AS3.26 | Composition-Climate Interactions: Hydrogen, Ozone and Aerosols
Composition-Climate Interactions: Hydrogen, Ozone and Aerosols
Co-organized by ERE1
Convener: Maria Sand | Co-conveners: Gunnar Myhre, Vichawan (Print) Sakulsupich, Paul Griffiths, Hannah Bryant, David Stevenson
| Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room M1
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 19 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X5
Orals |
Thu, 14:00
Fri, 10:45
Fri, 14:00
Chemistry and aerosols play a major role in determining surface air quality, the Earth’s energy budget, and climate change. Conversely, climate change affects atmospheric abundances of trace gases and aerosols through composition-climate interactions. This session focuses on these interactions with a particular emphasis on the impacts of a move to a hydrogen economy.

Hydrogen has been suggested as a promising candidate for decarbonizing various sectors, such as transportation, industry and energy production in a transition to a low-carbon society. A hydrogen economy presents opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change, but it also poses significant challenges and has many associated uncertainties. Although hydrogen is not a greenhouse gas itself, leakages to the atmosphere lead to impacts on other greenhouse gases and aerosols. The atmospheric hydrogen budget is uncertain. This is mainly because of uncertainties in its largest sink, uptake by microbes in soils, but many other source and sink terms are also not well known. This session welcomes contributions to better understand the hydrogen budget and the potential impacts of widening hydrogen use, including through: using observations; quantification of the indirect climate effects from hydrogen emissions on methane, ozone, stratospheric water vapour and aerosols; measurements and quantification of hydrogen leakages; and scenarios of possible future hydrogen economies, including the associated co-benefits of reducing fossil fuel emissions for the climate and environment.

Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room M1

Chairpersons: Hannah Bryant, David Stevenson, Gunnar Myhre
On-site presentation
Didier Hauglustaine

Inflammable air, known today as hydrogen, was first identified and produced in 1766 by the British chemist and physicist Henry Cavendish. Today, hydrogen can be produced by splitting the liquid water molecules. The water electrolysis producing hydrogen can be powered by renewable energy in the case of "green" hydrogen. Hydrogen is also produced from fossil fuels by steam reforming of methane in natural gas in conjunction with carbon sequestration in the case of "blue" hydrogen, or without carbon sequestration in the case of "grey" hydrogen. The use of hydrogen enables energy conversion and storage, and can provide a way to decarbonize sectors of the economy where decarbonization has no alternative or is hard to reach, such as long-distance transport by truck, train or airplane, heavy industries, or for domestic use in mixture with natural gas. Hydrogen has no direct greenhouse effect but is an indirect climate gas which induces perturbations of atmospheric methane, ozone and water vapour, three powerful greenhouse gases. The budget of atmospheric molecular hydrogen will be presented and the main sources and sinks will be briefly discussed. Based on the results of state-of-the-art global numerical climate and chemistry models, we derive various indicators intended to quantify the climate impact of hydrogen and in particular derive its Global Warming Potential (GWP).

All the scenarios considered in this study for a future transition towards a hydrogen economy in Europe or in the world clearly suggest that a "green" hydrogen economy is beneficial in terms of CO2 emissions mitigation for the relevant time horizons and leakage rates considered. In contrast, the results suggest that carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions associated with the production and transport of "blue" (and "grey") hydrogen reduce the climate benefit of such a transition and even introduce a climate penalty in the event of a very high leakage rate or strong penetration of "blue" hydrogen on the market. Various assumptions will be illustrated for future “blue” hydrogen production carbon intensity. Reducing the leakage rate of H2 (and CH4 in the case of "blue" hydrogen production) and increasing the "green" hydrogen production sector appear to be the key levers towards maximum mitigation of CO2 emissions from a large-scale structural transition to a hydrogen economy.

In addition, in the specific case of aviation, the use of liquid hydrogen powered aircraft induces additional climate forcings from water vapour emissions in the upper atmosphere and from impact on contrail formation. In the case of an hydrogen powered fleet, the forcings from NOx and from contrails are still subject to large uncertainties. These effects will be illustrated based on various assumptions for future aircraft using hydrogen fuel.


How to cite: Hauglustaine, D.: The climate impact of a future hydrogen economy, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11016,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tanusri Chakraborty, Gill Thornhill, and Bill Collins

Hydrogen(H2) is one of the most abundant greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that participates in stratospheric ozone depletion and influences air quality. Using hydrogen as an alternative energy source to meet net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 can increase the risk of Hydrogen Leakage. Excess H2 leaked from a hydrogen economy could travel from the Earth’s surface to the stratosphere, where its oxidation would increase water vapor (H2O) in the upper atmosphere. It also has the potential to modify stratospheric ozone destruction by altering catalytic reactions involving HOx (=OH+HO2) radicals as well as changing stratospheric temperatures. Additional H2 in the air would consume the hydroxyl radical (OH) and lengthen the atmospheric lifetime of methane (CH4), increasing its abundance, whilst the oxidation of both H2 and CH4 generates tropospheric O3. The changes in OH can cause a cascade of climate impacts that includes changes in aerosol clouds. Increases in H2 will increase the concentration of CH4, O3, and H20, resulting in increased radiative forcing. Here, we are using the UK Earth System Model (UKESM) chemistry-climate model to see the effect of indirect radiative forcing arising from increases in H2 in the atmosphere. We have conducted experiments at present and future H2 and CH4 concentrations and analyzed the feedback on O3, aerosol, and stratospheric H2O over the period of 40 years. The highlight of the study is to see the effects of radiative forcing on CH4, O3, and H2o separately . We have seen the effect on one component at a time by switching off the feedback of the other components and also see the effect of radiative forcing as a whole due to an increase in H2 concentration.

How to cite: Chakraborty, T., Thornhill, G., and Collins, B.: Impact of hydrogen on atmospheric composition and climate, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9653,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Rossella Urgnani, Noelia Ferreras Alonso, Alessio Bellucci, Oliver Wild, Kyriakos Panopoulos, Massimo Santarelli, Nathanael Poinsel, and Isella Vicini

The European Green Deal target of zero emissions by 2050, boosted by the energy crisis due to the Russian-Ukranian conflict, put decarbonisation at the forefront of policymakers’ and industries’ development plans. Hydrogen, especially if produced by renewable energy sources, is considered one of the main candidates in the ongoing energy transition. The hydrogen economy is still in its early stages, due to the high cost of technologies, production, and infrastructure, but the electrolyser capacity installed in 2023 doubled 2022 levels (IEA report, 2023), with clear signs of increasing investments in this sector. However, large-scale diffusion of hydrogen technologies could negatively impact climate because of the increase in H2 emissions (through leakages or other mechanisms) to the atmosphere and its interactions with other gases. Hydrogen interacts with the oxidative cycles of CH4, NOx, and CO, affecting natural GHG-removing mechanisms. In addition, an increase in atmospheric hydrogen could alter stratospheric levels of ozone and water vapour. Increasing H2 emissions may result in an increase in global radiative forcing, even if H2 replaces a proportion of fossil fuel use. However, quantification of these impacts remains uncertain and depends on the development and uptake of different hydrogen technologies. The HYDRA project, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe program, officially started on November 1st, 2023, and aims to evaluate the benefits and the potential risks associated with the hydrogen economy. It starts with the analysis of policies and markets to quantify the potential diffusion of hydrogen technologies in the mid-to-long term and the associated emissions of H2 and other gases (e.g., CH4, H2O, NOX, methanol, NH3). Using these data, HYDRA will simulate the impacts of the integration of hydrogen in the energy sector using WILIAM, an Integrated Assessment Model accounting for interactions between society, economy, and the environment, which will produce a range of energy, land, and emission scenarios. The FRSGC/UCI Chemical Transport Model will then be used to quantify global and regional impacts on O3, CH4, NOX, VOC, CO, and other oxidants, estimating the uncertainty in the important soil sink of hydrogen. The role of H2 in influencing stratospheric water vapour, ozone, and nitrous oxide (N2O) will be determined with the SLIMCAT and UKCA models. The changes in atmospheric composition from these simulations will be used to estimate the effective radiative forcing associated with H2 emissions and perform future climate projections, using the EC-Earth global climate model. Finally, since hydrogen-air mixes are highly inflammable, HYDRA will develop a new leakage detection/quantification monitoring system to make H2 technologies safer. The overall benefits and risks associated with a future hydrogen economy will be evaluated from a sustainable perspective, from changes in mean climate conditions to impacts on society and environment. HYDRA is fully committed to finding sustainable solutions for the development of the hydrogen economy, and to proposing mitigation strategies and guidelines for policymakers at the end of the 4-year project.

How to cite: Urgnani, R., Ferreras Alonso, N., Bellucci, A., Wild, O., Panopoulos, K., Santarelli, M., Poinsel, N., and Vicini, I.: Understanding the benefits and risks of the hydrogen economy: the HYDRA project, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7558,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Iris M. Westra, Bert A. Scheeren, Steven M.A.C. van Heuven, Bert A.M. Kers, and Harro A.J. Meijer

As result of the global energy transition, it is expected that H2 emissions are on the rise due to increasing production, transport and usage. Leakage rates might be up to 10% of the total hydrogen production. This will lead to an increase of the global atmospheric hydrogen mole fraction, resulting in the lengthening of the lifetime of in particular methane, enhanced tropospheric ozone production, and increased stratospheric water vapor levels. Because of these effects, H2 is called an indirect greenhouse gas. We present first results of the use of a high-precision Agilent 8890 GC-system equipped with a Pulsed Discharge Helium Ionization Detector (PDHID) combined with an ‘active’ Aircore and sampling flasks as a tool to detect and quantify industrial H2 emissions. Our GC-PDHID measures H2 with a precision <2 ppb and is calibrated and linked to the international NOAA-H2-X1996 hydrogen scale (e Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (MPI-BGC) Jena, Germany). The ‘active’ AirCore is an atmospheric sampling system that consists of a long narrow tube (in the shape of a coil) in which atmospheric air samples are collected using a pump during the sampling experiment, in this way preserving a profile of the trace gas of interest along the measurement trajectory. In this study we focus on potential H2 emitters in the Groningen province, mainly located at the Delfzijl Chemistry Park bordering the Wadden sea coast. During our field experiments we deployed three different complementary sampling methods. The first method involves the use of an active Aircore system with a sample volume of 4.35 L from a passenger car. This Aircore is filled to an end-pressure of up to 1.6 bar over the course of about 2 hours of sampling resulting in up to 38 discrete Hsamples on the GC-PDHID. The second method involved the use of an active Aircore system on a UAV with a volume of 3.7 L and filled with a sampling flow of 200 ml min-1 at atmospheric pressure, allowing for up to 21 discrete Hsamples. The third sampling technique involved the use of dried and vacuumized 2.3 L glass flasks to collect discrete samples along the measurement trajectory. The glass flasks samples were further analysed by CRDS (Picarro G2401) on mole fractions of CO2, CH4, CO, to get additional information on the emission sources co-located with H2. We found a regional H2 background of 529 ± 5 ppb in agreement with the European background station observations at Mace Head, Ireland. Our results so far indicate constant undetected industrial H2 emissions at the Chemistry Park Delfzijl, ranging from enhanced signals of 580 ppb up to 1.5 ppm of H2 downwind the source area. Based on these results we present first estimates of current industrial H2-emissions from the Delfzijl Chemistry park. Further work will focus on specific H2 production and storage infrastructure.

How to cite: Westra, I. M., Scheeren, B. A., van Heuven, S. M. A. C., Kers, B. A. M., and Meijer, H. A. J.: Detection of regional industrial H2 emissions using an active Aircore and a high-precision GC-PDHID system, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10067,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Elizabeth Lunny, Richard Wehr, Joseph Roscioli, Conner Daube, Joanne Shorter, Tianyi Sun, William Long, Ahmad Momeni, John Albertson, Scott Herndon, and David Nelson

Accurate quantification of leaks associated with hydrogen transport and storage infrastructure is vital to evaluate the environmental benefit associated with the transition from fossil fuels to hydrogen as an energy source. Understanding the locations and magnitudes of leaks is critical in efforts to mitigate the indirect climate impact of transitioning to a hydrogen economy. Quantification of hydrogen leaks requires a field-deployable, fast, sensitive measurement technology which, until recently, has not existed. We have developed a novel inlet system which couples to an Aerodyne tunable infrared laser direct absorption spectrometer (TILDAS) to measure hydrogen with <5 ppb precision and <5 second time response. Laboratory-based instrument performance results and data from recent mobile measurements will be presented.

How to cite: Lunny, E., Wehr, R., Roscioli, J., Daube, C., Shorter, J., Sun, T., Long, W., Momeni, A., Albertson, J., Herndon, S., and Nelson, D.: Quantifying leaks with a field-deployable, fast, sensitive hydrogen instrument, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14242,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nicholas Cowan, Julia Drewer, Toby Roberts, Mark Hanlon, Chiara Di Marco, Carole Helfter, and Eiko Nemitz

An improved quantification of the soil sink of Hydrogen (H2) gas is required to understand the environmental implications of a future Hydrogen economy and global atmospheric models. Typically, soil microbes utilise H2 as an energy source, but we also have evidence that emission of H2 from soils is also possible via microbial processes. We present new H2 flux data from several field sites and lab studies in which a variety of soils from around the world have been measured from. These sites include agricultural and forest soils from the UK where we have preliminary data of a longer-term measurement campaign. We have developed flux chamber methodology to establish a best practice for measuring H2 flux in soils, which is radically different from typical greenhouse gas protocols. We present our work so far on the development of H2 measurement methodology and on the characterisation of the H2 soil sink in relation to soil physical & chemical properties, vegetation and climate under controlled environment conditions. We also present observations of spatial and temporal soil H2 uptake rates from sites across the UK. We highlight the importance of soil aeration and the physical barriers that strongly interfere with H2 uptake in soils, particularly the influence of high water-filled pore space which should be accounted for in future modelling efforts.

How to cite: Cowan, N., Drewer, J., Roberts, T., Hanlon, M., Di Marco, C., Helfter, C., and Nemitz, E.: Improving quantification and understanding of the global H2 soil sink through field and lab based flux measurements, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10002,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Susanne Pettersson and Daniel Johansson

Aviation accounts for approximately 5% of the current anthropogenic climate impact. Up to two thirds of the warming generated by airplanes is attributed to non-CO2 effects with contrail cirrus as the largest contributor. Hydrogen as aviation fuel promises zero carbon emission but the non-CO2 effects of this new fuel are poorly known.

In this study we investigate the generation of contrail cirrus from hydrogen combustion using a modified version of the Contrail Cirrus Prediction model (CoCip). In the absence of soot-emissions ice particles in hydrogen contrail are assumed to form on entrained aerosols, ultrafine volatile particles and lubrication oil. The calculation of the number of ice particles formed on entrained aerosols is approximated by previously published simulation results and theory.  Ultrafine volatile particles and lubrication oil both activate into water droplets at lower temperatures than soot and aerosols due to the Kelvin effect (small radius) and hydrophobicity respectively and are implemented using theory and published experimental results.

Using hydrogen fuel contrails can, according to the Schmidt-Appleman criteria, form at lower altitudes than with jet fuel due to the increase in water vapor in the exhaust. Despite this our preliminary results show an overall decrease in both warming and cooling contrails for hydrogen compared to standard jet fuel. We do find that hydrogen contrails can generate more radiative forcing than jet contrails at very low temperatures mainly due to the activation of lubrication oil in combination with the larger amount of water vapor. For the bulk of flights however, hydrogen fuel leads to either equal or less contrail radiative forcing than jet fuel even with reduced soot-emissions in line with lean-burn engines.   

How to cite: Pettersson, S. and Johansson, D.: Climate effects of contrail cirrus for aircraft with hydrogen combustion   , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16712,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Connor Barker, Eloise Marais, and Jonathan McDowell

There are close to 6000 megaconstellation satellites in low-Earth orbit comprising 65% of all satellites orbiting Earth. The growth in satellite megaconstellations has driven surges in rocket launches and re-entry destruction of spent satellites. This has contributed to large increases in emissions of pollutants that are very effective at depleting stratospheric ozone and altering climate, due to direct injection of pollutants into the upper layers of the atmosphere where turnover rates are very slow. An additional 540,000 megaconstellation satellites are proposed, yet the environmental impacts of emissions from current and future satellite megaconstellations remain uncharacterized and unregulated. Here we calculate emissions of the dominant pollutants from megaconstellation and non-megaconstellation rocket launches and re-entries from 2020 to 2022 to determine the effect on climate and stratospheric ozone. Pollutants include black carbon (BC), nitrogen oxides (NOx≡NO+NO2), water vapour (H2O), carbon monoxide (CO), alumina aerosol (Al2O3) and chlorine species (Cly≡HCl+Cl2+Cl) from rocket launches and nitrogen oxides (NOx≡NO) and alumina aerosol (Al2O3) from re-entries. Launch emissions are calculated by determining the vertical distribution of propellant consumption for each rocket stage and calculating and applying vertically resolved propellant specific emission indices that account for additional oxidation in the hot rocket plume and changes in atmospheric composition with altitude. To quantify the re-entry emissions, the mass of re-entering objects is compiled for all objects (spacecraft, rocket stages, fairings, and components) re-entering Earth’s atmosphere in 2020-2022. Many objects, accounting for 12-16% of re-entry mass, are not geolocated, so the longitude and latitude of re-entry is bounded by the reported orbital inclination. Object class and object reusability are used to define the chemical composition and mass ablation profile of each re-entering object. We find that total propellant consumed has nearly doubled from ~38 Gg in 2020 to ~67 Gg in 2022 and re-entry mass has increased from ~3.3 Gg in 2020 to ~5.6 Gg in 2022. Megaconstellation re-entries accounted for 8-12% of the Al2O3 and NOx re-entry emissions in 2020-2022, due to increased megaconstellation launches and short (~2 years) lifespan of most (85%) megaconstellation satellites. Anthropogenic re-entry emissions of NOx (~4.2 Gg) and Al2O3 (~0.96 Gg) in 2022 equal a third of the natural meteoritic injection of NOx and surpass the natural injection by 7 times for Al2O3. The annual emissions for 2020-2022 will be used to predict the rise in emissions up to 2029 from megaconstellation and non-megaconstellation rocket launches and object re-entries for input to the 3D atmospheric chemistry transport model GEOS-Chem coupled to a radiative transfer model to simulate stratospheric ozone depletion and radiative forcing attributable to a decade of satellite megaconstellation emissions.

How to cite: Barker, C., Marais, E., and McDowell, J.: Developing inventories of by-products from satellite megaconstellation launches and disposal to determine the influence on stratospheric ozone and climate, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6467,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Noah A. Stanton and Neil F. Tandon

Because of their computational expense, models with comprehensive tropospheric chemistry have typically been run with prescribed sea surface temperatures (SSTs), which greatly limits the model’s ability to generate climate responses to atmospheric forcings. In the past few years, however, several fully coupled models with comprehensive tropospheric chemistry have been developed. For example, the Community Earth System Model version 2 with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model version 6 as its atmospheric component (CESM2-WACCM6) has implemented fully interactive tropospheric chemistry with 231 chemical species as well as a fully coupled ocean. Earlier versions of this model used a “SOAG scheme” that prescribes bulk emission of a single gas-phase precursor to secondary organic aerosols (SOAs). In contrast, CESM2-WACCM6 simulates the chemistry of a comprehensive range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) responsible for tropospheric aerosol formation. Such a model offers an opportunity to examine the full climate effects of comprehensive tropospheric chemistry. To examine these effects, 211-year preindustrial control simulations were performed using the following two configurations: (1) the standard CESM2-WACCM6 configuration with interactive chemistry over the whole atmosphere (WACtl) and (2) a simplified CESM2-WACCM6 configuration using a SOAG scheme in the troposphere and interactive chemistry in the middle atmosphere (MACtl). The middle-atmospheric chemistry is the same in all configurations, and only the tropospheric chemistry differs. Differences between WACtl and MACtl were analyzed for various fields. Regional differences in annual mean surface temperature range from −4 to 4 K. In the zonal average, there is widespread tropospheric cooling in the extratropics. Longwave forcers are shown to be unlikely drivers of this cooling, and possible shortwave forcers are explored. Evidence is presented that the climate response is primarily due to increased sulfate aerosols in the extratropical stratosphere and cloud feedbacks. As found in earlier studies, enhanced internal mixing with SOAs in WACtl causes widespread reductions of black carbon (BC) and primary organic matter (POM), which are not directly influenced by VOC chemistry. These BC and POM reductions might further contribute to cooling in the Northern Hemisphere. The extratropical tropospheric cooling results in dynamical changes, such as equatorward shifts of the midlatitude jets, which in turn drive extratropical changes in clouds and precipitation. In the tropical upper troposphere, cloud-driven increases in shortwave heating appear to weaken and expand the Hadley circulation, which in turn drives changes in tropical and subtropical precipitation. Some of the climate responses are quantitatively large enough in some regions to motivate future investigations of VOC chemistry’s possible influences on anthropogenic climate change. Additional simulations of a 2000 baseline (rather than preindustrial) climate reveal that these results are sensitive to the prescribed land emissions. Most of this work was recently published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (doi:10.5194/acp-23-9191-2023).

How to cite: Stanton, N. A. and Tandon, N. F.: How does tropospheric VOC chemistry affect climate? Investigations using the Community Earth System Model Version 2., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2025,, 2024.

Posters on site: Fri, 19 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X5

Display time: Fri, 19 Apr 08:30–Fri, 19 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Paul Griffiths, Hannah Bryant, Vichawan (Print) Sakulsupich
Rayne Holland, M. Anwar H. Khan, and Dudley Shallcross

The potential transition to a hydrogen-based economy, requires a comprehensive understanding of hydrogen's atmospheric behaviour for well-informed decision-making. Among the uncertainties surrounding the atmospheric fate of hydrogen, the chemical processes governing its formation and transformation are pressing.

This study employs STOCHEM-CRI, a global 3D tropospheric chemical transport model, to explore the chemical uncertainty associated with atmospheric hydrogen. The primary objective is to improve our understanding of the hydrogen distribution, sources, and sinks on a global scale. Addressing the significant role of formaldehyde (HCHO) as a chemical source, we update its photolysis parameterisation in accordance with recent recommendations (JPL 2020 and IUPAC 2013) and assess its variability. Furthermore, we evaluate the atmospheric burden of HCHO as a function of its sources to identify key photochemical contributors to the present hydrogen budget.

The study undertakes preliminary studies of the major sink of atmospheric hydrogen, namely uptake by soil, to gauge its impact. Through a meticulous examination of model outputs against observational data, various scenarios are systematically assessed for their ability to accurately replicate global hydrogen distribution and seasonal variations.

Preliminary results show updates to the photochemical parameters of HCHO significantly reduce the hydrogen burden by between 50 and 90 ppb globally. This is namely due to updates to the quantum yield of the molecular (H2 producing) photolysis channel which varies significantly when compared to previous recommendations. There is limited variation between the two updates (JPL 2020 and IUPAC 2013) of up to 5 ppb. Additionally, minor updates relating to the temperature dependence of the soil sink result in significant improvement in the models replication of observational data, including seasonal variation.

How to cite: Holland, R., Khan, M. A. H., and Shallcross, D.: Understanding and quantifying chemical uncertainties in the hydrogen budget, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3142,, 2024.

Xingpei Ye, Xiaolin Wang, Danyang Li, Paul Griffiths, Alex Archibald, and Lin Zhang

Accurate modelling of tropospheric ozone is crucial for understanding its climate and health effect, yet the uncertainty associated with natural ozone precursor emissions such as lightning and soil NOx is often overlooked. Here we apply a global chemical transport model, GEOS-Chem High Performance, to explore this uncertainty.

The modelled present-day tropospheric ozone burden, under low to high natural NOx emissions levels (set to align with the current literature’s range), varies from 285 to 373 Tg; primarily attributed to lightning NOx uncertainty. Such a range far exceeds the ozone difference driven by anthropogenic emissions between the two most disparate SSP scenarios in 2050 (33 Tg). Ozone’s sensitivity to natural emissions is the highest around the tropical upper troposphere where ozone’s climate effect is also large, and would be even higher if anthropogenic emissions were reduced along the SSP1-2.6 pathway. At the surface, global mean warm-season ozone ranges from 32.4 to 38.8 ppbv, mainly due to soil NOx. This especially introduces large ozone uncertainties in southern hemisphere regions such as the Amazon and Australia.

We also examine ΔO3-anthro, the ozone change driven by anthropogenic emissions changes up-to 2050. We found that with respect to tropospheric ozone burden, ΔO3-anthro shows limited differences between high and low natural emission levels (~13%), implying that the estimate of future changes in ozone radiative forcing is subject to less uncertainty from uncertain natural emissions than the present-day ozone radiative forcing itself. However, ΔO3-anthro related to the surface ozone exposure metric shows significant contrasts with different natural NOx emissions. The largest difference exceeds 5 ppbv (~50%) in regions such as Europe, North America, eastern China, and India. We hence stress that extra care needs to be taken when using individual models to assess ozone health risks in these densely populated regions as highly uncertain natural emissions will produce a presently unconstrained error.

How to cite: Ye, X., Wang, X., Li, D., Griffiths, P., Archibald, A., and Zhang, L.: Uncertainties in tropospheric ozone changes due to natural precursor emissions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4434,, 2024.

Jane Mulcahy, Martin Cussac, Dirk Olivie, Pierre Nabat, Martine Michou, and Juliette Lathiere

Many global climate and Earth system models that participated in CMIP6 did not include fully interactive chemistry mechanisms mainly due to the large associated computational cost of these schemes. A number of studies have recently highlighted the potential importance of enhanced aerosol-chemistry-climate coupling and associated feedbacks for the anthropogenic effective radiative forcing (ERF) of a number of key climate forcing agents such as aerosols (Thornhill et al., 2021), methane (O’Connor et al., 2022) and ozone. The different levels of complexity in both aerosol and chemistry schemes in CMIP6 models has been highlighted as a leading contributor to the large inter-model diversity in the ERF of aerosols and trace gas species (Thornhill et al., 2021). To this end, as part of the EU Horizon project, ESM2025, advanced stratospheric-tropospheric chemistry schemes have been developed and implemented in 2 ESMs, CNRM-ESM and NorESM2, for the first time. Dedicated experiments have been conducted to determine the pre-industrial (1850) to present-day (2014) ERF with these updated models and the UKESM1.1 model, to assess the impact of fully interactive chemistry on the ERF of key forcing agents. In UKESM1.1, which already includes interactive chemistry, the interactive chemistry scheme is switched off and run with a much-simplified aerosol-chemistry mechanism driven by prescribed oxidant fields. We argue the improved realism of representing these aerosol-chemistry-climate interactions is essential for improved cross-model consensus on the magnitude of anthropogenic ERFs of aerosol and key trace gas species.


Thornhill et al., Effective radiative forcing from emissions of reactive gases and aerosols – a multi-model comparison, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 853–874,, 2021.

O’Connor et al., Apportionment of the pre-industrial to present-day climate forcing by methane using UKESM1: The role of the cloud radiative effect. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14, e2022MS002991., 2022.

How to cite: Mulcahy, J., Cussac, M., Olivie, D., Nabat, P., Michou, M., and Lathiere, J.: Quantifying the role of interactive chemistry on the anthropogenic effective radiative forcing in Earth System Models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20693,, 2024.

Tatsuto Yukihara and Qian Sun

As a clean and efficient secondary energy, hydrogen energy is of great significance for energy transition and carbon neutrality. However, hydrogen development faces big challenges of high cost, unclean in production process, insecurity in transportation and storage etc. This paper tries to build a theoretical framework of hydrogen supply chain which contains whole life cycle of production, transportation, storage, utilization, and recycle of end use. Our study shows that a complete and mature hydrogen energy supply chain can enlarge the scale of hydrogen production and reduce the cost, improve its efficient and safety, and obtain a stable, sustainable, and zero-emission energy system. At the same time, a sound hydrogen energy supply chain also plays an important role in ensuring energy security and a bridge for the transition from fossil energy to renewable energy and these will help to reduce CO2 emissions, promote carbon peaking and neutrality through energy technological innovation and rapid energy transition.

Key words: Hydrogen energy storage, hydrogen industry supply chain, green hydrogen, energy transition, carbon peaking and neutrality.

How to cite: Yukihara, T. and Sun, Q.: Hydrogen supply chain and its impacts on energy storage and carbon neutrality, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3552,, 2024.

Unlocking the H2 potential in Saudi Arabia: Exploring serpentinites as a source for H2 production
Kebba Saidy, Manzar Fawad, Scott Whattam, Abdullatif Al-Shuhail, Abdullah Alshuhail, Abdullah Alqubalee, Farooqui Mohammed, Faris Sulistyohariyanto, and Sabyasachi Chattopadhyay
Ragnhild Bieltvedt Skeie

When hydrogen is used as an energy carrier, some hydrogen will leak into the atmosphere during production, storage, transport, and end use. Hydrogen itself is not a greenhouse gas, but via chemical reactions in the atmosphere, the leaked hydrogen will affect the atmospheric composition of methane, ozone, and stratospheric water vapor and hence radiation in the atmosphere. A recent multi-model study found the Global Warming Potential over a 100-year time horizon (GWP100) to be 11.6 ±2.8 (one standard deviation). In this study, a chemistry transport model (OsloCTM3) is used to investigate the sensitivity of the calculated GWP100 due to the size of the hydrogen perturbation, the location of the hydrogen perturbation as well as the chemical composition of the background atmosphere.

The hydrogen perturbation of an additional 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 Tg yr-1 of anthropogenic hydrogen emissions gave GWP values that differed by only 0.4. To test the sensitivity of the location of the perturbation, 1 Tg yr-1 was added to seven different sites around the world. Perturbations at sites that are further away from dry deposition areas (such as middle of the ocean and in Antarctica) resulted in feedback factor larger than one. The GWP values were enhanced compared to perturbations at sites influenced more by dry deposition where feedback factor was less than one. The difference in GWP100 between the two most extreme sites was 4, less than the width of the ± one standard deviation range from the multi-model GWP100 study.

The hydrogen economy is expected to grow, and in the future, the atmospheric composition might be different than the 2010 atmosphere used to calculate GWP100 in the multi-model study. To check the sensitivity to this the GWP100 is calculated with the perturbations on top of three different 2050 atmospheres using different SSP scenarios. The three different SSPs had different combinations of NOx to CO emission ratios and methane levels that both influence the atmospheric lifetime of hydrogen. The atmospheric lifetime increased in all the scenarios, and in SSP4-3.4 by as much as ~1 year. However, the dominant control on the total lifetime of hydrogen is the soil sink. Thus, future changes to the soil sink should be investigated, with a focus on how it influences the calculated GWP.

How to cite: Skeie, R. B.: Sensitivity of climate effects of hydrogen to leakage size, location, and chemical background, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9851,, 2024.

Thiago Brito, Lena Höglund-Isaksson, Peter Rafaj, Robert Sander, and Zbigniew Klimont

Context: Increasing use of hydrogen (H2) across the economy is currently seen as an important strategy for decarbonization of fossil fuel-dependent sectors. Energy scenarios, especially those aiming at net-zero GHG emission targets, project that surplus electricity produced from renewable sources, such as solar and wind, will be converted and stored as H2 by electrolysis. The use of pure hydrogen would require the replacement or significant modification of some of the infrastructure (e.g. steel pipelines) and end-use appliances (e.g. combustion engines) by H2-dedicated equipment (e.g. PE/PVC pipelines, fuel cells); in fact, many sectors are already moving towards these solutions. However, hydrogen can also be blended into natural gas and used in the same applications. The combustion of such blends enables reduction of carbon intensity in several sectors without significant technological retrofits. However, hydrogen combustion under lean air conditions leads to higher thermal formation of nitrogen oxides (NOx), when compared to natural gas. The amount depends on the burner type, load and hydrogen blending ratio. While NOx emissions pose a direct risk to human health and act as a precursor to the O3 and particulate matter, deployment of H2 would also result in direct leakages to atmosphere and associated climate impacts.

Objective: This study seeks to quantify and evaluate the potential NOx increases in the European Union (EU27) countries due to the combustion of hydrogen blended with natural gas.

Methodology: We use GAINS model framework to conduct this analysis assuming that hydrogen combustion will mostly take place in the buildings, industry (boilers and furnaces) and power generation sectors. The exclusion of the transport sector is justified by the predominant use of hydrogen in fuel cell vehicles, which do not contribute to NOx formation. Since hydrogen blends will be used in the same devices as currently natural gas, existing abatement technologies as well as their adoption rates are kept across all sectors and regions.

Expected Results: We expect the results of this study will allow us a better understanding of hydrogen impacts in terms of pollutant emissions. While the paper asserts that the findings are unlikely to influence the development or viability of future hydrogen economies in Europe, it acknowledges the importance of the analysis in revealing potential emissions trends and identifying local or country-specific trade-offs. The emphasis on existing regulations and emission control strategies in Europe provides context for the limited air quality impacts expected on the overall trajectory of hydrogen adoption. Moreover, these preliminary results could lead to relevant insights regarding expected H2 fugitive emissions which may impact climate mitigation targets and economical viability. 

How to cite: Brito, T., Höglund-Isaksson, L., Rafaj, P., Sander, R., and Klimont, Z.: Analysis of trade-offs from the use of hydrogen blended with natural gas in the European Union, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10187,, 2024.

A global H2 monitoring network for the energy transition
Firmin Stroo, Wouter Peters, Iris Westra, and Harro Meijer
Hannah Bryant, David Stevenson, Mathew Heal, and Maria Sand

A shift in our energy production is crucial to the control of global warming. This will occur as fossil fuels are phased out, following legislation created to reach the targets set out in the Paris Agreement. One of the possible sources for a low carbon energy landscape is renewable hydrogen. Whilst hydrogen represents an alternative energy store, it can leak from the system. Understanding the fate of leaked hydrogen is vital to quantify the implications of this energy transition. This study uses the atmospheric version of the United Kingdom Earth System Model to analyse the impact of hydrogen on the atmosphere. The model indicates that increased atmospheric hydrogen leads to an increase in tropospheric ozone concentrations. Ozone is a greenhouse gas and therefore there is an indirect atmospheric warming due to hydrogen emission through ozone. Understanding the relationship between hydrogen and the chemical ozone budget is therefore required to dissect how this warming occurs. We find that hydrogen increases ozone production, governed by the increased flux through the reaction of HO2 with NO. Future atmospheric nitrogen oxide concentrations are expected to decrease in the coming decades, under most climate scenarios. Understanding the relationship between hydrogen and background NOx concentrations is therefore crucial in determining the mechanisms of how hydrogen is expected to impact future atmospheres. We use the model to calculate the tropospheric global warming potential of hydrogen and how this is altered by changing background NOx. We find that this tropospheric GWP will stay relatively constant alongside decreases in ground level anthropogenic NOx.

How to cite: Bryant, H., Stevenson, D., Heal, M., and Sand, M.: The Impacts of Hydrogen on Tropospheric Ozone and their Modulation by Background NOx, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10918,, 2024.

Megan Brown, Alex Archibald, Luke Abraham, Nicola Warwick, and Paul Griffiths

Using hydrogen as an alternate fuel source could lead to lower carbon emissions if sourced from renewable energies. However, it can act as an indirect greenhouse gas by extending the lifetime of methane and causing stratospheric water vapour to increase. The global production and loss of hydrogen in the atmosphere are important in order to quantify its lifetime and, by extension, its global warming potential. The main sinks for hydrogen are loss through chemical reactions with OH and biological soil uptake, the latter of which accounts for approximately 80% loss and, on average, has an error range of +/-40%. Due to the wide potential range of deposition velocities and its large global impact on hydrogen, this introduces a major uncertainty to the overall hydrogen budget.

Previously in the UK Chemistry and Aerosol model (UKCA), the soil uptake of hydrogen was fixed temporally and depended on land type, following the scheme by Sanderson et al. (2003). We have implemented the deposition scheme from Paulot et al. (2021) into UKCA in order to better represent the uptake of hydrogen. A wide range of soil parameters are used in the updated scheme: soil moisture, temperature, snow depth, soil carbon content, soil type, and soil saturation content, which allow for a more diverse and dynamic range of deposition velocities. These results from UKCA are evaluated against previous global hydrogen budgets and verified against hydrogen observations from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The calculation of hydrogen deposition velocity onto soil is independent of atmospheric hydrogen, and, as a result, can be calculated offline. We use data from CMIP6 simulations as inputs to calculate a range of global hydrogen deposition velocities across multiple future projections using a range of different deposition models. The different uncertainties associated with models (hydrogen deposition and climate models) natural variation, and future scenarios can be isolated. Fluctuations in deposition and variation through time can be analysed to assess the which factors have the greatest contribution to the hydrogen deposition velocity uncertainty.

How to cite: Brown, M., Archibald, A., Abraham, L., Warwick, N., and Griffiths, P.: Modelling the Global Uncertainty of Hydrogen Deposition, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16477,, 2024.

Srinath Krishnan

Hydrogen fuel, a green transition option and a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels, has an indirect greenhouse impact through atmospheric reactions of “leaked” hydrogen. Sand et al., 2023 used six different chemistry-transport models (CTM) to estimate a Global Warming Potential over a 100-year time horizon (GWP-100) for hydrogen of 11.6 ± 2.8, in range with similar studies. In this study, we extend those analyses by investigating the atmospheric production and loss terms of hydrogen in the CTMs. Specifically, we compare formaldehyde (HCHO) and the hydroxyl radical (OH) concentrations. Then we develop a box model that can be used for quickly evaluating the impact of the different sources and sinks on atmospheric concentration and isotopic composition of H2 from a global perspective.

Atmospheric production of hydrogen through photo-oxidation of methane and volatile organic compounds represents roughly 60% of the total production. To compare the atmospheric production in the models, we evaluate HCHO (produced during photo-oxidation). A preliminary comparison between the global mean model-derived tropospheric HCHO and TROPOMI-derived HCHO suggests that all models other than WACCM perform reasonably well. Generally, models tend to overestimate HCHO values over land and underestimate HCHO concentrations over the oceans. WACCM has very low HCHO values compared to TROPOMI and the other models.

The two primary removal mechanisms are soil uptake (65-85%), and atmospheric oxidation by hydroxyl radical (OH). Among the models, OsloCTM3 and WACCM have higher OH concentrations compared to GFDL, INCA and UKCA. Direct measurements of atmospheric OH concentrations are lacking due to the short lifetime of the OH radical. Therefore, we used CO and NO2 concentrations as a proxy to evaluate the models. Compared to satellite values (TROPOMI for NO2 and MOPPIT for CO), models seem to generally overestimate NO2 and underestimate CO. These results are discussed within the context of the OH radical and atmospheric lifetime of H2.

Then we present a simple box model that is developed using CTM results for studying the atmospheric budget of H2. Reconstructions of hydrogen concentrations using ice-core records from the South Pole over the last 150 years show an increase in H2 concentration of ~200ppb, likely due to increased methane oxidation and anthropogenic emissions. We use time-varying emissions in our box model to replicate this time evolution since the pre-industrial period.

The box model also contains a framework for studying hydrogen isotopic composition. Each of the sources and removal processes of H2 have distinct isotopic signatures. This allows for the evaluation of concurrent changes in atmospheric concentrations and hydrogen isotopic compositions for each source/sink contribution, leading to a more robust evaluation of the hydrogen budget in the atmosphere.

How to cite: Krishnan, S.: Atmospheric hydrogen budget: an evaluation using chemistry-transport models and a box model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16977,, 2024.

Anna Peecock, Lars Schewe, and Stuart Haszeldine

Increased fugitive hydrogen in the stratosphere can promote chemical reactions that result in increased lifetimes and abundances of gases that have a harmful climate impact. It is therefore crucial to understand the significance of this effect, and thereon identify and mitigate potential leakage pathways within future hydrogen energy systems. Repurposing the existing high-pressure National Transmission System and low pressure local gas distribution networks for pure or blended hydrogen delivery throughout the UK, is a solution favoured by existing gas network operators. It minimises the necessary replacement of pipeline infrastructure by re-use of £30bn of already installed welded polythene pipe network and compatible assets, which will decrease associated transport costs. However, gaseous hydrogen can compromise mechanical properties of carbon steels, posing integrity concerns for pipelines and other network components. Considerable work has investigated the extent to which material integrity could affect the repurposing potential of existing infrastructure. By contrast, this study aims to quantify the ranges of anticipated increase in atmospheric hydrogen release upon conversion of existing UK gas networks for hydrogen delivery. Based on existing network architectures, provided by UK network operators, we identify the most likely locations for leakage within UK pipeline networks and present a static model to estimate potential fugitive hydrogen. Sensitivity analyses have been undertaken to assess the impact of emissions mitigation strategies, including polythene renewal in the Iron Mains Replacement Programme and replacement of wet compressor seals. Consequently, we can consider both physical leakage at joints and equipment, and permeation losses through pipe walls from natural gas leakage data. Our findings indicate that, while significant, the climate implications of determined theoretical rates of potential hydrogen leakage without mitigation are between 6.5 and 14 times less than those associated with current natural gas transport, based on respective GWP100s. It should be noted that we have considered only the potential emissions associated with pipeline transport, and have thus ignored the additional impact of embedded supply chain emissions.

We further propose a geospatial distribution of these potential hydrogen emissions across the UK network. The dataset could serve as a crucial input for future climate modelling to assess the impact of emission location dependency on hydrogen’s global warming potential and quantify the benefits of mitigating leakage in identified “hotspots”. 

How to cite: Peecock, A., Schewe, L., and Haszeldine, S.: Fugitive hydrogen emissions from a converted national UK network of methane pipelines – stratospheric climate impacts, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19183,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X5

Display time: Fri, 19 Apr 08:30–Fri, 19 Apr 18:00
Chairperson: Paul Griffiths
Alexander Tardito Chaudhri and David Stevenson

Anthropogenic hydrogen emissions to the atmosphere have the potential to increase if there is a proliferation of hydrogen as a fuel in the future (Warwick et al., 2023).  It is well understood that atmospheric hydrogen has a positive indirect global warming potential (Ocko and Hamburg, 2022; Sand et al., 2023).  However, substantial uncertainty remains in evaluating this global warming potential, and how this value depends on the distribution of emissions.  Principally, the most appropriate surface deposition scheme to use in models remains unclear (Paulot et al., 2021).

Motivated by the observation that the seasonal variability of station hydrogen measurements (from Petron et al., 2023) can be well described as a function of latitude, we present an idealised latitude-height model for testing prototype deposition schemes.  We show how much of the key features of the seasonal variability can be captured with an illustrative benchmark deposition scheme, and finally how this model can be used to iteratively develop existing deposition schemes (e.g. Bertagni et al., 2021).

How to cite: Tardito Chaudhri, A. and Stevenson, D.: A Simple Approach for Atmospheric Hydrogen Modelling Based on the Seasonal Variability, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6038,, 2024.

Caroline Jouan, Øivind Hodneborg, and Ragnhild Skeie

Hydrogen and ammonia fuels are being explored as cleaner and sustainable energy alternatives to fossil fuels, due to their potential for decarbonization. The production of renewable energy-based hydrogen converted into green ammonia offers a more efficient solution for storing and transporting energy than gaseous hydrogen. However, both ammonia and hydrogen can indirectly lead to air pollution.

Ammonia, if leaking to the atmosphere, plays a role in forming secondary aerosols, generating particles like ammonium nitrate that add to fine particulate matter (particulate matter with diameter <2.5 micrometers; PM2.5). Additionally, the production of oxides of nitrogen (NOX) gases during ammonia combustion contributes to tropospheric ozone formation and can influence aerosol abundance (as NOX may lead to less aerosols and not necessarily more). Hydrogen, if leaked to the atmosphere, will impact tropospheric ozone and possible aerosols through a complex chain of chemical reactions.

Our research aims to assess the potential air quality effects of shifting to a hydrogen and ammonia-based economy.

Using simulations from the three-dimensional global chemical transport model (OsloCTM3), we are investigating the impacts of hydrogen and ammonia on key air quality parameters, with a specific focus on surface concentrations of ozone and PM2.5.

We will attempt to assess the benefits of this energy transition in relation to the reduction of atmospheric pollutants associated with fossil fuels. In the case of ammonia, we will compare air pollution impacts across different emission sectors. Future work will involve the analysis of chemistry-climate model simulations.

How to cite: Jouan, C., Hodneborg, Ø., and Skeie, R.: Impact of Hydrogen and Ammonia on Surface Air Pollution., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12262,, 2024.