BG8.6 | Agroecosystem assessment and indicators from farm to continent to improve sustainability
Agroecosystem assessment and indicators from farm to continent to improve sustainability
Convener: Anina GilgenECSECS | Co-conveners: Marijn van der Velde, Emma Soule

Transitioning our food systems to become more sustainable requires a quantitative and integrative understanding linking agricultural practices and impacts. A further requirement is a capacity to monitor the performance of farms in achieving sustainability objectives, encompassing environmental, economic, and social aspects. Depending on how such monitoring programmes are designed, they can be useful for policy makers, agricultural associations & retailers, and/or farmers themselves.

In this session, we invite contributions that focus on sustainability assessments within the agricultural sector. The methods and results used can either take all sustainability dimensions into account or focus on one sustainability dimension or even a single indicator (e.g. nitrogen surpluses, greenhouse gas emissions). To specify, we accept contributions focusing on the economic or social dimension alone if the used framework tackles sustainability as a whole (e.g. improving an animal welfare indicator in a sustainability tool). Studies using satellite data are welcome as long as the remote sensing product has a direct link to sustainability. Contributions may focus on pixels to parcels, from farms to landscapes, and from regions to continents.

Transitioning our food systems to become more sustainable requires a quantitative and integrative understanding linking agricultural practices and impacts. A further requirement is a capacity to monitor the performance of farms in achieving sustainability objectives, encompassing environmental, economic, and social aspects. Depending on how such monitoring programmes are designed, they can be useful for policy makers, agricultural associations & retailers, and/or farmers themselves.

In this session, we invite contributions that focus on sustainability assessments within the agricultural sector. The methods and results used can either take all sustainability dimensions into account or focus on one sustainability dimension or even a single indicator (e.g. nitrogen surpluses, greenhouse gas emissions). To specify, we accept contributions focusing on the economic or social dimension alone if the used framework tackles sustainability as a whole (e.g. improving an animal welfare indicator in a sustainability tool). Studies using satellite data are welcome as long as the remote sensing product has a direct link to sustainability. Contributions may focus on pixels to parcels, from farms to landscapes, and from regions to continents.