AS3.24 | Quantification of anthropogenic methane sources through atmospheric measurement studies: Finding targets for mitigation worldwide.
Quantification of anthropogenic methane sources through atmospheric measurement studies: Finding targets for mitigation worldwide.
Convener: James L. France | Co-conveners: Anke Roiger, Robert Field, Sven Krautwurst
| Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)
Room M1
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X5
Orals |
Wed, 08:30
Wed, 16:15
Methane is an important greenhouse gas that has contributed to ∼25% of the increase in radiative forcing experienced to date. Despite methane’s short atmospheric lifetime (~10 years), the global average methane mole fraction has increased three times faster than carbon dioxide since 1750. Rapid and severe reductions in methane emissions are required to lower peak warming, reduce the likelihood of overshooting warming limits and reduce reliance on net negative carbon dioxide emissions. In contrast to carbon dioxide, anthropogenic methane emissions originate from a large variety and number of sources including (but not limited to) oil and gas production, coal mining, fires, agriculture and waste.

A systematic and international effort on atmospheric measurements and emission quantification is needed to inform emission inventories and target mitigation strategies. This session will highlight measurement studies at all scales (from chambers to satellites) that focus on quantification of methane emissions from human activities. Particular emphasis is on studies that aim to (1) demonstrate accurate and repeatable methodologies for measurement of emissions (2) allow attribution of emissions to specific sources and (3) inform stakeholders on mitigation and policy pathways.

Session assets

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room M1

Chairpersons: Anke Roiger, Sven Krautwurst
On-site presentation
Stephen Harris and Stefan Schwietzke and the Nord Stream Co-Authors

The Nord Stream subsea pipeline leaks in September 2022 resulted in an unprecedented amount of methane to be released to the atmosphere. However, the total amount emitted remains ambiguous, reflected in a wide range of pipeline volumetric estimates (bottom-up) and measurement-based (top-down) emissions estimates.

To derive a conclusive estimate of emissions, the United Nations Environment Programme’s International Methane Emissions Observatory (UNEP’s IMEO) has brought together a multitude of research groups spanning several disciplines to synthesise, contextualise and, where possible, reanalyse modelled emissions estimates. In this presentation, we present new pipeline rupture emission rate simulations and compare them with various top-down quantification approaches applied to the Nord Stream pipeline leaks. We show that our simulated bottom-up

emissions are reconciled with airborne, satellite and tall tower estimates over various points throughout the emission event, indicating our cumulative total is a robust estimate of emissions.

UNEP’s IMEO’s approach of synthesising and reanalysing existing data from all available sources assists in overcoming the methodological limitations of the individual approaches and provides a more holistic quantification of methane emissions from the Nord Stream pipeline leaks. This approach demonstrates how sharing data generated from various disciplines and quantification platforms can be used to overcome key assumptions when modelling and quantifying emissions. More generally, this study highlights the benefits of applying diverse measurement approaches to quantifying methane emissions in support of reduction commitments such as the Global Methane Pledge.



1-20 listed in Authors' Affiliations section

21. Deutscher Wetterdienst, Frankfurter Strasse 135, 63067 Offenbach, Germany

22. National Centre for Earth Observation, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), Chilton, UK

23. Remote Sensing Group, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, UK

24. Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institute of Flight Guidance, Braunschweig, Germany

25. Enagás Transporte SAU, Madrid, Spain

26. GHGSat Inc., Montreal, Canada

27. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany

28. National Centre for Earth Observation, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK

29. School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK

30. School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States

31. Key Laboratory of Coastal Environment and Resources of Zhejiang Province, School of Engineering, Westlake University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 310030, China

How to cite: Harris, S. and Schwietzke, S. and the Nord Stream Co-Authors: Synthesis of methane emissions estimates from the Nord Stream subsea pipeline leaks, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20489,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Heidi Huntrieser, Eric Förster, Falk Pätzold, Lutz Bretschneider, Niclas Maier, Jaroslaw Necki, Jakub Bartyzel, Pawel Jagoda, Benjamin Witschas, Anke Roiger, Astrid Lampert, Oman Environmental Services Holding Company (be´ah), and Mark Lunt

Within the framework of the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0), initiated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), companies in the Oil and Gas (O&G) sector have committed to monitor and to reduce their methane (CH4) emissions. Presently, more than 120 companies have joined OGMP 2.0 covering operations in 70 countries around the world, one of which is Oman. Methane is one of the most potent greenhouse gases after carbon dioxide and the focus of worldwide initiatives to combat global warming. This includes UNEP’s International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO), which focuses on improved data collection and delivery not only from O&G, but also from other emission sectors including waste. According to Oman’s latest Biennial Update Report, the solid waste sector is the second largest CH4 emitter behind the O&G sector and represents 15% of Oman’s CH4 emissions. However, until now, no sector-specific measurement-based studies on such emissions exist for Oman.

Here, we present a novel measurement study, supported and funded by UNEP´s IMEO. The approach involves measuring CH4 emissions from both O&G installations and landfills using the unique helicopter-towed probe HELiPOD equipped with in situ CH4 instrumentation complemented by mobile ground-based CH4 measurements. Quantifications of CH4 mass fluxes from individual sources or clusters can be provided from these measurements. The methodology was deployed during the METHANE-To-Go-Oman field experiment lasting from November to December 2023 in collaboration with partners from the O&G and waste industry in Oman. Within four weeks, more than 70 flight hours were successfully flown with a helicopter in the northern and southern parts of Oman, which required a complex setup. For each of the 26 flights, different flight strategies were implemented depending on the wind situation at the probed sites, which was characterized by a continuously running wind lidar. The HELiPOD probe (weight 325 kg, length 5 m) was equipped with a sensor system measuring the 3D wind vector and in situ instrumentation (Picarro G2401-m and Licor-7700) to measure CH4 with a high precision (1 ppb) and temporal resolution (up to 40 Hz), which is necessary for a precise calculation of the CH4 mass flux. An initial overview of the measurements is presented focusing on a showcase from a landfill.

By comparing our collected data (top-down approach) with methane mass flux estimates provided by the industry (bottom-up approach), we aim to assist the involved companies and related governments in prioritizing their methane emission mitigation actions and policies for future endeavours.

How to cite: Huntrieser, H., Förster, E., Pätzold, F., Bretschneider, L., Maier, N., Necki, J., Bartyzel, J., Jagoda, P., Witschas, B., Roiger, A., Lampert, A., (be´ah), O. E. S. H. C., and Lunt, M.: First Initiative in the Arabian Peninsula to Measure Methane Emissions from the Oil & Gas and Waste Sector by a Helicopter Probe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14711,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alina Fiehn, Maximilian Eckl, Tiziana Bräuer, Magdalena Pühl, Neeraj Dapurkar, Klaus-Dirk Gottschaldt, Heinfried Aufmhoff, Lisa Eirenschmalz, Gregor Neumann, Felicitas Sakellariou, Daniel Sauer, Guilherme Ventura, Winne Cadete, Dario Zua, Manuel Xavier, Paulo Correia, and Anke Roiger

Atmospheric methane (CH4) concentrations have more than doubled since the beginning of the industrial age, making CH4 the second most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide (CO2). The oil and gas (O&G) sectors are one of the major anthropogenic CH4 sources accounting for 22% of global anthropogenic CH4 emissions. The METHANE-To-Go Africa (MTGA) scientific aircraft campaign in September 2022 was conducted as part of UNEP’s International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO). During the campaign, we conducted the first large scale methane measurements of the O&G sector in West Africa. The study provides an initial empirical understanding of the magnitude and location of emissions in this important but previously unobserved source region. The emissions of O&G facilities were determined using an aircraft-based mass balance method.

The entire emissions of the Angolan offshore O&G sector and the liquid natural gas (LNG) plant were observed to be in the range of emissions reported by the Angolan operators. This is much less than the estimates from scientific emission inventories like EDGAR and CAMS-GLOB-ANT.

For the regional scale emission estimates, the Angolan O&G facilities are aggregated in blocks, a local operator-wise separation of assets. Most blocks have low emissions of methane. We observed medium emissions at one block and high emissions at two blocks. These three blocks are close to the coast, in shallow water, and the facilities are generally older than further out at sea.

Often the emissions of individual facilities or groups of facilities could be discerned from the mass balance flights. We deduced emission estimates for 31 individual facilities and 10 groups of facilities. The emission estimates on different days are consistent for all facilities, showing little temporal variation. The generally older shallow-water facilities show higher emissions than the deep and ultra-deep water facilities, which have a higher oil production.

The additional trace gases CO2, SO2, NOy and aerosol particles were also observed from the aircraft. This data is used to further investigate the source of CH4 emissions: flaring, fugitives, venting, or burning of fuel gas. The CH4-CO2 ratio indicates that most CH4 emissions result from fugitives and venting, not flaring. Ten different flare exhaust plumes were sampled at close distance. The flaring observations will be further analyzed including information on gas composition from the operators.

Overall, this study gathered a unique dataset in its coverage providing extraordinarily comprehensive measurements of the CH4 emissions from the O&G industry off the coast of West Africa.

How to cite: Fiehn, A., Eckl, M., Bräuer, T., Pühl, M., Dapurkar, N., Gottschaldt, K.-D., Aufmhoff, H., Eirenschmalz, L., Neumann, G., Sakellariou, F., Sauer, D., Ventura, G., Cadete, W., Zua, D., Xavier, M., Correia, P., and Roiger, A.: Aircraft-based mass balance estimate of methane emissions from the offshore oil industry in Angola, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18796,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Foteini Stavropoulou, Katarina Vinković, Piotr Korbeń, Martina Schmidt, Pawel Jagoda, Jaroslav M. Necki, Hossein Maazallahi, Dominik Brunner, Gerrit Kuhlmann, Antonio Delre, Charlotte Scheutz, Stefan Schwietzke, Daniel Zavala-Araiza, Huilin Chen, and Thomas Röckmann and the ROMEO team

Ambitious methane (CH4) emissions mitigation represents one of the most effective opportunities to slow the rate of global warming.  The oil and gas (O&G) sector, a significant source of CH4 emissions, offers technically feasible and cost-effective emission mitigation options. Romania, a key O&G producer within the EU, with the second highest reported CH4 emissions from the energy sector in 2020 can play an important role towards the EU’s emission reduction targets. Based on UNFCCC data, during the period 1990-2019, one of the largest reductions in fugitive CH4 emissions from O&G were observed in Romania. However, the concentrated reduction in mostly a single year raises questions about the true extent of emission reductions. The Romanian Methane Emissions from Oil and Gas (ROMEO) project aimed to characterize CH4 emissions related to onshore O&G production in Romania at a component, facility, and basin scale using a variety of both ground- and airborne-based measurement techniques. In the first phase in 2019 in the southern main oil production region, measured emissions were characterised by heavily skewed distributions, with 10% of the sites accounting for more than 70% of total emissions. Integrating the results from all site-level quantifications, we derive a central estimate of 5.4 kg h–1 site-1 of CH4 (3.6 – 8.4, 95% confidence interval) for oil production sites. Aircraft quantifications from mass balance flights and raster flights, combined with atmospheric modelling, confirm these high emission rates. Based on the site-level results, we estimate a total of 120 ktons CH4 yr–1 (range: 79 - 180 ktons yr–1) from oil production sites in our studied areas. This is approximately 2.5 times higher than the reported emissions from the entire Romanian oil production sector for 2020. During the second phase in 2021, targeting the Transylvanian gas production basin, more emitting sites are observed, but the emission rates per gas production site are lower than those from the oil production sites in the oil production region. Based on the source level characterization, up to three quarters of the detected emissions from oil production sites are related to operational venting. In 2021, following reported repairs by operators to address open vents, additional aircraft flights using a remote sensing method targeting the southern oil production region detected fewer emitting oil production sites. However, there is large uncertainty surrounding the exact magnitude of emissions below the method’s high detection threshold. Additionally, high emissions were observed from large vent stacks that had not been detected with the ground-based measurements in 2019. Our results suggest massive mitigation potential in Romania's O&G production infrastructure by capturing gas and minimizing operational venting and leaks. By synthesizing the findings and data collected across different spatial and temporal scales during the ROMEO campaigns, we can gain better understanding and valuable insights into the true magnitude and distribution of CH4 emissions from Romania's O&G sector. The results of this data integration can allow us to fill critical gaps of missing information and address discrepancies between existing emission inventories and empirical estimates.

How to cite: Stavropoulou, F., Vinković, K., Korbeń, P., Schmidt, M., Jagoda, P., Necki, J. M., Maazallahi, H., Brunner, D., Kuhlmann, G., Delre, A., Scheutz, C., Schwietzke, S., Zavala-Araiza, D., Chen, H., and Röckmann, T. and the ROMEO team: High potential for CH4 emission mitigation from oil infrastructure in one of EU's major production regions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11142,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Matthew Johnson, Bradley Conrad, and David Tyner

Accurate and frequent measurement-based inventories of methane emissions from the upstream oil and gas (UOG) industry are crucial to developing and implementing effective regulations and achieving sustainable mitigation.  Recent advances in the analysis of large-scale survey data have enabled measurement-based basin/jurisdiction-level methane inventories from remote surveys of UOG infrastructure.  Treating like facility or well types as strata within a larger sample and leveraging analytics that consider measurement uncertainties, probabilities of detection, empirical (non-smooth) source distributions, and sample size effects, specific conclusions can be derived in the context of measurement sensitivities and uncertainties.  These analyses provide useful insights to regulators and industry, including but not limited to the individual contributions of equipment types to overall methane emissions.  However, a priori design and optimization of surveys to cost-effectively derive measurement-based inventories and ensure survey coverage can achieve acceptable levels of uncertainty remains a key challenge. 

Here, we present an analysis of data from extensive aerial LiDAR and ground-based surveys of UOG facilities in Western Canada to provide much-needed guidance on source- and facility-specific sampling protocols for the UOG industry.  Insights into the temporal intermittency and variability of source rate magnitudes are derived using a statistically robust method that considers the quantification accuracy and probability of detection function of the aerial instrument.  Results provide important context regarding the required survey coverage of aerially detectable sources (greater than approximately 1 kg/h) to support the development of accurate inventories, defensible frequencies of regulated inspections, and alternative leak detection and repair programs. 

How to cite: Johnson, M., Conrad, B., and Tyner, D.: Aerial Survey Sample Size Requirements for Robust Methane Inventories in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20389,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Itziar Irakulis-Loitxate, Cynthia Randles, Marc Watine-Guiu, Gonzalo Mateo-García, Anna Vaughan, Meghan Demeter, Claudio Cifarelli, Luis Guanter, Joannes D. Maasakkers, Ilse Aben, Tobias A. de Jong, Shubham Sharma, Alexis Groshenry, Quentin Peyle, Antoine Benoit, and Manfredi Caltagirone

UNEP's Methane Alert and Response System (MARS) is a satellite-based system for the detection and mitigation of methane emissions around the world. As part of the International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO), MARS is the first global system connecting satellite methane detection to transparent notification processes intended to trigger mitigation efforts. MARS harnesses state-of-the-art satellite data to identify major emissions, activate its partners to notify relevant stakeholders, and support and track progress toward mitigation.

During the year-long pilot phase, more than 600 plumes from the energy sector were detected with high-resolution satellites, and more than a hundred were notified. In December 2023, MARS entered the nominal phase with the launch of a data portal including information about the plumes detected and notified by MARS. In its current form, MARS is focused on the detection of strong point sources (~>1 ton/h) from the oil and gas production sector, but the system is expected to develop and integrate observations from new satellites as they become available and extend to the notification of smaller sources, also from other sectors such as coal mining, waste, or agriculture.

In this contribution, we will provide a brief overview of the MARS satellite-based plume detection and monitoring system, with the updates made since the launch of the nominal phase. Furthermore, we will describe some examples of real source detection and notification efforts and discuss the next steps planned for MARS in 2024.

How to cite: Irakulis-Loitxate, I., Randles, C., Watine-Guiu, M., Mateo-García, G., Vaughan, A., Demeter, M., Cifarelli, C., Guanter, L., Maasakkers, J. D., Aben, I., de Jong, T. A., Sharma, S., Groshenry, A., Peyle, Q., Benoit, A., and Caltagirone, M.: UNEP's Methane Alert and Response System (MARS): current status, new developments and case studies, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16048,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Steffen Vanselow, Oliver Schneising, Michael Buchwitz, Heinrich Bovensmann, Hartmut Boesch, and John P. Burrows

Methane (CH4) is an important anthropogenic greenhouse gas and its rising concentration in the atmosphere contributes significantly to global warming. A comparatively small number of highly emitting persistent methane sources is responsible for a large share of global methane emissions. Methane sources often show large uncertainties regarding their emissions or locations, especially at local scales, making their detection and quantification inevitable to support mitigating climate change.

The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) onboard on the Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) satellite, launched in October 2017, provides measurements of the column-averaged dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (XCH4) with a daily global coverage and a high spatial resolution of up to  km2, enabling the detection and quantification of localized methane sources.

We developed a fully automated algorithm to detect regions with persistent methane enhancement and to quantify their emissions using a monthly XCH4 TROPOMI dataset from the years 2018-2021, generated with the WFM-DOAS retrieval algorithm, developed at the University of Bremen. The detection process comprises several steps, including an analysis of the monthly dataset, where we first characterize each region by several quantities, such as the number of months in which the region shows a methane enhancement, and then marking the regions that fulfill the defined persistence criteria. We detect more than 200 potential persistent source regions (PPSRs), which account for about 20 % of the total bottom-up emissions. By comparing the PPSRs in a spatial analysis with anthropogenic and natural emission databases we attribute one of the following source types to each detected region: coal, oil and gas, other anthropogenic sources (such as landfills or agriculture), wetlands, or unknown. Many of the detected regions are well-known methane source regions, like large oil and gas fields (e.g., Permian Basin in the USA, Galkynish and Dauletabad in Turkmenistan), coal mining areas (e.g., Bowen Basin in Australia, Upper Silesia Coal Basin in Poland), regions including large urban cities (Dhaka in Bangladesh, Mumbai in India, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil) or wetland areas (e.g., Pantanal in Brazil, Sudd in South Sudan).

In this presentation, the algorithm and some results, including a global overview of the detected regions and a more detailed analysis for some of the regions, are presented.  

How to cite: Vanselow, S., Schneising, O., Buchwitz, M., Bovensmann, H., Boesch, H., and Burrows, J. P.: Automated detection of regions with persistently enhanced methane concentrations using Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite data , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10722,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alana Ayasse, Daniel Cusworth, and Riley Duren

Methane super emitters are gaining importance for methane emission mitigation due to initiatives like the EPA’s Super Emitter Response Program. In addition, a variety of new methane plume-mapping sensors are coming online (e.g., Carbon Mapper/Planet Tanager, EnMAP, PRISMA, EMIT, GHGSat, MethaneSat). These sensors all have the capability to map and measure super emitters, therefore it is critical that we have robust methods to characterize the performance of individual sensors and to combine observations from multiple sensors. In this study we use coincident data from the EMIT instruments and an airborne imaging spectrometer to demonstrate the performance of EMIT and to test methods for multi-sensor observations. We use these data to constrain a Probability of Detection (POD) model for EMIT. We demonstrate that under favorable conditions the 90% probability of detection for EMIT is 700 kg/hr and the 10% probability of detection is 275 kg/hr. We also offer a new framework for how sensors with dramatically different detection limits, such as an airborne imaging spectrometer and EMIT, can be combined to accurately measure persistence and emission rates for individual sources that are observed by multiple instruments. 

How to cite: Ayasse, A., Cusworth, D., and Duren, R.: Coincident Airborne and Satellite Acquisitions of Methane Plumes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11178,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Rakesh Yuvaraj, Thomas Lauvaux, Philippe Ciais, Jean-Louis Bonne, Lilian Joly, Alexis Groshenry, and Antoine Ba

With the rapid expansion of high-resolution satellite imagers collecting methane plume images across the globe, emissions assessment has been performed using Gaussian plume approaches, mass-balance estimations, or flux divergence methods. But many plumes of methane sampled by space borne imagers present complex features due to topography, to the presence of infrastructures, or to discontinuous turbulent structures inherent to the near-surface atmospheric dynamics. We present here the results from a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model to study and to analyse methane emissions from point sources using the Fire Dynamics Simulation (FDS) model. High-resolution models like FDS allow to include the terrain characteristics, buildings, canopy cover, and use the real-time weather (re-analyses or field measurements of 3-D wind conditions) to simulate the observed plumes. In addition, FDS enables the study of the non-linear relationship between emissions and the height of the methane release, the temperature of the decompressed gas, and its mass flow rate.

Controlled released experiments of methane measured by drone are used as a starting point to evaluate our FDS simulations and to perform various sensitivity experiments applied to real-cases (with terrain information from SRTM30, temperature and wind from meteorological ERA-5 re-analyses). We defined the optimal model physics configuration and domain characteristics based on two UAV campaigns (TADI campaigns in 2019 and 2021). The second part of our work is based on controlled releases measured by the high-resolution PRISMA satellite, covering a wide range of methane concentrations under various atmospheric conditions to evaluate the performances of FDS when simulating pressure-weighted columns.

We conclude here that high-resolution atmospheric simulations outperform current approaches when analysing irregular plumes due to uneven terrains, buildings, and canopy. This method helps to improve the quantification of even small methane leaks from different point sources such as oil and gas storage facilities.

How to cite: Yuvaraj, R., Lauvaux, T., Ciais, P., Bonne, J.-L., Joly, L., Groshenry, A., and Ba, A.: High-resolution modelling of methane plumes: validation and sensitivity experiments to explore UAV and satellite observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18958,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: James L. France, Robert Field
On-site presentation
Quentin Taupin, Dirk Schüttemeyer, Marianne Girard, Marvin Knapp, André Butz, Justyna Swolkień, Robert Field, Heidi Huntrieser, Eric Förster, and Gerrit Kuhlmann

Methane is one of the most powerful greenhouse gases that has contributed to about a third of the 2010-2019 global warming relative to the pre-industrial times in 1850-1900. The Upper Silesian Coal Basin in southern Poland is one of the strongest anthropogenic methane (CH4) emitters in Europe, with emissions ranging from 228 to 339 ktCH4yr-1. In that region, ventilation shafts and drainage stations used in coal mines are the main sources of CH4 emissions, of which the mass flows and their sources of uncertainties can be assessed using an adapted version of the Integrated Mass Enhancement (IME) method.

This challenge can be tackled using observations from Fabry-Perot imaging Short Wave InfraRed (SWIR) spectrometers onboard of the GHGSat aircraft and GHGSat satellite constellation. GHGSat acquisitions were made in June and July 2022 during a campaign including other measurements and which was partially funded in the framework of UNEP’s International Methane Emissions Observatory. The GHGSat level-2 data provide full-swath CH4 concentration estimations and filtered CH4 plumes with spatial resolutions < 1.1 m on a swath width < 0.75 km for the aircraft, and < 28 m on a swath width < 12 km for the satellites, both featuring a spectral resolution of 0.1 nm. Furthermore, another version of the methane plumes was generated through a Z-test filter.

These observations were complemented with local wind profile and plume profile observations to estimate the effective wind speed that accounts for the effects of turbulent diffusion in the plume dissipation. This was achieved using two instruments from the University of Heidelberg: a wind lidar measuring the wind profile up to 200 m height at a sampling rate of ~8 seconds and a hyperspectral SWIR camera featuring a 1 min scanning time, a spatial resolution of 0.8 m and a spectral resolution of 7 nm. Since local wind profile measurements are rarely accessible, this study attempted to find a relationship between the effective wind speed for the methane plumes of that region as a function of the wind speed at 10 m height from the ERA5-Land reanalysis (spatial resolution of 9 km and temporal resolution of 1 h).

Finally, a comparison is performed between the methane mass flow estimations derived from GHGSat satellites and aircraft observations with coinciding mass flow estimation from the CH4 safety sensors located inside four of the same ventilation shafts (data collected by AGH University of Kraków) and the hyperspectral camera in June and July 2022. Moreover, another comparison is done with data acquired from a helicopter towed probe (HELiPOD) operated by the DLR and the Technical University of Braunschweig over one of the same shafts in June 2022. While bottom-up inventories may have delays of a few years before being available and require a certain level of trust, satellites can solve these issues through a faster top-down approach but still with relatively high uncertainties and multiple sources. The findings presented in this study can help to quantify the level of contribution from the different sources of uncertainties with high resolution data.

How to cite: Taupin, Q., Schüttemeyer, D., Girard, M., Knapp, M., Butz, A., Swolkień, J., Field, R., Huntrieser, H., Förster, E., and Kuhlmann, G.: Quantifying anthropogenic methane emissions and their uncertainties using very high spatial and spectral resolution satellite and airborne data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11333,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sebastian F. A. Jordan, Stefan Schlömer, Martin Krüger, and Martin Blumenberg

As we are risking to exceed the 1.5-degree target in the next decade, effective measures to cut back greenhouse gas emission are necessary. With this in mind, the global community expressed the necessity to shift away from fossil fuels at COP 28 for the first time in its history. During this transition process, millions of oil and gas wells will be abandoned. However, recent studies found substantial methane emissions from old abandoned wells for example in the USA and Canada. Hence, the establishment of a proper abandonment procedure is necessary. To achieve this, further research of the current situation of abandoned wells in different countries, reasons for well integrity failure and best abandonment practices are inevitable. So far, only about a dozen countries have measured data on methane emissions and even less include it in their yearly greenhouse gas inventory. Germany has about 20,000 abandoned wells, which are generally plugged and buried, however, it is unclear, whether they are emitting methane or not.

Here, we present an overview of two years of closed-chamber methane emission measurements at 59 onshore oil and gas wells in Northern Germany, covering both abandoned exploration and production wells. As the majority of well sites showed no methane leakage, we focus on two oil fields (“Steimbke Nord” and “Nienhagen (-Elwerath)”) with sample sites that showed minor methane emissions of up to ~540 nmol m-2 s-1. Based on a combination of soil gas hydrocarbon concentrations (methane, ethane, and propane) and isotopic methane compositions, we were able to link the methane emissions at three well sites at “Steimbke-Nord” to regionally occurring natural methanogenesis in the overburden (peat). One well at “Nienhagen (-Elwerath)”, however, was characterized by high δ13C-CH4 and a composition of higher hydrocarbons, typical for oil-associated gases and/or biodegraded oil. We will discuss two possible emission sources: (1) well integrity failure and (2) microbial degradation of oil residues from an old oil spill or a drilling mud pit. Furthermore, we will examine the mitigation potential of microbial methane oxidation for methane emissions to the atmosphere. In summary, our data demonstrates the complexity of emission studies on buried abandoned wells and underlines the necessity for a combination of soil gas sampling and flux measurements.

How to cite: Jordan, S. F. A., Schlömer, S., Krüger, M., and Blumenberg, M.: Methane emissions at buried abandoned wells in Northern Germany: sampling strategies, pitfalls, and silver linings, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8005,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jakob Borchardt, Sven Krautwurst, Konstantin Gerilowski, Oke Huhs, Josua Schindewolf, Heinrich Bovensmann, Martin Kumm, Andrew McGrath, Shakti Chakravarty, Wolfgang Junkermann, Jorg Hacker, Mei Bai, Bryce F. J. Kelly, Stephen Harris, Robert Field, Hartmut Bösch, and John P. Burrows

Methane (CH4) is the second most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG), and its emissions reduction has been identified as an essential mitigation target to slow down climate change. According to inventories, fossil fuel production and usage account for roughly 17% of the global CH4  emissions, of which approximately 33% originate from coal mining. Accurate identification of coal mining-related CH4 sources and quantification of their annual emission rate is needed for corporate reporting requirements, national inventory verification, and the development of CH4 mitigation strategies.

A previous study estimated CH4 emissions for six coal mines in the Bowen Basin in Queensland, Australia, using TROPOMI satellite measurements. It covered a sub-area of the Bowen Basin, where coal is mined at over 40 active mining locations distributed over 60,000 km2. The study showed a significant discrepancy compared to inventory estimates by a factor of 7 during 2018 and 2019.

To further verify satellite estimates and improve knowledge of the distribution, persistence, and strength of emissions of this mining region, the Bowen Basin CH4 Mapping (BBCMap) Campaign was conducted in September-October 2023, funded by and performed in collaboration with UNEP's International Methane Emissions Observatory. During this campaign, two HK36 Eco-Dimona research aircraft carrying complementary sensing instrumentation were deployed. The MAMAP2D-Light (Methane Airborne MAPper 2D – Light) imaging spectrometer for estimating atmospheric CH4 and CO2 column anomalies and a lidar for topography scans were deployed on one DIMONA HK36 research aircraft, while the second identical aircraft was equipped with an in-situ payload consisting of an LGR OA-ICOS gas analyser for simultaneous measurements of atmospheric CH4, CO2, and water vapor concentrations, a turbulence probe for wind statistics, and a bag sampler for collecting multiple gas samples during each flight for later 13C isotope analyses in the laboratory. This two-aircraft strategy allowed coordinated measurements of CH4 emissions from different coal mines with both remote sensing and in-situ instruments and simultaneous wind measurements, which is essential for deriving a robust flux estimate.

During the campaign, 39 flights were conducted, covering approximately 33 mines across roughly 20,000 km2, focussing on the northern part of the Bowen Basin. Preliminary MAMAP2D-Light measurements of atmospheric CH4 column anomalies and emission estimates for both open-cut and underground coal mines will be presented and discussed.

How to cite: Borchardt, J., Krautwurst, S., Gerilowski, K., Huhs, O., Schindewolf, J., Bovensmann, H., Kumm, M., McGrath, A., Chakravarty, S., Junkermann, W., Hacker, J., Bai, M., Kelly, B. F. J., Harris, S., Field, R., Bösch, H., and Burrows, J. P.: BBCMap 2023: Assessing methane emissions from open-cut and underground coal mining in eastern Australia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17580,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Zhonghua He, Zhao-cheng Zeng, Ling Gao, and Miao Liang

Satellite-based detection of methane (CH4) point sources is crucial in identifying and mitigating anthropogenic emissions of CH4, a potent greenhouse gas. Previous studies have indicated the presence of CH4 point source emissions from coal mines in Shanxi, China, an important source region with large CH4 emissions, but a comprehensive survey has remained elusive. This study aims to conduct a survey of CH4 point sources over Shanxi's coal mines based on observations of the Advanced HyperSpectral Imager (AHSI) on board the Gaofen-5B satellite (GF-5B/AHSI) between 2021 and 2023. The spectral shift in center wavelength and change in full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) are estimated for all spectra channels, which are used as inputs for retrieving the enhancement of column-averaged dry-air mole fraction of CH4 (ΔXCH4) using a matched-filter based algorithm. Our results show that the spectral calibration on GF-5B/AHSI reduced estimation biases of emission flux rate by up to 5.0%. We applied the flood-fill algorithm to automatically extract emission plumes from ΔXCH4 maps. We adopted the integrated mass enhancement (IME) model to estimate the emission flux rate values from each CH4 point source. Consequently, we detected CH4 point sources in 32 coal mines with 93 plume events in Shanxi province. The estimated emission flux rate ranges from 857.67 ± 207.34 kg·h-1 to 14333.02 ± 5249.32 kg·h-1. The total emission flux rate reaches 13.26 t·h-1 in Shanxi, assuming all point sources emit simultaneously. Our results show that wind speed is the dominant source of uncertainty contributing about 84.84% to the total uncertainty in emission flux rate estimation. Interestingly, we found a number of false positive detections due to solar panels that are widely spread in Shanxi. This study also evaluates the accuracy of wind fields in ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis by comparing with ground-based meteorological station. We found large discrepancy, especially in wind direction, suggesting incorporating local meteorological measurements into the study CH4 point source are important to achieve high accuracy. The study demonstrates that GF-5B/AHSI possesses capabilities for monitoring large CH4 point sources over complex surface characteristics in Shanxi. 

How to cite: He, Z., Zeng, Z., Gao, L., and Liang, M.: A survey of methane point source emissions from coal mines in Shanxi province of China using AHSI on board Gaofen-5B, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1632,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Imrul Kayes, Md Abdul Halim, Debra Wunch, and Sean Thomas

Urban areas are at the forefront of climate change impacts, with cities being responsible for ~75% of global GHG emissions. Methane, a GHG 80 times more potent than CO2, is significantly emitted from a range of urban sources including biogenic (e.g., landfills, drainage channels, and wetlands) and abiogenic (e.g., transportation, compressor stations, and oil and gas leaks). The real-time monitoring and precise identification of methane sources are crucial for targeted mitigation and the development of climate-resilient urban planning.

While mobile methane analyzer systems for monitoring methane have been deployed in European and North American cities, their use in densely populated tropical megacities with inferior infrastructure, like Dhaka, Bangladesh, is limited. This limitation obstructs a comprehensive understanding and mitigation of methane emissions on a global scale. Dhaka stands as the world's seventh most populous city, is acutely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and contends with extreme air pollution, ranking within the most polluted 1% of cities globally. Satellite imagery has persistently revealed a dense methane cloud above Dhaka, but the precise sources and extent of these emissions remain largely uncharted. Moreover, the potential methane sources in Dhaka may vary from those in other cities. Identifying and measuring these specific sources is imperative for formulating effective mitigation strategies.

In pursuit of this goal, we conducted a comprehensive ground-based mobile survey aimed to identify and quantify methane emissions in Dhaka, offering an intricate spatial and temporal emission profile of various urban sources. Using a human-propelled tri-wheeler equipped with a mobile gas analyzer system, we measured real-time CH4 concentrations across ~1300 km during 38 surveys conducted in the winter and summer of 2023. The vehicle also featured a mobile weather station and GPS logger, recording plume locations alongside meteorological data. From the methane plumes identified, we directly measured methane flux from urban soils, drainages, wastewater channels, landfills, and wetlands. We created methane emission maps using spatial interpolation, determined plume characteristics with the Gaussian dispersion model, and computed emission rates from diverse urban sources using a flux calculation algorithm.

Preliminary findings show that average near-ground methane levels in Dhaka were 5.75 ppm (range: 2.04–309 ppm) in winter and 4.29 ppm (range: 2.05–230 ppm) in summer 2023, markedly surpassing the global background level of ~2.0 ppm, with frequent local spikes above 100 ppm. Our research reveals that in contrast to other global cities, biogenic sources are the dominant methane contributors in Dhaka, succeeded by gas leaks from pipelines and CNG stations. Urban wastewater channels and landfills emerge as the principal biogenic emitters, with substantial contributions from urban canals, wetlands, and soils in developed wetlands. Measurements at a major landfill indicated a methane emission rate of ~500 nmol.m-2s-1, and even the capped landfill a decade post-closure emit methane at notable rates (~9.4 nmol.m-2s-1), indicating they are the significant contributor of the methane cloud observed over Dhaka. These results emphasize the urgent need for targeted mitigation strategies that focus on the primary sources identified, to effectively tackle methane emissions in tropical megacities like Dhaka.

How to cite: Kayes, I., Halim, M. A., Wunch, D., and Thomas, S.: Demystifying the methane clouds over Dhaka, Bangladesh, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12408,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Charlotte Scheutz, Anders Fredenslund, and Peter Kjeldsen

Scheutz1, A. M. Fredenslund, P. Kjeldsen

1Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering, Building 115, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs, Lyngby, Denmark.

Methane – a potent greenhouse gas - is emitted from several different treatment plants in the waste sector such as landfills, anaerobic digestion, composting, and wastewater treatment. Emissions vary in time and space and are highly dynamic. The sources are often complex consisting of many different unit processes at the treatment plant e.g. wastewater treatment plants and cover a large area e.g. landfills. Emission can thus occur from local point sources, leakages or hotspots. As an example, investigations have shown that for landfills emission rates can vary up to seven orders of magnitude within a few meters distance and that 50-70% of the total emission comes from a minor area (<5%) of the landfill. Quantification of these fugitive emissions are challenging, however measurement methods to identify local point sources and to quantify whole plant emissions are key in mitigating these direct emissions and documenting future reduction targets.

A well-established, validated, measuring method is the tracer gas dispersion method (TDM) which can quantify methane emissions at the facility level. The method relies on continuous, controlled release of a gaseous tracer at the source combined with downwind measurements of concentration of target gas (e.g. methane) and tracer gas (often acetylene). This method is well-established, validated, and has been used to quantify fugitive methane emissions from various sources such as landfills, composting plants, biogas plants, oil and gas, etc. The method has been applied at several facilities to determine emission rates, emission factors and mitigation efficiencies.

Three application cases will be presented:

  • A landfill study focusing on determination of gas collection efficiencies and fulfillment of future reduction targets carried out at 23 Danish landfills.
  • A landfill study presenting methane mitigation efficiencies of a new biocover technology implemented at 22 sites
  • A biogas study quantifying methane emissions and losses at 69 Danish biogas plants

Combined the cases will illustrate how measurement can be used to determine emission rates, set emission reduction targets and document fulfillment.


Fredenslund, A.M., Gudmundsson, E., Falk, J.M., Scheutz, C., 2023. The Danish national effort to minimise methane emissions from biogas plants. Waste Management, 157, 15, 321-329.

Duan, Z., Kjeldsen, P., Scheutz, C. 2022. Efficiency of gas collection systems at Danish landfills and implications for regulations. Waste Management, 139, 269-278.


How to cite: Scheutz, C., Fredenslund, A., and Kjeldsen, P.: Methane emission quantification and reduction within the waste sector, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19967,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jamie McQuilkin, Hugo Ricketts, and Grant Allen

New developments in the availability of precision robotics, battery technology, and miniaturised sensors have enabled hitherto impossible techniques in emissions quantification. Airborne drones can now retrieve a dense plane of gas concentration measurements in the cross-section of an advecting plume in a matter of minutes, revealing its structure, density, and variability. When interpolated spatiotemporally, and combined with wind measurements, a simple Eulerian mass balance model can be used to estimate emissions flux relatively quickly, with the potential to repeat measurements many times in a day to constrain uncertainty and characterise source dynamics. 

The drone mass balance method offers a cost-effective, precise, and flexible approach to measuring complex emitting sources that are otherwise challenging to monitor, at rates as low as 0.1 kg/h. Due to this, the method has received significant attention from industry and regulators in the context of the urgent need to understand and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane. Its general applicability reaches wider, most notably to volcanology and other hazardous emission sources. 

However, as yet there is no consistent method of conducting drone mass balance, and different approaches in analysis of even the same data can lead to significant discrepancies in emissions estimates. This has thus far hindered the method's credibility, comparability, and regulatory uptake. 

We offer here a proposal for a protocol, based on more than ten years of flux method development, presented in a real-world context with results from campaigns and controlled release tests across Europe. The issues discussed will include best practices in flight planning, signal processing, interpolation, measurement and estimation of wind fields, sensor precision; and the ever-present issue of environmental sciences: how many replicates is sufficient. 

How to cite: McQuilkin, J., Ricketts, H., and Allen, G.: From novelty to norm: towards standardising drone quantification of gas emissions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-932,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Donya Ghasemi, Chelsea Fougère, Afshan Khaleghi, Jordan Stuart, Rebecca Martino, Evelise Bourlon, and David Risk

Canada is committed to reducing methane emissions by 50% below 2020 levels by 2030 in alignment with the Global Methane Pledge. The waste sector accounts for 23% of Canada’s methane emissions, and accurate estimations of current emissions from landfill sites are needed to guide mitigation efforts. In 2022, we conducted a cross-Canada aircraft-based methane measurement campaign in collaboration with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and the UNEP’s International Methane Emission Observatory (IMEO). We used a Twin Otter equipped with high-speed gas analyzers and meteorological measurement sensors, which was flown in ascending loops, downwind transects, or both in combination, at 27 active and inactive municipal solid waste landfills in Ontario and Québec, Canada. Mass balance flux estimates were generated using the Top-Down Emission Rate Retrieval Algorithm. Additional mass balance measurements were made by Scientific Aviation using a similar approach based on Gauss’s theorem. A Gaussian dispersion model was used at other sites where conditions were unsuitable for mass balance. We were also able to compare some results to an independent truck-based measurement campaign of the same sites. Most mass balance measurements fell within a factor of ~3 with Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program data submitted by industry operators, showing reasonable correspondence within expected variability to atmospheric pressure changes and other weather variables.

The research indicated that aircraft estimates were consistently higher than those derived from trucks. This implies a possible underestimation in truck measurements, particularly during sunny, low-wind conditions when the thermal lift of landfill CH4 plumes is notable. On the other hand, Gaussian dispersion model estimates were higher and more variable than mass balance-based methane emission rate estimates. We also compared our mass balance estimates to a First Order Decay landfill model used by the Environment and Climate Change Canada Waste Reduction for planning purposes, and we found that the model often overestimated emissions. These measurement-based estimates contribute to a refined understanding of methane emissions from Canadian landfills and provide valuable data for regulatory planning purposes.

How to cite: Ghasemi, D., Fougère, C., Khaleghi, A., Stuart, J., Martino, R., Bourlon, E., and Risk, D.: Aerial Assessment of Methane Emissions from Canadian Landfills, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9675,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Paul Waldmann, Maximilian Eckl, Klaus-Dirk Gottschaldt, Leon Knez, Eric Förster, Christian Mallaun, Thomas Röckmann, Ronald Hutjes, Huilin Chen, Christoph Gerbig, Michal Galkowski, Christoph Kiemle, and Anke Roiger

Agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) release is the most dominant anthropogenic emission sector of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), therefore contribute significantly to global warming. However, there are large uncertainties in both, top-down and bottom-up emission estimates especially on the regional scale. Process models have difficulties to properly reproduce the complexity of the underlying GHG formation processes. In addition, the complicated measurement conditions, such as large areas, strong temporal variability and the spatial heterogeneity caused by the variety of agricultural emitters, makes measurements challenging. Hence the data situation is sparse. With regard to effective mitigation guidelines, observations with innovative measurement techniques are urgently needed in order to improve process-based models and therefore leading to a better understanding of agricultural GHG emissions.

Here we present first results of the in-situ aircraft campaign GHG Monitoring (GHGMon), which took place in June 2023 in the Netherlands, the world’s second largest exporter of agricultural products and thus one of the most prominent hotspots of associated N2O and CH4 emissions. The main objective of the campaign was to investigate agricultural emissions in this important source region and to provide a basis for the evaluation of bottom-up estimates. To this end, we setup a new eddy-covariance measurement system, based on a Quantum Cascade Laser Spectrometer and suitable for the direct and continuous airborne measurement of N2O and CH4 fluxes - to our knowledge, a novelty for N2O. A total of 14 scientific research flights (45 hours) were conducted with the DLR research aircraft Cessna C208-B Grand Caravan to investigate the GHG fluxes of a variety of agricultural emitters under different meteorological conditions. The flight patterns were optimized for the eddy covariance measurement principle and to evaluate and optimize the new measurement system and to quantify this important source region. The gathered dataset will enable unique insights into the agricultural emissions of the Netherlands and will enable the evaluation of bottom-up emission estimates including process-based models.

We show that derived fluxes were consistent for repeated legs over the same target areas and during similar meteorological conditions, even on different days, indicating that our measurement approach is robust and reliable. In contrast, under different meteorological conditions, we observed different fluxes, e.g. N2O fluxes after rainfall following on a drought period were multiple times larger than during the drought. There were also large differences measured between the emissions of diverse agricultural subsectors (cattle vs. crops vs. swine). Preliminary turbulent fluxes of 0 – 0.3 gm-2d-1(CH4) and of 0 – 0.05 gm-2d-1(N2O) where found during GHGMon, which in a next step will be compared to available inventories, such as the Netherlands national inventory. Our measurements demonstrate the usefulness of the airborne eddy covariance method to study agricultural N2O and CH4 emissions on a regional scale and to evaluate process models.

How to cite: Waldmann, P., Eckl, M., Gottschaldt, K.-D., Knez, L., Förster, E., Mallaun, C., Röckmann, T., Hutjes, R., Chen, H., Gerbig, C., Galkowski, M., Kiemle, C., and Roiger, A.: Quantifying agricultural CH4 and N2O emissions of the Netherlands using a novel airborne eddy-covariance measurements system: First results of the GHGMon campaign in June 2023, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19467,, 2024.


Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X5

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 14:00–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairperson: James L. France
Andreea Calcan, Daniel Zavala-Araiza, Manfredi Caltagirone, James Lawrence France, Stefan Schwietzke, Cynthia Randles, Marci Baranski, Robert Field, Stephen Harris, Alba Lorente, Itziar Irakulis Loitxate, Luis Guanter, Mark Lunt, Xuefei Li, Nataly Velandia, Chenchen Lin, Maria Villadoma, Kari Volkmann-Carlsen, and Steven P. Hamburg

Accurate and measurement-based methane data is urgently needed by countries to support science-based policy for the achievement of their methane reduction ambitions. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)’s International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) is responding to this need by collecting and integrating diverse methane emissions data streams, one of which is data from Methane Science Studies funded by IMEO.  

IMEO’s Methane Science Studies (MSS) are making a difference through funding methane measurement studies and collaborating with scientists worldwide. The overarching aim of the MSS is to close the knowledge gaps and improve the understanding of the locations and magnitude of methane emissions across sectors, especially in regions where there is limited or no publicly available data. The studies have initially focused on the oil and gas sector but are now branching out into other anthropogenic sectors. By Jan 2024, IMEO has launched 35 studies around the world with 32 academic/research institutions and 22 peer-reviewed papers published so far. In Europe alone, IMEO has initiated 8 studies in countries including Romania, Poland, Germany, France, Netherlands, Norway, and the UK. 

In this presentation, we will provide an overview of i) the current scope of IMEO Methane Science Studies ii) key study achievements and findings of the completed studies, and iii) potential opportunities and resources for interested research institutes.

How to cite: Calcan, A., Zavala-Araiza, D., Caltagirone, M., France, J. L., Schwietzke, S., Randles, C., Baranski, M., Field, R., Harris, S., Lorente, A., Irakulis Loitxate, I., Guanter, L., Lunt, M., Li, X., Velandia, N., Lin, C., Villadoma, M., Volkmann-Carlsen, K., and Hamburg, S. P.: Empowering global methane policy through science: actionable data from the International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) methane science studies , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19331,, 2024.

Thara Anna Mathew, Dhanyalekshmi K Pillai, Monish V Deshpande, Vishnu Thilakan, and Sanjid Backer Kanakkassery

Methane is emitted by several anthropogenic source sectors, including livestock, oil and gas systems, coal mining, landfills, wastewater treatment, rice cultivation and natural sources such as wetlands. The short lifetime and considerable global warming potential make methane an immediate target for reducing global warming. The existing bottom-up methods relate emissions to source region activities, but significant uncertainties exist when emissions are derived at regional or local scales. In this context, satellite observations of atmospheric methane concentrations can be helpful for improving the inventory information by using additional constraints from atmospheric distributions. In the present study, we use the column-averaged dry-air mixing ratio of methane (XCH4) from  TROPOMI (Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument) on the ESA Copernicus Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite to infer India’s CH4 emissions. We establish the potential of these retrievals to quantify methane emission hotspots and to improve the emission estimates over the Indian subcontinent. The Eulerian model Weather Research Forecast (WRF) coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem-GHG) simulations has been used for the forward  transport simulations of atmospheric methane. The inversion studies introduced will enable us to improve the existing anthropogenic emission estimates available in the Indian region.

How to cite: Mathew, T. A., Pillai, D. K., Deshpande, M. V., Thilakan, V., and Kanakkassery, S. B.: Assessing the potential of TROPOMI measurements to improve regional methane emission estimates over India, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17288,, 2024.

Bradley Matthews, Andreas Luther, Enrichetta Fasano, Haoyue Tang, Kathiravan Meeran, Simon Leitner, Andrea Watzinger, Jia Chen, and Helmut Schume

Like other cities across the globe, Vienna has announced an ambitious climate target of reaching net zero emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) by 2040. Developing and implementing appropriate urban polices and measures to reach this goal requires robust understanding and quantification of the emissions of all GHGs, including Methane (CH4). According to the Austrian provincial emission inventory (Bundesländer Luftschadstoff-Inventur) that sets the current baseline for Vienna’s planned emission reductions, CH4 emissions contribute only ca. 1% of the city’s total GHG budget (87 of 8387 kt CO2eq in 2021; 100-year global warming potential). However, urban sources of methane are associated with large uncertainties (e.g. leaks from gas distribution networks, post-meter fugitive emissions) with inventories often producing substantial underestimations of these emissions. The Vienna Urban Carbon Laboratory is currently investigating the CH4 budget of Austria’s capital city with local atmospheric observations of turbulent fluxes and total column mole fractions. Since May 2022, CH4 fluxes are being measured at the Arsenal radio tower using an eddy covariance system installed 144 m above the city.  Furthermore, between May and July 2022, a parallel measurement campaign with four ground-based, sun-viewing FTIR spectrometers (EM27/SUN) was conducted to measure horizontal gradients in total column CH4 mole fractions. This conference contribution will discuss the temporal and spatial patterns in the CH4 fluxes derived directly from eddy covariance observations so far, as well as the inverse estimates of summer CH4 emissions from the EM27/SUN observations. The two independent, observation-based methods will provide robust, and policy-relevant indications on the potential accuracy (or potential bias) in Vienna’s CH4 inventory.

How to cite: Matthews, B., Luther, A., Fasano, E., Tang, H., Meeran, K., Leitner, S., Watzinger, A., Chen, J., and Schume, H.: Investigating Vienna’s methane budget with local observations of turbulent fluxes and total column mole fractions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12294,, 2024.

Mustafa Hmoudah, Eduard Ghiorghiu, and Calin Baciu

Methane (CH4), a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) with a relatively short atmospheric lifetime, is important for mitigation actions to bring a near-term climate advantage.

Although urban areas cover <2% of the Earth’s surface, they host over half of the world’s population, and at the same time, they are associated with a high degree of uncertainty regarding CH4 emissions.

Studies of methane emissions in urban areas usually estimate gas leaks from natural gas and oil production sites, domestic natural gas networks, combustion systems, and landfills. However, according to recently published studies, the sewer and urban aquatic systems have become the focus of CH4 emission investigations, which show urban areas as a hybrid system for CH4 emissions. Nevertheless, CH4 sources in urban areas are still poorly understood and require further investigation. Moreover, the Romanian national GHG inventory did not report urban area emissions of CH4.

Our study aims at the preliminary identification of urban sources for CH4 emissions in Cluj-Napoca, the second-biggest city in Romania, based on a simple detection of gas leaks.

Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS), with a resolution of 0.1 ppmv, was used to determine the atmospheric concentrations of gas at different points of potential CH4 sources around the city. Also, gas from water samples was analyzed via head-space extraction. In addition, isotopic analysis was performed on samples collected from different systems in the urban area.

This study has revealed that CH4 emissions come from multiple sources, including traffic, leaks from the natural gas distribution network, and the sewer system. It has also pointed out that the aquatic ecosystem is oversaturated with CH4, which represents a hotspot for water-atmospheric exchange.

How to cite: Hmoudah, M., Ghiorghiu, E., and Baciu, C.: Urban Areas as a Hybrid System for Methane Emissions to the Atmosphere, Case Study: Cluj-Napoca (ROMANIA), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15034,, 2024.

Thomas Moore, Sri Hapsari Budisulistiorini, Marvin Shaw, David Carslaw, and James Lee

Reducing fugitive emissions from natural gas networks is an important area to consider for future management of a country's methane emissions. The main problem with reducing these emissions comes from locating where leaks are commonly occurring, in order to determine which areas should be prioritised for replacing ageing or leaky pipes. This problem is especially relevant in the United Kingdom which has an extensive but ageing natural gas network. Two cities in the UK of varying sizes were selected in order to conduct vehicle-based measurement campaigns in summer and winter with a three-fold method to detect natural gas leaks; locating methane enhancements using 1Hz methane measurements; determining which areas had a recurring methane enhancement; confirming if these enhancements are natural gas emissions by use of ratios of other components contained within the natural gas mixture. This information can then be used to quantify the detected natural gas leaks and compare these to existing inventories.

How to cite: Moore, T., Budisulistiorini, S. H., Shaw, M., Carslaw, D., and Lee, J.: Using mobile measurements of methane to detect natural gas leaks in two medium sized UK cities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5170,, 2024.

Jade Boutot and Mary Kang

Millions of oil and gas wells are abandoned and orphaned around the world. Due to funding shortfalls, many abandoned and orphaned wells remain unplugged and are negatively impacting the environment and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane. To reduce emissions and environmental impacts, the wells are required to be plugged, but the well sites can be repurposed for wind and solar energy and/or the wells itself can be redeveloped for geothermal energy production. To quantify methane emissions and identify opportunities for repurposing abandoned and orphaned wells and well sites for renewable energy development, we analyze public oil and gas well data from governmental agencies of documented abandoned and orphaned wells in Canada and the United States. We estimate the total number of abandoned and orphaned wells in Canada and the United States to be 3,500,602, of which 4% are orphaned and in need of government funding. We estimate plugging costs for orphaned wells in the United States to exceed federal funding by 30%-80%. For abandoned and orphaned wells, we quantify methane emissions at the national and state/provincial/territorial level and potential emission reductions achieved through plugging. Furthermore, to evaluate mitigation and redevelopment opportunities, we analyze geographic locations of abandoned and orphaned wells with national maps of renewable energy potential (geothermal, wind, and solar) and land cover/land use in Canada and the United States. Mitigating oil and gas wells can help fulfill national energy transition goals and emission reduction targets, while providing an additional funding stream to manage the millions of abandoned and orphaned wells around the world. 

How to cite: Boutot, J. and Kang, M.: Reducing methane emissions from documented abandoned and orphaned oil and gas wells in Canada and the United States , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17888,, 2024.

Martin Blumenberg, Sebastian Jordan, Martin Krüger, and Stefan Schlömer

Abandoned oil and gas wells (O&G) are typically buried in Germany and thus a characterization of potential leakages is challenging. An industrial peat site in Steimbke (Northern Germany), which includes numerous buried oil wells, is an excellent area for studying the effects and challenges. In these peats, methane with an isotopic signature characteristic for a biogenic formation is highly abundant and likely consumed in large quantities by aerobic methanotrophic bacteria (MOB). These data underline the high complexity of characterising potential O&G well leakages (see also presentation of Sebastian Jordan et al.), but also indicate a high methane oxidizing capacity at peat sites in Germany and other comparable areas in Northern Europe.

Here, we present soil gas and lipid-biomarker data on the aerobic methane oxidizing community at Steimbke. We found that methane oxidation rates (MOx), as well as lipids typical for MOB, were enhanced at places, where high natural methane concentrations occurred. As typical lipids for MOB we studied phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) and observed an increase of unsaturated PLFA with 16 and 18 carbon atoms with a likely unsaturation at the Δ8 position. These PLFA are typical for MOB-clusters of the Type II (α-proteobacteria) and Type I (γ-proteobacteria), respectively (e.g., Bowman et al., 1991; Nichols et al., 1985). Without PLFA concentrations being conclusive on the relative abundance of bacterial groups, our data argue for that both types are actively oxidizing methane in the Steimbke peats.

We also analysed the carbon isotopic fractionation factor of methane oxidation in the lab and modelled the isotopic behaviour of methane and CO2. Both were directly linked and demonstrate an ε of ~ -31 ‰ for methane (acc. Feisthauer et al., 2011). This is at the upper end of the known range of ε, which were previously reported between -3 and -39 ‰ for MOx (Templeton et al., 2006). Transferring the assessed fractionation factor to our field data and assuming MOx being responsible for the low methane emissions in the field, methane passing the MOB-layer should be substantially enriched in 13C during methane oxidation. Methane concentrations at the soil-atmosphere interface, however, were mostly too low for isotopic measurements. Only at a few sampling site, methane δ13C values could be determined, not showing a significant 13C enrichment. Thus, we assume this methane has likely bypassed the MOB layer. All in all, our data on the positive correlation of potential MOx and methane concentrations suggest that the microbial community can adapt, e.g., to a leaking O&G well. Thus, a shifting microbial community would help to mitigate methane emissions to the atmosphere. However, there were indications that high fluxes could bypass this biological methane filter.

  • Bowman et al. (1991) FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 85, 15-22.
  • Feisthauer et al. (2011). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 75, 1173-1184.
  • Nichols et al. (1985) FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 0, 327-335.
  • Templeton et al. (2006) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 70, 1739-1752.

How to cite: Blumenberg, M., Jordan, S., Krüger, M., and Schlömer, S.: Evidence from lipid biomarkers and the methane isotope fraction factor for the methane-degrading community in a peatland with abandoned oil wells (Northern Germany), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7457,, 2024.

Combustion Efficiency and Methane Emission Rate of Flares Subjected to Crosswind
(withdrawn after no-show)
Milad Mohammadikharkeshi, Damon Burtt, Alexis D. Tanner, Brian Crosland, Gregory A. Kopp, and Matthew R. Johnson
Noni van Ettinger, Steven van Heuven, and Huilin Chen

Avoiding unnecessary methane (CH4) emissions is an easy way to mitigate the effects of
climate change, since methane has a higher global warming potential and a shorter lifetime
compared to carbon dioxide (CO2) and often no purpose is served with the flaring. Flaring is
the disposal of associated gas by combustion. In some cases, the flaring is unavoidable to
ensure the safety of the personnel, while in other instances flaring can easily be avoided,
resulting in unnecessary emissions. Yearly, approximately 140 billion cubic meters is flared
globally. With a destruction rate efficiency (DRE) of 98%, this results in yearly GHGs emission
of 315 Mt of CO2 and 1.4 Mt of CH4 (or 315 Mt and 42 Mt of CO2 equivalent). It is speculated
that the DRE of flares in operation is generally lower. For example, Plant et al. 2022 found a
DRE of 91% across three oil basins in the United States using an aircraft-based study.
However, there is still a lack of experimental data from other countries and on facility-scale.
In this research, the active AirCore system described by Andersen et al. 2018 was improved
and used to determine the flaring efficiency from gas flares in the Netherlands. An in-situ
CO2 sensor was added to obtain an in-flight signal allowing to reliably sample the entire
cross section of the plume. To test the system, it was used during two separate campaigns
in the Netherlands. The flaring (by a Dutch national gas grid operator) is a routine part of
scheduled infrastructure maintenance. The operator’s mobile flaring unit has been
specifically designed for high-efficiency combustion. In the flare plume, we observed a DRE
of 99.7% ± 0.2%. However, the last 1.2 bar absolute (of 40) that remains in the gas pipes is
vented and decreases the methane emission mitigation efficacy (MEME) of the operator’s
procedure with 3%. Additionally, using the in-situ sensor we were able to determine the CO2
fluxes from flaring during the campaigns which equated to a CH4 burn rate of 1240 ± 300
m3/h over three different flights, which agrees with the nominal burn rate of 1200 m3/h. This
shows that the system can characterize flaring efficiency and emissions well, which provides
us the capability to use the system in future flaring campaigns where the gas flushing rate is
still unknown.

Andersen, T., Scheeren, B., Peters, W., Chen, H. (2018). A UAV-based active Aircore system for
measurements of greenhouse gases. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 2683-2699,
Plant, G., Kort, E. A., Brandt, A. R., Chen, Y., Fordice, G., Gorchov Negron, A. M., Schwietzke, S.,
Smith, M., & Zavala-Araiza, D. (2022). Inefficient and unlit natural gas flares both emit large
quantities of methane. Science, 377(6614), 1566–1571.

How to cite: van Ettinger, N., van Heuven, S., and Chen, H.: Improving the active AirCore system to determine the destruction rate efficiency of gas flares in the Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15206,, 2024.

Ruth Purvis, James Lee, Tom Moore, Ralph Burton, James Hopkins, Ally Lewis, Stephen Mobbs, and Stuart Young

The full range of emissions from oil and gas production, especially offshore, is still not fully understood due to the vast number of sources and lack of observational data. Emissions from shuttle tanker loading are not well characterised. The latest National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory United Kingdom Green House Gas (NAEI_UK_GHG) Inventory Improvement Report (July 2022) cited evidence for emissions factors from methane (CH4) and non methane volatile organics (NMVOCS) compounds from oil loading as a future priority research area. In the UK almost 35 % of oil fields are designated “OTLS” which means that the liquids produced must be offloaded and transferred to onshore terminals/refineries using shuttle tankers.This work shows initial results from a campaign in October 2023 designed to investigate CH4 and NMVOC emissions from oil loading to shuttle tankers over the whole loading cycle. The project uses aircraft measurements along with different modelling techniques to evaluate emissions from the complete tanker loading process. The shuttle tanker data will also be looked at to see what abatement measures and equipment are on board.

How to cite: Purvis, R., Lee, J., Moore, T., Burton, R., Hopkins, J., Lewis, A., Mobbs, S., and Young, S.: Emissions Of Methane And Volatile Organic Compounds From Offshore Oil Loading Using Shuttle Tankers , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9195,, 2024.

Irene Monreal Campos, Beth Nelson, Patryk Lakomiec, Dave Sproson, Stephane Bauguitte, and Ally Lewis

Accurate quantification of methane emission fluxes from the oil and gas sector remains challenging. Previous methods can encounter issues associated with atmospheric boundary layer dynamics, and the presence of multiple overlapping emission sources.

We evaluate a methodology to estimate methane emission fluxes using the commercially available dispersion model ADMS6 and airborne measurements.  It takes into consideration many parameters including meteorology variables such as boundary layer stability and high-accuracy atmospheric dynamics measurements from the aircraft. Assumptions about the source type are needed for accurately simulating plume dispersion behaviour.

The first method uses a single modelled plume concentration enhancements with a fixed mass flux input, and plume concentrations measured with the FAAM aircraft.  The emission flux is scaled using the ratio between the modelled and observed enhancements. 

For the second method, we generate multiple modelled plumes with varying emission fluxes, creating different potential scenarios. By comparing these simulations to the observed plume, we identify the most accurate fit and extract the corresponding emission rate directly from the model inputs. 

We then evaluate the methodologies using several emission case scenarios sampled by the FAAM Airborne Laboratory. The study focuses on offshore oil and gas extraction facilities such as the uncontrolled TOTAL ELGIN gas platform methane accidental release in 20121, and fugitive emissions from gas facilities on the Norwegian continental shelf2

The results from the methods are compared with the flux values determined with the more established mass-balance methodology1-4 and sources of uncertainties are discussed. 


1. Lee, James D. et al. (Mar. 2018). “Flow rate and source reservoir identification from airborne chemical sampling of the uncontrolled Elgin platform gas release”. In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 11.3, pp. 1725–1739. ISSN: 1867-8548. DOI: 10.5194/amt-11-1725-2018.

2. France, James L. et al. (Jan. 2021). “Facility level measurement of offshore oil and gas installations from a medium-sized airborne platform: method development for quantification and source identification of methane emissions”. In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14.1, pp. 71–88. ISSN: 1867-8548. DOI: 10.5194/am-14-71-2021.

3. Foulds, Amy et al. (Apr. 2022). “Quantification and assessment of methane emissions from offshore oil and gas facilities on the Norwegian continental shelf”. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22.7, pp. 4303–4322. ISSN: 1680-7324. DOI: 10.5194/acp-22-4303-2022.

4. Pühl, M et al. (2023). “Aircraft-based mass balance estimate of methane emissions from offshore gas facilities in the Southern North Sea”. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 2023, pp. 1–32. DOI: 10.5194/acp-2022-826.

How to cite: Monreal Campos, I., Nelson, B., Lakomiec, P., Sproson, D., Bauguitte, S., and Lewis, A.: Methane emission flux estimation from offshore oil and gas platforms with a dispersion model and airborne measurements., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18821,, 2024.

Christian Fruck, Sebastian Wolff, Sven Krautwurst, Christoph Kiemle, Leah Marie Kanzler, Mathieu Quatrevalet, Martin Wirth, Andreas Fix, Jakob Borchardt, Oke Huhs, Gerhard Ehret, and Heinrich Bovensmann

The CoMet 2.0 Arctic airborne measurement campaign of 2022 targeted a variety of natural as well as anthropogenic sources of CH4, mostly in Canada, such as landfills, coal mines, power plants or fossil fuel exploitation sites. Many anthropogenic emission targets consist of a few strong emitters with small or negligible spatial extension. In these cases, emission plumes can readily be observed by passive imaging spectrometers, through the observed enhancement in column averaged CH4. However, over oil and gas fields such as the Lloydminster area at the Alberta/Saskatchewan border, with numerous individual wells extending over large areas, this is much more difficult since individual plumes are lower in magnitude and may even overlap. In such cases it may not be possible to resolve plumes from individual sources, but the total flux can still be estimated using a budget approach. Nevertheless, limitations arise from spatial and temporal variations in the wind field, regarding proper quantification of the source strengths.

In this contribution we present our strategy for source attribution, combining measurements by the airborne CHARM-F greenhouse-gas lidar and the MAMAP2DL imaging spectrometer with emission inventories and inverse modeling. A similar approach has already been successfully applied to CHARM-F data recorded over the Upper Silesian Coal Basin during the CoMet 1.0 campaign. CHARM-F is an Integrated-Path Differential-Absorption (IPDA) lidar that provides vertical column concentrations of CO2 and CH4 up to the flight altitude along the flight track. The advantages of lidar are the insensitivity to illumination conditions and a low intrinsic bias. MAMAP2DL is a passive airborne push broom imaging spectrometer that measures spatially resolved changes in relative column concentrations of CH4 and CO2. During the CoMet 2.0 Arctic campaign in August and September 2022, CHARM-F and MAMAP2DL have been deployed onboard the German research aircraft HALO, alongside a suite of complementary instruments for in-situ measurements of CH4, CO2 and other trace gases. We introduce our methods for data treatment and inverse modelling and show first results from this approach.

How to cite: Fruck, C., Wolff, S., Krautwurst, S., Kiemle, C., Kanzler, L. M., Quatrevalet, M., Wirth, M., Fix, A., Borchardt, J., Huhs, O., Ehret, G., and Bovensmann, H.: Towards the Quantification and Attribution of Anthropogenic CH4 Fluxes based on Airborne Lidar and Passive Measurements over the Lloydminster Oil and Gas fields, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9599,, 2024.

Paweł Jagoda, Jarosław Nęcki, Jakub Bartyzel, and Justyna Swolkień

In order to improve understanding and reduce methane emissions, three comprehensive measurement campaigns were conducted in June and October of 2022, as well as in June 2023. These campaigns were part of the METHANE-To-Go-Poland project, which was funded by the International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). In addition to mobile measurements, other remote sensing techniques such as sun-viewing FTIR and hyperspectral imaging spectrometry, as well as a novel airborne approach called HELiPOD and UAV's, were deployed.

Transects were performed using Licor 7810, LGR MGGA918, or Picarro G2301i analyzers along with 2D anemometers and GPS loggers. Recognizing the significant impact of coal mines as a major source of methane emissions, these measurements aimed to enhance our understanding of the dynamics involved in methane release, contributing to ongoing efforts in addressing environmental challenges associated with coal mining.

The main focus of the campaigns was a high-emission shaft located in the Silesian Coal Basin, Southern Poland. This site had several favorable characteristics for successful measurements. The investigated ventilation shaft emitted approximately 1.5 tCH4/h of methane (based on the coal mine reporting it excavated 3457 kt of coal, which corresponds to 52.6 kt of emitted methane from the whole coal mine for the year 2021, as calculated for the national methane inventory). The shaft has good prominence, and its surroundings consist mostly of agricultural fields with intersecting roads and only a few barriers like groves and buildings.

Numerous transects were also performed at three other ventilation shafts visited during the campaigns. Emission estimates derived using an inverse Gaussian plume model ranged from 0.3±0.1 tCH4/h to 2.5±0.5 tCH4/h for these additional shafts. We attempted measurements at one of the shafts using the OTM-33A technique with the MGGA918 analyzer and a 3D anemometer. These deployments at distances exceeding 200 meters (up to 1450 meters) resulted in emission estimates ranging from 0.6±0.2 tCH4/h to 1.43±0.43 tCH4/h.

An overview of the ground-based measurements was analyzed to identify temporal variability in the emission rates from coal mine shafts. This information was also compared with measurements conducted by the coal mine operator using safety sensors (such as CH4-sensitive pellistores placed in the airflow of the ventilation shaft). A secondary goal was to compare the emission rates and measurement constraints for multiple coal mine ventilation shafts.

How to cite: Jagoda, P., Nęcki, J., Bartyzel, J., and Swolkień, J.: Mobile measurements of coal mine ventilation shafts in USCB, Poland., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11832,, 2024.

Yaroslav Bezyk, Dawid Szurgacz, Dariusz Strąpoć, Maciej Górka, Jarosław Nęcki, Izabela Sówka, Carina van der Veen, Thomas Röckmann, Miroslaw Zimnoch, Paweł Jagoda, and Jakub Bartyzel

Simultaneous methane emission studies in combination with the analysis of the isotopic composition can help to identify the genesis, transport process, and migration pathways of coalbed gases resulting from coal mining activities. This study was focused on the investigation of the influence of physical processes, site-specific conditions, and parameters of coal mine operations on variations in composition and distribution of coalbed CH4 during gas migration pathways. The flask air sampling was performed in the sequence of the return airways flowing along the longwall face of a coal seam at depths down to 700 m, across walkways of mine workings, and through mine ventilation shaft into the atmosphere. The analyses were conducted during undergoing mining operations in one of the hard coal mines in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB), Poland.

The results of isotopic analysis of CH4 confirmed the relationship between gas migration from the coal seam into space of excavation and enrichment in 13C and 2H signatures. Free gas samples taken from the borehole in the coal seam, in the region of the longwall under analysis, consist mainly of thermogenic methane (86.8 – 92.1 %), with δ13C values between −50.9 and −50.7 ‰ and δ2H of −197.3 to −191.9 ‰. Samples collected along 145 m length of longwall coal face showed downward decreasing in CH4 concentration (range from 0.85 to 0.19 %) being diluted with the rise of ventilating air stream supplied to the longwall. The determined 13C- and 2H-enrichment in methane mixture flowing through the longwall from −48.9 to −46.6 ‰ for δ13C, and from −192.4 to −178.1 ‰ for δ2H, respectively, generally resulted from diffusion-controlled adsorption and desorption processes.

In general, methane concentrations significantly decreased during upward migration across walkways of mine workings expressing a pronounced dilution effect with the increase in air velocity and distance from the exploitation longwall towards the ventilation shaft. The measured methane concentration inside of the exhaust ventilation shaft (surface channel) varied from 0.15 to 0.42 %, while mean isotopic signatures were estimated to be –48.8 ± 0.9 ‰ for δ13C and –188.2 ± 3.2 ‰ for δ2H. In addition, such isotopic mass balance approach can be used to determine the contribution of mine ventilation and other atmospheric methane sources contributions around coal mining areas.


This work was funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education under Grant No. 2022/44/C/ST10/00112. The isotopic analysis has been supported by the ATMO-ACCESS Project (grant agreement ID: ATMO-TNA-4--0000000041). 

How to cite: Bezyk, Y., Szurgacz, D., Strąpoć, D., Górka, M., Nęcki, J., Sówka, I., van der Veen, C., Röckmann, T., Zimnoch, M., Jagoda, P., and Bartyzel, J.: Isotope tracing the coalbed methane migration from the underground longwall coal face to the surface of mining area , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12772,, 2024.

Jarosław Nęcki, Jakub Bartyzel, Paweł Jagoda, Justyna Swolkień, and Robert Field

Tunable diode laser absorption spectrometers (TDLAS) are versatile devices with a wide range of applications. In particular, they can be used to detect methane using an analyzer that operates with an infrared band (1.6 – 1.7 μm) laser beam configured in an open path architecture. This setup is suitable for nonhomogeneous airflow coming from coal mine ventilation shafts. TDLAS devices are compact, robust, easy to install, and require minimal maintenance.

Methane emissions from the coal mining sector in Poland account for approximately 0.5 million tons of methane per year and are significant contributors to the continental budget of this gas. Most of the emissions occur through the ventilation shafts, where the methane content can vary from 0.05% to 0.7%.

During June 2023, a TDLAS analyzer (Unisearch, LasIR) was installed at a selected ventilation shaft air diffuser. The device operated for one month, recording the methane concentration in the ventilated air with a temporal resolution of 1 second. In addition to TDLAS, two other instruments were used to determine methane content: an ICOS analyzer (LGR/ABB, mGGA-918) and a pellistor sensor (EMAG, DCH). The ICOS analyzer was used to cross calibrate the TDLAS instrument across a wide range of methane concentrations. The pellistor sensor is a popular type of sensor used in coal mines for safety reasons. Typically, methane emissions are determined through gas chromatographic analyses conducted using periodically collected samples (e.g., once a month). However, methane content in ventilated air can vary on shorter timescales of hours, days, and weeks. Additionally, pellistor sensors are less precise, and the uncertainty of a single measurement cannot be better than 0.1%. In contrast, TDLAS analyzers can be commonly used by coal mine operators for methane reporting, as their precision is usually better than 0.01%.

The presentation will address the challenges associated with using TDLAS for methane emission calculations and highlight its advantages over other commonly used techniques. It will also provide insights into interpreting pellistor sensor readings for quantifying methane emissions and assessing associated uncertainties. Finally, the presentation will discuss the benefits of deploying TDLAS techniques in the coal mining industry, both in the short term and as a potential long-term solution of the reporting of CH4 release.

 This research was funded by and performed in collaboration with UNEP's International Methane Emissions Observatory. The results presented here are part of the findings from a series of three measurement campaigns performed in Poland’s Upper Silesia coal basin.

How to cite: Nęcki, J., Bartyzel, J., Jagoda, P., Swolkień, J., and Field, R.: Application of TDLAS analysers, challenges and implications for future monitoring of methane emission from the coal mine ventilation shafts. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17703,, 2024.

Eric Förster, Heidi Huntrieser, Michael Lichtenstern, Falk Pätzold, Lutz Bretschneider, Astrid Lampert, Jaroslaw Necki, Paweł Jagoda, Justyna Swolkień, David Holl, Robert Field, and Anke Roiger

The Upper Silesian Coal Basin in southern Poland is one of the strongest emitters of anthropogenic methane (CH4) in Europe. Coal mine ventilation shafts are responsible for a major part of these CH4 emissions, which were in focus of the METHANE-To-Go-Poland project presented here. For the first time, the unique helicopter towed probe HELiPOD was used to estimate CH4 mass fluxes from selected ventilation shafts based on the mass balance approach. The HELiPOD (weight 325 kg, length 5 m) was equipped with a sensor system for measuring the 3D wind vector and in situ methane analysers (Picarro G2401-m and Licor-7700) to measure CH4 with a high precision (1 ppb) and high temporal resolution (up to 40 Hz). In June and October 2022, repeated upwind and downwind probing of four selected shafts were performed within 16 flights at different horizontal distances from the source (~500 m - 5 km) and altitudes (~50 m – 2 km) to capture the inflow and horizontal/vertical dispersion of the CH4 plumes. Depending on wind speed, wind direction and atmospheric stability, suitable flight patterns were developed for every flight. Co-located mobile ground-based CH4 measurements complemented the airborne probing. In addition, two controlled CH4 releases were successfully carried out to prove the novel measurement concept.

In this presentation, top-down mass flux estimates based on measurements from the two airborne CH4 instruments (with different temporal resolution) will be compared and mass flux uncertainties will be discussed with respect to the flight strategies and meteorological conditions. Depending on the surveyed shaft, the calculated CH4 mass fluxes range from 1000 to 3000 kg/h. Subsequently, the top-down mass fluxes will be compared to bottom-up mass flux calculations based on production data obtained directly from the coal mine industry.

Our calculations are an example of the independent emission verification technique and will help coal, oil and gas companies as well as governments, to prioritize their CH4 emission mitigation strategies, actions and policies. This research has been funded in the framework of UNEP's International Methane Emissions Observatory.

How to cite: Förster, E., Huntrieser, H., Lichtenstern, M., Pätzold, F., Bretschneider, L., Lampert, A., Necki, J., Jagoda, P., Swolkień, J., Holl, D., Field, R., and Roiger, A.: A novel helicopter-borne application for quantifying methane emissions from industrial activities: Results from measurements of coal mine ventilation shafts in Poland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15785,, 2024.

Julia Wietzel, Piotr Korben, Antje Hoheisel, Johannes Kammerer, and Martina Schmidt

The increasing number of biogas plants in Germany and Europe requires an appropriate strategy to quantify potential methane losses from biogas plants to ensure the sustainability of this renewable energy production. In addition to the large uncertainties in these emission factors, there is little information on the temporal variations of CH4 emissions from biogas plants.

A long-term study of CH4 emission rates from a biogas plant in Heidelberg, Germany,  was performed over a five year period from August 2018 to December 2023. For a total of 27 measurement days the CH4 emission rates were determined for this biogas plant. These measurements were performed at different distances, weather conditions and two measurement devices. By averaging the individual emission rates of each measurement day at the biogas plant, an emission rate of 6.7 ± 0.8 kg CH4 h-1 was determined. For the calculation of CH4 emission rates, mobile measurements were performed nearby the biogas plant and analysed by applying a basic Gaussian plume dispersion model. Several controlled CH4 release experiments were carried out to analyse the accuracy and uncertainty of the CH4 emission rates from biogas plants and to improve the method. This included mobile measurements of methane concentration, meteorological measurements and the application of a Gaussian plume model. For this purpose, methane was released from gas cylinders in Heidelberg/Mannheim (Germany) in a controlled manner. Release rates between 0.1 and 0.7 kg CH4 h-1 were set and distances of 5 to 260 m between release point and inlet were investigated. The results obtained by applying a Gaussian plume model were compared with the actual release rates and thus the uncertainty of the method was analyzed in detail. The parameterization of the dispersion coefficients, the stability classes and thus the meteorological conditions during the measurements and other parameters like number of transects driven and averaging methods were assessed.

How to cite: Wietzel, J., Korben, P., Hoheisel, A., Kammerer, J., and Schmidt, M.: Long-term monitoring of methane emission rates from a biogas plant in Heidelberg, Germany: quantification of method uncertainties with controlled release experiments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10437,, 2024.

Grant Allen, Jamie McQuilkin, and Han Yong

Accurate and efficient quantification of emissions from sources (both natural and anthropogenic) underpins our understanding of the natural drivers of climate change and the success of emissions mitigation strategies. While there exists many excellent methods and measurement networks from which to constrain emissions at national and regional scales (e.g. through transport inversion modelling), a dynamic and accurate picture of emissions from hotspot sources (e.g. landfill, oil and gas infrastructure etc) remains a technical and scientific challenge. Recent international agreements and national regulations to monitor, report, and validate GHG emissions by sector, all require robust and standardised approaches to directly measure emissions to prioritise targets for emissions reduction and mitigation.

Emissions quantification by UAV survey is a rapidly expanding field both academically and commercially. Since the first known report on the feasibility of such a capability around 10 years ago (2014), there now exists a mature international academic community, which continues to refine and validate methods, and a growing international commercial sector that can now provide survey capability and drive further technological development. However, transparency and robust validation of methods remains a barrier to largescale adoption by regulators and those compiling national emissions inventories.

This paper will review recent advances in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platforms, GHG instrumentation, methodologies and field operations in the pursuit of emissions quantification. Building on Shaw et al., 2021 (, which reviewed methane emissions quantification by UAVs at that time, we report and reflect here on current progress, capability, and challenges. We will report recent fieldwork (by ourselves and published by others)  to quantify methane emissions from natural and anthropogenic sources and discuss promising new combined survey approaches that could help bridge the gap between snapshot emissions case studies and more long-term (dynamic) monitoring. We shall also discuss future work planned to survey onshore UK anthropogenic sources by the UK NERC MOMENTUM project.

How to cite: Allen, G., McQuilkin, J., and Yong, H.: Advances and challenges in quantification of greenhouse gas emissions by UAVs – A review, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17443,, 2024.