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The session will cover a wide range of atmospheric and oceanographic phenomena occurring in coastal areas, from synoptic and mesoscale patterns down to local scale processes, both for research purposes and applications, including operational oceanography and related services (e.g., coastal resource management, wind-waves and circulation monitoring and predictions for the sake of maritime safety and navigation, marine environmental protection, coastal erosion).

Observational studies will be considered, including in-situ measurements, ground-based and space-borne remote sensing techniques (scatterometers, synthetic aperture radar, ...), focusing in particular on recent mission data (e.g., SENTINEL), operational campaigns (e.g., HyMeX), and European project results (e.g., CEASELESS).

Modeling studies, based on stand-alone atmospheric, waves and ocean circulation models, will be of interest for the session. However, the main focus will be on the new area of numerical coupled modeling, which combines the dynamics of ocean, atmosphere and waves in a fully two-way exchange context. Coupled model results will be analyzed on the climate scale, validated against observations, but also applied to specific case studies in short-to-medium range simulations. Within this framework, specific attention will be allocated to high-impact weather and related marine events affecting coastal areas, such as intense cyclones, severe wind storms and storm surges, heavy rain events, flash floods, and supercells, analyzed both from a meteorological, marine and climate change perspective.

Activities of interest for stakeholders, related to renewable energy spatial planning both onshore and offshore, coastal management, urbanization planning for smart coastal cities, are also very welcome.

Conveners: Sandro Carniel, Mario Marcello Miglietta | Co-Conveners: Joanna Staneva, Matjaz Licer, Antonio Ricchi
| Tue, 10 Sep, 16:30–18:30|Room S9
| Attendance Wed, 11 Sep, 09:30–10:30 | Display Mon, 09 Sep, 09:30–Wed, 11 Sep, 12:30|Sports Hall

Tuesday, 10 September 2019 | Room S9

Chairperson: Antonio Ricchi
16:45–17:00 |
Erik Nilsson, Linus Wrang, and Anna Rutgersson
17:00–17:15 |
Jana Fischereit and Xiaoli Guo Larsén
17:15–17:30 |
Jose Antonio Salinas, María Eugenia Maya, and Constantina Hernández
17:30–17:45 |
Rahmat Hidayat, Murni Ngestu Nur’utami, and Givo Alsepan
17:45–18:00 |
Anne Wiese, Jana Fischereit, Xiaoli Guo Larsén, and Joanna Staneva
18:00–18:15 |
| presentation
Gabriella Lükő, Péter Torma, Tamás Krámer, Tamás Weidinger, and Zeljko Vecenaj
18:15–18:30 |
| presentation
Vladimir Platonov and Alexander Kislov

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