Ya Wang, Shu-Kun Hsu, Min-Rui Wu, Chin-Wei Liang, and Yen-Yu Cho

The Southern Okinawa Trough (SOT) is a back-arc-basin and characterized by an active normal faulting system and magmatic activity. Most seismic activities beneath the Southern Okinawa Trough at shallow depths (<30 km) are located about 50 km east of Ilan Plain (122.15°E - 122.55°E).  The seismic rate has increased significantly after May 2021. An earthquake struck offshore area of Ilan Plain on 4 August (0804 earthquake). Its magnitude of 6.1 at 7.0 km made it one of the rare, extremely powerful quakes ever before in the study area. However, the cause and mechanism are still unclear and worthy of further investigation. Furthermore, the previous study shows that submarine landslides have occurred in the northern continental margin of SOT. The frequent earthquakes will raise the risk of slope failure and may generate a local tsunami causing damage around the northeast coast of Taiwan. In order to explore the generation of 0804 earthquake, we have deployed an Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) network to capture the seismicity around the study area.  In total, 852 events have been relocated and most of them are located in the high positive magnetic anomaly zone. The distributions of the earthquake show an NW-SE trending direction and may be related to the magmatic activity.  

How to cite: Wang, S.-Y., Hsu, S.-K., Wu, M.-R., Liang, C.-W., and Cho, Y.-Y.: Application of Ocean Bottom Seismometer: Study of the 4 Aug 2021 southernmost Okinawa Trough M6.1 event., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4073,, 2023.

Paola Morasca, Kevin Mayeda, Jorge I. Roman-Nieves, David R. Shelly, Katherine M. Whidden, Allison L. Bent, Charlie Peach, Stuart Nippress, David Green, William R. Walter, Justin Barno, and Dino Bindi

It is well known that the use of different methods (e.g., spectral fitting, empirical Green’s functions) for compiling catalogs of source parameters (e.g., seismic moment, stress drop) can results in significant inconsistencies (Baltay et al., 2022). In this study, we present the application of coda-wave source parameters estimation by the Coda Calibration Tool (CCT) to different tectonic settings for closer analysis of the regional variations.  CCT implements the empirical methodology outlined in Mayeda et al., (2003), which provides stable source spectra and source parameters even for events recorded by sparse local and regional seismic networks (e.g., Morasca et al., 2022). The main strength of the method is the use of narrowband coda waves measurements, which show low sensitivity to source and path heterogeneity. Additionally, we use independent ground-truth (GT) reference spectra for which apparent stresses are independently calculated through the coda spectral ratio (Mayeda et al., 2007), to break the path and site trade-off.  The use of GT spectra eliminates the need to assume source scaling for the region, reducing the impact of a-priori model assumptions on the interpretation of scaling laws of source parameters and their variability. The CCT is a freely available Java-based code ( that significantly reduces the coda calibration effort and provides calibration parameters for future use in the same region for routine processing.

Recently, several studies applied CCT in very different tectonic contexts, including (1) earthquakes in tectonically active regions (e.g., central Italy, Puerto Rico, southern California, Utah); (2) induced earthquakes in southern Kansas and northern Oklahoma; and (3) moderate-sized earthquakes in stable continental regions such as in Eastern Canada and the United Kingdom. There is excellent agreement between coda-derived Mw in all regions and available Mw from waveform modelling. In some cases, such as central Italy and Ridgecrest, the validation process also involved the comparison with estimates from different empirical techniques, such as spectral decomposition approaches applied to data sets sharing common events with CCT. Overall, there is a general consistency in the scaling laws obtained for different source parameters (e.g., seismic moment, corner frequency, radiated energy and apparent stress), with earthquakes in the UK and Canada having similar and higher apparent stresses than Utah, central Italy, Puerto Rico and southern California, while the induced regions are characterized by the lowest values. In conclusion, the application of a consistent methodological framework and the robustness demonstrated by the results of the seismic coda analysis allow comparison of source scaling relationships for different tectonic settings over a wide range of magnitudes.

How to cite: Morasca, P., Mayeda, K., Roman-Nieves, J. I., Shelly, D. R., Whidden, K. M., Bent, A. L., Peach, C., Nippress, S., Green, D., Walter, W. R., Barno, J., and Bindi, D.: Different Tectonics, Same Approach:  Estimation of source parameters using the Coda Calibration Tool (CCT)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5772,, 2023.

Trine Dahl-Jensen, Peter H. Voss, and Tine B. Larsen

During 25 days in September and August 2022, the island of Disko in central west Greenland experienced a swarm of around 200 small earthquakes, ranging from ML 1.0 to ML 3.1. The majority of the earthquakes were concentrated on a small peninsula measuring 15 x 25 km. We have not received any felt reports, with  the closest inhabited area is approximately 20 km away. The island of Disko is part of the Palaeogene North Atlantic province. Swarms has been observed on and around Disko Island earlier, but not in the same place as the September/October 2022 swarm. In 2010, 27 earthquakes were detected in an area  around 20 km to the east [1], and in 2016 a swarm of over 250 earthquakes occurred following three mb 4.5+ earthquakes. These earthquakes occurred offshore and south of Disko Island, 60 km to the SSE [2]. The coverage with seismic stations is Greenland is sparse, with distances between stations in hundreds of km, but since 2019 three additional stations have been in operation in central west Greenland due to monitoring for landslide events, enabling better locations. The closest station to the swarm is GDH, at 60 km distance. The largest earthquakes in the swarm could be observed at a distance of more than 1600 km.

  • Larsen, T.B., et al., Earthquake swarms in Greenland. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) Bulletin, 2014. 31: p. 75-78.
  • Dahl-Jensen, T., P.H. Voss, and T.B. Larsen, [S01-4-01] Recent earthquakes at Disko Island, Greenland, with focal mechanisms in IAG-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly. 2017: Kobe, Japan.

How to cite: Dahl-Jensen, T., Voss, P. H., and Larsen, T. B.: Earthquake swarm September/October 2022 on Disko Island, West Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6541,, 2023.

Barbara Czecze, Dániel Kalmár, Márta Kiszely, Bálint Süle, and László Fodor

The seismicity of the Pannonian Basin can be described as moderate. The study area is located in the northern part of the Pannonian Basin, which is one of the most active area in terms of earthquakes.

We found that earthquake swarms occur in the Mór graben quite regularly. The Kövesligethy Radó Seismological Observatory deployed three temporary stations in the graben to monitor the local seismicity, and these stations operated for ca. 20 months. We can study the very small magnitude events because the detection capability is more sensitive from 2020.

After relocating the events with a multiple-event location algorithm, we compare three different real swarm detection methods based on the filtered three-component waveforms, to find the best one to collect a complete swarm event list in the Mór Graben.

Using the temporary and permanent stations of the Kövesligethy Radó Seismological Observatory and the GeoRisk Ltd. networks we can identify more than a hundred swarms with small magnitudes.

Our results show that the Mór Graben is still active, where some of the largest earthquakes occurred in Hungary in the past.


How to cite: Czecze, B., Kalmár, D., Kiszely, M., Süle, B., and Fodor, L.: Comparison of earthquake swarm detection methods: Case study at Mór Graben, Hungary, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9610,, 2023.

Simone Cesca, Malte Metz, Pınar Büyükakpınar, and Torsten Dahm

A large seismic swarm affected the North Mid-Atlantic ridge between September and November 2022, with an outstanding seismicity rate and a cumulative moment equivalent to a magnitude Mw 6.3. We performed a detailed seismological analysis using regional, teleseismic and array data to reconstruct the spatiotemporal evolution of the seismicity. Combining template matching, relative location and full moment tensor inversion, we identify that most seismicity was located in a narrow band along the ridge, with typical normal faulting mechanisms. However, some of the latest and strongest events occurred up tp 25 km off the ridge axis, with thrust mechanisms that are atypical at mid-ocean ridges and inconsistent with the extensional tectonics. Seismicity also present a clear migration pattern, propagating over ~60 km from North to South, with the thrust mechanisms only occurring in the late phase of the swarm and only in the central-southern section. We hypothesize a magmatic intrusion as driver of the seismicity, with a vertical dyke first propagating southward, accompanied by normal faulting earthquakes, and then thickening, to produce a stress perturbation able to trigger thrust earthquakes on pre-existing structures on the side of the dike. The 2022 unrest provides evidence for sporadic spreading accompanied by large swarm episodes driven by magma intrusions at the mid-ocean ridge.

How to cite: Cesca, S., Metz, M., Büyükakpınar, P., and Dahm, T.: An atypical swarm at the North Mid-Atlantic ridge indicating spreading events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2298,, 2023.

Maria Mesimeri, Tobias Diehl, Marco Herwegh, John Clinton, and Stefan Wiemer

On October 05, 2021 an Mw4.0 earthquake struck 6 km south of the village of Arolla, near the tongue of the Arolla Glacier. Almost one year prior to this earthquake, an M3.5 event occurred on November 08, 2020 in the same location. Both earthquakes were followed by a few aftershocks that were detected and located by the Swiss Seismological Service (SED). The unusually shallow depth of 1-2 km of these earthquakes, indications for a mostly thrust-type mechanisms within a region characterized by a predominantly extensional stress regime, and unusual high CLVD (50-70%) components of SED’s routine moment tensor solutions raised questions regarding the triggering mechanism. To understand and explain the possible existence of shallow thrust earthquakes in the area, we perform a thorough seismotectonic analysis that is based on enhancing the existing earthquake catalog of the SED and complementary moment-tensor solutions computed by multiple algorithms. The original SED earthquake catalog contains 83 earthquakes that occur between January 01, 2020 and December 31, 2021 and locate ~5 km around the two mainshocks. Using a deep learning based algorithm (EQTransformer), we detect additionally 253 events, thus the new catalog contains 4 times more earthquakes than the original SED bulletin. Absolute locations for the additional earthquakes are obtained using the probabilistic NonLinLoc method in combination with a recently updated Vp and Vs crustal 3D velocity model. In addition, we compute local magnitudes (MLhc) using SED’s standard procedure, in order to compile a homogeneous catalog consistent with the SED bulletin. The enhanced catalog events are used as templates for a match filtering scheme, which increased the number of detections by at least one magnitude order. Last, we relocate the final catalog using the double difference method towards obtaining a high resolution enhanced earthquake catalog. Spatially, the main cluster shows an intense seismic activity, stretched in N-S direction that matches the strike of the fault planes derived from moment tensor inversion. An additional cluster, that is not present in the SED bulletin locations, is identified next to the area were the aftershock activity of the two main events locates. Furthermore, the enhanced catalog shows a smother temporal evolution with more background events than previously recorded. Overall, we explore the possibility of fluid driven microseismicity that might be related to the nearby glacier. With our study we emphasize the importance of enhanced earthquake catalogs using both machine learning pickers and template matching algorithms. These approaches lead to unravel prior unmapped structures and improve our understanding of the seismotectonic regime in the study area.

How to cite: Mesimeri, M., Diehl, T., Herwegh, M., Clinton, J., and Wiemer, S.: Persistent shallow microseismicity near a glacier in southwestern Switzerland (Arolla VS) revealed by enhanced earthquake catalogs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12362,, 2023.

Giulio Poggiali, Monica Sugan, Maddalena Michele, Samer Bagh, Raffaele Di Stefano, Alessandro Vuan, Emanuele Tondi, and Lauro Chiaraluce

The analysis of microseismicity has a fundamental role in understanding earthquakes, giving insights on the long- and short-term driving forces and processes preparing and generating the seismicity occurrence and its evolution in space and time.

Recent advances in detection and location algorithms, paired with dense seismic networks, and supported by higher computing capacity, allow dramatic increase in the quality and quantity of low magnitude earthquakes recorded resulting in high resolution earthquakes catalogs in terms of both location attributes and completeness.

Such catalogs enable us to analyze small magnitude (M<4) sequences having the advantage of a high frequency of occurrence, with unprecedented resolution in illuminating minor (few kilometers of extent) fault systems and seismicity patterns.

We present a detailed analysis of two seismic sequences occurred within an extensional sector of the Northern Apennines between 2010 and 2014: the Città di Castello and Pietralunga sequences (maximum magnitude ≤ 3.6). The area is within the Alto Tiberina Near Fault Observatory (TABOO-NFO), a multidisciplinary monitoring infrastructure dedicated to the investigation of the fault slip behavior of this very low angle normal fault.

The very high microseismic activity, the availability of a dense network and a complex tectonic setting involving shallow (H2O) and deep (CO2) fluids circulation, result in an ideal location to apply modern detection and analysis techniques to study microseismicity in detail.

We build the high-resolution catalog starting from the raw waveforms recorded by a seismic network composed of ~60 stations covering an area of 80x80km and applying a deep learning phase picker. The events are located with a probabilistic nonlinear algorithm and finally relocated with the double differences algorithm after undergoing a quality selection based on location parameters. The resulting catalog for these sequences counts 6 times the number of events documented in previously available standard catalogs.

The spatiotemporal distribution of events shows different characteristics, ranging from foreshock-mainshock-aftershock to more swarm-like patterns but almost all these patterns are compatible with pore-pressure diffusion (1 − 2m2s-1) processes and exhibiting along-strike migration. These are very similar behavior with respect to the ones observed during the larger extensional sequences occurred in the Apennines in recent years.

The case of fluid driven seismicity is coherent with the seismotectonic setting of the area showing large CO2 degassing phenomena and the presence of geologic formations prone to develop fluids overpressure. The comparison of the spatial distribution of events with a three-dimensional deterministic seismostratigraphic model based on different (non-seismic) geophysical data, highlights in fact a ubiquitous involvement of the Triassic Evaporites as hosting lithology, indicating a strong mechanical control and corroborating their seismogenic role.

How to cite: Poggiali, G., Sugan, M., Michele, M., Bagh, S., Di Stefano, R., Vuan, A., Tondi, E., and Chiaraluce, L.: Diffusion processes in minor normal faulting seismic sequences monitored by the Alto Tiberina Near Fault Observatory (Northern Apennines, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13036,, 2023.

Daniela Famiani, Fabrizio Cara, Giovanna Cultrera, Giuseppe Di Giulio, Sara Lovati, Simone Marzorati, Francesca Pacor, Gaetano Riccio, and Maurizio Vassallo and the EMERSITO working group

EMERSITO is the INGV emergency task force (website available at with skills and experience in seismic response studies and in seismic microzonation activities, and contributes to emergency interventions following significant seismic events (M>5.0 or lower if a noticeable level of damage is observed).

After the Mw 5.5 (ML 5.7) event of November 9, 2022 06:07:24 UTC (Italian time 07:07:24) localized in the Costa Marchigiana Pesarese area, EMERSITO acted immediately to collect multidisciplinary available information regarding the epicentral area and adjacent areas.

EMERSITO decided to focus the scientific intervention in the municipal area of Ancona which is the main city of the Marche region. This choice was driven by: a) the values of peak ground accelerations observed during the main shock in the city compared with other cities at the same or lower epicentral distance; b) the observed damage, fortunately minor, and evacuations reported by the technicians of Regione Marche and the Fire Brigade; c) the scientific interest in the evaluation of the local seismic response in the urban area that is characterized by strong lithological heterogeneities; d) the presence of an INGV office in Ancona which supported the activities of all the INGV emergency groups, including the EMERSITO working group. The intervention of EMERSITO concerned the installation of a temporary seismic network (registered as 6N; the code was released by FDSN, the Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks) consisting of 11 seismic stations equipped with both velocimetric and accelerometric sensors. A part of these stations (6) has been set up in real-time mode, while the remaining stations (5), have a local acquisition system, requiring periodic maintenance interventions for checking and downloading the data.

At the end of the experiment, after a quality check all continuous data will be transferred to the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA) repository, with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and made public after a pre-established restriction period to allow both preliminary data analysis and a general publication about the intervention of the EMERSITO group.

Site selection for network 6N was planned on the basis of the geological map, damage survey and other information. It was preceded by field inspections in collaboration with the technicians of the Municipality of Ancona and Regione Marche and was supported by colleagues from the INGV headquarter in Ancona. Given the observed variability in the seismic response of the permanent stations, particular attention was paid to the identification of one or more reliable reference sites. The deployment of the network took place between 13 and 17 November.

In this work we present the seismic dataset composed of ambient vibrations and aftershock recordings acquired from the 6N network during the experiment. Preliminary data analysis suggests a variability of the site responses depending on the outcropping lithologies. We believe that the instrumental data acquired by EMERSITO task force, together with the microzonation study available for the municipality of Ancona can increase the knowledge on possible site effects that occurred in different areas of the city after the Mw 5.5 event of November 9, 2022.

How to cite: Famiani, D., Cara, F., Cultrera, G., Di Giulio, G., Lovati, S., Marzorati, S., Pacor, F., Riccio, G., and Vassallo, M. and the EMERSITO working group: The activities of the EMERSITO INGV emergency task force following the Mw 5.5 Costa Marchigiana-Pesarese earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14154,, 2023.

Yu Jiang, Shengji Wei, Judith Hubbard, Wan-Lin Hu, and Rino Salman

Earthquake sequences on near orthogonal strike-slip faults are not uncommon, as observed both in the subduction zone outer-rise region (e.g., the 2000 and 2012 Wharton basin earthquakes off-Sumatra, Robinson et al., 2001; Wei et al., 2013) and in the shallow continental crust (e.g., the 1987 Superstition Hills earthquakes, Hudnut et al., 1989; the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes, Shi and Wei, 2020). However, according to the Coulomb faulting theory (Anderson, 1951), strike-slip faults intersecting at an angle of around 90° (at 45° from the maximum principal stress) would require a near-zero friction coefficient, which is not consistent with the observed values 0.6~1 in nature, e.g., deep borehole stress measurements (Townend, 2006). Thus, the mechanisms controlling these cascading orthogonal ruptures remain poorly understood. The 2019 Cotabato earthquakes (the Philippines) provide a new opportunity to further explore the driving mechanism causing orthogonal strike-slip earthquakes, since abundant geodetic and seismic data sets are recorded in this sequence.

In this research, we focus on four Mw6.4+ events during the 2019 Cotabato earthquake sequence. Since the fault geometry is critical to analyze the potential stress triggering between earthquakes, careful processing and modelling of the data sets are required to provide a robust and reliable fault geometry. To better constrain the fault geometry, two types of observations were utilized, surface displacement data with a high spatial resolution and ground motion data with a high temporal resolution. (a) Geodetic modelling. We acquired eight ALOS-2 L-band SLC images, and generated ten interferograms monitoring the ground displacement, including seven ascending and three descending interferograms. To avoid the influence of phase unwrapping errors, we improved and applied an art-of-the-state Bayesian geodetic inversion approach (Jiang and González, 2020) by using the InSAR wrapped phase and allowing the estimation of multiple fault geometry simultaneously. (b) Seismic modelling. Seismic waveforms were collected from IRIS, including one regional station and over ten teleseismic stations. We performed Multiple Point Source inversions (Shi et al., 2018) to determine the subevents’ location and double-couple focal mechanism. Geodetic and seismic inversion results were cross-verified and updated to reconcile both datasets. Our results show that (1) in mid-October, the first Mw6.4 earthquake occurred on an NW-SE-striking fault at the depth range of 10-18 km; (2) the second Mw6.6 earthquake ruptured the shallow part of the same fault, followed by the third Mw6.5 earthquake two days later but rupturing a NE-SW-striking fault; (3) in mid-December, the most energetic Mw6.8 earthquake occurred on an NW-SE-striking fault, located at SE of the first two events. Coulomb stress analysis suggests that the friction coefficient on the NE-SW-striking fault has to be very low to allow the rupture on the near orthogonal faults. Our results indicate that the earthquake sequence is a cascading rupture that involved both weak and strong faults in which pore fluid pressure may have played a key role.

How to cite: Jiang, Y., Wei, S., Hubbard, J., Hu, W.-L., and Salman, R.: Modelling cascading ruptures on near-orthogonal strike-slip fault system: the 2019 Cotabato (the Philippines) earthquake sequence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16210,, 2023.

Jean Battaglia, Monica Segovia, Silvana Hidalgo, and Edwin Villareal

Tungurahua (5023 m a.s.l.) is an andesitic stratovolcano located in Central Ecuador. The more recent eruptive cycle started in September 1999 and lasted until March 2016 with repeated phases of enhanced activity. Its activity included the occurrence of distinct eruptive phases separated by periods of quiescence, both lasting from few weeks to months. From October 2013 until March 2018, we operated at Tungurahua a temporary seismic network including up to 13 broadband stations. It complemented the permanent monitoring network operated by the Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG-EPN) and included stations up to 4275 m a.s.l. as well as stations on the remote Eastern flank.

Using IG-EPN catalogs and cross-correlation techniques, we identified several clusters of shallow and deep (volcano-)tectonic earthquakes. For these clusters, we manually picked a selection of larger events and used them to pick automatically other similar events. A visual inspection of the pickings was performed to confirm the absence of major biases. The comparison of P-phase times shows differences less than 0.1 s. Regarding S-phases, the cross correlation technique detected by far more S-phases per event, providing a general improvement in the location of events. Additionally we used seismic amplitudes and their decay as a function of distance to locate tremor and explosion quake sources during eruptive phases.

The seismicity below sea level defines 4 main clusters spread around the volcano between 2 and 10 km b.s.l.. The temporal evolution of these clusters displays a rather steady behavior for 3 of them and a swarm-type behavior for the fourth. Their relation with the eruptive phases is, however, unclear. Above sea level a single cluster of small volcano-tectonic events is observed about 2-3 km below the summit. This cluster displays a rather clear relationship with the eruptive phases and often preceded phases with strong explosive onsets. Most of tremor and explosion quake sources are found just above this cluster.

This study emphasizes the importance of dense, geographically well distributed networks, to identify seismic precursors and decipher volcanic plumbing systems.

How to cite: Battaglia, J., Segovia, M., Hidalgo, S., and Villareal, E.: Tectonic and volcano-tectonic seismicity below Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador) between 2013 and 2018, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9103,, 2023.