AS1.10 | Precipitation: Measurement, Climatology, Remote Sensing, and Modelling
Precipitation: Measurement, Climatology, Remote Sensing, and Modelling
Convener: Silas Michaelides | Co-conveners: Ehsan Sharifi, Chris Kidd, Giulia Panegrossi, Takuji Kubota
| Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:25 (CEST)
Room 0.11/12
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X5
Orals |
Wed, 08:30
Wed, 16:15
Wed, 14:00
Precipitation, both liquid and solid, is a central element of the global water/energy cycle through its coupling with clouds, water vapor, atmospheric motions, ocean circulation, and land surface processes. Precipitation is also the primary source of freshwater, while it can have tremendous socio-economical impacts associated with extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods, droughts, and landslides. Accurate and timely knowledge of precipitation characteristics at regional and global scales is essential for understanding how the Earth system operates under changing climatic conditions and for improved societal applications that range from numerical weather prediction to freshwater resource management. This session will host papers on all aspects of precipitation, especially contributions in the following four research areas: Precipitation Measurement: Precipitation measurements (amount, duration, intensity etc) by ground-based in situ sensors (e.g., rain gauges, disdrometers); estimation of accuracy of measurements, comparison of instrumentation. Precipitation Climatology: Regional and global climatology; areal distribution of measured precipitation; classification of precipitation patterns; spatial and temporal characteristics of precipitation; methodologies adopted and their uncertainties; comparative studies. Precipitation Remote Sensing: Remote sensing of precipitation (spaceborne, airborne, ground-based, underwater, or shipborne sensors); methodologies to estimate areal precipitation (interpolation, downscaling, combination of measurements and/or estimates of precipitation); methodologies used for the estimation (e.g., QPE), validation, and assessment of error and uncertainty of precipitation as estimated by remote sensors. A special focus will be on international contributions to the exploitation of the international Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission and preparations for new missions, such as Atmospheric Observing System (AOS), EUMETSAT Polar System-Second Generation (EPS-SG), and Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (TROPICS), as well as new space-borne instrumentation (AMSR-3).

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room 0.11/12

Chairpersons: George Huffman, Christian Chwala, Silas Michaelides
On-site presentation
George Huffman

The joint U.S.-Japan Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission is approaching a decade of operations, and continues to pursue research, dataset production, and outreach related to precipitation.  Key activities over the last year were the release of an improved “Version 07” of all GPM precipitation and latent heating products, boosting the orbit of the GPM Core Observatory (GPM CO) to 435 km, and improving quality control on precipitation retrievals from the GPM constellation of passive microwave satellites.

This presentation summarizes key improvements to the GPM products and provides some examples of the changes between Versions 06 and 07 in algorithm performance.  One important operational change that affected Version 07 is that the scanning strategy for the Ka-band radar channel changed in May 2018; all products that depend on Ka were revised to accommodate this change.  For example, in Version 07 the Goddard Profiling (GPROF) algorithm has implemented improvements in regions where orographic enhancement and suppression take place and where the surface is snowy/icy, and again covers radiometers reaching back to 1987.  The Combined Radar Radiometer Algorithm (CORRA) now incorporates modified drop-size distribution constraints that substantially reduce bias.  Revisions to the Convective-Stratiform Heating (CSH) algorithm employ new radiative transfer retrievals as well as accounting for terrain in the vertical coordinates.  Each algorithm was adjusted to ensure continuity for each product across the boundary in 2014 between the predecessor Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and the GPM CO.  The U.S. Science Team’s Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) was upgraded to account for distortions in the probability density function of regional precipitation rates due to weighted averaging in the Kalman filter used for “morphing” the passive microwave data.

Maintaining the GPM CO orbital altitude in the the current very active solar cycle has been forcing the use of more fuel than planned and consequently shortening the forecasted life of the mission from the early 2030's to the late 2020's.  It was considered vital to regain some of this lifetime to ensure overlap with the upcoming Atmosphere Observing System mission to provide cross-calibration of instruments.  To accomplish this, the orbital altitude was raised from 400 to 435 km on 7-8 November 2023.  Thereafter, the primary GPM CO algorithms had to be revised to account for the change in observing parameters.  By meeting time this action should be complete.

Recently, a screening algorithm based on auto-encoding was developed that uncovered 162 orbits (out of the many thousands of orbits across all years and all satellites) of passive microwave retrievals that had highly anomalous values.  Removing these defective retrievals has improved the integrity of both the GPROF and IMERG records.  However, the nature of the IMERG processing interacted sufficiently badly with the now-discovered anomalous orbits that it was necessary to completely reprocess the IMERG Final Run record, now labeled Version 07B.

The presentation also considers major issues that require continued attention, including the use of machine learning algorithms and the operational challenge of swarms of “small”, perhaps short–lived satellites.

How to cite: Huffman, G.: Status and Developments in NASA GPM , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2149,, 2024.

On-site presentation
William Blackwell and the TROPICS Science Team

Four NASA TROPICS Earth Venture (EVI-3) CubeSat constellation satellites were successfully launched into orbit on May 8 and May 25, 2023 (two CubeSats in each of the two launches).  TROPICS is now providing nearly all-weather observations of precipitation horizontal structure, cloud ice, and 3-D temperature and humidity at high temporal resolution to conduct high-value science investigations of tropical cyclones. TROPICS is providing rapid-refresh microwave measurements (median refresh rate of approximately 60 minutes for the baseline mission) over the tropics that can be used to observe the thermodynamics of the troposphere and precipitation structure for storm systems at the mesoscale and synoptic scale over the entire storm lifecycle. Hundreds of high-resolution images of tropical cyclones have been captured thus far by the TROPICS mission, revealing detailed structure of the eyewall and surrounding rain bands.  The new 205-GHz channel in particular (together with a traditional channel near 92 GHz) is providing new information on the inner storm structure, and, coupled with the relatively frequent revisit and low downlink latency, is already informing tropical cyclone analysis at operational centers.

The TROPICS constellation mission comprises four 3U CubeSats (5.4 kg each) in two low-Earth orbital planes inclined at approximately 33 degrees with a 550-km altitude. Each CubeSat comprises a Blue Canyon Technologies bus and a high-performance radiometer payload to provide temperature profiles using seven channels near the 118.75 GHz oxygen absorption line, water vapor profiles using three channels near the 183 GHz water vapor absorption line, imagery in a single channel near 90 GHz for precipitation measurements (when combined with higher resolution water vapor channels), and a single channel at 205 GHz that is more sensitive to precipitation-sized ice particles. TROPICS spatial resolution and measurement sensitivity is comparable with current state-of-the-art observing platforms. Data is downlinked to the ground via the KSAT-Lite ground network with latencies better than one hour. NASA's Earth System Science Pathfinder (ESSP) Program Office approved the separate TROPICS Pathfinder mission, which launched into a sun-synchronous orbit on June 30, 2021, in advance of the TROPICS constellation mission as a technology demonstration and risk reduction effort. The TROPICS Pathfinder mission continues has yielded useful data for 30+ months of operation and has provided an opportunity to checkout and optimize all mission elements prior to the primary constellation mission.

How to cite: Blackwell, W. and the TROPICS Science Team: Tropical Cyclone and Convective Storm Observations with the NASA TROPICS Constellation Mission, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21231,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Steven C. Reising, Christian D. Kummerow, Venkatachalam Chandrasekar, Shannon T. Brown, Chandrasekar Radhakrishnan, Chia-Pang Kuo, and Richard Schulte

Small satellite constellations provide the potential to improve spatiotemporal resolution of microwave observations of precipitation from low-Earth orbit.  Shorter revisit times are essential to improve understanding of the development and evolution of extreme precipitation systems, in turn improving numerical weather prediction and accuracy of parameterization of extreme weather events in global climate models.  To this end, Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems (TEMPEST) was proposed in 2013 as a constellation of 6U CubeSats in LEO to provide frequent observations of rapidly developing storms.  TEMPEST-D, the resulting NASA Earth Venture Technology Mission, demonstrated the first global observations from a multi-frequency microwave radiometer on a CubeSat for nearly three years from 2018 to 2021. TEMPEST-D exceeded expectations for scientific data quality, instrument calibration, radiometer stability, and mission duration. TEMPEST-D brightness temperatures were validated using double-difference intercomparison with scientific and operational microwave sensors, including GPM/GMI and four Microwave Humidity Sounders (MHS), operating at similar frequencies to TEMPEST-D channels at 87, 164, 174, 178 and 181 GHz. TEMPEST-D performance was shown to be comparable to or better than much larger operational sensors, in calibration accuracy, precision, stability and instrument noise, during its nearly 3-year mission.

A nearly identical TEMPEST flight spare was produced by JPL alongside TEMPEST-D for risk reduction.  The TEMPEST flight spare was made available to the U.S. Space Force to demonstrate low-cost space technologies for improving global weather forecasting. TEMPEST was then integrated with the Compact Ocean Wind Vector Radiometer (COWVR) produced by NASA/JPL for the U.S. Air Force. COWVR and TEMPEST were launched together as the Space Test Program – Houston 8 (STP-H8) on December 21, 2021, and deployed on the ISS Japanese Experiment for at least 3 years of operations. COWVR and TEMPEST have performed complementary observations of Earth’s oceans and atmosphere from the ISS nearly continuously since January 8, 2022. Atmospheric retrievals of water vapor profiles, clouds, and precipitation from COWVR/TEMPEST-H8 are performed collaboratively by JPL and Colorado State University.

Atmospheric inversion techniques have been developed to retrieve water vapor altitude profiles, as well as single-layer cloud liquid water and cloud ice water, from TEMPEST brightness temperatures, using ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) data as an initial guess. These retrievals are enhanced through the inclusion of geostationary infrared data from GOES-16 ABI channels, increasing the number of levels and reducing the error of water vapor retrieval, particularly in the upper troposphere. 

The accuracy and precision of TEMPEST-D brightness temperatures have previously been validated using clear-sky oceanic observations.  Recent studies have extended the validation of both TEMPEST-D and TEMPEST-H8 to include observations of tropical cyclones, hurricanes, and typhoons using GPM-GMI passive microwave brightness temperatures and GPM-DPR active microwave vertical cumulative reflectivity.  These passive/active microwave intercomparisons employ techniques developed for quantitative evaluation of the cross correlation between TEMPEST-D and RainCube observations of tropical cyclones, hurricanes, and typhoons.  Such passive/active microwave observations also provide the basis for the development of surface rain rate estimates and retrieval of the vertical structure of precipitation from combined TEMPEST and DPR observations.

How to cite: Reising, S. C., Kummerow, C. D., Chandrasekar, V., Brown, S. T., Radhakrishnan, C., Kuo, C.-P., and Schulte, R.: Improved Revisit Times of Microwave Observations of Precipitation: Recent Scientific Results from the Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems (TEMPEST) Missions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13597,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Chandra V Chandrasekar, Minda Le, and Ari-Matti Harri

Since May 2018, the Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) on board the GPM core observatory satellite has operated in full scan mode. Dual-frequency full swath data provides us a valuable chance to improve our knowledge of precipitation processes by providing greater dynamic range, more detailed information on microphysics, and better accuracies in rainfall and liquid water content retrievals [1]. The DPR Level-2 algorithms consist of several modules including the classification (CSF) module, where precipitation type is classified into three major types: stratiform, convective, and other.  Besides that, estimates of the melting layer top and bottom are provided in the classification module with product name as “binDFRmMLTop”, “binDFRmMLBottom” and the quality metric of “flagMLquality”. Three flags namely, identifiers of falling snow on the ground, graupel or hail along vertical profile termed, “flagSurfaceSnowfall”, “flagGraupelHail” and “flagHail” are recently developed in the DPR level-2 algorithm using a concept of precipitation type index (PTI). All these are currently developed products (version 7) in classification module of GPM DPR level-2 algorithm based on full-swath dual-frequency observations [2][3][4]. 


In near future, a new feature will be added to the version 8 of the GPM DPR level-2 algorithm to provide vertical profile of hydrometeors for full swath data.  A conceptual flow  for initial implementation will be presented. The judgements are made mainly on the DPR products omly to provide an independednt assessment. Mixed phase hydrometeors are judged with melting layer top and bottom together with the 0° isotherm. Flag of surface snowfall is used to identify snow only profile, while flags for detecting graupel and hail help identify range bins with those hydrometeor types. The whole judgement  a robust detection system to not only combine the products but enforce meteorologically meaningful. In the initial phase, five hydrometeor types will be introduced. They are dry snow/ice crystal (DS/ICE), wet snow (WS), graupel (GPL), hail (Hail) and rain (Rain). DS/ICE, GPL and Hail represent low-density, medium-density, high-density particles respectively.  

How to cite: Chandrasekar, C. V., Le, M., and Harri, A.-M.: THE HYDROMETEOR IDENTIFICATION FOR THE GPM DPR: Version 8 Updates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13739,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alessandro Battaglia, Anthony Illingworth, Frederic Tridon, Pavlos Kollias, Maximilian Maahn, Cathy Hohenegger, and Filippo Emilio Scarsi

The WIVERN (WInd VElocity Radar Nephoscope, concept (Illingworth et al., 2018), is one of the two remaining candidate missions of the ESA Earth Explorer program. The mission is now entering Phase A, which is expected to end in July 2025 with, at the ESA User Consultation Meeting, the final selection of the mission that will be launched in 2032.

WIVERN promises to complement the Aeolus Doppler wind lidar that measures predominantly clear air winds by globally observing, for the first time, the vertical profiles of winds in cloudy areas. The mission will also strengthen the cloud and precipitation observation capability of the Global Observing System by providing unprecedented revisit time of cloud and precipitation vertical profiles.

The mission hinges upon a single instrument, i.e., a dual-polarization Doppler W-band scanning cloud radar with a circular aperture non-deployable main reflector larger than 3 m. The WIVERN antenna conically scans a large swath (of about 800 km) around nadir at an off-nadir angle of about 38o at 12 revolutions per minute. This viewing geometry allows daily revisits poleward of 50°, 20-km horizontal resolution, and approximately 1-km vertical resolution (Battaglia et al., 2022). A key element to achieve Doppler accuracy and large Nyquist folding velocity is the use of closely spaced pulse pairs with polarization diversity (one pulse is H polarised, the other V polarised). In this paper we will discuss the status of the mission including the updated scientific objectives and outline some of the technical challenges of the measuring technique. We will also present examples of Level 2 products with particular focus on the cloud and precipitation products highlighting the benefit of the improved sampling and of the reduced clutter particularly over ocean surfaces compared to nadir-looking radars.

Illingworth, A. J., and Coauthors, 2018: WIVERN: A New Satellite Concept to Provide Global In-Cloud Winds, Precipitation, and Cloud Properties. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99, 1669–1687, 

Battaglia, A., Martire, P., Caubet, E., Phalippou, L., Stesina, F., Kollias, P., and Illingworth, A.: Observation error analysis for the WInd VElocity Radar Nephoscope W-band Doppler conically scanning spaceborne radar via end-to-end simulations, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 3011–3030,, 2022.


How to cite: Battaglia, A., Illingworth, A., Tridon, F., Kollias, P., Maahn, M., Hohenegger, C., and Scarsi, F. E.: The WInd VElocity Radar Nephoscope (WIVERN): a candidate mission for the ESA Earth Explorer 11, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16304,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Antía Paz Carracedo, Ramon Padullés Rulló, and Estel Cardellach Galí

The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Radio Occultation (RO) technique sounds the atmosphere providing high quality vertical profiles of the thermodynamics on a global scale. The Polarimetric RO (PRO) technique is an extension of traditional RO that retrieves precipitation information in addition to the standard thermodynamic products. The technique has been demonstrated aboard the Spanish Low Earth Orbiter (LEO) PAZ, as part of the Radio Occultation and Heavy Precipitation (ROHP) experiment led by the Institut de Ciències de l’Espai (ICE-CSIC/IEEC) in collaboration with NOAA, UCAR, and NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This mission enables the investigation of intense precipitation events and their associated meteorological conditions by retrieving atmospheric thermodynamic variables and offering insights into the vertical structure of precipitation.

The determination of the vertical structure is accomplished through the observable differential phase shift (ΔΦ), defined as the difference in the accumulated phase delay between the two linear polarizations (H-V) as function of the tangent point of the PRO rays. During intense precipitation events certain challenges arise in obtaining high-quality measurements of thermodynamic parameters due to signal attenuation. However, the PRO technique is less affected by attenuation, presenting an opportunity to obtain high-resolution thermodynamic profiles and information about the vertical structure of hydrometeors, simultaneously.

Validation of the PRO technique with two-dimensional data has been successfully conducted using the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission gridded products (like Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM, IMERG). In this analysis, vertical structure validation has been performed using data from the Next Generation Weather Radars (NEXRAD), a network of dual-polarized Doppler radars operating at the S-band, covering the entire United States territory. By exploiting the dual-polarization capabilities of NEXRAD, a comparison of the specific differential phase shift (KDP) structures with the PRO observable ΔΦ aids in examining similarities and differences in the detection of precipitation between the two instruments.

Furthermore, to explore the sensitivity of the PRO technique to various types of hydrometeors, the Weather Research and Forecasting-Advanced Research Weather Model (WRF-ARW) is employed for a comparative analysis, focusing on hydrometeor water contents. The variation of the model’s microphysics parametrizations allows for the study of the PRO technique’s sensitivity based on different assumptions about hydrometeors. Changes in these parametrizations impact total precipitation, vertical structure of hydrometeors, cloud properties, energy budget, spatial structure, among others. The validation and sensitivity study of the PRO technique will contribute to an enhanced understanding of the observables obtained and will offer insights into the phenomena characterizing intense precipitation situations.

How to cite: Paz Carracedo, A., Padullés Rulló, R., and Cardellach Galí, E.: Sensitivity to the vertical structure of hydrometeors using Polarimetric RO, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1520,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ali Behrangi, George J. Huffman, and Robert F. Adler

This presentation is composed of four major parts: (1) a brief overview of the latest Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) Daily and Monthly products (V3.2) and satellite-gauge input data sets used in them, (2) comparison of the GPCP V3.2 products with the previous version of GPCP Daily (V1.3) and Monthly (V2.3) products and highlighting major changes, (3) assessment of the GPCP V3.2 products over the Oceans using Passive Aquatic Listeners (PALs) and over sea ice using snow depth data from combination of ICESat-2 and Cryosat-2 observations, and (4) a brief description of the plans towards the next generation of the GPCP products. GPCP is a popular combined satellite-gauge precipitation dataset in which the long-term CDR standards of consistency and homogeneity are emphasized, going back to 1983 for GPCP Monthly V3.2. Several major changes occurred in V3.2 including: (1) moving from Monthly 2.5°x2.5° and Daily 1.0°x 1.0° spatial resolution in V2.3 to 0.5°x0.5° for both Daily and Monthly products, (2) addition of more recent satellite data such as the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), CloudSat, Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, and the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mass change observations, and (3) use of new precipitation retrieval and calibration methods. Compared to V2.3, GPCP V3.2 shows about  6.5% increase in global oceanic and about a 4.5% increase in global (land and ocean) precipitation rates with some major changes over the ocean between 40 oS and 60 oS. Similar to V2.3, a near-zero global precipitation trend was observed in V3.2.  However, regional trends, which are substantial, remain generally similar between V2.3 and V3.2. Evaluations over the oceans using PALs showed that GPCP v3.2 substantially outperforms GPCP V2.3 in representing rain occurrence and rain intensity at a daily scale, likely due to the use of IMERG in the daily product of GPCP V3.2. Comparison of the GPCP V3.2 product over sea ice, suggests that GPCP V3.2 generally captures the snowfall accumulation pattern over sea ice, compared to that obtained from the combination of ICESat-2 and Cryosat-2 observations, as well as that from ERA5. However, the products show considerable differences in the amount of snowfall accumulation, with ERA5 often showing the highest values. We will end the presentation by briefly discussing our plans for further improvement of GPCP including higher spatial and temporal resolution, lower latency, and the use of more advanced gauge analysis and precipitation retrieval methods.

How to cite: Behrangi, A., Huffman, G. J., and Adler, R. F.: A Summary and Comparison of the latest GPCP Daily and Monthly Products (Version 3.2) and the Plan Forward, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7087,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lisa Milani, Jackson Tan, and George J. Huffman

The Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) product and the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) product are two global precipitation datasets that also provide a diagnostic estimate of the probability of precipitation phase, thus enabling a quantification of snowfall rates. With recent improvements to the latest versions of the two algorithms, IMERG V07B and GPCP V3.2 represent a unique opportunity to study the global snowfall rates at an unprecedented resolution.

This presentation examines the distribution of snowfall in IMERG V07B and GPCP V3.2 both globally and regionally. By leveraging IMERG’s high resolution and GPCP’s consistent record, we investigate the climatology not just from a snowfall volume point of view but also from peak snowfall intensity and snow event duration perspectives that only high-resolution data can provide. To assess the reliability of the results, we compare the IMERG and GPCP snowfall against global observations from CloudSat. For example, the comparison revealed deficiencies in passive microwave retrievals of snowfall rates in IMERG over Greenland and Antarctica. Furthermore, we leverage IMERG’s half-hourly resolution to demonstrate its unprecedented potential in tracking snowfall events around the globe.

With the latest advances in the algorithms, IMERG V07 and GPCP V3.2 represent a unique opportunity to study snowfall globally using a combination of fine resolution, complete global coverage, and long record.

How to cite: Milani, L., Tan, J., and Huffman, G. J.: Global Snowfall as Revealed by High Resolution Satellite Precipitation Products, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2024,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Anja Niedorf, Christopher Kidd, Hannes Konrad, Karsten Fennig, and Marc Schröder

The Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) of the US Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) has been the mainstay of observations used for precipitation retrievals over the last 20 years. The sensor, building upon the heritage of the DMSP Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSMI) series that operated between 1987 and 2020, provides precipitation-capable frequencies from 18-183 GHz at resolutions up to 15x13 km. The longevity of the SSMIS and the SSMI satellite series makes these sensors extremely important for the retrieval of precipitation at the climate-scale. The adaptation of the Precipitation Retrieval and Profiling Scheme (PRPS), originally developed for passive microwave sounders, to the SSMIS aims to provide model-free precipitation retrievals that can be incorporated into the Global Interpolated Rainfall Estimation (GIRAFE) product developed by EUMETSATs Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF).

Fundamental to the PRPS is the avoidance of external dynamic data sets, such as model information, to ensure that the retrieval scheme is purely a satellite-based observational product. The scheme relies upon the generation of observational databases, based upon co-temporal and co-located observations made by the satellite sensor(s) and observations of precipitation made by either satellite-based precipitation radar or surface radars. For the PRPS-SSMIS, the databases have been generated using observations from SSMIS sensors on the F16, F17, F18 satellites matched against the precipitation estimates provided by the NASA/JAXA Dual frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) on the NASA/JAXA Global Precipitation Measurement mission (GPM) core observatory. The orbits of the SSMIS and GPM provide about 20,000 crossing points per satellite between 2016 and 2022, and generate about 30M co-located (<2.5km) and co-temporal (<15mins) entries for the a priori database. The retrieval stage of the PRPS uses this database as a reference against which the satellite observations are made to provide an estimate of the surface precipitation. The PRPS-SSMIS as implemented here, provides instantaneous precipitation estimates across the globe at a spatial resolution of 15x15 km.

This presentation will show some initial results of the scheme which show that the PRPS-SSMIS retrievals are comparable with those generated by NASA’s operational precipitation retrieval scheme, GPROF. At the instantaneous scale the PRPS tends to generate less light precipitation and more heavy precipitation, this can be explained in part by the difference in the resolution of the PRPS-SSMIS (15x15 km) and GPROF-SSMIS (45x74 km). Crucially, the PRPS provide much more information on light precipitation compared with the existing CM SAF SSMIS retrieval scheme (not utilised in the current GIRAFE version because of these detection issues). At the monthly scale, the PRPS generates very similar results to GPROF with all the main precipitation features correctly portrayed.

How to cite: Niedorf, A., Kidd, C., Konrad, H., Fennig, K., and Schröder, M.: The Precipitation Retrieval and Profiling Scheme for the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7336,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hannes Konrad, Anja Niedorf, Stephan Finkensieper, Rémy Roca, Marc Schröder, Sophie Cloché, Giulia Panegrossi, Paolo Sanò, Christopher Kidd, Rômulo Augusto Jucá Oliveira, Karsten Fennig, Thomas Sikorski, and Rainer Hollmann

We present a new precipitation climate data record (CDR) GIRAFE (Global Interpolated Rainfall Estimation), which has recently been released by EUMETSATs Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF). For now, it covers a time period of 21 years (2002 – 2022) with global coverage and 1° x 1° spatial resolution. GIRAFE is a completely satellite-based dataset obtained by merging infrared (IR) data from geostationary satellites and passive microwave radiometers (PMW) onboard polar-orbiting satellites. Additional to daily sum and monthly mean precipitation rate, a sampling uncertainty on daily scale within the range of geostationary satellites (55°S-55°N) is provided. The implementation of a continuous extension of GIRAFE via a so-called Interim CDR service started and associated data will become available.

For retrieving instantaneous rain rates from PMW observations, three different retrievals for microwave imagers (HOAPS) and sounders (PNPR-CLIM and PRPS) were used. Quantile mapping is applied to the instantaneous rain rates of the 19 different PMW sensors to achieve stability in GIRAFE over time. The IR observations undergo a dedicated quality control procedure. The uncertainty estimation is based on decorrelation ranges from variograms in spatial and temporal dimensions. The merging of PMW and IR data as well as the technique for uncertainty estimation in GIRAFE is based on the Tropical Amount of Precipitation with an Estimate of ERrors (TAPEER) approach.

Here, we present details on the GIRAFE algorithm and uncertainty estimation as well as results of the CM SAF quality assessment activity comprised of comparisons against other established global, regional and local precipitation products.

How to cite: Konrad, H., Niedorf, A., Finkensieper, S., Roca, R., Schröder, M., Cloché, S., Panegrossi, G., Sanò, P., Kidd, C., Jucá Oliveira, R. A., Fennig, K., Sikorski, T., and Hollmann, R.: GIRAFE v1: A global precipitation climate data record from satellite data including uncertainty estimates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7551,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Alessandro Battaglia, Ali Behrangi, Takuji Kubota
On-site presentation
Andreas Kvas, Jürgen Fuchsberger, Gottfried Kirchengast, Robert Galovic, Daniel Scheidl, Christoph Bichler, and Ulrich Foelsche

The WegenerNet 3D Open-Air Laboratory for Climate Change Research, located in southeastern Austria in an area of about 22 km x 16 km around the city of Feldbach (46.93°N, 15.90°E), provides a unique setup for studying extreme hydrometeorological events such as heavy precipitation, hailstorms, and drought periods. Its 3D upper air instrumentation consists of a polarimetric X-band Doppler weather radar, a microwave radiometer for vertical profiling of temperature, humidity, and cloud liquid water, an infrared cloud structure radiometer, and a water-vapor-mapping GNSS station network. This enables comprehensive upper-air monitoring of precipitation events with high spatial- and temporal resolution in near real-time. These 3D sensors complement the high-density WegenerNet hydrometeorological ground station network, which covers the area by 156 stations measuring precipitation, temperature, humidity, and (at selected locations) wind and soil parameters. This highly synergistic measurement setup enables robust internal cross-evaluation, calibration and quality control for obtaining reliable observations and derived WegenerNet data products. The 3D instrumentation is operational since mid-2021, providing a consistent and growing data record of nearly three years so far.

We present the first release of upper air data cube products derived from the WegenerNet 3D Open-Air Laboratory, aimed at studying (heavy) precipitation events. This includes radar-derived precipitation and hydrometeor classification with 500 m spatial resolution and 2.5 min time resolution at multiple altitude levels, cloud coverage and base height maps with 10 min resolution, vertical profiles of temperature and humidity, atmospheric stability indices with 10 min resolution, and GNSS- and radiometer-derived tropospheric path delays as well as precipitable water vapor with 2.5 min to 10 min resolution. In addition to these Level 2 data products, quality-controlled Level 1 observational data, such as radar reflectivities and differential phase measurements, GNSS tropospheric delays and gradients, and infrared and microwave brightness temperatures are also made available to the scientific community. These data products, and accompanying metadata, are available in the form of user-friendly 3D data cubes accessible through the WegenerNet Data Portal.

How to cite: Kvas, A., Fuchsberger, J., Kirchengast, G., Galovic, R., Scheidl, D., Bichler, C., and Foelsche, U.: High-resolution data products for precipitation monitoring from the WegenerNet 3D Open-Air Laboratory for Climate Change Research, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8403,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Julius Polz, Luca Glawion, Hiob Gebisso, Lukas Altenstrasser, Maximilian Graf, Harald Kunstmann, Stefanie Vogl, and Christian Chwala

Weather radars are advanced tools for atmospheric observations that provide QPE with a high spatial representativeness and a high temporal resolution (e.g. 5-minutes). However, due to their indirect measurement aloft, strong systematic errors as well as temporal sampling errors compared to rain gauge measurements at even higher resolution (e.g. 1-minute) persist. As a solution, bias and advection correction techniques are used. Residual neural networks have proven to be efficient tools to approximate the behavior of dynamical systems. Here, we present ResRadNet, a 3D-residual neural network (3D-RNN), that is capable of correcting biases and increasing the temporal resolution of weather radar based quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE). ResRadNet is trained to correctly reproduce 1-minute rain gauge data from sequences of 5-minute radar images and information about the orography. The dataset used in this study consists of 8 years of country-wide rainfall observations in Germany. The weather radar composite used as model input is based on reflectivity derived rainfall information from 17 C-band radars. The rain gauge reference consists of 1066 rain gauges with a 1-minute resolution used to train and test ResRadNet. An additional 1138 rain gauges with a daily resolution are used for long-term evaluation of remaining biases. The results showed that ResRadNet can significantly increase the linear correlation and reduce the root mean squared error of the QPE field compared to rain gauge data at 1- and 5-minute, as well as daily resolutions. A qualitative analysis also showed that ResRadNet is a suitable optical flow estimator and that the provided rainfall fields are not subject to temporal or spatial inconsistencies even though spatio-temporal consistency was not enforced during training. Therefore, our study shows how using 3D-RNNs can provide accurate 1-minute, ground-adjusted, and advection-corrected QPE.

How to cite: Polz, J., Glawion, L., Gebisso, H., Altenstrasser, L., Graf, M., Kunstmann, H., Vogl, S., and Chwala, C.: ResRadNet: A 3D-Residual Neural Network Approach for Temporal Super-Resolution and Ground Adjustment of Weather Radar Rainfall Estimates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6461,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Eleni Loulli, Johannes Bühl, Silas Michaelides, Athanasios Loukas, and Diofantos Hadjimitsis

This study analyses polarimetric weather radar data to explore their potential for comprehensive and reliable precipitation and thus, drought monitoring in Cyprus. For this purpose, we compare reflectivity measurements from the two ground-based X-band dual-polarization radars of the Department of Meteorology of the Republic of Cyprus with measurements obtained from the Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) onboard NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission. The comparison considers six years (2017–2023) of observations. It is implemented using the volume-matching method proposed by Schwaller and Morris (2011), as extended by Crisologo et al (2018) to take into account the beam blockage fraction as the basis of a quality index. To further enhance the consistency and precision of the calibration bias, we introduce path-integrated attenuation as an additional filter in the quality index. The path-integrated attenuation of the ground radars is estimated using a forward gate-by-gate attenuation correction method based on an iterative approach with scalable constraints. The level of path-integrated attenuation of the GPM Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar is evaluated based on the GPM 2AKu variable piaFinal.


The authors acknowledge the ‘EXCELSIOR’: ERATOSTHENES: EΧcellence Research Centre for Earth Surveillance and Space-Based Monitoring of the Environment H2020 Widespread Teaming project ( The ‘EXCELSIOR’ project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 857510, from the Government of the Republic of Cyprus through the Directorate General for the European Programmes, Coordination and Development and the Cyprus University of Technology.

The authors also acknowledge the Department of Meteorology of the Republic of Cyprus for providing the X-band radar data.

How to cite: Loulli, E., Bühl, J., Michaelides, S., Loukas, A., and Hadjimitsis, D.: Introducing the path-integrated attenuation as an additional filter in the quality index of spaceborne and ground-based radar calibration bias estimates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16514,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Erica De Biasio and Konstantine Georgakakos

Mountainous Southern California experiences both wet and dry extremes in precipitation. During the wet extremes, shallow landslides and flash flooding are common consequences. These hazardous land surface impacts are typically triggered by short periods of extreme and local precipitation, oftentimes embedded within a larger storm. To characterize the hydrometeorological conditions that result in these impactful events, high-resolution precipitation information is required. In the topographically complex areas of Southern California, existing radars have insufficient coverage due to beam blockage and other issues, while sparse sub-daily rain gauge networks are not able to represent the high spatiotemporal precipitation variability. Coincidentally, this variability is often important in determining the locations where shallow landslides or flash floods are triggered. To this end, this work has developed a set of high-resolution quantitative precipitation estimates (QPEs) by blending information from rain gauges and bias corrected satellite precipitation estimates from U.S. operational precipitation products. The final product is a decadal (2014-2023) record of QPEs with high spatial (4km) and temporal (6-hourly) resolution, calibrated for the region and suitable for use in analyses of mountainous extreme precipitation events and associated hydrologic impacts. Validation of this final dataset is presented, including cross-validation to verify the bias correction efficacy. The final dataset is then used to examine the orographic precipitation variability and extremes. Both the climatological and event-scale orographic variability are examined for the Southern California mountainous regions. At the event-scale, emphasis is placed on understanding the variability for the most extreme precipitation events, which have the highest likelihood of resultant land surface impacts. A rigorous statistical analysis of the precipitation extremes is also presented, including an examination of the dominant patterns of extreme precipitation and several indices to characterize the nature of these extremes. Lastly, the influence of upstream atmospheric precursor conditions (namely, atmospheric instability and boundary layer moisture flux) on the distribution of the most significant extreme precipitation events is explored. As the spatial distribution of extreme precipitation events can impact the locations likely to experience hazardous land surface conditions during a particular storm, this has the potential to provide additional information for enhancement of predictability of these impactful events.

How to cite: De Biasio, E. and Georgakakos, K.: Analysis of extreme high-resolution precipitation based on gauge-corrected satellite observations in mountainous Southern California, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6570,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Panagiotis T. Nastos, Elissavet Feloni, Alexandros Paraskevas, and Ioannis T. Matsangouras

Omega blocking, a meteorological phenomenon characterized by a persistent high-pressure system resembling the Greek letter omega (Ω) in the atmosphere, has recently been observed in the Mediterranean region. This atmospheric setup can have significant impacts on the weather patterns in the area, leading to prolonged periods of stable and dry conditions or, conversely, intense storms. One noteworthy instance of this phenomenon occurred with the arrival of Storm “Daniel" in Greece on September 4, 2023. This storm brought about a substantial disruption in the Mediterranean climate, particularly in the Thessaly region, Central Greece. The combination of omega blocking and Storm “Daniel” resulted in exceptionally high levels of precipitation and severe weather conditions, leading to significant flooding and damage in affected areas. The Thessaly region, Central Greece bore the brunt of the storm, experiencing significant flooding that damaged homes, roads, and agricultural areas. This inundation also led to the displacement of residents and posed challenges for local authorities in providing relief and assistance. Additionally, Storm “Daniel” had an economic impact, particularly on agriculture, as crops were damaged or destroyed by the excessive rainfall. Transportation networks were also affected, causing delays and disruptions in the affected areas. Overall, Storm Daniel underscored the need for effective disaster preparedness and response measures in Greece to minimize the impact of such severe weather events in the future and protect the well-being of its residents.

This research paper delves into a thorough examination of the severe Storm "Daniel," which impacted Greece on September 4, 2023, with a particular emphasis on its significant consequences on September 5, 2024. An all-encompassing approach is employed to analyze the storm, including a synoptic assessment, a thorough examination of weather conditions, and the utilization of remote sensing data. The synthesis of synoptic analysis yields insights into the broader atmospheric patterns and dynamics that contributed in the formation and progression of Storm "Daniel". Additionally, the incorporation of remote sensing data provides a distinctive perspective on the storm's characteristics, including its spatial extent, precipitation distribution, and the identification of vulnerable areas. By integrating these three analytical aspects, our aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of Storm “Daniel”, shedding light on its genesis, intensification, and the crucial meteorological factors that contributed to its exceptional precipitation.

Understanding the relationship between omega blocking and the occurrence of storms like “Daniel” in the Mediterranean is crucial for predicting and mitigating the potential impacts of such extreme weather events in the future. This research and analysis can aid in developing more accurate forecasting and early warning systems to protect communities in the region from the adverse effects of these atmospheric phenomena.

How to cite: Nastos, P. T., Feloni, E., Paraskevas, A., and Matsangouras, I. T.: Meteorological and Remote Sensing Analysis of the Severe Storm “Daniel” over Greece, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12908,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Linda Bogerd, Hidde Leijnse, Aart Overeeem, Remko Uijlenhoet, and Sibbo van der Veen

The innovation of dual-polarization Doppler weather radars has improved the accuracy of precipitation estimates over the past decades. Retrieving hydrometeor types from dual-polarization weather radar data, however, remains challenging. In this study, we used a hydrometeor classification scheme from wradlib to identify hydrometeor types aloft from two C-band weather radars in the Netherlands. Four recent case studies, from 2022 and 2023, were selected. A dual-polarization Doppler profiling radar, operating at Ka-band and W-band at an elevation angle of 45 degrees, was employed as a reference. First, the output of the wradlib scheme was used to determine the hydrometeor type. Based on this classification, we selected computed scattering properties from the open access ARTS Microwave Single Scattering Properties Database. Furthermore, mixing ratios of the hydrometeors were computed by combining measured C-band reflectivities using the hydrometeor type probabilities from wradlib. The hydrometeor type determines the scattering behavior of a single precipitation particle while the mixing ratio prescribes the particle size distribution (PSD), which is determined using parametrizations as employed in the Harmonie weather model. With the PSD and the hydrometeors’ terminal fall speeds, which are also taken from Harmonie, we produced spectra of various polarimetric variables that could be compared to those derived from the profiling radar. Besides incorrect classifications resulting from the wradlib algorithm, differences between constructed and observed spectra stem from various uncertainties associated with the retrievals from the profiler. Firstly, the hydrometeor canting angle distribution affects the backscattering to the radar. Secondly, the PSD parametrizations as employed in HARMONIE have been employed, while numerous alternatives exist that could yield different results. Finally, uncertainties are associated with the conversion of 45-degree measurements from the profiling radar to vertically-pointing spectra. Nonetheless, this study offers important insights into the performance of dual-polarization C-band weather radars regarding the classification of hydrometeor types.

How to cite: Bogerd, L., Leijnse, H., Overeeem, A., Uijlenhoet, R., and van der Veen, S.: Hydrometeor classification using dual-polarized C-band Doppler weather radars: comparison to a dual-polarization Doppler profiler, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1983,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Eva Plavcova, Ondrej Lhotka, Romana Beranová, and Radan Huth

Long-term changes in climate variability are an important aspect of the climate change with various impacts on society and environment. In contrast to numerous studies which evaluated projected changes in mean values and extremes of precipitation amount, intensity and/or frequency, studies on changes in precipitation variability have been relatively scarce. To understand whether and how the precipitation variability will change in the future, projections of climate models are utilized. However, accurate simulation of this precipitation characteristic by current climate models is pivotal.

In our study we analyze outputs from 13 CMIP6 GCMs across the North Atlantic–European region focusing on winter and summer seasons separately. We classify days with a total precipitation amount exceeding 1 mm as wet days, while the remaining days are considered as dry days. Precipitation probability denote the mean probability of a wet day, and precipitation variability is represented by the tendency to cluster wet/dry days into sequences. To quantify this, we use the persistence parameter defined as the 1-lag autocorrelation of a discrete two-state Markov chain.

Firstly, we evaluate whether precipitation variability is simulated correctly over the historical period (1980–2010) by comparing model outputs against the ERA5 reanalysis. Subsequently, we analyse projected changes in the future period (2070–2100) using simulations forced by two Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSP585 and SSP245). This allows for a comparison of possible future climate changes under different climate policies.

We identify biases common to all models, notably an overestimated precipitation probability across much of Europe in winter, while its underestimation in summer, and a general tendency of models toward higher autocorrelation of wet/dry days. Projected changes in precipitation characteristics are more pronounced for the more pessimistic SSP585 scenario. We find that the changes in precipitation variability are independent on the changes in precipitation probability. Our findings also indicate that the model biases and simulated changes in precipitation probability and variability can be linked to the biases and changes in synoptic-scale atmospheric circulation.   

How to cite: Plavcova, E., Lhotka, O., Beranová, R., and Huth, R.: Precipitation variability in CMIP6 climate models across the North Atlantic–European region, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6758,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Andreas Dobler, Cristian Lussana, and Rasmus Benestad

There are only a few climate indicators that describe the state of the global hydrological cycle. In this presentation, we argue that important climate indicators based on global daily precipitation are lacking and propose three new indicators: 1) the daily global precipitation amount, 2) the daily global surface area receiving precipitation, and 3) the global mean daily precipitation intensity. Historically, assessing these indicators is limited by the extent of global observational networks. However, recent advancements in satellite observations and reanalysis data, particularly the ERA5 reanalysis, have enabled better estimations.

We present an analysis of the proposed indicators using ERA5 data and other data sources. We also discuss limitations and biases of the data sources, e.g. ERA5's tendency to overestimate precipitation. Further, a wavelet analysis of spatial characteristics of 24-hour precipitation is conducted, offering insights into the spatial extent and intensity of precipitation systems and their variations over time. To address the question whether long-term changes reflect real changes in Earth's global hydrological cycle due to warming, or may be artefacts from changes in the assimilated (satellite) data in ERA5, we examine an ensemble of CMIP6 simulations under scenarios of increasing greenhouse gas concentration.

Our analysis reveals that ERA5 shows a decrease in the global area of daily precipitation from 43% to 41% between 1950 and 2020. At the same time, the total daily global precipitation amount increased from 1440 Gt to 1510 Gt. The wavelet analysis of ERA5 data indicates that individual precipitation systems have become smaller in spatial extent but more intense over this period, suggesting an accelerated global hydrological cycle with reduced global rainfall area. The CMIP6 simulations show a robust decrease in the precipitation area towards the end of the 21st century in agreement with ERA5. However, compared to the reanalysis the changes are smaller and less rapid.  Nevertheless, our results suggest that in a warming climate the daily precipitation area may shrink, contributing to an increase in the mean daily precipitation intensity.

How to cite: Dobler, A., Lussana, C., and Benestad, R.: Global hydro-climatological indicators and changes in the global hydrological cycle and rainfall patterns, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9273,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Rajani Kumar Pradhan, Yannis Markonis, and Francesco Marra

Accurate estimation of precipitation at the global scale is of utmost importance. Even though satellite and reanalysis products are capable of providing high spatial-temporal resolution estimations at the global level, their uncertainties vary with regional characteristics, scales, and so on. The uncertainties among the estimates, in general, are much higher at the sub-daily scale compared to daily, monthly and annual scales. Therefore, quantifying these sub-daily estimations is of specific importance. In this context, this study seeks to explore the diurnal cycle of precipitation using all the currently available space-borne and reanalysis-based precipitation products with at least hourly resolution (IMERG, GSMaP, CMORPH, PERSIANN, ERA5) at the quasi-global scale (60N - 60S). The diurnal variability of precipitation is estimated using three parameters, namely, the precipitation amount, frequency, and intensity, all remapped at a common resolution of 0.25 and 1 h. All the estimates well represent the spatio-temporal variation across the globe. Nevertheless, considerable uncertainties exist in the estimates regarding the peak precipitation hour, as well as the diurnal mean precipitation amount, frequency, and intensity. In terms of diurnal mean precipitation, PERSIANN shows the lowest estimates compared to the other datasets, with the largest difference observed over the ocean rather than over land. As for diurnal frequency, ERA5 exhibits the highest disparity among the estimates, with a frequency twice as high as that of the other estimates. Furthermore, as expected being based on model reanalysis, ERA5 shows an early diurnal peak and the highest variability compared to the other datasets. Moreover, among the satellite estimates, IMERG, GSMaP, and CMORPH exhibit a similar pattern with a late afternoon peak over land and an early morning peak over the ocean.

How to cite: Pradhan, R. K., Markonis, Y., and Marra, F.: Diurnal Variability of Global Precipitation: Insights from Hourly Satellite and Reanalysis Datasets, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-527,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Athanasios Ntoumos, Ioannis Sideris, Marco Gabella, Urs Germann, and Alexis Berne

CombiPrecip is a real-time application developed by MeteoSwiss since 2012, which combines point raingauge measurements with radar-derived spatial estimations of precipitation over a vast 710x640km2 domain, extending beyond the Swiss borders. It relies on the geostatistics-based kriging with external drift as an interpolation technique. This method is probabilistic by nature, yielding both a mean value and an associated variance for every estimation. The purpose of our study is two-fold: (i) validate that the variance provided by the underlying geostatistical method of CombiPrecip does properly represent the uncertainty of the CombiPrecip product and (ii) devise a numerical method to build an ensemble of realistic-looking members based on this geostatistical variance. For this, we employ widely used probabilistic verification measures (reliability diagrams, rank histograms, ROC curves) for a large set of cross – validation results over the period 2016 – 2022. In addition, based on established methods developed within the nowcasting community, we produce ensembles of N realistic precipitation members that not only mimic the spatial autocorrelation of the mean-value CombiPrecip but also replicate its pixel-scale variance. Overall, our results indicate that observations fall reasonably well in the uncertainty range provided by the CombiPrecip ensemble.


How to cite: Ntoumos, A., Sideris, I., Gabella, M., Germann, U., and Berne, A.: Forecast Verification Analysis of the CombiPrecip Ensemble, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7913,, 2024.

Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X5

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 14:00–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Lisa Milani, Chris Kidd
Takuji Kubota, Takeshi Masaki, Gennosuke Kikuchi, Masato Ito, Tomohiko Higashiuwatoko, Kaya Kanemaru, Nobuhiro Takahashi, Kosuke Yamamoto, Kinji Furukawa, and Tomomi Nio

The NASA and the JAXA performed orbit boost maneuvers in November 2023 that raised an altitude of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory from 400 km to 435 km to extend its lifetime. Effects of the orbit boost on the spaceborne precipitation radar have been investigated in the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) performed in August 2001. This study evaluates effects on DPR observations due to the GPM orbit boost.

Firstly, spacecraft altitudes of the GPM Core Observatory were analyzed during the period from 13rd October to 17th November 2023. The minimum altitudes were changed from about 400 km to about 435 km by the orbit boost. The averaged altitudes were changed from about 407 km to about 442 km by it. Thus, 407km and 442km were adopted as typical averaged satellite altitudes in pre-boost and the post-boost, respectively.

Spatial resolution at the nadir and swath width is changed at 5.04km×5.04km and 255.8 km at satellite altitude of 407 km to 5.48km×5.48km and 277.9 km at satellite altitude of 442 km, respectively.  Distances between adjacent footprints in the cross-track direction between the pre-boost and the post-boost using observation data and they confirmed that changes of the sampling were larger in the cross-track direction (about 5 km to 5.5 km at the nadir).

It was found that the DPR coverage tendency was changed by the GPM orbit boost. In pre-boost, DPR achieved 100% coverage in 8 days. On the other hand, with post-boost, the coverage was still 99.9834% after 24 days, slightly less than 100%. This coverage trend is expected to change with satellite maneuvers. The maneuver is expected to change the orbit elements, thereby covering all locations.

The sensitivity degradation of the DPR is expected owing to the increase of satellite altitude. Measured radar reflectivity factor (Zm) at storm top height (STH) over the ocean for is used as an indicator of the sensitivity. With analyzing Zm at STH over the ocean, the sensitivity degradation was found for about 0.8-0.9dB for KuPR, and about 0.7-0.9dB for KaPR.

How to cite: Kubota, T., Masaki, T., Kikuchi, G., Ito, M., Higashiuwatoko, T., Kanemaru, K., Takahashi, N., Yamamoto, K., Furukawa, K., and Nio, T.: Early evaluation of effects on Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar observations by the orbit boost of the GPM Core Observatory , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4232,, 2024.

Herijaona Hani-Roge Hundilida Randriatsara and Eva Holtanova

Understanding historical evolution and future projections of drought are crucial for Madagascar, which experiences drought almost every year. Not only it contributes to the economic development of the area but it also helps to mitigate direct and indirect impacts of drought on human’s lives and natural ecosystems. To begin with, it is crucial to use accurate datasets for assessing drought in order to get reliable findings. However, Madagascar lacks reliable station datasets. Here, we present the first evaluation of performance of available observed precipitation datasets over the country: gridded precipitation datasets from gauge-based, reanalysis and satellite estimates. Among the 15 analyzed datasets, CHIRPS (Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Station data version 2) and ERA5 (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis fifth generation- Land dataset) the lowest biases compared to the rest. Thus, they are used as the reference for evaluating the performance of CMIP6 HighResMIP simulations. The assessment employs diverse methods, accompanied by the use of the Taylor skill score for ranking the overall performance of the models. The results show that EC-Earth3P-HR, ECMWF-IFS-HR, ECMWF-IFS-LR and HadGEM3-GC31-MM perform the best. The evaluated precipitation datasets are used in current ongoing research of recent drought evolution and its impact on vegetation over Madagascar. Preliminarily results show that the SPI (Standard Precipitation Index) exhibit decreasing trend for all chosen SPI scales (SPI3, SPI6 and SPI12). This indicates that the occurrence of drought over Madagascar has amplified within the study period of 1981 to 2022. Eventually, the evaluation of future projections of drought over the Island would be the next goal to be tackled in order to provide bases for planning appropriate measures in lessening the impact of drought, building effective adaptation strategies and structuring climate change policies.

How to cite: Randriatsara, H. H.-R. H. and Holtanova, E.: Precipitation over Madagascar: Assessment of observed datasets and CMIP6 HighResMIP models for further analysis of drought and its impact on vegetation , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-199,, 2024.

Marya Al Homoud, Stephan Macko, and Ashraf Farahat

Space-Borne and ground-based data are used to investigate the environmental effects of cloud seeding on air quality and Particulate Matter (PM2.5 and PM10) dynamics. Seven sites in United States (Texas, Wyoming, California, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and Montana), two sites in China(Henan and Fujian Gutian), and one site in the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi) are considered for this work. Long-terms statistical analysis of aerosol optical depth (AOD), Ångström exponent(AE), precipitation, and particulate matter is performed. Meanwhile, meteorological data including temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind speed/direction are analyzed. Air quality conditions before, during, and after cloud seeding missions are tested using ground monitoring stations. Data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board the Terra were also used to perform a statistical correlation between aerosol optical depth (AOD) and ground PM observation. An increase in PM concentration was observed during cloud seeding missions’ period, which indicates a possible effect of silver iodide crystals fired during the missions in increasing the concentration of PM in air. The study found that cloud seeding missions have a possible effect on increasing PM10 compared to PM2.5 concentration, which point to the possible effect of meteorological conditions on washing out silver iodide particles fired during the missions.


How to cite: Al Homoud, M., Macko, S., and Farahat, A.: Effects of Cloud Seeding on Air Quality and Particulate Matter Dynamics: United States, China, and United Arab Emirates case studies, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2207,, 2024.

Gaili Wang

A Multiscale Analysis of a Nocturnal Extreme Rainfall Event of 14 July 2017 in Northeast China


Gaili Wang1, Da-Lin Zhang2,1, and Jisong Sun1

1State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Science, Beijing, China

46 South Street Zhongguancun, Beijing, China 100081

2 Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, Maryland


A multiscale observational analysis of a nocturnal extreme rainfall event that occurred at Changtu in Northeast China on 14 July 2017 is performed using global analysis, automated surface observations, Doppler radar, rawinsonde and disdrometer data. Results show that the large-scale environment was characterized by high convective available potential energy and precipitable water, moderate convective inhibition, and a southwesterly low-level jet (LLJ) capped by an inversion layer. The first and subsequent convective cells developed along a quasi-stationary surface convergence zone in a convection-void region of a previously dissipated meso-a-scale convective line. Continuous convective initiation through backbuilding at the western end and the subsequent merging of eastward-moving convective cells led to the formation of a near-zonally oriented meso-b-scale rainband, with reflectivity exceeding 45 dBZ (i.e., convective core intensity). This quasi-stationary rainband was maintained along the convergence zone by the LLJ of warm-moist air, aided by local topographical lifting and convectively generated outflows. A maximum hourly rainfall amount of 96 mm occurred during 0200-0300 BST as individual convective cores with a melting layer of >55 dBZ reflectivity moved across Changtu with little intermittency. The extreme-rain-producing stage was characterized with near-saturated vertical columns, and rapid number concentration increases of all raindrop sizes. It is concluded that the formation of the meso-b-scale rainband with continuous convective backbuilding, and the subsequent echo-training of convective cores with growing intensity and width as well as significant fallouts of frozen particles accounted for the generation of this extreme rainfall event. This extreme event was enhanced by local topography and the formation of a mesovortex of 20~30 km in diameter.

How to cite: Wang, G.: A Multiscale Analysis of a Nocturnal Extreme Rainfall Event of 14 July 2017 in Northeast China , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4235,, 2024.

Soohyun Kwon, Jeong-Eun Lee, Seungwoo Lee, and Hee-Jeong Choi

Freezing rain is a meteorological phenomenon in which precipitation melts in the upper atmosphere, transforming into super-cooled droplets near the ground due to lower temperatures. In Northern Europe and North America, strong winter storms often accompany freezing rain, leading to road or facility damage. In Korea, several traffic accident have also occurred due to road icing caused by freezing rain, demanding the development of monitoring technologies for enhanced safety measures. In order to provide the information about the road hazard warning and ensuring safety, we analyzed the atmospheric condition and dual-polarimetric characteristics for road icing and developed the algorithm to detect the potential refreezing rain area by using dual polarization radar and 3-D wet-bulb temperature.
 We selected road icing accidents including precipitation and inversion layer events from 2019 to 2021, and analyzed the changes in surface temperatures and wet-bulb temperatures at surface and the hydrometeor classified using dual-polarization variables at upper layer. The hydrometeor at the accident sites were classified with rain or super-cooled droplet, and wet-bulb temperatures ranged between -2 to 1.5 degrees. This information was used to determine the potential refreezing rain area. The inversion layer was also analyzed by the calculation of 3-dimensional wet-bulb temperatures through multi-quadratic interpolation using various observations (AWS, sounding, Buoy, etc.) and the Korea Local Analysis and Prediction System (KLAPS). The dual-polarization variables were employed to classify the hydrometeor type and investigate the possibility of ice particle melting within the inversion layer. The area for potential refreezing rain was designated as dangerous/cautious zones based on ground temperature conditions when snow particles melted within the inversion layer.
The performance of the algorithm for potential refreezing rain areas was evaluated during cold seasons when incidents of refreezing rain, often referred to as black-ice events occurred. We analyzed the hourly and monthly frequencies of detecting dangerous/cautious zones during traffic accidents caused by refreezing rain.

※ This research was supported by the "Development of radar based severe weather monitoring technology (KMA2021-03121)" of "Development of integrated application technology for Korea weather radar" project funded by the Weather Radar Center, Korea Meteorological Administration.

How to cite: Kwon, S., Lee, J.-E., Lee, S., and Choi, H.-J.: Evaluation of detecting algorithm for potential refreezing rain area using the road icing accidents report , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5053,, 2024.

Suad Hammoudeh, Klaus Goergen, Alexandre Belleflamme, and Stefan Kollet

As a primary component of the Earth’s hydrological cycle, precipitation plays a central role in many environmental processes and human activities. The availability of reliable precipitation data is essential for many sectors and applications, such as water resources management, flood and drought risk analysis, or hydrological modeling. In this study, we evaluate the characteristics of different precipitation datasets based on distinct methodologies and sources. This is in the context of high-resolution hindcasts and prototypical daily forecasts with the integrated hydrological model ParFlow over a central European model domain, where precipitation is a first order driver as part of the atmospheric forcing. Our objective is to determine, how closely precipitation from the ECMWF HRES numerical weather prediction matches in-situ observations, and how HRES compares to other precipitation products, some of which might be suitable for a bias adjustment of the hydrological model inputs. The European Climate Assessment & Dataset (ECA&D) in-situ daily precipitation observation dataset of 5072 stations in our ParFlow model domain serves as the reference. The time span of the comparison is from 2014 to 2022. Aside from ECMWF HRES, the evaluation includes at present data at different spatio-temporal resolutions: The ERA5 reanalysis as a background dataset, the HYRAS interpolated hydrometeorological raster data from the German Weather Service (DWD), the meteorological radar data product OPERA, a European composite dataset from EUMETNET, and the radar data product RADOLAN from DWD. Due to the spatial coverage of some datasets, the analysis is restricted to Germany constituting a subset of the hydrological model domain. The initial part of this evaluation uses only daily data, and precipitation products are compared at station locations. The spatial distribution and temporal variability is assessed with annual and seasonal sums, mean errors, and spatial correlation coefficients. Precipitation intensity is analyzed through the spatial distribution of the typical climate indices. The temporal characteristics of precipitation is determined through the precipitation fraction, i.e., the number of moderately wet days (75th percentile), very wet days (95th percentile), and consecutive wet days. Perkin's skill score is used for the comparison of the empirical distributions. While preliminary results indicate that HRES agrees well with the observational reference data, some form of bias adjustment may still be necessary.

How to cite: Hammoudeh, S., Goergen, K., Belleflamme, A., and Kollet, S.: Evaluation of precipitation product characteristics over Germany for hydrologic model forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5606,, 2024.

Raindrop Collision Outcomes in Persistent Precipitation over central China during Mei-yu Front
Jing Sun, Chunguang Cui, and Liang Leng
Ki-Byung Kim and Kyo-Sun Sunny Lim

Cloud microphysics parameterization has several ice-crystal-related parameters that define the characteristic of ice crystal. Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Double-Moment 6-class (WDM6) parameterization scheme adopts the fall velocity-diameter and mass-diameter relationships from Heymsfield and Iaquinta (2000, HI00 hereafter) with the assumed single-bullet shape of ice crystals, and the mean mass-weighted terminal velocity-mixing ratio relationship from Heymsfield and Donner (1990, HD90 hereafter). There are a total five parameters that define ice-crystal characteristics, and these parameters vary according to different shapes of ice crystals, contributing to uncertainties of simulated precipitation. To assess these uncertainties, we generate 50 sampling sets using Latin hypercube sampling within the recommended range from previous studies. Numerical experiments are conducted for two major types of winter precipitation, namely Air-mass Transformation (AT) and Ease-coast Terrain effect (ET) types, over the Korean peninsula. The simulation results indicate that parameters defining the mass-diameter relationship are most sensitive for simulating precipitation in the AT type, while parameters defining the fall velocity-diameter relationship are most sensitive for the ET type. Sensitivity experiments are designed by adjusting the sensitive parameters for each type by ±20% to mitigate biases in surface precipitation observed in the control experiments. In the AT type, the sensitivity experiment simulates more solid-phase precipitable hydrometeors, such as snow and graupel, resulting in increased precipitation over the region with a negative bias. Conversely, in the ET type, the sensitivity experiment reduces the amount of snow and graupel, leading to a decrease in precipitation over the area with a positive bias. Our analysis underscores the high priority of tuning parameters related to ice-crystal characteristics to reduce uncertainty in precipitation simulations, depending on the type of winter precipitation.


Key words: Ice crystal, Uncertainty parameter, WDM6, Winter precipitation


Acknowledgement: This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (RS-2023-00272424) and Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development Program under Grant (RS-2023-00240346)

How to cite: Kim, K.-B. and Lim, K.-S. S.: Impact of Parameters Related to Ice Crystal on the Simulation of Winter Precipitation over the Korean Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6793,, 2024.

Xiaoyan Ling, Yingying Chen, Kun Yang, Xin Li, and Xu Zhou

The Tibetan Plateau, known as the 'Asian Water Tower,' has drawn significant attention to its hydrological cycle and associated atmospheric dynamics. The Qiang-tang Plateau, located in the northern part of the Tibetan Plateau's  endorheic basin (hereinafter referred to as the plateau), experiences notable climate and water cycle variations. The spatial characteristics of its precipitation determine the spatial patterns of hydrological elements and ecological environments in the Qiang-tang Plateau. However, its harsh environment and challenging conditions for station establishment have resulted in a severe scarcity of precipitation observation data. Presently, mainstream reanalysis products consistently overestimate precipitation levels on the plateau and fail to accurately simulate daily precipitation variations. To address this, utilizing data from 206 tipping-bucket rain gauges deployed across the plateau from 2017 to 2020, the study investigates rainfall events of different durations: short-term (1-3 hours), medium-term (4-6 hours), and long-term (7 hours or more).

The research reveals that the precipitation intensity at plateau sites is generally low, with short-term rainfall events being predominant. However, the contribution of short-term rainfall events increases spatially from the southeast edge to the inland of the plateau. Notably, the Qiang-tang Plateau exhibits a significantly higher proportion of short-term precipitation compared to other regions on the plateau. Furthermore, based on a newly established mountainous precipitation transect, it was discovered that as one ascends from the Gangdisi Mountains to the Qiang-tang Plateau, the contribution of short-term rainfall to the total precipitation significantly increases with elevation. Additionally, an analysis of mainstream reanalysis products (ERA5, MERRA2) and high-resolution model simulation data (HAR2) for different duration rainfall events indicates that reanalysis products consistently underestimate the contribution of short-term precipitation while overestimating long-term precipitation. HAR2 outperforms ERA5 specifically in the Qiang-tang Plateau and the northeast part of the plateau, whereas MERRA2 fails to capture the spatial heterogeneity of different duration rainfall events. Although reanalysis products can capture the diurnal peak of short-term precipitation, they tend to prematurely estimate the diurnal peak of long-term precipitation.

How to cite: Ling, X., Chen, Y., Yang, K., Li, X., and Zhou, X.: The analysis and evaluation of rainfall events of different durations in the Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6976,, 2024.

Ruiyang Zhou, Aofan Gong, Bu Li, Youcun Qi, and Guangheng Ni

Accurate estimation of surface precipitation with high spatial and temporal resolution is crucial for disaster weather detection and decision-making regarding water resources management. Polarimetric weather radar is an important instrument for quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE). Conventional parametric approaches, such as the radar reflectivity (Z) and rain rate (R) relations, cannot fully represent the spatial and temporal variability of clouds and precipitation due to parameterization errors and dependence on raindrop size distribution (DSD). Furthermore, these relations estimate rainfall on a grid-by-grid basis, preventing the incorporation of spatial information into precipitation estimation.

In recent years, machine learning has made rapid advancements in non-linear fitting and feature extracting. Since 2020, multiple studies constructed MLP or CNN-based QPE models that used polarimetric radar observations to retrieve precipitation. These researches have consistently demonstrated that machine learning algorithms perform better than traditional parametric methods in different regions and climatic conditions(Chen & Chandrasekar, 2021; Li et al., 2023; Osborne et al., 2023; Tian et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2021; Zhou et al., 2023).

The aforementioned studies have highlighted the immense potential of deep learning for radar QPE, but they are based on S-band radar data. Because X-band radar has a shorter wavelength, the electromagnetic scattering characteristics of hydrometeors differ from those of S-band radar, especially for specific differential phase (kdp), which is closely related to rainfall. Furthermore, X-band radars have different spatial resolutions from S-band radars, which indicates that directly applying a model trained with S-band radar data to X-band radar data may introduce biases. Therefore, we develop a CNN-based QPE model using polarimetric measurements from X-band radars and compare its performance against traditional parametric methods. The input data for the CNN model is a matrix with dimensions (6, 9, 9). The matrix is composed of two matrices of size (3, 9, 9), which is the polarimetric measurements from the two lowest scan elevation angles and 9*9 surrounding range gates. This allows the input data to capture the spatial and physical characteristics of the precipitation field. The results reveal that the CNN-based model not only enhances the accuracy of radar QPE with a diminished bias but also provides a more precise depiction of the spatial distribution of precipitation in comparison to conventional methods.

How to cite: Zhou, R., Gong, A., Li, B., Qi, Y., and Ni, G.: Deep learning for X-band radar quantitative precipitation estimation using polarimetric measurements, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7197,, 2024.

Torben Schmith, Peter Thejll, Flemming Vejen, and Bo Christiansen

Cloudburst are geographically localized extreme rainfall events where a large amount of rain falls within a few hours. The combination of small spatial scale, short duration and scarceness makes it difficult to reveal any systematic regional differences in occurrence. Here we estimate climatological cloudburst frequencies from the daily precipitation sums for a dense network of 161 historical Danish stations covering the period 1914-2010. We do this using supplementary sub-hourly precipitation observations from a modern network and relate the daily probability of cloudburst occurrence to the corresponding daily precipitation sum using binary regression. This allows a subsequent estimation of the cloudburst frequency from the daily sums from the historical observations. To validate the method, we use stations from the modern network that have been operating for 30 years or longer. For these stations, we demonstrate significant skill by comparing observed and estimated cloudburst frequencies with a jackknife procedure. We then apply the binary regression model using the 161 historical series as input and estimate climatological cloudburst frequencies throughout Denmark. We find large and systematic regional variations across Denmark. The methodology also allows determining temporal changes of cloudburst frequency and we find large differences across Denmark.

How to cite: Schmith, T., Thejll, P., Vejen, F., and Christiansen, B.: Regional variation of climatological cloudburst frequency estimated from historical observations of daily precipitation sums, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8019,, 2024.

Charalambos Soderiades, Kyriacos Tryfonos, Silas Michaelides, Athos Agapiou, and Diofantos Hadjimitsis

Urbanization activities and their effects in Cyprus are more pronounced in the last 35 years, leading to a drastic change of the local climate of Cyprus’ main cities. Indeed, the contrast of energy absorption between developed urban areas and surrounding rural areas results in a variation of the local climate. The monitoring of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) is essential in the effort to produce heat maps of the urban area of Limassol, a town on the south coast of Cyprus. The area affected by UHI must be examined systematically in order to extract information that is vital in assisting decision- and policy-makers to adopt effective mitigation strategies and improve urban planning. This study presents the findings from the literature review of studying the UHI using earth observation, and reports on the results of the UHI effects for the whole Cyprus area, by using Landsat-5/8 TM & Sentinel-3 satellite images. NDVI calculations were conducted to derive the Fraction of Vegetation (FV) and calculate Emissivity over the last 20 years (2003-2023). Urban heat Island determination between several cities in Cyprus is presented in this study.  The results of this study are intended for use by the local authorities in support of the proposed revision of the local plans for the area by proposing a new ‘sustainability index‘ that uses UHI for urban planning purposes.

How to cite: Soderiades, C., Tryfonos, K., Michaelides, S., Agapiou, A., and Hadjimitsis, D.: Study of the Urban Heat Island effect in Cyprus by using Earth Observation , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8111,, 2024.

The Boost of the GPM Core Satellite in November 2023
(withdrawn after no-show)
Erich Franz Stocker, Steven Bilanow, Christopher Cohoon, Owen Kelley, and John Kwiatkowski
Paula Bigalke, Claudia Acquistapace, and Daniele Corradini

Severe hailstorms are becoming more frequent in Central Europe showing increasing interannual variability. The Pre-Alpine and Alpine region seems to be especially affected due to its complex terrain, that initiates convection and can intensify many hail favoring processes. This results in increasingly strong large hail events, which are often very local phenomena. Ground-based observations from weather radars are most reliable for detecting hail, however, prove to be challenging in the Alpine region due to interference at mountain ranges.

Passive Microwave satellite observations offer a useful alternative for detecting hail: a probability for hail can directly be derived from Passive Microwave channels with a high spatial coverage. However, this data is only available at certain times during satellite overpasses, thus, capturing only a few of these events. The highest temporal coverage is given by visible, near-infrared and infrared data from MSG. Though not directly sensitive to hail its high spatiotemporal resolution can identify early stages of severe storm developments.

Recently, self-supervised machine learning approaches have been used to classify spatial cloud patterns from satellite measurements from MSG over the Atlantic and Germany. The model learns to sort similar cloud organization patterns into the same classes.

In this work, we aim at adapting this model to also include the temporal component to then classify the evolution of typical cloud patterns leading to severe hailstorms over the Alpine region. The framework will later be used to characterize changes in spatiotemporal evolution of large hail bearing systems and associated environmental conditions across a multi-year dataset. First steps are presented here including the investigation of the optimal training dataset using the available data sources.

How to cite: Bigalke, P., Acquistapace, C., and Corradini, D.: Investigation of climatic changes for hailstorms over the Alps using spatiotemporal satellite imagery and self-supervised machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10114,, 2024.

Nico Blettner, Rebecca Wiegels, Harald Kunstmann, and Christian Chwala

In Zambia, like in many African countries, the dedicated rainfall observation network is sparse, whereas accurate information about rainfall is crucially needed. In such a data-poor country, opportunistic sensors like commercial microwave links (CMLs) can be very beneficial. However, the irregular spatial distribution and the fact that many CMLs are very long and operate at low frequencies are common characteristics for rural areas in Africa which make rainfall retrieval with CMLs challenging. In addition, the lack of reference data complicates the adoption and adjustment of existing CML processing methods. In particular, the detection of rain events in noisy CML data, which can have a significant effect on the resulting estimated rainfall amounts, requires special attention as the long low-frequency CMLs provide comparatively noisy data. One option to support CML data processing is the usage of satellite data.

We use level 1.5 data from Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) SEVIRI to generate a precipitation probability (PC) product, similar to the PC products from NWC SAF. Our PC product is generated by a convolutional neural network (CNN) which was trained with SEVIRI and high-resolution radar data in Germany and which was validated with station data in Burkina Faso. We use this PC product to improve the rain event detection during the data processing of almost 1000 CMLs with 15-minute min-max data over several months of the rainy season 2021/2022. In addition, we use two other rain event detection methods, the Python implementation of the nearby-link approach from RAINLINK and the simple rolling standard-deviation method. From the processed CML rainfall estimates, we produce interpolated rainfall maps which we then validate with rain gauge data.

Preliminary results show that the nearby-link and rolling standard-deviation method produce satisfactory results in urban regions where CML density is high and CML frequencies are larger than 10 GHz. The application of the SEVIRI-based PC product for improved CML data processing, in particular for the long low-frequency CMLs, is currently being investigated and we will present first results to analyze its potential and limitations.

How to cite: Blettner, N., Wiegels, R., Kunstmann, H., and Chwala, C.: Using commercial microwave links and SEVIRI observations for rainfall estimation in Zambia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10338,, 2024.

Chris Kidd, Anja Niedorf, Hannes Konrad, Marc Schröder, and Karsten Fennig

The US Department of Defense (DoD) Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) has provided a long-term record of passive microwave observations from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) and the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS). These observations, available from 1987 to the present, provide the backbone of data used for global precipitation measurements. The SSM/I and SSMIS instruments have similar lower frequency channels (19.35-85.0 GHz vs 19.35-91.655 GHz), with the SSMIS having higher frequency channels at 150 GHz and three around 183.31 GHz.

The Precipitation Retrieval and Profiling Scheme (PRPS) is a retrieval scheme designed to be efficient and avoid the use of any external dynamic data sets, such as model information. This is particularly important for a truly independent data product that can be used for evaluating model performance. The PRPS was originally designed for use with cross track sounding instruments but has been adapted to other passive microwave sensors: here it has been adapted to utilise the SSMI and SSMIS Fundamental Climate Data Records generated by the EUMETSAT CM SAF. The PRPS-SSMIS relies upon an observational a priori database derived for each sensor paired with a database index file to provide a computationally efficient retrieval scheme.

This poster will present an outline of the PRPS-SSMIS scheme together with the validation and intercomparison of the resulting precipitation products. At present the databases for the retrieval scheme are based upon 7 years of observations (2016-2022) from SSMIS sensors on the F16, F17, F18 DMSP satellites, matched to co-incident and co-temporal measurements of precipitation from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission’s Dual frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR). Comparisons are made at a number of scales: ‘climate’ scale comparisons are made against the GPCP v3.2 global precipitation product, through to instantaneous precipitation retrievals which are compared with surface radar over the US and Europe. In addition, comparisons are made with the Ferraro and GPROF precipitation products to assess consistency with other estimates. Overall, the PRPS-SSMIS retrievals tend to underestimate the precipitation, primarily due to the internal assumptions in the retrieval scheme as a result of the skewed distribution of precipitation occurrence and may easily be corrected. Correlations between the PRPS-SSMIS products and the GPCP are similar to those of the GPROF-SSMIS products, particularly when a comparable spatial resolution is used. Both the GPROF and PRPS scheme outperform the Ferraro precipitation product in terms of bias and correlation and are more consistent over time.

How to cite: Kidd, C., Niedorf, A., Konrad, H., Schröder, M., and Fennig, K.: Precipitation retrievals from the SSMIS using the PRPS scheme: formulation, validation and intercomparison., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12329,, 2024.

Alexander Myagkov, Tatiana Nomokonova, and Michael Frech

Rainfall is a critical component of the Earth's water cycle, influencing global economic stability, access to food and freshwater, and daily life. Rain is also frequently used as a calibration target for various remote-sensing instruments. As such, timely and accurate observations of rainfall are vital for meteorological applications. The microphysical properties of rain are commonly characterized by the drop-size distribution (DSD), which determines the water content, intensity of precipitation, and kinetic energy of the rain.

Conventional methods for measuring DSD include in situ instruments such as optical disdrometers and polarimetric weather radars. Disdrometers measure the size and velocity of raindrops within a narrow laser beam, providing data only at the surface level and having uncertainties due to the limited sampling area. Polarimetric weather radars, on the other hand, can observe rain profiles over larger areas, but typically only capture higher moments of the DSD, which then require specialized retrieval methods to derive DSD properties. Such retrievals are typically based on known size-shape-velocity relations for raindrops and a scattering model. Polarimetric variables are of an especial value because they allow to decouple the contribution of shape, size, and concentration of raindrops to the observations. In addition, the polarimetric variables can be accurately calibrated. The results of retrieval based on the moments are, however, prone to uncertainties related to measurement errors and limited information content of the DSD moments.

Polarimetric Doppler cloud radars, operating at millimeter wavelengths, offer an alternative to traditional methods of the DSD estimation. They can measure the same set of parameters as weather radars but spectrally resolved, i.e. the cloud radar can separately measure droplets coexisting in the same volume but moving with different velocities relative to the radar. Since velocity of droplets is a proxy of their size, spectrally resolved measurements contain much more information about the underlying DSD.

This study explores the potential of polarimetric cloud radars to retrieve DSD profiles. We highlight the advantages of this approach, including the ability of the non-parametric estimation of DSD profiles. We also examine existing challenges, such as the impact of resonance effects on observations due to the comparable wavelength of cloud radars and droplet sizes. These effects require accurate representation in scattering models and size-shape-velocity relationships. Current literature lacks explanations for some observations, indicating a need for further research and development of retrieval methods based on spectral polarimetric cloud radar data.

How to cite: Myagkov, A., Nomokonova, T., and Frech, M.: Cloud radar spectral polarimetry for drop-size-distribution profiling: perspectives and challenges, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12674,, 2024.

Maximilian Graf, Christian Chwala, Malte Wenzel, Christian Vogel, Harald Kunstmann, and Tanja Winterrath

Adjusting weather radar data with ground-based precipitation observations is an established way to overcome radar-specific uncertainties. Most commonly, rain gauge data is used for this task. Commercial microwave links (CMLs) deployed by mobile network operators offer another source of rainfall information that can be used to adjust weather radar data. One of the main advantages of CMLs for this task is the real-time availability of their data with a latency of less than a minute. In addition, their large number, with high densities in particular in urban regions, and the path-averaging nature of their measurements have the potential to improve radar adjustment at short aggregation times.

We developed the Python framework pyRADMAN which is capable of merging weather radar with rain gauge and CML data with selectable temporal aggregations from minutes to hours. The path-averaging nature of the CML data is considered when merging with the gridded radar data. Computational efficiency has been taken into consideration in all implementations allowing a full countrywide radar adjustment for Germany, including the required processing of CML rainfall estimates, within 2 minutes with a pure Python implementation. pyRADMAN has now been continuously operating at DWD in real time since August 2023. Currently, real-time data streams from the gridded weather radar composite (based on 17 radar sites), ~1500 rain gauges, and ~5000 CMLs are handled by pyRADMAN, and products consisting of different combinations of sensors are produced for several aggregation times and latencies. 

We will show the general concept of pyRADMAN and present results from merging radar data with rain gauge and CML data. Our analysis will consist of selected events and monthly statistics. Results will be shown for aggregation times from 5 to 60 minutes and latencies of production from 5 to 20 minutes (increasing the number of available rain gauges for merging with increasing latency).

How to cite: Graf, M., Chwala, C., Wenzel, M., Vogel, C., Kunstmann, H., and Winterrath, T.: The new real-time radar-gauge-CML adjustment system pyRADMAN at DWD, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12890,, 2024.

Iman Rousta, Marjan Dalvi, and Haraldur Olafsson

Precipitation is a major energy resource in Iceland. This study employs the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) dataset to examine how precipitation patterns have evolved across Iceland from 1982 to 2021 and forecast them for the period 2022-2050.  The data confirms the known basic pattern of substantial precipitation in the south, while the northern interior plains are relatively arid.  The maximum precipitation is found in the South-East, but values are lower than suggested by glaciological and runoff data.  There is a non-significant overarching trend in annual precipitation across the country. However, a statistically significant declining trend (R>0.3, p-value=0.05) is observed in the interior regions of the East and Northeast regions. Conversely, a statistically significant increasing trend (R>0.3, p-value=0.05) is detected in coastal areas of these two regions. Future forecasting (2022-2050) suggests a very slight increase in Iceland's annual precipitation (approximately 0.6 mm/year). The findings of this study underline the importance of local scale monitoring of precipitation and comparison of methods of assessment of true ground precipitation.

How to cite: Rousta, I., Dalvi, M., and Olafsson, H.: Trend analysis of remotely sensed and forecasted precipitation in Iceland 1982-2050, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14642,, 2024.

Marjan Dalvi, Iman Rousta, and Haraldur Olafsson

Urmia Lake is the largest hypersaline lake in Western Asia and it is currently facing severe desiccation. Immediate action is necessary to prevent irreversible damage to the environment and economy. The lake covers the majority of the Urmia Lake watershed. This study aimed to analyze the changes in Land Surface Temperature (LST) during the day and night in the area using MODIS 1 km, 8 days, version 061 (MOD11A2) images. The study also looked at water level variations using TOPEX/POSEIDON and Jason 1, 2, and 3, and precipitation variations using CHIRPS images from the period of 2001-2023. The results indicate that the water level of Urmia Lake has significantly declined by about 10 meters in the last few decades. Approximately 95 percent of the lake has dried up. The continuous declining trend of the water level started in 2001 and has led to an increase in LST day, about 0.03 ℃/year, and a decrease in LST night, about 0.07 ℃/year. Precipitation variations did not show any significant trend during the study period. Due to the high salt content caused by the lake drying up, the area is becoming a center for salty dust that can negatively affect the surrounding habitats. The trend of precipitation variations suggests that climate is not the primary factor responsible for the lake's desiccation.

How to cite: Dalvi, M., Rousta, I., and Olafsson, H.: Remotely sensed assessment of Urmia Lake drying up; Climate change or anthropogenic effects?!, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14760,, 2024.

Diurnal Cycles of Rain Systems over South China during the Presummer Rainy Season
Xiaoye Fan and Yu Wang
Christian Chwala, Remko Uijlenhoet, Aart Overeem, Tanja Winterrath, and Nick van de Giesen

Rainfall estimation from commercial microwave link (CML) attenuation data has matured and is being implemented by several European meteorological services. Individual studies have also confirmed its applicability in developing countries. But data collection and data access remain cumbersome, requiring to start from scratch in each country and in each cooperation with a new mobile network operator (MNO). More often than not the precious CML attenuation data that is produced for monitoring purposes is not stored on a long-term basis and thus is lost forever if no cooperation with researchers or meteorological services incentivizes archiving.

To avoid further loss of data and to allow to better scale up CML data acquisition and data collection across different countries, we propose to start the global CML data collection initiative (GCDCI). The GCDCI will provide containerized templates for the required IT systems for CML data collection, archiving and monitoring, as well as template documents for the required legal agreements. Each MNO will get a separate cloud-based compute and storage infrastructure which they can use to do long-term monitoring and analysis of their network, providing an incentive for them to transfer their data to the GCDCI platform. Potentially, access for third parties, based on trilateral agreements with GCDCI and individual MNOs, could be implemented, e.g. to allow the development of derived products by the private sector. A central compute infrastructure, only accessible by GCDCI staff, will access data from the individual instances of the MNOs and do a centralized CML data processing. Potentially the centralized processing can be combined with real-time satellite data to both enhance the CML data processing as well as the generation of rainfall products from satellite data.

With our poster we want to spark a discussion about this approach and start forming a consortium to put it into operation as a not-for-profit organization with inspirations from initiatives like TAHMO and GPCC.

How to cite: Chwala, C., Uijlenhoet, R., Overeem, A., Winterrath, T., and van de Giesen, N.: The global CML data collection initiative GCDCI: The solution for scaling up CML rainfall estimation in developing countries?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17076,, 2024.

Numerical Simulation Study on the Microphysical Processes of Typhoon Wipha Using a New Moisture Conditioning Method
(withdrawn after no-show)
Zhaoxia Hu, Wenxia Yang, and Hengchi Lei
Xuetong Wang, Hylke Beck, and Raied Alharbi

Accurate precipitation (P) estimates are crucial for a wide range of applications, including water resource management, disaster risk reduction, agricultural planning, and infrastructure development. Over the past few decades, numerous gridded P products have been developed, with varying temporal and spatial resolutions, derived from diverse data sources, and employing different methodologies and algorithms. However, these products frequently exhibit significant uncertainties, errors, and biases, underscoring the importance of selecting the most suitable product for each application. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of over 20 freely available global gridded P products. We used the European RADar CLIMatology (EURADCLIM) gauge-radar dataset, the US Stage-IV gauge-radar product, and observations from approximately 20,000 global stations as ground truth. Our assessment included several new products, such as PDIR-Now and GPM+SM2RAIN, as well as an experimental Random Forest (RF) model, a potential new version of the Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation (MSWEP) product. For the assessment, we employed a broad range of performance metrics sensitive to various aspects of P time series, including the versatile Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) and its components (correlation, bias, and variability), as well as the Critical Success Index (CSI), wet day bias, peak bias, and trend error. Additionally, we assessed the relative performance in different physiographic regions, seasons, and P regimes, and among various product types (satellite, (re)analysis, gauge, and combinations thereof). The RF model showed the best overall performance, achieving a mean CSI of 0.42. In comparison, the current MSWEP version, CHIRP, ERA5, GSMaP and IMERG achieved mean CSI values of 0.40, 0.21, 0.36, 0.32, and 0.32, respectively. Our study highlights the stark differences in performance among various state-of-the-art P products and provides a baseline for the development of new machine learning-based P products.

How to cite: Wang, X., Beck, H., and Alharbi, R.: Global Performance Assessment of 20+ Precipitation Products Using Radar Data and Gauge Observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19469,, 2024.

Surapong Lerdrittipong, Jian Zhong, Martin Widmann, Christopher Bradley, and Simon Dixon

The phenomenon of climate change, with its unique alterations in global temperatures and weather trends, presents a mounting obstacle for accurate weather prediction and climate simulation. This study uses the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to investigate the impact of variations of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) during the rainy season (17 May to 31 Oct 2016). The research aims to quantify the effect of changes in SST (0.5 to 2.0 degrees Celsius) in a climate-sensitive period. Utilising model configured for Thailand's specific geographic and climatic conditions, the study integrates SST data derived from satellite measurements and observations assess temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather events. Our results indicate the pronounced sensitivity of the WRF model to SST variations, with notable discrepancies in predicting rainfall patterns and temperature anomalies. These findings emphasise that SST is a critical factor in climate modelling and the need for accurate SST input in forecasting models, especially in the context of climate change. The study contributes to a better understanding of the WRF model's capabilities and limitations in simulating seasonal climate variations in tropical regions. It may also stress the importance of the governments to engage in effective water and irrigation management strategies, including improved drainage systems and adaptive agricultural practices, to mitigate climate change impacts like flooding and drought. Further research is recommended for other seasons and extended periods for a deeper understanding of the WRF model's performance against evolving climate dynamics.

How to cite: Lerdrittipong, S., Zhong, J., Widmann, M., Bradley, C., and Dixon, S.: Investigating SST's Role in Seasonal Climate Variations: A WRF Model Analysis in the Tropical Zone, Thailand, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21379,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X5

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairperson: Panagiotis Nastos
Anagha Peringiyil, Manabendra Saharia, and Sreejith Op

Cloudbursts over the NWH have become more common in recent years. The uncertainty caused by the sparse density of the station network over NWH encouraged us to employ the developed dataset, Indian Meteorological Ensemble Dataset (IMED), which explicitly accounts for topographical complexity and uncertainties in precipitation estimations. In the NWH, where monitoring stations are sparse, and cloudbursts are hard to discern, this study examines IMED's efficiency in identifying cloudburst events. We aim to use the mean, 70th percentile, 80th percentile, and 99th percentile values from 30 ensembles of IMED data every day with a resolution of 0.25 degrees.  We evaluated 18 events in the NWH between 2014 and 2016, which were documented in different paper publications. Furthermore, we compare the cloudburst identification ability of the CHIRPS dataset to that of the IMED datasets. A pixel-wise analysis shows that IMED performs better than the CHIRPS dataset in this event detection. With the mean value of IMED, it can capture five events, whereas four events are captured by the CHIRPS dataset. With the 70 percentile, 80 percentile, and 99th percentile, IMED can capture more events. This study concludes that IMED performs better than CHIRPS in identifying cloud burst events over the NWH region.

How to cite: Peringiyil, A., Saharia, M., and Op, S.: Assessment of the Indian Meteorological Ensemble Dataset (IMED) Performance in Identifying Cloudburst Events over the Northwest Himalayas (NWH) , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15910,, 2024.

Laura Rivero Ordaz, Andrés Merino, Andrés Navarro, Francisco Javier Tapiador, José Luis Sánchez, and Eduardo García-Ortega

Severe weather events, particularly hailstorms with large hydrometeors, cause heavy losses worldwide. The south of France is one of the European regions most affected by these hydrometeors and is also one of the most studied because an extensive hailpad network of detection devices that has been in operation there for more than three decades. These direct observations are extremely useful because provide a very complete and reliable "ground truth". Space-based sensors are becoming increasingly important in monitoring hailstorms. Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) is an international mission designed to advance precipitation measurements from multispectral sensors. The GPM core satellite carries a powerful and unprecedented Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) for studying 3D precipitation characteristics. Furthermore, it improves the accuracy of precipitation estimation and facilitates the analysis of the microphysical structure of clouds. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the DPR sensor capability in identifying hailstorms. Data from more than 1000 hailpads during eight field campaigns in southern France were used. We identified eight hailstorms over France where DPR data were coincident with ground-based observations from hailpad network during 2014–2021. In addition, variables provided by the DPR sensor indicative of hail presence were studied. The Ku band demonstrated greater capacity in identifying hailstorms. Storms with larger reflectivity values (≥50 dBZ, Ku band), both near the surface and throughout the vertical column, were those with a more clearly defined vertical structure and thus more powerful convective development. The intensity of these hailstorms was confirmed with the ground-based data. This work could contribute to enhancing the detection and prediction of hailstorms, thereby helping to mitigate the associated risks.

How to cite: Rivero Ordaz, L., Merino, A., Navarro, A., Tapiador, F. J., Sánchez, J. L., and García-Ortega, E.: Identification and characterization of hailstorms over France using DPR-GPM sensor, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21680,, 2024.

Amit Kumar, Atul Kumar Srivastava, and Manoj Kumar Srivastava

Dual-frequency precipitation radar (DPR) placed on the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite provides a three-dimensional distribution of precipitation between 650N- 650S. The availability of precipitation parameters at the spatial resolution of 0.10*0.10 and temporal resolution of 30 minutes can be used to investigate the microphysical process responsible for the precipitation. We analyzed the GPM-DPR level 2 V07 observed data collected over the Southern region of India and the surrounding Oceanic region to understand the precipitation characteristics in the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. India Meteorological Department (IMD) gridded rainfall data at the resolution 0.250 is used to validate GPM-DPR data over the landmass region. There is significant variation in the temporal and spatial distribution of reflectivity (Z), rain rate (R), and DSD parameters such as mass-weighted mean diameter (Dm) and normalized intercept parameter (Nw). In the monsoon season, higher precipitation frequency provides considerable accumulated precipitation throughout India. However, the frequency of intense rainfall is higher in the pre-monsoon season than in the monsoon season, as most of rain events occur over the Ocean instead of land. The mean of R, Z, and Dm is small, and a large Nw value is observed in the monsoon season, as stratiform clouds (more than 68%) contribution in monsoon precipitation is more than convective clouds. The distribution of average Dm, Z, and R in pre-monsoon indicates the presence of bigger rain droplets, possibly due to the enhancement in the collision-coalescence process and slow-down of the break-up process. The share of convective clouds in overall precipitation on the land surface increased in the pre-monsoon season. The fluctuation in Dm not only occurs with topography, season, and R, but also with the concentration of heavy ice precipitation particles above the bright band and microphysical process. Simultaneously, in both pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons, a modest relationship was detected between the incidence of heavy precipitation and maximum echo top reflectivity.

How to cite: Kumar, A., Srivastava, A. K., and Srivastava, M. K.: Regional Variation in Precipitation characteristics observed by space-borne Precipitation Radar , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-736,, 2024.