Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions
Disciplinary sessions AS–GM
Disciplinary sessions GMPV–TS

Session programme


OS – Ocean Sciences

Programme group chair: Karen J. Heywood

OS2 – Coastal Oceans, Semi-enclosed and Marginal Seas

Programme group scientific officer: Sandro Carniel


Contributions are invited on innovative observational, theoretical and modelling studies concerning physical processes in coastal and shelf seas. Processes can include hydrodynamics (e.g., waves, tides, currents and Stokes drift, upwelling, eddies, density structures), transport of material (e.g., sediments, contaminants, litter, nutrients), and morphodynamics and sea-bed structure (e.g., evolution of bed forms, banks, Holocene-Antropogene strata or basin shape). Study areas are envisaged between the base of the shelf break and the seaward limit of the surf zone, including tidal basins. However, contributions on processes outside these geographical limits will be considered where they significantly influence processes within these limits. Equally, contributions on climate dynamics, biogeochemistry, and man-made structures will be considered where they significantly influence, or are significantly influenced by, the processes aimed at in this session. Special attention will be given to interactions between physics, biology and biogeochemistry and to global to local scaling of processes, their relative importance, and the representation of these transitions in models. A sub-session is envisaged on the Baltic Sea, with emphasis on the Baltic Earth programme, focusing on sea-level variability, salinity dynamics and water budget, biogeochemical feedbacks, extreme events and anthropogenic induced changes. Another sub-session focuses on the interaction between freshwater continental discharge and adjacent coastal seas, from their initial mixing and transformation in estuaries to the formation of buoyant river plumes and their spreading in coastal and shelf areas. The dynamics and variability of river plumes are key factors for understanding mechanisms of spreading, transformation, and redistribution of continental discharge and river-borne constituents (nutrients, terrigenous sediments, anthropogenic pollutants, litter) in coastal seas and their influence on the adjacent continental shelf.

Public information:
For the online chat, we will go through the submissions in the sequence as listed. Each submission will have five minutes for questions and answers. If the chat about a submission takes less we will move on to the next one. We have grouped the displays into chunks, each chaired by one of the conveners. See the uploaded session material for an overview of this grouping and an indicative time schedule. Please view the online uploaded material and type out questions in advance ready to paste them in the chat to save time. We have seen feedback suggesting that not every browser performs equally well, so be prepared to try different ones. Chrome seems to work well.

Convener: Johan van der Molen | Co-conveners: Huib E. de Swart, Andreas Lehmann, Alexander Osadchiev, Julie D. Pietrzak
| Attendance Wed, 06 May, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)

Oceanographic processes at coastal scales present a number of differences with respect to deep water oceanography, which result in higher prediction errors. In shallow water coastal domains the bottom topography exerts a strong control on the resulting wave/current fields and other factors need to be accounted for (stratification and mixing effects, land boundary condition). Moreover, the coupling between wind, waves, currents and sediments at limited scales, or even the choice of numerical strategy (nested meshes, finite-elements, etc.) may also play a critical role in the quality of the predictions. Coastal observations are therefore necessary to drive numerical models, combining in-situ data and satellite images. The advent of new satellite capabilities (resolution and sensors like for instance those of the Sentinel constellation) and new modelling advances (coupling and boundary conditions) with coastal observatories should allow starting a quantum leap in coastal oceanography.

These issues are even more relevant in a framework of changing climate, since coastal and transitional areas are strongly impacted by climate. Because of these reasons, it is timely to discuss recent advances in fields such as: integrated ocean-atmosphere-sediment modelling approaches and the physics of their coupling mechanisms; the hydrological, biogeochemical, geomorphological variability of coastal regions; the availability and use of coastal in-situ observations; and standards, procedures and data formats to make data ready for use in an integrated coastal ocean monitoring system. Following this, some of the themes we invite for this session are satellite/in-situ measurements, coastal assimilation, atmosphere-ocean-sediment model coupling and error/prediction limits as well as the contribution of coastal ocean science to operational oceanography. Finally, how these main processes control coastal variability (hydrodynamics, morphodynamics and bio-geochemical processes) and applications to improve our knowledge on how these processes interact with coastal infrastructure or activities.

Convener: Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla | Co-conveners: Davide Bonaldo, Sandro Carniel, Manuel Espino Infantes, Emil Stanev
| Attendance Tue, 05 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

The session would like to overview recent developments and understanding, by observations and modelling, of the Southern European Seas (SES) general circulation, physical processes, biogeochemical interactions and their ecosystems. Themes of particular interest are: - Interaction of scales and processes in the SES: hydrodynamic and ecosystem interactions at multiple temporal and spatial scales (down to submesoscale), coastal processes and shelf-to-open sea interactions, straits dynamics, ocean response to atmospheric forcing, impact of environmental conditions on ecosystem functions from local to regional scales; - Assessing, understanding and predicting the potential impact of climate change in the SES: long term trends, occurrence of extreme events, development of downscaled models at basin and regional scales, novel approaches to model marine ecosystems, ecosystem functions and biodiversity; - Integrated Observing System in the SES: development of new sensors, scale of interests, development of advanced methodologies for upscaling local information, new satellite products, processes that need to be monitored, identification of data gaps (eg. observing system experiments); - Operational Oceanographic products in the SES: merging of observations and modelling products, downstream products development in the framework of the Mediterranean Sea Oceanography Network for GOOS (MONGOOS). Production and use of services for continuously advance in the scientific understanding and technological development in support to sustainable Blue Growth, SDGs implementation.
- Science-based Integrated management of the SES: support to Marine Spatial Planning and deployment of Marine Protected Areas , scenario studies, mapping of anthropogenic pressures, habitat and ecosystem services, potential support for nature-based solutions and/or sustainable exploitation of marine resource.

Public information:
Attendance time: Monday, 04 May 16:15–18:00
- During the attendance time we will discuss the displays following the Topic Order shown below (download session material for more details):

Basin-scale dynamics, water-masses and exchanges - (16.17-17.00)

D2828: New insights on bottom water flows crossing a marine sill under periodic or impulsive perturbations: an application to the Sicily Channel sill (Central Mediterranean Sea). Ettore Salusti

D2811: Fe isotope and Fe speciation study of water column redox dynamics during Eastern Mediterranean sapropel events S5 and S7. Alan Matthews

D2832: Impact of changes in rivers inputs during the last decades on the biogeochemistry of the eastern Mediterranean basin. Remi Pagès

D2823: Trends and interconnections of physical parameters in the upper layer of the Mediterranean Sea. Milena Menna

D2824: Analysis of specific water masses transports in the Western Mediteranean in the MEDRYS1V2 twenty-one-year reanalysis. Quentin-Boris Barral

D2818: Basin scale dissolved oxygen interannual variability of the Mediterranean Sea: Analysis of long-term observations. Apostolia-Maria Mavropoulou

Coastal Dynamics & Societal Concerns - (17.00-17.25)

D2833: Coastal climatology of the North-Western Mediterranean area for long-term and short-term risk assessment. Carlo Brandini

D2809: A new estimation of water and nutrients (N & P) discharge to the Mediterranean Sea from the LPJmL model: modelling the dynamics of the land-sea nutrient transfer. Mohammed Ayache

D2810: Mediterranean Marine heatwaves: On the comparison of the physical drivers behind the 2003 and 2015 events. Sofia Darmaraki

D2813: Coastal groundwater stable isotope composition as predictor and measure of marine pollution. Diana Mance

D2826: Modelling sediment resuspension and transport induced by ships propellers in ports – the study case of the Port of Genoa. Antonio Guarnieri

D2831: Circulation patterns and eutrophication phenomena in the Thermaikos Gulf. Yannis N. Krestenitis

Observing Systems & Specific Processes - (17.25-18.00)
D2806: Multiplatform analysis of a large anticyclonic eddy in the Algero-Provencal basin in 2019. Aida Alvera-Azcarte

D2808: New insights into nutrients dynamics and the carbonate system using a neural network approach in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Fourrier

D2816: The South Adriatic observatory: towards a multidisciplinary seafloor and water column research infrastructure. Leonardo Langone

D2819: A new multidisciplinary observatory in the Eastern Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea): a combination of deep-sea and coastal measurements. Tiziana Ciuffardi

D2817: A neural-based bio-regionalization of the Mediterranean Sea using satellite and Argo-float records. Roy El Hourani

D2825: Mesoscale Activity in the Eastern Mediterranean: Blending Altimetry with in situ observations. Georges Baaklini

- Authors are kindly invited to prepare a 1-2 sentence summary in advance which you can paste in when your display is called up for discussion by the chairman.
- Each display is allowed for 4 minutes

Convener: Gianmaria Sannino | Co-conveners: Arthur Capet, Vanessa Cardin, Alejandro Orfila, Katrin Schroeder
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)

This session provides a platform for cross-disciplinary science that addresses the continuum of the river and its catchment to the coastal sea. We invite studies across geographical borders; from the source to the sea including groundwater, and across the freshwater-marine water transition. The session welcomes studies that link environmental and social science, address the impacts of climate change and extreme events, and of human activities on water and sediment quality and quantity, hydromorphology, biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services of River-Sea systems, and that provide solutions for sustainable management of the River-Sea social-ecological system.
We need to fully understand how River-Sea-Systems function. How are River-Sea-Systems changing due to human pressures? What is the impact of processes in the catchment on marine systems function, and vice versa? How can we discern between human-induced changes or those driven by natural processes from climate-induced variability and extreme events? What will the tipping points of socio-ecologic system states be and what will they look like? How can we better characterise river-sea systems from the latest generation Earth observation to citizen science based observatories. How can we predict short and long term changes in River-Sea-Systems to manage them sustainably? What is the limit to which it is possible to predict the natural and human-influenced evolution of River-Sea-Systems? The increasing demand to jointly enable intensive human use and environmental protection in river-sea systems requires holistic and integrative research approaches with the ultimate goal of enhanced system understanding.

Co-organized by BG4/GM6/NH5/OS2/SSP3, co-sponsored by IAS
Convener: Jana Friedrich | Co-conveners: Debora Bellafiore, Dietrich Borchardt, Andrea D'Alpaos, Michael Rode
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)

There is a global need for low carbon energy, and marine renewable energy could make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation of climate change, as well as providing a high-technology industry. Marine renewable energy includes offshore wind, wave, tidal range (lagoons and barrages), and tidal-stream energy, as well as technologies such as ocean thermal energy conversion, salinity gradients and desalination. Understanding the environment these marine renewable energy devices are likely to operate in is essential when designing efficient and resilient devices. Accurate characterisation of the resource is of clear importance, whilst interactions with the environment, and between other “blue economy” developments, is essential for the development of the industry and marine spatial plans. Indeed, synergies exist when considering the sustainable use of the ocean’s energy, such as multi-purpose platforms integrating marine renewable energy devices and aquaculture.
This session is designed to share information on new research techniques and methods to better understand the resource and the environment, including mapping tools, numerical modelling approaches, and observations. We welcome contributions that will further the development of the blue economy: for example, resource characterization, design considerations (e.g. extreme and fatigue loadings), and environmental impacts. The session will also include studies of impacts, from physical and biological, to societal interactions (e.g. effects to tourism). Research areas are envisaged to include but not restricted to: modelling and quantification of the interaction of the device to the marine environment (e.g. changes in hydrodynamics) as well as on the biology directly; cumulative impacts of large and multiple developments (potentially of differing technologies or marine stressors); new technologies for quantification; management of space; collision; noise.

Public information:
During the chat session we intend to go through each abstract/display in turn, first inviting the author to say/type a few sentences to introduce their work and then open up for questions. We will concentrate on the work that has had display material submitted.
Please use your full name in the chat session and add (auth) if you’re an author, so that we all know who everyone is. The session won’t be recorded and please feel free to ask questions or for specific feedback about your work.

Co-organized by OS2
Convener: Rory O'Hara Murray | Co-conveners: Michela De Dominicis, Matt Lewis
| Attendance Tue, 05 May, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)

It has been shown that regional climate change interacts with many other man-made perturbations in both natural and anthropogenic coastal environments. Regional climate change is one of multiple drivers, which have a continuing impact on terrestrial, aquatic and socio-economic (resp. human) environments. These drivers interact with regional climate change in ways, which are not completely understood. Recent assessments all over the world have partly addressed this issue (e.g. Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea region, BACC (2008, 2015); North Sea Climate Change Assessment, NOSCCA (2011); Canada’s Changing Climate Report, CCCR (2019)).
This session invites contributions, which focus on the connections and interrelations between climate change and other drivers of environmental change, be it natural or human-induced, in different regional seas and coastal regions. Observation and modelling studies are welcome, which describe processes and interrelations with climate change in the atmosphere, in marine and freshwater ecosystems and biogeochemistry, coastal and terrestrial ecosystems as well as human systems. In particular, studies on socio-economic factors like aerosols, land cover, fisheries, agriculture and forestry, urban areas, coastal management, offshore energy, air quality and recreation, and their relation to climate change, are welcome.
The aim of this session is to provide an overview over the current state of knowledge of this complicated interplay of different factors, in different regional seas and coastal regions all over the world.

Co-organized by BG4/HS12/NH10/OS2
Convener: Marcus Reckermann | Co-conveners: Ute Daewel, Helena Filipsson, Markus Meier, Markus Quante
| Attendance Thu, 07 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)

Low-lying coastal areas can be an early casualty to accelerating rates of sea-level rise, especially if land subsidence enhances such rates. More and more studies indicate that land subsidence due to natural and anthropogenic causes, including excessive groundwater extraction from coastal aquifers, peat oxidation due to surface water drainage through land reclamation, urbanization and agricultural use, as well as sediment starvation due to construction of dams and artificial levees, have caused damages to wetland ecosystems and increased flooding risk. While sea-level rise is a global issue and requires a global collaborative response, natural and anthropogenic coastal subsidence develops mainly at the local to regional scale, and its causes and severity vary substantially from place to place. Therefore, specific communities living on coastal areas can try to offset or reduced land subsidence.

The combination of geological and historical measurements and data from ongoing monitoring techniques is required to understand all drivers of coastal land motion and their contributions to past, present, and future subsidence. Research on coastal subsidence encompasses multidisciplinary expertise, requiring measuring and modeling techniques from geology, geodesy, natural hazards, oceanography, hydrogeology, and geomechanics. In this session, we want to bring together the expertise of all the involved disciplines. We invite contributions on all aspects of coastal subsidence research including recent advances on i) measurement through ground-based and remote sensing techniques, ii) numerical models, iii) their applicability to distinguish between the different drivers contributing to land subsidence, and iv) quantification of coastal hazards associated to relative sea-level rise. In particular, efforts towards characterizing human intervention on coastal land motion are welcome.

Co-organized by HS13/NH8/OS2
Convener: Makan A. Karegar | Co-conveners: Simon Engelhart, Thomas Frederikse, Pietro Teatini, Niamh Cahill
| Attendance Fri, 08 May, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)

The coastal ocean has been increasingly recognized as a dynamic component of the global carbon budget. This session aims at fostering our understanding of the roles of coastal environments and of exchange processes, both natural or perturbed, along the terrestrial / coastal sea / open ocean continuum in global biogeochemical cycles. During the session recent advancements in the field of coastal and shelf biogeochemistry will be discussed. Contributions focusing on carbon and nutrient and all other element's cycles in coastal, shelf and shelf break environments, both pelagic and sedimentary, are invited.

This session is multidisciplinary and is open to observational, modelling and theoretical studies in order to promote the dialogue. The session will comprise subsections on coastal carbon storage, and on benthic biogeochemical processes.

This year the session comprises a subsection focusing on the Franco-German “Make Our Planet Great Again” (MOPGA) research initiative, which uses Earth system science to understand climate change and its impacts:
At the 2015 Paris COP21 climate conference, 195 countries committed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and make efforts to significantly limit man-made global warming to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. France and Germany joined forces in this fight against global warming by creating the “Make Our Planet Great Again” research initiative covering research in Earth system science that aims to better understand climate change and its impacts on natural and socio-economic systems. In this interdisciplinary session, we welcome data- and model-based research undertaken within, but also outside this international initiative, that provides new insights into the mechanisms of past, present and future climate changes and the associated impacts on the oceans, the cryosphere, coastal regions, and terrestrial systems. Innovative research contributions that can lead towards the ultimate goals of the Paris Agreement ranging from basic research to solution-oriented research are also encouraged.

Co-organized by OS2
Convener: Helmuth Thomas | Co-conveners: William Austin, Alberto V. Borges, Arthur Capet, Craig Smeaton
| Attendance Wed, 06 May, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)

Modelling the interaction of water waves with varying current is an important issue, especially in nearshore and coastal areas and for a variety of engineering applications.
These applications include wave structure interactions, with the problematics related to oil and naval industries, but also renewable energies.
The problematic is also important when considering coastal management, and harbour maintenance and exploitation.
Also, this interaction often leads to the formation of extreme wave events with detrimental effects.
Significant scientific effort was undertaken during the last fifty years to model linear, weakly or strongly nonlinear water waves with constant, or slowly varying currents.
When variations are stronger, the difficulty remains important.
In this session, contributions are invited relating experimental, numerical and theoretical works designed to improve the understanding of water waves and current interactions, including wave and current stability, wave dynamics, and energy propagation.
Contributions describing the specific problematics, from the point of the applications, are also deeply welcome.

Co-organized by NH5/OS2
Convener: Julien Touboul | Co-conveners: Konstandinos Belibassakis, Anne-Claire Bennis, Efim Pelinovsky
| Attendance Thu, 07 May, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)

Examining coastal morphodynamics from the nearshore through to inland dune systems is fundamental in understanding their short- to long-term behaviour. Coastal processes operate across large spatial and temporal scales and therefore comprehending their resulting landforms is complex.

At the coast, dunes provide the physical barrier to flooding during high energy storms, while beaches and nearshore areas help dissipate storm impact through a series of dynamic interactions involving sediment transfers and at times rapid morphological changes. Investigation of complex interactions between these three interconnected systems has become essential for understanding coastal behaviour.

This session, sponsored by the IGU-UGI Commission on Coastal Systems, welcomes contributions from coastal scientists interested in the measurement and modelling of the nearshore 25-0 m zone (waves, currents and sediment transport) and terrestrial coastal processes (on beaches and dunes) and responses within the three sub-units at various scales. The session will highlight the latest research developments in this part of the planet's geomorphic system and facilitate knowledge exchange between the submerged and sub-aerial coastal zones.

Public information:
We will be organising this session into time groupings on the day, with 5 displays in each 20 min slot according to the following order:
GROUP 1: 08:30 - 08:50
1. D986 |EGU2020-7875 Modelling nearshore sediment fluxes in embayed settings over a multi-annual timescale
Nieves Valiente, Gerd Masselink, Robert Jak McCarroll, Andy Saulter, Tim Scott, Daniel Conley, and Erin King
2. D988 | EGU2020-11236 A novel shoreface translation model for predicting future coastal change
Jak McCarroll, Gerd Masselink, Nieves Valiente, Mark Wiggins, Josie-Alice Kirby, Tim Scott, and Mark Davidson
3. D989 | EGU2020-4882 Two centuries of shoreline evolution and storm events in Dundrum Bay, Northern Ireland.
Edoardo Grottoli, Melanie Biausque, Derek W.T. Jackson, and Andrew J. G. Cooper
4. D990 | EGU2020-18730 Characteristics and dynamics of crescentic bar events at an open, Mediterranean beach
Rinse de Swart, Francesca Ribas, Daniel Calvete, Gonzalo Simarro, and Jorge Guillén
5. D991 |EGU2020-11977 Aeolian transport on a wet beach: Field observations from the swash zone
Christy Swann and sarah trimble

GROUP 2: 08:50 - 09:10
6. D992 | EGU2020-17470 Post-storm recuperation as a stepping-stone towards long-term integrated modelling in steep beaches
Katerina Kombiadou, Susana Costas, Dano Roelvink, and Robert McCall
7. D993 | EGU2020-406 Nearshore morphodynamics along the coastline of southern Sweden from detailed surficial mapping and hydrodynamic modelling
Johan Nyberg, Bradley Goodfellow, Jonas Ising, and Anna Hedenström
8. D994 | EGU2020-781 Wave, Tide and Morphological Controls on Embayment Circulation and Headland Sand Bypassing
Erin King, Daniel Conley, Gerd Masselink, Nicoletta Leonardi, Robert McCarroll, Timothy Scott, and Nieves Valiente
9. D995 | EGU2020-1407 Forecast of development of sea coasts on their morphodynamic state according to the results of space images descryption
Ruben Kosyan, Nickolay Dunaev, Tatyana Repkina, and Jose Juanes Marti
10. D996 | EGU2020-3072 Using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry for monitoring seasonal changes of barrier island in the southwestern coast of Taiwan
Hui-Ju Hsu, Shyi-Jeng Chyi, Chia-Hung Jen, Lih-Der Ho, and Jia-Hong Chen

GROUP 3: 09:10 - 09:30
11. D997 | EGU2020-4215 The Missing link between beach and clifftop dune – Landscape evolution of the climbing dune in the Feng-Chiue-Sha area of Hengchun Peninsula, Taiwan
Lih-Der Ho, Christopher Lüthgens, Chun Chen, and Shyh-Jeng Chyi
12. D998 | EGU2020-4883 Short-term morphological changes of multiple intertidal bars on macrotidal beaches: from seasonal to storm-scales.
Melanie Biausque, Edoardo Grottoli, Derek Jackson, and Andrew Cooper
13. D999 | EGU2020-2566 Databased simulation and reconstruction of the near shore geomorphological structure and sediment composition of the German tidal flats
Julian Sievers, Peter Milbradt, and Malte Rubel
14. D1000 | EGU2020-5184 The use of a low cost, time-lapse camera for high frequency monitoring of intertidal beach morphology
Emilia Guisado-Pintado and Derek W.T. Jackson
15. D1001 | EGU2020-8059 Longshore variation in coastal foredune growth on a megatidal beach from UAV measurements
Iain Fairley, Jose Horrillo-Caraballo, Anouska Mendzil, Georgie Blow, Henry Miller, Ian Masters, Harshinie Karunarathna, and Dominic Reeve

GROUP 4: 09:30 - 09:50
16. D1002 | EGU2020-8252 Spatial and temporal changes of sediment grain size along Israel’s Mediterranean cliff-dominated beaches
Onn Crouvi, Ran Shemesh, Oded Katz, Amit Mushkin, Navot Morag, and Nadav Lensky
17. D1003 | EGU2020-10010 Environmental change assesments in response to anthropogenic human footprint in the Nalón estuary (Asturias-NW Spain)
Germán Flor-Blanco, Efrén García-Ordiales, Germán Flor, Julio López Peláez, Nieves Roqueñí, and Violeta Navarro-García
18. D1004 | EGU2020-10251 Sedimentary evolution of a bedrock-conditioned incised valley since the Last Glacial Maximum: the Ría de Arousa (NW Spain)
Víctor Cartelle, Soledad García-Gil, Iria García-Moreiras, Castor Muñoz-Sobrino, and Natalia Martínez-Carreño
19. D1005 | EGU2020-10493 Sedimentary conditioning of a rocky strait during the Holocene transgression: Ría de Ferrol (NW Spain)
Soledad García-Gil, Víctor Cartelle, Castor Muñoz-Sobrino, Natalia Martínez-Carreño, and Iria García-Moreiras
20. D1006 | EGU2020-10501 A RANS numerical model for cross-shore beach profile evolution
Julio Garcia-Maribona, Javier L. Lara, Maria Maza, and Iñigo J. Losada

GROUP 5: 09:50-10:10
21. D1007 | EGU2020-11697 Coarse sediment tracing experiment at the Promenade des Anglais (Nice, France)
Duccio Bertoni, Giovanni Sarti, Giacomo Bruno, Alessandro Pozzebon, Rémi Doumasdelage, and Julien Larraun
22. D1008 | EGU2020-13206 Multiple sand bar dynamics in the macrotidal Shinduri beach, west coast of Korea
Tae Soo Chang, Hyun Ho Youn, and Seung Soo Chun
23. D1009 | EGU2020-17932 Empirical modelling of beach evolution: implementation of coupled cross-shore and longshore approaches
Teddy Chataigner, Marissa Yates, and Nicolas Le Dantec
24. D1010 | EGU2020-15230 Landscape drivers of coastal dune mobility
Thomas Smyth, Ryan Wilson, Paul Rooney, and Katherine Yates
25. D1011 | EGU2020-18568 Exploring the role of vegetation and sediment supply to coastal dune states using integrated process-based modelling
Susana Costas, Katerina Kombiadou, and Dano Roelvink

WRAP-UP 10:10 - 10:15

Co-organized by OS2/SSP3, co-sponsored by IGU-CCS
Convener: Derek Jackson | Co-conveners: Emilia Guisado-Pintado, Irene Delgado-Fernandez
| Attendance Fri, 08 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

Coasts worldwide face a great variety of environmental impacts as well as increased anthropogenic pressures of coastal zone urbanization and rapid population growth. Over the last decade coastal erosion has emerged as a widespread problem that causes shoreline retreat and irreversible land losses. The attempts of managers and other stakeholders to cope with erosion using different types of hard engineering methods may often aggravate this problem, damaging natural landscape and coastal ecosystems in unexpected and unpredicted ways. Other negative impacts of human activities on littoral environments are chronic and punctual pollution of beach and coastal sediments with associated health risks for human beings. Chronic pollution is often observed in coastal areas close to factories, industries and human settlements - because of waste water discharges, punctual contamination is often linked to beach oiling.
The session gives priority to the subjects of coastal geomorphology: evolution of coastal landforms, coastal morphodynamics, coastline alterations and various associated processes in the coastal zone, e.g. waves and sediment drift, which shape coastal features and cause morphological changes. Contributions to this session will focus on the mechanisms responsible for coastal erosion and shoreline behaviour (advance or retreat) and will address the many natural and human factors involved. The topics may include work on predictions of shoreline change and discussions on the effects of human activities and their continuing contribution to coastal changes. The session will also cover submissions on coastal vulnerability to the combined effects of natural and human-related hazards, any type of coastal and environmental sensitivity classifications, and risk assessments. Globally, coastal dunes are seriously threatened as people tend to modify landforms and habitats through their actions and regulations, and the session invites also studies on natural and human-induced geomorphological changes of sand dunes, and recent projects and examples of dune eco-restoration and re-building.
Last, but not the least, studies related to Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), including Integrated Coastal Management (ICM), are also welcome. For any MSP and ICM, it is essential to consider the dynamics across the land-sea interface, i.e. the Land-Sea Interactions (LSI) that involve both natural processes and the impact of human activities.

Public information:
We will organize the session in four groups. We stop very shortly on abstracts without displays and spend at least 5 minutes for those with uploaded displays.

GROUP 1: 10:45 - 11:10

1. D1012 | EGU2020-95: “The Future of the World's Sandy Beaches Under a Changing Climate.” Authors: Michalis Vousdoukas, Roshanka Ranasinghe, Lorenzo Mentaschi, Theocharis Plomaritis, and Luc Feyen.

2. D1013 | EGU2020-624: “A Feasibility Investigation for Developing Artificial Beachrocks: A Potential Measure for Coastal Protection in Southeast Yogyakarta Coast, Indonesia.” Authors: Lutfian Rusdi Daryono, Kazunori Nakashima, Satoru Kawasaki, Koichi Suzuki, Anastasia Dewi Titisari, Didit Hadi Barianto, Imam Suyanto, and Arief Rahmadi.

3. D1014D1014 | EGU2020-3174: “Disintegrated coastal zone management (DICZM): an example from Auckland, New Zealand.” Authors: Martin Brook, Alex Palma, Rosemary Garill, Nick Richards, and Jon Tunnicliffe.

4. D1015 | EGU2020-3320: “Enhancing shoreline advance by ploughing the intertidal beach: Physical simulation.” Authors: Erica Pellón, Iñigo Aniel-Quiroga, Mauricio González, and Raúl Medina.

5. D1016 | EGU2020-2124: “Innovative Approach for Addressing Coastal Erosion Protection Using Microbial Induced Carbonate Precipitation.” Authors: Md Al Imran, Kazunori Nakashima, Niki Evelpidou, and Satoru Kawasaki.

GROUP 2: 11:10 - 11:35

6. D1017 | EGU2020-1609: “Controls on coastal overwash morphology in natural and built environments.” Authors: Hannah Williams, Luke Taylor, Evan Goldstein, and Eli Lazarus.

7. D1018 | EGU2020-5716: “Coastal geomorphic response to volcano-tectonic activity in the Campi Flegrei Caldera: new insight from the geoarchaeological study of Portus Julius (Pozzuoli Gulf, Italy).” Authors: Claudia Caporizzo, Pietro Patrizio Ciro Aucelli, Gaia Mattei, Aldo Cinque, Salvatore Troisi, Michele Stefanile, Francesco Peluso, and Gerardo Pappone.

8. D1019 | EGU2020-4628: “Mapping of Coastal Cliff Erosion in Denmark.” Authors: Gregor Luetzenburg, Kristian Svennevig, Anders A. Bjørk, and Aart Kroon.

9. D1020 | EGU2020-11484: “Driving mechanisms of coastal cliff retreat in flysch deposits on the eastern Adriatic coast.” Authors: Goran Vlastelica, Kristina Pikelj, and Branko Kordić.

10. D1021 | EGU2020-20486: “Morphodynamic types of postglacial cliffs of the Southern Baltic.” Authors: Andrzej Kostrzewski, Marcin Winowski, and Zbigniew Zwoliński.

GROUP 3: 11:35 - 12:00

11. D1022 | EGU2020-20386: “Spatial diversity and time variability of erosion and accumulation processes on the unconsolidated cliffs of the Wolin Island (Southern Baltic - Pomeranian Bay).” Authors: Marcin Winowski, Zbigniew Zwoliński, Andrzej Kostrzewski, and Jacek Tylkowski.

12. D1023 | EGU2020-5755: “Geomorphological properties of the island of Hvar beaches (Croatia, Eastern Adriatic Coast).” Authors: Marin Mićunović and Sanja Faivre.

13. D1024 | EGU2020-7140: “Coastal Stability and Micro Morphology; Disturbances due to Human Interventions along West Coast of India.” Authors: Rafeeque Mk, Akhil Thulasidharan, Mintu E George, Suresh Babu Ds, and Prasad Tk.

14. D1025 | EGU2020-1623: “Surface sediments of Richards Bay Harbour, South Africa – potential pollutants (heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants, microplastics) and grainsize distribution.” Authors: Paul Mehlhorn, Marc Humphries, Peter Frenzel, Olga Gildeeva, Annette Hahn, Finn Viehberg, and Torsten Haberzettl.

15. D1026 | EGU2020-7592: “Bank Erosion Processes, Trends and Impacts in a Hypertidal Estuarine System.” Authors: Andrea Gasparotto, Julian Leyland, Stephen Darby, and Paul Carling.

GROUP 4: 12:00 - 12:20

16. D1027 | EGU2020-10272: “The coastal vulnerability of the north-eastern sector of Gozo Island (Malta, Mediterranean Sea).” Authors: Mauro Soldati, George Buhagiar, Anton S. Micallef, Angela Rizzo, and Vittoria Vandelli.

17. D1028 | EGU2020-19785: “A DPSIR analysis of aeolian sand dune mobilization along the coast of Manawatu-Wanganui in New Zealand.” Authors: Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Ruwan Sampath and Joana Gaspar de Freitas.

18. D1029 | EGU2020-11173: “Rapid shifts in the Baltic Sea region climate, detected from the ancient coastal formations and number of other ecosystems – how likely it is to happen again and what are the consequences?” Authors: Sandra Kuusik and Hannes Tõnisson.

19. D1030 | EGU2020-10487: “Aperiodic embayed sandy beach rotation and erosion-risk exposure on a hyper-muddy wave-exposed coast.” Authors: Edward Anthony, Antoine Gardel, Morgane Jolivet, Guillaume Brunier, and Franck Dolique.

WRAP-UP 12:20 - 12:30

Co-organized by OS2, co-sponsored by IGU-CCS
Convener: Hannes Tõnisson | Co-conveners: Margarita Stancheva, Andreas Baas, Giorgio Anfuso, Guillaume Brunier
| Attendance Fri, 08 May, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)

The world’s deltas and coastal wetlands support over 350 million people, yet account for less than 1% of the Earth’s surface. They protect people and assets from flooding and erosion, are increasingly considered as part of ‘nature-based’ or ‘soft engineered’ flood and erosion protection approaches and support an extensive range of ecosystem services and high levels of biodiversity. Yet coastal wetlands and delta are facing myriad threats due to biodiversity loss, habitat degradation, sea-level rise, subsidence, sediment extraction and compaction, groundwater extraction and modifications of their upstream catchments. Predicting how these sedimentary environments respond to combinations of such drivers (e.g. the changed frequency/magnitude of storm events) requires greater knowledge of their resistive properties at a range of scales, from landform response to extreme events to whole-system response to steadily shifting baselines (e.g. sea level rise).
This session aims to bring together the state-of-the-science knowledge from a range of disciplines (geomorphology, hydrology, ecology, biogeochemical and social sciences). We are committed to supporting early career researchers and this session should be of interest to practitioners working in the field of flood and erosion protection, particularly in the river and coastal context.

Co-organized by OS2
Convener: Christopher Hackney | Co-conveners: Rachael Carrie, Frances Dunn, Iris Moeller, Grigorios Vasilopoulos
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)

Coastal wetland ecosystems, such as salt marshes, mangroves, seagrass beds and tidal flats, are under increasing pressure from natural and anthropogenic processes shifting climatic conditions, and are declining in area and habitat quality globally. These environments provide numerous ecosystem services, including flood risk mediation, biodiversity provision and climate change mitigation through carbon storage. Hence, the need to get a deeper understanding of processes and interactions in these environments, and how these may be altered by climate change has never been greater. This is the case for ‘managed’, restored wetlands and natural systems alike.
This session will bring together studies of coastal wetland ecosystems across climates and geomorphic settings, to enhance the understanding of ecosystem service provisioning, interactions between hydrodynamics, sediment and ecology, and identify best future management practices. Studies of all processes occurring within coastal wetlands are invited. This includes, but is not exclusive to, sediment dynamics, hydrology, hydrodynamics, biogeochemistry, morphological characterisation, geotechnical analysis, bio-morphodynamics, ecological change and evolution, impact of climate change, sea level rise, anthropogenic and management implications. Multidisciplinary approaches across spatial and temporal scales are encouraged, especially in relation to global climate change. This session aims to enhance our understanding of basic processes governing coastal wetland dynamics and to propose sustainable management solutions for contemporary environmental pressures.

Co-organized by BG4/HS13/OS2
Convener: Mark Schuerch | Co-conveners: Thorsten Balke, Helen Brooks, Ruth Reef, Christian Schwarz
| Attendance Fri, 08 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)

Tsunamis can produce catastrophic damage on vulnerable coastlines, essentially following major earthquakes, landslides or atmospheric disturbances. After the disastrous tsunamis in 2004 and 2011, tsunami science has grown significantly, opening new fields of research for various domains, and also in regions where the tsunami hazard was previously underestimated.
Numerical modeling, complemented with laboratory experiments, are essential to quantify the tsunami hazard. To this end, it is essential to rely on complete databases of past tsunami observations, including both historical events and results of paleotsunami investigations. Furthermore, a robust hazard analysis has to take into account uncertainties and probabilities with the more advanced approaches such as PTHA.
Because the vulnerability of populations, of infrastructures and of the built environment in coastal zones increases, integrated plans for tsunami risk prevention and mitigation should be encouraged in any exposed coastline, consistent with the procedures now in place in a growing number of Tsunami Warning System.

The tsunami session welcomes multidisciplinary contributions covering any of the aspects mentioned here, encompassing field data, regional hazard studies, observation databases, numerical modeling, risk studies, real time networks, operational tools and procedures towards a most efficient warning.

A focus on recent tsunami events all over the globe is encouraged, as well as on the achievements of recent research and operational projects.

Co-organized by OS2/SM2
Convener: Hélène Hébert | Co-conveners: Alberto Armigliato, Miquel Canals, Ira Didenkulova
| Attendance Wed, 06 May, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)

The scope of this session includes different aspects of large-amplitude wave phenomena in the ocean such as freak or rogue waves, surface and internal waves, as well as waves trapped by currents and bathymetry. The session is focused on the understanding of the physical mechanisms which cause extreme events, and the derivation of appropriate mathematical models for their description and advanced methods for their analysis. An essential part of such studies is the validation of new models and techniques versus laboratory and in-situ data. Special attention is paid to the description of wave breaking processes, and the interaction of large-amplitude waves with coastal structures.

Co-organized by NP7/OS2
Convener: Alexey Slunyaev | Co-conveners: Amin Chabchoub, Henrik Kalisch, Efim Pelinovsky
| Attendance Mon, 04 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)

Coastal areas are vulnerable to ocean, atmospheric and land-based hazards. This vulnerability is likely to be exacerbated in future with, for example, sea level rise, changing intensity of tropical cyclones, increased subsidence (e.g. from groundwater extraction, tectonics), and increasing socio-economic development coupled to coastal squeeze in, particularly, the urbanised low elevation coastal zone. This calls for a better understanding of the underlying physical processes and their interaction with the coast. Numerical models therefore play a crucial role in characterizing coastal hazards and assigning risks to them. Drawing firm conclusions about current and future changes in this environment is challenging because uncertainties are often large, such as coastal impacts of likely and unlikely (also called high-end) sea level changes for the 21st century. Furthermore, studies addressing coastal impacts beyond this century pose new questions regarding the timescale of impacts and adaptation activity. This session invites submissions focusing on assessments and case studies at global and regional scales of potential physical impacts of tsunamis, storm surge, sea level rise, waves, and currents on coasts. We also welcome submissions on near-shore ocean dynamics and also on the socio-economic impact of these hazards along the coast.

Co-organized by GM6/OS2
Convener: Luke Jackson | Co-conveners: Joern Behrens, Renske de Winter, Goneri Le Cozannet, Nicoletta Leonardi
| Attendance Thu, 07 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)