SM4.17 | Source physics of earthquakes and insights into slow-to-fast earthquakes
Source physics of earthquakes and insights into slow-to-fast earthquakes
Convener: Henriette Sudhaus | Co-conveners: Qing-Yu Wang, Ehsan KosariECSECS, Kate Huihsuan Chen, Armin DielforderECSECS, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, P. Martin Mai
| Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST), 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room D2
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X1
Orals |
Mon, 14:00
Mon, 10:45
This session will focus on investigations about the physics of earthquakes – fast and slow. On the one hand contributions deal with imaging and numerical simulations of earthquake physics. On the other hand we solicit studies towards a comprehensive understanding of slow earthquakes.

We invite abstracts on works to image rupture kinematics and simulate earthquake dynamics using numerical method to improve understanding of the physics of earthquakes. In particular, these are works that aim to develop a deeper understanding of earthquake source physics by linking novel laboratory experiments to earthquake dynamics, and studies on earthquake scaling properties. For instance assessing the roles fluids and heterogeneities play in influencing, directing, or obstructing the behavior of slow earthquakes and how they impact rupture mechanics. Other works show progress in imaging earthquake sources using seismic data and surface deformation measurements (e.g. GNSS and InSAR) to estimate rupture properties on faults and fault systems. Especially for slow earthquakes we look for technological innovations, showcasing cutting-edge tools and methodologies that boost our proficiency in detecting, analyzing, and understanding slow earthquakes.

We want to highlight strengths and limitations of each data set and method in the context of the source-inversion problem, accounting for uncertainties and robustness of the source models and imaging or simulation methods. Contributions are welcome that make use of modern computing paradigms and infrastructure to tackle large-scale forward simulation of earthquake process, but also inverse modeling to retrieve the rupture process with proper uncertainty quantification. We also welcome seismic studies using data from natural faults, lab results and numerical approaches to understand earthquake physics.

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room D2

Chairpersons: Henriette Sudhaus, Armin Dielforder, Alice-Agnes Gabriel
On-site presentation
Théa Ragon and Mark Simons

A secondary zone of surface uplift (SZU), located from 200 to 400 kilometers landward of the trench, has been measured after several megathrust earthquakes. The SZU reached a few centimeters hours to days after the 2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku (Japan) and 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule (Chile) earthquakes. One interpretation is that this SZU is universal, driven by volume deformation around the slab interface (van Dinther et al. 2019). Indeed, published coseismic finite-fault models for these events do not reproduce the measured SZU.

Here, we build on the case of the SZU to understand if, and how, our prior assumptions on the forward model can prevent us (or allow us) to make the most out of our dataset. In particular, we investigate under which assumptions the SZU can, or cannot, be predicted with fault slip. We show the SZU cannot be reproduced with coseismic finite-fault models that neglect 3D elastic heterogeneities in lithospheric structure. In contrast, we can recover the SZU with fault slip if elastic heterogeneities associated with the subducting slab are accounted for, as opposed to assuming homogeneous or layered elastic lithospheric structures. The SZU may therefore result from slip on the slab interface, downdip of the main coseismic patch. We suggest SZU might be caused by rapid afterslip, but a deformation of the volume around the fault cannot be ruled out.

Reference: van Dinther, Y., Preiswerk, L. E., & Gerya, T. V. (2019). A Secondary Zone of Uplift Due to Megathrust Earthquakes. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 176(9), 4043–4068.

How to cite: Ragon, T. and Simons, M.: Assumptions on elastic structure in finite-fault models: the case of the secondary zone of uplift measured after megathrust earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19335,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Cornelis Weemstra and La Ode Marzujriban Masfara

For more than a decade, earthquakes induced by natural gas extraction have been a significant societal concern in Groningen, the Netherlands. Their occurence underlines the importance of understanding earthquake source characteristics and the development of suitable and accurate characterization methods. In this study we (i) estimate the source characteristics of ten relatively strong induced events (magnitude > 2 ML) and (ii) analyse the rupture propagation of these events. The determination of the source characteristics (aspect i) involves the estimation of centroid-moment tensors (CMT) by means of an iterative workflow based on the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm. Importantly, this approach allows us to quantify the uncertainties of the model parameters (hypocenter, origin time, and moment tensor components) as the Markov Chain asymptotically approaches the posterior probability of these model parameters. The Bayesian inference problem is paired with geological prior knowledge of the Groningen subsurface (i.e., a detailed 3D velocity model and the know fault geometry). For the rupture propagation analysis (aspect ii), we employ the Empirical Green's Function method and exploit the dense sampling of the wavefield in Groningen resulting from the extensive seismic network in the region. This analysis allows us to estimate the directivity and speed of the ruptures, as such giving insight into the kinematics of the ten selected earthquakes.


We find that the lateral coordinates of the estimated centroids (posterior means) are consistent with the available Groningen fault map. Furthermore, the depths are mainly distributed in the vicinity of either the top or bottom of the gas reservoir. In terms of source mechanisms, the earthquakes are predominantly explained by double-couple sources featuring normal faulting. After conversion of the mean of the ensemble of moment tensors to strike, dip, and rake, we obtain values consistent with the known fault geometry. As for the rupture propagation analysis, our results indicate that these earthquakes display a relatively minor directivity effect. In spite of the minimal effect, however, the rupture directions are mostly consistent with the strike derived from both the MTs and the available fault map. 

How to cite: Weemstra, C. and Masfara, L. O. M.: Probabilistic centroid moment tensor inversion and rupture analysis of incuded seismic events in the Groningen gas reservoir, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18600,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marija Mustać Brčić, Jinyin Hu, Marijan Herak, Hrvoje Tkalčić, and Thanh-Son Pham

On 22 March 2020 at 5:24 UTC, a MW 5.4 earthquake occurred on the outskirts of Zagreb and was followed by a MW 5.0 aftershock at 6:01 UTC on the same day. These moderate-magnitude events resulted in ground motion at the edge of detectability with satellite data but caused considerable damage in Zagreb’s historic centre. To illuminate the seismic sources, we compute the ground motion and invert seismic data using a state-of-the-art Bayesian inversion method that accounts for uncertainties in the data and in the Earth structure model. We compare the results to a well-established technique that uses a large number of hand-picked first-motion polarities.

Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide data both from the ascending and descending orbit is obtained and processed using the European Space Agency SNAP toolbox. The resulting images show a phase difference of about 2π corresponding to ground displacement of 3 cm. The hypocentre and centroid locations of the events suggest that both were initiated at a depth of around 10 km, the rupture propagated upward, and most of the energy was released at a depth of 4 to 5 km. The shallow depth of the earthquakes possibly led to measurable surface displacement and resulted in considerable damage in the epicentral area and the centre of Zagreb.

How to cite: Mustać Brčić, M., Hu, J., Herak, M., Tkalčić, H., and Pham, T.-S.: Surface displacement and source parameters of the 2020 Zagreb, Croatia earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15566,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tom Gabrieli and Yuval Tal

The geometry of long strike-slip faults often includes local deviations from the general fault orientation, commonly known as restraining and releasing bends. As earthquake ruptures propagate along the fault, these bends experience either an increase or decrease of stress, influencing the rupture dynamics. While it is well established that these geometric features can dramatically affect rupture parameters such as propagation velocity, style, and extent, the exact dynamics and mechanics of the rupture-bend interaction are not yet clear. Here, we present direct experimental observations of the interaction of shear ruptures with restraining and releasing bends of different angles, deviating from a planar interface by up to 30 degrees. We trigger dynamic ruptures that spontaneously propagate along matching interfaces between two loaded PMMA plates and image ruptures at the area of the bends with an ultra-high-speed camera, operating at a rate of million frames per second. By applying Digital Image Correlation on the imaged frames, we produce high-resolution, full-field maps of the evolution of displacements, particle velocities, and stresses as the ruptures propagate through the bends. While all ruptures reach the bends as self-healing slip pulses propagating at sub-Rayleigh velocities, different bend geometries have different effects on the ruptures. These include arresting the ruptures, transitioning them into supershear and crack-like ruptures, and triggering secondary ruptures and back-propagations. These results can illuminate the complex dynamics that evolve around restraining and releasing bends during earthquakes and can be used for calibrating earthquake models and refining earthquake hazard assessments.

How to cite: Gabrieli, T. and Tal, Y.: The effects of restraining and releasing fault bends on the propagation of shear ruptures: direct experimental measurements, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4586,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maria Eugenia Locchi, Francesco Mosconi, Mariano Supino, Emanuele Casarotti, and Elisa Tinti

Earthquake is one of the greatest natural hazards and a better understanding of the physical processes causing earthquake ruptures is required for appropriate seismic hazard assessment. Kinematic modelling is a standard tool for providing paramount information about the complexity of the earthquake rupture process and for making inferences on earthquake mechanics. Despite recent advances, kinematic models are characterized by uncertainties and trade-offs among parameters (related to the non-uniqueness of the problem). It has been shown that, for the same earthquake, source models obtained with different methodologies can exhibit significant discrepancies in terms of slip distribution, fault planes geometry and rupture time evolution.

One of the crucial assumptions in kinematic modelling on causative faults is the source time function, because it contains key information about the dynamics. Such function is nonetheless one of the most poorly observationally constrained characteristics of faulting. Recently, slip velocity time histories have been studied with laboratory earthquakes, and it has been observed that a systematic change of mechanical properties and traction evolution corresponds to a change in the shape of slip velocity. However, in kinematic inversions this function is a-priori assumed using simplified shapes, although functions compatible with rupture dynamics should be preferred.

In this work, we run a series of forward and inverse modelling to investigate the effect of the assumed slip velocity function on the ground motion and on the inverted slip history on the fault plane. We generate spontaneous dynamic models and use their ground motion as real events, inverting these data with kinematic models. Kinematic inversions have been conducted using both single-time and multi-time windowing. Uncertainties have been investigated assuming four different source time functions (i.e., triangular, box, regularized-yoffe and exponential functions). In this way we examine how the slip velocity function influences the slip distribution on the fault plane, and test if the inferred kinematic parameters (rise time and rupture velocity) are consistent with the dynamic models. Also, for a dense grid of phantom receivers, we examine the variability of the peak ground velocity (PGV) of synthetic seismograms up to 1 Hz. The latter have been obtained with forward models assuming the same slip distribution, rise time and rupture velocity but changing the source time functions.

Finally, we use the retrieved kinematic history on the pseudo-dynamic models to examine how different kinematic assumptions lead to a variability in the shear stress evolution. We focus on dynamic parameters such as breakdown work, stress drop, and Dc parameter. Our results provide a glimpse of the variability that kinematic source time functions (dynamically consistent or not) might have when used as a constraint to model the earthquake dynamics.

How to cite: Locchi, M. E., Mosconi, F., Supino, M., Casarotti, E., and Tinti, E.: Studying the Viability of Kinematic Rupture Models and Source Time Functions with Dynamic Constraints, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7887,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Aurora Lambiase, Sahar Nazeri, Valeria Longobardi, and Aldo Zollo

The study of earthquake rupture complexity plays a crucial role in assessing and mitigating seismic hazards.
Among the earthquake source parameters, the rupture velocity is generally unknown and assumed as a fixed percentage (60%-90%) of the shear wave velocity, although it controls the rupture duration, directivity, amplitude, and frequency content of the radiated wavefield. The rupture velocity is indeed the key parameter that determines the earthquake rupture length and indirectly the stress release, through the seismic moment. The observed large variability of stress drop estimates (over three orders of magnitude) can be partly related to the uncertain estimate of the rupture velocity and its possible heterogeneity or scaling with magnitude.

In this study, we tackle the specific problem of estimating earthquake rupture velocity, together with other characteristic source parameters, using a time-domain technique, applied to a 24-event dataset of micro-seismic events occurring in The Geysers area in California, USA. We propose a methodology that combines P and S half-pulse durations to infer independent estimates of the rupture radius and speed of microearthquakes assuming a circular fracture surface. For this aim a previous technique, that uses the P- and S-wave log-displacement curves as a function of the time along the seismogram has been used to measure attenuation-corrected, average P and S half-durations and plateau levels from a set of recorded earthquake waveforms. Refined estimations of seismic moment, rupture radius, and velocity allowed to determine accurate estimations of the stress release. Results show that rupture velocity is not constant but increases with magnitude in the explored range, reaching in 16 cases supershear speed values. Noteworthy, a self-similar, constant stress drop scaling is obtained only if a variable rupture velocity with magnitude is used for rupture radius and stress release determinations. The possibility of extremely fast ruptures (super-shear) occurring in the considered geothermal area can be attributed to the effect of lubrication and/or pore pressure increase due to massive volumes fluids injected under high pressure in the subsoil, to exploit the energy resources of the geothermal reservoir.

This work paves the way for a deeper comprehension of the physical and geological conditions determining the nucleation, propagation, and arrest of the fracture in crustal rock volumes with different faulting mechanisms, and offers a new and interesting approach for a more complete and accurate earthquake source parameters estimation through a time domain technique.

How to cite: Lambiase, A., Nazeri, S., Longobardi, V., and Zollo, A.: Rupture Velocity Estimation and Source Parameter Analysis of Micro-Seismic Events at The Geysers, California, USA, Applying A Time-Domain Technique, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16185,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Francesco Mosconi, Elisa Tinti, Emanuele Casarotti, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Luca Dal Zilio, Antonio Pio Rinaldi, Ravil Dorozhinskii, and Massimo Cocco

Understanding the dynamics of microearthquakes is a timely challenge to solve current paradoxes in earthquake mechanics, such as the stress drop and fracture energy scaling with seismic moment. Dynamic modelling of microearthquakes induced by fluid injection is also relevant for studying rupture propagation following a stimulated nucleation. The ERC-Synergy project FEAR (Fault Activation and Earthquake Ruptures) in the Bedretto Underground Laboratory (Swiss Alps) at approximately 1500m depth offers a unique opportunity to investigate fluid-induced micro-events on broadband seismic arrays. In this study, we leverage this opportunity to perform dynamic ruptures caused by fluid injection on a target pre-existing fault (50m x 50m), generating a Mw ≤ 1 seismic event. We conduct fully dynamic rupture simulations coupled with seismic wave propagation in 3D using a linear slip-weakening constitutive law, implemented on the supercomputer Leonardo (CINECA) with a multi-GPU distributed system.

Stress field and fault geometry are constrained by in-situ characterization, allowing us to minimize the a priori imposed parameters. We investigate the dynamics of rupture propagation and its arrest for a target Mw < 1 induced earthquake with spatially heterogeneous stress drops caused by pore pressure changes and different constitutive parameters (i.e., critical slip-weakening distance, Dc, dynamic friction). We explore different homogenous conditions of frictional parameters, and we show that the spontaneous arrest of a propagating rupture following a dynamic instability is possible in the modeled stress regime by assuming a high fault strength parameter S, that is high ratio between strength excess and dynamic stress drop characterizing the fault before injection. The arrest of rupture propagation in our modeled induced earthquakes depends on the heterogeneity of dynamic parameters caused by the spatially variable effective normal stress, which controls the on-fault spatial increment of fracture energy Gc. Furthermore, in faults with high S values (i.e., low rupturing potential), we find that even minor variations in Dc (from0.45 to 0.6 mm) have a substantial effect on the rupture propagation and on the ultimate size of the earthquakes. Our results show that modest variations of dynamic stress drop determine the rupture mode, distinguishing self-arresting from run-away ruptures. Studying dynamic interactions (stress transfer) among slipping points on the rupturing fault provides insights on the dynamic load and shear stress evolution at the crack tip. The inferred spatial dimension of the cohesive zone in our crack models is roughly ~0.3-0.4m, with a maximum slip of ~0.6cm. Finally, analyzing the radiated synthetic waveforms, we examine the differences in the high-frequency content of simulated waveforms between self-arresting and run-away earthquakes and provide an estimation of the source parameters obtained through the spectral inversion. This estimation is then compared with source parameters of the dynamic forward models.

Our results suggest that several features inferred for accelerating dynamic ruptures differ from those observed during rupture deceleration in a self-arresting earthquake caused by the spatial gradients of normal stress and pore-pressure. These results related to rupture arrest integrate those obtained with spatial variations of the initial stress, highlighting the role of the heterogeneities of stress drop and Gc.

How to cite: Mosconi, F., Tinti, E., Casarotti, E., Gabriel, A.-A., Dal Zilio, L., Rinaldi, A. P., Dorozhinskii, R., and Cocco, M.: Modeling 3D dynamic rupture and arrest of spontaneous fluid-induced microearthquake, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11935,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Physical controls on spatial segmentation of subduction megathrust slip processes at the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand
Laura Wallace, Charles Williams, Spahr Webb, John DeSanto, and Dan Bassett
On-site presentation
Cristián E. Siegel, Patricio Toledo, Sebastián Riquelme, Raúl Madariaga, and Jaime Campos

The subduction zone seismic-cycle is a complex phenomena with individual earthquakes as clearer manifestations. Although earthquakes are fundamentally space-extended, they are inferred to be material ruptures mostly considered as points in space. Nevertheless, in the temporal dimension, because they are plate-velocity dependent, it is less clear that they can be considered as point processes. Therefore, when considering this plate velocity in the balance analysis and assuming a locally homogeneous stochastic process hypothesis along coarse-graining upscaling it is possible to get a picture that makes sense of the whole seismic-cycle. This picture has emergent properties not available from purely seismic events, but that are more and more frequently recognized from geodetic and satellite observations, such as distant interactions and slow slip events. Taking advantage of the instrumentation installed at northern Chile, which makes use of both temporary and permanent stations from the National Seismological Center and IPOC it has been possible to obtain a well detailed picture of the seismic cycle between 2007 and 2023, that is consistent with representations obtained from geodesical measurements. We also obtain this representation for 49-year ISC catalog. We discuss possible applications of this seismic cycle representation.

How to cite: Siegel, C. E., Toledo, P., Riquelme, S., Madariaga, R., and Campos, J.: The Balance Process in Subduction Zones, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20904,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Qing-Yu Wang, Ehsan Kosari, Kate Huihsuan Chen
On-site presentation
Job Arts, André Niemeijer, Martyn Drury, Ernst Willingshofer, and Liviu Matenco

Along-fault lithological heterogeneity is observed in all fault zones that cross-cut compositional layering. Modelling studies of fault rupture nucleation, propagation and arrest often assume that the fault mechanical behaviour is governed by either the rheologically weakest phase or by homogeneous gouge mixtures of the juxtaposing lithologies. However, the effects of spatial heterogeneity on fault gouge composition and hence its frictional behaviour are not well understood.

In this study, we conducted friction experiments to understand how material mixing and clay-smearing in fault gouges affect the frictional strength and stability of claystone-sandstone juxtaposing faults. Simulated mechanically contrasting fault gouges (Ten Boer claystone and Slochteren sandstone) were derived from the Groningen gas field in the northeast of the Netherlands, an area affected by induced seismicity. We conducted velocity stepping tests in a rotary shear configuration to facilitate substantial shear displacement, essential to study mixing and clay-smearing in large offset faults. Experiments were performed under normal stresses ranging between 2.5 and 10 MPa, imposed velocities ranging between 10 and 1000 µm/s, and under drained conditions. We introduced spatial heterogeneity by segmentation of the simulated gouge in claystone and sandstone patches.

Our mechanical data shows displacement-dependent changes in sliding friction and its rate-dependence. Clay smearing and shear localization on foliation planes cause transient weakening of the gouge and a shift from velocity-weakening to velocity-strengthening behaviour. Progressive shearing leads to juxtaposition of sandstone segments that are separated only by a thin clay smear. We propose that the associated increase in friction is caused by lithology mixing at the interfaces between the clay smear and the bulk Slochteren sandstone gouge, and by the disruption of continuous Y-shears. Progressive shearing does not lead to a decrease in the rate-sensitivity parameter (a-b), suggesting that, although affected by quartz and feldspar grains, deformation remains localized on phyllosilicate foliation planes.

Our results show that fault friction and its rate-dependence are not simply governed by the weakest lithology along a fault plane, nor that they can be simply represented by a homogeneous mixture of the juxtaposing lithologies. Detailed knowledge of the stratigraphic layering in combination with the fault offset is required to predict the macroscopic frictional behaviour of heterogenous fault gouges.

How to cite: Arts, J., Niemeijer, A., Drury, M., Willingshofer, E., and Matenco, L.: The Frictional Strength and Stability of Spatially Heterogeneous Fault gouges, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6184,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Dietrich Lange, Yu Ren Ren, and Ingo Grevemeyer

The Blanco transform fault system (BTFS) in the northwest off the coast of Oregon is highly segmented and one of the newly evolving transform faults. While for most transform systems, no high-resolution seismological data is available, the BTFS was instrumented with a dense network of 54 ocean-bottom-seismometer stations in 2012-2013.  We use one year of ocean-bottom-seismometer data from the Blanco Transform OBS Experiment (network code X9) to compare the seismicity with high-resolution multibeam bathymetry, aeromagnetic, and gravity datasets to study the seismotectonics of the BTFS. 

We determine P and S-phase arrivals using a new machine learning picker trained on OBS data to create a high-resolution local seismicity catalogue. We compare seismicity catalogues based on different picking algorithms and event associators, including an automated phase picker for OBS data (PICKBLUE) using the hydrophone and seismometer channels. 

In total, we locate ~9.000 local events, which reveal lateral deformation along the BTFS in very high detail, including smaller step-overs, transtensional structures, and focused seismicity along the fault trace and several ~15 km long aseismic segments along the BTFS. At segments where the BTFS is linear, most seismicity is very concentrated to the transform fault, suggesting that the deformation is within +/-7 km of the fault trace and, hence, very focused. Furthermore, we will present vp and vp/vs velocity models, which reveal the three-dimensional structure of the BTFS and compare the seismicity with seismic velocities.  

The local seismicity indicates substantial along-strike variations, indicating different slip modes in the eastern and western BTFS. Seismic slip vectors suggest that the eastern BTFS is a mature transform fault system accommodating the plate motion. At the same time, the western BTFS is immature as its re-organization is still ongoing.

The available datasets provide no evidence of either transform faults or fracture zones around the BTFS before 2 Ma, supporting that there were no pre-existing transform faults before the initiation of the BTFS. Therefore, we suggest that the BTFS developed from two broad transfer zones instead of pre-existing transform faults. 

Furthermore, we applied the deep learning phase picker, to analyse an extensive OBS dataset over three years, including a total of 225 OBS deployments (network codes: 7D, X9, and Z5) deployed offshore the south-central Cascadia subduction zone, south of the BTFS. As a result, ~7000 well-constrained local events were derived, providing new insights into offshore fault dynamics and the segmentation of the Gorda ridge  South of the BTFS.


How to cite: Lange, D., Ren, Y. R., and Grevemeyer, I.: Seismicity, Segmentation and Structure of the Blanco Transform Fault System in the Northeast Pacific, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5657,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Patricia Martínez-Garzón, Men-Andrin Meier, Federica Lanza, Cristiano Collettini, and Georg Dresen

Quantifying the stress field variability at different wavelengths and how it evolves over time has important implications for the development of earthquake sequences. As small earthquakes occur more frequently than larger ones, their focal mechanisms are essential to create larger catalogs, that allow to statistically quantify the kinematics of earthquake sequences within a region and the preferential orientations of co-seismic strain release. Inverting earthquake focal mechanisms is widely used to infer a number of stress-related parameters characterizing a crustal volume, including the orientation of the principal stress axes, maximum horizontal stress, and the relative magnitudes of the principal (stress ratio R) and horizontal stresses (APHI). If resolution allows, these stress parameters can be employed to quantify stress variability and heterogeneity in different rock volumes. Here we studied the 2016-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence that is characterized by the occurrence of three mainshocks: the Mw 6.0 Amatrice, Mw 5.9 Visso and Mw 6.5 Norcia. These major events nucleated on normal faults with kinematics consistent with the regional stress field. Taking advantage of a high-resolution catalog generated with deep learning and containing ~56.000 focal mechanisms, we calculated the distribution of stress parameters over small crustal volumes activated during the sequence and resolved the variability of the stress field during three different time periods punctuated by the three largest events. We found a change in the local trend of SHMax with better defined orientations consistent with the regional stress field towards the SE of the Amatrice mainshock, and larger variability to the NW where also Visso and Norcia mainshocks ruptured. These changes in SHMax trend also coincide with a contrast in the APHI parameter quantifying the relative magnitude of the horizontal stresses. The area between the Amatrice, Visso and Norcia epicenters displayed the lowest APHI (i.e. representing a normal faulting stress regime where SV >> SHMAX) and the lowest relative magnitude of the S2 (SHMax in the case of normal faulting). Furthermore, an increase in the APHI parameter is observed at depths below 8 km, reaching transtensional and strike-slip stress regimes in some local volumes. The area surrounding the rupture of the Amatrice mainshock displays the largest deviations from the regional stress over the entire analysed time period, indicating a stress anomaly driven by the properties of the medium or stress heterogeneities caused by static stress transfer that are persisting over the one-year time span of the catalogue. The observed local stress deviations from the regional stress field can help illuminating dominant local loadings affecting the deformation pattern.

How to cite: Martínez-Garzón, P., Meier, M.-A., Lanza, F., Collettini, C., and Dresen, G.: Stress heterogeneity and its relation to geology during the 2016-2017 central Italy earthquake sequence, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8773,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jannes Münchmeyer, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Marielle Malfante, William Frank, Piero Poli, David Marsan, and Anne Socquet

Tectonic faults exhibit a wide spectrum of processes releasing stress: from fast earthquakes to slow deformation. Mapping smaller-scale slow deformation directly is challenging because of the limited signal-to-noise ratio of geodetic recordings. Instead, we need to rely on other telltale signs of slow deformation. Low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) are such signs: a class of seismically observable signals that coincide with slow deformation.

However, detecting LFEs is challenging due to their emergent nature and generally low magnitude. The most common method for LFE detection is template matching. Due to the need for waveform templates, this method is specific to a set of LFE sources and seismic stations. This limitation renders the template matching unable to discover uncataloged sources or detect LFEs in regions without prior known LFE activity.

Here, we present a novel, deep learning method for detecting LFEs. Our method detects phase arrivals from LFEs, allowing to detect them with a workflow closely modeled after a standard earthquake detection workflow. In contrast to template matching, the deep learning method is substantially more flexible and can generalise to unknown LFEs and even across world regions. We apply our method to a diverse set of regions, including regions with previously known LFE activity, such as Cascadia and Nankai, and without known LFE activity, such as Northern Chile.

How to cite: Münchmeyer, J., Giffard-Roisin, S., Malfante, M., Frank, W., Poli, P., Marsan, D., and Socquet, A.: Identifying uncataloged low-frequency earthquake sources with deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10195,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Zaccaria El Yousfi, Baptiste Rousset, Mathilde Radiguet, and William B. Frank

Active faults present a wide spectrum of slip behaviors, from fast earthquakes, transient slow slip events to steady creep. Although each fault has its own specificities, the distribution of these behaviors is dictated by the evolution of depth-dependent pressure and temperature conditions to first order. In most of the subduction zones, transient slow slip events, accompanied by tectonic tremors and Low Frequency Earthquakes (LFEs), are located in the transition zone, between the updip seismogenic zone and the downdip steadily creeping zone. 

When present, tremors and LFEs are unique tools to monitor in detail the slip behavior in the transition zone. Previous studies analyzed the spatio-temporal clustering of tremors and LFEs (Wech et Creager, 2011, Rubin et Armbruster, 2013, Frank et al., 2013), and revealed that the properties of tremors/LFE bursts evolve with increasing depth: long recurrence intervals and long-lasting bursts occur close to the seismogenic zone while short recurrence intervals and short-lasting bursts happen deeper, close to the continuously creeping zone. These observations were made in various regions and tectonic contexts, including Cascadia (Wech and Creager, 2011), Nankai (Obara et al., 2011) and Mexico (Frank et al., 2013) for subduction zones, and the San Andreas strike-slip fault (Shelly et al., 2017).

In this study, we aim to gain insight on the rheological properties of the transition zone by a systematic analysis of the LFEs clustering properties in different regions and tectonic contexts. To do so, we analyze with similar methods LFE catalogs obtained with template matching, for Mexico (Frank et al., 2013), Nankai (Kato et al., 2020), Cascadia (Sweet et al., 2019) and Parkfield (Shelly et al., 2017).

We analyze the clustering properties of the LFE families (asperities), by computing the auto-correlation spectra of LFE catalogs for single families, and stacking them for bins along depth. This spectrum shows the density of recurrence of LFE bursts, and we observe a clear variation of maximum recurrence intervals between 100 and 10 days along depth for all regions. Additionally, we calculated and compared LFE burst recurrences using the cumulative LFE time series derivative, from which we retrieved prominent bursts, and using other clustering methods such as DBSCAN. Finally, we compile the results from different regions and compare them with the along depth pressure-temperature  conditions of these faults (Behr and Bürgmann, 2021) to have a rheological insight on these observations made using LFEs.

How to cite: El Yousfi, Z., Rousset, B., Radiguet, M., and Frank, W. B.: Insight on along-dip fault transition zone rheology through LFE clustering , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20029,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Masataka Kinoshita, Rie Nakata, Kazuya Shiraishi, Yohei Hamada, and Yoshitaka Hashimoto

In the central to western Nankai Trough. a series of dense seismic reflection surveys were conducted in 2018-2020 (Nakamura et al., 2022 GRL). They show impressive topographic features of the subducting plate boundary, including a subducting seamount in the Hyuga-Nada region and off Cap Muroto. Compiled seismic dataset was used for picking BSRs (bottom-simulating reflectors), which define a boundary between the hydrate-rich formation above and a gas-bearing layer below. The heat flow values are calculated from these BSR depths and the average thermal conductivity between the seafloor and BSR. The short wavelength variations are filtered out and the obtained heat flow values are regionally averaged ones. The result was then merged with the existing heat flow data (surface, borehole and BSR-derived) in this area.

Heat flow is highest near the trough axis off Cape Muroto (near the central Nankai Trough), which is interpreted as the fluid seepage along the decollement. In the forearc region, heat flow varies between 50-70 mW/m^2, On the forearc area off Muroto, the bathymetry is characterized by a large landward embayment including the trough axis and deformation front. Within 20 km landward from the deformation front, heat flow is ~80 mW/m^2 in this embayed area, whereas it is 40-60 mW/m^2 on either side of embayment. Further landward, we found a low heat flow (~30mW/m^2) region above the subducted seamount. We propose that the heat flow is affected by the subduction of seamount.

In Hyuga-Nada forearc, the westernmost portion of the Nankai Trough region off eastern Kyushu, the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR) is obliquely subducting toward N30W since several Ma B.P. Heat flow marks a sharp contrast at KPR; to the east it is 50-100mW/m2 to the east and 25-40mW/m2 to the west. The transition from high to low heat flow occurs in only 20 km across KPR. Higher heat flows of 100 mW/m2 to the east are located near the axis of Nankai Trough, similar to those reported off Muroto. Lower heat flow to the west is attributed to the subduction of older West Philippine Basin. Near the KPR we observed a ‘bowl-shape’ negative heat flow anomaly; heat flow outside is ~45mW/m2, whereas it is ~25 mW/m2 above the subducted KPR.

We hypothesize these local low heat flow close to subducted seamounts in 2 models. The first is that the subducted seamount was already cooled down by the downward fluid flow (recharge) after it was formed as the opening of Shikoku Backarc basin (15-25 Ma). The second is that the seamount subduction caused a stress contrast between the leading and trailing sides, encouraging a poroelastic fluid flow in the sediment above seamount. Through numerical simulations we found either model is possible to explain the observation. However, considering a frequent occurrence of low-frequency tremors around the seamount in Hyuga-Nada, we favor the latter model, because the fluid flow can reduce the effective stress, leading to the occurrence of seismic activities. We further discuss these mechanisms.

How to cite: Kinoshita, M., Nakata, R., Shiraishi, K., Hamada, Y., and Hashimoto, Y.: Heat flow in the Nankai forearc, SW Japan, derived from BSR and drilling: Possible effect ofseamount subduction on earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20899,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jessica Hawthorne, Amanda Thomas, Lois Papin, Hui Huang, and Samuel Cavendish

The fault zone process that creates slow earthquakes remains unclear, but one proposed mechanism to limit slip speeds depends on shear-induced dilatancy and the resulting pore pressure changes.  This process would imply that the fault zone dilates during slow earthquakes.  So in this study, we search for the signature of dilation in the focal mechanisms of tremor’s low frequency earthquakes (LFEs).

It is, however, difficult to directly observe dilation in LFE waveforms.  The paths travelled by LFEs’ 1-10 Hz seismic waves are complex, and Earth structure is poorly known at the short wavelengths of interest.   This complexity makes it difficult to disentangle path effects from source properties.  Thus we look for differences in the seismic waves created by two groups of LFEs: groups of events that are in the same location but occur at different times.  The earlier events are smaller and thought to rupture through more solid, low-permeability fault rock and thus may have large dilation, while the later events rupture areas that have recently slipped and thus may have smaller dilation.

In our initial analysis, we stack and analyse waveforms of LFEs identified in Cascadia by Bostock et al (2015).  However, we identify no significant difference in the waveforms or any significant trends in the polarisation of the difference.  Preliminary results suggest that the early and late LFEs have waveforms that differ by less than 1-2%.  

That zero to minimal difference could indicate that there is no dilation.  Perhaps early and late LFEs are exclusively shear slip, and shear-induced dilatancy does not limit LFE slip speeds.  However, it is also possible that dilation is simply small.  The early, potentially large-dilation LFEs could have a dilation-to-shear slip moment ratio of 0.05, and the later, potentially small-dilation LFEs have a dilation-to-shear ratio of 0.04.   Such dilation would be large enough to significantly affect LFE slip rates but would not be visible with our current data and techniques.

In our continuing work, then, we seek to decrease the uncertainty in our observations by identifying and stacking more LFEs and by extracting more information from seismograms including many LFEs.

How to cite: Hawthorne, J., Thomas, A., Papin, L., Huang, H., and Cavendish, S.: A search for dilation in low frequency earthquake waveforms, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9837,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sina Massoumi, Véronique Dansereau, Jérôme Weiss, Michel Campillo, and Nikolai M. Shapiro

Slow earthquakes are transient events detected with geodetic (slow slip) and/or seismic (low-frequency earthquakes and tremors) observations that release energy over a period of hours to months, i.e., much longer than regular earthquakes. These events are observed in several subduction at a specific range of depths and with their properties, such as strength, duration, recurrence interval, and predominance of either slip or seismic components varying along the subduction interface. In this study, we investigate slow earthquakes based on numerical modeling by applying a combined Maxwell viscoelastic and damaging rheology. Unlike conventional rate and state modeling practices utilizing infinitely thin fault assumptions with fault friction laws, our approach incorporates a finite fault thickness through a damage mechanism and suitable failure criteria. Our model directly predicts a geodetically observable slow displacement, while rock damaging rate is considered as a proxy to seismic tremors.

We run a set of numerical simulations to systematically explore the effects of model parameters such as viscosity, yield stress, and healing time on slow slip and tremors. We then incorporate along-fault variations in temperature, pore pressure, and permeability rate to infer changes in viscosity, yield stress, and healing time. The model successfully reproduces the observed synchronous episodes of slow slip and tremors in the initial stage. We show that decreasing strength and healing time results in reducing the recurrence intervals between these episodes and the amplitude of slow slip. Conversely, decreasing viscosity leads to a larger recurrence time and increased amplitude. After introducing the along-fault variability of main mechanical parameters, the model successfully predicts tremor concentration in the downdip zone which can be explained by the influence of high pore pressure in the yield stress profile as a function of depth. The capacity of the model to reproduce some patterns seen in observations underscores its capacity to capture the physics of slow earthquakes, emphasizing its potential to improve our understanding of seismic phenomena in subduction zones.

How to cite: Massoumi, S., Dansereau, V., Weiss, J., Campillo, M., and Shapiro, N. M.: Modeling the along-fault variability of slow earthquakes in subduction zones based on a combined Maxwell Viscoelastic and damaging rheology, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9095,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yi Ge, Wei Hu, and Huaixiao Gou

Fast and slow earthquakes represent distinct modes of energy release during tectonic fault rupture. While laboratory stick-slip experiments have observed both fast and slow slips, limitations in sampling rates have obscured detailed insights into fault thickness variation. Specifically, the underlying reasons for a single fault exhibiting different slip modes have remained elusive. In this study, we conducted ring shear experiments employing an ultrahigh sampling rate (10 MHz) to shed light on the contrasting physical processes between fast and slow slip events. Our findings reveal that slip durations varied from dozens to hundreds of milliseconds. Fast slip events exhibit continuous large-amplitude Acoustic Emission (AE) signals alongside complex variations in sample thickness: a brief compaction pulse during rapid stress release, succeeded by sample dilation and thickness vibrations. As the slip concludes, the sample thickness initially undergoes slow compaction, followed by dilation preceding the nucleation of subsequent slip events. Conversely, during slow slip events, shear stress reduction coincides with intermittent bursts of low-amplitude AE and sample dilation. Fast and slow slips have similar AE spectra. Detailed observations of thickness variations during slips indicate that dilation occurs in both fast and slow slips, aligning with natural observations of coseismic dilatation. This study offers insights into the mechanisms governing fault slips during fast and slow earthquakes, potentially explaining their impact on stress redistribution and structural reorganization within faults.

How to cite: Ge, Y., Hu, W., and Gou, H.: Concordant Dilatancy in Stick-Slip Events and Fast/Slow Earthquakes: Insights from High-Resolution Studies, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2509,, 2024.

Posters on site: Mon, 15 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X1

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–Mon, 15 Apr, 12:30
Chairpersons: P. Martin Mai, Ehsan Kosari, Qing-Yu Wang
Kinematic and dynamic source modelling of earthquakes
Thomas Ulrich, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, and Fabian Kutschera

Rapid earthquake source characterization following an earthquake is crucial for effective emergency response and risk management. It may help for example in warning of potential secondary hazards like tsunamis or aftershocks or may guide resource allocation towards efficient coordination of rescue operations. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) provides routinely generated kinematic models based on teleseismic body and surface wave data, CMT solutions, and scaling relationships (Hayes, 2017). For the most significant earthquakes, models can be iteratively updated based on available data, such as strong motion or geodetic data (Goldberg, 2022). Nevertheless, in most cases, such automatically derived source characterization is limited to static slip. Yet, a characterization of rupture kinematics or dynamics would be beneficial as well. 

We here propose a workflow for the automated generation of earthquake dynamic rupture scenarios based on the fault slip distribution of a given kinematic model, and we present a proof of concept based on the 2024 Mw7.4 Noto Peninsula, Japan, earthquake. Our workflow, here based on the USGS model,  consists of retrieving the fault slip associated with the kinematic model, automatically generating a mesh and the input files, and running a set of dynamic rupture scenarios, informed by the stress change of the kinematic model. We plan to explore a limited parameter set, from which a preferred scenario could be selected, based on the fit to the input slip distribution, the fit to routinely inferred moment rate release, or to other available datasets, such as teleseismic, geodetic, or strong motion data. 

We expect such routinely derived dynamic rupture scenarios to be beneficial in the emergency response phase, for example, to better assess the potential damage to structures. More generally, such systematic source characterization could feed earthquake source databases, and therefore contribute to improving earthquake hazard assessment and the overall understanding of tectonic processes.

How to cite: Ulrich, T., Gabriel, A.-A., and Kutschera, F.: Towards automated rapid earthquake dynamics characterization:  a proof of concept based on the 2024 Mw7.4 Noto Peninsula, Japan, earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19510,, 2024.

Lubica Valentová K. and František Gallovič

In dynamic source inversions, observed waveforms are used to infer frictional parameters on a fault, obtaining a rupture model constrained by both data and physics. Assuming a slip-weakening friction law, Bayesian dynamic rupture inversions of regional waveforms have already been performed for several large events (e.g., Gallovič et al., 2019;  Gallovič, et al., 2020; Kostka, et al., 2022). On the other hand, apparent source time functions (ASTF) or apparent source spectra are commonly used to estimate source parameters (corner frequency, stress drop, etc.) under the assumption of simplified source models (e.g., Brune source). The ASTFs can be inferred from observed waveforms by, e.g., empirical Green’s function deconvolution (Plicka et al., 2022), and characterize a station-specific source radiation free of path and site effects. Employing the ASTFs or apparent source spectra at each receiver instead of the full (low-frequency) waveforms in Bayesian dynamic source inversion is a promising way of surpassing the simplifying assumptions on the rupture process and radiation in earthquake source analyses.


Here we inspect the performance of the Bayesian dynamic source inversion applied to ASTFs and apparent source spectra on a series of synthetic tests. As a target model, we assume a Mw 6.2 dynamic source model on a 30x14km fault embedded in a 1D layered medium. The model parameters of the slip-weakening friction law are heterogeneous on the fault. The inversion is performed using the fd3D_tsn_pt code (Premus et al., 2020) with the same parametrization as the target dynamic model. The posterior dynamic model samples are used to assess the reliability of various kinematic or dynamic parameters, such as rupture size, duration, corner frequency, or static stress drop, including their uncertainty, when inverting ASTFs, apparent source spectra, or full waveforms. The synthetic tests reveal which of the source parameters can be estimated reliably using each dataset and which are biased due to the settings of the McMC sampling process. Finally, a real-data application of the ASTF dynamic source inversion for the 2010 Mw 6.9 deep earthquake in East China is shown.

How to cite: Valentová K., L. and Gallovič, F.: Estimating source parameters by dynamic source inversion of apparent source time functions or spectra, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16697,, 2024.

Tariq Anwar Aquib, David Castro Cruz, Jagdish Vyas, and Paul Martin Mai

Accurately predicting the intensity and variability of strong ground motions from future large earthquakes is crucial for seismic hazard analysis. While kinematic ground motion simulations are computationally efficient and can be conditioned to inferred source-inversion models of past events or ensemble statistics of rupture-model databases, they rely on predefined spatiotemporal evolution of slip. In contrast, dynamic rupture simulations solve for a physically self-consistent slip evolution under prescribed stress and friction laws on the fault, yet, they are still computationally expensive. A practical compromise, therefore, is a physics-compatible source model embedded in a kinematic approach (i.e., Guatteri et al., 2004), referred to as the Pseudo-Dynamic (PD) approach.

Geologic features, such as small-scale fault roughness influence the rupture process, generating realistic high frequency radiation with  decay characteristics (Mai et al., 2017). Presently, most PD models are based on rupture simulations of planar faults (with the notable exception of Savran and Olsen, 2020). Additionally, these models rely on 1-point and 2-point statistics between source parameters, which may not adequately capture nonlinear relationships between kinematic rupture parameters.

In this study, we develop a Machine Learning (ML) framework involving Fourier Neural operators (FNO) (Li et al ., 2020) to learn the interdependencies between earthquake source parameters. We train our model using 21 dynamic simulations of rough faults (15 for training, 6 for testing; all from Mai et al., 2017). Our generator initiates with a stochastic final slip (Mai and Beroza, 2002) and a slip-constrained hypocentre location (Mai et al., 2005). The local slip evolution is described by a regularized Yoffe source time function (STF) characterized by rupture onset time, slip, peak time and rise time.

Dynamic rupture simulations show correlation between rupture speed and the gradient of fault roughness, with rupture deceleration in regions of positive roughness gradients, coinciding with fault areas of increased shear stress. Therefore, we establish rupture speed as a function of stress drop computed from 2D final slip and relate peak slip velocity to the estimated rupture speed. Assuming a Yoffe STF, we then compute rise time and the time of peak slip velocity, enabling a full spatiotemporal earthquake source characterization that accounts for dynamic rupture on rough faults. For the stochastic slip, we also demonstrate an approach to model roughness correlated with stress drop. Our PD rupture generator reproduces the mean and standard deviation of ground motion models for different intensity measures in simulations of M 6.0-7.0 strike slip scenarios. This outlines a new PD source modelling approach suitable for broadband physics-based probabilistic seismic hazard analysis.  

How to cite: Aquib, T. A., Cruz, D. C., Vyas, J., and Mai, P. M.: Machine learning based Pseudo-Dynamic rupture generator for geometric rough faults, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5165,, 2024.

Wenbo Zhang and Zhangdi Xie

The Mw6.6 earthquake occurred in the Higashi-Geizen area of Hokkaido, Japan, on September 5, 2018, at a depth of 37 km, which exceeds the depth of the brittle-ductile boundary between the crust and the upper mantle and produces strong damage at the surface. In order to study the seismic tectonics of the source region of the Hokkaido earthquake and the physical mechanism that generates strong ground motions, this paper investigated the dynamics of this earthquake, and attempts to invert the dynamic rupture process based on a kinematic source model. First, the kinematic model of the Hokkaido earthquake was used to analyze and calculate the shear stresses on the fault plane, and it was found that the rupture process basically followed the slip-weakening friction law. Based on this result, an initial dynamic source model was built. Then the dynamic rupture process of the earthquake was inverted by the trial-and-error method. Our results show that the dynamic source rupture process of the Hokkaido earthquake was dominated by strike-slip in the rupture initiating area, and at first propagated toward NE and then toward SW. Finally propagated toward the up-dip direction of the fault plane, producing thrust rupture at the bend of the fault. At the location of thrust rupture, the slip rate and total slip reach their maximum values. Combined with the analysis of kinematic and dynamic inversion results, it is inferred that the region is a strong motion generation zone (SMGA). The strong-ground motions generated from the SMGA mainly caused this earthquake disaster.

How to cite: Zhang, W. and Xie, Z.: Dynamic rupture process of the 2018 Hokkaido Mw6.6 earthquake, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1304,, 2024.

Sima Mousavi, Babak Hejrani, and Meghan S. Miller

The July 14, 2019 Broome earthquake, with a magnitude of 6.6, was a significant seismic event in the North West Shelf (NWS) region of Western Australia where the dynamics of earthquakes are not well-understood. This study examines the focal mechanisms, centroid time, and locations of the Broome earthquake and its aftershocks using Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) analysis.

The NWS is located in an intraplate tectonic setting where the dynamics of earthquakes are not well-understood. The region has a complex history of fault activity, and it transitions from an active collisional plate boundary in the north to a passive continental margin in the west. These tectonic regimes have generated seismic zones along the plate interface and reactivated older faults.

The Broome earthquake, a strike-slip event, exhibited a dominant NNE-SSW maximum horizontal stress orientation, prevalent across the NWS and responsible for numerous regional earthquakes. Despite the NWS's seismic activity, focal mechanism studies have been limited due to sparse seismic stations, significant azimuthal gaps, and considerable distances between stations and earthquake locations.

We utilized CMT inversion with a high-resolution 3D AusREM velocity model of the region. This method offers enhanced accuracy in determining earthquake source parameters at frequency up to 0.1 Hz, which allows us to study smaller magnitude events, which pose challenges for traditional 1D models.  

The results reveal primarily strike-slip faulting with considerable non-double-couple components, indicating complex rupture processes beyond planar assumptions. The 25-58% double-couple percentages highlight significant deviation from standard seismic models, underlining the NWS's geological complexity.

How to cite: Mousavi, S., Hejrani, B., and Miller, M. S.: Unravelling the intraplate 2019 Broome earthquake in the North West Shelf, Australia, through 3D CMT analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15181,, 2024.

The 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye earthquake doublet: Cascading-like triggered ruptures on bifurcating faults
Ao Zheng
Nov 3, 2023, Nepal earthquake: Source mechanisms and structural response of Indo-Gangetic basin
(withdrawn after no-show)
Vipul Silwal, Adarsh Dwivedi, Rinku Mahanta, and Himanshu Mittal
Feyza Arzu, Cedric Twardzik, Barnaby Fryer, Jean-Paul Ampuero, and François Passelègue

Inferring from seismological data the spatio-temporal distribution of slip during earthquakes remains a challenge due to the large size, non-uniqueness and ill-posedness of the inverse problem. Consequently, finite source inversion usually relies on simplifying assumptions. Moreover, in the absence of ground truth source data, the evaluation of the performance of source inversion is only possible through synthetic tests.

To address these concerns and test the viability of the inversion methods used for natural earthquakes, laboratory earthquakes offer a valuable alternative. They enable us to work with "simulated real data" and provide a relatively well-constrained solution. Here, we employ a biaxial apparatus capable of reproducing shear rupture along a rectangular fault separating two PMMA blocks. Both normal and shear stresses are initially increased up to the target normal stress using external pressure pumps, assuming a fixed shear to normal stress ratio of 0.3. Subsequently, the shear stress is increased until instabilities occur at a peak friction of 0.4. During each seismic rupture, we measure the acceleration at 20 receivers along the fault. The acceleration data are integrated twice into displacements, and then used to invert for the slip history, which is compared to direct measurements using laser sensors placed through the fault. For a static inversion of final slip, predictions are computed using Okada's formulation and the posterior probability density function of the slip history is obtained using a Metropolis algorithm. We will also report on results of quasi-static inversion. The adoption of a probabilistic approach provided a range of solutions, essential for assessing the uncertainty in our results and addressing the issue of non-uniqueness. Ultimately, the obtained results will offer insights into inversion methods, presenting their strengths and limitations more realistically than when using artificially generated synthetic datasets.

How to cite: Arzu, F., Twardzik, C., Fryer, B., Ampuero, J.-P., and Passelègue, F.: Static and Quasi-Static Inversion of Fault Slip During Laboratory Earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10095,, 2024.

Dmitry Sidorov-Biryukov and Dragana Đurić

Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) has emerged as a dependable data source across various disciplines, particularly in geophysics. Its utility extends to applications such as fault zones assessment, surface rupture extent estimation, and evaluation of potential infrastructure damage. A key advantage of SAR data in remote sensing for seismology lies in its reliability, as it operates independently of the day/night cycle and weather conditions within the designated area of interest. This characteristic enhances its efficacy in providing consistent and uninterrupted observations for seismic monitoring and analysis. This study proposes a slightly modified methodology for extracting three-dimensional movements of the terrain by leveraging ascending and descending synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) images acquired both pre- and post-event. The approach aims to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of geophysical dynamics by analyzing SAR data in both orbital configurations, providing insights into the spatial and temporal aspects of co-seismic deformation. 
A seismic event investigation was conducted, focusing on the magnitude 6.9 earthquake that occurred in Indonesia on August 5, 2018. This seismic event was attributed to a shallow thrust fault located on or near the Flores Back Arc Thrust. The study utilized Sentinel-1 data for Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) processing and phase unwrapping, employing conventional procedures. The three-dimensional displacement extraction method was applied to the processed data, and the resulting image underwent a comprehensive analysis. The findings reveal a maximum displacement of 0.35 meters in the north-south direction, 0.125 meters in the east-west direction, and an uplift of approximately 0.68 meters.

How to cite: Sidorov-Biryukov, D. and Đurić, D.: Extracting 3-dimensional co-seismic displacement using InSAR techniques, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-304,, 2024.

Fault slip and heterogeneity
Bento Caldeira, Elisa Buforn, Rui Oliveira, Mourad Bezzeghoud, José Borges, and Ines Hamak

On September 8, 2023, at 22:11 UTC, a seismic event of magnitude Mw6.8 (according to the USGS) occurred near the village of Talat N’Yaaqoub, Al Haouz province, in the High Atlas region of Morocco. This earthquake had a profound impact, violently shaking the entire area within a radius of over 70km from the epicentre. More than 78,000 buildings were severely damaged, resulting in approximately 5,600 injuries and around 3,000 fatalities. A considerable portion of the affected population resides in buildings seismically vulnerable and limited access to resources for mitigating such risks. This incident stands out as a significant earthquake in a region characterized by a low deformation rate and generally considered to have low seismic activity. Testimonies collected by CSEM reveal that the seismic vibrations were felt not only in the High Atlas but also by people in a wider area extending to Algeria, southern Spain, and Portugal.

This study presents the preliminary results obtained from a comprehensive investigation of the earthquake's source. The analysis is based on the interpretation of seismic and geodetic data, employing a combination of the following methods: (1) inversion of the seismic moment tensor to determine fault plane geometry and hypocenter depth, (2) waveform inversion using a finite source model to assess spatiotemporal slip distribution, (3) modeling of surface strain field produced by the slip distribution model. The validation of the rupture model was performed by comparing the synthetic surface deformation field with the observed field obtained through the geospatial InSAR method.

Acknowledgement: The work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) project UIDB/04683/2020 - ICT (Institute of Earth Sciences).

How to cite: Caldeira, B., Buforn, E., Oliveira, R., Bezzeghoud, M., Borges, J., and Hamak, I.: Source of the 2023 Morocco Earthquake (Mw6.8) inferred by analysis of Seismic and Geodetic Data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13605,, 2024.

Philip Heron and Congyi Wan

Ancient plate tectonic processes (e.g., continental collisions) can generate deformation deep into the lithosphere, highlighted by seismological imaging showing mantle lithosphere heterogeneities (thought to be scarring from past events). As the mantle lithosphere is the largest (and often strongest) component part of a tectonic plate, it has the potential to control tectonic deformation at the surface. A number of numerical modelling studies indicate the closure of ancient plate boundaries could generate latent deep structures that could be ‘perennially’ reactivated in intraplate settings - dominating shallow geological features in activating tectonics in plate interiors. This work has often been linked to large-scale tectonic processes such as continental rifting and orogenesis. However, in order to fully understand such ‘bottom-up’ influences on plate tectonic processes, it is important to analyse such mechanisms in more ‘actualistic’ models (e.g., finding evidence in present-day tectonics) rather than applying to ancient activity (e.g., to events millions of years ago).

Here, we analyse the present-day intraplate earthquake database for any scenarios where deep latent lithosphere structures could drive shallower seismic events. Case studies for intraplate earthquakes of Central China, North America, Scotland, and Africa are presented using a new visualisation software we’ve developed to handle large amounts of seismic events. A potential present-day example of this theoretical deep trigger of shallow earthquakes is examined in detail, with careful attention given to the inherent uncertainty of this work. Finally, we highlight the difficulty in understanding the rheology and composition of latent structures deep in the lithosphere, and whether they can be passive or active in present-day tectonics.


How to cite: Heron, P. and Wan, C.: Reactivation of mantle lithosphere scars: deep sutures inducing shallow intraplate earthquakes? , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3284,, 2024.

Slow earthquakes
Andrea Perez-Silva, Ting Wang, and Laura Wallace

Along the Hikurangi margin, where the Pacific plate subducts beneath the Australian plate, slow slip events (SSEs) have been detected at both shallow and deep depths. With the aim of improving the SSE catalog along the Hikurangi margin, we use a wavelet-based method developed by Ducellier et al. (2022) to detect SSEs recorded by the GPS sites operated by the GeoNet network. We apply wavelet decomposition to the east component of the GPS stations along Hikurangi. To do so, we consider two transects, transect 1 and transect 2 that target the shallow and deep SSE regions, respectively.
We take equally spaced points along the transects and group stations within a 50-km radius of a given point. Then we apply wavelet decomposition to each station within the radius. We then stack each detail over all stations within the radius and sum the stacked details at each level of decomposition. We find that SSEs are best distinguishable in levels 5, 6 and 7 for shallow SSEs and levels 7, 8 and 9 for deep SSEs. We then define a displacement threshold of one standard deviation of the stacked details. To define an SSE, we consider the stacked details below the displacement threshold that are followed by stacked details above the displacement threshold, following Ducellier et al. 2022. Considering the stacked details along transect 1, which targets shallow SSEs, we find 54 SSE detections from 2005 to 2023. Of those, 20 have been reported in previous work, which leaves 34 potential new SSE detections. The stacked details along transect 2, which runs close to the deep SSE region, indicate 15 SSE detections over the same period; six of which were previously reported and nine potential new detections. We then geodetically model the new SSE detections using the software TDEFNODE (McCaffrey 2009) to study their spatial and temporal distribution along the margin.

How to cite: Perez-Silva, A., Wang, T., and Wallace, L.: New slow slip events along the Hikurangi margin detected using wavelet analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13905,, 2024.

Kate Huihsuan Chen, Satoshi Ide, Wei Peng, I-Chu Hua, Chieh-Chih Chen, and Ya-Ju Hsu

Using continuous seismological data of Central Weather Administration (CWA) Seismographic Network and Broadband Array in Taiwan for Seismology (BATS), we applied the envelope correlation method of Mizuno and Ide (2019) to identify tectonic tremors in Taiwan 2012 to 2022. With a large number of seismic stations used in this study and removal of short-lasted events (< 10 s), we successfully detected ~7000 events. Except for the tremor zone previously observed at southern Central Range, we reported the new tremor “hotspots” across the mountain range of the island, over a distance of 200 km. Different from the fluid-rich environment previously established for tremors in subduction zones, the newly discovered tremor zones in Taiwan coincide with the spots with high geothermal heat flux, indicating that the temperature effect may be the common mechanism for tremor generation in a mountain belt of Taiwan.

Other than tectonic tremors, several seismic phenomena are believed to be driven by aseismic slip process such as repeating earthquakes and earthquake swarms. The three catalogs may provide new insight into the controls of quasi-periodic aseismic slip and the role of deep fluid in their generation mechanism. We found that only < 5% of repeating earthquakes and swarms are located in 5 km of the tremor clusters, indicating that the deep-seated tremors might be engineered differently, comparing with the shallower repeaters and swarms. The spatial association is only observed underneath the southern Central Range, where the shallow swarms (< 15 km) and deep tremors (20-50 km depth) are likely interactive. We found 69-80% tremors and 86-96% swarm events occurred at the lower ground water level, respectively. This is contradictory with opposite clamping effect of hydrological/tidal stresses on thrust faulting (tremor) and normal faulting (swarm) slip. We hypothesized that in the lower crust where the thrust-faulting tremors are generated, the vertical fluid mobility could be easily elevated during the decreasing ground water level under the condition of near-lithostatic pore-fluid pressure. The upward migration of fluids may play an important role in the occurrence of swarm activities above the tremors. The continuous magnetotelluric monitoring at the location of active swarms will help us to confirm and further establish the temporal variation of fluid flow. 

How to cite: Chen, K. H., Ide, S., Peng, W., Hua, I.-C., Chen, C.-C., and Hsu, Y.-J.: Interaction between aseismic slip phenomena in a collision orogen, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4795,, 2024.