HS2.2.7 | Isotope and tracer methods: flow paths characterization, catchment response and transformation processes
Isotope and tracer methods: flow paths characterization, catchment response and transformation processes
Convener: Andrea Popp | Co-conveners: Michael Stockinger, Pertti Ala-aho, Christine Stumpp
| Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room C, Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–11:55 (CEST)
Room C
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Hall A
Orals |
Wed, 16:15
Wed, 14:00
Stable and radioactive isotopes as well as other natural and artificial tracers are useful tools (i) to fingerprint the sources of water and solutes in catchments, (ii) to trace their flow pathways or (iii) to quantify exchanges of water, solutes and particulates between hydrological compartments. We invite contributions that demonstrate the application and recent developments of isotope and other tracer techniques in hydrological field studies or modelling in the areas of surface/groundwater interactions, unsaturated and saturated zone, rainfall-runoff processes, snow hydrology, nutrient or contaminant export, ecohydrology or other catchment processes.

Orals: Wed, 26 Apr | Room C

Chairpersons: Christine Stumpp, Andrea Popp, Michael Stockinger
Isotope-aided modelling
On-site presentation
Tricia Stadnyk

As global climate change alters hydroclimatic responses beyond the range of predictability based on historic hydrometeorological records, water resource practitioners are increasingly reliant on new methods of modelling continental and global hydrology. Though local scale heterogeneity and connectivity between hydrologic storages and fluxes tends to be averaged out across large domains, it is precisely these process scale changes that remain crucial as early indicators of climate change. A lack of data at continental scales, and particularly in high latitude regions, can therefore challenge accurate model calibration and evaluation. Efficient and accessible hydrologic prediction tools capable of diagnosing and interpreting continental scale changes in water balance components and overall water supply, ecosystem changes, and uncertainty methods for operational decision-making are needed.

This presentation focuses on the recent advances in large-domain tracer-aided stable isotope modelling and the contributions isotope tracers make on improving hydrologic process representation across large-domains. The influence of process-based model outcomes will be highlighted using examples from cold regions domains, including the propagation of small historical differences into significantly different upper quantile flow predictions. Despite significant advances in tracer-aided modelling, the path forward must include building and supporting global operational monitoring networks, providing standard guidance for integration of tracer-aided approaches, and a focus on building model agnostic workflows and tools that efficiently leverage tracer-aided approaches.

How to cite: Stadnyk, T.: Predicting the unpredictable: Advances in Tracer-aided hydrologic modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2158, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2158, 2023.

On-site presentation
Matthias Sprenger, Syvain Kuppel, Rosemary Carroll, Craig Ulrich, and Kenneth Williams

The snow dominated headwaters of the Colorado River are crucial for the water supply of the south-western US. The current water crisis in the Colorado basin makes understanding runoff processes in mountainous regions more necessary than ever. We present how our observations of stable isotopes of water (2H and 18O) in the precipitation, stream-, soil-, xylem-, and groundwater at the East River in the upper Colorado River, combined with multiple hydrometric datasets since 2014 (multi-location stream gauging, groundwater levels, soil moisture snow water equivalent, and eddy-covariance fluxes), can be used to rigourously contrain and evaluate an ecohydrological modelling tool to then identify the time and location of snowmelt and groundwater subsidies to runoff and plant water use. To this end, we deployed a new version of the spatially-distributed, process-based model EcH2O-iso, with a multi-objective model-data fusion procedure. The simulations notably underline the dominant role of snowmelt as a main driver of runoff generation, through its direct contribution to runoff peak during the late spring snowmelt, and to the groundwater recharge that eventually feeds the significant baseflow contribution in this catchment. Our analysis further explores the use of water ages and numerical tracers to better disentangle these cross-seasons carry-over of water between critical zone compartments.

How to cite: Sprenger, M., Kuppel, S., Carroll, R., Ulrich, C., and Williams, K.: An isotope-enabled modeling approach to track snowmelt and groundwater contribution to runoff and root water uptake in a snow dominated mountainous catchment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9031, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9031, 2023.

On-site presentation
Jessica Landgraf, Dörthe Tetzlaff, Christian Birkel, Jamie Lee Stevenson, and Chris Soulsby

Stable water isotopes are naturally occurring conservative tracers that act as a fingerprint of water sources and ecohydrological fluxes. Previous studies have shown that some of those fluxes, like evapotranspiration and infiltration, are influenced by vegetation. Thus, land use will play an increasingly important role in water partitioning considering projected climate change-induced shifts of patterns in precipitation and increased atmospheric water demand. The sensitivity of different land use types to drought conditions and their influence on water partitioning varies, and still lacks understanding.

We used stable water isotopes to follow the pathway of precipitation into soil at a lowland headwater catchment with multiple land use types (forest, grassland, arable and agroforestry sites) and integrated our data into a one-dimensional, tracer-aided, plot scale model. The model requires precipitation, potential evapotranspiration and leaf area index as input data and the results were calibrated to real time soil moisture and isotope data. The dataset was collected in the long-term experimental Demnitzer Millcreek Catchment (DMC), Germany, over the growing season of 2021 and includes hydroclimatic conditions as well as isotopes in precipitation, soil water and groundwater. The 2021 conditions, though relatively average in terms of wetness, were affected by a dry spring, an exceptionally large summer storm event (~60 mm) as well as “memory effect” of previous intense drought years.

The implementation of the isotope calculations into the model showed that such a simple, low-parameterisation approach with easily accessible input data can be used to estimate the water balance and track isotopic transformations under plot sites with various land use conditions. The most rapid turnover of water was found under arable land use which resulted in short-term crop vulnerability to drought and slow but more rapid recovery and replenishment of moisture deficits. Forest soils showed slower water turnover with lower soil moisture, mainly reflecting higher interception losses and higher transpiration rates. This, together with access to deeper water, means drought stresses build more slowly at forest sites but can last much longer as storage recovery is slow (>1 year) due to high evapotranspiration. Via adapting the model input data, we further simulated drought conditions to assess the “water footprint” of alternative land use under drought stress.

Our study illustrated the potential of stable water isotope data for simplified ecohydrological modelling approaches to quantify water partitioning. The different effects of land use types on ecohydrological fluxes were successfully simulated and their drought resilience was estimated. For the DMC and similar lowland catchments with similar soil types (sand at forest, loam at grassland and crops) and land cover in Central Europe with the modelled drought conditions, forest sites will initially be more resilient but more vulnerable to lasting droughts, while grassland and arable sites tend to recover more quickly, but can be rapidly stressed by short-term severe events. The modelling provides an experimental framework for assessing the differential effects of droughts of varying longevity and severity on alternative land use strategies.

How to cite: Landgraf, J., Tetzlaff, D., Birkel, C., Stevenson, J. L., and Soulsby, C.: Testing drought sensitivity of different land use types via a low parameter isotope-aided ecohydrological model approach in a lowland headwater catchment, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-317, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-317, 2023.

Human-impacted systems
On-site presentation
Ke Chen, Doerthe Tetzlaff, Guodong Liu, Chris Soulsby, and Tobias Goldhammer

Precise knowledge of hydrological processes across large scale catchments is crucial to sustainably meet the growing water demand and improve water management strategies in cities. However, it has been always a major challenge to comprehensively understand the hydrology of a large catchment due to the spatial heterogeneity of climate, topography and anthropogenic activities. Combining tracers with hydroclimatic records, this study used seasonal synoptic surveys in 2021 to better understand the water cycling, storage and losses of the intensively managed 10,000 km2 catchment of the River Spree in Berlin, Germany. Apart from the upper headwaters, the hydrology of the Spree is heavily regulated by reservoir releases, pumped minewater discharges, engineered flows in wetlands and lakes, water abstractions and urban drainage. Moreover, the catchment is drought-sensitive with potential evapotranspiration often exceeding annual rainfall. This is reflected in the spatial and temporal variability of the isotopic composition of river water. In the steeper, upper headwater areas, the river is dominated by groundwater sources but showing evident influence by rainfall in winter, with a “flashy” rainfall-runoff response. However, flows in the middle part of the catchment have enhanced baseflows and attenuated high flows from extensive reservoir and pumped minewater releases. The reservoir waters are isotopically heavier and reflect the effects of open water evaporation. Fractionation effects strengthen downstream as managed wetland areas and natural lakes further enhance evaporation and attenuate flows. Our estimations on evaporation losses also show that the mine water pumping, water abstractions and wastewater additions largely contribute to the catchment water balance and therefore have pronounced impacts on water evaporations. Seasonally, the effects of evaporation on the isotopic composition of the lower river network are strongest in summer and autumn, though they remain in winter and spring, indicating a large memory effect due to long mean travel times within the river system. Tritium variability along the river reflects inputs of younger and older water in different parts of the river system; though the influence of pumped groundwater means that the mean age of stream water in the lower river is likely to be >50 years. Isotope studies at large scales play a valuable role to in better understanding the hydrology of this complex, heavily modified river system and provide an evidence base for more sustainable management of the potentially fragile water resource situation in the future.

How to cite: Chen, K., Tetzlaff, D., Liu, G., Soulsby, C., and Goldhammer, T.: Synoptic water isotope surveys to understand the hydrology of large intensively managed catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-374, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-374, 2023.

On-site presentation
Julia Knapp and Christa Kelleher

Streamwater temperature is an important water quality parameter, and controls metabolic and other reaction processes. In urban systems, streamwater temperature has been shown to depend substantially on the near-stream land cover: Riparian buffer zones may cool urban streams, while effluent from wastewater treatment plants is known to raise streamwater temperatures. Groundwater contributions can decrease summer and increase winter streamwater temperature, essentially acting as a temperature buffer. In consequence, streamwater temperature is highly dependent on the specific layout of the urban system.

Streamwater temperature fluctuates on annual, seasonal, daily, and diurnal basis, however, storm events may additionally impact streamwater temperature on short time scales. The timing and patterns of streamwater temperature responses to storm events relative to the hydrograph may differ from event to event. Because urban infrastructure is typically designed to rapidly route water to the sewer network to avoid flooding, streamwater temperature response patterns are likely related to event- and site-specific water sources contributing to streamflow. Changes in temperature patterns could thus be linked to changes in water release processes. If we disentangle the various empirical relationships revealing potential physical controls on how water is conveyed to streams in urban areas, temperature could potentially be used as a cheap tracer of water sources and pathways in urban systems, which are typically difficult to assess.

We investigated and quantified different streamwater temperature response patterns to stormflow, to understand predictors of diverse streamwater temperature responses to summer storms. We found that streamwater temperature shows varied response patterns to storms, including temperature increases and decreases. Some of the temperature increases may take the shape of rapid “heat pulses”, a short but relatively high magnitude temperature increase and subsequent drop at the start of the hydrograph. Streamwater temperature responses to storms were event-specific and could be clearly linked to event characteristics. Understanding the streamwater temperature response can thus aid in understanding urban source contributions to streamflow, because the mixing of sources – and the timing of this mixing process – causes a unique streamwater temperature pattern. Likely sources contributing to the streamwater temperature patterns are ponded surface waters and storm drains, or cooler water from the shallow subsurface. These findings indicate that streamwater temperature may be used as a cheap but effective tracer informing the contributions from different source zones in urban catchments.

How to cite: Knapp, J. and Kelleher, C.: Hunting for heat pulses: streamwater temperature responses to summer storms as tracer for urban water sources, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3190, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3190, 2023.

On-site presentation
Amanda Carneiro Marques, Carla Sofia Santos Ferreira, Núria Martínez-Carreras, Zahra Kalantari, and Christian David Guzman

Stable isotopes are an important tool to describe the movement of water through the hydrosphere. They are used as tracers to characterize hydrograph properties. In field studies, stable isotope analyses using hourly and bulk end-member calculations can be used to estimate baseflow/precipitation contributions and to relate hydrograph response to land cover across a watershed. To enable proper planning of paved surface expansions and the nature of storm drainage systems, advanced understanding of the influences of spatial land-use patterns on Mediterranean streamflow regimes are needed to support water management in peri-urban catchments. This study focuses on Ribeira dos Covões, a small peri-urban catchment (around 6 km2), located in central continental Portugal. The catchment is composed of sandstone in the west portion (56%) and limestone in the east portion (41%), with some alluvial deposits (3%) in the main valleys. Flow and precipitation data were collected every five minutes during storms for several years. In 2018, sampling campaigns also included the collection of pre-event, event, and post-event water stable isotopes in different seasons of the year for streamflow at four sites, representing distinct land coverage and lithological landscape combinations. Preliminary results using precipitation and baseflow fraction calculations based on oxygen-18 measurements show that the catchment outlet provides a 49% baseflow contribution (old water fraction) at the beginning of the dry season and 36% in the wet season. An 85% baseflow contribution was estimated for Quinta (mainly forest area in sandstone) during the dry season, and 64-74% for Espírito Santo (largely urban in sandstone) during the wet season. The baseflow contribution at Porto Bordalo (urban area in limestone) is not significant because the flow is controlled by precipitation. Further investigation will involve connecting the results of most recent stable isotope data analyses to the approaches that were used in the past (e.g. separation of baseflow based on low-pass digital filters). Such connection will clarify streamflow response from distinct peri-urban pattern and lithological landscape combinations and their contributions to catchment runoff, aiming to explore the similarities and differences among these methods and quantify the effects of hydrological regime and land use changing patterns over time.

How to cite: Carneiro Marques, A., Ferreira, C. S. S., Martínez-Carreras, N., Kalantari, Z., and Guzman, C. D.: Characterizing landscape influences on hydrological flow pathways in a peri-urban Mediterranean catchment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10782, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10782, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Xiaolong Qiu and Baoli Wang

    River damming alters biogeochemical cycles in river continuum. Yet, its effect on the biogeochemical behavior of riverine strontium (Sr) is still unclear. Here, we measured riverine 87Sr/86Sr in both dissolved and particulate phases and relevant parameters in karst cascade reservoirs of Southwest China, and simulated 87Sr/86Sr fractionation during biological processes through experimental incubation of model phytoplankton. The results showed that the dissolved 87Sr/86Sr was rather homogeneous across the water body and nearly identical to inorganic particulate-bound 87Sr/86Sr, and reservoir Sr mainly sourced from carbonate weathering. However, the dissolved Sr concentrations were stratified and increased with depths of the reservoir water columns. This stratification was likely caused by phytoplankton and the precipitation and dissolution of calcite, with the stratified strength controlled by reservoir hydraulic loads. A long-term loads along cascade reservoirs thus could result in a significant increase in dissolved Sr concentrations rather than 87Sr/86Sr. The culture experiment indicated that the dissolved Sr was massively captured by the phytoplankton during which insignificant 87Sr/86Sr fractionation occurred. Thus, the 87Sr/86Sr of reservoir phytoplankton would conserve the dissolved 87Sr/86Sr. The distinctly lower 87Sr/86Sr of phytoplankton than terrestrial organic particulates highlights its potential to distinguish autochthonous and allochthonous sources of reservoir particulate matter. This study demonstrated that damming largely alters the elemental and isotopic distribution of riverine Sr and would deepen the understanding of Sr biogeochemistry in dammed rivers.

How to cite: Qiu, X. and Wang, B.: Effect of damming on riverine strontium geochemical behavior: Evidence from 87Sr/86Sr analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2273, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2273, 2023.

Virtual presentation
Vivek Kumar, Dibyendu Paul, and Sudhir Kumar

The northeastern states of India have extensive deposits of coal among other minerals. Coal mining activities contribute significantly to the economy of these states, providing livelihood to a substantial segment of the populace. Unscientific mining practices have contributed adversely to environmental health of the region, particularly to aquatic systems. Acid mine drainage (AMD) discharge from the mines pollute the streams and rivers, causing serious deterioration of the aquatic environment. Stable isotopes combined with physico-chemical parameters are a promising tool for understanding pollution sources, hydrological processes, factors influencing such processes, and fate of pollutants in hydrological systems. The present study was conducted in AMD affected streams & rivers flowing through the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Assam and Meghalaya in northeast India in two different seasons (pre-monsoon (PRM) & post monsoon (POM)). Water samples were analyzed for 24 physicochemical parameters including the major ions. Stable isotopes of oxygen & hydrogen in water samples were estimated. The results of both sampling seasons are significantly different and reveal that water samples of all sampling sites are dominated by presence of high SO42- in both the sampling seasons; abundance of major ions during PRM are in order SO42->Mg2+>Ca2+>HCO3->Na+>Cl->NO3->K+>NH4+>F- and during POM are in order SO42-> Ca2+>Mg2+>HCO3->Na+>Cl->NO3->K+>NH4+>F-. The stable isotopes of water (δ18O & δD) analysis results indicated enrichment during the POM sampling season. δ18O (‰ V-SMOW)  ranged between -8.60 to -4.95 during PRM and -6.60 to -3.94 during POM, δD (‰ V-SMOW) ranged between -58.29 to -29.63 during PRM and -41.40 to -28.69 during POM. The deuterium excess (d-excess ‰) ranged between 5.70 ~ 17.94 during PRM and 1.57 ~ 14.49 during POM. The hydrochemical characteristics of water during both sampling seasons were deciphered through comprehensive analysis of hydrochemistry (piper diagram, durov plot, gibbs diagram, ion ratios, chadha’s plot) and stable isotopes. The results are discussed.

How to cite: Kumar, V., Paul, D., and Kumar, S.: Seasonal Variation in Stable Isotopes and Physico-chemical Characteristics of AMD Affected Water Bodies in Northeast India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-859, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-859, 2023.

Surface water-groundwater interactions
On-site presentation
Koichi Sakakibara, Sae Mizushima, Yoshikuni Hodoki, Maki Tsujimura, Kei Suzuki, and Hodong Park

Hydrological interactions between surface water and groundwater are key processes to describe the watershed water cycle including lake water hydrology. Understanding these processes is important for quality and quantity controls of water resources and their future management. Water originating from mining/hot spring regions gives significant impacts on local water resources. However, hydrological processes of how the discharged water with unique water quality affects different water bodies have not been fully understood. Therefore, the study aims to investigate features of surface water and groundwater interaction forming lake hydrology in a highly acidic Tamagawa hot spring region, in Japan. For this, the river water, spring water, and lake water at 51 locations in total were sampled. Lake water collection with depths of 0, 50, 100, 200, 300, and 400 m was undertaken at the center of Lake Tazawa. A variety of environmental tracers such as pH, EC, DO, inorganic ion concentrations, oxygen/hydrogen stable isotopes, CFCs, and SF6 in collected water samples were measured.

The river water upstream of the Tamagawa River showed a pH of <3.0 and characteristic Ca-Cl type water quality due to the influence of a highly acidic hot spring. The other river and spring waters were almost neutral and of the Na-HCO3 type water quality. Lake Tazawa water was weakly acidic (pH 5.5, Ca-Cl type water quality), suggesting that the water in the lake originated mainly from the Tamagawa River. Vertical profiles of environmental tracers of lake water at the center of Lake Tazawa indicated that dissolved oxygen concentrations were above 87% saturation even at depths greater than 100 m, suggesting that a rapid lake circulation was occurring. The multiple uses of gas tracers (SF6 and CFC-12) suggested that water age is 4 and 12-20 years in the water close to the lake surface and water deeper than 50 m, respectively. The binary plot of SF6 and CFC-12 concentration indicated that the exponential mixing primarily governs lake water circulation processes. Moreover, calculations of the water balance of Lake Tazawa for the five-year period from 2011 to 2015 inferred that groundwater inflow into Lake Tazawa from the surrounding area may have occurred at a rate of at least 5-12 mm/day. These findings suggest that the inflow of groundwater and river water into Lake Tazawa is responsible for the lake's water quality and a part of rapid lake water circulation.

How to cite: Sakakibara, K., Mizushima, S., Hodoki, Y., Tsujimura, M., Suzuki, K., and Park, H.: Water quality and water circulation formation of a deep lake on the basis of interaction between surface water and groundwater in a highly acidic hot spring region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1503, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1503, 2023.

Orals: Thu, 27 Apr | Room C

Chairpersons: Andrea Popp, Pertti Ala-aho, Michael Stockinger
SAS functions
On-site presentation
Siyuan Wang, Markus Hrachowitz, and Gerrit Schoups

Stable isotopes (δ18O) and tritium (3H) are frequently used as tracers in environmental sciences to estimate age distributions of water. However, it has previously been argued that seasonally variable tracers, such as δ18O, generally and systematically fail to detect the tails of water age distributions and therefore substantially underestimate water ages as compared to radioactive tracers, such as 3H. In this study for the Neckar river basin in central Europe and based on a >20-year record of hydrological, δ18O and 3H data, we systematically scrutinized the above postulate together with the potential role of spatial aggregation effects to exacerbate the underestimation of water ages. This was done by comparing water age distributions inferred from δ18O and 3H with a total of 12 different model implementations, including lumped parameter sine-wave (SW) and convolution integral models (CO) as well as integrated hydrological models in combination with SAS-functions (IM-SAS).

We found that, indeed, water ages inferred from δ18O with commonly used SW and CO models are with mean transit times (MTT) ~ 1 – 2 years substantially lower than those obtained from 3H with the same models, reaching MTTs ~ 10 years. In contrast, several implementations of IM-SAS models did not only allow simultaneous representations of stream flow as well as δ18O and 3H stream signals, but water ages inferred from δ18O with these models were with MTTs ~ 16 years much higher than those from SW and CO models and similar to those inferred from 3H, which suggested MTTs ~ 15 years. Characterized by similar parameter posterior distributions, in particular for parameters that control water age, IM-SAS model implementations individually constrained with δ18O or 3H observations, exhibited only limited differences in the magnitudes of water ages in different parts of the models as well as in the temporal variability of TTDs in response to changing wetness conditions. This suggests that both tracers lead to comparable descriptions of how water is routed through the system.  our results provide evidence for a broad equivalence of δ18O and 3H as age tracers for systems characterized by MTTs of at least 15 – 20 years. The question to which degree aggregation of spatial heterogeneity can further adversely affect estimates of water ages remains unresolved as the lumped and distributed implementations of the IM-SAS model provided inconclusive results.

Overall, this study demonstrates that previously reported underestimations of water ages are most likely not a result of the use of δ18O or other seasonally variable tracers per se. Rather, these underestimations can be largely attributed to choices of model approaches and complexity not considering hydrological next to tracer aspects. Given the additional vulnerability of SW and CO model approaches in combination with δ18O to substantially underestimate water ages due to spatial aggregation and potentially other, still unknown effects, we, therefore, advocate avoiding the use of this model type in combination with seasonally variable tracers if possible, and to instead adopt SAS-based or comparable model formulations.

How to cite: Wang, S., Hrachowitz, M., and Schoups, G.: Stable water isotopes and tritium tracers tell the same tale: No evidence for underestimation of catchment transit times inferred by stable isotopes in SAS function models., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6333, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6333, 2023.

On-site presentation
Robin Schwemmle and Markus Weiler

Understanding the transport processes and travel times of pollutants such as nitrate or pesticides in the subsurface is crucial for an effective management of drinking water resources. Transport processes and hydrologic processes, like infiltration, percolation, root water uptake or runoff generation processes, are inherently linked to each other. In order to account for this link, we couple the process-based hydrologic model RoGeR (including infiltration in the soil matrix, macropores and cracks) with StorAge Selection (SAS) functions. We assign to each hydrological process a specific SAS function (e.g. beta-type distribution or power distribution). To represent different transport mechanisms, we combined a specific set of SAS functions into four transport model structures: complete-mixing, piston flow, advection-dispersion and advection-dispersion with time-variant parameters. In this contribution, we quantify and illustrate the results of our modelling experiments at the Rietholzbach lysimeter, Switzerland. We compare our simulations to the measured hydrologic variables (percolation and evapotranspiration fluxes and soil water storage dynamics) and the measured water stable isotope signal (18O) in the lysimeter seepage for a period of ten years (1997-2007). An additional artificial bromide tracer experiment was used to benchmark the models. Additionally, we carried out a sensitivity analysis and provide Sobol’ indices. Our results show that the advection-dispersion transport model with time-variant parameters produces the best results. And thus, advective-dispersive transport processes play a dominant role at Rietholzbach lysimeter. Our modelling approach provides the capability to test hypotheses of different transport mechanisms and to improve process understanding and predictions of transport processes. Overall, the combined model allows a very effective simulation of combined flux and transport processes at various temporal and spatial scales.

How to cite: Schwemmle, R. and Weiler, M.: Consistent modelling of transport processes and travel times – coupling hydrologic processes with StorAge Selection functions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-457, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-457, 2023.

New tools and techniques
On-site presentation
Natalie Orlowski, Lena Wengeler, and Barbara Herbstritt

Nowadays, a wide range of water extraction/vapor equilibration techniques for obtaining soil and plant water isotopic composition (δ18O and δ2H) is applied by various ecohydrological disciplines. Here, researchers need to rely on accurate and precise measurements of water isotope ratios for tracing water movement through the critical zone. Previous research has shown that utilizing isotope ratio infrared spectroscopy (IRIS) to analyze water or vapor samples containing co-extracted/-equilibrated organic contaminants (e.g., methanol, ethanol) has the potential to result in significant inaccuracies through spectral interferences. However, the scientific community and the manufacturers have not effectively addressed the inaccuracies caused by organic contaminants. While some hardware solutions for combusting organics as well as some software solutions exist for spectral interference detection during liquid water IRIS analysis, limited tools exist for the post-correction of direct vapor-mode IRIS data e.g., from in-situ water vapor measurements or from the direct water vapor equilibration laser spectrometry method (DVE-LS).

For our study, we applied three different water extraction and vapor equilibration techniques (i.e., DVE-LS, in-situ water vapor measurements and cryogenic vacuum extraction) to four types of vegetables (cauliflower, celery root, kohlrabi and potatoes). We investigated how co-extracted organic contaminants (i.e., methanol and ethanol) via the different methods affect the isotopic ratios between liquid and vapor CRDS measurements of our vegetable samples. Through applying different CRDS instrument-specific post-correction options, we could reduce isotopic discrepancies and maximize the accuracy and precision of CRDS measurements from vegetables.

We could show that all vegetables produced species-specific different amounts of organic contaminants, which affected the isotope ratios obtained via the different extraction or vapor equilibration techniques in different ways. Clear relationships between DVE-LS samples and spectral parameters indicated co-equilibrated contaminants which we used for a technique-specific ‘organics-correction’. Whereas, results obtained from in-situ water vapor measurements were the least affected by organic contaminants and showed the smallest data spread. Those were also comparable to results from cryogenic vacuum extraction for some type of vegetables.

Our study underlines the importance and necessity of plant water vapor isotope data post-correction and highlights the need for a definitive and general protocol in order to prevent ill-founded ecohydrological data interpretations.

How to cite: Orlowski, N., Wengeler, L., and Herbstritt, B.: How to deal with spectral interferences when measuring water stable isotopes of plants?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2231, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2231, 2023.

On-site presentation
Magdalena E. G. Hofmann, Joyeeta Bhattacharya, Jan Woźniak, Jinshu Yan, and Ruthger van Zwieten

The Picarro water isotope analyzers (L2130-i/L2140-i) have become a standard technique to measure the natural abundance of δ18O, δ2H and 17O-excess of water isotopes in climate, environment, and hydrological studies. In addition, some applications require to measure highly enriched δ2H water isotope samples, e.g., when tracing water flows in hydrology. In this case, the 2H/1H ratio is used as a tracer when fluorescent tracers are not an option, e.g., when tracing drinking water.

Measuring highly enriched water samples with optical spectroscopy comes along with two challenges: (i) the memory effect, the carryover from small fractions of water from one sample to another, and (ii) the spectroscopic limits of the analyzer. Here, we address both challenges by characterizing the memory effect for highly enriched δ2H samples considering the recently developed express mode that allows to reduce/remove the memory effect at a much faster rate compared to the standard mode [1, 2] and by reviewing the spectroscopic limits of the analyzer.

In this study, we tested the performance of the Picarro L2130-i water isotope analyzer for a set of samples with varying 2H/1H ratios of 0.1 to 2.0% (corresponding to δ2H values of about 6,000 to 130,000‰). We found that (i) the analyzer shows an excellent linearity over a high δ2H enrichment range (up to 130,000‰); (ii) the analyzer shows a negligible concentration dependence at high enrichment levels; (iii) the spectroscopic limits of the analyzer can be extended by reducing the injection volume (<1.8uL); (iv) the memory effect can be reduced significantly when using the express mode compared to the standard mode.

Our results show that the Picarro L2130-i water isotope analyzer is an adequate tool for measuring highly enriched δ2H water samples, and we will discuss best practices when measuring these samples.  



[1] Hofmann, M. E. G., Lin, Z., Woźniak, J., and Drori, K.: Improved throughput for δ18O and δD measurements of water with Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14254, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14254, 2021.

[2] Landais, A., Minster, B., Zuhr, A., Hofmann, M., and Fourré, E.: Performances of express mode vs standard mode for δ18O, δD and 17O-excess with a Picarro analyzer, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4278, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4278, 2022.

How to cite: Hofmann, M. E. G., Bhattacharya, J., Woźniak, J., Yan, J., and van Zwieten, R.: Performance of the Picarro CRDS water isotope analyzer for δ2H tracer studies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12174, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12174, 2023.

On-site presentation
Mark Stillings, Rebecca Lunn, and Zoe Shipton

Current methods for tracing the surface infiltration of meteoric groundwaters rely on isotope geochemistry and dye tracers, which can be used to determine groundwater age and altitude at the point of infiltration. Temporal and spatial variability in atmospheric conditions, and water-rock interactions, can make the interpretation of isotopes uncertain. Low tracer recovery and long residence times often make dye tracers impractical. Here, we propose a new method of groundwater tracing based on fingerprinting of natural dissolved organics (derived from local flora and fauna). We validate our method at the Grimsel Test and Mont Terri underground rock laboratories in Switzerland, located within fractured crystalline rock (granite) and sedimentary systems, respectively. Based on a non-targeted approach using two-dimensional gas chromatography, we derive detailed organic fingerprints for groundwater, surface soils, and lakewater and river water samples from each location. These organic fingerprints are then compared to determine the near-surface infiltration environments feeding individual groundwater samples. Using principal component analysis, we show that individual groundwater samples can be identified as having derived from identifiable surface sources. Our research demonstrates that dissolved natural organic molecules, and their relative abundance, are sufficiently well-preserved in groundwater over timescales of several decades, that they can be used to discriminate the near-surface environment(s) through which meteoric groundwater has infiltrated. Organic fingerprinting could prove a powerful tool for an improved understanding of groundwater flow systems, particularly when used in combination with other complimentary tracing techniques.

How to cite: Stillings, M., Lunn, R., and Shipton, Z.: Fingerprinting dissolved organic compounds: A potential tool for identifying the surface infiltration environments of meteoric groundwaters, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16229, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16229, 2023.

Runoff in mountainous regions
Virtual presentation
Guangxuan Li, Xi Chen, Man Gao, and Yuyi Wang

Streamflow in the glacierized catchments over the Tibetan Plateau receives multi-recharge sources, such as rainfall, melt water from snowpack and glacier, and groundwater. Identifying their contributions to streamflow is challenge but it is vital for understanding streamflow and its composition in response to climate change. In this study, based on high-resolution isotopic (18O) and hydrochemical (Cl-) data in the Yangbajing (YBJ) catchment of the Tibetan Plateau in China, we found that the hydrograph in a year can be separated into five segments, each of which is constituted of two or three dominant recharge sources. Thus, we developed a stepwise EMMA (end-member mixing analysis) method to partition the hydrograph and calculate contributions of water sources to streamflow in each segment of the hydrograph. Results show that the overall contributions of deep and shallow groundwater, melt water from glacier and snowpack, and precipitation are 21.8%, 9.8%, 37.5%, 8.5% and 22.4%, respectively, in a year. Specifically, in the low flow period (January 8 - April 26), streamflow is fed by deep and shallow groundwater (75.2% and 24.8%, respectively). In the early rising period of hydrograph (April 27-June 9) when temperature begins to rise, streamflow fed by deep groundwater decreases and its contribution by snow melt water increases (52.5% and 47.5%, respectively). In the fast-rising period (June 10-June 30), streamflow fed by deep groundwater is minor (4.8%) while snow and glacier melt water becomes the dominant recharge sources to the stream water (52.8% and 42.4%, respectively). In the summer period of July 1- September 23, the streamflow is highest, and the greatest glacier melt water and rainfall contributes to 52.4% and 36% of the stream flow, respectively. In the recession period (September 24 - January 7) when temperature drops and rainfall ceases, streamflow is fed again by deep groundwater and shallow groundwater (45.7% and 54.3%, respectively).

How to cite: Li, G., Chen, X., Gao, M., and Wang, Y.: Identifying contributions of multi- recharge sources to streamflow by using a stepwise approach based on isotopic and hydrochemical signals in a glacierized catchment over Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2292, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2292, 2023.

On-site presentation
Alessio Gentile, Davide Canone, Natalie Ceperley, Davide Gisolo, Maurizio Previati, Giulia Zuecco, Bettina Schaefli, and Stefano Ferraris

The concept of young water fraction, introduced by Kirchner (2016) and defined as the fraction of streamflow that was stored less than about 2-3 months in the catchment, is increasingly used in catchment intercomparisons studies to understand and conceptualize the hydrological processes governing the catchment's functioning. However, the development of perceptual models is not always as straightforward as it may seem. Past works have shown that high mountainous catchments worldwide reveal small young water fractions. These low young water fractions at high elevations have been explained by different hydrological processes, including deeper vertical infiltration promoted by the presence of both fractured bedrock and freely draining soils (e.g., luvisols and cambisols) and long groundwater flow paths driven by the topographic roughness. But, a harmonious explanation of how the relevant mechanisms in mountainous catchments lead to low young water fractions at high elevations is missing.

Using a data set composed of 27 study catchments, located both in Switzerland and in Italy (of which 22 are from the previous work of von Freyberg et al., 2018), we explore both the drivers and the conceptualization of the processes that potentially clarify this surprising result. We assume that this lowering can be explained by groundwater storage potential and the interplay of the seasonal dominance of hydrological processes. For groundwater storage potential we use the proportion of catchment area covered by Quaternary deposits (a parameter that is readily available for the studied catchments). For the interplay of seasonal processes, we use the length of the low-flow period as a measure for the duration of the groundwater (in terms of age, old water) dominated recession period.

Our results suggest that the length of the low-flow period is clearly the main driver of low young water fractions at high elevation. Here, the long winter period, characterised by absence of liquid water input and hence by a low-flow regime, promotes a progressive emptying of the groundwater storage. Even during summer, recent snowmelt and rainfall that transit through the subsurface push out old groundwater into the stream, as reflected by high proportions of baseflow also during high-flow periods. However, during summer, the relative share of old water remains lower than during winter and accordingly, the longer the winter period (with very low young water fractions), the lower the annual young water fraction. Quaternary deposits could play a role in reducing young water fractions via their capacity to store groundwater, but further detailed geological information would be necessary for a complete picture about the role of geology.

How to cite: Gentile, A., Canone, D., Ceperley, N., Gisolo, D., Previati, M., Zuecco, G., Schaefli, B., and Ferraris, S.: What explains low young water fractions at high elevations?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1230, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1230, 2023.

On-site presentation
Giulia Zuecco, Chiara Marchina, Ylenia Gelmini, Daniele Penna, Marco Borga, and Ilja van Meerveld

Conceptual models of catchment hydrological functioning are crucial to understand and predict runoff and the tracer responses during rainfall events, and thus for sound water resources management and pollution mitigation measures. In this study, we use hydrometric and tracer data (stable isotopes, major ions and electrical conductivity (EC)) collected in the Ressi catchment, a 2-ha watershed in the Italian pre-Alps, to test our existing conceptual model of runoff generation mechanisms. This model was based on previous hydrometric measurements and isotope data for selected events and highlights the importance of precipitation and antecedent conditions for hillslope-riparian zone-stream connectivity. More specifically, we determined if the temporal variability in the concentration-discharge relations can be explained by event characteristics, i.e., rainfall event size, intensity, and antecedent moisture conditions.

The Ressi catchment is characterized by high seasonality in runoff response, due to the seasonality in rainfall (high in fall) and evapotranspiration (high in summer). Discharge and rainfall have been measured continuously since August 2012. Stream water, precipitation, shallow groundwater and soil water samples were collected for tracer analyses during 20 rainfall-runoff events between September 2015 and August 2018. All samples were analyzed for EC, isotopic composition (2H and 18O) and major ion concentrations. To investigate the possible controls on the concentration-discharge relations, we determined the main event characteristics (e.g., total event rainfall, rainfall intensity, antecedent soil moisture and depth to water table, runoff coefficient) for each event.

Based on previous applications of isotope- and EC-based hydrograph separation in the Ressi catchment, we expected different dynamics of the major ions in stream water, depending on the magnitude of the rainfall-runoff events. For all major ions, we hypothesized a dilution effect, and a more marked response for large, long duration events with wet antecedent conditions. The temporal dynamics of calcium, magnesium, sodium and sulfate concentrations confirmed our hypotheses. On the contrary, nitrate, potassium and chloride concentrations sometimes increased at the onset of the event, before a later dilution. These temporal dynamics led to complex hysteretic relations with discharge that could not be explained by the event characteristics. We attribute the rapid increase in the concentrations of these solutes to a quick flushing from the dry parts of the stream channel and the near surface-soil layers of the riparian zone at the onset of the event. The revised conceptual model for the geochemical response of this catchment should, therefore, include a rapid flow pathway that leads to the mobilization of nitrate, chloride and potassium ions, and describe the rapid establishment of hydrological connectivity along the streambed and the near-channel zones.


Keywords: concentration-discharge relation; major ions; electrical conductivity; stable isotopes; hysteresis; forested catchment.

How to cite: Zuecco, G., Marchina, C., Gelmini, Y., Penna, D., Borga, M., and van Meerveld, I.: Testing a conceptual model of runoff generation processes for a small pre-alpine catchment with tracer data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12668, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12668, 2023.

On-site presentation
Catalina Segura, Zachary Perry, and Jaime Ortega Melendez

Communities downstream from mountainous regions rely on snowmelt for water supply. As climate change reduces the reliability of the snowpack in these regions it is important to understand how and when rain and melt water are stored and released as runoff. In mountainous regions the prediction of water movement is especially complex because water storage capacity and overall water input magnitude and form vary over short distances given variable geology, geomorphology, and topography. We used water stable isotopes (WSI) and water chemistry (ions and cations) to investigate seasonal water sources and contributions in a 64 km2 headwater mountain catchment in Oregon (USA). In one study, we collected > 1,000 synoptic samples between 2021 and 2022 across different seasons in 12 headwater streams (600–1,200 m in elevation and drainage areas 0.1–5 km2) and analyzed them for WSI. Results demonstrate that despite season there are localized variations in WSI within less than 1-km2 between catchments underlain by similar geology but characterized by different geomorphic history of mass wasting events (landslides and earthflows). We also observed weak relationships between elevation and WSI in some streams suggesting that their sources of baseflow are not directly controlled by seasonal precipitation but by differences in storage over spatially variability geomorphic history.  In a second study, we investigated relative streamflow contributions from five tributaries (0.7–17 km2) over the whole year based on weekly WSI and water chemistry in grab and precipitation samples. We found strong differences across streams; the most interesting was a spring-fed stream, whose water contribution varies widely throughout the year, resembling a snowmelt system (with high relative water input in the summer). The depleted WSI signal and relatively high cations concentrations of this stream reveals higher elevation snowfall is moving to the stream through relatively long flow paths. This stream is underlain by porous lava flows demonstrating a strong geologic control on runoff generation. The contribution of this stream to the whole watershed is over 27 times larger in the summer compared to any other season. This finding challenges the idea of streamflow scaling with drainage area because the effective drainage area of this stream varies between 0.8 and 47 km2 while the topographic derived drainage area is 0.7 km2.

How to cite: Segura, C., Perry, Z., and Ortega Melendez, J.: Geologic and geomorphic setting control of water sources and flow paths in mountainous headwater catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9603, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9603, 2023.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Michael Stockinger, Pertti Ala-aho, Christine Stumpp
Groundwater (age, residence and travel times)
On-site presentation
Arny Sveinbjornsdottir, Andri Stefánsson, and Stefán Arnórsson

Iceland is young (the oldest rocks ca 16M years) and characterized by active and widespread volcanism, defined along a Neovolcanic rift zone.  More than 90% of the Icelandic bedrock is of basaltic origin. The permeability of the Tertiary lava pile is 1-4*10-14 m2 but for younger geological formations especially within geothermal areas the permeability is several orders of magnitude higher due to active fissures and faults. The deeper crust has however a very low permeability as pores and fissures are filled with secondary minerals.


Due to the high permeability in the upper crust groundwater is often mixed with water components originating from different conditions, of different age and in some cases also affected by water-rock interaction.   Thus groundwater dating is complex and to succeed in estimating groundwater residence time it is of vital importance that interdisciplinary methods are applied to understand the geochemistry, geology and hydrology of a specific groundwater system.


In this presentation an overview of using stable water- and carbon isotopes to estimate groundwater residence time is given. It is demonstrated how stable water isotopes including the second order parameter; deuterium excess, can be used to estimate relative ages. Also how radiocarbon age estimations have successfully been used when comprehensive corrections for “dead carbon” from the bedrock and CO2 gas from the deep crust or mantle are applied together with δ13C to correct for modern carbon of organic origin.

How to cite: Sveinbjornsdottir, A., Stefánsson, A., and Arnórsson, S.: Groundwater Residence Time in Iceland Depicted by Stable Water- and Carbon Isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5977, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5977, 2023.

On-site presentation
Tamara Kolbe, Jean Marçais, Virginie Vergnaud, Barbara Yvard, Alejandro Chamorro, and Kevin Bishop

Groundwater ages are key indicators for flow and transport processes as well anthropogenic and geogenic solutes that impact groundwater quality. Commonly, lumped parameter models (LPMs) are applied to interpret environmental tracers, like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or tritium. LPMs require a steady state assumption and they are less complex, computational demanding and data intensive compared to transient numerical models. But when steady-state assumptions are valid for groundwater age simulations is questionable.

An initial sampling campaign of CFCs measured in 9 wells at different depths on a 0.47 km2 subcatchment of the Krycklan catchment in 2017 revealed a groundwater age stratification with depth that was representative for the area1. Mean groundwater ages at the water table (2-6 meters depth) in the unconsolidated till overburden were already 30 years and increased with depth to the deepest sampling at 30 meters. These results indicate a lag of rejuvenation caused by a subsurface discharge zone that evolves between two soils types with different hydrogeological properties. The comparison of the steady-state numerical simulation and LPM has proven that the LPM yields an overall recharge rate and estimation of the extent of the subsurface discharge zone.  Seasonal changes of recharge were not expected to impact the age stratification. But repeated sampling in 2021 and 2022 has shown a clear shift of the groundwater age stratification. Numerical modeling is used to understand that transient effect.



1Kolbe, T, Marçais, J, de Dreuzy, J-R, Labasque, T, Bishop, K. Lagged rejuvenation of groundwater indicates internal flow structures and hydrological connectivity. Hydrological Processes. 2020; 34: 2176– 2189. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.13753


How to cite: Kolbe, T., Marçais, J., Vergnaud, V., Yvard, B., Chamorro, A., and Bishop, K.: Transient effect on groundwater age distribution – age measurements disprove steady state assumption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13138, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13138, 2023.

On-site presentation
Tobias Schuetz and Alena Förster

During prolonged drought periods surface water contributions via bank filtration to drinking water production sites located on alluvial aquifers can become increasingly relevant due to associated changes in the hydraulic boundary conditions. Considering the predicted increase of occurance probabilities for hot and dry summers in the humid climate zone, these sites might be prone to an increased risk related to anthropogenic emissions into the connected surface water bodies in the near future.

We studied these processes at two well fields (8 active wells in total) located on the alluvial aquifer of the river Kyll, Germany, about 1 km downstream of the community of Kordel and the city´s waste water treatment plant. For six months we sampled bi-weekly water quality parameters in the wells (horizontal distances to the river varied between 30 and 420 m) and at three locations at the river Kyll. Samples were analyzed for stable water isotopes, EC, pH, DO, DOC, major ions, metals and selected pharmaceutical products. Based on a mixing analysis using major ion data we quantified the mean surface water contribution for each well, varying between 40 and 95 %. Using a darcian modelling approach based on continuous pumping rates, hydraulic gradients, existing information on hydraulic conductivities and the possible geometric connectivity of each of the wells to the river we were able to infer potential residence time distributions for the estimated surface water contributions for each of the wells. Comparing these distributions with nutrient gradients and oxic conditions we find significant correlations with the 0.05 quantile shortest residence time estimations, only. Resulting residence times of surface water contributions within the alluvial aquifer range from several days to weeks instead of previously estimated months to years. Dynamics in stable water isotope patterns in rainfall, surface water and groundwater show as well changes in surface water and groundwater composition within two weeks following the changes in the rainfall isotopic composition. Contrary to nutrient dynamics, the trace organic compounds, i. e. pharmaceutical products did not show spatial or temporal patterns, but a constant, substance specific degradation which leads to the conclusion that trace organic compound retention occurs in the nutrient rich near proximity of the river bed, i.e. the hyporheic zone.

These results demonstrate how quantitative and qualitative surface water contributions to groundwater / drinking water wells can have an increased relevance under drought conditions than previously anticipated.

How to cite: Schuetz, T. and Förster, A.: Infering the relevance of bank filtration processes for drinking water production sites on alluvial aquifers under drought conditions using residence time distributions and water quality parameters, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16851, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16851, 2023.

On-site presentation
Theis Winter and Florian Einsiedl

The Upper Jurassic aquifer (UJA) within the South German Molasse Basin (SGMB) is the most important exploration horizon for geothermal energy supply in Bavaria. The UJA shows a heterogeneous geology with karstic features and deep fault-zones. The result is a complex hydrogeology consisting of different groundwater types which differ significantly in their hydrochemical and isotopic composition.

Despite the great interest in the Upper Jurassic aquifer for geothermal energy supply, leading to numerous scientific studies, the exact apparent groundwater age, the infiltration area and the regional flow system remain yet unknown.

In this study we are using a multi parameter approach for the determination of apparent groundwater age distributions with the innovative 14CDOC and 81Kr methods and combine them with hydrochemistry data and stable water isotopes (δ18O/δ2H).

Our results indicate that the UJA system consists of at least two groundwater components: an up to now unknown young meteoric water component from the Pleistocene/Holocene transition and an older Pleistocene component. The apparent 14CDOC ages increase from south to north and show some evidence that the infiltration area of the UJA is located in the southern part of the SGMB and a groundwater flow directed to the north.

How to cite: Winter, T. and Einsiedl, F.: Characterisation of the regional groundwater flow system in the South German Molasse Basin using apparent groundwater age distributions with 14CDOC and 81Kr, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15240, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15240, 2023.

On-site presentation
Ronan Abhervé, Clément Roques, Eliot Chatton, Laurent Servière, Jean-Raynald de Dreuzy, and Luc Aquilina

Hydrological predictions for ungauged basins at catchment and regional scales are still challenged by the lack of available data. Under the assumption that the perennial stream network is mostly fed by groundwaters, its spatial extent is controlled by the magnitude of the subsurface hydraulic conductivity (K) with respect to the actual recharge rate (R). In addition, the residence time of groundwater is directly controlled by the storage capacity of the aquifer system, i.e. the porosity (Ө). Here we propose a new inversion approach that jointly considers the spatial organization of observed hydrographic network and the residence times of groundwater measured at springs to infer the geometry of the aquifer system and its hydraulic properties.

We used a dataset gathered in an alpine catchment observatory (Natural conservation area of the Massif of Saint-Barthélemy, Pyrenees, France). The extent of the stream network has been mapped using field observation. Residence times have been obtained from concentrations of dissolved CFCs and SF6 gases measured at 6 spring locations distributed over the catchment. The average transit time is about 30 years for perennial springs with a significant variability across the watershed. The relatively high residence time is also confirmed by high Helium concentrations.

In our inversion scheme, we evaluate the accuracy of an ensemble of 3D hydrogeological models with different aquifer geometries and hydraulic properties. We found that topography and aquifer compartmentalization, through the decreasing trend in hydraulic conductivity, are key parameters in setting the spatial pattern of seepage areas and the distribution of transit times across the catchment. In addition, by running transient simulations of the model ensemble we further explore the accuracy of the models by comparing results with measurements of stream discharge and the intermittency of the hydrographic network. We found that intermittence seems to be connected to high transmissive shallow flow structures with low storage capacities (mostly organized within shallow soils and rockslides). However, perennial springs are sustained by deep groundwater flow paths within the bedrock. In perspective, we discuss the potential evolution of the extent, discharge magnitude and the transit time of seeping groundwater under changing recharge scenarios.

How to cite: Abhervé, R., Roques, C., Chatton, E., Servière, L., de Dreuzy, J.-R., and Aquilina, L.: Architecture of seepage zones combined with their residence time to constrain hydrogeological models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15677, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15677, 2023.

Groundwater (general)
On-site presentation
Guglielmo Federico Antonio Brunetti, Christine Stumpp, Carmine Fallico, Gerardo Severino, and Samuele De Bartolo

Anomalous transport processes are frequently observed in radial flow to wells in highly heterogeneous aquifers. This is generally related to the presence of preferential flow pathways that bypass the sediment matrix, thus leading to the formation of fast flow channels, whose magnitude depends on the geological entropy of the system. Tracer tests can be effectively combined with laboratory or field-scale experimental campaigns to understand better the interlinkage between heterogeneity and preferential flow, and to distinguish hydraulically active and inactive regions. Despite considerable past research efforts, these mechanisms are only partially understood. To advance the current understanding, we study transport processes in a laboratory-built highly heterogeneous aquifer under radial flow conditions. The experimental device (200 x 200 x 100 cm) consists of 2527 randomly distributed cells (10 x 10 x 5 cm) of 12 different porous mixtures assembled in 7 layers to form a 35 cm-deep aquifer. This particularly design is intended to maximize the geological entropy of the aquifer, which is equipped with 37 piezometers placed in a radial configuration at different distances from the central (pumping) well. Multiple conservative tracer tests were conducted by injecting a mixture of deuterated water (D2O) and Potassium Bromide (KBr) into different piezometers, and then by analysing the resulting Breakthrough Curves (BTCs) at the central pumping well. BTCs reveals features peculiar of anomalous transport, such as non-symmetry, early peaks and tailing, which depend on the injecting location. This, jointly with the incomplete mass recovery after 48 hours, suggests the simultaneous presence of fast flow in highly conductive regions, which exchange mass with quasi-immobile portions of the aquifer. By dealing with tests individually, it is seen that curves for the two tracers have a similar trend, with almost perfect overlap in the part before the peaks. Differences in the tailing of the BTCs between the two tracers, that exhibit different molecular diffusion coefficients, indicate the importance of diffusion mechanism taking place in the porous matrix.

How to cite: Brunetti, G. F. A., Stumpp, C., Fallico, C., Severino, G., and De Bartolo, S.: Multi-tracer tests to disentangle mobile-immobile regions in a highly entropic aquifer, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6934, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6934, 2023.

On-site presentation
Maki Tsujimura, Kosuke Nagano, Keisuke Sato, Taiga Suzuki, and Hiroko Asakura

We performed an intensive monitoring and sampling of groundwater in Tokyo Metropolitan area to investigate the groundwater flow system from upland to lowland areas. We took 83 groundwater samples at 39 locations, 25 stream water samples, 7 spring water samples from August 2018 through June 2021. We also observed the spatial distribution of hydraulic head in the groundwater. The stable isotopic composition of oxygen 18 and deuterium, SF6 concentration, and solute ions concentrations were determined on all water samples.

The SF6 age of groundwater in the upland area ranges from a few years to 40 years, whereas that in the lowland area ranges from 40 years to more than 80 years. The solute concentrations are characterized by Ca-HCO3 type in the upland, whereas that is categorized in Na-HCO3 or Na-Cl type. In addition, d18O of the groundwater in the upland ranges from -10.4 per mil to -8.8 per mil, whereas that in the lowland ranges from -9 per mil to -8 per mil.

The hydraulic head distribution shows that the unconfined groundwater flows from west to east directions in parallel with the topographical surface, and the confined groundwater flows from south-west toward north-east directions in parallel with the bedrock surface topography.

The results show that the groundwater flows from west toward east directions across the border of the upland and the lowland, and it flows across the boundary of the aquifers, meaning the unconfined groundwater recharges the confined groundwater in an area where a certain amount of unconfined groundwater is pumped up.

How to cite: Tsujimura, M., Nagano, K., Sato, K., Suzuki, T., and Asakura, H.: Groundwater flow system as determined by multi-tracer approach in Tokyo Metropolitan area, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13728, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13728, 2023.

Posters on site: Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | Hall A

Chairpersons: Pertti Ala-aho, Michael Stockinger, Andrea Popp
Markus Hrachowitz, Siyuan Wang, Gerrit Schoups, and Christine Stumpp

Stable isotopes (δ18O) and tritium (3H) are frequently used as tracers in environmental sciences to estimate age distributions of water. However, it has previously been argued that seasonally variable tracers, such as δ18O, generally and systematically fail to detect the tails of water age distributions and therefore substantially underestimate water ages as compared to radioactive tracers, such as 3H. In this study for the Neckar river basin in central Europe and based on a >20-year record of hydrological, δ18O and 3H data, we systematically scrutinized the above postulate. This was done by comparing water age distributions inferred from δ18O and 3H with a total of 12 different model implementations, including lumped parameter sine-wave (SW) and convolution integral models (CO) as well as integrated hydrological models in combination with SAS-functions (IM-SAS).

We found that, indeed, water ages inferred from δ18O with commonly used SW and CO models are with mean transit times (MTT) ~ 1 – 2 years substantially lower than those obtained from 3H with the same models, reaching MTTs ~ 10 years. In contrast, several implementations of IM-SAS models did not only allow simultaneous representations of stream flow as well as δ18O and 3H stream signals, but water ages inferred from δ18O with these models were with MTTs ~ 16 years much higher than those from SW and CO models and similar to those inferred from 3H, which suggested MTTs ~ 15 years. Characterized by similar parameter posterior distributions, in particular for parameters that control water age, IM-SAS model implementations individually constrained with δ18O or 3H observations, exhibited only limited differences in the magnitudes of water ages in different parts of the models as well as in the temporal variability of TTDs in response to changing wetness conditions. This suggests that both tracers lead to comparable descriptions of how water is routed through the system. These findings provide evidence that allowed us to reject the hypothesis that δ18O as a tracer generally and systematically “cannot see water older than about 4 years” and that it truncates the corresponding tails in water age distributions, leading to underestimations of water ages. Instead, our results provide evidence for a broad equivalence of δ18O and 3H as age tracers for systems characterized by MTTs of at least 15 – 20 years.

Overall, this study demonstrates that previously reported underestimations of water ages are most likely not a result of the use of δ18O or other seasonally variable tracers per se. Rather, these underestimations can be largely attributed to choices of model approaches and complexity not considering hydrological next to tracer aspects. We therefore advocate to avoid the use of this model type in combination with seasonally variable tracers if possible, and to instead adopt SAS-based or comparable model formulations.

How to cite: Hrachowitz, M., Wang, S., Schoups, G., and Stumpp, C.: The tale of two tracers: No evidence for systematic underestimation of transit times inferred by stable isotopes in SAS function models., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1537, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1537, 2023.

Alban de Lavenne, Julien Tournebize, Hocine Henine, and Vazken Andréassian

Models based on StorAge Selection (SAS) functions are useful tools for understanding of factors controlling transit time distribution (TTD) and catchment-scale solute export. SAS functions describe the sampling of different ages in catchment storage that produces river discharge. This sampling may vary over time, for instance according to soil moisture:  the young water fraction is generally higher in wet conditions and lower in dry conditions. 

In this work, we investigated how the dynamic of this sampling could be related to the different fluxes and model states of the hydrological model GR4J. Different coupling strategies are tested over the French Orgeval catchment (ORACLE observatory, 104 km²) using chloride concentrations as a conservative tracer. The modelling results allowed to verify that the groundwater contribution, and in particular that outside the topographic catchment (intercatchment groundwater flow), strongly influences the age of the river flow. This study thus opens perspectives to better constrain the modelling of groundwater contribution to the river flow within the GR4J model.

How to cite: de Lavenne, A., Tournebize, J., Henine, H., and Andréassian, V.: Inferring the dynamics of StorAge Selection functions from GR4J, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14684, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14684, 2023.

Yi Nan and Fuqiang Tian

Issues related to large uncertainty and parameter equifinality have posed big challenges for hydrological modeling in cold regions where runoff generation processes are particularly complicated. Tracer-aided hydrological models that integrate the transportation and fractionation processes of water stable isotope are increasingly used to constrain parameter uncertainty and refine the parameterizations of specific hydrological processes in cold regions. However, the common unavailability of site sampling of spatially distributed precipitation isotopes hampers the practical applications of tracer-aided models in large-scale catchments. We explored the utility of precipitation isotope data derived from the isotopic general circulation models (iGCMs) in driving tracer-aided hydrological models in the typical large basins on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Results indicate that the model driven by iGCM data can simulate the variation of isotope composition in stream water well. Integrating isotope simulation into the hydrological model helps reduce the modeling uncertainty, improve the parameter identifiability, and improve the quantification of the contributions of runoff components to streamflow.

How to cite: Nan, Y. and Tian, F.: Tracer-aided hydrological model in large mountainous catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4596, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4596, 2023.

Pierre Nevers, Cyril Aumar, Hélène Celle, Virginie Vergnaud, Barbara Yvard, Frédéric Huneau, and Gilles Mailhot

Understanding the hydrogeological functioning of aquifers is essential in contexts where water resources are intensively used. Moreover, climate change can have long-term effects on groundwater in terms of availability, residence and transit times. Thus, careful management of groundwater resources require the understanding of the aquifer’s characteristics that can allow then the setting of sustainable yields values in contexts where water is exploited. This understanding requires in particular the estimation of the age of the groundwaters as well as the transfers/transit times within the aquifers. Our study focuses on the Volvic volcanic aquifer (Chaîne des Puys, France), where the question of water use has increasingly raised for several years, given the significant use of drinking water, both for the public drinking water network and bottled water, and the decrease of precipitations (and groundwater recharge) over the watershed due to climate change.

Previous studies on Volvic watershed allow defining the overall functioning of the system and comparing withdrawals and recharge on an annual scale, but groundwater ages have been only roughly defined even if they appear as a key point for addressing the question of the resource decrease. We propose then a multi-tracers approach, based on hydrogeological monitoring (hydrodynamical and meteorological data’s), including the estimation of groundwater ages (CFCs, tritium (3H)), major and traces elements chemistry and water stable isotopes (18O/2H) to better characterise this resource decrease and more peculiarly its origin and its impact on the environment that has never been addressed.  The relative fractions of modern and ancient water contributions to the Volvic aquifer will thus be estimated as well as the apparent ages of groundwaters. We highlight here the complementarity of tracers used in the dating of waters, which allows a better definition of recharge sources and flow paths within the aquifer.

This will provide key information about the time of the recharge and the time when the decrease began due to increase of abstraction, climate change or a combination of both of these effects.

How to cite: Nevers, P., Aumar, C., Celle, H., Vergnaud, V., Yvard, B., Huneau, F., and Mailhot, G.: Estimation of groundwater ages, recharge and transfers times in volcanic aquifers: Advantages and interests of multi-tracer approaches (3H, CFC-SF6, 18O/2H) coupled to hydrogeological data in the management of water resource of the Volvic watershed (FR)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1880, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1880, 2023.

Dioni I. Cendón, Klaus Wilcken, Stephen J. Harris, Stuart I. Hankin, Mark A. Peterson, and Bryce F.J. Kelly

Chlorine-36, generally expressed as a ratio against stable chlorine (36Cl/Cl x1015), has a half-life of 301 kyr, thus it is a useful tracer for estimating residence time of old groundwater between 50 kyr - 1 Myr. An underutilised use of 36Cl/Cl is as a sensitive tracer of catchment scale processes such as: identifying sources of salinity, weathering, delineating groundwater-surface water interactions, quantifying irrigation infiltration, and identifying anthropogenic inputs.

We highlight the utility of 36Cl/Cl for gleaning insights into regional natural and anthropogenic processes in the Nogoa, Namoi and Murrumbidgee river catchments of eastern Australia. All catchments are within important agricultural regions and are regulated by one or more large reservoirs in their headwaters. The Nogoa River (Lat 23°S) flows east and forms part of the Fitzroy River that meets the Coral Sea near the town of Rockhampton. The Namoi (Lat 30°S) and Murrumbidgee (Lat 35°S) rivers form part of the Murray-Darling Basin and flow westwards (inland) before joining the Darling and Murray Rivers respectively to flow south towards the Southern Ocean. River water was sampled bi-monthly in several stations from the upper to middle reaches of each river during two years between 2017-2020. Sampling took place during drought conditions; 2019 being the driest in ~120 years of instrumental records in many areas. Climatic conditions favoured sampling of baseflow with flows mostly relying on reservoir releases in some cases (Namoi River) until total reservoir and river dryness.

At the ground surface 36Cl can be produced via two main pathways. Typically, the dominant source of 36Cl in surface water is atmospheric, which was produced in the troposphere and stratosphere via interaction of cosmic-ray protons and secondary neutrons with Ar. However, secondary cosmic-ray neutrons can produce 36Cl when they collide with rocks and minerals. These reactions are modulated by the composition of the geological materials and their elevation. The Nogoa and Namoi Rivers have similar basic geological materials in their headwaters at relatively lower altitudes, while the Murrumbidgee has abundant mafic and felsic igneous rocks in the headwaters at higher altitudes.

In general, the Namoi River showed the higher 36Cl/Cl ratios (~650-300) followed by the Murrumbidgee River (~500-200) and the lowest readings were recorded in the Nogoa River (~200-100). These results do not follow simple latitudinal or elevation trends. In this presentation we discuss plausible geological and anthropogenic processes that may account for the observations.

How to cite: Cendón, D. I., Wilcken, K., Harris, S. J., Hankin, S. I., Peterson, M. A., and Kelly, B. F. J.: Tracing 36Cl in river water of Eastern Australia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3009, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3009, 2023.

Serge Brouyère, Nataline Simon, and Pierre Jamin

Characterizing groundwater fluxes is essential in many hydrogeological studies, especially to assess contaminant transport in the subsurface. In this context, the Finite Volume Point Dilution Method (FVPDM) is a single-well experiment consisting in continuously injecting a tracer into a well and monitoring the evolution of the tracer concentration into the same well. A part of the injected tracer is carried out of the well by the groundwater flow and therefore the higher the tracer dilution, the lower the tracer concentration remaining in the well. In such tests, the water within the tested interval has to be continuously mixed using a mixing pump in order to perfectly homogenize the tracer concentration. Yet in practice, when FVPDM are performed in long-screened boreholes or in very permeable aquifers, it can be technically difficult to maintain a mixing important enough so that the tracer concentration is homogenous along the well. In order to assess the effect of non-perfect mixing on FVPDM results, we introduce here a new discrete model that explicitly considers the recirculation flow rate. The mathematical developments are validated using field measurements resulting of FVPDM tests performed under pumping conditions in a high hydraulic conductivity aquifer. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis was performed in order to assess the effect of recirculation flow rate and to define the limits of the FVPDM and the advantages of the discrete model. Results confirm that it is essential to accurately consider the recirculation flow rate when performing FVPDM in the field. Non-perfect mixing occur as soon as the recirculation flow rate applied is not high enough compared to the groundwater flow rate. In this case, the tracer concentration is not uniform with decreasing tracer concentrations along the tested interval. Since the tracer concentration is measured within the recirculation loop (which helps the mixing of the tracer), neglecting the recirculation flow rate during field data interpretation can lead to significantly overestimate groundwater fluxes if the classical analytical solution is applied to interpret tracer concentration evolution. The discrete model introduced here, which was validated through field measurements, can be used instead to properly estimate groundwater fluxes and assess the tracer distribution within the tested interval.

How to cite: Brouyère, S., Simon, N., and Jamin, P.: Better considering tracer distribution within boreholes while FVPDM tests, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5004, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5004, 2023.

Valentina Pelzmann, Albrecht Leis, Marc Schuerch, and Christian Reszler

The stable isotopes of the water molecule, oxygen-18 and deuterium, provide an ideal tracer for water movement and offer a broad range of possibilities to study different processes in the water cycle. To be used in hydrological analyses and modelling the isotope data in precipitation as an “input” function has to be known for the particular catchment or point of interest. This paper presents the development and application of a method interpolating – on a monthly basis – stable isotope data in precipitation of the isotope observation network in Switzerland (ISOT), a module of the NAQUA National Groundwater Monitoring. Several influencing variables (e.g., topographical parameters, climate variables) are tested in a multi-regression framework, and the residuals are interpolated by the use of ordinary kriging. The different variants are tested by cross-validation, splitting the sample in two periods. The tests also provide information about regional differences of the interpolation quality in Switzerland, from which recommendations are made to densify the existing network. Maps of oxygen-18 and deuterium in a 500 m raster are delivered for selected months and years. As a further step in this study, for particular measurement sites of groundwater and surface water with known catchments, the “input” function is determined and compared to the measurements to (i) further validate the interpolation method and, (ii) to improve existing hydrological and hydrogeological information about the location of the recharge area and mean travel times. Also, the “input” functions can be used in hydrological modelling of combined water movement and solute transport in water quality studies.

How to cite: Pelzmann, V., Leis, A., Schuerch, M., and Reszler, C.: Spatial patterns of stable isotopes in precipitation in Switzerland for the use in hydrological and hydrogeological applications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5166, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5166, 2023.

Michael Stockinger and Christine Stumpp

The travel time of precipitation entering a catchment and leaving it as streamflow varies according to the flow paths it takes, with fast travel times posing a high risk to river water quality. However, investigating influences on travel times is challenging due to the complex water flow through heterogeneous landscapes. Recent studies investigated the fraction of streamflow younger than approximately three months (Fyw) using multi-year data (long-term Fyw) or one-year calculation windows to investigate its time-variability (time-variable Fyw). Nonetheless, the influences on time-variable Fyw and the demarcation between long-term and time-variable are not clear yet. Here, we investigated the long-term, the time-variable, and the Fyw derived from an exponential TTD model of nine major catchments in Central Europe and compared them to catchment characteristics and hydrometeorological variables. Additionally, one- to eight-year calculation windows were used and its impact on the variability of time-variable Fyw was investigated. All three methods of estimating Fyw led to similar results, indicating spatial organization of water flow in Central Europe. Spatial analysis further indicated a negative relationship between Fyw and catchment altitude. Contradicting and lacking spatiotemporal relationships to other investigated variables pointed to possibly unknown, region-specific influences on Fyw. With increasing calculation window size, the variability of time-variable Fyw results decreased. Long-term Fyw depended on the method used to define “long-term”, and many time series related factors, beside the actual target of investigation, i.e., catchment water flow, impacted Fyw. This finding points to difficulties in comparability of studies and catchments when using different window sizes, and we thus recommend future studies to calculate long-term Fyw using all data and one- to several-year time-variable Fyw to facilitate comparability.

How to cite: Stockinger, M. and Stumpp, C.: Lessons learned from the spatiotemporal analysis of long-term and time-variable young water fractions of large Central European catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5400, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5400, 2023.

Xinyan Lu, Ling Li, and Lixin Yi

Glaciers and permafrost, as core hydrological components of cold regions, are sensitive to climate change and the response in turn affects regional water resources. The ablation of glaciers and permafrost has caused severe environmental problems, including sea level rise, the release of greenhouse gases and further global warming. One poorly understood part that has so far remained underdeveloped is the change natural radioactivity related to ablation processes in cold regions. Radium isotope (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra and 228Ra) has been considered as an effective tracer for submarine groundwater discharge into coastal and estuarine environments over years. Unlike the coastal environments, Ra activities and activity ratios seem to show a unique distribution in cold regions. Ra will accumulate with glaciers and permafrost ablation and the activity ratios of 224Ra/228Ra (<1 in cold regions and >1 in coastal regions) indicate that the radioactive equilibrium of short-time Ra isotopes has not yet been reached, which seems to be closely related to glaciers and permafrost thawing. The results of laboratory experiments show that Ra distribution between ice and water will change during freezing, and Ra exchange will occur at the ice-water interface with interaction time increasing. This study aims to explore how natural radioactivity varies in cold regions, and to provide a new tracing method for hydrological investigation in cold regions.

How to cite: Lu, X., Li, L., and Yi, L.: Using radium isotope fingerprinting to trace hydrogeochemistry change and permafrost water cycle in cold regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7578, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7578, 2023.

Andrea L. Popp, Nicolas Valiente Parra, Kristoffer Aalstad, Sigrid Trier Kjær, Norbert Pirk, Alexander Eiler, Peter Dörsch, Dag Olav Hessen, and Lena Merete Tallaksen

Headwater catchments are known to substantially contribute to global carbon and nitrogen cycles through transport, storage, and direct emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Despite extensive research on GHG dynamics in headwater systems, their drivers and controls remain elusive, particularly in cold region environments that are undergoing rapid transformations. Cryospheric changes, such as alterations in snowpack mass, are known to be strongly coupled with the hydrological cycle. However, we have limited insight into the nexus between snow cover changes, source water contributions (e.g., groundwater and glacial meltwater) to surface waters and associated biogeochemical cycling. 

To better understand the hydrological and biogeochemical changes in cold regions, we obtained field- and satellite-derived data from two sub-arctic catchments (one glaciated, one non-glaciated) in the north-western part of the Hardangervidda mountain plateau (South Central Norway). With this work, we aim to obtain an improved understanding of the impact of snow cover on GHGs dynamics in high-latitude, alpine catchments. During late summers in 2020 and 2021, we analysed various water sources including streams, lakes, groundwater, snow and ice for environmental tracers (major ions, stable water isotopes, radon-222) and GHGs  (CO2, CH4 and N2O). The combination of environmental tracer data with a Bayesian end-member mixing model allowed us to partition water source contributions to streams and lakes. To estimate snow cover anomalies between 2020 and 2021 compared to a five-year mean, we retrieved fractional snow cover durations (FSCDs) from 2016 to 2021 by applying a spectral unmixing algorithm to merged Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 imagery over Finse. 

According to the satellite-derived data, 2020 was exceptionally snow-rich, while 2021 was a normal year. Our results indicate that GHG saturations distinctively differ among different water sources (e.g., lakes and streams), of which most are supersaturated. Thus, surface waters act as net sources for GHGs to the atmosphere, at least for the time windows of our sampling campaigns. Gas saturations distinctively differed between the glaciated and the non-glaciated catchments as well as between snow-rich and normal snow conditions. Groundwater is the most CO2 and CH4 supersaturated water source. However, groundwater only marginally contributed to surface waters and is thus not a major driver of GHGs emissions. Consequently, we hypothesise that snow cover, glacial meltwater, and resulting differences in subsurface water routing control GHGs dynamics at our study site. These findings provide new insights into the linkage between snow cover and the associated different hydrologic conditions and GHGs dynamics in high-latitude and alpine inland waters. 

How to cite: Popp, A. L., Valiente Parra, N., Aalstad, K., Trier Kjær, S., Pirk, N., Eiler, A., Dörsch, P., Hessen, D. O., and Tallaksen, L. M.: Drivers and controls of greenhouse gas dynamics in subarctic, alpine catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13281, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13281, 2023.

Martin Kralik, Daniel Elster, Ramon Holzschuster, and Christine Stumpp

Alpine regions are important as “water towers” in regional water supply of clean groundwaters due to their increased precipitation rates and their unspoiled environment. However, they are often characterised by complex geology structures, covered by down-sliding glacio-fluvial sediments. Groundwater recharge conditions and mean transit times (MTTs) are fundamental components of mountain watershed hydrological systems. Here, we used measurements of stable water isotopes of precipitation, pore water, surface and groundwater. In addition, measurements of environmental age tracers (222Rn, CFCs, 3H, 3He, 4He and 14C) were performed to investigate groundwater MTTs from springs in glacio-limnic sediments (<20 m) and deeper wells (>20 m) located along a mountainous hillslope (1,400-800 m) within the Subersach watershed near Sibratsgfäll, Bregenzer Wald, Austria. The near surface spring waters contain 3H and CFCs in excess. The deeper artesian well samples contain 3H and CFCs, in addition to elevated terrigenic 4He and low 14C values, suggesting a mixture of waters characterised by residence times that are modern (<70 years) and pre-modern (>70 years). We show that binary-mixing MTT models with distinct young and old fractions are needed to explain the full suite of environmental tracers, further supporting the importance of groundwater mixing processes.

The vertical unsaturated infiltration in silt/sand dominated glacio-lacustrine sediments were estimated by seasonal variation of 2H/18O-isotopes in pore-water to be 1-4 m/year approximately. Precipitation in the Flysch dominated area at higher altitudes is transported partly as mountain bloc recharge and ascends into the glacial sediments, indicated by temperatures 2-3° C higher than the mean surface temperature. The MTTs of the shallow groundwater (<20 m) estimated by a combination of isotopes 2H/18O, 3H/3He, 13C/14C and tracer gases (CFC, SF6) indicate ages between some months and 4 years. Radon measurements identify springs supplied by very young drainage or surface waters. Deeper (>20 m) artesian wells in the western part are dominated by MTT older than 70 years.

The research project “Understanding of Extreme Climatological Impacts from Hydrogeological 4D Modelling” (EXTRIG) was funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

How to cite: Kralik, M., Elster, D., Holzschuster, R., and Stumpp, C.: Timing of an Alpine water cycle unraveled by water isotopes and age-dating tracers (3H, 3He, 14C, CFCs, SF6 and 222Rn), Eastern Alps, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9949, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9949, 2023.

Mayu Fujino, Koich Sakakibara, Maki Tsujimura, and Keisuke Suzuki

We evaluated an effect of alpine vegetation on water storage and runoff characteristics in alpine zones. We sampled rainwater, snowmelt water and runoff water from bare and vegetated catchments in August and October 2019 in headwater catchment of Mt. Norikura, Japan. We compared the water chemistry of runoff water from bare catchments and vegetated catchments. The pH, electrical conductivity and total dissolved ion concentrations of runoff water from vegetated catchments were higher than those from bare catchments, suggesting a longer contact time between water and the regolith in the vegetated catchments. We also applied two-component hydrograph separation to calculate the contribution of precipitation and groundwater components to the runoff water. The contribution of groundwater component to runoff water ranged from 0.8% to 63.8% in the vegetated catchments, whereas that ranged from 0.3% to 14.6% in the bare catchments. Furthermore, the groundwater contribution was higher in the area with vegetation predominantly over the bare area in each catchment. This suggests that the runoff water has longer transit time in the vegetated areas than the bare areas. In the vegetated areas, the subsurface water should flow with longer transit time due to an existence of well-developed regolith with coarse-grained sediments as compared with that in bare areas. Thus, the alpine vegetated area has a higher water storage function than the bare area. Our results show that we need to consider the vegetation and regolith conditions and subsurface flow processes to the hydrological processes in mountainous areas, especially in alpine zones.

How to cite: Fujino, M., Sakakibara, K., Tsujimura, M., and Suzuki, K.: Comparison of Runoff characteristics in bare and vegetated headwater catchments, Northern Alps, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13510, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13510, 2023.

Francesca Manca di Villahermosa, Marco Dionigi, Marco Donnini, Davide Fronzi, Alberto Tazioli, Andrea Spoloar, Clara Turetta, Davide Cappelletti, Chiara Petroselli, Federica Bruschi, Roberta Selvaggi, Daniele Penna, and Christian Massari

Understanding hydrological flow pathways and spatio-temporal origin of surface and subsurface water in catchments with highly fractured geology is particularly challenging. In this work, we relied on the integration of hydrometric measurements with stable oxygen and hydrogen isotope data in two adjacent catchments in the Sibillini Mountains National Park, Central Italy, to better understand the drivers of the catchment hydrological response and the spatio-temporal origin of stream and spring waters. The Ussita catchment is 44 km2 and its highest elevation is 2204 m a.s.l. The Nera catchment is 110 km2 and its highest peak is 2233 m a.s.l. The two rivers merge at the Visso Village, at 615 m a.s.l.

The area is characterised by heavily fissured and fractured calcareous rocks that foster the occurrence of several springs, some of them of karst origin. Both catchments host a dense hydrometerological network. The experimental apparatus is completed with one piezometer, soil moisture probes at five locations, lysimeters at two depths and four throughfall plots under beeches and oaks. Monthly samples for isotopic analysis are being collected since fall 2020 from precipitation at three different elevations and four locations, the streams at different sections, and four springs in the Nera catchment only.

Preliminary results show a distinct hydrological behaviour in the annual streamflow regimes: the Ussita stream slightly reacts only to the largest storms and during intense snowmelt periods, whereas the Nera stream has a very damped response during all the year, revealing a clear buffer effect of the large subsurface reservoir, facilitated by the highly fractured nature of the geological setting. As expected, there is an elevation and seasonal effect in the isotopic composition of precipitation, although the seasonal effect is partly masked by the exceptionally high temperatures occurred in fall 2021. However, the time series of isotope data in stream water show a damped signal and very low seasonal variability in both streams, matching the observed low variability of streamflow. Only the Ussita catchment shows some more enriched outliers likely reflecting runoff response during large storm events. Interestingly, stream and spring samples from both catchments lie along but also above and below the Local Meteoric Water Line, suggesting that the sampled spring and stream water was either originated i) from precipitation fell, infiltrated, and stored well before the collection of the precipitation samples, and released; ii) and/or from areas outside the topographic catchments, and therefore not adequately characterized by the isotopic signal of sampled precipitation. The isotopic composition of the streams and springs is statistically the same, revealing that spring groundwater is the main component of stream runoff. Moreover, the isotope signature of both springs and streams is much closer to that of winter precipitation rather than summer precipitation indicating a major role of winter precipitation in recharging the catchments, consistently with the precipitation seasonal regime. On-going work is assessing the spatial difference in the isotopic composition and quantifying the temporal origin of stream and spring water of the two catchments.

How to cite: Manca di Villahermosa, F., Dionigi, M., Donnini, M., Fronzi, D., Tazioli, A., Spoloar, A., Turetta, C., Cappelletti, D., Petroselli, C., Bruschi, F., Selvaggi, R., Penna, D., and Massari, C.: Geology controls hydrological regime and spatio-temporal origin of surface and subsurface water in two adjacent mountain catchments in Central Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9057, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9057, 2023.

Pei-Yun Tseng, Yi-Ling Chen, and Ching-Huei kuo

A multi-well tracer test was conducted in a volcanic area where is mainly composed of sedimentary rocks units and tuff breccia with attitude of the N46E, 18S. in Northern Taiwan. The distance between the injection well #14 and monitoring wells #-2 and #6 are 236 and 682 m, respectively.

A Bimodal breakthrough curve was received from both wells indicating the existence of more than one channel in the system. Surprisingly, the first peak arrives simultaneously at both wells with almost a 3 times difference in distance. A much fast flow between Well #14 and #6 was found. This result matches the local orientation of the formation and may show strong geology control groundwater flow of the region resulting in a preferential flow. With the moment analysis, the difference in communication between the injection well and the two monitoring wells can be depicted by 50% of the flow circulation coming from 25% and 30% storage capacity for Well #2 and Well #6, respectively implying that groundwater flows through more fractures between Well #14 and 6.  An obvious tailing breakthrough curve of Well #6 also reflects more fractures than that of Well #2.

How to cite: Tseng, P.-Y., Chen, Y.-L., and kuo, C.-H.: A multi-well tracer test for characterizing the preferential flow of the shallow aquifers in the Tatun Volcanic Area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10980, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10980, 2023.

Yi-Ling Chen and Ching-Huei Kuo

Stable isotopes, δ2H and δ18O, of precipitation and groundwater in two adjacent catchments, the north, and south, in the Tatun Volcanic Group, Taiwan were used to characterize the regional groundwater. The results show that the isotopic composition of precipitation exhibits seasonal variations, which suggests different sources of moisture generation for the rainfall in the study area. In general, the north catchment shows more enriched isotopic characteristics than that of the south one.  

The seasonal variations of precipitation, with lighter in summer, arise from changes in isotopic water vapor composition associated with the seasonal activity of the Asian monsoon which was used in estimating the mean residence time (MRT) of groundwater in the region. The preliminary results show that the average MRT of the study area ranges from 180 to 500 days in the north catchment while it is 180 to 900 days in the south catchment.

How to cite: Chen, Y.-L. and Kuo, C.-H.: Using stable isotopes and mean residence time to characterize the groundwater system in the Tatun Volcanic Group, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11069, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11069, 2023.

Ching-Huei kuo, Pei-Yun Tseng, and Yi-Ling Chen

A tracer test, involving conservative and reactive, was conducted in a volcanic area in Northern Taiwan to evaluate shallow groundwater characteristics. The distance between injection Well #14 and monitoring Wells #2 and #6 are 236 and 682 m, respectively.

  A breakthrough curve was received from both wells for conservative tracer, 2,6NDS, while the reactive one was obtained only at Well#6 indicating the existence of heterogeneity in groundwater and fracture distribution in the region.  A much fast flow between Well#14 and #6 was found as the first peak arrives at the same time with a 3 times difference in distance.  This result matches the local orientation of the formation and may show strong geology control groundwater flow of the region resulting in a preferential flow. However, a chaser influence was identified by an irregularity of breakthrough curves for both wells.

How to cite: kuo, C.-H., Tseng, P.-Y., and Chen, Y.-L.: Tracer test for evaluating the shallow groundwater flow in a volcanic area, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11080, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11080, 2023.

Johannes Christoph Haas, Alice Retter, Steffen Birk, Heike Brielmann, and Christine Stumpp

High correlations between river stages and groundwater levels are often seen as an indicator of surface water influence on groundwater. However, such a simple correlation does not necessarily provide information about the nature of said influence, i.e. whether the groundwater hydraulic head only follows the changes in river level or if there is also significant inflow of surface water into the aquifer.

In two large sampling campaigns (early summer and late autumn) covering 45 groundwater and 11 river sites stretching from the alpine region to the foreland basins of the Mur river, Austria using surface water-borne wastewater indicators, stable isotopes of water and selected microbial indicators [1], we show that the influence of surface water intrusion into the shallow aquifer often can be traced hundreds of meters away from the river. Still, at some wells in close vicinity to the river (< 50m) with high correlation of water levels (R > 0.9), isotope data and wastewater indicators hint at no direct surface water influence.

However, one could argue that even at these locations it is plausible that a flood event in the river might reverse flow temporarily, signs of which will not be found by irregular sampling at an inappropriate temporal scale, as the river-borne substances will be quickly flushed out of the shallow aquifer due to the generally effluent conditions. Operating a high-resolution UV-Vis sensor, monitoring nitrate and other key components, we show that direct river influence in the given case still is unlikely.

[1] https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13111

How to cite: Haas, J. C., Retter, A., Birk, S., Brielmann, H., and Stumpp, C.: River influence on groundwater – head changes vs. chemical changes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12983, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12983, 2023.

Jana von Freyberg, Izabela Bujak, Andrea Rinaldo, and Ilja van Meerveld

Changes in hydrologic connectivity between streams and the surrounding landscape are among the most important factors that control the temporal variation in streamwater chemistry. In most headwater catchments, the dynamic expansion and contraction of the non-perennial stream network affects and reflects this hydrologic connectivity. Until now, however, the spatiotemporal variations of non-perennial stream networks have been mapped only sporadically and environmental tracer data to explore the dynamic connectivity for these streams are lacking.

Within the TempAqua project, we have monitored the temporal variation in environmental tracers (solutes, stable water isotopes) in precipitation, soil- and groundwater, as well as in stream water during rainfall events in the pre-Alpine Erlenbach catchment. We combine these measurements with novel, sub-hourly data on stream network expansion and contraction.

Our data show that the total flowing stream length increased rapidly, up to 10-fold, during individual rainfall events. Changes in solute concentrations in streamwater indicate that different water stores become dynamically connected to the stream and disconnect again during subsequent dry periods: at the beginning of an event, the dilution of sulphate and calcium suggest a surface runoff contribution of rainwater at the time of rapid expansion of the network and increasing discharge. As rainfall continues, the stream network expands further due to rising groundwater tables, which is indicated by increased nitrate and sulphate concentrations in the stream. The magnitude and importance of these processes depends more on antecedent wetness conditions than event magnitude.

Our observations shed light onto the short-term mechanisms by which non-perennial streams start to flow during rainfall events, and provide new knowledge to address emerging questions on the functional relationships between stream-landscape connectivity, hydrological responses and water quality in headwater catchments, and their vulnerability to global climate change.

How to cite: von Freyberg, J., Bujak, I., Rinaldo, A., and van Meerveld, I.: Quantifying changes in stream-landscape connectivity: combining high-resolution data of non-perennial streams and environmental tracers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14005, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14005, 2023.

Luisa Hopp and Katharina Blaurock

Diurnal fluctuations of hydrological processes, such as discharge and groundwater level, and of in-stream concentrations of various solutes have been observed in many catchments. The timing of minima and maxima of hydrometric and hydrochemical parameters during the 24 hour cycle can be used to elucidate the baseflow dynamics of catchment hydrological processes and of the mobilization of solutes into streams. In general, diurnal fluctuations of discharge and in-stream solute concentrations have been related to effects of evapotranspiration, temperature-controlled viscosity changes of water, freeze-thaw cycles and a temperature-dependent increase of biological activity during the day. The aim of this study was to better understand the seasonal and topography-driven release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) during inter-event periods in a small forested headwater catchment within the Bavarian Forest National Park (Germany). We analyzed DOC concentrations and DOC absorbance metrics (as an indicator for DOC quality characteristics) at three topographically different positions of the headwater stream in high frequency by means of in-situ UV-Vis spectrometry over the period of two years. Our data show distinct seasonal differences in the amplitude of diurnal fluctuations of discharge as well as DOC concentrations that are accompanied by clear differences in DOC absorbance characteristics. The timing of diurnal minima and maxima of discharge and DOC concentrations changes over the seasons and along the stream. We present a comprehensive analysis of diurnal fluctuations of discharge, DOC concentrations and DOC quality metrics as influenced by season and topographical position and relate this to findings from other research studies. Disentangling the patterns and dynamics of diurnal variations of hydrological and biogeochemical variables is crucial for fully understanding catchment functioning and the export of carbon from terrestrial catchments as one component of the global carbon budget, particularly because extended drought (i.e., baseflow) periods are forecast to occur more often as a consequence of climate change.

How to cite: Hopp, L. and Blaurock, K.: Seasonal dynamics of diurnal fluctuations of in-stream dissolved organic carbon concentrations and quality metrics in a forested headwater catchment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15253, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15253, 2023.

Przemyslaw Wachniew, Radosław Szostak, Damian Zięba, and Mirosław Zimnoch

This work stems from several years of research conducted in a medium size lowland catchment of the groundwater-fed Kocinka River in Poland that aimed at quantification of sources and transformations of nitrate pollution. Deconvolution of nitrate sources and transformations at the catchment scale appeared to be difficult because of the mostly diffuse character of groundwater inflows with diverse concentrations of nitrate. Additionally, the hydromorphological characteristics that may affect riverine nutrient cycling change significantly along the river. Therefore, a short, 2.6 km long reach of the upper Kocinka was selected for a more detailed study. This reach is representative of small, channelized streams in urbanized rural areas that receive loads of nutrients and other contaminants from various, often episodic, sources such as farmyard, urban and road runoff, sewage and wastewater disposal, fish ponds. Isotopic compositions of water and nitrate. temperature of water as well as drone-based thermal images were used to characterize sources of streamflow and nitrate. Tracer experiment with tritium and the radioactive phosphorus isotope (32P) provided insights [1] into the significance of transient storage zones in solute transport and the extent of phosphorus removal.

The research has been partially financed from the funds of the "Excellence Initiative - Research University" program at AGH University of Science and Technology.

[1] Zieba, D., & Wachniew, P. (2021). Phosphorus Transport in a Lowland Stream Derived from a Tracer Test with 32P. Water 2021, 13, 1030.


How to cite: Wachniew, P., Szostak, R., Zięba, D., and Zimnoch, M.: Water and nutrient sources in a short stream reach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8988, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8988, 2023.

Miku Ishibashi, Koichi Sakakibara, and Makoto Kagabu

It is essential to clarify the groundwater flow system and its scale for the sustainable use and management of local water resources. One effective method is to estimate the residence time of groundwater. The Shimabara springs exist in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, and its water quality has been characterized over time. However, there have been few studies on water quality characteristics and isotope variations with fine resolution in a region such as Japan, where seasonal changes in precipitation are observed. Therefore, we conducted periodic water sampling at five locations in the Shimabara Springs at a frequency of about once a month, and evaluated water quality characteristics and isotope variations. CFC-12, an age dating tracer, was also used for a multifaceted study. During the observation period, we observed precipitation that was more than five times larger than the normal year, and in response to this, we were able to identify springs that showed changes in various hydrologic parameters. In the presentation, we will discuss the relationship between precipitation, residence time, and water quality, and present a schematic diagram of the mechanism of this spring discharge.

How to cite: Ishibashi, M., Sakakibara, K., and Kagabu, M.: Evaluation of the mechanism of residence time change of Shimabara springs based on high frequency water sampling survey, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12064, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12064, 2023.

Makoto Kagabu, Shinsuke Kojima, and Miku Ishibashi

For sustainable use and management of local water resources, it is essential to clarify the groundwater flow system and its scale, and one of the effective methods is to estimate the residence time. One of the methods to clarify the residence time is to use "age tracers", which are mainly used for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) in Japan. Since each tracer has its own advantages and disadvantages, a combination of several tracers is necessary to improve the accuracy of the estimated residence time, and the development of new age tracers is required. Overseas studies such as Beyer et al. (2014) have begun to report the application of Halon-1301 as a new age tracer, but there are no such reports in Japan. Therefore, we evaluated the applicability of the Halon-1301 method in Japan by evaluating the residence time of five of the Shimabara springs in Shimabara City, Nagasaki Prefecture, using multiple age tracers.

How to cite: Kagabu, M., Kojima, S., and Ishibashi, M.: Efficacy of Halon-1301 as an age tracer - Multi-tracer evaluation in Shimabara springs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11098, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11098, 2023.

Mariko Saito, Maki Tsujimura, Norsyafina Roslan, Kamarudin Samuding, Faizah Che Ros, and Ismail Yusoff

This study aims to clarify the groundwater recharge and flow processes in a basin located in a tropical humid area with a complex geological setting. We conducted intensive sampling campaigns for river water and groundwater during three different time periods in the relatively dry season (September 2019, January-March 2020, and August-September 2022). The 40 river water samples and 25 groundwater samples were taken from the upper-stream area with an altitude of 527 m to the downstream area with an altitude of 10 m. The oxygen-18 (δ18O) and deuterium stable isotopic compositions and inorganic constituent concentrations were determined on all water samples. We also used the monthly stable isotopic compositions in rainwater observed at a location with an altitude of 26 m, 15 km apart from the Klang River basin, by the Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation database (GNIP), IAEA. These chemical compositions were used as tracers to investigate the groundwater recharge and flow system. The deep groundwater shows a lower δ18O than the volume-weighted mean of rainwater and higher ion concentrations, whereas the shallow groundwater shows a higher δ18O and lower ion concentrations. This suggests that the deep groundwater with low δ18O seems to be recharged in the mountainous area with an altitude ranging from 70 to 1421 m. Additionally, we conducted a principal component analysis and cluster analysis using inorganic constituent concentrations and stable isotopic compositions, showing that the deep and shallow groundwater samples are classified into two groups. This shows that the deep groundwater in the downstream area is recharged mainly in the mountainous areas with the highest altitude of 1421 m, and the shallow groundwater is recharged partly in the hilly areas with the highest altitude of 250 m. We believe our study serves new findings on the groundwater flow system in mega-cities of tropical climate regions.

How to cite: Saito, M., Tsujimura, M., Roslan, N., Samuding, K., Che Ros, F., and Yusoff, I.: Groundwater Flow System in Klang River Watershed, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12966, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12966, 2023.

Taiga Suzuki, Maki Tsujimura, Keisuke Sato, Hiroko Asakura, and Kosuke Nagano

This study aims to evaluate a role of Tama river in groundwater recharge by using multi-tracer approach and statistical analysis in a mid-stream area of Tama River, western Tokyo.


We performed an intensive sampling of river water, groundwater and spring water in the mid-stream area of Tama River watershed including tributaries, Akikawa River and Asakawa River from May through September 2022, and totally 21 of river water, 35 of groundwater and 17 of spring water were sampled, and stable isotopic compositions (δ2H, δ18O), inorganic constituent concentrations were determined on all water samples.


The d18O of Tama River water increases with flow especially after joining of the tributaries. The chemistry of Tama River, shallow groundwater and the spring water is characterized dominantly by Ca-HCO3 type, whereas the deep groundwater shows a Na-HCO3 or Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3 type dominantly.


We applied End Member Mixing Analysis to estimate the contribution ratio of Tama River water to the shallow groundwater in the mid-stream area using d18O and SiO2 as tracers, and we selected the volume weighted mean of precipitation, mean of Tama river water and the groundwater taken in the border between mountain and plain area. The contribution ratio of river water to the total groundwater recharge ranges from 21% to 83%.


Also, we performed a principal component analysis using all analyzed components to evaluate the category of the water chemistry considering the river water and the groundwater interaction. Further, we conducted hierarchical clustering analysis using PCA results.


Consequently, the all of water samples are classified in 6 groups, and the shallow groundwater is categorized in the same group as the river water.


The results show clearly that the Tama River water contributes dominantly to the shallow groundwater in the mid-stream area, and the river water partly recharges the deep groundwater. It seems to be due to the decline of the major aquifers from south-west to north east directions, which is from river to mid-stream plain area.

How to cite: Suzuki, T., Tsujimura, M., Sato, K., Asakura, H., and Nagano, K.: River and Groundwater Interaction in the mid-stream area of Tama River, Tokyo, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13279, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13279, 2023.

Marianna Túri, Marjan Temovski, Gabriella Ilona Kiss, István Csige, and László Palcsu

We present noble gas composition and environmental isotope signature (δ18O, δ2H, δ15NNO3-, 3H) of waters sampled from Lake Ohrid. The lake is one of Europe's deepest (max. depth ~288 m) and oldest lake, situated in southeastern part of the continent at the border between Albania and North Macedonia.

The sampling campaign was in the summer of 2017, when 100 water samples were taken from 19 depth profiles (at depths of 5 m, 25 m, 50 m, 100 m, 150 m, 200 m and 250 m) for water stable isotopes, noble gases, and tritium. Samples for δ15NNO3- measurement of nitrate were collected at 7 m and 27 m depth.

Lake Ohrid, situated between Galičica Mt. to the east and Jablanica and Mokra Mts to the west, is a large (surface area ~350 km2), oligotrophic, and one of the most voluminous lakes (~55 km3) and together with Lake Prespa represents the biggest water system in the Balkan region. Numerous studies have been carried out on the hydraulic connection between the two lakes using stable isotopes and hydrological modelling. The water balance of Lake Ohrid is dominated by inflow from karst aquifers, direct precipitation and with slightly smaller shares from river runoff. Lake Ohrid is strongly influenced by karstic springs, adjacent to large part of the coastline, sub-aquatic as well as surface springs which are particularly cool, clean and oxygen-rich inflowing water. The springs are fed by aquifers that are recharged from precipitation and, along the eastern shoreline, also by Lake Prespa.

The lake sediment covers a record of the last 1.5 million years. To better understand the link between the atmosphere and the sediment, our goal is to estimate the water turnover time of Lake Ohrid and to give an isotopic overview about the lake system. Our measured stable isotope data provide background information about hydrogen and oxygen isotope variability of the lake. The stable isotope results together with tritium data present a prospect for estimating evaporation and mixing proportions. The noble gas results detail the layers of the estimated mixing processes. Nitrogen stable isotope data provides additional information about the locality and the type of potential pollution sources.

How to cite: Túri, M., Temovski, M., Kiss, G. I., Csige, I., and Palcsu, L.: New estimation to the turnover time of Lake Ohrid: an environmental isotope and noble gas study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13702, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13702, 2023.