EMRP3.2 | Directional paleomagnetism and magnetic fabrics: Recent advances and applications
Directional paleomagnetism and magnetic fabrics: Recent advances and applications
Co-organized by GD1
Convener: Martin Chadima | Co-conveners: Bram Vaes, Dorota Staneczek

The recent methodological and instrumental advances in paleomagnetism and magnetic fabric research further increased their already high potential in solving geological, geophysical, and tectonic problems. Integrated paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric studies, together with structural geology and petrology, are very efficient tools in increasing our knowledge about sedimentological, tectonic or volcanic processes, both on regional and global scales. This session is intended to give an opportunity to present innovative theoretical or methodological works and their direct applications in various geological settings. Especially welcome are contributions combining paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric data, showing novel approaches in data evaluation and modelling to reconstruct and analyze paleogeography on the regional to global scale across all timescales.

The recent methodological and instrumental advances in paleomagnetism and magnetic fabric research further increased their already high potential in solving geological, geophysical, and tectonic problems. Integrated paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric studies, together with structural geology and petrology, are very efficient tools in increasing our knowledge about sedimentological, tectonic or volcanic processes, both on regional and global scales. This session is intended to give an opportunity to present innovative theoretical or methodological works and their direct applications in various geological settings. Especially welcome are contributions combining paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric data, showing novel approaches in data evaluation and modelling to reconstruct and analyze paleogeography on the regional to global scale across all timescales.