Oral programme OPS1
OPS1 Outer planets systems and Pluto |
Convener: Athena Coustenis | Co-Conveners: Sushil K. Atreya , Glenn Orton , Leigh Fletcher , Olivier Witasse , Nicolas Altobelli |
Oral programme
/ Wed, 20 Sep, 14:00–17:30
/ Room Uranus
/ Thu, 21 Sep, 09:00–12:30 / 14:00–17:25 / Room Jupiter
Poster programme
/ Attendance Thu, 21 Sep, 17:45–19:15
/ Poster area
Wednesday, 20 September 2017 Room Uranus Chairperson: D. Cordier and L.A. Young |
14:00–14:30 |
N2 in Pluto’s Northern Lowlands (keynote talk) L. A. Young, J. A. Stansberry, S. Protopapa, B. Schmitt, A. M. Earle, P. M. Schenk, and A. D. Howard |
14:30–14:50 |
Comparative Planetology of the Origin of Nitrogen on Titan, Pluto and Triton (withdrawn) K. E. Mandt, A. Luspay-Kuti, and O. Mousis |
14:50–15:10 |
Thermal Structure of Pluto's Lower Atmospehre (keynote talk) Media R. Yelle, T. Koskinen, and P. Lavvas |
15:10–15:30 |
Bladed Terrain on Pluto: Possible Origins and Evolution (keynote talk) J. Moore, A. Howard, O. Umurhan, O. White, P. Schenk, R. Beyer, W. Grundy, L. Young, S.A. Stern, H. Weaver, C. Olkin, and K. Ennico |
Coffee break
16:00–16:15 |
| presentation
Wind measurements in Saturn atmosphere with UVES/VLT ground-based Doppler velocimetry M. Silva |
16:15–16:30 |
High-resolution Global Climate Modeling of Saturn's and Jupiter's tropospheric and stratospheric circulations A. Spiga, S. Guerlet, E. Millour, Y. Meurdesoif, M. Indurain, T. Dubos, M. Sylvestre, S. Cabanes, A. Boissinot, and T. Fouchet |
16:30–16:45 |
Cation Chemistry in Titan's Upper Atmosphere and its Influence on Tholin Formation D. Dubois, N. Carrasco, L. Jovanovic, and L. Vettier |
16:45–17:00 |
The Interaction of Titan's Aerosols with Hydrocarbons Seas D. Cordier and N. Carrasco |
17:00–17:15 |
Search for evidence of Butane on Titan with new spectroscopic data A. Jolly, Y. Bénilan, and L. Manceron |
17:15–17:30 |
Laboratory studies of organics with Cosmorbitrap, a new HRMS analyser, in the framework of future missions to Titan and other organic worlds L. Selliez, C. Briois, and N. Carrasco |
Thursday, 21 September 2017 Room Jupiter Chairperson: A. Coustenis and L. Spilker |
09:00–09:30 |
Cassini: Going out in a Science-Rich Blaze of Glory (keynote talk) Media L. Spilker, S. Edgington, and N. Altobelli |
09:30–09:50 |
First In-Situ Determination of the Ionospheric Structure of Saturn by Cassini/RPWS (keynote talk) J.-E. Wahlund, M. W. Morooka, L. Hadid, D. J. Andrews, W. S. Kurth, G. Hospodarsky, and A. M. Persoon |
09:50–10:10 |
Cassini INMS Measurements of Saturn's Atmosphere (keynote talk) Media J. H. Waite and the the INMS Science Team |
10:10–10:30 |
Saturn at Northern Summer Solstice: Thermal Structure during the Finale of the Cassini Mission (keynote talk) Media L.N. Fletcher, S. Guelet, G.S. Orton, J.A. Sinclair, T. Fouchet, P. Irwin, L. Li, and F.M. Flasar |
Coffee break
11:00–11:15 |
Saturn's stratospheric equatorial oscillation and wave activity through the Cassini epoch S. Guerlet, T. Fouchet, A. Spiga, B. Hesman, N. Gorius, L. Fletcher, and F.M. Flasar |
11:15–11:30 |
Lightning activity on Saturn during Cassini's orbital tour and the Grand Finale G. Fischer, W.S. Kurth, G. Hospodarsky, and P. Zarka |
11:30–11:45 |
Titan's ionosphere: solar cycle and ionization modelling O. Shebanits, E. Vigren, J.-E. Wahlund, M.K.G. Holmberg, M. Morooka, N.J.T. Edberg, K.E. Mandt, and J.H. Waite |
11:45–12:00 |
Seasonal radiative modeling of Titan’s stratospheric temperatures at low latitudes B. Bézard, S. Vinatier, and R. K. Achterberg |
12:00–12:15 |
The seasonal evolution of organic chemistry in Titan’s stratosphere from CASSINI/CIRS Media A. Coustenis, D.E. Jennings, R.K. Achterberg, P. Lavvas, G. Bampasidis, V. Cottini, C.A. Nixon, and F.M. Flasar |
12:15–12:30 |
Nitrogen isotope ratio and its evolution on Titan V. Krasnopolsky |
Lunch break
14:00–14:20 |
Seasonal Evolution in the Behavior of Titan's Clouds from Cassini ISS, 2004–2017 (keynote talk) E.P. Turtle, J.E. Perry, J.M. Barbara, R.A. West, A.D. Del Genio, and A.S. McEwen |
14:20–14:40 |
Orbitally and geographically caused seasonal asymmetry in Titan's tropospheric climate T. Tokano |
14:40–15:00 |
Titan’s Global Geology from Cassini: implications for the geologic history (keynote talk) Media R. Lopes, M.J. Malaska, A. Solomonidou, A. Schoenfeld, S.P.D. Birch, A.G. Hayes, M.A. Janssen, A. LeGall, T. Verlander, D.A. Williams, J. Radebaugh, R.L. Kirk, and E.P. Turtle |
15:00–15:15 |
The spectral nature of various Titan surface units: implications on the composition A. Solomonidou and the Titan surface analysis |
15:15–15:30 |
Titan's icy scar Media C.A. Griffith, P.F. Penteado, J.D. Turner, C.D. Neish, G. Mitri, M.J. Montiel, A. Schoenfeld, and R.M.C. Lopes |
Coffee break
16:00–16:20 |
The Enceladus plume, particle impact ionization and Langmuir Probes: How dusty is the plasma in the plume? (keynote talk) F. Crary, L. Andersson, and S. Hsu |
16:20–16:35 |
Powering prolonged hydrothermal activity inside Enceladus G. Choblet, G. Tobie, C. Sotin, M. Behounkova, O. Cadek, F. Postberg, and O. Soucek |
16:35–16:50 |
Tidal dissipation in the ice-ocean system on Enceladus H. Hellard, F. Sohl, W. Van der Wal, T. Steinke, and H. Hußmann |
16:50–17:10 |
Resolving the Mass Production and Surface Structure of the Enceladus Dust Plume (keynote talk) S. Kempf, B. Southworth, J. Schmidt, F. Postberg, and R. Srama |
17:10–17:25 |
Water ice and sub-micron ice particles on Tethys and Mimas (withdrawn) F. Scipioni, T. Nordheim, R. Clark, E. D'aversa, D. Cruikshank, F. Tosi, P. Schenk, J. Ph. Combe, and C. M. Dalle Ore |