/ Attendance Thu, 11 Sep, 17:45–19:15
/ Poster Area
Attendance Time: Thursday, 11 September 2014, 17:45–19:15
Poster Area
Chairperson: E. Palomba
EPSC2014-217 A close look at the Vestan Rheasilvia basin E. Ammannito, M.C. De Sanctis, F. Capaccioni, M.T. Capria, J.-Ph Combe, A. Frigeri, M. Hoffman, R. Jaumann, A. Longobardo, S. Marchi, T.B. McCord, H.Y. McSween, S.C. Mest, D.W. Mittlefehldt, K. Stephan, F. Tosi, R.A. Yingst, C.A. Raymond, and C.T. Russell
EPSC2014-283 Spectral analysis of Marcia Quadrangle of Vesta: Mineralogy of the Eucritic Equatorial Region M. C. De Sanctis, J. P Combe, E. Ammannito, A. Frigeri, A. Longobardo, E. Palomba, F. Tosi, F. Zambon, S. Marchi, R. Jaumann, K. Stephan, C. A. Raymond, and C. t. Russell
EPSC2014-297 A working model for Vesta's shape from Dawn limb images S. Elgner, K.-D. Matz, T. Roatsch, R. Jaumann, J. Oberst, C.A. Raymond, and C.T. Russell
EPSC2014-320 A compositional view of Av-10 Oppia quadrangle F. Tosi, A. Frigeri, J.-Ph. Combe, M.C. De Sanctis, E. Ammannito, F. Zambon, D.T. Blewett, W.B. Garry, A. Longobardo, E. Palmer, K. Stephan, C.T. Russell, and C.A. Raymond
EPSC2014-346 Key features of Gegania and Lucaria quadrangles of the asteroid Vesta A. Longobardo, E. Palomba, M.C. De Sanctis, F. Tosi, A. Frigeri, E. Ammannito, C.A. Raymond, and C.T. Russell
EPSC2014-356 Spectral parameters to distinguish CC groups using Dawn FC Ceres data T. Schäfer, A. Nathues, E.A. Cloutis, K. Mengel, M. Schäfer, and M. Hoffmann
EPSC2014-382 The V-type conundrum: are other basaltic objects out there? S. Ieva, D. Lazzaro, E. Dotto, D. Perna, M. C. De Sanctis, D. Fulvio, and M. Fulchignoni
EPSC2014-522 Spectral variegation and stratigraphy in Vesta's Sextilia region K. Stephan, R. Jaumann, M.C. De Sanctis, K. Krohn, K. Otto, E. Ammannito, L.A. McFadden, Th. Roatsch, K.-D. Matz, F. Preusker, F. Tosi, J.P. Combe, T.N. Titus, C.A. Raymond, and C.T. Russell
EPSC2014-783 Mineralogic Mapping of the Numisia region on Vesta from the Visible Infrared mapping spectrometer onboard NASA/Dawn A. Frigeri, M. C. De Sanctis, E. Ammannito, F. Tosi, F. Capaccioni, M. T. Capria, F. Zambon, E. Palomba, A. Longobardo, S. Fonte, M. Giardino, D. L. Buczkowski, R. Jaumann, C. Raymond, and C. Russell
EPSC2014-767 Mineralogical mapping of quadrangles AV-13 (Tuccia) and AV-14 (Urbinia) F. Zambon, A. Frigeri, J.-Ph. Combe, M.C. De Sanctis, E. Ammannito, F. Tosi, T.D. Blewett, B.W. Denevi, K. Stephan, C.T. Russell, and C.A. Raymond
EPSC2014-766 Classification of Ceres HST albedo deviation map F. Zambon, M.C. De Sanctis, F. Tosi, L.A. McFadden, T.D. Blewett, F. Scipioni, A. Longobardo, Y.J. Li, C.T. Russell, and C.A. Raymond
EPSC2014-577 Creep related compaction of initially porous planetesimals W. Neumann, D. Breuer, and T. Spohn
EPSC2014-572 Core and crust formation on Vesta: Controlling factors W. Neumann, D. Breuer, and T. Spohn
EPSC2014-477 Linear spectral unmixing: a tool to quantitatively map different lithologies on Vesta F. Zambon, F. Tosi, C. Carli, M. C. De Sanctis, D. T. Blewett, E. Ammannito, C. T. Russell, and C. A. Rayomnd
EPSC2014-451 Using GRASS GIS as a planning tool for the operations around to the Ceres asteroid of VIR instrument onboard Dawn mission S. Fonte, A. Frigeri, M. Giardino, M.C. De Sanctis, E. Ammannito, E. Palomba, G. Magni, M.T. Capria, F. Capaccioni, F. Tosi, F. Zambon, D. Turrini, C. Federico, and Dawn Team