EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019
Centre International de Conférences de Genève (CICG) | Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019
Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019



This session welcomes papers about the trans-Neptunian objects and their environment, including investigations of space weathering. We encourage scientific investigations based on both space and Earth-based observations as well as theoretical and laboratory investigations. Papers based on observations and measurements obtained from within the Kuiper Belt are particularly encouraged including those focusing on 2014 MU69 (a target of the New Horizons mission). We also welcome papers about the Pluto system including investigations of the geology, composition, atmosphere, climate and environment. Papers on processes that may be active in the Pluto system are particularly encouraged and include topics such as formation of organics in Pluto’s atmosphere and surface, or seasonal/climatic models of volatile transports.
This session will also welcome abstracts devoted to studies of the Centaurs, in particular on their structure, composition, dynamics and activity patterns. We invite studies that describe observations, theory, experimental work, and future spacecraft encounters related to: (i) the onset and provenance of activity beyond Jupiter's orbit, and (ii) the nature of surface modification at these heliocentric distances (including, but not limited to, solar radiation, space weathering and impacts).

Convener: Kelsi Singer | Co-conveners: Heather Elliott, Maria Teresa Capria, Sonia Fornasier, Walter Harris, Rodrigo Leiva, Catherine Olkin, Davide Perna, Simon Porter, Silvia Protopapa, Gal Sarid, Bernard Schmitt, Anne Verbiscer, Laura Woodney
| Fri, 20 Sep, 08:30–12:00, 13:30–17:00
Jupiter (Room 1)
| Attendance Thu, 19 Sep, 17:15–18:45 | Display Wed, 18 Sep, 14:00–Fri, 20 Sep, 17:30|Basement
Display time: Wednesday, 18 September, 2019 14:00–Friday, 20 September, 17:30

Attendance time: Thursday, 19 September 2019, 17:15–18:45 | Basement

Chairperson: Kelsi Singer
2014 MU69 - A primordial contact binary in the Kuiper belt
B92 |
Ivan Linscott, Mike Bird, Len Tyler, Martin Patzold, Alan Stern, Hal Weaver, Leslie Young, Cathy Olkin, Jeff Moore, Will Grundy, Chris DeBoy, Rebecca Sepan, Michael Vincent, Alice Bowman, and Kamal Oudrhiri
B93 |
Harold A. Weaver, Carey M. Lisse, Mohamed R. El-Maarry, Daniel T. Britt, Bonnie J. Buratti, Andrew F. Cheng, Dale P. Cruikshank, Joel Wm. Parker, Silvia Protopapa, Bernard Schmitt, and S. Alan Stern and the New Horizons Science Team
B94 |
Carver J. Bierson, Orkan M. Umurhan, Stuart Robbins, Carey Lisse, Francis Nimmo, Ross A. Beyer, Paul Schenk, James T. Keane, William B. McKinnon, Anne Verbiscer, Joel Parker, Cathy Olkin, Hal A. Weaver, John Spencer, and S. Alan Stern
B95 |
Ross Beyer, Simon Porter, Paul Schenk, John Spencer, Chloe Beddingfield, William Grundy, James Keane, Tod Lauer, Jeff Moore, Catherine Olkin, Joel Parker, Alan Stern, Orkan Umurhan, Anne Verbiscer, and Harold Weaver and the New Horizons Science Team
B96 |
Paul Schenk, Ross Beyer, Chloe Beddingfield, Jeffrey Moore, Cathy Olkin, John Spencer, Hal Weaver, and Alan Stern
B97 |
Kelsi Singer, William McKinnon, John Spencer, Sarah Greenstreet, Brett Gladman, Stuart Robbins, Kirby Runyon, Paul Schenk, John Kavelaars, Tod Lauer, Alex Parker, Alan Stern, Harold Weaver, and Cathy Olkin and the New Horizons Science Team
B98 |
Youngmin JeongAhn, Renu Malhotra, and Mauricio Reyes-Ruiz
B99 |
Interstellar Medium Grain Erosion Effects on KBOs Including Implications for the Surface of 2014 MU69
S. Alan Stern, John Spencer, Harold Weaver, Catherine Olkin, Jeff Moore, Will Grundy, William McKinnon, Dale Cruikshank, Randy Gladstone, Kelsi Singer, and The New Horizons Team
B100 |
Henry Throop, Harold Weaver, John Spencer, Cathy Olkin, and S. Alan Stern
B101 |
Henry Throop, Tod Lauer, John Spencer, Mark Showalter, Marc Buie, Simon Porter, Will Grundy, Harold Weaver, S. Alan Stern, Doug Hamilton, David Kaufmann, Anne Verbiscer, Amanda Zangari, Cathy Olkin, and Joel Parker
The Pluto System and other Dwarf Planets
B102 |
Jose L. Ortiz, Pablo Santos-Sanz, Javier Licandro, and Petr Pravec
B103 |
Scott Sheppard and Darin Ragozzine
B104 |
Michael Bird, Ivan Linscott, David Hinson, Len Tyler, Darrell Strobel, Martin Pätzold, Michael Summers, Alan Stern, Hal Weaver, Leslie Young, Kimberly Ennico, Randy Gladstone, Cathy Olkin, Jeff Moore, Will Grundy, Chris DeBoy, and Michael Vincent
B105 |
Andrew Steffl, Leslie Young, Darrell Strobel, Joshua Kammer, J. Scott Evans, Kimberly Ennico, Randall Gladstone, Thomas Greathouse, David Hinson, Catherine Olkin, Joel Parker, Kurt Retherford, Rebecca Schindhelm, Alan Stern, Michael Summers, and Hal Weaver
B106 |
Leslie Young, Sugata Tan, Lawence Trafton, John Stansberry, William Grundy, Silvia Protopapa, Bernard Schmitt, Orkan Umurhan, and Tanguy Bertrand
B107 |
Vladimir Krasnopolsky
B108 |
Anne Verbiscer, Mark Showalter, Paul Helfenstein, and Marc Buie
B109 |
Bonnie Buratti, Emily Kramer, Michael Hicks, and James Bauer
B110 |
Josselin Desmars, Erick Meza, Bruno Sicardy, Marcelo Assafin, Julio Camargo, Felipe Braga-Ribas, Gustavo Benedetti-Rossi, Alex Oliveira, Bruno Morgado, Altair Gomes, Roberto Vieira-Martins, Raoul Behrend, José Luis Ortiz, Rene Duffard, Nicolas Morales, and Pablo Santos Sanz
B111 |
Jose S. Silva, Mauricio Reyes-Ruiz, and Joel H. Castro-Chacon
Comets and Centaurs
B112 |
Mattia Galiazzo and Joanna Thomas-Osip
B113 |
Arika Higuchi, Marc Fouchard, Takashi Ito, and Lucie Maquet
B114 |
Memory of long-period comets, short-period comets and Centaurs
Vacheslav Emel'yanenko, Marc Fouchard, and Arika Higuchi
B115 |
Nahuel Cabral, Aurélie Guilbert-Lepoutre, Wesley Fraser, Michael Marsset, and Kathryn Volk
B116 |
Centaur Exploration Workshop 2019 and its Deliverables: The Roots of Activity
Maria Womack and Gal Sarid
TNOs and Interstellar Objects: Observations and Modeling
B117 |
Robin Métayer, Aurélie Guilbert-Lepoutre, and Renaud Deguen
B118 |
Explanation of the shape of ‘Oumuamua by interstellar dust erosion
Dmitrii Vavilov and Yurii Medvedev
B119 |
Nafiseh Masoumzadeh, Hermann Boehnhardt, Esa Vilenius, and Luisa M. Lara
B120 |
Benoît Noyelles, Daniel Hestroffer, and Jean-Marc Petit
B121 |
| Media interest
Sota Arakawa, Ryuki Hyodo, and Hidenori Genda
B122 |
David Trilling, David Gerdes, Chad Trujillo, Scott Sheppard, Cesar Fuentes, Hilke Schlichting, Andrew McNeill, Mario Juric, Matt Holman, Ed Lin, Larissa Markwardt, Michael Mommert, William Oldroyd, Matt Payne, Darin Ragozzine, Andrew Rivkin, and Megan Schwamb
B123 |
Alan Jorge Alves do Carmo and Alexandre Correia
B124 |
Trans-Neptunian Objects Imaged by the Pan-STARRS1 Survey Telescope
Robert Weryk, Robert Jedicke, and Richard Wainscoat
B125 |
Alex Parker, Simon Porter, Jj Kavelaars, Susan Benecchi, Michele Bannister, Keith Noll, and Will Grundy
B126 |
Joel Castro, Benjamín Hernandez, Mauricio Reyes, José Silva, Bosco Hernández, Fernando Alvarez, and Matthew Lehner
B127 |
William Oldroyd and Chadwick Trujillo
B128 |
Matthew Holman and Matthew Payne