MITM2 | Open Science and Big Data for the Planets and the Heliosphere: Projects, Accomplishments, and Opportunities


Open Science and Big Data for the Planets and the Heliosphere: Projects, Accomplishments, and Opportunities
Convener: Baptiste Cecconi | Co-conveners: Anne Raugh, Arnaud Masson
| Thu, 12 Sep, 14:30–16:00 (CEST)|Room Sun (Auditorium)
| Attendance Fri, 13 Sep, 10:30–12:00 (CEST) | Display Fri, 13 Sep, 08:30–19:00|Poster area Level 1 – Intermezzo
Orals |
Thu, 14:30
Fri, 10:30
Solar and planetary astronomy has always been a data-intensive science, and new observatories and spacecraft are gathering data at an unprecedented scale. However, to maximize the scientific return on this investment, researchers need access to an infrastructure that provides open access to data, correlative data, and common standards for communication and information exchange between repositories. Initiatives like NASA's Planetary Data Ecosystem, Europlanet/VESPA, ESA Datalabs, and NASA's Helio-Cloud are taking the first steps toward building such an infrastructure. We invite contributions showcasing open science opportunities and accomplishments in Heliophysics and Planetary science that highlight one or more of these capabilities, particularly those involving international standards such as IVOA, OGC, IPDA, and IHDEA.

Session assets

Orals: Thu, 12 Sep | Room Sun (Auditorium)

On-site presentation
Stéphane Erard and the VESPA team

During the last 2 EC-funded Europlanet programmes, VESPA has focused on adapting Virtual Observatory (VO) standards and procedures to Planetary Science data [1]. The objective was to build a contributory distribution system to provide 1) FAIR access to the many datasets from a single end points, 2) a simple solution for institutes to share their research results and therefore enforce the Open Science policy in the field. The infrastructure is now mature and available to the community.

Data description. EPNCore is a specific metadata vocabulary providing uniform description of datasets in the field. Associated to the TAP mechanism, it allows uniform cross-searches in connected data services [2]. In 2022, this EPN-TAP v2.0 protocol has been approved by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance, and is now the standard to publish Solar System data in the VO. Version 2.1 is in progress and will enlarge the scope of descriptive parameters as well as the support of coordinate systems. The VESPA team is deeply involved in the evolution of IVOA vocabularies and mapping them with neighbouring fields.

Data content. Nearly 250 data services using EPN-TAP are declared in the IVOA registry. The main VESPA portal dispatches queries to 73 reviewed services at the time of writing. Contributions from space agencies include ESA’s PSA, and 100+ datasets from the NASA PDS PPI node (under review). Contributions from the community have been solicited via an annual call and implementation workshop since 2016, where ~30 research teams were invited to acquire the knowledge to design and publish their data in the VO. Such data services are typically installed under DaCHS on Docker in the institutes, but installation on EOSC has been validated also. A dedicated validator is available in TOPCAT/taplint.

In addition to EPN-TAP data services, 69 multi-resolution maps of solar system bodies have been published in HiPS format. They provide detailed basemaps for display in Aladin and similar tools.

Data access and curation. The main VESPA portal is a discovery tool to search reviewed EPN-TAP services globally. It has been deeply redesigned in the past two years to make the user experience smoother, and a gallery view of thumbnails is being added. Other access modes are available: scripts, web services, Jupyter notebook, VO tools, etc, including two more specialised portals.

The main portal uses a local registry of reviewed services to ensure quality control, and is regularly updated. For instance some older data services and assessments studies have been dropped recently. All EPN-TAP services are now properly declared in the IVOA registry, which allows simple access via VO tools and python libraries (astropy, pyvo, etc).

A discovery portal is used internally to check the consistency of data content, relying on an ElasticSearch database of all metadata from reviewed services; in the mid-term, this may provide a better interface for cross-service searches than the main portal. A geospatial portal also uses this system to support 2D searches on planetary surfaces, both in data services and planetary HiPS. This makes extensive use of of MOC (MultiOrder Coverages) and HiPS standards from the IVOA, but also provides interoperability with OGC standards used in GIS (WMS, WCS, shapefiles). Planetary HiPS can be displayed in AladinLite Planetary Explorer, which queries USGS web services to retrieve named surface features.

Connectivity. Existing VO tools (TOPCAT, Aladin, CASSIS) can query EPN-TAP services and can receive data from the portals via SAMP. Data services providing calls to web services such as WMS/WCS or das2 can send data to dedicated tools (resp. QGIS and Autoplot). The environment uses web services from USGS (named surface features), IMCCE (body name resolver, ephemeris) or CNES (WMS-HiPS converter, CRS definitions). Planetary coordinate systems have been included in the WCSlib and astropy libraries. A workflow platform installed on EOSC is used to run computation on demand – results may be collected and distributed in EPN-TAP services.

Sustainability. A standard workflow has been designed for preservation, relying on a common GitLab repository (with authentication granted by GÉANT/eduTEAMS). Services definition files are stored there to allow interaction between teams (through GitLab issues) and possible crisis management. Several services no longer maintained for various reasons have been reinstalled in new places or on EOSC servers; this is possible when they do not rely on a specific backend to provide the data.

Further uses. Although VESPA was initially designed to provide simple access to solar system data, the capacity to easily distribute derived data products from research institutes has become a major goal with the apparition of Open Science commitments, in particular for publicly funded programs.

Other applications of this infrastructure are however possible, including private data services. Those can be installed in the frame of a research project to help the analysis of a dataset. The whole VO infrastructure also contain all that is needed to setup ground segments of space instruments and prepare the data distribution phase, in particular for nanosat missions.


The Europlanet-2024 Research Infrastructure project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No 871149.

[1]   S. Erard, B. Cecconi, P. Le Sidaner, M. Demleitner, and M. Taylor, “EPN-TAP: the VO standard to share and access Solar System data” PV2023 conference, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.10255586.

[2]   S. Erard, B. Cecconi, P. Le Sidaner, M. Demleitner, and M. Taylor, “EPN-TAP: Publishing Solar System Data to the Virtual Observatory Version 2.0” IVOA Recommendation 22 August 2022, Aug. 2022.

How to cite: Erard, S. and the VESPA team: Virtual European Solar & Planetary Access (VESPA) 2024: Legacy, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-355,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Frédéric Schmidt, Jean-Christophe Malapert, Frederique Meunier, Benoit Seignovert, François Andrieu, Matthieu Volat, Hervé Ballans, Francois Poulet, Gilles Poulleau, Cathy Quantin-Nataf, Stéphane Erard, Pierre Le Sidaner, Baptiste Cecconi, Susan Conway, Sylvain Douté, Bernard Schmitt, and Stéphane Le Mouélic

The Planetary Surfaces Data and Services Centre (PDSSP) is a geospatial data and services center dedicated to studies and research on planetary surfaces. This center brings together several French research partners in planetology and aims to federate French expertise to index and promote mapping and archiving tools for planetary data.

The PDSSP offers a research portal to help disseminate and use high value-added data for planetary surfaces. This includes spectral data, geological maps, high-resolution images and other useful information for the scientific community and students interested in planetary studies.

The Planetary Surfaces Data and Services Centre also contributes to collaboration and interoperability between different thematic projects in the field of planetary surfaces, by providing tools, services and expertise to facilitate information exchange and collaboration between scientists and researchers.

Figure 1: Scheme of the PDSSP

The aim of the Planetary Surfaces Data and Services Centre (PDSSP) is to facilitate access to data and contribute to the creation of products and services by adding value to the space data available. The cluster will also serve as a mechanism for the planetary science community to share information and better understand the challenges of digital technology. It will be part of the national, European and global landscape, working closely with PSUP (Planetary Surface Portal), VESPA (Virtual European Solar and Planetary Access) and SSHADE (Solid Spectroscopy Hosting Architecture of Databases and Expertise).


The PDSSP's mission is to bring together existing centers to serve the planetary science community. It is based on the establishment of a spatial data infrastructure for planetary surfaces, providing access to its data. It aims to provide added value, particularly in terms of data and services in fields where data centers do not exist or need to be developed, and in terms of links with European and international systems. The aim is to strengthen the planetary science community, in synergy with the other structures in the field, by giving it access to the data it needs for its research, in accordance with the access standard


Reference and link :





How to cite: Schmidt, F., Malapert, J.-C., Meunier, F., Seignovert, B., Andrieu, F., Volat, M., Ballans, H., Poulet, F., Poulleau, G., Quantin-Nataf, C., Erard, S., Le Sidaner, P., Cecconi, B., Conway, S., Douté, S., Schmitt, B., and Le Mouélic, S.: The Planetary Surfaces Data and Services Centre (PDSSP), Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-922,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mark Bentley, Daniela Coia, Thomas Cornet, Ruben Docasal, Emmanuel Grotheer, David Heather, Tanya Lim, Joana Oliveira, Jose Osinde, Francisco Raga, and Jaime Saiz


The Planetary Science Archive (PSA) of the European Space Agency (ESA) has recently released a new user interface and APIs to access ESA's planetary data. These updates, along with data migration activities, aim to keep the mission data relevant and usable over the long term. This is critical when the time between missions to a given body can be decades. [JO1] 

PDS3 migration

The PSA currently supports 10 missions ranging from Giotto[JO2] , ESA's earlier deep-space probe in the 1980s, to the JUICE mission to the Jupiter system, launched last year. Early missions, as well as Mars Express - still going strong[JO3]  after 20 years, provided data in PDS3 format. Newer missions have adopted PDS4 format and an operational archive approach where data are delivered regularly. This newer format brings many benefits, not the least a standard set of tools to allow users to open any data product. To ensure the longevity of the PDS3 data, an activity to migrate the legacy products has been started this year. This is particularly important to ensure, for example, that data from Venus Express are in the most usable form possible prior to EnVision. The key challenge in this activity is how to maintain data access for users coming from the world of PDS3, with its associated tools and codes, and that of PDS4.

User interface

As a single repository for ESA's planetary data, the PSA has evolved its user interface (UI) over the years, always keeping multi-mission search at its core. Late last year a new version of the UI was released, offering a refreshed and responsive design. New functionality planned for late 2024 is the map-based display and selection of data products at Mercury, in preparation for the arrival of BepiColombo late next year. The figure below shows an example of visualising footprints from the CaSSIS instrument on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter in the most recent version of the PSA. In addition, integration with the ESA Datalabs project is ongoing and support for PDS4 data is being added this year; whilst not yet fully public, this platform allows users to work with PSA data in a browser without having to download it. Finally, for those users who still need to download large amounts of data, a more streamlined approach will be rolled out by serving lists of URLs and pre-baked scripts rather than traditional compressed archives.

Data access

Users have the possibility to download data in several ways, from the UI, from a secure FTP system offering access to both public and private data, and via several APIs. Programmatic download of individual products has long been possible, but the most recent version offers download based on an ADQL query. This means that users can leverage complex criteria to select data which are packaged and downloaded. In addition, ingesting metadata into the PDS registry and API means that users can query on arbitrary metadata and pass the list of returned identifiers to the PSA to retrieve these products.

New missions

Currently the PSA supports 10 planetary missions and over one hundred instruments including remote sensing, in-situ, and laboratory-type instruments. In the coming years we hope to see data from future missions including Rosalind Franklin, HERA, Comet Interceptor, EnVision, PROSPECT and Mars Sample Return. In addition to these missions, a new challenge is the increasing number of payload opportunities on commercial missions, e.g. from the NASA CLPS programme, where data from ESA contributions need to be archived. A training session in November 2024 will give hands-on experience to many of the new data providers in how to produce archive products for the PSA.

Community feedback

The PSA exists first and foremost for the scientific community, and we appreciate your feedback on how things could be improved, missing functionality etc. As well as finding the PSA team at conferences and meetings you can reach out to the PSA Users’ Group who represent your needs also. We would love to hear how we could help you do more with these data, so please get in touch!

How to cite: Bentley, M., Coia, D., Cornet, T., Docasal, R., Grotheer, E., Heather, D., Lim, T., Oliveira, J., Osinde, J., Raga, F., and Saiz, J.: ESA's Planetary Science Archive: looking to the future, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-868,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Joseph N Mafi


The NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) released version 1.0 of the PDS4 Information Model (IM) in May 2013. Now in version 1.22, the PDS4 IM has undergone a series of regular releases, plus a number of additional point releases. Updates have varied from the addition of new permissible values and minor bug fixes, to major non-backward compatible changes. The PDS IM is now reaching the level of maturity that will warrant transition to Version 2.

This presentation is intended both to announce the intention to undertake a major version upgrade of the PDS4 IM, and to solicit community input on the criteria and processes involved.


IM Version 2 and Associated Changes

A plan is under discussion in PDS to move to major version 2 of the PDS4 IM upon the implementation of the next non-backward compatible change with or after the June 2025 release. In addition to the model changes proposed and anticipated for the release of a major new version of the IM, three significant policy and procedure issues are being discussed in connection with the transition to version 2.. PDS is seeking community input on these decisions.

Policy and procedures for non-backward compatible changes. In keeping with industry standards for introducing non-backwards-compatible changes, the PDS4 IM now contains a number of deprecated “features” that would normally be removed over a major version boundary. However, the nature and mandate of the PDS archive is to span generations of both humans and technology. It is not practical, given ongoing budget constraints, for either users of the PDS4 IM or PDS itself to undertake migration efforts repeatedly to expunge unsupported constructs from the legacy archive, yet it is critical for modern programmatic support to ensure well-defined and homogeneous metadata practices for data coming in, with an IM that supports programmatic access to the entirety of the archive.  It is not clear that the best service to the user community is to require software to be cognizant of IM major versions when attempting to gather data from multiple sources ingested at various epics of PDS history. However, if the deprecated features remain visible, how effective can PDS be in enforcing that they not be used in new data submissions? PDS is currently weighing the question of whether to continue the current practice of retaining deprecated elements in the IM or permanently removing them at major version transitions following a period of deprecation.

Policy and procedures for determining the need for a major version update. The PDS4 IM was released at version 1 and is still at version 1, 10+ years later. Given the circumstances mentioned previously regarding the issue of removing deprecated constructs, it is consequently not easy to determine if, let alone when, the IM should be versioned for anything other than a major shift in either design or implementation technology. The PDS4 DDWG has been presented with a challenge to propose criteria for considering a major version upgrade, especially in view of the age and history of the current version. It is particularly important to get feedback from the community of users, programmers, and IPDA partners on these criteria.

Semantic versioning throughout the PDS4 namespaces. The PDS4 IM is divided into namespaces, and adding a new namespace is the primary method for extending the IM into new domains. For historical reasons, the core IM and each of the namespace models extending it have independent four-element version numbers. As it has evolved, there has been no pressing need for four elements in any of these version numbers, and semantic versioning has become the industry standard for software and similar technologies. Semantic versioning for the IM seems desirable, but the role of version numbers of namespaces and their relationship to the core version needs to be well-defined, and perhaps even re-defined, within the semantic context.

References: [1] Planetary Data System Standards Reference, Version 1.21.0, JPL D-7669, Part 2, 1 Oct. 2023.

How to cite: Mafi, J. N.: Transition to Version 2 of the PDS4 Information Model., Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-1048,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Elfrun Lehmann, Alexander Balduin, Marko Seidel, Klaus Wendel, and Harry Becker

Introduction:  Renewed interest in a human return to the Moon has revived the importance of past Apollo missions. Both manned and robotic missions to the Moon provided detailed information on locations of instruments, and locations of returned lunar samples. The upcoming lunar missions will produce a large amount of new data, including on samples returned from the Moon. Integration of such data with spatial data can aid in comprehending and analyzing the complexities of lunar data. Here we present a test version of the lunar version of the web-based browser Planet Explorer, which combines seamlessly lunar surface imageries with lunar landing site data without the need of handling file format details and data ingestion by the user.

Data Visualization: Planet Explorer is a web browser based on the open software packages OpenLayers [1] and three.js [2] for combining planetary data sets and visualizing results. We have developed and implemented a test version that uses high-resolution images obtained with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera [LROC, 3] that are available in the open access LROC data archive [4]. The LROC narrow-angle camera [NAC, 3] has extensively imaged a substantial portion of the Moon's surface, achieving a resolution of 1 meter per pixel or better.

Of particular interest are images that are matched with high-resolution digital elevation maps derived from stereo image pairs [5]. This LROC dataset includes all previous landing sites and many other locations of interest such as the Luna and Chang’e lunar landing sites. In Planet Explorer, the lunar maps can be supplemented with additional data sets from any location. Currently available data in Planet Explorer are • Layer and layer categories: geology, labels, structure (Fig. 1) • Epoch features: surface features of selected lunar epochs (pre-Nectarian to Copernican (Fig. 2a, b), color-coded areas indicate, for instance, geological units • Display of global and local lunar geological maps [6] • Location overlays with geological nomenclature and structural features • Analysis and map data from the TRR170-DB repository [7] of the DFG research program TRR 170 ‘Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets’ (Fig. 4.) • Other internet-based resources: i.e., lunar sample compendium [8].

Fig. 1: Menu view of Planet Explorer test case showing the nearside of the Moon's surface [9].   

Fig. 1: Menu view of Planet Explorer test case showing the nearside of the Moon's surface [9].

Integration of External Data: Currently implemented test cases allow for combining LROC images matched with high-resolution digital elevation maps with sample data and other information. Sample data or other information can be linked or displayed on imageries from the LROC archives [4].

Lunar sample data currently used by the Planet Explorer is retrieved from open access resources, e.g., the lunar sample compendium [8], and data from the curated and open access TRR170-DB repository of the TRR 170 research program ‘Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets’ [7], and from other internet-based resources.


Fig. 2a: Geological map of the lunar farside (pre-Nectarian to Copernican) [10].


Fig. 2b: Geological map of the lunar nearside [11].

The current test version of the Planet Explorer offers selected, curated sample data and related information from the Apollo 16 and 17 landing sites. These landing sites are represented as markers on the interface (Fig. 3). Users have the option to select specific locations, such as stations at these landing sites allowing the browser to present comprehensive data summaries for the selected locations.


Fig 3. displays various layer categories and surface features of different epochs. Markers indicate Apollo 16 and 17 landing sites as examples

After choosing a point of interest (e.g., a landing site), the tool exhibits detailed historical and current information conveniently accessible through the left menu. This information informs on i.e., tracks, stations, instrumentation, and sample locations pertinent to that mission. Additionally, the visual representation of mission tracks and station locations is overlaid with integrated information on specific products such as i.e., sample analyses or comprehensive chemical or mineralogical maps (Fig. 4).

Fig 4. Tracks and stations of the Apollo 16 landing site. The table associated with station EVA01 displays sources of related overview data [8, 12].

Future Dataset Integration: Planet Explorer offers a digital framework that serves as a valuable resource for displaying compositional characteristics and various properties (such as geology, gravity, etc.) of the surface or near-surface of the Moon and other planetary bodies. Additionally, it is an effective tool for visualizing research data in a spatial data context. For forthcoming Lunar missions, the Planet Explorer may aid in the study of potential landing sites for future lunar exploration. We plan the release of an open access version of Planet Explorer in 2024.

Acknowledgements: Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (Grant SFB-TRR 170, #263649064-INF).

References (as retrieved on May 13, 2024):

[1] OpenLayers,

[2] three.js,

[3] LRO Camera,

[4] LROC archive,


[6] Fortezzo et al. (2020), Release of the digital unified global geological map of the Moon at 1:5,000,000-scale, abstract #2760, LPSC

[7] TRR170-DB Repository, (

[8] Lunar Sample Compendium,

[9] Spatial Reference,

[10] Geological map of the lunar farside,  https://

[11] Geological map of the lunar nearside,  https://

[12] Haase et al.,

How to cite: Lehmann, E., Balduin, A., Seidel, M., Wendel, K., and Becker, H.: The Planet Explorer: Navigating Planetary Sample Data in Spatial Dimensions, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-1163,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Eri Tatsumi, Kazuhiro Honda, Mayumi Ichikawa, Shoji Daigo, Yasuhiro Yokota, Shinya Murakami, and Hiroyuki Sato


Following the successful completion of its primary mission to (162173) Ryugu, Hayabusa2 has transitioned into its extended mission phase, referred to as Hayabusa2# [1]. Concurrently, as samples from the nominal mission are disseminated globally for laboratory analyses, our focus shifts towards amplifying the visibility of Hayabusa2 mission data. The in-situ observations of asteroids by spacecraft are an unique opportunity, and thus it is important to utilize the data properly and exploit the scientific information as much as possible. As the instruments are more and more matured and sophisticated, the dataset has various potential to be analyzed. Our objectives are threefold: 1) to open access to the data, 2) to promote its utilization, and 3) to optimize the scientific yield from the mission. In this presentation, we report our current activities and future plans. The framework can serve as a model case for future missions.

Opening Access to Data:

We are actively working on archiving data in both the Data Archives and Transmission System (DARTS; by JAXA and the PDS (Planetary Data System) Small Bodies Node ( by NASA. Currently, data from the main remote-sensing instruments and the MASCOT lander from the nominal mission are accessible. We are working on archiving data from additional instruments such as DCAM3, MINERVA II, and CAM-H.

Promoting Data Utilization:

Given that the available data are primarily at a low level, and sometimes the profound knowledges of the instruments and/or the mission are required to look for and decode the data, especially when the data is separated from the geographic information. we are implementing two strategies to encourage their utilization. Firstly, we are developing a user-friendly searching and downloading system designed for intuitive access to desired data, exemplified by the JAXA Asteroid Data Explorer (JADE; [2]. Second, we are creating high-level products, including global and local basemaps derived from Optical Navigation Camera (ONC) images [3], formatted in GeoTIFF for seamless integration with GIS softwares, such as QGIS and ArcGIS. These basemaps can be served not only for mapping geomorphological features, but also for comparison between different observation dates or illumination conditions. We are currenly generating GeoTIFF-based spectral maps using data from the near-infrared spectrometer NIRS3, facilitating easy analysis in tandem with the ONC data.

Future products will encompass laser altimeter LIDAR and thermal infrared imager TIR data, ensuring compatibility with QGIS/ArcGIS for enhanced interdisciplinary research. These products will be open for public after the appropriate reviews under PDS or scientific journals.

Figure: Example of Hayabusa2 high-level products on QGIS. The NIRS3 footprints (pink circles) on top of the ONC basemaps (single and multi-band maps).

Maximizing Scientific Outcomes:

To foster broader engagement within the Planetary Science community, we propose organizing an international workshop dedicated to introducing the Hayabusa2 dataset. This workshop will feature presentations on the dataset and hands-on sessions for dataset analysis.



[1] Hirabayashi et al. (2021) ASR, 1533-1555.

[2] Kikuchi et al. (2023) LPSC, #2806.

[3] Honda et al. (2024) LPSC, #1428.


This work is supported by the JAXA Hayabusa2# International Visibility Enhancement Project.

How to cite: Tatsumi, E., Honda, K., Ichikawa, M., Daigo, S., Yokota, Y., Murakami, S., and Sato, H.: Advancing International Visibility of Hayabusa2 Mission Data, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-750,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jaime Saiz, Ruben Docasal, Jose Osinde, Francisco Raga, Hector Perez, Mark Bentley, Daniela Coia, Emmanuel Grotheer, David James Heather, Tanya Lim, Thomas Cornet, and Joana Oliveira

Introduction: The Planetary Science Archive (PSA)[1] of the European Space Agency (ESA) has, over the past year, incorporated new interfaces for accessing the data. These new interfaces (an improved SFTP[2], the PSA PDS[3] API[4] and ESA Datalabs[5]), along with enhancements to the existing ones (TAP/EPN-TAP[6] and UI[7]), have considerably contributed to expand the interoperability mechanisms of the archive.

Here we describe various use cases (for both PDS3[8] and PDS4[9] data formats) in which all or part of these interfaces are used, showing different ways to obtain results from the same source archive.

Example Overview: The use case will simply be to access some PDS3 and PDS4 products by their logical identifier. These are the missions and instruments we will use for this (both Martian missions).




Product identifier

Mars Express




ExoMars TGO




Depending on the interface, the result will be either the download of the data product or the associated metadata (bundles/datasets, collections, label files, etc.)

GUI: The PSA Graphical User Interface (PSA GUI), which has been recently refurbished using the Angular framework, offering a modern and responsive design, allows the user to visualize data in a friendly way and search for PDS3 or PDS4 products via a rich set of filters. For our use case, we will use the Product ID field to search by the logical_identifier parameter (last version will be given by default).

Figure 1: Getting a PDS3/4 product in the PSA GUI and displaying it in the Mars map view.

TAP/EPN-TAP: The Table Access Protocol (TAP) service, running as a web application, allows searching PDS3 or PDS4 data by means of ADQL[10] queries. This service is used as back-end for the GUI shown before; in addition, it can be accessed directly through a browser, programmatically (with Bash, Python, etc.) or from a client application such as Topcat. For the PDS3 use case, we will use the EPN-TAP service (Europlanet extension based on TAP) via the curl command:

$ curl -X 'GET' \

'*%20from%20%20psa.epn_core%20where%20(obs_id=%27MEX-M-HRSC-3-RDR-EXT9-V4.0%3ADATA%3AHO799_0000_S23.IMG%27)' \

-H 'accept: *'

This returns a JSON file with expected metadata such as mission, instrument, bundle, collection, target, geometrical information, processing level, download path, etc.

SFTP: The new SFTP service, based on CrushFTP[11], provides a rich web client to download data, as well as a standard SFTP access. It uses a virtual volume behind the scenes, to get the available public/private data using the FUSE[12] technology. In this interface, the user may explore the structure of missions, datasets/bundles up to the desired level. For the use case, we will run the URL in the browser to get the same PDS3 product as before:

This will result in the download of the selected product to the user’s machine.

Figure 2: Accessing a PDS3/4 product and browsing its contents with the PSA new SFTP.

 PDS API: The PDS API implemented by NASA makes use of the PDS4 harvester to access PDS4 data of the PSA (although PDS3 data is not yet available in PDS, the PDS3 to PDS4 migration activity of the PSA coming up soon will cover the retrieval of these datasets). The API can be accessed from a browser (Swagger[13]), command line, Jupyter notebook[14], etc. This API allows the user to search for PDS4 products and their references by their lidvid (logical identifier and version id), collections, specifying the returned fields and filtering by any of the metadata contained in their label files. This ability to query arbitrary meta-data makes it very powerful.

To get the example PDS4 product via the PDS API we would just use the following URL:

Figure 3: Getting metadata of a PDS4 product through the PSA PDS API (via Swagger API).

The response body includes product’s information such as the mission, instrument, observation dates, targets, etc. It also includes the PSA label (XML file) URL, which links to our PSA FTP repository.

Various response formats are supported, including CSV, XML, JSON and the original PDS4 label.

ESA Datalabs: Finally, this new framework allows the user to work with planetary data without needing to download it. In the example, a Jupyter Notebook is used to access and display the MEX HRSC product. For reading PDS3 data, the PDR[14] Python library is used.

Figure 4: Getting and plotting a PDS3 product with ESA Datalabs.

Acknowledgments: We are grateful to the PSA development team for their invaluable assistance in creating and refining the PSA software. We also thank our advisors and supporters for their guidance and encouragement throughout the process.


[1] S. Besse et al. (2018), ESA's Planetary Science Archive: Preserve and present reliable scientific data sets, Planetary and Space Science, Volume 150, p. 131-140.

[2] Secured FTP:

[3] Planetary Data System:

[4] PDS PSA:

[5] ESA Datalabs:


[7] PSA User Interface:

[8] PDS3 Archiving Guide:

[9] PDS4 Archiving Guide:

[10] Astronomy Data Query Language (ADQL):

[11] CrushFTP:

[12] FUSE:

[13] Swagger:

[14] Jupyter Notebook:

[15] PDR python library:

How to cite: Saiz, J., Docasal, R., Osinde, J., Raga, F., Perez, H., Bentley, M., Coia, D., Grotheer, E., Heather, D. J., Lim, T., Cornet, T., and Oliveira, J.: ESA’s Planetary Science Archive: Improved interoperability, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-105,, 2024.


Posters: Fri, 13 Sep, 10:30–12:00 | Poster area Level 1 – Intermezzo

Display time: Fri, 13 Sep, 08:30–Fri, 13 Sep, 19:00
On-site presentation
Alfredo Escalante Lopez, Ricardo Valles Blanco, Rafael Andres Blasco, and Christophe Arviset

Introduction:  SPICE is an information system the purpose of which is to provide scientists the observation geometry needed to plan scientific observations and to analyze the data returned from those observations. SPICE is comprised of a suite of data files, usually called kernels, and software -mostly subroutines [1]. The user incorporates a few of the subroutines into his/her own program that is built to read SPICE data and compute needed geometry parameters for whatever task is at hand. Some examples of geometry parameters typically computed are range or altitude, latitude and longitude, illuminations angles (phase, incidence and emission), instrument pointing and field-of-view calculations, reference frame transformations, and coordinate system conversions. SPICE is also very adept at time conversions.

The ESA SPICE Service:  The ESA SPICE Service (ESS) leads the SPICE operations for ESA missions. The group generates the SPICE Kernel Datasets (SKDs) for missions in development (ExoMars Rover, Hera, Comet-Interceptor, EnVision, M-Matisse), missions in operations (Mars Express, ExoMars 2016, BepiColombo, Solar Orbiter, INTEGRAL and JUICE) and legacy missions (Venus Express, Rosetta and SMART-1). Moreover, ESS provides SPICE support Kernels for Gaia and James Webb Space Telescope. The generation of SKDs includes the development and operation of software to convert ESA orbit, attitude, payload telemetry and spacecraft clock correlation data into the corresponding SPICE format. ESS also provides consultancy and support to the Science Ground Segments of the planetary missions, the Instrument Teams and the science community. The access point for the ESS activities, data and latest news can be found at the following site ESS works in partnership with NAIF.

Providing the best data: The quality of the data contained on a SKD is paramount. Bad SPICE data can lead to the computation of wrong geometric quantities which can jeopardize science results. ESS, in collaboration with NAIF, is focused on providing the best SKDs possible. Kernels can be classified as Setup Kernels (FK kernels defining Reference Frames of a given S/C, IK kernels describing all parameters defining a given instrument, PCK or Planetary Constants Kernels, LSK or Leapseconds Kernels, and DSK kernels defining Digital Shape models of S/C components and celestial bodies) and Time-varying Kernels (SPK and CK kernels providing Trajectory and Attitude data, SCLK providing Time Correlation Data, and MK or Meta-kernel). Setup kernels are iterated with the different stakeholders involved in the determination of the data contained in those kernels (Instrument Teams, Science Ground Segments, etc.) while Time-varying kernels are automatically generated by the ESS SPICE Operational Pipeline to produce the Operational kernels that are used in the day-to-day work of the missions in operations (planning and data analysis). Moreover, a validation step has been integrated with the pipeline to perform a series of Quality, Consistency and Validity checks before the new kernels are released. These Time-varying kernels are also peer-reviewed a posteriori for the consolidation of SKDs that are archived in the PSA and PDS.

Figure 1: SPICE Validation reports home and example of JUICE tests results.


Status of the Kernel Datasets: The current status and latest developments of the SKDs for the before mentioned missions will be described in this contribution. In general, the ESS is reviewing the legacy and operational datasets and developing the ones for future missions. It is worth mentioning the launch of JUICE in April 2023 and the forthcoming launch of Hera in October 2024.

SPICE Kernels Archived in the PSA. ESS is also responsible for the generation of PDS3 and PDS4 formatted SPICE Archives that are published by the PSA. ESS in close collaboration with NAIF, peer-reviews the operational kernels for the PSA [2] in order to publish being compliant with the Planetary Data System (PDS) standards and uses them in the processes that require geometry computations. The latest PDS4 SPICE Bundles are produced using the NAIF PDS4 Bundler tool [3].

Extended Services: ESS offers other services beyond the generation and maintenance of SPICE Kernel Datasets, such as instances and configuration for WebGeocalc and Cosmographia for the ESA missions, and additional software packages for geometric data exploitation.

SPICE-Enhanced Cosmographia. NAIF offers for public use a SPICE-enhanced version of the open source visualization tool named Cosmographia. This is an interactive tool devoted to 3D visualizations of celestial bodies ephemerides and shape models, spacecraft trajectories and orientations, movable parts position, and instrument field-of-views and footprints. ESS provides the framework and configuration required to load the ESA missions in Cosmographia, this contribution will demonstrate its usage for the ESA Planetary missions.

Figure 2: Hera spacecraft, docked Milani and Juventas, and its instruments in Cosmographia.

WebGeocalc. The WebGeocalc tool (WGC) provides a web-based graphical user interface to many of the observation geometry computations available from the SPICE APIs. A WGC user can perform SPICE computations without the need to write a program; just a web browser is required. WGC is provided to the ESS by NAIF. This contribution will outline the WGC instances for ESA missions.

References: [1] Acton C. (1996) Planet. And Space Sci., 44, 65-70. [2] Bessel, S. et al., (2017) Planet. And Space Sci. [3] Sitja, M. C. (2022) Journal of Open Source Software

How to cite: Escalante Lopez, A., Valles Blanco, R., Andres Blasco, R., and Arviset, C.: Updates on SPICE for ESA Missions, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-90,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Josselin Desmars, Daniel Hestroffer, William Thuillot, Pedro David, Stéphane Erard, and Chloé Azria
  • Introduction

In the framework of the Virtual European Solar and Planetary Access (VESPA) of Europlanet, we have developed two new data services for planetary moons: MoonsProp and VOccDB. Both services are encoded using the Europlanet-Table Access Protocol (EPN-TAP) and can be accessed from the VESPA portal ( The portal enables interoperability between planetary science data services in the Virtual Observatory context, but other access modes are available (see Erard et al 2024, "Virtual European Solar & Planetary Access (VESPA) 2024: Legacy", EPSC2024-355, this conference).

  • 1. MoonsProp: physical and dynamical properties of natural satellites

Considering that it is difficult to access the physical and dynamical properties of natural satellites or moons for direct use in workflows, we have developed a specific database. This database, MoonsProp, provides up-to-date physical and dynamic characteristics of natural satellites. It concerns 288 satellites in total (Earth’s Moon, 2 satellites of Mars, 95 of Jupiter, 146 of Saturn, 28 of Uranus, 16 of Neptune). Users can access the size, mass, rotational properties, magnitude, albedo and orbital elements of all planetary satellites (see for more details). These quantities are extracted from various publications, peer-reviewed papers and articles, books, or possibly web pages, all cited in a list of references (database parameter: bib_reference).

All quantities can hence be extracted for use by other VESPA planetary service necessitating reference value on global physical parameters. One can also derive graphs on statistical properties as shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Distribution of some of the orbital elements distribution of satellites of giant planets in MoonsProp database. Circles and squares are proportional to the square root of the diameter.

  • 2. VOccDB: prediction of stellar occultations by natural satellites

The VOccDB database provides the predictions of stellar occultations of bright GaiaDR3 stars by natural satellites of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus over the period 2024-2033. All events up to visual magnitude 12 for the four biggest Galilean satellites, and magnitude 15 for other satellites are described: circumstances and observational data, including visibility maps (see Fig. 2), date and timing of the occultation, star position and magnitude, duration, etc. (see for more details) and additional information on the proximity of the Moon and the planet. All general circumstances were computed with the planetary and satellites ephemerides available at IMCCE. These data are given in TDB time scale and with present (2024) TDB-UTC; they will be updated as soon as new theories of natural satellites are published.

Figure 2.  Example of graphic showing the path of the satellite umbra (here Carme) during a stellar occultation with a Gaia DR3 star on 13 Nov. 2024.

Currently, 4485 events are published in the database. The EPN-TAP format can provide a global view of these predictions. The occurrence of these events naturally increases with the density of the star fields crossed by the satellites. We can therefore see this effect in this database when we plot the histogram of these events showing the transits of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus in the Milky Way (see Fig.3).

Figure 3.  Histogramme of events showing the increase of events during the cross of the Milky Way by the different planets.


  • Acknowledgements: The Europlanet-2024 Research Infrastructure project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149.

How to cite: Desmars, J., Hestroffer, D., Thuillot, W., David, P., Erard, S., and Azria, C.: Two new Europlanet/VESPA services about planetary moons, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-346,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tanya Lim, Daniela Coia, Mark Bentley, Jose Oside, Elena Rancero, Fabrizo Giordano, and Ruben Docasal


The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) was launched in 2016 and Science Phase started in April 2018. Apart from the failure of one sub-instrument, the spacecraft and payload remain healthy and in normal operations today. The mission approach to archiving the data had two significant differences from previous ESA missions archiving in the Planetary Science Archive (PSA): ExoMars was the first mission to archive the PDS4 standard data and it was the first to actively process and archive the mission raw data daily.

During the pre-launch phase the planning for the ExoMars archiving was done in close coordination with the BepiColombo mission team who would also take the active archiving approach and use the PDS4 standard, hence we were able to achieve a common data structure and set of rules for our data providers. This set of PSA rules has been recorded the PSA Archiving Guide, which remains a living document used by all new ESA missions archiving in the PSA.

Data Structures

One of the most impactful decisions made for the PSA PDS4 archives was to create a single bundle for each instrument then separate collections by data type, such as document, schema, data etc. Science data is also subdivided by processing level, hence all raw data for a mission accumulates in one collection inside one bundle. This naturally has led to large accumulating collections and while data volumes have not presented any significant issues, sheer numbers of files, especially if stored in a flat structure, have led to the need to consider carefully the physical structure adopted.

Another issue, was that early in the mission, the directory structures were not settled and to change the structure required the data products to be deleted then re-ingested with the new path. This has since been improved with internal tools to change a path internally. It's important to note that the storage layout adheres to a distinct schema from what the end user sees. Data offered to users (via ftp, web pages, or custom applications) is regulated by the distribution path value stored in a database, eliminating the need for physical file movement in case of future rearrangements.

Bundle and Collection Versions:

A major difficulty with the single accumulating bundle/collection approach faced early on, has been versioning. Initially the bundle/collection versions were incremented on every daily delivery, but it quickly became evident that maintaining a full record of each version was going to be more effort that it made sense to expend. The approach was modified to artificially increment on a monthly basis but this approach has also now been dropped with the current approach to only increment if there has been a significant change such as the ingestion of reprocessed data from the whole mission.

Product Design:

One choice which is made for all science products is whether to group data files together into a single product, or even a single file, or whether to produce smaller separate products. For the CaSSIS instrument on the TGO it was decided that the framelets making up the push broom image should be stored as separate images. However a CaSSIS observation typically has around 600 PDS4 framelet products at Raw level. Added to the fact that in a typical day CaSSIS typically has around 30 observations, and data gets re-processed, we now have an archive with tens of millions of CaSSIS products. This has caused 2 main issues. The first has been difficulty in maintaining database performance. The other issue has been the discovery and tracking of missing data due to issues with the initial data downlink, the data processing, validation and/or transfer and ingestion into the PSA. Putting all the framelets for each filter into one product per observation would reduce number of products but at the cost of a very long label e.g. including geometry information for each framelet, which potentially has different downsides.


One of the successful decisions made was to standardise file naming and at least for the science products to include filenames as part of the LID. The use of mission/instrument the bundle name plus the filename for the products has created a convention which keeps the LIDs in the PSA unique.

A different issue encountered was in the use of time in the filename. As data for most instruments did not have an observation ID, it is necessary to use date/UTC to create a unique filename/LID. However, the spacecraft clock drifted by up to a few seconds, corrected later in SPICE, so when the Raw data underwent a full re-processing the filename and hence the LID also changed meaning we had two different LIDs associated with a single observation.

PSA Dictionary:

Another success, has been to develop a dictionary for the PSA, allowing the addition of cross-mission attributes which are not included in the PDS4 core model. For some attributes, such as mission phase, we additionally include schematron in individual mission dictionaries and this standardisation in the schema has aided the development of the PSA tables and UI.


Design choices made before the launch of ExoMars in 2016 remain in place, and the active archives now include the BepiColombo and JUICE missions. The structure and conventions adopted are easy to follow and have generally been successful. Some PDS conventions such as versioning have not been compatible with an active archive approach hence the way PSA deals with these has evolved.

How to cite: Lim, T., Coia, D., Bentley, M., Oside, J., Rancero, E., Giordano, F., and Docasal, R.: Six Years of ExoMars TGO Active Archiving – Lessons Learned, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-848,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Elfrun Lehmann, Harry Becker, Tatjana Fritz, Florian Wille, Andreas Sabisch, Denise Sievers, and Birgit Schlegel

Introduction: The TRR170-DB data repository ( manages the research data from the collaborative research center ‘Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets’ (TRR 170). The published data are provided in open machine-readable formats to the planetary science community. They have been generated in various fields of planetology such as astromaterials science, experimental studies, remote sensing, and geophysical modeling. Our data policy and practices are aligned with the principles of Open Science [1] and the FAIR principles [2] fostering openness and transparency in scientific research. Since TRR170-DB is permanently hosted at Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) and interlinked with FUB’s Central Library System the data are on a long term scale preserved and accessible. The TRR170-DB is referenced by Re3data, a global registry of research data repositories [3].

The TRR170-DB system: The repository is operated on the open source data management software Dataverse [4]. Users access the repository directly through its interface that connects to the storage environment of the datasets. Alternatively, a web portal allows for repository access while also guiding users how to use TRR170-DB.

Data access, storage, and publication: While the TRR170-DB serves as a hub to exchange data for the TRR 170 user community through a password-guarded member area, published data are also accessible for other interested researchers. The repository interface provides search tools to allow users to conduct general searches or specify queries for published data via filters. Filters can direct searches to specific published data types (i.e., planetary materials/geophysics, planetary surface data, astronomy) via their metadata information. Specified searches result in compilations of data and metadata information available in the repository that can be directly viewed, saved, and downloaded via the advanced search tool Data Explorer (Fig.1).  The Data Explorer complements the TRR170-DB and is an integrated part of the repository.

Fig. 1: TRR170-DB Data Explorer query results. 

We support TRR 170 members and other users to meet journals’ and funding agencies’ requirements for FAIR data by providing storage for replication datasets (Fig. 2). Replication datasets make published data more easily findable and usable for other researchers.  At present, most replication datasets were provided and used by TRR 170 authors of articles appearing in international journals since 2016. These replication datasets are freely available, and no special permission is required for reuse and verification of a study without having to contact the study's authors.

Fig 2: Replication datasets in TRR170-DB linked to published research articles.

Any data supplier receives a permanent archive and a digital object identifier (DOI, [5]) to make the dataset unique and findable. Data suppliers are requested to apply standardized ways to annotate, structure and organize data. This metadata information on the content, quality, origin, and other characteristics of the datasets ensure reliable data quality for future use in other research projects. In this way, data from different projects can be easier exchanged and be understood when used in different contexts. Metadata information links a dataset to its related published peer-reviewed paper.

The metadata model: TRR170-DB has a flexible data-driven metadata system that uses tailored “metadata blocks” for specific data communities. The metadata blocks are based on standards that are compliant with several international metadata schemata (i.e. DDI, DataCite, Dublin Core, VOResource Schema, etc.) and controlled vocabularies. Once a dataset has been published, its metadata and files can be exported in various other open metadata standards and file formats (Fig. 3) to allow for easy data transfer among various international external databases and repositories. 

Fig. 3: Extract of TRR170-DB metadata and controlled vocabulary to metadata formats, upper right corner.

TRR170-DB integration into the FUB Central Library System: FUB Central Library System houses the institutional open access repository, Refubium that contains research data collections. When TRR 170 members contribute datasets to the TRR 170-DB repository, the published version of this datasets gets automatically mirrored by the Refubium. This ensures a global visibility and accessibility through FUB's institutional repository.

Within the TRR 170-DB repository, rigorous curation standards have been upheld to maintain the quality and integrity of the research data to ensure their reliability and suitability for scholarly use. To enhance data discovery and citability, published datasets are assigned an additional DOI through the FUB Refubium. The FUB Refubium is using the OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) protocol [6] to harvest metadata in the TRR170-DB repository. The integration of the TRR170-DB repository with FUB's Central Library System extends its accessibility to users worldwide. Through Primo, FUB's discovery and access platform interested users gain seamless access to the diverse range of datasets available within Refubium.

Future Work:  When the TRR 170 research program closes at the end of 2024, all data stored in the TRR170-DB repository will be further accessible to the interested user through three different avenues: via (1) the TRR170-DB repository, (2) the FUB Refubium, and (3) the TRR 170 webpage. As a result, the TRR 170-DB repository facilitates the dissemination and discovery of valuable research data, fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and academic excellence.

Acknowledgements: The TRR170-DB repository is managed by subproject TRR 170-INF (German Research Foundation (DFG), 263649064–TRR 170). Freie Universität Berlin provides server infrastructure and a web content management system for managing the TRR170-DB website. Dataverse software is maintained by the IQSS Dataverse team, Harvard University. We thank A. Balduin and archium® GmbH for technical support.


[1] Open Science,

[2] FAIR principles, Wilkinson et al.,

[3] r3data,

[4] Dataverse,

[5] DataCite,

[6] Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting,


How to cite: Lehmann, E., Becker, H., Fritz, T., Wille, F., Sabisch, A., Sievers, D., and Schlegel, B.: Globally Findable Planetary Data: The Interdisciplinary TRR170-DB Repository, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-1173,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Walid Majid, Daniel Kahan, Dustin Buccino, Clement Lee, Elias Barbinis, Oscar Yang, Matthew Tiscareno, and Richard Simpson

NASA’s Planetary Data System (PDS) is an active archive of science data from NASA planetary missions. PDS archives and distributes peer-reviewed planetary science data to the world-wide planetary science community.  The Radio Science Sub-Node (RSSN) in collaboration with the Ring Moon Systems (RMS) Discipline Node aims to maintain a long-term radio science capability within PDS. Members of the RSSN team have strong connections to the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN), a long history of participation in radio science observations, and close relationships with the radio science community. 

RSSN plans to develop software tools and templates to assist data providers in the creation and ingestion of consistent PDS4-compliant data products as well as preparation and maintenance of mission-independent ancillary products from the DSN. RSSN will also develop software tools to assist data users in visualization and quick-look analysis of radio science data, enabling users to assess quality and usability early in their projects. With the constantly growing volume of data and the large variety of observation types, observing conditions, and object types, the development of metadata and quick-look tools will be critical in connecting scientists and other users to data of interest before committing to detailed analyses.

In this presentation, we will describe the RSSN objectives, overview of recent developments, near-term plans, and engagement with the radio science community.

How to cite: Majid, W., Kahan, D., Buccino, D., Lee, C., Barbinis, E., Yang, O., Tiscareno, M., and Simpson, R.: The Planetary Data System Radio Science Sub-Node, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-1182,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Joo Hyeon Kim and Daesung Kim

1.    Introduction:
The Republic of Korea inaugurated its space exploration era by launching Danuri lunar orbiter on August 5, 2022. As of now, Danuri is conducting scientific missions in a lunar polar orbit at an altitude of 100 km. Initially scheduled for a one-year mission (nominal mission) until December 2023, its mission has been extended until December 2025. These scientific missions are conducted by five scientific instruments onboard Danuri, and the scientific data obtained from these instruments have been accessible to the public since January 2024. 
The science mission payload of Danuri includes four Korean-developed instruments such as a Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (KGRS), a Wide-angle Polarimetric Camera (PolCam), a Magnetometer (KMAG), and a Lunar Terrain Imager (LUTI), as well as an internationally collaborative instrument, ShadowCam, developed by Arizona State University with funding from NASA.

2.    KARI Planetary Data System:
The KARI Planetary Data System (KPDS) comprises functionalities designed to deliver scientific data to the developers of Danuri’s scientific instruments, which are research institutes and universities in Korea, to collect processed data from these developers, and to manage these datasets. Furthermore, KPDS includes functionalities to make the scientific data and supplementary data accessible to the public via its website(Figure 1). 
All scientific data released to the public and managed for archiving in KPDS are compliant with the NASA PDS4 standard. To ensure compliance, all data uploaded to KPDS undergo PDS4 standard validation immediately upon upload. 
KPDS, developed through collaboration between the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), one of the Korean government-funded research institutes, and HANCOM InSpace Co. Ltd., one of the space companies in the Republic of Korea, fulfills these roles. Specifically, KPDS is the Republic of Korea's inaugural public release and management system for scientific data in space exploration. 
KPDS website offers users convenient access to scientific data through filter-based and keyword-based search functionalities (Figure 2). Additionally, users can directly access desired data through directories on the KPDS website without the need for separate search functions. Also, KPDS website features a Thumbnail Viewer for scientific datasets, providing users with thumbnail images. Users can perform simple image modifications such as brightness, gamma, hue, contrast, sharpness, and additional adjustments of the thumbnail images, as well as compare among selected thumbnails, if thumbnails are available. Additionally, it offers a Metadata Viewer for accessing metadata of scientific datasets compliant with the PDS4 standard. Furthermore, KPDS provides various information regarding Korea's space exploration and the utilization of scientific data, enabling general users to easily and efficiently utilize the scientific data obtained from Korea's space exploration missions.

Figure 1. KPDS Website Main Page

Figure 2. KPDS Website Search Page

How to cite: Kim, J. H. and Kim, D.: How to access and download the scientific data of Korean space exploration using KARI Planetary Data System, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-163,, 2024.