CL4.6 | Exploring Teleconnections and Evolving Synoptic Systems: Unveiling the Dynamics of Regional Climate Variability and Change
Exploring Teleconnections and Evolving Synoptic Systems: Unveiling the Dynamics of Regional Climate Variability and Change
Convener: Rohit Ghosh | Co-conveners: Agnieszka Wypych, Magdalena Mittermeier, Eduardo Moreno-Chamarro, Camille Li, Ileana Bladé, Daniela Matei
| Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)
Room 0.49/50
Posters on site
| Attendance Fri, 19 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Fri, 19 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X5
Orals |
Thu, 14:00
Fri, 10:45
Fri, 14:00
Regional climate is often influenced by or connected to changes in remote locations, a phenomenon known as a teleconnection. Changes in the ocean, sea ice, atmosphere or land conditions in remote locations can trigger atmospheric or oceanic disturbances, which then propagate and influence the climate in one or multiple distant regions. These changes could project onto modes of variability (such as PNA/TNH, NAO, IOD, QBO, AMV, PDV etc.) or be a response to anthropogenic forcing (as is the case for the warming Western Tropical Pacific or the North Atlantic Warming Hole etc.). Fleshing out the teleconnections associated with such changes provides us with a clearer understanding of the variations in the climate of a particular region and may also provide a source of predictability. This session invites contributions that focus on this aspect of climate variability and yield new understanding on the origin, dynamics and predictive potential of teleconnections. The studies may be observational or modelling in nature and may be based on paleoclimatic time-scales, the historical period or future scenarios. Research on new methods to diagnose and understand teleconnections is also welcome.

Solicited Talk: David Battisti and Sarah Kang

Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room 0.49/50

Chairpersons: Rohit Ghosh, Ileana Bladé, Agnieszka Wypych
On-site presentation
Jens H. Christensen, Camilla Andresen, Christine Hvidberg, and Larissa Van der Laan

The climate patterns across Northwest Europe are shaped by the transportation of warm and moist air from the North Atlantic Ocean, driven by large-scale atmospheric circulation. A possible key to this system is the variability in sea surface temperatures (SST) southeast of Greenland, possibly influencing the trajectory of weather systems.

A hypothesis suggests that the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet plays a role in altering deep ocean convection in the Labrador Sea, leading to cooling in the ocean region southeast of Greenland. Studies propose that a substantial increase in meltwater from the Greenland Ice Sheet could potentially slow down the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), impacting the Atlantic Storm track. In a worst-case scenario, this could shift Northwest Europe's climate from mild to subarctic conditions, reminiscent of glacial periods.

However, conflicting model studies suggest a different outcome, proposing that subpolar gyre cooling induced by freshwater fluxes might intensify the North Atlantic storm track.

To establish a robust connection between Greenland Ice Sheet melt and climate fluctuations in Northwest Europe, extended time series data beyond the instrumental record is essential. Additionally, a comprehensive understanding of specific climatic modes and associated storm track paths influenced by freshwater from the Greenland Ice Sheet is needed.

Preliminary evidence suggests a link between Greenland Ice Sheet melt variations and climate fluctuations in Northwest Europe. If fully validated, this connection holds significant implications for accurate climate predictions, particularly given the anticipated rise in melt rates of the Greenland Ice Sheet in the future. Ensuring precise climate predictions is critical for comprehending and preparing for potential shifts in weather patterns that could impact the region's climate and ecosystems

How to cite: Christensen, J. H., Andresen, C., Hvidberg, C., and Van der Laan, L.: How Greenland Ice Melt Could Influence Atmospheric Variability, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13128,, 2024.

On-site presentation
James Pope, Kate Brown, Fai Fung, Helen Hanlon, Robert Neal, Erika Palin, and Anne Reid

For those involved in planning for regional and local scale changes in future climate, there is a requirement for climate information to be available in a context more usually associated with meteorological timescales. Here we combine a tool used in numerical weather prediction, the 30 weather patterns produced by the Met Office, which are already applied operationally to numerical weather prediction models, to assess changes in the UK Climate Projections (UKCP) Global ensemble. Through assessing projected changes in the frequency of the weather patterns at the end of the 21st Century, we determine that future changes in large-scale circulation tend towards an increase in winter of weather patterns associated with cyclonic and westerly wind conditions at the expense of more anticyclonic, settled/blocked weather patterns. In summer, the results indicate a shift towards an increase in dry settled weather types with a corresponding reduction in the wet and windy weather types. Climatologically this suggests a shift towards warmer, wetter winters and warmer, drier summers; which is consistent with the headline findings from the UK Climate Projections 2018. This paper represents the first evaluation of weather patterns analysis within UKCP Global. It provides a detailed assessment of the changes in these weather patterns through the 21st Century and how uncertainty in emissions, structural and perturbed parameters affects these results. We show that the use of these weather patterns in tandem with the UKCP projections is useful for future work investigating changes in a range of weather-related climate features such as extreme precipitation, or impacts on the energy sector. 

How to cite: Pope, J., Brown, K., Fung, F., Hanlon, H., Neal, R., Palin, E., and Reid, A.: Investigation of Future Climate Change Over the British Isles using Weather Patterns, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8579,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Gabriele Messori and Joshua Dorrington

Weather regimes are recurrent and quasi-stationary atmospheric circulation patterns, typically linking to surface weather and extremes. Despite their widespread use, little is known on whether or how regimes defined in different regions relate to each other and reflect long-distance teleconnection patterns. Here, we shed light on this knowledge gap, focussing on North American and Euro-Atlantic regimes. The selection of these two regions is motivated by recent evidence pointing to a systematic connection between winter weather in North America and Europe. We find that specific pairs of North American and Euro-Atlantic regimes show a close statistical correspondence and that their joint analysis can provide medium-range statistical predictability for anomalies in their occurrence frequencies. Conditioning on North American weather regimes also results in anomalies in both the large-scale circulation during specific Euro-Atlantic regimes, and the associated European surface weather. We conclude that there is a benefit in conducting joint analyses of North American and European weather regimes, as opposed to considering the two in isolation.

How to cite: Messori, G. and Dorrington, J.: Connecting North American and European Weather Regimes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14656,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ignazio Giuntoli and Susanna Corti

Weather regimes (WRs) provide useful information about large scale variability over relatively large regions, and they can be linked to extreme events occurring at the land surface, such as heat waves and extreme precipitations. Studies in this direction have shown how e.g., Euro-Atlantic WRs modulate flow dependent variability in North America and Europe and their links to extreme precipitation events. To date, the relationship of weather regimes specific to the Mediterranean with extreme events have not been sufficiently explored. The Mediterranean region is a hotspot for climate change and for its peculiar position, at the frontier between very different systems, it is influenced by a complex mix of large-scale variability processes. Under the hypothesis that these processes are explained better by considering atmospheric fields over the Mediterranean region, we proceed by extracting EOFs over the Mediterranean domain (25 to 50 North, and −10 to 40 East), and we identify, for the first time in this region, year-round weather regimes. This allows for a systematic detection of extremes that is not limited to a specific season but throughout the year. After describing each regime pattern and corresponding average conditions (temperature, precipitation), we explore their links to extreme precipitations in the area and finally compare results with EAT-WRs to assess which WR domain is more closely related to these events.

How to cite: Giuntoli, I. and Corti, S.: Year-round Mediterranean Weather Regimes for exploring the occurrence of extreme precipitations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17290,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Benny Keller and Chaim Garfinkel

An intermediate-complexity moist general circulation model is used to disentangle changes in the large-scale zonally asymmetric circulation due to rising GHGs. We run multiple idealized experiments in order to isolate, and subsequently synthesize, the physical processes driving these changes. In particular, we examine stationary wave changes forced by land–sea contrast, horizontal heat fluxes in the ocean, and orography, in response to a quadrupling of CO2 concentrations. A particular focus is on the anomalous ridge in the Mediterranean region associated with the decline in precipitation in this heavily populated region. 

 Our results suggest a combination of two mechanisms is responsible for future Mediterranean drying. The first is a global phenomena, a lengthening of intermediate-scale stationary waves due to strengthening of subtropical upper-tropospheric zonal mean zonal winds, shown previously to account for hydroclimatic changes in the western US. We find this mechanism to be dominated by change in waves forced by ocean horizontal heat fluxes. The second mechanism is a regional one, a strengthening of large-scale stationary wave modes over Europe and the north Atlantic, dominated by changes in stationary waves forced by land-sea contrast. This second mechanism is strongly tied to an altered temperature gradient between the North Atlantic and Europe, in response to rising GHGs. Our work demonstrates how large-scale upper-tropospheric circulation changes are directly tied to regional hydroclimate.

How to cite: Keller, B. and Garfinkel, C.: Disentangling projected stationary wave changes: implications for future drying of the Mediterranean region, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9099,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maria Hatzaki, Giorgia Di Capua, Ioannis Chaniotis, Platon Patlakas, Reik Donner, and Helena A. Flocas

Large-scale atmospheric circulation is the major driver of near surface climatic variability and extremes, with teleconnection patterns being a significant component by connecting climates in remote locations. The recently developed powerful concept of causal effect networks (CENs) enables the detection of causal relationships among a set of actors by removing the confounding effects of autocorrelation, indirect links, and common drivers, retaining eventually only the actual causal links.

In this study, we apply the causal discovery algorithm to analyze the causal links among teleconnection patterns and other circulation features of the North Hemisphere and their influence on Mediterranean winter climate variability. We employ different sets of actors and multiple-scale temporal resolution reanalysis datasets to examine the consistency of the CENs across different timescales and to uncover the underlying mechanisms of their links. By investigating the strength of the different remote drivers compared to local drivers, this analysis contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms controlling the intraseasonal variations in boreal winter circulation over the Mediterranean. In addition, we find that the strength of the causal links is affected by interannual and multidecadal variability, suggesting the potential involvement of external physical mechanisms.

How to cite: Hatzaki, M., Di Capua, G., Chaniotis, I., Patlakas, P., Donner, R., and Flocas, H. A.: Causal networks for quantifying the links of boreal winter atmospheric variability with Mediterranean climate on multiple temporal scales, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15725,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Influence of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on long term trends of heat waves over Bangladesh
Mushrufa Mushreen Winey, Md Saiduzzaman, and Md Rayhan
On-site presentation
Abhishek Savita, Joakim Joakim Kjellsson, Mojib Latif, Hyacinth Nnamchi, and Sebastian Wahl

In recent decades, the Northern Hemisphere (NH) exhibits a long-term regional cooling (central Eurasia) and warming (Arctic and Northern America) trend caused by human-induced anthropogenic forcing and internal decadal variability. In this study, we quantify the contribution of internal decadal variability to recent NH temperature trend using an atmosphere general circulation model (OpenIFS) by designing some sensitivity experiments for the period 1950-2014. In the reanalysis dataset (ERA5), we find a significant teleconnection between Interdecadal Pacific Variability (IPV) and surface air temperature (SAT) over Eastern Eurasia, the Barents Sea, and the Kara Sea for the periods 1950-2014 and 1993-2014, whereas we have not seen such a significant teleconnection with Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV). The model simulates temperature anomalies associated with the IPV consistent with the ERA5, except for northern Eurasia where the sign of the temperature anomaly is reversed compared to ERA5. The model simulates AMV teleconnection with SAT is positive and significant over most of the places during 1950-2014, and it is significant over central Asia during 1993-2014. By analyzing the sensitivity experiments, in which we removed the decadal variability associated with IPV and AMV, we find that Eurasian cooling significantly increases without IPV and there is not much change without AMV. This indicates that some of the recent cooling over the Eurasian region is not driven by the IPV at least in the OpenIFS model, which shows IPV contributes to warm the Eurasian region. The preliminary results of this study suggest the potential importance of the internal variability of the Pacific Ocean is not only crucial on a regional scale but also crucial on a on a hemispheric scale (high latitudes).

How to cite: Savita, A., Joakim Kjellsson, J., Latif, M., Nnamchi, H., and Wahl, S.: Impact of multidecadal climate’ modes variability on the Northern Hemisphere temperature trend in the recent decades, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11748,, 2024.

On-site presentation
David Battisti, Kyle Armour, and Yue Dong

The planet is warming due to the burning of fossil fuels, but the geographical pattern of the observed temperature change over the Pacific Ocean over the past ~40 years is profoundly different from our expectations based on the CMIP5/6 climate model simulations of both historical and future warming. Here we will present an argument that the observed pattern of warming is consistent with a forced response to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide shaped by two-way atmospheric teleconnections between the Southern Ocean and tropical Pacific Ocean. The same two-way atmospheric teleconnections might also be capable of yielding low-frequency natural variability in sea surface temperature and sea level pressure anomalies resembling the observed trend patterns. We will offer reasons why the observed pattern of warming is not simulated by the climate models. The observed pattern of warming in the Pacific has first-order implications for climate sensitivity as well as for the projected changes in global-scale precipitation.

How to cite: Battisti, D., Armour, K., and Dong, Y.: The perplexing warming trend over the Pacific Ocean and the key role of two-way teleconnections between the Southern Ocean and the tropical Pacific, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14452,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Agnieszka Wypych, Camille Li, Magdalena Mittermeier
On-site presentation
Sarah M. Kang, Masahiro Watanabe, Matthew Collins, Yen-Ting Hwang, Shayne McGregor, and Malte F. Stuecker

Changes in the sea surface temperature (SST) pattern in the tropical Pacific modulate radiative feedbacks to greenhouse gas forcing, the pace of global warming, and regional climate impacts.  Therefore, elucidating the drivers of the pattern is critically important for reducing uncertainties in future projections.  However, the attribution of observed changes over recent decades, an enhancement of the zonal SST contrast coupled with a strengthening of the Walker circulation, has not been successful.  Here, we review existing mechanisms of the forced response, categorized as either an energy perspective that adopts global/hemispheric energy budget constraints or a dynamical perspective that examines the tropical atmosphere-ocean coupled processes. We then collectively discuss the relative contributions to the past and future SST pattern changes to propose a narrative that reconciles them. Despite uncertainties, the balance of evidence suggests that the mechanisms leading to strengthening the zonal SST contrast have been efficient in the past and those leading to a weakening were less efficient but will become dominant in a future climate. We particularly focus on the role of Southern Ocean SST changes in shifting the tropical Pacific warming pattern. Finally, we present opportunities to resolve the model-observation discrepancy regarding the recent trend.

How to cite: Kang, S. M., Watanabe, M., Collins, M., Hwang, Y.-T., McGregor, S., and Stuecker, M. F.: Remote mechanisms for shifting the tropical Pacific warming pattern, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3098,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Shreya Dhame, Dirk Olonscheck, and Maria Rugenstein

Most of the coarse resolution Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) climate models simulate a weakening of the equatorial Pacific east-west sea surface temperature (SST) gradient, contrary to the observation since the mid-1970s. Proposed reasons for this model-observation discrepancy are the equatorial Pacific cold tongue bias and the underestimation of equatorial trade wind strength in enhancing the upwelling in the central to eastern Pacific Ocean. Higher oceanic resolution has been known to improve eddy-induced heat transport, equatorial Pacific mean state SSTs, and precipitation. Here, we assess SST mean state biases and trend responses in a multi-model and multi-resolution ensemble from the High-Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP). Some models show an alleviation of the cold tongue bias in simulations of higher resolution compared to their respective low-resolution simulations, however, there is no consistent improvement across models in the trend response of the equatorial eastern Pacific SSTs at a higher resolution. Models are deficient in simulating the synchrony of trends and the causal relationships between surface zonal wind, SSTs, and thermocline structure in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean on multidecadal timescales. An underestimated ocean thermostat mechanism might explain climate models’ inability to simulate equatorial Pacific SST patterns since the mid-1970s. Simulating air-sea coupling correctly on multidecadal timescales in models might reduce the uncertainty of the projected tropical Pacific SST gradient.

How to cite: Dhame, S., Olonscheck, D., and Rugenstein, M.: No consistent improvement in tropical Pacific sea surface temperature pattern in high-resolution climate models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21134,, 2024.

On-site presentation
On the inter-decadal shifts of the East Asian subtropical jet and summer precipitation in the Three River Source region from 1961-2019
Yumeng Liu, Xianhong Meng, and Lin Zhao
On-site presentation
Manuel Rauch, Jan Bliefernicht, and Harald Kunstmann

The Sahel region is characterized by significant rainfall variability and has experienced hydrological changes, including a major drought from 1968 to the 1990s, followed by a subsequent period of rainfall recovery since the 1990s. Addressing this variability, this study introduces a statistical approach for predicting interannual rainfall anomalies within the region. Initially, k-means is used to classify daily atmospheric circulation patterns over West Africa, based on key variables like the V-component of wind at 700 hPa and wind speed at 200 hPa. The two high-altitude wind fields are crucial for understanding the monsoon dynamics due to their direct linkage with African Easterly Waves and the Tropical Easterly Jet. Subsequently, the annual occurrence frequencies of the atmospheric circulation patterns, along with the annual rainfall conditions in the Sahel region, are used as inputs for a multi-class logistic regression model. This model is designed to predict dry, normal, or wet years relative to the climatology. Moreover, the research presents the spatial composites of the atmospheric circulation patterns, along with a detailed explanation of the logistic regression model, an analysis of seasonal pattern occurrences, and their meteorological interpretations. The model has shown success in predicting annual rainfall variability, achieving an average proportion correct of 0.77. This level of accuracy establishes the model as a reliable tool for predicting annual rainfall amounts in the Sahel zone, offering significant insights into the climate of the region. 

How to cite: Rauch, M., Bliefernicht, J., and Kunstmann, H.: Prediction of the Interannual Rainfall Variability in the Sahel: Insights from Atmospheric Circulation Patterns , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1280,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Francisca Aguirre Correa, Francisco Suárez, and Massimo Bollasina

The long-distance linkage between weather and climate conditions in different regions, i.e., teleconnection patterns, is crucial for understanding and predicting climate variability. In South America (SA), atmospheric Rossby waves originating in the maritime continent play a key role in triggering the South American Monsoon System across different timescales. Current studies have mainly focused on the long-term variability, mostly associated with seasonal, interannual and interdecadal temporal scales. On the contrary, intraseasonal variability has remained underexplored, especially the higher frequency relevant for the under two-week weather prediction. In this research, we investigate the high-frequency intraseasonal variability (HFISV, 8 – 20 days) of precipitation in SA by performing an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. For this, we use the CPC precipitation data for the summer period between 1979 – 2018. We also track its origin on teleconnection patterns in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) and local processes in SA by using lead and lag regression techniques based on ERA5 reanalysis data and NOAA outgoing longwave radiation. For this analysis, we give particular emphasis on describing active and break rainfall phases over SA. Our results show that HFISV significantly contributes to the total precipitation variability in the region (∼28%). We also found that extreme precipitation events in SA, which can lead to floods and droughts, are closely linked to anomalous high and low-pressure systems over the SH, demonstrating strong connections with Rossby waves in the mid-latitudes originated in the South Pacific Convergence Zone. At a local scale, spatial maps and cross-sectional analysis provided further insights, confirming that local processes feed back and enhance the extreme event, where low-level winds play a critical role in transporting moisture across the region. Local processes are afterwards able to reverse the winds and redistribute the moisture leading to a change in the monsoon phase. Our work highlights that predicting teleconnections, which modulate circulation anomalies and weather patterns, is a potential tool for precipitation subseasonal predictability. This is particularly relevant in arid areas where water is primarily available in the form of seasonal convective storms (e.g., in the Altiplano region), but also in a wider range as continents like Africa, which depend on the SA monsoon.

How to cite: Aguirre Correa, F., Suárez, F., and Bollasina, M.: High-frequency Intraseasonal Variability of Precipitation in South America and its link with Southern Hemisphere Teleconnection Patterns, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12323,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Juan Antonio Fernandez de la Granja, Ana Casanueva, Joaquín Bedia, Swen Brands, and Jesús Fernández

Large-scale atmospheric circulation determines regional near-surface climate and, ultimately, causes diverse impacts on ecosystems and societies. Possible modifications of such large-scale features due to global warming would inevitably lead to changes in the weather regimes, affecting the local-to-regional climate response. Weather Type (WT) classification methods, such as the one proposed by Jenkinson and Collison (1977), provide a way to summarize mid-latitude, low-level circulation at a regional-scale (Jones et al, 2013; Fernández-Granja et al, 2023). JC-WTs classify sea-level pressure into 27 WTs spanning different local air flow directions and shear vorticities. This methodology can be used to evaluate Global Climate Models (GCMs), which stand as a key tool in the study of past and future climate evolution. Despite obvious biases, historical GCM simulations show a reasonable representation of the frequency of WTs worldwide (Brands 2022; Brands et al, 2023) and the newest model generation shows consistent improvements in the representation of WT occurrence (Fernández-Granja et al, 2021). This leads to the question of how WTs will evolve along the century under anthropogenic forcing. In this work, we address this question by considering an ensemble of GCMs from the CMIP5 and CMIP6 initiatives under different emission scenarios. We focused on evaluating the variations of the JC-WT frequencies under climate change, considering how they emerge from natural variability. Also, we analyzed the consistency between CMIP5 and CMIP6 WT projections and their associated uncertainties. The JC-WT classification was applied globally, so our findings can inform any climate impact research where changes in large-scale circulation play a fundamental role.

Acknowledgement: This work is part of project CORDyS (PID2020-116595RB-I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. J.A.F. acknowledges support from project ATLAS (PID2019-111481RB-I00) and grant PRE2020-094728 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ESF investing in your future.


Brands, S., 2022. A circulation-based performance atlas of the CMIP5 and 6 models for regional climate studies in the Northern Hemisphere mid-to-high latitudes. Geoscientific Model Development 15, 1375–1411. DOI: 10.5194/gmd-15-1375-2022

Brands S, Fernández-Granja JA, Bedia J, et al (2023) A global climate model performance atlas for the southern hemisphere extratropics based on regional atmospheric circulation patterns. Geophysical Research Letters 50(10). DOI: 10.1029/2023GL103531

Fernández-Granja JA, Casanueva A, Bedia J, et al (2021b) Improved atmospheric circulation over Europe by the new generation of CMIP6 earth system models. Climate Dynamics 56:3527–3450. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-021-05652-9

Fernández-Granja, J. A., Brands, S., Bedia, J., et al (2023) Exploring the limits of the Jenkinson–Collison weather types classification scheme: a global assessment based on various reanalyses. Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-022-06658-7

Jones P.D., Harpham C., Briffa K.R. (2013) Lamb weather types derived from reanalysis products. International Journal of Climatology 33(5):1129–1139. DOI: 10.1002/joc.3498

Jenkinson A., Collison F. (1977) An initial climatology of gales over the north sea. synoptic climatology branch memorandum. Meteorological Office, 62

Keywords: Jenkinson–Collison classification, weather types, global climate models, climate change.

How to cite: Fernandez de la Granja, J. A., Casanueva, A., Bedia, J., Brands, S., and Fernández, J.: Global changes in low-level circulation types under future anthropogenic forcing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16824,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andreas Lehmann and Piia Post

Different North Atlantic winter climate regimes force different circulation patterns in the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, as the atmospheric circulation, to a large extent, controls patterns of water circulation and biophysical aspects relevant for biological production, such as the vertical distribution of temperature, salinity and oxygen, alterations in weather regimes may severely impact the trophic structure and functioning of marine food webs (Hinrichsen et al. 2007). To understand the processes linking changes in the marine environment and climate variability of the Baltic Sea, it is essential to investigate all components of the climate system which of course include also the large-scale atmospheric circulation variability. Here we focus on the link between changes/shifts in the large-scale atmospheric conditions and their impact on the regional scale variability over the Baltic Sea area for the period 1950-2022. This work is mostly an extension of previous studies which focused on the response of the Baltic Sea circulation to climate variability for the period 1958-2008 (Lehmann et al. 2011, Lehmann et al. 2014). Now extended time series ECMWF ERA 5 reanalysis for 7 decades are available, highlighting recent changes in atmospheric conditions over the Baltic Sea area. The main focus of this work is to identify predominant large scale atmospheric circulation patterns (North Atlantic winter climate regimes) on a monthly/seasonal time scale controlling the development of regional atmospheric weather types over the Baltic Sea area, which in turn can be associated with different Baltic Sea circulation patterns and water mass exchange with the North Sea.

How to cite: Lehmann, A. and Post, P.: Changing impact of large-scale atmospheric circulation variability on the water mass exchange and circulation of the Baltic Sea for the period 1950-2022, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9354,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Radan Huth, Jan Stryhal, and Tomáš Krauskopf

Classification of atmospheric circulation patterns has been a major powerful tool in synoptic climatology for a long time. Recently, its generalization has been introduced, which consists in developing geographically sliding classifications, i.e., independent classifications centred over individual gridpoints of a regular grid.

We employ such a tool in an attempt to explain the asymmetry of day-to-day temperature differences (DTDs). DTD is defined simply as a difference of daily temperature between two consecutive days. DTD in Europe is asymmetric: its skewness is negative over most of Europe in summer, while in winter, there is a tendency for a positive skewness to occur in the north and for negative skewness to occur in the south and over the British Isles.

We employ the ERA5 reanalysis as a major data source of both circulation and temperature data and the ECA&D station database for verification of temperature skewness in ERA5. Daily maximum temperature in summer and daily minimum temperature in winter are analyzed. Atmospheric circulation is characterized by sea level pressure, which is subject to classification by the Jenkinson-Collison (JC) method at all gridpoints over the European continent with spatial resolution of 2.5° x 2.5°. The JC method is based on types pre-defined by the strength, direction, and vorticity of geostrophic flow. We utilize its versions with 27 types (full version) and 11 types (with 8 directional types, two vorticity-based types and one undetermined for a weak flow). Under each type and at every gridpoint, we count small negative and small positive DTDs (small DTDs defined approximately as central 50% of its distribution). Types with the largest difference between small positive and small negative DTDs (i.e., with the largest asymmetry in small DTDs) are then identified.

A general behaviour, characteristic for the majority of European landmass, can be summarized as follows: Anticyclonic types, types with weak flow, and types with warm advection from south to southwest directions contribute to the asymmetry of Tmax DTD in summer, while anticyclonic types and types with cold northerly to northeasterly advection contribute to the Tmin DTD asymmetry in winter. Nevertheless, under specific conditions (upwind or leeward side of mountains, seashore, valley), any of the 11 JC types can occur among the three that most support the DTD asymmetry.

How to cite: Huth, R., Stryhal, J., and Krauskopf, T.: Classifications of atmospheric circulation patterns as a tool for explaining asymmetry of day-to-day temperature difference, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10222,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Divya Sardana and Ankit Agarwal

The Arctic Sea plays a pivotal role in Earth's climate system by modulating ocean-atmospheric interactions, influencing heat exchange, with potential implications for regional phenomena such as Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR). We assess the performance of 26 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models in simulating Arctic Sea Ice based on historical data and climatology. The evaluation of selected models focus on their fidelity in accurately representing the intricate dynamics of Arctic Sea Ice by employing various statistical skill metric parameters. Additionally, we will investigate the potential connections between Arctic Sea Ice variability and ISMR using CMIP6 models. A multi-model ensemble mean of the top-performing models will be conducted to illuminate these associations. Further, the study will provide teleconnections and potential correlations through sea-level pressure (SLP) anomalies and velocity potential during ISMR. Overall, the research aims to evaluate the tropical-polar teleconnection and its predictive capacity for ISMR through CMIP6 models, thereby ensuring a better understanding of the critical climate dynamics.

How to cite: Sardana, D. and Agarwal, A.: Investigating CMIP6 Models for Arctic Sea Ice Dynamics and Predictive Links with Monsoon Precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14093,, 2024.


Posters on site: Fri, 19 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X5

Display time: Fri, 19 Apr 08:30–Fri, 19 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Magdalena Mittermeier, Rohit Ghosh
Larissa van der Laan, Anna Kirchner, Simon P. Heselschwerdt, and Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen

A deep understanding of the climate system and its variability is essential for the development of reliable climate predictions. Over the North Atlantic, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), characterized by pressure differences between Iceland and the Azores, is the dominant mode of near-surface atmospheric circulation variability. It explains approximately half of the interannual variability in winter atmospheric pressure in the North Atlantic sector and affects jet streams, storm tracks, and surface climate conditions in surrounding areas. In order to improve understanding of the NAO, its teleconnections and longer-term patterns, multiple means of reconstruction have been employed over time, both model- and proxy-based. Due to the point-based nature of proxy data, the applicability of these reconstructions on a wider spatial scale is difficult to estimate.

We investigate the relationship between spatial data density and reconstruction accuracy through conducting a series of principal component-based NAO reconstructions from temperature and precipitation data. The amount of data available to reconstruct from is thinned through spatial hyperslabbing. Using ERA5 temperature data, the correlation between the reconstructed and observed NAO index for 1990-2020 decreases only little, from 0.80 to 0.79 and 0.78, when thinning the original amount of data (N = 78,899 data points) to 17% and 0.09%, respectively. The variability however is lowered significantly, limiting information on the strength of the NAO. The impact of data density and location is then applied to create a ranking of the utility and estimate biases in existing proxy-based NAO reconstructions and potential future ones. Using this information, we finally create a multi-proxy NAO reconstruction for the past two millennia.

How to cite: van der Laan, L., Kirchner, A., Heselschwerdt, S. P., and Hesselbjerg Christensen, J.: Data Density Effects on North Antlantic Oscillation Reconstruction: Analysis and Application, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18438,, 2024.

sujata kulkarni and Ankit Agarwal

The warming of the Arctic region is a significant global concern, and its repercussions extend far beyond polar and mid-latitudes. Rapid changes in sea ice have the potential to significantly impact atmospheric circulation, leading to variations in precipitation patterns across India at different spatial and temporal scales. The present study attempts to characterize the influence of Arctic Sea ice on the monthly precipitation over meteorologically homogeneous regions in India. To consider the regional variability of sea ice, the Arctic region is divided into the Pacific Arctic sector (PAS) and the Atlantic Arctic sector (AAS). The monthly precipitation in India and Arctic Sea ice concentration (SIC) at a monthly scale were decomposed using Maximum overlapping discrete wavelet transform (MODWT). The correlation between precipitation and SIC was analyzed to understand the multiscale association between SIC in the Arctic and precipitation in India. Our results indicate that the Pacific and the Atlantic Arctic sectors exert distinct influences on India. Alterations in sea ice, especially in the Atlantic Arctic sector, profoundly impact Indian precipitation. Notably, the Pacific Arctic sector does not exhibit any influence on the Northeast region across various time scales. The results enhance our nuanced comprehension of the intricate interplays between the climates of India and the Arctic, playing a pivotal role in advancing our ability to predict global climate.

How to cite: kulkarni, S. and Agarwal, A.: Deciphering the Multiscale Association between Indian Precipitation-Arctic Teleconnections Using Wavelet Analysis. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-522,, 2024.

Ya Gao

The relationships between the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Asian-Pacific region summer precipitation and its corresponding atmospheric circulations exhibit interdecadal changes. From the early 1990s to the early 2000s, these relationships were significant. Therefore, we divided this time frame into three periods for analysis: 1979–1991 (P1), 1992–2005 (P2), and 2006–2019 (P3). The possible mechanism underlying these relationships is as follows: the southern Indian Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) over the east of Madagascar exhibits interdecadal variation. During P2, the SST was relatively cold, which induced an anomalously high Mascarene High (MH). The strengthened MH enhanced the Somali jet and Indian monsoon westerlies, which intensified the strong center of the Indian Ocean Walker circulation. Therefore, owing to the strength and location changes of the Indian Walker circulation and the Walker circulation, the connection between the ENSO and the western Pacific vertical motions strengthened, resulting in the close relationship of the ENSO with the atmospheric circulation over the Asian-Pacific region. Hence, ENSO can influence a north-south tripole pattern of precipitation over the Asian-Pacific monsoon region through local vertical activities and meridional Hadley circulation over western Pacific. Numerical experiments using an atmospheric general circulation model, with prescribed three times southern Indian Ocean SST anomalies of 1995–2005 relative to 1979–2019, also lend support to the southern Indian Ocean SST’s contribution to modulating the relationship between ENSO and summer precipitation over the Asian-Pacific monsoon region.

How to cite: Gao, Y.: Effect of interdecadal variation in southern Indian Ocean SST on the relationship between ENSO and summer precipitation in the Asian-Pacific monsoon region, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6947,, 2024.

Yawen Duan

The spatial distribution of summer rainfall anomalies over eastern China often shows a tripole pattern with rainfall anomalies over the Yangtze River basin varies in opposite phase with North China and South China. It is not clear whether this tripole pattern is an intrinsic atmospheric mode or it is remotely forced. Using two sets of model-outputs from 20 models participating in the fifth Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project (CMIP5), this paper investigates the driving mechanisms of this leading rainfall mode and its major influencing factors. One set (piControl) is fully coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations under constant pre-industrial forcing and the other (sstClim) is atmosphere-alone models forced by prescribed climatological sea surface temperatures (SSTs). By comparing results from these two different sets of simulations, it is found that the tripole pattern is the leading mode of summer precipitation variability over eastern China with or without oceanic forcing. It can be regarded as an intrinsic atmospheric mode although air-sea interaction can modify its temporal variability. The cyclonic/anti-cyclonic atmospheric circulation anomaly over the northern North Pacific is identified as a key factor in both experiments. As atmospheric internal variability, it is related to a circum-global zonal wave train propagating along the westerly jet stream. When air-sea interactions involved, modulation from SST anomalies is exerted through the meridional Pacific-Japan/ East Asia Pacific wave train propagating along the East Asian coast. Our results suggest that the North Pacific could be another key region providing potential predictability to the East Asian monsoon in addition to the Indo-Pacific.

How to cite: Duan, Y.: Disentangling the driving mechanisms of tripole mode of summer rainfall over eastern China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14473,, 2024.

Salma Al Zadjali, Peter Sammonds, Simon Day, and Ian Phillips

Climate variability and climate change are major drivers for extreme precipitation patterns on a global scale. However, under the application of weather engineering techniques such as cloud seeding, the climate variability signals must be analysed before concluding the benefits of these seeding operations in arid and semi-arid regions. The primary aim of this study is to gain insights on the drivers that contribute to extreme precipitation variability in northern Oman. In this research, the monthly high-resolution precipitation data from Climate Research Unit (CRU) Time Series (TS) version 4.05 dataset for northern Oman from 1950-2019 are analysed. The quantile perturbation method and the non-parametric Monte Carlo simulations are employed to compute high decadal and seasonal anomalies, and their statistical significance respectively. The teleconnections of Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (OISST), Mean Sea Level Pressure (MSLP) and decadal variability patterns represented by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Arctic Oscillation (AO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) with extreme precipitation anomalies are conducted. The severity and spatial and temporal variability of precipitation and deep convection are investigated using outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) as a proxy for extreme precipitation. These findings address the role of internal forcing on precipitation variability in the Al Hajar Mountains, an area characterised by natural convective precipitation. The extreme precipitation variability analysis is conducted to understand better whether cloud seeding operations induce the occurrence of extreme precipitation in the Al Hajar Mountains.

How to cite: Al Zadjali, S., Sammonds, P., Day, S., and Phillips, I.: Decadal variability of extreme precipitation in northern of Oman, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3261,, 2024.

On the Potential Role of the Kalahari Thermal Low on Southern Africa Precipitation Variability
(withdrawn after no-show)
Georges-Noel Longandjo, Bellinda Mashoene Monyela, and Mathieu Rouault
Cheng Shen

Previous research has extensively explored the “stilling” and “reversal” phenomena in annual near-surface wind speed (NSWS). However, the variations in the strengths of these phenomena between different months remain unclear. Here the monthly changes in observed NSWS from 769 stations across China during 1979–2020 were analyzed. The analysis reveals a consistent decline in NSWS that ceased around 2011, followed by an increasing trend detected in all months except March, where a distinct hiatus is observed. The hiatus in March NSWS is primarily attributed to a significant reduction in NSWS over North and Northwest China. This reduction can be linked to the southward shift of the East Asian subtropical jet (EASJ), which resulted in a decreased meridional temperature gradient and weakened transient eddy activities across northern China. These findings emphasize the importance of considering changes in the EASJ to gain a comprehensive understanding of NSWS changes at a regional scale.

How to cite: Shen, C.: East Asian Subtropical Jet Impact on Monthly Near-surface Wind Speed Change over China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20851,, 2024.

Meng Ren and Yu Liu

    The trend of global climate warming is strengthening. During the 20th century, climate warming has increased more than it was at any other time in history, seriously affecting water security and food supply. With global climate warming, extreme temperature events have occurred continuously in many regions of the world and have seriously damaged the ecological environment and human health. In this context, it is crucial to strengthen the understanding of regional extreme temperatures, analyze their changing characteristics and understand their impact on global climate warming. As one of the regions most affected by climate warming, the Tianshan Mountains has suffered several ecological crises, including retreating glaciers and water deficits. The climate warming in the Tianshan Mountains is considered to be mostly caused by increases in minimum temperature and winter temperature, while the influence of the maximum temperature is unclear. Here, a 300-year tree-ring chronology developed from Western Tianshan Mountains, China was used to reconstruct the summer (June–August) maximum temperature (Tmax6-8) variations from 1718 to 2017. The reconstruction explained 53.1% of the variance in the observational records. Over the past 300 years, the Tmax6-8 reconstruction showed obvious interannual and decadal variabilities and experienced roughly six warm periods (1723–1732 AD, 1768–1785 AD, 1818–1834 AD, 1841–1898 AD, 1911–1929 AD and 1973–2012 AD) and five cold periods (1733–1767 AD, 1786–1817 AD, 1835–1840 AD, 1899–1910 AD, and 1930–1972 AD). Our reconstructed Tmax6-8 showed a significant warming trend (0.183℃/decade) after the 1950s, which was close to the increasing rates of the minimum temperature and mean temperature. We found that this significant warming of maximum temperature was also present in the whole Tianshan Mountains. The impact of the maximum temperature on climate warming has increased and cannot be ignored. Our reconstruction was found to be reliable and representative according to spatial correlation analysis. Additionally, the extremely cold years in the Tmax6-8 reconstruction were due to the cooling effect of strong volcanic eruptions. The reconstructed Tmax6-8 series was positively correlated with solar activity and negatively correlated with the summer North Atlantic Oscillation (SNAO) index. Combined with the periodic analysis, these results demonstrated that the Tmax6-8 variations in the Western Tianshan Mountains, China was influenced by volcanic eruptions at high frequency and synergistically influenced by solar activity at low frequency. This study revealed the significant influence of maximum temperature variability on global climate warming and clarified the climate mechanism, which will aid in future climate change prediction.

How to cite: Ren, M. and Liu, Y.: Maximum summer temperatures for the Western Tianshan Mountains of China inferred from tree rings over the past 300 years, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14076,, 2024.

Connection of Summer Surface Temperature Anomalies between the East European Plain–West Siberian Plain and North America on the Interannual Timescale
(withdrawn after no-show)
Chenyu Lv, Riyu Lu, and Wei Chen
Louise da Fonseca Aguiar, Vitor Luiz Galves, Marcio Cataldi, David Marcolino Nielsen, Lívia Sancho, and Elisa Passos

The South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) is one of the most important phenomena that influences the precipitation patterns in Brazil’s Southeast and Midwest regions during the spring and summer. These regions play a major role for the country’s economy, particularly in terms of agriculture and industrial production. It is estimated that the SACZ is responsible for approximately 25% of the total volume of rain in Southeast Brazil from October to April. The conditional probability of a natural disaster occurring when the SACZ is present in the region is around 24%, while, in the case of a disaster occurring in the Southeast, the conditional probability of observing the presence of SACZ is 48%. This work provides an initial understanding of how different teleconnection patterns can influence the configuration, position, and intensity of the SACZ. The goal is to investigate potential correlations between the SACZ index, the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) indexes, the Atlantic Sea surface temperatures (SST) between Central America and Africa, the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (BMC) and the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO). For the SACZ indexes, the monthly data was derived by summing the values for each month. This process utilized data spanning from 1980 to 2010 to establish the monthly climatology. The monthly indexes and anomalies were compared with the monthly climatology values from January 1999 to December 2022. For daily indexes of BMC, Niño1+2, Niño 3, Niño 3.4, Niño 4, Atl_N, Atl_NL, Atl_C and Atl_CL sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies were referenced against a climatology spanning from 1971 to 2000. In these cases, monthly data was obtained through the average of the daily indexes. Finally, AAO indexes were already obtained monthly. In this case, the time series were normalized using the standard deviation of the monthly index, based on the 1979-2000 period. Three Pearson correlations were calculated monthly for the period from 1999 to 2022. These correlations were evaluated for the average from October to March, October to December, and from January to March. The preliminary results showed that colder anomalies of the Equatorial Pacific (La Niña), the North Equatorial Atlantic, and the CBM, in conjunction with a positive phase of the AAO and warmer waters of the Central Equatorial Atlantic, are associated with the occurrence and configuration of the SACZ (and vice versa). This signal is most pronounced in the period from October to December and during the October to March timeframe, while it weakens in the months from January to March.

How to cite: da Fonseca Aguiar, L., Galves, V. L., Cataldi, M., Marcolino Nielsen, D., Sancho, L., and Passos, E.: Analysis of correlations between the South Atlantic Convergence Zone and Climate Indices Derived from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans for Evaluating Teleconnections, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2006,, 2024.

Eun Young Lee, Dong Eun Lee, Hye-Ji Kim, Young-gyu Park, Jang Jun Bahk, and Haedo Baek

The East Sea, having its own meridional circulation system like that of the Atlantic Ocean but with a shorter periodicity, is known to be sensitive to climate change, with important implications for future changes in the ocean environment.

The meridional circulation system of the East Sea is known to be maintained, by 1) heat and salt supply from the Tsushima Warm currents, 2) ocean-atmosphere heat and freshwater exchange in the northern part of the East Sea, and 3) sea ice formation in the Tatar Strait, but it is not yet known which of these factors will most dominate the changes and variability of the East Sea circulation under different climate equilibria, and there has been no quantitative study of the path and strength of the deep circulation in the East Sea induced by each factor.

In this study, we explore the distinct characteristics of the East Sea’s deep circulation in the past compared to the present, to understand better the future climate change in the region. Through the simulations using the ocean regional model system (ROMS) with results from PMIP4/CMIP6 experiments as surface forcing, we investigate the factors influencing the response of deep circulation to the past by analyzing both the present and the past climate conditions. Specifically, we conducted quantitative analyses to investigate how the path and intensity of deep circulation in the East Sea vary due to the different conditions. This was achieved through model experiments (Surface bar, VT bar) in which we altered both the volume transport through the Korea Strait and the air-sea interaction through the surface.

The results reveal that the deep circulation of the East Sea was approximately 5% weaker 6000 years ago compared to the present. During this period, the seasonal temperature difference was larger than in the present climate, and the volume transport through the Korea Strait was higher. The weakening of the deep circulation is attributed to the higher temperatures in the southern part of the East Sea causing ocean stratification 6000 years ago. The heat transported by the Tsushima Warm currents as it entered the East Sea further intensified the stratification in the southern part, leading to a weakened deep circulation. In the northern part of the East Sea, increased density resulted from the increased salt delivered by the Eastern Korea Warm Current, strengthening the northern circulation along with the brine rejection. However, this effect is overwhelmed by surface warming through air-sea interaction in the East Sea, resulting in the net weakening of the meridional circulation. Also, the processes and characteristics of the linkages between sea ice formation, the variability of the volume transport and atmospheric conditions are analyzed. Finally, this study presents insights into the sensitivity of the East Sea meridional circulation system to future climate change with less uncertainty helped by better understanding paleoclimate in the region.

How to cite: Lee, E. Y., Lee, D. E., Kim, H.-J., Park, Y., Bahk, J. J., and Baek, H.:  Role of Korea Strait Volume Transport in the East/Japan Sea Deep Water Circulation under the Mid-Holocene Climate Equilibrium, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7293,, 2024.

Büşra Öztürk and Mikdat Kadıoğlu

Semi-permanent low-pressure centers form as a result of topographical features and atmospheric flows. The precise location and intensity of these centers significantly influence the weather patterns in the surrounding countries. In the same context, the occurrence of cyclogenesis over the Black Sea, often mentioned as the Black Sea Low, significantly impacts the weather conditions in Türkiye. A cyclone must persist throughout the year to be classified as a semi-permanent pressure system, however, the literature indicates the potential existence of high-pressure areas in the Black Sea as well. This study aims to investigate the presence of the Black Sea Low by examining low-pressure centers over the region, to determine the frequency and seasonality of cyclonic activity. The ERA5 dataset with 0.25° resolution is used for the analysis, covering the period from 1940 to 2023. Related variables like mean sea level pressure, sea surface temperature, temperature, wind speed, and total precipitation are examined to investigate the persistence and seasonal variations of the low-pressure center over the Black Sea through synoptic pattern categorizations of cyclogenesis over the Black Sea. The preliminary results indicate a low-pressure pattern on the southeastern Black Sea, which is seasonal and forms during the summer months over the region.

How to cite: Öztürk, B. and Kadıoğlu, M.: Analysis of Sea Surface Pressure Climatology and Cyclogenesis Patterns over the Black Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15764,, 2024.

Emília Dolgos, Rita Pongrácz, and Judit Bartholy

Mid-latitude cyclones have a great influence on the weather and the climate of the Mediterranean region. This study focuses on the western Mediterranean region, where we aim to identify changes in the number of cyclones and their characteristics based on ERA5 reanalysis data and historical simulations of global climate models from the CMIP6 project covering the period before 2014. For this purpose, mean sea level pressure is analysed to identify low-pressure systems, and these potential cyclone centres are then connected through timesteps to produce trajectories. Model data is regridded to 1° spatial resolution, with temporal resolution of 6-hour. Mediterranean cyclones not only affect the close vicinity of the Mediterranean Sea, but other parts of Europe as well, including Hungary, where the amount of the precipitation can be highly affected by the presence of Mediterranean cyclones (particularly in winter). For this reason, we aim to quantify what portion of the annual total precipitation is connected to the Mediterranean cyclones.


Acknowledgements: The study contributes to the COST CA19109 action (MEDCYCLONES). Research leading to this study has been supported by the following sources: the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (under grant K-129162), and the National Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Climate Change (RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014).

How to cite: Dolgos, E., Pongrácz, R., and Bartholy, J.: Validation of Mediterranean cyclones in GCM simulations against reanalysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15940,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Fri, 19 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X5

Display time: Fri, 19 Apr 08:30–Fri, 19 Apr 18:00
Chairperson: Agnieszka Wypych
Ileana Mares, Constantin Mares, Venera Dobrica, and Crisan Demetrescu

The present investigation refers to the teleconnections of two climate indices with the observational data of the precipitation along the Danube River and of the Lower Danube Basin discharge.  Besides the well-known climate index associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), a relatively new index was considered that reflects the baric contrast between the Balkan and the Greenland zones, the so-called the Greenland–Balkan Oscillation (GBO). This index was calculated as the difference of the normalized sea level pressure (SLP) at Nuuk and Novi Sad.

The influence of the GBO on the climate in southeastern Europe is stronger than that of the NAO. The comparative analysis was carried out for the entire 20th century, separately for each season.

The analysis of the effects of the two modes of variability was performed for precipitation, both punctually considering data from 15 meteorological stations along the Danube basin, as well as through the first principal component of precipitation (PC 1), and with regard to the discharge, the data were considered from the Orsova station located at the entrance of the Danube River in Romania.

For the precipitation in the middle and lower basin, as well as for the discharge of the Danube in the lower basin, the GBO signal is higher than that of the NAO. The intensity of this signal depends on the season. The highest difference between the GBO and NAO signals was evident in the winter season. The GBO is by construction almost complementary to the NAO, and considered together they can be good predictors for larger areas in Europe.

How to cite: Mares, I., Mares, C., Dobrica, V., and Demetrescu, C.: The comparative study on the effects of NAO and GBO on the Hydroclimate in Southeastern Europe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12351,, 2024.