SM6.5 | Passive seismic methods for shallow subsurface imaging applied to the energy transition
Passive seismic methods for shallow subsurface imaging applied to the energy transition
Convener: Clément EstèveECSECS | Co-conveners: Genevieve Savard, Claudia Finger, Simone Pilia, Katrin Löer

Geothermal energy, carbon capture and storage and hydrogen storage all have a key role to play in the energy transition in Europe and abroad. Affordable geophysical prospection methods are however urgently needed to reduce subsurface uncertainty, de-risk drilling and ensure safe operation of new projects. In recent years, passive seismic imaging methods have progressively shown their potential as a low-cost exploration alternative, especially in complex geological environments and where the required drilling depths exceed the maximum resolvable imaging depth with conventional active seismic methods. In this session, we invite abstracts that propose advancements in methodology and modeling for applications to shallow subsurface imaging, as well as case studies demonstrating the performance and usefulness of passive seismic imaging and how they can be integrated in the industry exploration workflow. We invite all contributions from all passive seismic disciplines, including ambient-noise and earthquake-based approaches.

Geothermal energy, carbon capture and storage and hydrogen storage all have a key role to play in the energy transition in Europe and abroad. Affordable geophysical prospection methods are however urgently needed to reduce subsurface uncertainty, de-risk drilling and ensure safe operation of new projects. In recent years, passive seismic imaging methods have progressively shown their potential as a low-cost exploration alternative, especially in complex geological environments and where the required drilling depths exceed the maximum resolvable imaging depth with conventional active seismic methods. In this session, we invite abstracts that propose advancements in methodology and modeling for applications to shallow subsurface imaging, as well as case studies demonstrating the performance and usefulness of passive seismic imaging and how they can be integrated in the industry exploration workflow. We invite all contributions from all passive seismic disciplines, including ambient-noise and earthquake-based approaches.