HS2.4.4 | Generalizable insights for better understanding and modelling of hydrological responses to climate variability and change
Generalizable insights for better understanding and modelling of hydrological responses to climate variability and change
Convener: Keirnan Fowler | Co-conveners: Sebastian Gnann, Doris Duethmann, Wouter Berghuijs, Gabrielle Burns, Luca Trotter, Sara Bonetti
| Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST), 16:15–17:50 (CEST)
Room 2.44
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall A
Orals |
Fri, 14:00
Thu, 10:45
Catchments are complex systems responding to external factors (e.g. changes in climate) on a variety of timescales due to complex interactions and feedbacks. Many existing models and methods poorly represent the responses of hydrological systems to changes in boundary conditions (e.g. climatic change), affecting the reliability of their results. The poor performance of models suggests they potentially misrepresent (or omit) important catchment processes, process timescales, or interactions between processes. To place hydrology on a solid theoretical footing, the multitude of responses, interactions and feedbacks developing in hydrological systems need to be disentangled and understood, and generalizable insights need to be sought. Such insights can originate both from site-specific investigations or from studies that use large datasets and/or models, and improve hydrological predictions under changing conditions and in ungauged locations.
This session covers themes such as (but not limited to):
1. Improved process understanding through field and modeling applications;
2. Better understanding of hydrological and/or biophysical processes related to long-timescale climate shifts potentially contributing to shifts in hydrologic response;
3. Understanding and quantifying drivers of catchment similarity and how that may be used to transfer knowledge in space and time;
4. Studies of hydrological regularities (e.g. the Budyko hypothesis) for predictions under changing conditions;
5. Understanding and quantifying catchment multi-annual “memory”;
6. Data-based and modelling studies aiming to better understand and simulate the response of hydrological systems to climatic variability and change;
7. Efforts to improve the realism of hydrological projections under future climate scenarios.

Orals: Fri, 19 Apr | Room 2.44

Chairpersons: Keirnan Fowler, Doris Duethmann, Gabrielle Burns
On-site presentation
Taehee Hwang, Lawrence Band, Irena Creed, and Mark Green

Forests are crucial for the production of high-quality freshwater resources. Complex interactions between climate change and forest processes can result in uncertainty in the availability of freshwater to downstream communities and the environment. Previous studies reported consistent increasing trends in global river discharge during the last century, which has been explained by either climate factors (usually called “hydrological intensification”) or suppressed transpiration due to CO2-induced stomatal closure. In this study, we study long-term changes in hydrological partitioning of precipitation between evapotranspiration and runoff generation (as mm per year) along a gradient of forested watershed along the eastern temperate forest biome. The precipitation is increasing at faster rates than runoff at most of these study catchments, which suggests long-term increases in evapotranspiration. These divergent trends in precipitation versus runoff rates are significantly correlated to long-term trends in NDVI and growing season length at the watershed scale, while climate variables cannot provided significant explanation. These findings suggest that the combined effect of increased temperatures and CO2 fertilization have led to increased leaf area and lengthened growing season, which may counteract the effect of the CO2-induced stomatal closure across the eastern US. This study emphasizes the importance of understanding vegetation responses to climate change to predict future flow regimes in forested watersheds.

How to cite: Hwang, T., Band, L., Creed, I., and Green, M.: Greening mediates climate and CO2 induced water use efficiency effects on freshwater yield, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3597, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3597, 2024.

On-site presentation
Francesco Avanzi, Francesca Munerol, Massimo Milelli, Simone Gabellani, Christian Massari, Manuela Girotto, Edoardo Cremonese, Marta Galvagno, Giulia Bruno, Umberto Morra di Cella, Lauro Rossi, Marco Altamura, and Luca Ferraris

Our study delves into the intricate relationship between the 2021-2022 snow deficit in the Italian Alps and subsequent socio-hydrologic repercussions during the ensuing summer drought across the Po river basin, thus elucidating socio-hydrologic response from headwaters to lowlands in an era of change. Starting from early 2022, a high-pressure ridge led to a -88% anomaly in peak Snow Water Equivalent (SWE), which was compounded by episodes of intraseasonal snowmelt and earlier melt-out dates. As a result of this low SWE, a further -10% in summer precipitation, and +1.9°C summer temperature anomaly, terrestrial water storage measured through GRACE hit its all-time low. Meanwhile, we observed an intensification of both anomalies in SWE and in streamflow compared to other recent droughts. Municipal emergency water-use restrictions were issued in correspondence to the peak in snowmelt deficit, rather than the peak in precipitation deficit, with a spatial signature that clearly points to missed snowmelt as a key contributing factor in the escalation of this emergency. This archetypal event, along with the multi-decadal decline in terrestrial water storage, highlights the contributing role of snowmelt deficit in driving socio-hydrologic impacts of droughts in Alpine regions in the context of a warming climate. 

How to cite: Avanzi, F., Munerol, F., Milelli, M., Gabellani, S., Massari, C., Girotto, M., Cremonese, E., Galvagno, M., Bruno, G., Morra di Cella, U., Rossi, L., Altamura, M., and Ferraris, L.: From snow to socio-hydrology: mechanisms behind the 2022 drought in the Alps, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5634, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5634, 2024.

On-site presentation
Axel Bronstert, Lucy Mtilatila, and Klaus Vormoor

The hydroelectrical potential is derived from the hydraulic head and the available water discharge. In certain hydroclimatic regions, the water discharge is only a small part of the regional precipitation and the water cycle. This is particularly true when evaporation accounts for a large proportion of the regional water balance. Such conditions prevail, for example, in the catchment area of Lake Malawi and the Shire River in Malawi in south-east Africa. The country produces over 95% of its electricity from hydropower plants in the Shire River. This river is the outlet of Lake Malawi. Our study examines the sensitivity of regional water resources and hydropower generation to climate change, covering various aspects:

  • Processing of rainfall, runoff and evaporation data for this tropical region, with particular attention to data scarcity.
  • Hydrological simulation of the water balance and water level of Lake Malawi as well as runoff.
  • Calculation of possible hydropower generation in the Shire River.
  • Performing scenario calculations for climate change conditions and associated sensitivity analyses.

The most important results of these analyses are

  • Between 1970 and 2013, meteorological droughts have increased in intensity and duration. This can be attributed to a decrease in precipitation and an increase in temperatures and evaporation rates.
  • The hydrological system of Lake Malawi reacts to meteorological droughts with a time lag (up to 24 months), so that hydrological droughts can be predicted up to 10 months in advance by meteorological drought parameters.
  • Despite the uncertainties in the regional climate projections, it is clear that the water level of Lake Malawi, as a residual of the catchment water balance, is very sensitive to changes in precipitation and evaporation.
  • The discharge from the lake is a direct function of the lake's water level, and the combination of the projected decrease in precipitation and increase in temperature leads to a significantly lower flow in the Shire River.
  • This suggests a future decline in annual hydropower production of between 1 % and 2.5 % (2021-2050) and 5 % and 24 % (2071-2100)
  • Some projections even result that the outflow of Lake Malawi would temporarily dry up and the country's electricity supply would be interrupted.
  • It is shown that regional evaporation and its changes are the key variable for assessing future water availability. This process is characterized by a particularly high degree of uncertainty.

The example of Lake Malawi basin shows that a careful hydro-climatic analysis is required to assess such sensitive hydro-systems. Global-scale analyses do not have sufficient predictive power and explanatory potential.

How to cite: Bronstert, A., Mtilatila, L., and Vormoor, K.: Hydro-electrical potential at risk und climate change: the case of Lake Malawi basin and the Shire River in Malawi / Southeast Africa, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11698, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11698, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alessia Matano, Marlies Barendrecht, Manuela Brunner, Raed Hamed, and Anne F. Van Loon

Persistent drought conditions may alter catchment response to precipitation, both during and after the drought period. Drought impacts on vegetation and hydrological dynamics may persist beyond the drought event, challenging accurate streamflow forecasting especially under flooding conditions. Yet, the influence of drought characteristics on the catchment response to precipitation remains unclear. In this study, we use a comprehensive dataset consisting of observations and remote sensing data of streamflow, precipitation, soil moisture, and total water storage for 3957 catchments worldwide. By employing multivariate statistical analysis, we identify significant abrupt shifts in the precipitation-streamflow relationship and examine the role of drought in driving these shifts. Our analysis shows that drought events may generally lead to significantly lower streamflow than expected from the historical norm during and after drought conditions. While warm-temperate and equatorial regions generally experience a slight decrease in streamflow during drought compared to expected values, arid regions predominantly exhibit an unexpected increase during soil moisture drought. In snow-influenced regions both increases and decreases of streamflow compared to expected were found. Notably, soil moisture drought events emerge as main drivers of hydrological regime shifts, particularly in snow-influenced and arid regions.  This study sheds light on the importance of considering regional characteristics in predicting dynamic catchment response to precipitation under and after persistent drought conditions.

How to cite: Matano, A., Barendrecht, M., Brunner, M., Hamed, R., and Van Loon, A. F.: Drought influences on hydrological regimes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14704, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14704, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ulrike Bende-Michl, Katayoon Bahramian, Steven Thomas, Irina Rudeva, Wendy Sharples, and Elisabetta Carrara

Prolonged droughts have led to impacts on streamflow by strongly reducing flows, and in some cases gives rise to permanent shifts in streamflow regimes, despite rainfall recovery. Understanding changes from perennial to non-perennial regimes is crucial for water management, such as the allocation of available water for crop irrigation to environmental flows. Furthermore, given the prospect of a drier and warmer future, to combat increasing water scarcity and environmental degradation, understanding regime changes will help decision makers develop water-related mitigation and adaptation strategies.

In this study we investigate streamflow regime change from perennial to non-perennial flow, combining well established metrics using both climatic and hydrologic indices.  A case study of the Victorian region in south-eastern Australia will be presented applying our analysis to pre-, during and post Millennium drought conditions. We analysed streamflow from 116 Hydrological Reference Sites in Victoria and period from 1970-2019 with respect to changes in the magnitude, duration, frequency, and timing of flow conditions.  In this region, we identified rivers which remained in the non-perennial regime despite rainfall totals returning to pre drought levels. Additionally, we explored attributing for the permanent streamflow regime shift and implications for water management including interacting changes to observed rainfall intensities, vegetation responses and modelled surface and sub-surface components.

How to cite: Bende-Michl, U., Bahramian, K., Thomas, S., Rudeva, I., Sharples, W., and Carrara, E.: When rivers change their tune: unraveling streamflow regime shift after multi-year droughts in south-eastern Australia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22387, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22387, 2024.

On-site presentation
Changwu Cheng, Wenzhao Liu, Zhi Li, Zhaotao Mu, and Hao Feng

As a proxy for atmospheric evaporative demand, potential evapotranspiration (EP) is usually estimated by meteorologic elements such as radiation, temperature, and vapor pressure. We investigate the controlling factors of EP from the perspective of catchment water balance. Through analyzing the relationships and constraint conditions of the variables in the Budyko framework and the generalized proportionality hypothesis (GPH), we demonstrate that the mean annual EP depends on precipitation (P) and runoff (Q) and the information of EP is contained in the water balance process. Further, we propose the Budyko-based and GPH-based hydrological approaches for EP estimation and obtain the hydrological EP for the MOPEX catchments. Significant linear relationships exist between the hydrological EP and the commonly used meteorological EP, i.e., the Penman EP (EP-Pen), Priestley-Taylor EP (EP-PT), and Hargreaves-Samani EP (EP-HS). Specifically, four hydrological EP are more consistent with EP-Pen among three meteorological EP, and the Budyko-based hydrological EP are more closely related to meteorological EP than the GPH-based one. This study enriches the EP estimation methods and provides new insight into the catchment water balance from the connection between EP and hydrologic elements. (Supported by Project 41971049 of NSFC).

How to cite: Cheng, C., Liu, W., Li, Z., Mu, Z., and Feng, H.: Potential evapotranspiration depends on precipitation and runoff in a catchment at the mean annual scale, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6982, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6982, 2024.

On-site presentation
Argha Banerjee

The instantaneous rate of glacier melt depends strongly on the surface albedo. For example, snowfall increases surface albedo and reduces melt rate, while dark impurities deposited on the surface enhances melt. We discuss two interesting consequences of this feedback, which lead to simplifications in models describing the runoff of glacierised catchments. 


We investigated the interannual variability of modelled streamflow on two Himalayan catchments. On an excess-precipitation year, glaciers receives more snow, which reduces melt. In contrast, on a precipitation-deficient year, glaciers have less snowcover and they produce more meltwater. This behaviour makes the annual runoff contribution from the glaciers in any given catchment to be either weakly sensitive or insensitive to the interannual variability in precipitation. Further, this characteristic is shown to be independent of the climate setting of the glacier, or the models used. A general linear-response expression for the streamflow response to climatic perturbations is proposed, where the glacierised parts respond to temperature variability and the non-glacierised parts respond to precipitation variability. This simple expression reproduces several well known characteristics of the variability of the runoff of glacierised catchments, e.g., glacier-compensation effect, buffering effect, peak-water effect etc. 


The melt enhancing effects of dark supraglacial impurities lead to the formation of tiny cylindrical cryoconite holes that are commonly seen on glacier surfaces across the globe. Their contribution to glacier mass balance and runoff generation is debated. We build an idealised model of the evolution of these holes on sunny days, and show that the holes of a given diameter reach a steady depth, which scales linearly with the diameter. The predicted depth-diameter scaling is consistent with available global-scale observations. This scaling imply that the total melt contribution of the holes to glacier runoff is likely to be negligible, and that the formation of these holes provides an effective mechanism for restricting excess melt when supraglacial impurities are present.  

How to cite: Banerjee, A.: Simplifying properties of glacier runoff resulting from Ice-albedo feedback, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5092, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5092, 2024.

On-site presentation
Virginia Rosa Coletta, Irene Pluchinotta, Alessandro Pagano, Raffaele Giordano, Umberto Fratino, and Alberto Montanari

Recent disasters have highlighted a concerning possibility: the escalation of climate extremes leading to megafloods and megadroughts, commonly known as "black swans". This phenomenon, called "flood and drought risk amplification", is giving rise to impactful disasters at an increasing frequency, which is beyond our current understanding and modelling capabilities. The lack of comprehension poses a scientific challenge in pinpointing the drivers behind these amplifications.

This scenario prompts a crucial research question about the unexpected increase in flood and drought risks due to climate variability — why, where, and when it may occur. In response, this work aims to create a new modelling framework capable of unravelling the complex interplay of processes and factors contributing to flood and drought risk amplification.

Grounded in the hypothesis that local conditions play a pivotal role in risk amplification, this study focuses on identifying specific elements, known as "leverage points", where a small change or action can significantly impact the investigated system. These leverage points can be quantitatively analysed and classified based e.g. on the level of complexity of the implementation of such changes and their potential for sustainability transformation. To achieve this, this work adopts an integrated modelling approach, combining System Dynamics (SD) modelling with elements from Graph Theory and stochastic methods. SD modelling, increasingly applied in water resources planning and management, supports the mapping of the system’s feedback structure and has the potential to describe and analyse its complexity. As SD models can be represented as a directed graph of variables and their connections, Centrality Measures (e.g., degree centrality, eingenvector centrality, etc.) based on Graph Theory can help quickly and objectively pinpoint important mechanisms regardless of the size or complexity of the map. In addition, to handle uncertainty arising from the incomplete understanding of processes that contribute to risk amplification (especially the counterintuitive ones), the recent concept of Process Based Stochastic modelling will be introduced. This novel approach to uncertainty assessment involves converting the deterministic SD model into a stochastic formulation.

The proposed modelling framework will be applied to different case studies in Europe and other continents, relevant for unexplained flood and drought risk amplification, at regional and local scales. To compensate for the absence of quantitative data on some technical and non-technical factors, local stakeholders will be actively involved throughout various stages of the modelling process. Their engagement not only supplements the data gap but also aids modellers in identifying critical system components, feedback loops, and vulnerabilities.

How to cite: Coletta, V. R., Pluchinotta, I., Pagano, A., Giordano, R., Fratino, U., and Montanari, A.: An integrated modelling framework for exploring the root causes of flood and drought risk amplification by climate change, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19889, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19889, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andrijana Todorović, Thomas Grabs, and Claudia Teutschbein

Assessing the hydrological impacts of climate change is rather challenging, particularly due to the discrepancies between climate and hydrological models used for such assessments. The reliability and robustness of climate models, downscaling techniques, and bias-adjustment procedures are typically judged based on their ability to reproduce distributions of climate variables. On the other hand, hydrological models are developed to reproduce complete series of hydrological variables, primarily flows. Although climate change impact studies focus exclusively on pertinent hydrological signatures, such as mean flows or annual maxima/minima of varying durations, these aspects of hydrological models’ performance are generally limited to investigative research studies. Since hydrological models are neither developed nor evaluated according to their performance in reproducing hydrological signatures and their distributions, they often yield poor performance in this regard, especially when it comes to signatures related to extreme flows. One approach to improving model performance is the application of multi-model combination methods (MMCMs).

This study is aimed at evaluating the effects of the application of MMCMs in improving performance in reproducing numerous signatures relevant for climate change impact assessments in high-latitude catchments. To this end, ten MMCMs are applied with an ensemble of 29 spatially-lumped, bucket-style models in 50 Swedish catchments that span a wide range of hydroclimatic regimes. All selected MMCMs are point-estimate methods (i.e., they result in a single flow estimate, referred to as a model combination), and they are mainly based on the information criteria. The selected methods also include the equal weights method, Bates-Granger- and Granger-Ramanathan methods, the Mallows method, and its simplex version. The MMCMs outputs are used to compute numerous commonly used performance indicators and distributions of the selected signatures (following Todorović et al. (2022)), which are compared to the results of a reference model. The reference model is selected as the on-average best-performing individual model across the 50 selected catchments. Additional computations are performed to infer whether (1) the selection of the candidate models, or (2) targeting specific signatures, such as annual maxima or minima, can improve the performance of the model combinations.

The results suggest that the application of MMCMs can improve efficiency in terms of traditionally used performance indicators; however, no improvement is obtained when it comes to the distributions of the signatures. Neither omitting the poor-performing candidate models from the ensemble, nor applying the MMCMs with the series of targeted signatures, can improve this aspect of performance. These results clearly reveal the need for further improvement of hydrological models so that they can properly reproduce distributions of hydrologic signatures, which is crucial for climate change impact studies.



Todorović, A., Grabs, T., and Teutschbein, C.: Advancing traditional strategies for testing hydrological model fitness in a changing climate, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 1–22, https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2022.2104646, 2022.

How to cite: Todorović, A., Grabs, T., and Teutschbein, C.: Performance of Multi-Model Combinations in Reproducing Hydrological Signatures Relevant for Climate Change Impact Studies in High Latitudes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15671, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15671, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Sebastian Gnann, Sara Bonetti, Wouter Berghuijs
On-site presentation
David Litwin, Gregory Tucker, Katherine Barnhart, and Ciaran Harman

Aspects of landscape morphology including slope, curvature, and drainage dissection are important controls on runoff generation in upland landscapes. Over long timescales, runoff plays an essential and modifying role in shaping these same features through surface erosion. These feedbacks suggest that modeling long-term landscape evolution while accounting for hydrology could provide insight into hydrological function. Here we examine the hydrological features that emerge when runoff is equilibrated with topography, focusing particularly on the emergence and persistence of saturated areas. We use a new coupled hydro-geomorphic model that captures saturated and unsaturated zone storage and water balance partitioning between surface flow, subsurface flow, and evapotranspiration, but has numerical efficiency sufficient to drive a landscape evolution model over millions of years. Our results reveal the emergence of perennial and ephemeral stream networks, variable source areas, and even non-dendritic drainage networks under certain circumstances. When capacity for water storage and lateral drainage relative to climate are low, lower relief landscapes emerge with greater variability in the extent of saturated areas, while greater relief and less variability in saturated areas emerge as soil storage and lateral drainage capacity increase. Results from a case study suggest that emergent topography and runoff generation patterns reflect this coevolution in some places.

How to cite: Litwin, D., Tucker, G., Barnhart, K., and Harman, C.: Catchment coevolution and the geomorphic origins of variable source area hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7612, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7612, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ali Ameli and Hongyi Li

Large-scale cross-site scientific synthesis on low-flow storage–discharge relation can promote developing transferable hypotheses on the interactions among critical zone attributes and on how such interactions affect catchments’ water vulnerabilities. This study leverages cross-site empirical and theoretical analyses and develops a similarity index, based on the interactions among critical zone attributes, to help determine the less-explored influence of upland hillslope groundwater subsidy on storage–discharge relation. We show that an increase in the relative extent of upland hillslope groundwater subsidy to low-flow discharge, occurring through deep slow low-moving (e.g., bedrock) storage unit, leads to (a) an increase in the nonlinearity of low-flow discharge sensitivity to storage (β1) and (b) an increase in the convexity of low-flow storage–discharge relation. Our findings also raise new hypotheses on the applicability of Boussinesq-based hydraulic groundwater theory at low-flow condition. Empirical results show that in a portion of our study catchments, particularly in those with a relatively small extent of upland hillslope groundwater subsidy, the theory’s proposed range of nonlinearity sufficiently explains the nonlinearity of low-flow storage–discharge relation. However, in catchments with a strong influence of upland hillslope groundwater subsidy through deep slow-moving storage unit, the current state of hydraulic groundwater theory, using one single (non)linear representative storage unit, may not be sufficient to explain the large nonlinearity and convexity of low-flow storage–discharge relation (or the long tail of hydrograph late recession). Considering β1 informs the low-flow vulnerability of catchments, the findings of this study deepen and generalize our understanding of where low-flow discharge is vulnerable to storage’s change.

How to cite: Ameli, A. and Li, H.: Upland Hillslope Groundwater Subsidy Affects Low-Flow Storage–Discharge Relationship, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4801, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4801, 2024.

On-site presentation
Gunnar Lischeid, Jörg Steidl, Justus Weyers, and Jenny Kröcher

Numerous studies have been performed to assess climate change impacts on hydrological processes. However, a number of recent studies have pointed to some generic shortcomings of actual approaches, e.g.

  • Many models have severe problems to map observed trends in groundwater head (Scanlon et al. 2018);
  • Rainfall-runoff models often need to be re-calibrated after extended drought periods (Peterson et al. 2021, Fowler et al. 2022);
  • Models tend to disregard the positive relationship between groundwater head and flood risk (Berghuijs and Slater 2023).

We hypothesize that these problems are related to a current underrating of the soil-groundwater-stream continuum, particularly of the role of the deep vadose zone. We combined principal component analysis, spectrum analysis and vadose zone modelling applied to more than 500 time series of groundwater head, lake level, and stream discharge in Germany, covering an area of about 90,000 km2 in total, and up to 42 years.

Principal component analysis confirmed that groundwater head, lake water level and stream discharge were closely interrelated. Thus the data were merged for subsequent analyses. First order control of the spatial variability of the temporal dynamics was the degree of damping of the hydrological input signal within the vadose zone (Lischeid et al. 2021). Contrary to common assumptions especially the deeper soil layers underneath the rooting zone played an outstanding role in his regard. The degree of damping in groundwater head time series was very closely related to direction and strength of long-term trends. In contrast, there was no clear correlation, e.g., with climatic or land-use trends.

Spectrum analysis allowed to draw generalizable conclusions. From the spectrum analysis perspective the vadose zone acts as a low-pass filter of the input signal. The degree of low-pass filtering can be quantified, e.g., via spectrum analysis of the respective time series. That approach does neither require any additional site specific information nor does it depend on the specific calibration of single models. Damping of a time series via low-pass filtering inevitably results in increasing probability of significant trends even for very long periods, thus explaining the increase of probability of significant trends with thickness of the vadose zone. Another consequence of low-pass filtering is an increase of hydrological memory. For example groundwater head at a depth of 20 m below surface exhibited a memory of roughly 50 years which is massively underestimated by current models.

Groundwater head dynamics had a clear effect on discharge dynamics as well. Similarly as observed for groundwater dynamics hydrographs differed primarily with respect to the degree of damping of the hydrological input signal. Moreover, the degree of damping varied over time and reflected local groundwater head dynamics. It is remarkable that the shape coefficient of the extreme value distribution depends on the degree of damping. Consequently, not only drought risk assessment but flood risk assessment as well needs to consider explicitly deep vadose zone processes and groundwater head dynamics.


Berghuijs and Slater (2023), Environ. Res. Lett., https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/acbecc

Fowler et al. (2022), WRR, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021WR031210

Lischeid et al. (2021), JHyd, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126096

Peterson et al. (2021), Science, https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abd5085

Scanlon et al. (2018), PNAS, http://ww.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1704665115

How to cite: Lischeid, G., Steidl, J., Weyers, J., and Kröcher, J.: Making hydrological science fit for climate change: The underrated soil-groundwater-stream continuum, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3583, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3583, 2024.

On-site presentation
Francesca Bassani, Simone Fatichi, and Sara Bonetti

Allometric scaling relations are widely used to link biological processes in nature. They are typically expressed as power laws, postulating that the metabolic rate of an organism scales as its mass to the power of an allometric exponent, which ranges between 2/3 and 3/4. Several studies have shown that such scaling laws hold also for natural ecosystems, including individual trees and forests, riverine metabolism, and river network organization. Here, we focus on allometric relations at watershed scale to investigate “catchment metabolism”, defined as the set of ecohydrological and biogeochemical processes through which the catchment maintains its structure and reacts to the environment. By revising existing plant size-density relationships and integrating them across large-scale domains, we show that the ecohydrological fluxes (representative of metabolic rates of a large and diverse vegetation assemblage) occurring at the catchment scale are invariant with respect to its average above-ground biomass, while they scale linearly with the basin size. We verify our theory with hyper-resolution ecohydrological simulations across the European Alps, which represent an ideal case study due to the large elevation gradient affecting the availability of energy and water resources. Deviations from the isometric scaling are observed and ascribable to energy limitations at high elevations. Remote sensing data from semiarid and tropical basins are also used to show that the observed scaling of water and carbon fluxes with size holds across a broad spectrum of climatic conditions.

How to cite: Bassani, F., Fatichi, S., and Bonetti, S.: Towards a metabolic theory of catchments: scaling of water and carbon fluxes with size, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8242, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8242, 2024.

On-site presentation
James Kirchner

The quest for generalizable insights in hydrology begins with quantifying hydrological behavior in ways that are widely applicable (and thus potentially generalizable) and that also reflect key characteristics of hydrological processes.  Rainfall-runoff data sets are widely available, but runoff responses to individual precipitation events are rarely generalizable, because each mm of rain may affect streamflow differently, depending on how it fits into the sequence of past and future precipitation.  A longstanding approach to this problem is the unit hydrograph and its many variants, but these typically assume linearity (runoff response is proportional to precipitation) and stationarity (runoff response to a given unit of rainfall is identical, regardless of when it falls).  By contrast, landscape responses to precipitation are typically nonlinear and nonstationary, and quantifying this nonlinearity and nonstationarity is essential to unraveling the mechanisms and subsurface properties controlling hydrological behavior.


Here I show how the nonlinearity and nonstationarity of rainfall-runoff behavior can be quantified, directly from data, using Ensemble Rainfall-Runoff Analysis (ERRA), a data-driven, model-independent method for quantifying rainfall-runoff relationships across a spectrum of time lags.  ERRA combines least-squares deconvolution (to un-scramble each input's temporally overlapping effects) with demixing techniques (to separate the effects of individual inputs, or inputs occurring under different antecedent conditions) and broken-stick regression (to quantify nonlinear dependencies).


Applications of ERRA to experimental catchments and large multi-catchment data sets reveal that some catchments exhibit substantially greater nonstationarity and nonlinearity than others do.  ERRA also reveals that some catchments exhibit strong spatial heterogeneity in their response to precipitation, resulting from spatial heterogeneity in land use and subsurface characteristics. Results from this approach may be informative for catchment characterization and runoff forecasting; they may also lead to a better understanding of short-term storage dynamics and landscape-scale connectivity. 


How to cite: Kirchner, J.: Generalizable insights for nonlinear, nonstationary hydrological behavior using Ensemble Rainfall-Runoff Analysis (ERRA), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12219, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12219, 2024.

On-site presentation
Balaram Shaw, Pushkar Sharma, and Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma

The Budyko hypothesis provides a useful framework for comprehending the behaviour of long-term water balance for a natural and closed catchment. It is widely used for partitioning precipitation into other water-cycle components, characterising hydrological response, and assessing long-term water availability.

Since, Budyko framework was developed for natural catchments assuming no storage change, its suitability for studying catchments with human-intervention in a changing climate is debated. This study aims to contribute to this debate by assessing appropriateness of Budyko framework for studying and predicting long-term water cycle changes stemming from climate change and human-driven storage changes. We simulate various climate and anthropogenic scenarios in a closed-loop environment using SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model across three climate zones (humid, semi-arid, and arid) for more than 70 years. The scenarios reflect secular changes in climatic variables such as precipitation and temperature, and anthropogenic changes such as change in storage. The long-term time-series data for climatic variables were synthetically generated by obtaining the best-fit probability distribution, which were used to create various scenarios by trend-injection method. The model outputs were used for both steady and unsteady-state conditions to get the Budyko plots and to understand the deviation from the Budyko curve for various climate and storage change scenarios from the reference scenario.

We found that for small changes in precipitation and temperature, catchments translate along the reference Budyko curve but deviates away from the curve for a large climatic change and even a small storage change. The Budyko framework is more sensitive to precipitation change compared to temperature change. For realistic long-term storage change, particularly in arid or semi-arid regions, Budyko points in the traditional framework breach water limit. We observed that when the storage change is considered in the Budyko framework, the points again constrain itself in the Budyko space. Therefore, we developed a generalised Budyko framework by incorporating storage change in a mathematical equation considering water and energy balance. The traditional Budyko framework is a special case within it. The novel generalised Budyko framework proposed here could prove to be an indispensable tool for effective water resources management and studying catchment response to various climate change projections.

How to cite: Shaw, B., Sharma, P., and Vishwakarma, B. D.: Towards a novel water budget partitioning framework to better characterize the impact of climate and storage change on water fluxes., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-958, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-958, 2024.

On-site presentation
Julien Lerat, Francis Chiew, David Robertson, Vazken Andreassian, and Hongxing Zheng

Estimation of future streamflows is generally done using rainfall-runoff models to generate streamflow projections based on future climate inputs. Unfortunately, the performance of these models degrades significantly when predicting values outside of their calibration range, which undermines the credibility of projected scenarios. This abstract presents a method to analyze and improve the equations constituting a rainfall-runoff model structure in the context of climate change scenario modelling demonstrated with an application to the GR2M model and 201 catchments in South-East Australia. The method, termed "Data Assimilation Informed model Structure Improvement" (DAISI), enhances a rainfall-runoff model by combining data assimilation with polynomial updates of the state equations. The method is generic and modular, and consistently improves model performance across various metrics, including KGE, NSE on log-transformed flow, and flow duration curve bias. The updated model exhibits higher elasticity of runoff to rainfall, indicating potential significance for climate change simulations. The DAISI diagnostic identifies a reduced number of update configurations in the GR2M structure, with distinct regional patterns in three sub-regions (Western Victoria, central region, and Northern New South Wales). We suggest potential improvements for DAISI, such as incorporating additional observed variables like actual evapotranspiration to better constrain internal model fluxes.

How to cite: Lerat, J., Chiew, F., Robertson, D., Andreassian, V., and Zheng, H.: Data Assimilation Informed model Structure Improvement (DAISI) to improve prediction under climate change, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-184, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-184, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ricardo Mantilla, Janet Barco, Faruk Gurbuz, Shaoping Xiao, David Muñoz, Kavindra Lewkebandara, and Vimal Sharma

Recently published literature has confirmed time and time again that machine learning (ML) algorithms (including LSTMs, GRUs, and Transformers) and conceptual lumped hydrological models (such as SAC-SMA and HBV) perform more reliably in hindcast and forecast flood prediction intercomparison experiments than more sophisticated high-resolution hydrological models. These provocative results have challenged decades of development of physics-based hydrological models for streamflow prediction, which seem more sensitive to the errors in forcing precipitation data, and the spatial description of landscape attributes. Thus, the long-standing promise that a better and more detailed understanding and description of hydrological processes would yield better predictions of streamflow fluctuations (including floods, droughts, etc.) is yet to be fulfilled. In a recently published study by our research group, we proposed and tested a methodology to benchmark ML algorithms using artificially generated data using physically-based hydrological models under very controlled conditions. Our approach combined the implementation of the hillslope-link distributed hydrological model (HLM) on a 4,500 km2 basin driven by precipitation fields created using the stochastic storm transposition (SST) framework. We demonstrated that ML algorithms could effectively identify the input-output relations between the average rainfall over a basin and streamflows (as time series) at multiple sub-basin outlets under very general conditions of space-time variability of flood-generating storm systems. This result matches the reported performance by ML algorithms under a great variety of conditions.

We are extending our work to ask a new question: How reliable are trained ML algorithms and calibrated lumped hydrological models at predicting floods that have never been observed in the “historical” record? This question goes to the heart of what these black/grey-box and conceptual types of tools represent mathematically: a deterministic estimate for the input-output relationship between rainfall and streamflow. Therefore, when any of these black-box models predicts a flood there are two possible scenarios, 1) interpolation, which means that the hydrograph and peak flow being predicted are within the range of floods observed in the past, and 2) extrapolation, the case when the event being predicted is significantly larger than anything observed in the past.  In this study, we will present the results of controlled experiments to investigate this question and show which class of algorithms are less susceptible to over or under-estimation when extrapolating beyond the range of the “historical record”. We will present results for hourly and daily prediction timescales. This investigation is very relevant in the current environment of climate change where the water-holding capacity of the atmosphere increases with every degree of warming leading to storms that seem to constantly break every record in terms of intensity, duration, and spatial coverage.

How to cite: Mantilla, R., Barco, J., Gurbuz, F., Xiao, S., Muñoz, D., Lewkebandara, K., and Sharma, V.: Interpolation vs. Extrapolation in Flood Forecasting: Exploring the Predictive Capability of Conceptual and Machine Learning Tools in Non-Stationary Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13400, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13400, 2024.

Posters on site: Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall A

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr 08:30–Thu, 18 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Keirnan Fowler, Sebastian Gnann
Zeqiang Wang, Wouter R. Berghuijs, Nicholas Howden, and Ross Woods

Snow accumulation and melt dynamics provide influences on streamflow seasonality and mean annual flow which are not present in snow-free areas. Most studies of snow hydrology focus on one timescale, which limits and fragments the understanding of catchment behaviour. Establishing which process controls on hydrological responses act across multiple time scales is still challenging due to the wide range of climates and landscape conditions that may affect the catchments’ hydrological functioning. Here, we build upon prior research that showed how climate and soil drainage effects both shape seasonal and mean annual water balances in humid, snow-free catchments. We establish process controls on seasonal and mean-annual hydrological responses to unify the process interpretation across time scales for diverse snow-influenced catchments. We use observed streamflow, climate and catchment attributes data in snow-affected catchments from the CAMELS_US dataset to assess the impacts of climate and landscape on catchment responses. We use a conceptual model to unify the mechanistic explanation for seasonal and mean annual water balances. We hypothesize that the interaction between climate aridity, the fraction of precipitation falling as snow, and landscape properties (soil, geology and topography) in snow-affected catchments shapes both streamflow seasonality and mean annual flow.

How to cite: Wang, Z., Berghuijs, W. R., Howden, N., and Woods, R.: Exploration of a Unified Process Interpretation for Seasonal and Annual Water Balances in Snowy Catchments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-457, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-457, 2024.

Nicole Hanselmann, Marzena Osuch, Abhishek Bamby Alphonse, and Tomasz Wawrzyniak

Svalbard is one of the fastest warming regions of the earth, over the last 40 years SW Spitsbergen has experienced large changes in hydrological and meteorological conditions. Evaporation is an important component of the hydrological cycle but remains understudied in High Arctic Svalbard. Cold climate evaporation in Spitsbergen is often neglected and commonly used evaporation estimates date to the early 2000’s. In this study, potential evaporation (PET) estimates for the period 1982 to 2023 were calculated using ten different PET models and meteorological data from the Polish Polar Station Hornsund (SW Spitsbergen). The ten potential evaporation methods includes radiation-based (Abtew), temperature-based (Hamon), radiation-temperature based (Hargreaves Samani) and combined models (Penman Montheit) and more. Trends in annual and interannual potential evaporation have been analyzed and compared to changes in meteorological conditions. The study evaluates the influence of the choice of PET model and the derived changes in potential evaporation estimates. The results of the study show a large spread in the amount of annual PET estimates ranging from ~30mm/y (Kharrufa) through ~300mm/y (Penman-Monteith) up to ~450mm/y (Abtew). Trends analysis shows different outcomes depending on the length of the averaging period. Using a daily timescale, PET models tend to show more similar patterns of changes than using monthly timescales. That corresponds well with changes in the meteorological conditions.

How to cite: Hanselmann, N., Osuch, M., Alphonse, A. B., and Wawrzyniak, T.: Changes in potential evaporation over the last four decades in Hornsund SW Spitsbergen, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-937, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-937, 2024.

The spatiotemporal distribution of water level extreme events in global lakes from 2000 to 2022
(withdrawn after no-show)
Bingxin Bai, Lixa Mu, Chunyong Ma, Ge Chen, and Yumin Tan
Xuanze Zhang and Yongqiang Zhang

Large uncertainty in predicting surface water availability (precipitation minus evaporation) in a CO2-enriched climate is associated to rising CO2-related hydrological feedbacks to the global water cycle, primarily including hydrological sensitivity to CO2-physiological and -radiative effects. Using the 1pctCO2 experiments of twelve CMIP6 models, we first decoupled and quantified the magnitudes of these sensitivities at global and regional scales. Results show that under a 140-year transient 4×CO2 scenario, the global hydrological sensitivity (precipitation or evaporation) for CO2-physiological effect feedback is -0.09 ±0.07 % (100 ppm)1 and for CO2 radiative effect feedback is 1.54 ±0.24 % K1. The latter is about 10% larger than the global apparent hydrological sensitivity ( = 1.39 ±0.22 % K1), as estimated from the fully coupled simulations. These hydrological sensitivities are relatively stable over transient 2× to 4×CO2 scenarios. The CMIP6 models project that global precipitation or evaporation increases at 4×CO2 are dominated by the CO2 radiative effect feedback (79 ±12%) and positively contributed by the interaction between the two feedbacks (6 ±12%) but are reduced by the CO2 physiological effect feedback (-10 ±8%). This underlines the importance of CO2 vegetation physiology in global water cycle projections under a CO2-enriched and warming climate.

How to cite: Zhang, X. and Zhang, Y.: Quantifying global water cycle—CO2 feedbacks from Earth system models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5358, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5358, 2024.

Lena Collet, Jérôme Demarty, Jordi Etchanchu, Chloé Ollivier, Ibrahim Maïnassara, Nesrine Farhani, Brune Raynaud-Schell, and Nanée Chahinian

The Sahel is a semi-arid region where the majority of the population depends on subsistence farming. This region is considered as a hotspot for climate change with an expected warming of 3 to 4°C by 2100. Indeed, climate projections show that dry periods are likely to be longer and extreme rainfall will be more frequent. These changes could have a major impact on hydrological and vegetal resources. This study aims to assess these impacts on a typical Sahelian agro-pastoral ecosystem dominated by millet crops and shrubby savannah in South-Western Niger. Climate scenarios are constructed from a local set of observed climate data combined with CMIP6 and other climate scenarios dedicated to Sahelian region. These scenarios are used to constrain SiSPAT SVAT (soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer) model in order to simulate the surface water and energy fluxes. Results show that both energy and water balances are deeply influenced by temperature and air humidity changes. Temperature increase mainly affects the sensible heat flux (H), e.g., H decreases by 38% for a 3°C of temperature increase. Moreover, results show that the impact of temperature and humidity changes on evapotranspiration, partly compensate each other; higher temperature in the rainy season, leads to higher evapotranspiration values, contrarily to the impact of humidity increase. The surface water balance is mostly influenced by the rainfall regime modification, e.g., intensification of extreme rainfall leads to 59% increase in drainage. It also generates more runoff (+ 500 %), that would increase the risk of flooding but could cause a rise in groundwater levels, which is called the Sahelian paradox. Finally, it also increases the soil water storage, which could lead to a longer vegetation cycle. For this aim, coupling with crop and/or hydrological modelling would be useful to quantify the impacts of climate evolution on vegetal and water resources dynamics. It would allow to find efficiently adapted strategies for crop and water management.

How to cite: Collet, L., Demarty, J., Etchanchu, J., Ollivier, C., Maïnassara, I., Farhani, N., Raynaud-Schell, B., and Chahinian, N.: Climate Change impacts on hydrological and plant resources in the agro-pastoral Sahel, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11068, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11068, 2024.

Hadush Meresa, Adam Griffin, and Alison Kay

Extreme rainfalls and floods have caused severe socio-economic and environmental losses in most parts of the world and are predicted to exacerbate due to the changing climate. Highly saturated soil, extreme rainfall, and heavy snowmelt are the most common flood triggers. However, the relative contributions of extreme, long rainfall, antecedent soil moisture, and snowmelt and how they are vary with time and change from catchment to catchment are not fully understood. This information is critical for a better understanding of flood generation mechanisms and can improve flood risk management plans and strategies. We examined precipitation, streamflow, and estimated anticipated soil moisture (anticipated precipitation index) from more than 146 hydrological stations across the UK. Our main objectives were: creating flood type classes according to hydrometeorological characteristics, identifying the contribution of independent variables (soil moisture, snow, rainfall) and understanding the spatial and temporal variability of mutual information.

A simple empirical relationship between the peak flow and precipitation was used to estimate the anticipated precipitation index, used as a proxy for antecedent soil moisture. The relative importance of each variable and its respective flood-generating processes were identified using multilinear regression and decision tree approaches. Based on catchment average rainfall, gauged streamflow, and estimated anticipated soil moisture data across the UK, we confirm that most of peak flows are strongly associated with both the extreme rainfall and antecedent soil moisture conditions above the 90th percentile. There is a clear difference in flood magnitude and their respective generating mechanisms between regions, and regions with an expected decrease in anticipated soil moisture into the future were highly statistically correlated with a decrease in annual average peak flood magnitude. The role of extreme rainfall is the most dominant factor across the UK; however, seasonal total rainfall is not a strong influencing factor of peak floods in the southern UK. Extreme rainfall and peak floods are positively corrected with catchment drainage area. This linkage between drainage area and the most common flood generation mechanisms is crucial to quantifying the magnitude and level of flood risk in ungauged catchments.

How to cite: Meresa, H., Griffin, A., and Kay, A.: Understanding and disentangling of flood generation mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2832, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2832, 2024.

Alix Reverdy, Aniket Gupta, Matthieu Le Lay, Jean-Martial Cohard, Didier Voisin, Matthieu Lafaysse, and Lucie Rapp-Henry

The current operational hydrological modelling of mountainous catchments mostly relies on conceptual and semi-distributed models, which are calibrated based on historical discharge measurements. As a consequence, in spite of their good performance in seasonal river runoff prediction, they often fail to project the impact of climate change on the hydrological cycle over decades. This is due to a limited representation of physical processes and their inability to simulate water paths and their modification.

To overcome such limitations, we applied the data-intensive and calibration-light critical zone model ParFlow-CLM, to a highly instrumented mid-elevation catchment (0.15 km² area between 1950 and 2150 m.a.s.l) close to the Lautaret Pass, in the French Alps. Our setup showed promising results with good correlation when compared to the observed discharge (KGEnp = 0.91), consistent evapotranspiration compared to local Eddy-Covariance measurements and realistic snow disappearance patterns. This simulation served as the proof of concept towards the feasibility of physical-based critical zone hydrological modeling in alpine terrain. It highlighted the necessity of a careful redistribution of the locally observed meteorological forcing including solid precipitation and incoming radiations. It also pointed out the necessity of well simulating the snow aging and albedo to represent streamflow regimes all along the snow period. It was achieved through manually incorporating the impact of grain growth, refreezing and dust in the albedo parameterization (snow age) within the current CLM version of ParFlow (CLM 3.5).

In this presentation we will introduce our strategy for a calibration-light model of mountain watersheds by developing realistic but data-parsimonious strategies of data collection and processing. Specifically, we aim at taking into account the impact of complex topography on meteorological forcing (shading, radiation incidence angle, wind acceleration, snow redistribution, altitude gradient). In this framework we will compare several land surface snow schemes (CLM3.5, CLM5, Crocus and MORDOR) using ESM-SnowMIP data. This will help to quantify the improvement expected for moving from CLM3.5 to CLM5 and compare it further with a complex snow scheme (Crocus) and an advanced degree-day approach (MORDOR snow module). Implementation of CLM5 in ParFlow will also enable the representation of dynamic vegetation processes. This will be the first step towards a functional critical zone modeling for a mid-elevation alpine catchment, which will allow the reanalysis and projection of hydrological conditions with minimum calibration.

How to cite: Reverdy, A., Gupta, A., Le Lay, M., Cohard, J.-M., Voisin, D., Lafaysse, M., and Rapp-Henry, L.: Critical zone modelling for alpine catchments : towards a calibration-light model of snow hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10151, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10151, 2024.

Han Cheng, Taihua Wang, and Dawen Yang

The Yangtze River Basin is the largest basin in China, covering an area of 1.8 million square kilometers and possessing very abundant water resources. The water resources in this basin play a crucial role in the ecological environment and socio-economic development. Understanding the future hydrological changes in the Yangtze River Basin is crucial for China's water resource allocation and planning. However, many studies have indicated that, under the influence of complex climate change and intense human activities, the hydrological cycle in the Yangtze River Basin has become more complex. This research utilized a distributed hydrological model to investigate the hydrological changes in the Yangtze River Basin during the historical period (1961-2019) and the future period (2021-2100). Historical observed data and CMIP6 data are used to drive the model. Meanwhile, machine learning methods are applied to process the output results of the hydrological model, simulating the impact of human activities within the corresponding regions. The results indicate that, during the historical period, machine learning methods could enhance the simulation accuracy of areas which are significantly influenced by human activities. The historical data show that, despite an upward trend in precipitation in the historical period, the runoff at the main hydrological stations of the Yangtze River mainstream continues to decline due to increasing evapotranspiration. Under future conditions, the total runoff in the Yangtze River Basin will further decrease compared with historical runoff, intensifying water resource risks within the basin and posing new challenges for water resource management.

How to cite: Cheng, H., Wang, T., and Yang, D.: Future water resource changes in the Yangtze River Basin under the influences of climate change and human activities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11078, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11078, 2024.

Marcelo Somos-Valenzuela, Bastian Morales, Elizabet Lizama, Mario Lillo, Alfonso Fernandez, and Diego Rivera

Mountain systems have experienced significant changes due to variations in precipitation and temperature. These changes have affected natural water reservoirs, such as glaciers and snow. There is a high probability that glaciers will disappear entirely in some mountain ranges during this century, with current impacts evident on the flows and ecosystems dependent on them. The reduction in snow cover has also been observed globally, especially in lower altitude areas, due to the increase in liquid rain. The increase in temperature has accelerated the melting of snow before the season of most significant water demand. This transformation in mountain basin hydrology raises global concerns about the sustainability of water resources.

Despite the evident loss of storage in glaciers and snow, numerous studies have highlighted the importance of mountain aquifers, quaternary deposits, wetlands, and fractured basements in groundwater storage. However, these elements are often ignored in studies that project changes in flow in mountainous areas.

Mountain catchments will play a crucial role in the response of Earth systems to climate change. Given the loss of glaciers and decreases in solid precipitation, these systems will activate alternative mechanisms to provide water in times of less rainfall, acting as hydrological refuges. Identifying these refuges is crucial for the conservation and management of watersheds.

Although there are studies on climate change refugia for species habitat, there is no defined conceptual framework for hydrological refugia in the Southern Andes of Chile. This work seeks to review elements within the basins that could mitigate or delay the effects of climate change on flows, proposing indexes to identify potential refuges and validate their usefulness in multiple basins throughout the Southern Andes of Chile.

How to cite: Somos-Valenzuela, M., Morales, B., Lizama, E., Lillo, M., Fernandez, A., and Rivera, D.: Resilient Waters: Exploring Hydrological Response in Evolving Mountain Systems of the Southern Andes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13742, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13742, 2024.

Arianna Di Paola, Edmondo Di Giuseppe, Ramona Magno, Sara Quaresima, Leandro Rocchi, Elena Rapisardi, Valentina Pavan, and Massimiliano Pasqui

As the frequency of drought events continues to rise, there is an urgent demand for swift adaptive capabilities, coupled with a growing scientific knowledge base to effectively develop and implement them. To address this need, effective Climate Services are crucial for decision-makers to navigate and respond to the challenges posed by drought. In this context, drawing upon the experience gained from the CNR-IBE climate service 'Drought Observatory' and insights gained from direct engagement with decision-makers, we introduce a novel operational drought framework (ODF) providing a synoptic overview of drought at the basin scale. The aim of the ODF is twofold: on one site to increase the understanding of the underlying dynamics of severe droughts, including triggers, and drought onset and propagation to other components of the water cycle; on the flip side to support decision-makers' adaptive capacities by offering concise yet comprehensive and timely insights, ultimately improving their ability to make informed choices in the face of increasing drought occurrences.  

The ODF is based on three pillars: i) a critical lecture of a set of Standardized Precipitation Index (or whatever SPI-like index) estimated across a continuous range of month-scales; this step allows for a better understanding of drought development and dynamics; ii) the computation of the Standardized Integrated Drought Index (𝕯), as a standardized multi-scale ensemble mean of the SPI set, for the identification and effective communication of severe phases of droughts; iii) the contextualization of severe droughts into the surrounding water supplies, here accounted by means of the cumulative deviation of SPI1 from the normal (CDN), where the CDN serves to gain insights into whether the system has received an adequate supply of water resources to cope with upcoming drought events;  

We present a conceptual demonstration of the ODF for monitoring various types of droughts, showcasing its efficacy and versatility over the Po River basin, the hydrographic basin of the longest Italian river. To this end, we introduce the ODF from the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), aggregated at the river basin scale, and the Standardized Streamflow Index (SQI), both estimated across continuous 1–36 month-scales (i.e., SPI1-36, SQI1-36) for the 1964-2023 period.   

The resulting ODFs highlight multi-years precipitation patterns that drive the system under alternating periods of relatively wetness and dryness; during prolonged dry periods, single or cumulative occurrence of meteorological drought (drought triggers) could propagate into hydrological severe droughts. Vice versa, the hydrological response is largely absent under wet conditions, indicating a lack of propagation. Based on these outcomes, the ODF could serve as an effective tool to improve the understanding of hydrological responses to meteorological droughts and to develop risk-reducing policies and preparedness planning to face the future severe droughts. 


How to cite: Di Paola, A., Di Giuseppe, E., Magno, R., Quaresima, S., Rocchi, L., Rapisardi, E., Pavan, V., and Pasqui, M.: Building an operational drought framework , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16914, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16914, 2024.

Christine Kaggwa Nakigudde, Ritesh Patro, and Ali Torabi Haghighi

Climate change has been associated with increased frequency in the occurrence of extreme precipitation. These extreme events are in turn linked to peak discharges and flood events. In the Nordic region, peak discharges in unregulated rivers occur during spring snowmelt thereby posing a challenge in attributing extreme precipitation events to peak discharges. This study aims to assess the effect of extreme events on hydrological river flows by analysing the timing and intensity of extreme precipitation events (highest 1-day precipitation RX1day, highest 5-day precipitation RX5day and maximum consecutive wet days (CWD)) with river discharges using a sub-Arctic catchment. Using a calibrated Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) model, we analyse changes in discharge occurring as a result of these extremes. By analysing the relationship between extreme precipitation, and the resulting river discharges, findings from the study provide a valuable insights and basis to predict the effect of extreme precipitation events on river flows.

How to cite: Nakigudde, C. K., Patro, R., and Haghighi, A. T.: Changes in Hydrological Extremes for Sub-Arctic catchment in Finland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14902, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14902, 2024.

Dynamics of recharge, evapotranspiration, and water surplus of a large-scale lowland catchment with respect to changes in climate and land use 
Helena Galys, Arif Chowdhury, Mahdi Miri, and Irina Engelhardt
Gaia Roati, Giuseppe Formetta, Marco Brian, Paolo Leoni, John Mohd Wani, Silvano Pecora, Matteo Dall'Amico, Stefano Tasin, and Riccardo Rigon

In the last years, Italy observed more frequent and intense drought events, with a particularly severe drought in 2022, leading to significant environmental, social and economic damages.

Also at a global scale extreme events, floods and droughts, have been reported to be more likely due to climate change and environmental modification.

For this reason, already in 2021, the Po River District Authority (AdbPo) started the implementation of the GEOframe modelling system on the whole territory of the district to update the existing numerical modelling for water resource management, and then to improve the planning activity of the Authority itself, producing a better quantification and forecast of the spatial and temporal water availability.

The GEOframe system was developed by a scientific international community, led by the University of Trento, and is a semi-distributed conceptual model, with high modularity and flexibility, completely open-source.

After a starting phase of data collection, validation, spatial interpolation (for the reference period 1991-2020), and geomorphological analysis, all the components of the hydrological balance (evapotranspiration, snow accumulation, water storage and discharge) have been simulated.

Consequently, the “zonal calibration” phase was carried out on a 4 years period basis with the KGE method, consisting of the research of the values of the characteristic model parameters which fit the discharge evolution recorded in the hydrometers of the region in the best possible way, comparing the modelled discharge trend with the measured one.

With the completion of the calibration process in the Piemonte region, one of the biggest regions of Italy, which contains more than 100 hydrometers, an analysis of the water balance components was undertaken, focusing especially on hydrological and agricultural drought events.

In particular, water availability has been modelled in the whole regional territory, evaluating its impact on agriculture, namely studying how and when a hydrological drought affects agricultural drought according to the data collected in the last 30 years.

Attention has been taken also to the snow precipitation contribution, which has a major impact in alpine regions, dominating local and regional hydrology, strongly influencing vegetation growth and the utilization of water resources (Wu et al., 2015), like the one of the Po River basin, characterized by the presence of the Alps along all of its route.

In conclusion, it was possible to carry on a historical analysis of water availability in Piemonte, assessing the capacity of GEOframe to simulate all the components of the water cycle (evapotranspiration, water storage,  snow accumulation and water discharge). Furthermore, implementing GEOframe in a mountainous area underlines the importance and the influence that snow and glaciers, especially in a higher temperature scenario due to climate change, can have on water availability and, therefore, a better modelling component of these elements will be implemented in the future developments of GEOframe.



How to cite: Roati, G., Formetta, G., Brian, M., Leoni, P., Wani, J. M., Pecora, S., Dall'Amico, M., Tasin, S., and Rigon, R.: The implementation of the GEOframe system in the Po River District – analysis of water availability and scarcity in the Piemonte region, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19512, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19512, 2024.