VPS15 | SSS virtual posters II
Fri, 14:00
Poster session
SSS virtual posters II
Co-organized by SSS
Posters virtual
| Attendance Fri, 02 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Fri, 02 May, 14:00–18:00
vPoster spot 3
Fri, 14:00

Posters virtual: Fri, 2 May, 14:00–15:45 | vPoster spot 3

The posters scheduled for virtual presentation are visible in Gather.Town. Attendees are asked to meet the authors during the scheduled attendance time for live video chats. If authors uploaded their presentation files, these files are also linked from the abstracts below. The button to access Gather.Town appears just before the time block starts. Onsite attendees can also visit the virtual poster sessions at the vPoster spots (equal to PICO spots).
Display time: Fri, 2 May, 08:30–18:00
Chairperson: Heike Knicker
Satori Teruya, Kei Ishida, and Akira Sato

Recent advancements by national institutions in Japan have significantly enhanced the accessibility of geotechnical information, enabling researchers to utilize extensive datasets via online platforms. While these datasets have been widely employed in various studies, systematic analyses of relationships among variables within large-scale geotechnical data remain limited. This study aims to address this gap by analyzing relationships between variables using a comprehensive nationwide dataset of soil tests provided by the National Geo-Information Center (NGIC). The analysis of soil hydraulic conductivities revealed a strong dependence on the proportion of fine-grained components, such as clay and silt fractions. However, correlation analysis indicated that the strongest relationship, observed with the clay fraction, yielded a correlation coefficient of -0.51, suggesting a moderate association. Further investigation into variables such as dry density, natural water content, and void ratio demonstrated their dependence on the proportion of fine-grained fractions. Notably, the upper and lower bounds of these variables were influenced by fine particle content. A particularly significant finding was the observation that as the proportion of fine particles decreased, the void ratio also declined, leading to an increase in the permeability coefficient. These results provide valuable insights into the relationships between geotechnical properties and particle-size composition, offering a novel perspective on soil behavior. This study highlights the potential of utilizing extensive geotechnical datasets to advance our understanding of soil properties and their dependencies. The findings contribute not only to the theoretical understanding of geotechnical systems but also to practical applications in geotechnical engineering, providing a foundation for future research and data-driven approaches to soil analysis.

How to cite: Teruya, S., Ishida, K., and Sato, A.: Analysis of relationships among variables in nationwide big data of geotechnical information in Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12841, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12841, 2025.

Jose Antonio Muñoz, Gema Guzmán, Javier Montoliu, Antonio Hayas, Azahara Ramos, Mónica López, José Mora, and José Alfonso Gómez

The loss of ecosystem services in semi-arid climate is closely linked to the rise of intensive agriculture and the disappearance of landscape elements that have served as buffer areas for hydrological processes and biodiversity over the last decades. As a response, environmental and agricultural policies and initiatives are now being implemented to restore these landscape elements and preserve those that remain in agricultural landscapes. Hedgerows are linear landscape elements that provide several ecosystem services. However, this positive impact varies depending on hedgerows’ characteristics and location.

This study analyses vegetation diversity and its impact on soil properties in eight hedgerows in Southern Spain's Cordoba province. To carry out this, 10m sections were defined in each hedgerow, considering two zones for soil sampling (inside the hedgerow, and within the agricultural field near it, hereafter outside the hedgerow). The evaluation of vegetation consisted of the identification of species of interest in terms of diversity, a general description of the current status of the hedgerow, and a floristic composition and dendrometric variables recording. The analysis of soil properties encompasses samples from different shallow depths (0-5 and 5-10 cm, or only 0-10 cm), and it included pH, soil hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, stability of aggregates, soil respiration by microorganisms, soil organic carbon and extractable phosphorus.

74 species were identified in total, with a high variability of the number of species recorded in most of the hedgerows, where 58% of the identified vegetative species appeared only in one of them, showing the relevance of this vegetative element in the preservation of vegetative species. Significant differences between inside and outside were obtained in all soil properties, except in extractable phosphorus and pH. Soil aggregate stability and organic carbon reached average values of 424.3 g kg-1 and 3.0% inside, versus 265.8 g kg-1 and 1.4% outside, respectively. There was a large variability in some of these properties among different hedgerows. For example, soil respiration varied from 229.7 to 1936.1 mg CO2 kg-1 day-1 and 117.9 to 561.7 mg CO2 kg-1 day-1 inside and outside the eight hedgerows, respectively. This contribution highlights many variables to be considered in hedgerows’ assessments and their complexity, such as the moment of establishment, current management of neighbouring plots, and state of conservation of the own hedgerow.


Acknowledgement: This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project PID2019-105793RB-I00), financial support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 under the project SCALE (EUHorizon2020 GA 862695), and a predoctoral fellowship for the first author (PRE2020-093846).

How to cite: Muñoz, J. A., Guzmán, G., Montoliu, J., Hayas, A., Ramos, A., López, M., Mora, J., and Gómez, J. A.: Impact of hedgerows on the improvement of soil characteristics and vegetation diversity in the semi-arid agricultural landscape of Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-430, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-430, 2025.

Tri Wahyuni, Ngadisih Ngadisih, Bambang Purwantana, Tri Martini, Helena Susilawati, Meidaliyantisyah Meidaliyantisyah, Ratna Dewi, Rizki Maftukhah, Alfayanti Alfayanti, and Nugroho Sasongko

Husks are a common agricultural waste in Indonesia, often discarded or burned, leading to environmental pollution and waste of resources. Therefore, this study proposes an innovative approach to optimize biochar production from rice husks. By determining the optimal pyrolysis temperature and duration, the research aims to produce the highest quality biocharThe pyrolysis temperatures tested were 400°C, 450°C, 500°C, and 550°C, with durations of 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 75 minutes, and 90 minutes, respectively. The physical and chemical properties of the biochar such as pH, element content, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and biochar yield, were evaluated. An environmental impact assessment was conducted using the ReCiPe 2016 Endpoint H method, integrating life cycle assessment (LCA). The results revealed that a pyrolysis temperature of 550°C for 60 minutes enhanced carbon stability, pH, and nutrient retention. Additionally, the ideal pyrolysis duration significantly improved the biochar’s surface properties. According to the LCA analysis, the biochar produced shows great potential for soil improvement and environmental benefits, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This research provides a new framework for balancing biochar quality with its environmental impact and promotes sustainable agricultural waste management as part of a global effort to combat climate change.

How to cite: Wahyuni, T., Ngadisih, N., Purwantana, B., Martini, T., Susilawati, H., Meidaliyantisyah, M., Dewi, R., Maftukhah, R., Alfayanti, A., and Sasongko, N.: The role of temperature and duration of pyrolysis on the properties of rice husk biochar and its environmental implications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14207, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14207, 2025.

Marie Louise Bornø

Insect production of “black soldier fly” (BSF) larvae is an efficient and sustainable method to convert residual biomass into useful products. A byproduct from insect production, consisting of larval excrement, residual feed and larval exoskeletons, known as “frass,” contains essential macro- and micronutrients and can be advantageously used as fertilizer in agriculture. In addition to nutrients, frass may also contain plant biostimulants and beneficial microorganisms that may have pathogen suppressive effects. However, another potential value enhancement of frass is converting it into biochar via pyrolysis for carbon sequestration. In this study, we compare the effects of frass and the corresponding frass biochar on growth and nutrient uptake by wheat. In addition, we investigated the effect on chitinase activity as an indicator of the potential pathogen suppressive effects of frass compared to frass biochar. A pot experiment with wheat comparing the fertilizer efficiency of frass and frass biochar showed that frass was an efficient P fertilizer, resulting in comparable yields as to the NPK treatment given that N fertilizer was co-applied. In comparison, frass biochar also increased yields compared to the negative control, but not to the same extent as the raw frass. In an additional rhizobox setup, zymography was used to investigate the spatial distribution of chitinase activity in the rhizosphere of wheat. Chitinase activity was induced by frass application, but not by frass biochar, suggesting that the potential pathogenic suppressive effect of frass application is annihilated during pyrolysis. Frass could be an efficient biobased fertilizer, but further investigations into the effects on how frass affects the microbial processes in soil are needed. Frass biochar holds the potential for carbon sequestration and may function as a good soil conditioner. However, this might be at the cost of a more valuable product - the raw frass.

How to cite: Bornø, M. L.: Fertilizer efficiency and induced chitinase activity of frass versus frass biochar amended to soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20225, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20225, 2025.

Speranza Claudia Panico, Giorgio Alberti, Alessandro Foscari, Lorenzo Orzan, Natalie Piazza, Antonio Tomao, and Guido Incerti

In this study we investigate the effects of rewilding, a spontaneous process ongoing since decades after land abandonment at national and European levels, with a focus on the replacement of former grasslands and pastures by tree forest. In particular, we explored the ecological dynamics occurring within the topsoil. The main objectives are: i) to clarify how topsoil physico-chemical properties change along the successional gradient, ii) to provide an overview of soil microbial communities response along the same gradient, and iii) assess causal relationships among soil predictors and microbial response, in terms of community composition and diversity, as well as abundance of bacterial and fungal taxonomic groups. The study areas were the Foreste Casentinesi National Park and the Julian Prealps Regional Park (Italy), In both areas we identified by historical ortophotos (period 1954-2020) five successional stages replicated in four chronosequences: grassland-pasture (G), shrubland (S), early (E), intermediate (I), and late afforestation (L). Replicated topsoil samples (0–10 cm) were analysed for pH, bulk density (BD), and organic carbon (OC), and total nitrogen (N) contents. Microbial communities were assessed from environmental DNA extracted by the fine soil fractions followed by DNA metabarcoding using ITS and 16S markers for fungi and bacteria, respectively. Results showed that as the succession progresses, soil acidification and a reduction in bulk density occur, coupled with an increase in soil organic matter at later stages in mature soils. However, such trends are quantitatively affected by site-specific variability. Bacterial and fungal communities respond differently to secondary grassland afforestation: fungi, mainly Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, exhibit greater specialisation in mature successional stages, while bacteria, dominated by Proteobacteria and Verrucomicrobiota, show more site-specific traits. Comparisons between the two study areas showed a lower variability in microbial diversity in the Casentino National Park, likely due to its more homogeneous environmental conditions, including plant cover. Our study underlines the functional importance of soil biota in enhancing and sustaining carbon storage in forest soils undergoing natural afforestation. On a broader scale, the study highlights the value of nature-based solutions such as rewilding for climate neutrality and biodiversity conservation.

How to cite: Panico, S. C., Alberti, G., Foscari, A., Orzan, L., Piazza, N., Tomao, A., and Incerti, G.: Soil microbial communities dynamic in spontaneous afforestation: a comparative analysis between the Casentino Forests and the Julian Prealps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8569, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8569, 2025.

Fatemeh Sheikhi Shahrivar, Oluwaseun Ola, Moein Javid, Eric Brevik, Karl Williard, Jon Schoonover, Karla Gage, and Amir Sadeghpour

Understanding the distribution of soil organic matter, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) within aggregates and across soil profiles is critical for improving soil fertility, nutrient cycling, and long-term sustainability in agricultural systems. This study evaluates the short-term effects of various crop rotations and cover cropping systems on soil organic matter (SOM), aggregate-associated C and N fractions, and their vertical distribution in the soil profile. A three-year field experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Research Farm, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, with treatments including: (1) corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation without cover crop (CNSN), (2) corn-soybean rotation with rye cover crop (CRSR), (3) corn-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-soybean rotation without cover crop, and (4) corn-wheat-soybean rotation with a cereal rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop (CWSR). Soil aggregates were collected from 0-5 and 5-15 cm depth and used for assessing aggregate size distribution, aggregate stability, SOM, soil C and N. Bulk density and soil C and N along with soil organic matter was measured from samples collected from 0-90 cm depth. CRSR and CWSN, significantly increased medium-sized aggregates (1-2 mm and 0.5-1 mm) as compared to the CNSN treatment. Including cereal rye into double cropping systems (CWSR) improved soil’s aggregate stability. Cropping systems, particularly those with winter wheat and cereal rye, increased soil organic matter in 2-4.75 mm aggregate fraction as compared the CNSN control. Soil organic matter concentration decreased with depth, with the highest values at 0-5 cm across all cropping systems. Soil bulk density by depths, soil C and N within aggregate and by depth will also be presented at the meeting. Our current findings indicate that utilizing CWSR could provide economic and soil benefits to growers in Illinois.

How to cite: Sheikhi Shahrivar, F., Ola, O., Javid, M., Brevik, E., Williard, K., Schoonover, J., Gage, K., and Sadeghpour, A.: Soil organic matter and carbon fractions within aggregates and in soil profile in double- and cover cropping systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13615, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13615, 2025.

Oluwaseun Ola, Osman Guzel, Karla Gage, Karl Williard, Jon Schoonover, Steffen Mueller, Eric Brevik, and Amir Sadeghpour

Optimizing nitrogen (N) management in agricultural cropping systems is important for reducing nitrous oxide (N₂O) emissions. This study examined the effect of managing N application in a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) double-cropped with soybean (Glycine max L.) on biomass, grain yield, and N₂O emissions. The experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Research Center (ARC), Carbondale in Southern Illinois University, IL using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The treatments include N timing and rate, creating three N management intensities of low, medium, and high. Low-intensity treatment received 120 kg N ha-1 in fall and spring, medium-intensity treatment received 186 kg N ha-1 all in spring and high intensity treatment received 186 kg N ha-1 in fall and spring. Results revealed that the treatment with medium-intensity input of N application did not have a significant effect on winter wheat biomass, grain yield, and N₂O cumulative fluxes in comparison to the high-intensity N management treatment. The results for average soybean grain yield under the various fertilizer inputs (3,087 kg ha-1) were significantly different when compared to the no-cover crop (NOCC) (3,527 kg ha-1) The cumulative N₂O fluxes were similar under all treatments for soybean and winter wheat. The summed cumulative N₂O fluxes were similar in both the medium and high N-intensity treatments during the soybean and winter wheat phases but higher than those of low intensity. Since the wheat yield was similar among all treatments, reduction in N2O during wheat-soybean rotation suggests that low-intensity treatment ensures farm profit while reducing N2O emissions.

How to cite: Ola, O., Guzel, O., Gage, K., Williard, K., Schoonover, J., Mueller, S., Brevik, E., and Sadeghpour, A.: The Impact of Nitrogen Management and Winter Wheat as A Double Crop on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in A Wheat-Soybean Crop Rotation., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14128, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14128, 2025.

Sowmya Koduru, Reza Keshavarz Afshar, Moein Javid, Eric Brevik, and Amir Sadeghpour

Illinois nutrient loss reduction strategy is questing to reduce nitrate-N (NO3-N) and phosphorus (P) loss by 25 and 15% by 2025. Fall applied ammonium-based P fertilizers could result in both NO3-N and phosphate loss during the fallow period. Two ways to minimize these losses are by utilizing nitrification inhibitors and also assessing other sources of P including triple superphosphate (TSP) and dissolved air flotation (DAF) that separates solids from liquid manure. A four-times replicated experiment was initiated in fall 2023 with Randomized Complete Block Design and five treatments in Agronomy Research Center, Carbondale, IL. Treatments were fertilizers [Control, TSP, DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation), MAP, & MAPI (MAP + urease and nitrification Inhibitor)], timing (fall & spring) and application type (surface & tilled). Data on nitrous oxide emissions, moisture, temperature, NO3-N leaching, and soil N were recorded during fall and spring prior to planting of corn (Zea mays L.) and agronomic observations (plant height, LAI & NDVI) were recorded on corn in fall. Soil N2O-N emissions were higher in MAPI and DAF during early February and late April dates, which can be explained by N availability along with high moisture and high temperatures, respectively during those sampling dates. Over winter and spring, MAPI had consistently higher NO3-N, NH4-N and total N especially in the late sampling dates and leaching losses were less under DAF (23% and 34%, respectively) and TSP (56% and 63%, respectively) compared to MAP or MAPI, suggesting that nitrification inhibitor did not reduce leaching from MAP source when applied in fall. Corn growth was slightly higher under DAF compared to other fertility treatments indicating it can be a potential replacement to the synthetic P fertilizers.


How to cite: Koduru, S., Keshavarz Afshar, R., Javid, M., Brevik, E., and Sadeghpour, A.: Nitrate Leaching and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Fall Applied Manure and Phosphorous Fertilizers in Southern Illinois, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13616, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13616, 2025.

Folahanmi Adeyemi, Ashani Thilakaranthne, Madhabi Tiwari, Oladapo Adeyemi, Gurbir Singh, Karl Williard, Jon Schoonover, Eric Brevik, and Amir Sadeghpour

Shifting from reduced tillage (RT) to no-till (NT) often reduces phosphorus (P) runoff by minimizing soil erosion. However, it might increase nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions or nitrate-N (NO3-N) leaching. Including a legume cover crop such as hairy vetch (Vicia villosa L.) before corn (Zea mays L.) is a common practice among growers in the Midwest USA. However, the effects of hairy vetch following soybean (Glycine max L.) harvest on NO3-N leaching and N2O emissions during the following corn season in soil with clay and fragipans are less assessed. This study evaluated the influence of cover crop (hairy vetch vs. no-CC control) and tillage systems (NT vs. RT) when 179 kg ha−1 nitrogen (N) was applied at planting on (i) corn yield, N uptake, removal, and balance; (ii) N2O emissions and NO3-N leaching; (iii) yield-scaled N2O emissions and NO3-N leaching during two corn growing seasons. We also evaluated factors influencing N2O emissions and NO3-N leaching via principal component analysis. Corn grain yield was higher in RT (8.4 Mg ha−1) than NT (6.2 Mg ha−1), reflecting more available N in the soil in RT than NT, possibly due to the favorable aeration and increased soil temperature in deeper soil layers resulting from tillage. Hairy vetch increased corn grain yield and soil N. However, it led to higher losses of both N2O-N and NO3-N, indicating that increased corn grain yield, due to the hairy vetch’s N contribution, also resulted in higher N losses. Yield-scaled N2O-N emissions in NT-2019 (3696.4 g N2O-N Mg−1) were twofold higher than RT-2019 (1872.7 g N2O-N Mg−1) and almost fourfold higher than NT-2021 and RT-2021 indicating in a wet year like 2019, yield-scaled N2O-N emissions were higher in NT than RT. Principal component analysis indicated that NO3-N leaching was most correlated with soil N availability and corn grain yield (both positive correlations). In contrast, due to the continued presence of soil N, soil N2O-N fluxes were more driven by soil volumetric water content (VWC) with a positive correlation. We conclude that in soils with claypan and fragipans in humid climates, NT is not an effective strategy to decrease N2O-N fluxes. Hairy vetch benefits corn grain yield and supplements N but increases N loss through NO3-N leaching and N2O-N emissions.

How to cite: Adeyemi, F., Thilakaranthne, A., Tiwari, M., Adeyemi, O., Singh, G., Williard, K., Schoonover, J., Brevik, E., and Sadeghpour, A.: Assessing the Impacts of Tillage and Crop Rotation on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Poorly Drained Alfisols., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14393, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14393, 2025.

Lanqian Feng

Vegetation restoration is the most important factor to restrain soil and water loss in the Chinese Loess Plateau, and its effect is long-term. Among them, the coupling and coordination relationship between vegetation and soil is the key to the smooth implementation of ecological restoration and the project of returning farmland to forest and grassland. However, people have neglected whether the choice of vegetation restoration method is suitable for the development of ecological environment in this region, and whether vegetation and soil coexist harmoniously. In this paper, the typical watersheds with similar terrain environment but different vegetation restoration methods were selected as the research objects, which were Dongzhuanggou (natural restoration, NR) and Yangjiagou (artificial restoration, AR). Through vegetation investigation and soil physical property experiment, the comprehensive evaluation function was used to quantify the impact of restoration methods on vegetation characteristics and soil properties, and the vegetation-soil coupling model was used to explore the coordinated development of vegetation and soil under different restoration methods. The results showed that there were significant differences between the two restoration methods in terms of vegetation characteristics (P < 0.05). The vegetation diversity indices of NR were 1.59–4.81 times that of AR. For root characteristic indices, NR was 1.05–2.25 times that of AR. For soil physical properties, there was no significant difference between the two restoration methods (P > 0.05). The comprehensive evaluation function of vegetation (VCE) and soil (SCE) under NR were 0.74 and 0.42, respectively, while those under AR were 0.55 and 0.63, respectively. The comprehensive function showed that the vegetation population performance under NR was slightly better than that under AR, while the soil restoration effect was opposite. Under the two restoration methods, the vegetation-soil coupling relationship was barely coordinated (NR: 0.53; AR: 0.54), and both were the intermediate coordinated development mode. The vegetation diversity, tending level and soil management level should be improved simultaneously during the process of vegetation restoration on the Chinese Loess Plateau.

How to cite: Feng, L.: Evaluation of the effects of long-term natural and artificial restoration on vegetation characteristics, soil properties and their coupling coordinations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4758, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4758, 2025.

Yikai Zhao, Han Wang, Xiangwei Chen, and Yu Fu

Soil aggregates swell when infiltrated by water, and their size can increase in two ways. First, aggregates can attach to one another with water acting as a bridge (i.e., adsorption), and water can enter the aggregate pores (i.e., swelling). This is defined as the “adsorption-swelling” effect. Second, clay can fill the pores of macroaggregates and microaggregates (i.e., filling) when adsorption occurs. This is defined as the “adsorption-filling” effect. However, the size range of aggregates affected by these effects and the extent of their influence on aggregate swelling are still unclear. Therefore, different initial size fractions (5 ~ 2, 2 ~ 1, 1 ~ 0.5, 0.5 ~ 0.25 and 0.25 ~ 0.053 mm) of soil aggregates from the black soil zone of Northeast China were studied. The size range of swollen aggregates, the “adsorption-swelling” rate (V) of initial size fractions, and the “adsorption-filling” rate (E) of size fractions < 0.053 mm were measured and calculated in three experimental treatments that involved the following procedures: i) wet-sieving of each initial size fraction in deionized water (WS); ii) wet-sieving of each initial size fraction of air-dried aggregates after they were soaked in absolute ethanol (WSas); and iii) the size fraction < 0.053 mm air-dried aggregates were mixed with each initial size fraction of air-dried aggregates in absolute ethanol and then wet-sieved (WSaf). The results were as follows: i) the size fraction 2 ~ 0.053 mm were swollen. ii) V decreased exponentially with decreasing initial particle size, with a maximum value of 32.30% at a size fraction of 2 ~ 1mm; and iii) the “adsorption-filling” effect of size fraction < 0.053 mm was obvious in the size fraction < 2 mm swelling aggregates with a maximum of 29.54%. The “adsorption-swelling” and “adsorption-filling” effects had greater impacts on soils with high contents of the size fractions 2 ~ 1 and < 0.053 mm. This study provides a theoretical basis for understanding the swelling mechanisms of soil aggregates.

Key words: soil aggregates, wet-sieving, swelling, adsorption, filling

How to cite: Zhao, Y., Wang, H., Chen, X., and Fu, Y.: New insights into the swelling of black soil aggregates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2988, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2988, 2025.

Yujie Zhang, Xiaoping Zhang, Weinan Sun, Wenliang Geng, Haojia Wang, Miaoqian Wang, Kaiyang Yu, and Xuanhao Liu

This study aimed to investigate the spatiotemporal changes and trade-offs/synergies of ecosystem services within the Beiluo River Basin to provide a scientific foundation for rational resource allocation and sustainable development. Utilizing multi-source data and models, such as InVEST and CSLE, to quantitatively assess and analyze the spatiotemporal variations and trade-offs/synergies of three key ecosystem services—water yield, soil conservation, and carbon storage—across different periods. These periods include the relatively stable land use period from 1970 to 1990, the transitional period around 2000, and the ecological restoration period from 2010 to 2020. This study showed that:1) The overall water yield of the basin initially showed an increasing trend, followed by fluctuating decline, bottoming out in the 2000s. During the first period, the average water yield was 10.16×108 m3 (37.75 mm), which decreased by 36.9% during the second period and by 25.53% during the third period compared to the initial period. Among the three land use types of forests, cropland, and grassland, the total water yield and water yield depth of cropland are always the highest, while the water yield depth of forest was always the lowest. 2) The total soil conservation displayed an upward trend with fluctuations, peaking in the 2010s. Over the first period, the average annual soil conservation was 305.62×106 t (113.57 t/hm²), which increased to 364.52×106 t in the transition period and significantly increased to 426.19×106 t (157.75 t/hm²)during the third period. The soil conservation capacity of forests was significantly greater than that of cropland, and the construction of terraces and other engineering measures have greatly enhanced the function of cropland.3) The total carbon storage remained stable and then continued to increase, with a notable increase from the 2000s onwards, and a 24.09% increase in the 2020s when compared with the 1970s. Forests were the main carbon reservoirs, with their carbon storage significantly increasing, whereas that in grassland and cropland have decreased due to the reduction in their areas.4) Regarding changes in the spatial pattern, the areas experiencing a decrease in water yield and an increase in soil conservation and carbon storage were mainly concentrated in the high plateau and gully areas, as well as the hilly and gully regions. 5) At the basin scale, there was a trade-off between water yield and soil conservation, as well as carbon storage. Soil conservation and carbon storage, however, exhibited a synergistic relationship. The degree of synergy between soil conservation and carbon storage decreased over time, while the trade-off between water yield and the other two remained relatively stable. With the restoration of vegetation, the three key ecosystem service exhibited significant temporal and spatial variation characteristics, possessing relatively stable trade-off and synergistic relationships. The research results can provide a scientific basis for enhancing the comprehensive benefits of ecosystem services on the Loess Plateau.

Keywords: ecosystem services; InVEST Model; CSLE Model; trade-offs and synergies; Beiluo River Basin

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., Sun, W., Geng, W., Wang, H., Wang, M., Yu, K., and Liu, X.: Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics and Trade-offs/Synergies of Water Yield, Soil Conservation, and Carbon Storage Ecosystem Services in the Beiluo River Basin from 1970 to 2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5027, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5027, 2025.

Bingjie Liu

Objective: Returning farmland to forests is an important ecological construction project in China. Establishing a soil health evaluation system to evaluate the soil health of returning farmland to forests under different vegetation restoration in the black soil region of Northeast China can provide data support for scientific evaluation of the ecological benefits of returning farmland to forests. Methods: Taking the surface soil of two major vegetation types (pure birch forest and elm-lonicera mixed forest) in the black soil region of Northeast China as the object of study, and using the soil of cultivated land as the control. Combination of field sampling and indoor experiments was used to investigate the characteristics and differences of physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil under the conditions of different vegetation restoration. Based on the Cornell Soil Health Assessment, the soil health evaluation of different vegetation was carried out. Results: i) In the 0~10cm soil layer, the soil bulk density of pure forest and mixed forest decreased significantly by 15.14%~19.18%, and the saturated water holding capacity increased significantly by 33.35%~58.53% compared with the control. In the 10~20cm soil layer, the soil bulk density of pure forest and mixed forest decreased significantly by 6.71%~9.04% compared with the control, and the difference of saturated water holding capacity was insignificant compared with the control.(ii) In the 0-10cm soil layer, the soil carbon, nitrogen and available potassium contents of pure forest and mixed forest increased significantly by 21.75%-29.15%, 35.05%-47.71% and 35.12%-121.63% respectively compared with the control. In the 10-20cm soil layer, the soil carbon, nitrogen and available potassium contents of pure forest and mixed forest increased significantly by 53.57%-54.78%, 93.29%-120.34% and 60.71%-183.28%. iii) In the 0-10cm soil layer, the soil microbial carbon and nitrogen content of pure and mixed forests significantly increased by 97.46%-183.43% and 60.54%-142.54%, respectively compared with the control and in the 10-20cm layer, the soil microbial carbon and nitrogen content of pure and mixed forests significantly increased by 18.63% - 82.55% and 59.00% - 101.34% compared with the control. iv) In the 0-10cm soil layer, the results of soil health scores were mixed forests (11.80 points) > pure forests (8.80 points) > CK (5.47 points). In the 10-20cm soil layer, the results of soil health scores were mixed forests (8.41 points) > pure forests (7.03 points) > CK (4.03 points). Conclusion: The soil health scores of pure and mixed forests were significantly higher than those of the control, and the soil health scores of mixed forests were the highest.The effect of vegetation on the restoration of top soil was more significant after the return of farmland to forest.Vegetation mainly improved soil health by increasing the stability of soil structure.It is suggested that plant species can be enriched in the restoration of degraded soils, and the plant configuration method of mixed tree-irrigation can be used to better restore soil health.

How to cite: Liu, B.: Soil health evaluation of rehabilitation lands based on Cornell Soil Health Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3104, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3104, 2025.

Kaiyang Yu, Xiaoping Zhang, Hui Cheng, Haojia Wang, Wenliang Geng, Xuanhao Liu, Miaoqian Wang, Yujie Zhang, and Weinan Sun

Abstract: Terraces and vegetative measures significantly enhance soil organic carbon levels and improve the efficiency of soil carbon sequestration, serving as crucial soil and water conservation strategies. There are few studies on the differences and influencing factors of soil organic carbon sequestration benefits resulting from the combination of engineering measures and plant measures. Thus, the study analyzed the variations in soil organic carbon content(SOC) and its primary influencing factors across different vegetation cover types in terraces, and evaluated the soil carbon sequestration benefits of terraces. The study selected 96 sample plots in Wuqi County, Shaanxi province, including 37 Terraced Croplands (TC), 23 Terraced Grasslands (TG), 18 Terraced Forestlands (TF), 10 Terraced orchards (OL), as well as 8 Slope Croplands (SC) on hillsides. Soil samples were collected from soil layers at depths of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, and 80-100 cm, totaling 576 soil samples. In the laboratory, we measured indicators such as soil organic carbon, soil moisture content, soil bulk density, and soil mechanical composition. 1) The SOC in the 0-100 cm soil layer of the four types of land cover under the terrace ranged from 2.34 to 3.42 g/kg, with the order of TF> OL> TG> TC. 2) After SC is convert into TF, TG, TO and TC, it has improved the carbon sequestration benefits of soil. The carbon sequestration of TF, TO, TG and TC is 12.01, 8.78, 8.13 and 2.13 t/hm2, respectively. 3) The vertical distribution of soil carbon sequestration benefits differs among various land cover types. The soil carbon sequestration benefit of terraced fields is higher in the 60-100 cm soil layer than the 0-40 cm soil layer. However, when terracing is combined with vegetation measures, the trend is reversed. 4) The SOC of TF, TG, TO TC, and SC exhibits a significant negative correlation with soil bulk density and an extremely significant positive correlation with soil moisture content, respectively. However, compared to SC, only the soil moisture content of TC and TO shows a significant increase. The implementation of terrace measures influences soil carbon sequestration benefits by increasing soil moisture, especially enhancing the sequestration in deep soil layers. When terraces are combined with vegetation measures, the soil carbon sequestration benefits are further enhanced, with a particularly greater impact on the sequestration benefits of surface soil. The results of our study could provide strong support for achieving the effects of relevant soil and water conservation measures and developing carbon sequestration methodology.

Keywords: soil and water conservation; soil carbon sequestration; terrace; Loess Plateau; monitoring and evaluation

How to cite: Yu, K., Zhang, X., Cheng, H., Wang, H., Geng, W., Liu, X., Wang, M., Zhang, Y., and Sun, W.: Carbon Sequestration Benefit and Influencing Factors in Terraces with Different Cover Types of Soil in the Loess Hilly Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6354, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6354, 2025.

Hui Cheng, Hao Feng, Xiaoping Zhang, Kaiyang Yu, Haojia Wang, Wenliang Geng, Xuanhao Liu, Yujie Zhang, Miaoqian Wang, and Weinan Sun


Revegetation is vital for enhancing soil carbon sequestration. However, the impacts of revegetation and terracing measures on soil organic carbon (SOC) and SOC sequestration (SOCS), and the differences in the effects of revegetation on SOC and SOCS when implemented on sloped fields versus terraced fields, are still unclear. Thus, we conducted a field survey on cropland (CL), grassland (GL), and forestland (FL) on both sloped fields and terraced fields in Wuqi county, China’s Loess Plateau. The results showed that SOC content in FL at 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm, 20–40 cm, 40–60 cm depths were 1.70, 1.28, 1.28, and 1.19 times respectively higher than in CL. Similarly, SOC content in GL at the same depths were 1.30, 1.13, 1.18, and 1.20 times higher than in CL. In terraced, SOC content at 40–60 cm, 60–80 cm, 80–100 cm depths were 1.22, 1.28, and 1.20 times respectively higher than on sloped fields. Revegetation primarily significantly affected SOC at 0–10 cm depth on sloped fields (GL: p = 0.04; FL: p < 0.01), and more deeply (0–100 cm) on terraced fields (GL at 40–80 cm: p < 0.05; FL: p < 0.01). Furthermore, revegetation on sloped fields generated the highest SOCS at 0–40 cm depth, with a subsequent decrease as depth increased to 40–100 cm depth. Conversely, on terraced, SOCS increased with soil depth within the 0–100 cm depth. These results indicated that revegetation primarily enhanced SOCS in the surface soil (0–40 cm), and terracing measures stabilized the SOCS in the surface soil and further enhanced them in deeper soil horizons (0–100 cm). Therefore, in the context of soil erosion control and ecological restoration, the combined implementation of vegetation restoration and engineering measures can effectively stabilize and enhance SOCS, thereby fully leveraging the role of soil in mitigation climate change.

Keywords: Soil and water conservation measures; Carbon sequestration; Land use change;Vegetation restoration; Engineering measures; Deep soil organic carbon

How to cite: Cheng, H., Feng, H., Zhang, X., Yu, K., Wang, H., Geng, W., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, M., and Sun, W.: Terracing Measures Stabilize and Enhance Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Benefits of Revegetation on the Loess Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7631, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7631, 2025.

Weinan sun, Xiaoping Zhang, Gangshuan Bai, Wenliang Geng, Haojia Wang, Miaoqian Wang, Yujie Zhang, Kaiyang Yu, Xuanhao Liu, and José A Gómez

The Weibei Upland is an important area for apple production in China and globally. In this study, soil samples were collected and analyzed from 27 representative apple orchards in Luochuan, Baishui, and Qianyang in the northern, eastern, and western parts of the Weibei Upland to determine the levels of Pb, Cd, Cr, As, Cu, and Hg, and to assess their ecological and health risks.

The results of the survey showed that the concentrations of all six heavy metals in the soil of apple orchards in the region were below the risk control values, with arsenic being the heavy element with the highest risk. The comprehensive ecological environmental risks of the investigated orchards are all in clean condition (Nemero index<1). Heavy metals in orchard soils in the region have a high childhood cancer risk and are much higher than in adults.

The survey further demonstrated that geographical location had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the ecological and non-carcinogenic risk of heavy metals in local orchards, but agricultural management practices did not have a significant effect on the ecological and health risk of local orchards(P > 0.05).

The results of this study may provide a scientific basis for the sustainable management and environmental protection of apple orchards in the Weibei Upland, and it is recommended to strengthen the regulation of the use of heavy metals in the production and cultivation of apple orchards in this region in order to reduce heavy metal pollution and risks.

How to cite: sun, W., Zhang, X., Bai, G., Geng, W., Wang, H., Wang, M., Zhang, Y., Yu, K., Liu, X., and Gómez, J. A.: Sustainable agricultural management does not reduce heavy metals and associated risks in apple orchard soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9281, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9281, 2025.

Wenliang Geng, Xiaoping Zhang, Zhibin Hu, Chen Duan, Haojia Wang, Miaoqian Wang, Weinan Sun, Xuanhao Liu, Yujie Zhang, Kaiyang Yu, and Peter Strauss

Abstract: The depletion of soil nutrients and the increased erodibility of soil have exacerbated the degree of soil degradation, thereby impeding the sustainable development of ecosystems. Vegetation restoration, as a widely implemented measure to prevent soil degradation, is valued for its role in enhancing soil nutrients and reducing soil erodibility. To investigate the impact of vegetation restoration measures on soil nutrients and erodibility in the Loess Hilly Region, this study selected Wuqi County, the pioneer county of China's Grain-for-Green Project, as the research site, with sloping farmland serving as the control. Four types of vegetation restoration were chosen: artificial forests (Armeniaca sibirica, Pinus tabulaeformis, Robinia pseudoacacia), artificial mixed forests (Pinus tabulaeformis mixed with Armeniaca sibirica, Pinus tabulaeformis mixed with Robinia pseudoacacia), shrub forests (Hippophae rhamnoides), and abandoned grasslands. The physicochemical properties of the soil at depths of 0—5 cm, 5—20 cm, and 20—40 cm were measured. The Comprehensive Soil Nutrient Index (CSNI) and the Comprehensive Soil Erodibility Index (CSEI) were combined, and a weighted summation method was used to calculate the Comprehensive Soil Quality Index (CSQI), thereby reflecting the impact of vegetation restoration on the improvement of soil nutrients and erodibility. The results indicated that the vegetation types with the highest CSQI were Pinus tabulaeformis mixed with Armeniaca sibirica (3.43), Pinus tabulaeformis mixed with Robinia pseudoacacia (3.22), Robinia pseudoacacia (2.85), Armeniaca sibirica (2.37), Pinus tabulaeformis (2.22), Hippophae rhamnoides (3.06), and grassland (2.93). The CSNI was primarily influenced by the Soil Structure Stability Index (SSSI), sand content, and the content of silt + clay, while the CSEI was controlled by soil organic matter (SOM), macroaggregates, and microaggregates. Overall, vegetation restoration can effectively enhance soil nutrients and improve soil erodibility. Mixed forests, compared to single-species forests, shrublands, and abandoned grasslands, are more effective in improving soil aggregate stability and resistance to erosion. This study provides a reference for assessing vegetation restoration measures.

Keywords: Soil degradation, Soil nutrients, Soil erodibility, Soil quality, Vegetation restoration, Loess Plateau

How to cite: Geng, W., Zhang, X., Hu, Z., Duan, C., Wang, H., Wang, M., Sun, W., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Yu, K., and Strauss, P.: Effects of vegetation restoration measures on soil nutrients and erodibility in loess hilly region, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10934, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10934, 2025.

Zhibin Hu, Xiaoping Zhang, Wenliang Geng, Yujie Zhang, Chen Duan, Miaoqian Wang, Haojia Wang, Xuanhao Liu, Weinan Sun, and Kaiyang Yu

Abstract: Clarifying the complex dynamics of ecosystem service (ES) flows and identifying the key locations of the ecosystem service supply-demand chain is crucial for achieving sustainable management of ecosystem services. However, the understanding of how ES flows respond in ecological restoration projects is in urgent need of deepening. Taking the Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi, China as an example, this study quantitatively analyzed the effects of the Grain-for-Green Program, the world's largest vegetation restoration project, and the check-dam construction, the key soil and water conservation project.

       The results show that between 2000 and 2020, compared to the sum of the benefits generated by the two projects implemented separately, the inter-regional ES flows in the areas where these two projects were jointly implemented increased significantly (p<0.01) in terms of carbon sequestration, water source conservation, flood regulation, and soil water retention. The ES carbon flow increased year by year and then tended to stabilize, while the ES water flow showed a fluctuating downward trend with the increase of years, the trend degree of water flow rate change is -1.33×10³ m³/(km²·a). The impact of different projects showed spatial heterogeneity across the entire region, with a significant increase in regional ES flows observed in the western areas. Quantitative analysis indicated that when the Grain-for-Green Program and silt dam construction were jointly implemented, the regional ES flows of all services were higher, and the synergistic fields were more extensive. The research results can provide references for the ecological protection and restoration of the Loess Plateau region.

Keywords: Ecosystem Service Flows; Ecological Restoration; Soil and Water Conservation; Supply and Demand

How to cite: Hu, Z., Zhang, X., Geng, W., Zhang, Y., Duan, C., Wang, M., Wang, H., Liu, X., Sun, W., and Yu, K.: Response of ecosystem service flows to the ecological restoration project of Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi Province, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11388, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11388, 2025.

Chen Duan, Xiaoping Zhang, Haojia Wang, Wenliang Geng, Zhibin Hu, Yujie Zhang, Miaoqian Wang, Xuanhao Liu, Weinan Sun, Kaiyang Yu, Josef Krása, Barbora Jáchymová, and Raquel N R Falcão

Abstract: Understanding the spatiotemporal changes of sediment yield in watersheds over long time scales and their influencing factors is of great significance for soil and water conservation. Taking the upper Beiluo River Basin(7325 km2)as an example, the WaTEM/SEDEM model was used to analyze the spatiotemporal characteristics of soil erosion and sediment yield in the watershed from 1980 to 2016, as well as the driving factors, providing a scientific theoretical basis for soil and water conservation on the Loess Plateau. The results show that there have been significant changes in land use in the Beiluo River Basin. Compared to 1980, by 2016,the area of forest and grassland in the upper Beiluo River increased by 1188.60 km², a growth of 25.08%, while the area of cultivated land decreased by 1118.64 km², a reduction of 45.86%. In areas where farmland was converted to forest, the sediment yield of the watershed showed a significant decline. The sediment transport in the study area decreased from an average of 50.99 million tons per year in the 1980s to a multi-year average of 9.3434 million tons per year in this century,and the corresponding sediment transport modulus decreased from 6963 tons/(km²·year)to 1275.65 tons/(km²·year). The intensity of soil erosion was mainly characterized by severe and intense erosion before 1980, while after that, it was mainly slight erosion, followed by extremely intense and light erosion, with the smallest proportion of severe, intense, and moderate erosion. The WaTEM/SEDEM model is applicable to this study area, with a Nash coefficient reaching 0.7. Farmland conversion to forest and ecological restoration are the main driving factors for the reduction of erosion and sediment yield in the study area over the past 40 years. The erosion in the Beiluo River Basin from 1980 to 2016 showed an overall weakening trend. The results indicate that the policy of farmland conversion to forest on the Loess Plateau has been remarkably effective, and ecological vegetation construction should continue to be actively carried out.

Keywords:Soil erosion; WaTEM/SEDEM model; Driving factors; Loess Plateau

How to cite: Duan, C., Zhang, X., Wang, H., Geng, W., Hu, Z., Zhang, Y., Wang, M., Liu, X., Sun, W., Yu, K., Krása, J., Jáchymová, B., and Falcão, R. N. R.: Using WaTEM/SEDEM to characterize the spatiotemporal trend of the erosion and sediment transportation and the driving factor in a Loess Hilly-gully watershed, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14699, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14699, 2025.

Lucio Pisano

In recent decades, intensive agronomic practices, combined with the growing impacts of climate change, have created a harmful synergy for the environment, leading to significant soil degradation and a subsequent decline in the quality of agri-food products. The wine sector is no exception and is particularly affected due to the need to balance grape quality, adapt vine cultivars, and secure the future incomes of farmers.

A key element in future climate simulations is a significant and widespread decrease in rainfall during the grapevine growing cycle at Italian latitudes.

In this context, with the support of Next Generation EU funds, efforts are being made to promote the transition from a linear economic model—characterized by the traditional cycle of extraction, production, consumption, and disposal—to a circular economy model centred on the three Rs: Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle. This concept can be completely applied in the agricultural sector by maximizing the use of resources. Waste products from transformation processes can be reintroduced into the agricultural system in various forms.

The aim of this work based on the use of biodegradable mulching film in viticulture, embraces these aspects by proposing an agronomic solution with the following benefits: i) preserve the soil water content during the vine cultivation by applying a biodegradable mulching film obtained from the waste of the winemaking process; ii) reduce at the same time the soil pollution caused by plastic materials.

To obtain the biofilm, grape pomace (GP) was dried and milled using a grinding machine. Cellulose Acetate (CA) and GP composites were prepared by using a melt mixing method. GP was first added to CA in amounts such that the final concentrations of GP were 10% and 30% wt. The obtained biofilms were then cut and used as mulching films in pots with grape plants in experimental trials. A comparison of pots with biofilm at different concentrations of GP was made with the control (no biofilm) and also with conventional PVC film. The monitoring concerned young grapevine plants of the Aglianico cultivar. The experimental trial was conducted during the season 2024. The plants were cultivated in 25x25 cm pots under outdoor environmental conditions filled with soil sampled up to a depth of 20 cm from a local wine farm.

The soil water content and temperature were monitored through the use of sensors connected to a datalogger for saving data with hourly time step timing, and biometric parameters were measured during the the growth cycle; finally, the LAI index was estimated for each of the theses examined. The weather data were also collected by means of meteorological station near the experimental field. The results in terms of temperatures and water content in pots, showed differences between the different biofilm treatments: the 10% had a very similar behaviour compared to the classic PVC mulch film, while the 30% biofilm treatment had slightly lower performances compared to the 10% and PVC treatments. This is a very promising result for water conservation, beneficial for the optimal growth of vines.

How to cite: Pisano, L.: Assessing the effectiveness of biodegradable mulching film in vineyard: a case study in Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15369, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15369, 2025.

Shuai Shao

This study aims to clarify the spatial distribution characteristics of ridge plant belts on soil water-holding capacity and soil structure in sloping farmland, providing a scientific basis for optimizing ridge plant belt configurations and soil and water conservation measures in Northeast China's black soil region. Sloping farmland with ridge plant belts was selected as the research object (Ridge 1: ridge spacing of 12.5 m; Ridge 2: ridge spacing of 19.5 m), and sloping farmland was selected as the control. Soil samples were collected at uniform spatial intervals from both sloping arable land with ridge vegetation strips and the control area to measure key soil properties in the surface layer (0–15 cm), and to quantify the differences in the spatial distribution characteristics of soil water-holding capacity and soil structure in sloping farmland with different spacings of ridge plant belts.  (1) Compared to the control, the sloping farmland with ridge construction showed a significant increase in total porosity, capillary porosity, saturated water holding capacity, field capacity, and capillary water holding capacity, with a relatively uniform distribution across the slope with ridge. In addition, compared to the sloping farmland with ridge 2, the soil on the sloping farmland with ridge 1 showed an increase of 0.96-1.11 times in total porosity, 1.21-1.31 times in capillary porosity, 1.03-1.25 times in saturated water holding capacity, 1.22-1.78 times in field capacity, and 1.33-1.52 times in capillary water holding capacity, respectively. (2) The soil mechanical stable aggregate content, MWD (mean weight diameter), water-stable aggregate content, and GMD (geometric mean diameter) in the sloping farmland with ridge showed significant improvements across all fields. Compared to the controls, the sloping farmland with ridge increased by 1.01-1.15 times, 0.94-1.61 times, 1-1.17 times, and 1.05-1.55 times, respectively. This indicates that the sloping farmland with ridge effectively improves soil structure compared to the control. Moreover, compared to the sloping farmland with ridge 2, the soil mechanical stable aggregate content, MWD, water-stable aggregate content, and GMD in the sloping farmland with ridge 1 increased by 1.08-1.14 times, 0.95-1.28 times, 1.07-1.15 times, and 1.14-1.40 times, respectively. Constructing ridges can improve water retention capacity structure characteristics of soil,with a more significant improvement effect observed in relatively small distances smaller distances between ridges, providing a scientific basis for the optimization of water and soil conservation measures for ridge and vegetation belts and sloping cultivated land in the black soil area of Northeast China. The construction of ridges on sloping farmland can improve the soil water-holding capacity and soil structural characteristics. In this study, sloping farmland with a smaller ridge spacing demonstrated a more significant improvement in soil quality. This research provides a scientific basis for optimizing water and soil conservation strategies in the black soil region of Northeast China, emphasizing the importance of ridge spacing in enhancing soil quality and water retention capacity in sloping farmland.

How to cite: Shao, S.: Spatial distribution characteristics of ridge plant belts on soil water-holding capacity and soil structure in sloping farmland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5365, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5365, 2025.

Aswathi Vk and Sreelash Krishnan

Soil water fluxes, including soil moisture, water storage, and recharge flux, are essential components of energy exchange at the Earth's surface and are fundamental to modeling land surface processes. Accurate estimation of soil hydraulic properties (SHPs) at the field scale is critical for simulating these fluxes, particularly within the vadose zone. Consequently, a robust understanding of soil water dynamics and associated processes relies on the precise characterization of SHPs. The experimental determination of these properties at different spatial scales are challenging and often time-consuming, especially in the case of vertically heterogeneous soils. Studies showed that the vegetation indices can provide sub-surface hydrological information. For example, the Leaf area index (LAI) of forest cover was found to be strongly correlated with the groundwater levels. This indicates that vegetation has the potential to act as a proxy for understanding many surface and sub-surface soil water processes. Inverse modeling approaches provide an opportunity to use vegetation information to estimate SHPs. The present study is aimed at developing and testing methodologies for estimating SHPs for multi-layered soils, specifically field capacity and wilting point, in an agricultural watershed. This is accomplished using variables like surface soil moisture, surface soil temperature, and canopy variables (Leaf Area Index and evapotranspiration) as proxies in different weighted likelihood combinations and carrying out the inverse modeling using the soil water balance model STICS. The methodology has been developed for three layered soil profiles (0 to 10 cm, 11 to 50 cm, and 51 to 100 cm) with combinations made from four major soil textures: sandy loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam, and clay, making 12 soil combinations. A sensitivity analysis of canopy variables relative to soil water storage properties was carried out to determine the best choice of canopy variable for estimating soil water fluxes using the EASI Method.  The results show that the soil moisture and canopy variables showed a strong correlation with SHPs, indicating that these variables could provide reliable estimates of soil water fluxes. In which the leaf area index shows more sensitivity towards the subsurface layers (sensitivity index~0.4). The study showed that the likelihood combinations of variables with higher weights to canopy variables provided better estimates of SHPs in the deeper layers. With the use of the likelihood combinations made by surface and canopy variables, we achieved mean relative absolute errors of 4% for the surface layer properties and 10% for the root zone SHPs, especially in water-stressed conditions. Since the variables used in this study are potentially accessible from the remote sensing data, the application of this methodology at large spatial scales is feasible, thereby generating spatial maps of sub-surface soil properties at regional scales, which can aid in the improved modeling of sub-surface soil moisture.

How to cite: Vk, A. and Krishnan, S.: Vegetation as proxies for improving the estimation of soil water fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-446, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-446, 2025.