SB12 | Centaurs and Trans-Neptunian objects


Centaurs and Trans-Neptunian objects
Convener: Thomas Müller | Co-conveners: Csaba Kiss, Rene Duffard

New discoveries, spectroscopic, photometric, dynamical, occultation or radiometric studies: Our knowledge of the physical, compositional and dynamical properties of the objects in the outer solar system is constantly improving.
The goal of this session is to highlight recent results that are providing fundamental clues about properties of individual objects, families, or groups, about the formation and early stages of the solar system, knowledge which is considered as key input for understanding exo-systems.

New discoveries, spectroscopic, photometric, dynamical, occultation or radiometric studies: Our knowledge of the physical, compositional and dynamical properties of the objects in the outer solar system is constantly improving.
The goal of this session is to highlight recent results that are providing fundamental clues about properties of individual objects, families, or groups, about the formation and early stages of the solar system, knowledge which is considered as key input for understanding exo-systems.