Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 17
Chairperson: REY Vincent
EGU2010-394 The investigation of internal waves excitation by turbulent buoyant jets Ekaterina Ezhova, Alexander Kandaurov, Vasily Kazakov, Daniil Sergeev, and Yuliya Troitskaya
EGU2010-1439 Numerical experiments on nonlinear compressional waves in marine sediments B. Edward McDonald
EGU2010-2045 High-frequency processes and the generation of turbulence at thermal fronts Martina Preusse, Frank Peeters, and Andreas Lorke
EGU2010-5149 Singing sand as an instability arising from a shear-plug flow Simon Dagois-Bohy, Sylvain Courrech du Pont, and Stéphane Douady
EGU2010-14744 Wind forcing and dissipation in three-dimensional High Order Spectra deterministic sea state modeling Yves Perignon, Felicien Bonnefoy, Guillaume Ducrozet, and Pierre Ferrant
EGU2010-1751 Internal waves impact on the sea surface Hwung-Hweng Hwung, Igor Shugan, and Ray-Yeng Yang