GMVP5.1 | Mineral deposits: systems, settings, processes
Mineral deposits: systems, settings, processes
Convener: David DolejsECSECS | Co-convener: Niki Wintzer

Mineral deposits represent principal sources of metallic and non-metallic raw materials for our society. The implementation of new climate policies and the rise of green energy production and use will trigger an unprecedented demand for such resources. Formation of economic commodities requires component sequestration from the source region, transport, and focusing to structural and/or chemical barriers. These enrichment processes typically involve magmatic, hydrothermal, weathering or metamorphic events, which operate in diverse geodynamic settings and over various time scales. The scope of this session is to collect insights from diverse areas of mineral exploration, field, analytical or experimental studies of mineral deposits as well as resource characterization and extraction. We invite contributions from fields of economic geology, mineralogy, and geochemistry to advance our understanding of ore-forming systems.

Mineral deposits represent principal sources of metallic and non-metallic raw materials for our society. The implementation of new climate policies and the rise of green energy production and use will trigger an unprecedented demand for such resources. Formation of economic commodities requires component sequestration from the source region, transport, and focusing to structural and/or chemical barriers. These enrichment processes typically involve magmatic, hydrothermal, weathering or metamorphic events, which operate in diverse geodynamic settings and over various time scales. The scope of this session is to collect insights from diverse areas of mineral exploration, field, analytical or experimental studies of mineral deposits as well as resource characterization and extraction. We invite contributions from fields of economic geology, mineralogy, and geochemistry to advance our understanding of ore-forming systems.