EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts
Vol. 20, EMS2023-672, 2023, updated on 06 Jul 2023
EMS Annual Meeting 2023
© Author(s) 2023. This work is distributed under
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Climate monitoring services provided by the Hungarian Meteorological Service to support the adaptation to climate change in Hungary

Mónika Lakatos
Mónika Lakatos
  • klimaker@met.hu

The global climate change has obvious local effects in Hungary.  The monthly temperatures shifted to warmer in the most recent normal period between 1991 and 2020 comparing to the 1961-1990 in each months. The annual course of the monthly precipitations changed, especially autumn. The frequency of heatwave days increased by more than two weeks in the Little Plain and in the southern part of the Great Hungarian Plain from 1981, which is the most intense warming period globally. The intensification of the precipitation in the recent years is obvious in our region. To enhance the adaptive capacity of different sectors the Hungarian Metrological Service produce general ad tailored climate information for the users.

The climate monitoring at the Hungarian Meteorological Service is based on measurements stored in the Climate data archive. We apply data management tools to produce high quality and representative datasets to prepare climate studies. The data homogenization makes possible to eliminate inhomogeneities due to change in the measuring practice and station movements. Applying spatial interpolation procedure for meteorological data provide the spatial representativeness of the climate data used for monitoring.

The Unit of Climatology of the Hungarian Meteorological Service (OMSZ) derive and update on regular basis the Hungarian homogenized and interpolated climate data series (HuClim data) to serve up-to-date and reliable climate monitoring information to the users and for the public. With the MASH and MISH software, we produce the following daily data sets:
- maximum minimum and mean temperature (1901-)
- precipitation (1901-)
- air pressure (1961-)
- relative humidity (1951-)
- wind speed (mean and max) and direction (1997-)
- global radiation (2000-)

A number of climate services are based on these data series, as well as on the raw, but completed not homogenized but interpolated data of the current year:
- Freely accessible Meteorological Database (odp.met.hu)
- General climate analyses on the OMSZ website
- Climate reports
- The KlimAdat geo-information system supporting climate change impact studies
- Agrometeorological analyses: soil moisture, drought and growing degree days maps
- Meteorological support of the Hungarian Agricultural Risk Management System
- Data provision for the ESA Danube Data Cube project
- Individual services

The services listed here will be illustrated with graphs and maps on our poster presentation.

How to cite: Lakatos, M.: Climate monitoring services provided by the Hungarian Meteorological Service to support the adaptation to climate change in Hungary, EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4–8 Sep 2023, EMS2023-672, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2023-672, 2023.